I have been told it is. But first you have to sit through 3 hours of bad acting, bad writing, unneccessary explosions and a confusing and uniteresting plot before this part comes around.
So, uhm... I'd hate to come across as impatient or anything, but will the winners ever be announced? It was such a fun contest. Of course I can't speak for everyone when I say this, but personally I don't care whether I recieve a prize or not (had I won any), I'd just really like to know who won.
/signed I picked up the free vehicle, drove around in it for 10 seconds before getting bored, then found out I can't delete it. So now one inventory space is forever occupied and unusable. STOP THIS MADNESS NAOUGH!!!11!!!one1
For those interested, these were the winners and runners-up for the contest. There's some really awesome artwork in there, and plenty of room for more misinterpretation by the media.
Long ago, the CO players lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the trolls attacked. Only Smackwell, master of the thread locks, could stop them. But when the forum needed him the most, he vanished.