Let me put this as kindly as I can. It'll be a cold day in the infernal regions before I pay for some blasted emotes. What kind of a joke is this? The only emote I'd even consider spending a nickel of money for right now is a 'flipping the bird' emote, to display in game my thoughts on CO's status.
I'm reminded of the credit card commercial with some hairy guy in Russia who answers the phone and says "Hello, this is Betty" in a deep accented voice.
And you'd be a failure at a core responsibility of a business to its consumers, much like the current company is. Send in a resume, you seem to be the kinda guy they are looking for. When your customer base is unhappy, and is very vocal about it, you don't hide from them if you want things to get better. You meet,…
At one point, I would have said something different about missing CO. But departing so long, coming back, and seeing no development, no improvement, and as the cherry on the cake of failure, a contemptuous attitude suggested in the (lack of) communication, even on the simplest label by the so called 'new team'...any such…
I got my old group to update and log in. they looked around and noted...a virtually deserted game, and no meaningful new content. I couldn't convince them to stay and play. This game is dead. The only question is when they turn out the lights. Unlike CoH, CO won't be missed.
If they can't present content better than what players canj produce from a limited foundry system, then they may as well fold up shop. Oh wait, that's pretty much what they've done for a year now, nevermind.
I'd still count this game as a stagnant failure if Foundry was delivered 5 minutes from now. There's never been a player designed mission, in any game system allowing it, that impressed me. Its all repetetive crap for farming.