Yeah gatling gun may have average damage but it doesn't mean it's useless. My main FF munition theme character use the gatling gun,not as main damage dealer but as a support for my Assault Rifle. My toon is really dependant to furious (for the crit chance and bit of healing). Gatling gun and it's advantages Listen To…
Update: I've done 4 Dinos and 4 Apes so far. All of the dino still have the bugs,3 bugged from the start of the battle (with 1 of the run is back to normal when I got disconnected and return to the game),1 run is normal when the battle started but then in the middle of battle it bugged again, when the dino have 2/3 HP and…
Yeah,I've done ape too after the newest patch,only once though. It seems normal now.But I still need to do few more of it to make sure it's fully normal.And also I'm going to do some dino too,right now I haven't done any. Resource issue? Idk about that.But retcon? Nope I have checked in the PH I still have it. Actually I'm…
The bug is constantly happen in both cosmics,and for other mobs around MI it's a random occurrence. I haven't tried it on Mega Terak though,as I don't know where's the spot lol
Yeah I can understand if I use other ability such as melee charged ability or other ability,but we're talking about gatling gun here,a maintained munition power and it hits 4 times damages every 0.5 second,so 1 hit every 0.125 second. And I tried fully maintained the gatling gun (that's around 3-4 seconds,it's should…
Resource issue? You mean server issue? Hmmm,what strange is it never happened before the last patch.And It only happens in MI lol.If this is a server/resource issue,i hope the devs can optimized it more :)
Nope,I tried all MI Cosmics in all ranges for testing purpose,melee range,mid range (50ft),Long range (90-95ft),It's all the same I can't refreshed the furious stacks.And as I said earlier I've tried the fully maintained gatling gun too,it hits the target as gatling gun is kinda a hit scan ability,all the same,still can't…
Nope I've tried all the MI cosmics in all range for testing purpose, melee range,mid range (50 feet) and full range (90-95 feet),it's all the same,Furious can't be refreshed.And also, as I said before I also tried the fully maintained gatling gun,all hit the target as gatling gun is kinda a hit scan,and still the furious…