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  • ego blades are for theme, and also because of ebon ruin. Would you recommend being more buff/debuff based with passive healing, in this case?
  • Devour Essence is like 10 times more expensive than life drain, and if the OP is making a ranged build, it wouldn't be a good idea to take a self heal that requires him to be in melee over an ability he can use at range. Ebon Rift is a no-no. It's too weak to be of any use. Yes, even the "do 'massive' damage and knock…
  • Level 40, thanks. What, are you surprised that my attacks aren't all hitting for 10k+ a tick? That's not how this game works.
  • You aren't allowed to take many of the powers that only require an energy builder from character creation EVER. You MUST either complete the tutorial or skip the tutorial, and then retcon out of your power. THEN you can pick another one. Being gold or silver has NOTHING to do with it.
  • There's a lot I can compare rocket launcher to that makes it seem good, too. My Ego Blade Breach does at most 1k damage total. My Ebon Ruin does at most 1k damage total, fully charged (which, by the way, eats up your entire energy bar if you aren't SS endurance) Shadow Embrace only does about 100-200 every .5 seconds, so…
  • As silly as it might sound, making all of sorcery have these innate "randomness" things to them will draw people away from the sets, as well. In a lot of DnD games, you have magic, which is normally very precise and a wizard/sorcerer will know exactly what will happen when they cast it. Some spells have random effects, but…
  • I'm not seeing all this DPS you're speaking of. In most cases, my character in support mode is the one doing all the damage, since everyone else I've run into on alerts only wants to use their energy builder. I'd love it if you passed some of that "so insane DPS" my way.
  • Speaking of using other people's builds, I have been looking at the build for the character Hexed (http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=119101&highlight=hexed) and was thinking about adjustments I could make to it. It is a pet character, but I figured I could take 2-3 of the 6-7 powers in that build that use…