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  • Here's a series of costumes for my Rex Lightning character. Short bio: Former famous action movie star becomes a has-been because all the heroes and villains battling it out make action movies irrelevant. So he takes the name of his most popular character, and becomes a vigilante hero to try and stay relevant. Movies, TV…
  • Thanks, flow! I'll try this out and see how it feels
  • Oh, this is an interesting take I didn't think of. Thank you!
  • So, like this? Witch Hunter - Freeform (Ranged Damage) v3.45:38 Super Stats Level 6: Ego (Primary) Level 10: Recovery (Secondary) Level 15: Constitution (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Scourge (Con: 10, Ego: 10, Rec: 10, End: 8) Level 6: Worldly (Ego: 5, Rec: 5) Level 9: Quick Recovery (Con: 5, Rec: 5) Level 12: Amazing…
  • Data Pad: Just the Clipboard emote but with a digital data pad instead of a clipboard
  • We've gone too long without some good clown hairs. Sure we have afro hair that can be rainbow colored, but we don't really have crazy hairs. Lets change that: P.S. Some of these would make good Mad Scientist hair as well. And since we're on the topic of clowns... I've suggested it before, and I'm doing it again, cause it's…
  • Found this ridiculous PC on Amazon, and thought it would be a fun new design for some Robot/Cyberpunk shoes
  • > @bulgarex said: > I'm glad that meets with your approval. :) > > If you'd like some suggestions as to which alien species would make for an appropriate Boba-esque "Boss" for Mordace in the second mission, I have a few in mind. Kroggon’s pretty good, but what other characters did you have in mind?
  • > @bulgarex said: > Hmm... interesting challenge. There are civilizations in the CU Milky Way that have some elements of what you want, but no-one official who ticks off all the boxes. At least, not without some creativity. ;) > > I think the key to what you want to do lies with Mordace, a former StarGuard but now one of…
  • Probably the closest you can get is the boomerang powers, mixed with shuriken powers, since the objects you throw out are so small you can pretend they're cards.
  • This actually reminded me. I was snagging some shots to study the low level VIPER soldier outfits, and I noticed there are actually 2 different models for that enemy unit. One's black, the other is white, and there are subtle differences in their uniforms as well.
  • I don't know if Viperia is considered a leader or not, but she is female. Also, VIPER has females in their ranks in CO. All of the VIPER Psionic Suppressor characters are female. As far as ARGENT is concerned, I haven't seen a single female character that I can remember.
  • That's attached to the Rhino helmet device right now. They probably wouldn't add that as it's own power as it would make the device useless.
  • Frag Grenade, and Lock and Load, I only threw in because I didn't know what else to add, since none of the Ultimates seemed to really fit the theme. I already have Guardian, I put in Avenger because it was a Range focused spec, and this is a ranged character. Should I change it to Vindicator? How is this for an update?…
  • There were a bunch of different weapon auras for melee weapons on the PTS, but only one ever made it over to the actual game. Not sure what happened to the others
  • Sure. Here's a video showing off some of the costumes I made, and some of the combat. https://youtu.be/q34wzKZ1KIk
  • Once again, Flow, your input is invaluable. I didn't know about the Power Conversion nerf, and the Drones were mostly there for some extra healing. Also I had a free power slot and wasn't sure what to get. Shoulder Launcher isn't a "Must Have" but it's power cost is less than Micro Munitions, and seems to have a bigger AoE…
  • Everyone wants this, and we've been asking for it since Cape Glide was first introduced. Not only would it be great for the winged arm bracers, but it would be great for the under arm capes we have as well. I did see someone who managed to glitch Cape Glide in such a way so he didn't have a cape out when using the TP, but…
  • Dr. Mendo's H.O.V.E.R. Car Bio: "H.O.V.E.R. (Heavy Ordinance Vehicle for Exacting Revenge) Dr. Ivan Mendo is a brilliant inventor. Hired by Dynamic Technologies Research Group, he was promised the opportunity to invent amazing technologies to help the world. However, DTRG is actually a front company for ARGENT. When he…
  • The short answer for this is "nudity." Back when the game was launched, a conscious effort was made on the Dev's end, to ensure skin color did not match costume color, so that they could prevent people from making characters that looked fully nude. In fact, I remember them stating this as the reason very early on, when…
  • I still don't understand how Hi Pan's voice is considered a "negative stereotype on Asian Americans." The character is a parody of David Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China. David Lo Pan was played by actor James Hong. The voice he uses for the character is his normal voice. The voice actor for Hi Pan is merely doing…
  • The other Porcine Powerhouse is Road Hog! Bio: "Barry "Butch" Mason was a biker with a bad attitude, and a short temper. One night, a mysterious man spiked his beer at the bar. He woke up in a dank, underground lab. The mystery man was a mad scientist copycatting Dr. Moreau. His experiments turned Barry into a Boar Man.…
  • Now some people prefer having Pork over Poultry. Other save Pork for a Christmas meal. Either way, here's two Pig based heroes, starting with Pig Lantern Bacon of Light! (one of two Green Lantern parody characters I made) Bio: "Hailing from Swinal 4 in the Porkbelly system, Ham Boardan was gifted the Bling of Power. He was…
  • Now, back to the more lighthearted stuff. You can't have a Thanksgiving dinner without some fruits and veggies on the side. He's my living fruit hero, Rageberry Punch! Bio: "Ragenald Berryington Punchworth is a being from a planet where fruits and vegetables evolved to be the dominate life form. He came to Earth to hunt…
  • Ignoring the crappy MSPaint art.. How about some mushroom pieces for Top, Shoulder, Bracer, Back, Leg, and Foot accessories?
  • With the unfortunate passing of Kevin Conroy, I'm posting my Batman inspired character, Nocturno, as tribute. R.I.P. Kevin, the on true Batman... Bio: "Marcos Reyes was the mysterious, bat themed supervillain, Nocturno! He worked with several criminal organizations, including the Cartel. He was very careful to keep his…
  • The final bird themed character is Legal Eagle! Never made a back story for him, just thought it would be a funny character to make. A giant eagle, who's also a judge, and beats bad guys with his giant gavel! I wanted him to have one of those silly judge wigs, but no hairstyle matches that in the game.
  • The next big bird is Carrion! Bio: "Jason Parks was considered an angel by his parents, both figuratively and literally. Jason was a mutant born with lush, beautiful wings. That is, until his family met Dr. Franklin Strauger. Dr. Strauger was a demented geneticist, who found sadistic glee in doing Frankenstein like…
  • I don't think there is a current database anymore, as there is no one running the old champions wikis anymore. However, you can check both the Collector's store and the Trade Paperback store, as a lot of older costumes are available in both of those. There are some pieces from events, unlocked by mission only, that have…
  • Next we have The Gryphon Man! Bio: "In the middle ages, a brave young knight, noble and just, goes off to fight for his kingdom and his honor. He returns to learn his beloved had fallen ill, and was going to die. No alchemist, apothecary, or cleric could cure her fatal disease. However, there were stories that a Gryphon's…
  • Not that we're in November, and Blood Moon is officially over, it's time to get into the Thanksgiving mood. So here are some of my bird themed heroes. First up is Jet Falcon! Bio: "Avon Falco, Code Named Jet Falcon, is a member of an intergalactic police force. Hailing from Animus, a planet of anthropomorphic animal…
  • One more, for fun!
  • Well, since the Halloween event is still going, and I'm waiting for it to end to get some better shots for future character uploads, here's a bonus Halloween themed costume. Originally made on Jester, thought about making it it's own character, but decided to just give it to Reaver.
  • Finger Guns weapon skins for pistols and gadgeteer pistols. Works like Imaginary guns, except it changes the hands to the finger guns emote pose. Maybe even have another version using two fingers instead of one.
  • Oh, I didn't know it locked it out. I thought it worked like other power variants, where you can use it along side the original power.
  • A gadgeteering DPS build would probably be the best fit when using Orbital Cannon. I'm sure Flow will pop in with a fantastic set up for that, if you don't have one already. But to then turn that into an "Ultimate Orbital Cannon" build, not only should you have the power and the power variant device, you should also get…
  • As far as I'm aware, Hi-Pan has always been a parody of David Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China, and the voice casting was chosen based on this. The game has always been loaded down with references, jokes, and parodies. There's the VIPER soldiers in Canada doing the "Ever wonder why we're here" routine from the first…
  • The final Halloween themed toon is The Raggedy Man! Bio: "Andy Patchford was an unassuming man. He lived a boring life, with a boring job. Working as a Property Appraiser for Bank owned properties in Vibora Bay. He was sent to check out what he was told was an abandoned house. In reality, the house was owned by an elderly…
  • My other insect is Buzz Kill! Bio: "The multibillion dollar conglomerate, GenTech, wanted to push out a new product, advertised as safe and effective pesticide that doubled as a plant fertilizer. Telling the world it was the best, and safest, product to use on crops, to have a healthy, bug free harvest. And, for the most…
  • How about some scary bugs? Here's The Swarm! Bio: "Once it was a man. It was called Dr. Thadious Varn. Dr. Varn was working on cross-species genetics, attempting to combine the DNA of multiple insects in order to create a "Super Bug". His theory was, if he could successfully combine the DNA of multiple insects, with…
  • My other "Demon possessed" character is my Ghost Rider parody character, Hell Toupee! Bio: "Jerry Finesworth is a shrewd, ruthless business man. Amassing his wealth from the less fortunate in the world. Things changed the day he was sold a "Rare Toupee" for his balding head. Being told the Toupee was made from the furs of…
  • One of my "Humans possessed by demonic powers" characters is, Hell Blade! Bio: "Jackie Valentine was orphaned at a young age, his parents killed by Frank Zarretti. This lead him to becoming a "troubled youth". In and out of various foster homes, due to his short temper and violent tendencies, he eventually ran away, living…
  • I'm all for new stuff. However, Metallic Ooze Tunneling (colored light blue) could give the same effect. And you might have to settle for it, given how sheepish they are with doing water focused powers.
  • My other corrupted, rotting plant monster is Grimrot! Bio: "Once a peaceful being, this Treant remained dormant for thousands of years. Now the excessive pollutants of modern life, combined with the unchecked use of dark magic in the world, has altered this mystical being into a rotting shell of it's former self. No longer…
  • Here's the Plant Zombie, Deadwood! Bio: "Former law man, killed by an angry mob for defending a tribe of innocent native Americans. The tribe honored his sacrifice by burying him in their sacred burial grounds. Two hundred years later, a group of Wiccans attempted a nature ritual in the now forgotten Indian Burial Grounds.…
  • I'm also curious. Distinctive costumes, plus varying names, should be enough to tell each character apart. Even Old Man Bobb, who has multiple versions of his Bobb character, is able to tell his characters apart. I'm completely stumped, and genuinely curious, as to how you wouldn't be able to differentiate your characters.…
  • My Lovecraftian elder god, Shub Nagoth! Bio: "An elder god who came to Earth from the very edge of the universe. He nearly destroyed the planet, until a group of powerful wizards used all their magic to defeat the great old one. Weakened, and near death, the ancient being used what little power it had left to flee.…
  • This is The Ice Cream Man! Bio: "Hello boys and girls. Your friendly neighborhood Ice Cream Man is here to fill your tummy with yummy frozen treats! You can trust the Ice Cream Man. He is your friend. He's here to help you smile. He's here with all sorts of frozen goodies, beyond your wildest imagination! Do not run from…