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Any minute now…

captainquiver Arc User



  • Five and a half hours and counting for the yahoos whose off day is today. Sorry about that inconvenience. Should "not playing" for five day-time hours really be an inconvenience? Probably not. An inconvenience is an uncomfortable, but temporary, ride on the subway with the guys that smells B.O. or waiting in that long…
  • It's both I believe 'cause Nighthawk is a pnp character in the CO-RPG universe.
  • I've been listening to Bob Seger's "Greatest Hits" for a few days. His music reminds me of a good ole' fashion travelog of "night moves" on two wheelers or sixteen. His sound runs "against the wind" and seems timeless, "still the same." It beckons a reflection on what rock & roll used to be and can still become in our…
  • It's really good. I think you would enjoy it.
  • Actually reading Captain Marvel #2 to pass the time. Already read AvX #10 and Daredevil #17. Just reading period. Oh and typing. Was listening to Bob Seger earlier and browsing the net on my iPad. If you're not at work or in school, what do you do to fill patch time?
  • Yes it is. I can tell time. HOWEVER...when Cryptic choose 7-9 am maintenance PST that makes for 9-11 am CST and 10-12 pm EST. Why not patch earlier on the west coast? They don't have flex-time on the job?
  • So far...a two hour patch has become a three and a half hour (and counting) emergency maintenance. Hurting in the Midwest and East Coast. Can't imagine the wait over seas.
  • I ran Lemurian Antiquities today and had no problems. I wonder if it is isolated incidences related to any odd number of issues (powersets, minions, loading cut scenes). The only problem that I had was the curator dialogue had no sound on the last word bubble before my nemesis crashed the joint.