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What is the Arc Client?
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abecket Arc User



  • On time warner central new York. Champs launcher opens no so I can log in but does nothing. On STO's launcher it does not even open.
  • trying the running the client directly, so far it is just hanging on the black Cryptic loading screen,and then it crashed. Something about timing out on the patcher.
  • still having the issue after ST:O's maintenance window. here is my Tracert, I am using Time Warner of Central NY. Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 * * * Request timed out. 2 15 ms 12 ms 17 ms gig5-1-14.wttwnycf-rtr002.cny.northeast.rr.com [] 3 30 ms 7…
  • same here. though it has been intermittent. Same with STO's launcher. My connection is fine, as Netflix is still streaming, and I am able to log into other games. I am in Northern New York, on Time Warner Cable of Central New York.