Hopefully you do this to all of the events because it is really needed, grant you I have maps but they are getting to be harder to find as the game ages. Just a side note you might want to try the Frozen Armor Aura (doesn't seem to work)
Ya, I know its their end, I'm currently in STO with no problems. Its really a matter of them paying attention so good luck :) also posted their tweeter since they seem to take their time noticing and acknowledging things.
They didn't fix the main yet looks like they are still working on it and trying to see if something works, would explain them wanting people to try Preview Test Server (PTS)
Not sure what they are talking about, I did reinstall the video drivers it did not help one bit (just made me reset some options). I am not sure cryptic understands 100% what is going on, it does not crash it is just becoming unresponsive. If it was a graphics issue wouldn't it cause a crash versus locking up the launcher?…
No, actually my pc is running smoother than normal, I have also tried that suggestion on reinstalling the video drivers (It didn't make sense but gave it a shot) did no good. The launcher acts like its having communication issues with the cryptic servers, it's kind of like something's getting lost in translation.
Ya, but for the company good money maker as long as people keep buying those keys :angry: , Why gamble and waste all that money on one win when they can make you do it 20 more times for "that one last part you need to finish the set" but that thats alittle much for a outfit
When I originally built Santa Claus (Glacier Archtype), he wasn't built to take advantage of any exploit. I built Santa because of me getting the sleigh and it was winter. Other reasons for the build was for the challenge (using an Archetype) and to see if I could make a tank that was capable of keeping up with freeform. A…
They are right about the que system for the PvP Arenas in Champions, it has never really been that strong. People use to battle and hold private matches in the Town Center (Where they sent the Christmas tree up and the stage for events). As far as the gear difference and the attitudes and personality conflicts that happen…
Not Trying to start anything but are you really going to listen now? Over the years we have turned in tickets and reported issues, for the most part they were ignored (no conformation that you got) or we got your famous reply "Everything is working as intended". If this is another one of those instances then why waste my…
Ya same here spend more time watching the SNR counter then playing the game, started after their patch but its not only CO, its also STO. Not sure how they can justify charging people with this kind of performance. They should of closed servers last night to make emergency repairs this is pitiful.
I think that would be a great idea my guess your an ex city player, I loved the base system with all of its features. I have tried to to love the current Hideouts but they seem to be lacking, while they are great for players who have multi-toons (account bank) I cant really see a purpose in the game they need to be more…
Not sure what they did but that patch for the launcher got me as well. Even tried thru STO and Neverwinter Launchers all the same but downloaded PWE's Arc Launcher it is updating game but at a very slow rate, you could try that (http://www.perfectworld.com/arc) I'm not 100% sure if it will work with full patch but seems to…
OK shades of brown for fur and leather strap i like to get into detail when making a new apperance. Golds and bronze for metals. I know they do have brown but there are only two shades the others seem to show base colors to much. Add a hex code (colors) area that should give the option to cover any gaps :wink:…
OOOk let me try this another way I'm not saying there is a problem with the system other than I like the old one better but that's my opinion. Is there a way for me to check that toons files for corruption???? Something isn't right he isn't leveling.
Yes I Am Aware Of That!! But I have been fusing for past month trying to finally increase the level yet there is no increase, there is a problem with the character he is not leveling. Please don't tell me the obvious. This isn't new I'm just finally tried of dealing with it he has been at that science level a little over a…