I dont think i am I'm actual trying to be neutral. I'm not here to make any enemies. but I'm asking why people cant get alone. D: we area all playing a on a sinking ship held together by duct tape anyway.... should we all make the best of it..
i'm in OPs of this thread SG..... Everyone has what they think is Right and wrong. i disagree with most thing Techowl says... 680 pre... no no no I have rainbow bubbles and they prevent damage. Why not throw them out? I still dotn understand why everyone is mad... heal keep ppl alive. Regardless how it's done... i've keep…
okay.. i'm confused. i thought a good healer was someone that kept other and his / herself alive. in pvp healers tend to soak up spikes. In the first video is a perfect example of what happen when you KOS the healer every time it spawns. the "updated video" the healer was Free casting , no one was touching her, all…