Just two small complains - After the changes on High Noon at Snake Gulch Open mission in all the participations i was people ignore the towers and went straight to big boss Pinata. I understand that people went to the easy and simple way to get rewards but now the event feels boring and i only do the 2 missions and then…
Positive - Universal currency for the event shared to account - Able to do missions on any character and get the rewards on any of your characters regardless if you play it or not - Decrease some of the rewards currency Negatives - Missions now coodown starts when you finish them and not when you pick them , very very bad…
As kinda new player that started at january of 2022 and still playing Hayes in his review was accurate on the perspective of a new player. When i started and thanks to a friend that i played and level together as Radiant (horrible dps slow progress) i didnt suffer much. The tutorial invasion is agreat way and i like it,…
Tank isnt my favourite role in mmo, healer is but i always end up playing one and doing fine in the end and i havent experience something lacking here too. I only was able to play a default AT Rockstar until now so no FF experience here but honestly until 25-27 level my experience was like its fine but not great but i…
- Cosmic kills for Perks as said above dont really much with actual kills we have or we get on Perks count kills. - Teleiosaurus Dps check has been moved from a big tell to his head which tends to big a small icon and usually in the fight you can miss it , it would be nice to get his own icon (brooum/booum/zooum/dapoum…
I think the best judger should be your self cause you know what you like most but for my personal taste il go with these Aquatic Alien Plague Doctor Punishment Space Paladin Strawman ) These 5 they got my eye as good choices, best of luck in the contest :)
When i was leveling the powers you mention was too much energy demand and i avoid them and the HyperVoice was nice to tag enemies on events scoring but i guess your idea/concept is nice and il try it to see how it will go compared on my current setup. Thanks for the reply :)
Hi Im a new player and Radiant AT is my 1st character i made here and playing him for like 7 months and im almost have all 3 cosmic Primary, maybe some of my play style isnt optimal but maybe it can help you. Spec:…
Since im a new player i was looking that site alot to get some ideas and notes for all the AT of the game Until further notice il say visit web archive site and copy paste what guides you need on your pc https://web.archive.org/web/20210518141438/https://champions-online.proboards.com/board/3/game-guides
Im necro rez this cause im trying to parse and even if i follow letter by letter the instructions (and it isnt my 1st time i use this software) i cant make it show my heals on my self Is is possible to show my heals on my self like auras/sigils/Rebuke (Radiant AT) or not ? I use the newest version of the software and even…
Thanks for your time and your suggestions and i will probably give a try and check some abilities to see how they perform. Also do we know how the % healing bonus work cause i couldnt find anything about it even on the link you have on your signature with the stat data ?