Yeah it is disgusting we can't contact customer service any more. Gearbox seems to be worse than PW and Cryptic. But i guess that actually makes sense...
1.) We've all made an outrage post about this. Nothing will ever change. I bought the lifetime sub because I have like 35 characters so they're all gold now. That is what the lifetime sub does. Every thing you had before will be grandfathered in. 2.)Trust me; I agree with you though. It is literally the dumbest move I have…
LOL I cant imagine paying this disgusting company a single penny after what they did (or havent done rather) to this game. But certainly not after what they DID do to people whove been around since early access. Most people had a couple dozen characters. Then they told us to pay 100s of dollars either through a LTS or…
It's literally the dumbest and most ridiculous thing I have ever seen done in an MMO by a dev. I've been subbed since they announced they were getting rid of the sub model. Disgusting company. You got grandfathered in if you had a currently running sub until you unsub or your card expires. Mine expires next year. I've been…
This game is utter garbage. I would stay far far away from it. They don't deserve your support. They need to be shut down. Ive played this game since it came out. Since day 1. The final straw is what theyve done to vets. Those of us with a ton of characters are screwed now. To keep our characters as they are, it will cost…
I hope the disgusting devs know that I was going to buy a lifetime sub this year but will no longer be doing so. I forgot about this vile disgusting business decision they made in this game to screw all of us who spent 1000s of dollars in the past on character slots, costumes, etc only to be sh*t on by the greedy chinese…
You cant because of one of the most disgusting business decisions in video game history. Theyre milking this game and morons still let PW do it. It's unreal. This game hasnt had an expansion or REAL update since it went f2p under the original devs. We still dont have any thing either the original devs or PW promised us…
Wow. I cant imagine defending this s*** model. So someone like me who has played since early access and has close to 30 characters has to pay 600 dollars to keep them all? Piss off with this.
Let's see: The devs lied to us about an expansion to give us grey heroes or villains like COH has The devs spent 4 years focusing on vehicles and nothing else The devs then screwed us with despicable loot boxes, which im not even against in most games, but when you're hiding travel powers and costumes in them, you are…
It's amazing how people only see or hear what they want. I have no problems with lockboxes or microtrans in any game. I have a problem with one thing. Locking powers away that belong in power sets. They could have even charged for the powers separately and Id buy them in a heartbeat. I sub to this game too. And btw, if PW…
This game needs a MAJOR expansion and a major level cap increase, period. End of story. It's been SEVEN years. SEVEN. And not ONE cap increase or actual expansion. I want to be able to create and play a villains story or at least be a gray hero with a full questline and areas just like being a regular champion. Ive played…
They had money coming and blew it. Period. Not to mention the amount of time this game has been out. Not like this game is a year old and made no money from the start. Villains that WE make. And expansion, like I said. Im not talking about this b.s. with playable in game villains from the lore. Not hard to understand. You…
holy crap. Where to start. As someone who has played on and off since early access, I cant fully explain how frustrated I am with what has NOT been done with this game of such great potential. First, raise the damn level cap and give us some new zones already. Second, add some new powers, especially a plant power char…
I dont mind the comments lol. However, I do mind that Im trying again and having the same result =P I guess it's not a big deal but it would be nice to beat him. And there is nothing in the back of the room any more as far as I can see.