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  • Love it. Make it so.
  • Agreed. Every week things seem to be getting a little worse. Is there no fix planned for the peopel who have multiple Stealth Auras that were bound to their acct just for putting it into their inventory? How can someone trade without an item going into their inventory? All these people just got smacked in the face. While I…
  • I certainly wouldn't favor going Pay2Win- I was just ranting about how what money is spent isn't doing anything for anyone. There is a deeper problem here that's not just the C-Store catalysts. Those are a symptom of a cash-grab ideology that is ruining this game for long term players. This is a problem mainly for those…
  • This is honestly all anyone needs. I'd like to jump to my travel power too if it was active when I activated the bike, but that's not so problematic. Showing up to a fight with your pants around your ankles on the other hand is.
  • I'd take Pay2Win over Pay2Pay any day. As it stands- I'm paying $ to Cyptic because once I believed in them and wanted them to succeed. I wanted CO to be the best game on Earth- so when it went F2P I put my money where my mouth was and continued paying for a sub AND spent real cash in the store beyond my stipend. When I…
  • Any change to this system (or any of other the broken ones- I'm looking at you nemesis system) would be an improvement. As it stands if we're only counting working systems we're getting closer and closer to having a costume editor and chat (I note there is a SG named this "I only log into CO for the costumes and the…
  • Seriously. Crafting in this game is mindlessly trite. Lucky for me I have 3 characters who I maxed crafting in BEFORE the On Alert update- but I've moved mains since. I'd like my latest Main to be able to open these things as I find them, but spending $200 to get enough crafting ups is not even an option I'd take if I had…
  • That's 3. We need 2 more to pull off an SG of our own. I think I have at least 1 taker. I think we need a good name for the group of course. In any event- get at me @biomimetic1 in game or PM me here we'll get this planned out. :D
  • I think a lot of people are starting to feel this way. I've noticed a real slow down in forum activity since my last hiatus.
  • Actually I did rank up my travel powers. Thank you. But I never thought about going withthe DEX tree tbh. My concerns at first was having the energy for all my attacks but now at level 38 energy isn't even remotely an issue. I literally have to TRY to run out of energy. That being the case the only thing I have noticed was…
  • So true. They're all wrong. We'll always have new content- sometimes it just takes a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time to get it.
  • Also I made Support drones Rank 2
  • So I got him damn near 40 since I last posted. Here's what I've done and my plans for 40. Everything look good? What about the Specializations? Any changes to optimize this? PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Intelligence (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15:…
  • Flo- Sorry- yeah I think I prefer it to be more might than earth powers. I wanted the earth set to kind of be the icing on the cake. Hand to hand MIGHT was what I was thinking would be the core, because everything I've read has been lackluster on the melee earth powers. That's why I chose the CS carrier from Earth…
  • Is the issue resolved? I like many others spent more time reloading the game, trying to get the patcher to connect or staring at the 'Champions Online Reloaded' screen for what seemed ages last night. I was ina team of 5 to run all the new Mechanon dailies. Between all of our disconnects it took us 2.75hrs to complete all…
  • Reserving for the sweet costume I'm making right this second...
  • co-signing this one. Brilliant.
  • SOLD. I love this.
  • The Lift Lister's (second that suggestion) The Warp Moonshine (seconding this suggestion as well) Skyfall The Monolith Stone's Throw (because relatively speaking the Moon isn't THAT far from Earth) Pale Blue and of course- the Airlock
  • and here I thought these were useless! Thanks for the responses guys. I've totally learned something here today. :D
  • AWWWWWW! Nothing like blossoming love and building a life together! Congratulations!
  • Agreed. In fact- this would up the use of the power by those of us who bought it not realizing the insta-cape was mandatory. Then when other players see you using those under arm wings properly they'll want that power for concept A or concept Z and spend their zen on this. I'd imagine getting rid of the insta-cape would…
  • Completely concur with these statements.
  • Seriously- thank you for all your hard work!
  • I killed off my double XP buff last night. Got to level 36. So I'm close to being able to test this bad boy out. I like the mix you have of melee and FC. Just adding Haymaker for ST makes all the difference. I LOVE it. @solardynamo- I've seen Sho 'Nuff 's build before and I like it. But tbh I assumed it wasn't updated…
  • I was toying with the Combo Blaster build as well. I figured start with EXACTLY what I want and see if its possible, then see what I can do with the limitations given. Though that Combo Blaster looks like a BLAST to play so I may end up doing that. It really gives off that 90s XMen animated series feel I loved growing up.…
  • I've been noticing this as well over the course of the last few days.
  • Co-signed Runey. This is absurd that these are manual pickups considering how hard they are to acquire.
  • I'm voting 4 arms like those Psi members have. So many possibilities with 4 arms!
  • Ok- so Stygian was just reconned. He feels insanely powerful with Heroic Gear and Purple secondaries. He's got 7s in all specs so his stats are good. But getting him through this is tough. I'd like to farm for resources- but I'd also like to clear the stage. So these are the 2 characters I'd like to try this with.…
  • I posted this to the wrong forum chain. Whoops. Ignore this message. I've deleted it.
  • I think I get it now. I did have the concept wrong. In my head it was a tank who keeps threat via heals (even via self-heals,) etc- but now that I think about it that just doesn't work out. That also explains my confusion. Don't get me wrong I get the crippling challenges and what not being needed still to keep threat or…
  • Blue Tara@biomimetic1 - something mystical. She's a healer- you pick the rest. Sorry to see you go AC! Good luck out in the real world!
  • So I retconned Stygian last night and in a word... he was brilliant. I know this isn't really the standard for anything being a FF but I ran through a hard session in the PH just to get used to the new power configuration and clickies. I wasn't sure I set it right because it felt too easy. I thought hey maybe I hit 2 man…
  • That's what I was afraid of. It seems like that would be so clunky. Its funny CO is the only game I play using the 360 controller. I can't stand it in any other game- but here its quite the opposite. Well thanks anyways. I can't wait to give Stygian a retcon tonight. I imagine on September 5.th we'll have a free retcon…
  • Thank you guys for your advice. After all was said and done I ended up with 3 free power slots taking out Fluidity & Smoke Bomb. So I started adding powers according to your advice. A few things remained despite your advice though. You're right about having 2 threat wipes- I was only using smoke bomb to randomly proc the…
  • Brilliant post!
  • co-signed.
  • I was just about to post that! Good find. Now we can close this thread and move on. :D
  • I'm in 2 great RP SGs at the moment. The Silver Age Sentinels - I've been a member of this group for years now. Great group of people who joke around a lot. A lot of the RP has moved to our teen team though so you may want to consider that. We have room for all though. We're a light-RP group as in, you don't have to RP to…
  • co-signed. This is a brilliant post. I love everything the OP provided, and the idea of these powers working off DEX is also a great idea. Honestly I could deal with the content as is- if we got more options in our builds or concepts. I don't care about soloing Elite lairs and whatnot. Sometimes its all about seeing a…
  • Ok thats all awesome to hear Flo. I'll keep the build as is and add an LT as one of the later empty powers. Then I can cycle those other 2 powers on Boss mobs and Master Villians. Then I get the best of both worlds- easy cleanup Plus good DPS from the debuffs from the other 2 powers. THANK YOU! Can't wait to log in and…
  • As always- thanks Flo. you're builds are awesome and you always end up teaching me something I didn't know everytime you reply. So I appreciate you! Now on to my findings with the build you posted- I retconned my guy at 21 from the build I posted and ran him to 31 over the weekend. You're right the DPS is spectacular, and…
  • The Star Knight build is great. I think I'm going to try to either amp up the DPS or the survivability. I'm pretty squishy in comparison to my last build so I'm still trying to used to it. Also found my first piece of Legion gear! woot. So I slapped that on my character and went for it. I had a great time. My only…
  • I'm trying to put these codes in- but I can't find the place to put them in the ARC client. The instructions seem out of date or something.
  • I like B best.
  • Seriously... this. Does it have a translucent skin? Copy all the skins from Holoforce over. Profit. People would be a lot more likely to buy costume sets when its easy to mix and match them & know they match in advance.