The new alert is fun, but it's kind of vague. I'd appreciate expanded cutscenes pointing out key areas. The Vent tripped me up the first time. Also, engine guard duty makes sense, but is a pain in later phases. Really, all you need is one person with a heal on one engine during phase 2, and some sweepers up top. On phase…
I completely agree. My Level 40 Freeform could not survive -at all-. Not even for a few minutes. One power I noticed again and again was the massive Force Bubble that the Mega-D occasionally would fire. It dealt 10 times my hit points. I have Con as a secondary superstat, so I'm only at around 7.5k HP, but -70k- damage?!…
I'd like some magic emotes. Spellcasting, vague mystic gestures. Emotes with props would be nice too. Being able to pull up a cellphone or a book would be really nice. I'd be willing to pay at least 500z for a pack of new emotes.