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impiam Arc User




  • You have that wrong. The exploit only works while dead and it isn't using 1 or 2 emotes, not even 5 emotes at once. You have to use lots and lots of emotes extremely fast repeatably, to do this you use a script. I was in the powerhouse the entire time and didn't go to loading screens other than to change toon a few times…
  • How are you even able to follow so many threads that pretty much are about the same thing now at once? 0.o makes no sense to me, don't you feel you are just repeating yourself? Hi by the way :3
  • All of which are heroes of darkness. We were getting KOTH UTC and SH popping before around the times I was on. Of course I didn't use them while dead. I used 2200 over the 4 hours apparently by the logs. I was using emotes while waiting for people, while testing stuff and trying new builds. I was a pure PvP'er and ofcourse…
  • Really? They used a sweep to see who used lots of emotes though, in what way did you use emotes? You must have no used enough to get yourself a ban. The ban wasn't by mistake no, as now they have said they 'reviewed' it again. If this is so... What the hell have I been banned for? You see it isn't just CO that you are…
  • I sensed a lot of sarcasm in the comment, I could be wrong and it could just be grammar mistakes but 'Or he was just innocently doing few emotes? While dead?' That while dead on the end there made the sarcasm of that line. Also he started with 'But he did' if he said 'But did he' then what you just said about what he meant…
  • You REALLY think that I would do that? Seeing as I only found out about it a few minutes before TT did and never even used it. Infact I was never even dead I don't think in those 4 hours. I have no idea why you think I was anything to do with the servers coming down. Why would I want to take the zones down anyway? Have I…
  • my derp comment was derpy nvm It's good that you have this fixed, any news on people who have done nothing and randomly being banned getting unbanned?