honestly answer this: if you worked on this game, would you feel anything other than shame or frustration? this game is such a shoddily run project anybody who touches it should be ashamed of themselves
if some of these issues havent even been addressed as existing since on alert was released, what ever could lead you to believe they will ever be fixed? Other than delusion and wishful thinking?
1) more people working on it other than the guy they pay to turn the servers on 2) any new content, at all its hilarious that these are things people are wishing for from an mmo, and not just a thing that is taken for granted because IT IS A REQUIREMENT FOR RUNNING AN MMO
so you have six times as many people respond as you quoted were needed. Has anybody even questioned whether the conversation between foxyperson and jack emmert ever even happened? it sounds like delusion in the extreme to me when has an online petition EVER gotten anything done?