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thargir Arc User



  • Oh damn, silly me lol Thanks, your answer got me on the right track. Changed some gear but forgot to update the tank role with it. That explains it.
  • I'd go with the second one (Power of Darkness). though my own personal favourite for any villains/villain groups on thet scale would probably be this one here.
  • While it is kinda sad that the event had to be put on 'hiatus', since i had tons of fun with it, i can fully understand why it happened and appreciate - as so many other around here - the excellent communication from your side, TT, as well as the work and effort the Devs are putting into this problem. I'm looking forward…
  • The emergency call itself did not surprise me. After all, it was expected that Zerstoiten would soon strike against the Champions HQ. What did worry me were the details within the call. "Mega-Destroids attacking Champions HQ, I repeat: Mega-Destroids attacking Champions HQ!" "Black Knight en route", I spoke over comm while…
  • Try reducing graphics. Worked for me.
  • A faint humming noise was emitted from my armor. Glancing at my HUD I allowed myself a weak smile at the readings. Energy level: 100% Ammo supply: 100% Armor integrity: 100% The ninth incarnation of my Black Knight power armor had just recently been upgraded. Thanks to a friend - one of the very few people in this city who…
  • Nope, mine's not.
  • No, what they mean is that every piece of lore found throughout the game (e.g. Prof. Thesken's thoughts on Dr. Destroyer) is gone. In the perk-list they're still listed as received but when you switch to the lore tab, it's empty (except for the lore you discovered after the patch). Considering I had quite a lot of lore and…
  • Another method that's worked for me against this new Poe: Enter the room, wait for the cut-scene to end and then get some distance, taking care of the mobs with AoE attacks (SMG for example), while getting distance between you and Poe. If done right, you've taken care of his minions and he simply returns back into the room…
  • :thumbs up: Really like that guide and it has quite a few true things in it. Even I learned a few new things there ;) Thanks :D
  • Invulnerability gives you excellent damage reduction and reduces any incoming damage additionally by a fixed amount. My PA toon got it at Level 6 and it's great. Most mobs only do about 1 - 3 damage and rarely I get two or three-digits (exception: the big bosses). Even in Habrid-Role I can take some damage that way and it…
  • Oh, this would be sweet indeed... *pictures his PA hero pursuing that VIPER bus while blasting away at any mooks*
  • Oh, this would be so absolutely sweet :) Especially since i do have a Nemesis for my main toon whose motivation IS revenge. With the current system, the missions wouldn't make any sense for this nemesis since it wants revenge on my character for something that happened in the past. He doesn't want to take over the world or…
  • Seems to work again. My subscription status is back again. Probably was the DB.