I wonder what would happen if the OV abusers and their apologists wouldn't try to justify the bad behavior or imply that the people complaining are the problem and just respected their fellow players by not bring OVs to the Clarence fights. Oh wait, no I don't. We wouldn't have had the problem in the first place. Though to…
Trust me, I've seen Devs who seem willfully ignorant of (or actively encourage) the G.I.F.T. Haven't been in CO that long but this honestly does feel more like a simple oversight than malice. To the CO dev's credit they were pretty quick to get at least a band aid on it and didn't side with the griefers. Yeah, It's not…
My vote could go to Talisman. Foxbat might be fun in a lethal joke character kind of way. Probably been mentioned before and not sure how technically feasible it is but being able to use one of your own Nemesis could be fun. Perhaps one of the Kings of Ebom or Gigaton could be cool too.
Thank you. Honestly I'm just calling it as I see it. This isn't my first "I know it looks like griefing but its totally/honestly/technically not griefing because..." discussion and honestly if you cut through the word salad and double talk the issue really is quite clear cut. The bottom line that the apologists here and in…
Your logic is flawed. Millenium City is NOT a pvp zone. It is a zone where pvp can take place if players chose to engage in it. This not a case of non-pvpers running into a pvp zone and complaining. This is a case of pvpers seeking out places they know non-pvpers will be (Clarence battles), getting flagged by aoe effects…
While in theory the OV system is not a bad one and by and large seems to have a decent check and balance system in place to prevent abuse (don't attack them, they can't attack you), there does seem to be a loophole that is being exploited by certain...less than mature players that is indeed causing problems for others in…