Pizza Hut, sponsored by anime... Anime, sponsored by pizza hut... Pizza sponsor, anime hut... Spizzame, sponsored sponsered by sponsersponser... "Hey, if this keeps up maybe I can get myself one of them cute anime waifus!"
Drastic problems require drastic solutions. I consider the ability to cut all cooldowns in half just with gear a drastic problem. If they do change the amount of the nerf, I hope they don't go too far, because the current amount on PTS actually feels pretty good. 25% reduction through gear alone is still a good chunk.
Wait, you mean cooldown reduction wasn't the sole thing that Int did? But the way people around here are talking I was sure that was all it did! /sarc As Purin just pointed out, all the claims that Int will be gutted are just hyperbole. It won't even seriously be affected, since people generally use gear to reduce their…
Anyone else surprised we actually responded even remotely seriously to this person? o_O I hereby award you the Troll Of The Year Award 2015. Sorry Nepht... you never had a chance after the stuff this guy posted.
I'm gonna go ahead and blow your mind: If energy generation somehow gets nerfed to the point that tanks have to use their energy builder.... then the same thing will happen to dps, and their dps will go down as well. PS - energy generation isn't actually getting nerfed you dope.
To show just how much I believe in this team of MAVERICK ROGUE DEVS, I have gone LTS. And immediately regretted it because I now have 21 empty FF slots that I do not know what to do with.... I think I'll just ignore the button that brings me to other pages... So there you go scowlers... a big chunk of "Youre doing the…
I'm not sure all of those are fixes. The last one definitely, but it might be intended that you lose it when you die? And the timer starting when it does might be to encourage CoX vets according to the definition Nepht gave?
They're really not forces. And they're certainly not basic to the universe. They're words... words that people in general tend to disagree heavily on. For instance, ask a militant feminist about their definition of evil and you're likely to get a very different answer than the one you get from an Amish farmer. Ask someone…
Ah, so that's the angle you're trying now. No, these changes are not related to PvP. Nothing is related to PvP, and nothing has been related to PvP for a very long time now. You can actually make a fairly decent control build if you build for it. Heck I have a build that relies almost entirely on stuns to keep it alive and…
You can literally type "anime girl" plus anything into a google and find one that is that. So here is Nutella-chan and Whole-Wheat Bread-chan: Pizza-onee-chan: Donut-imouto: Fast-Food-chan: Blueberry Cheesecake Childhood Friend: Chocolate sundae sensai-san: And the Variaty Pack Brigade:
Who said you were going to be using your EB all the time? I have builds that don't use MSA, I have builds that don't use an energy unlock and I'm nowhere near using it all the time. Not even remotely close. That's the thing... I think people have gotten so used to these easy infinite-energy setups that they forgot there's…
I have good news for you Gradii. The cooldown nerf will not make players weak. Sure, it will make them weaker than they are now, but we have a long, long, long, long, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go before we're gonna be weak. That's what people seem to be missing... it's not just the ridiculous…
And skipping to level 30 is going to cause someone to take a wrong travel power how? You pick those at level 6 man... if anything skipping to 30 gets you closer to your second one, so in case you chose the wrong first one you can rectify the mistake. Also, don't forget: Retcons still exist. PS - I don't actually subscribe…
Like... really? How someone can think a game with infinite respawns 20 feet away from the fight could ever be masochistic. The things going on in your imagination must be wild man... Don't worry, after you're done being all melodramatic you can start thinking of how many new types of builds will suddenly be worth looking…
Only evil people say this. You can be good without any evil, just by being good. Just because you no longer feel the need to define your behavior as part of a system of two opposites doesn't mean it ceases being good. Light is still light, even if you've never seen darkness or heard of the word "light". Things do not need…
Well I basically just posted the same thing twice so let's also go for a pointless triple post! :blush: To all the folks talking about MSA, and energy unlocks, and etc... Have any of you considered that maybe you were never intended to have an endless flow of energy to begin with? That maybe, energy unlocks were meant to…
Yes, getting decent crit chance is easy without dex. However, getting the over 50% crit chance I'm rocking.... aka, I wanted crazy amount of crit% and I had to build for it, sacrificing other things along the way. And oh look, now the cooldown nerf is going to make me not even have to mention that I could have gone for a…
It'll be just like the dodge change. It'll be just like the thing I kept saying when this topic came up over the years: Now instead of everyone having stupid short cooldowns as a standard part of their build, it will be something you have to build for. You'll still be able to do the things you can do now, but you will have…
Someone already responded to you about how you're wrong and I can't think of something funny to say about how you can't see anything I'm doing seeing as you've got your head so far up your own butt that you look like an inverted Uroburos. Go take some screen shots or something. :wink:
Oh look, one of the scowlers got their jimmys rustled. I'm going to be a cool person and actually respond seriously to you: If you're going to compare those things to the onslaught system, then I can't take you seriously. You are giving a great example of how people are going to react to the growing pains though :smiley:
I'm not sure how you can believe this. Especially considering that there's nothing stopping cooldown heavy builds from using maintains. Again, you're referencing an outside issue and somehow trying to tie it to this one. The fact that maintains are better needs to be looked at on its own. You can't let one problem go…
What a well-written, intelligent response that makes many good points for me to consider. Having considered them, I feel like I somehow disagree with you even more though. You can tell the cooldown nerf is sorely needed. Cooldown reduction has been out of control for so long that some people have gotten so used to it that…
PS - the cooldown nerf is a good idea. Addresses a whole lot of problems that have been left to sit for far too long. Before this, on Kagami, I was >>>easily<<< able to reduce my cooldowns by OVER 50%! This did not involve stacking Int, the character has a modes 178 of that attribute - the cooldown reduction came entirely…
So first day thoughts: 1. Villain damage is underpowered. Gotta nerf players more so they can't just "typical pvp duel between tanks" the situation. 2. Some villain mechanics are unclear. Need to give information about this in a quick fashion so we're not standing there going "wtf, how do I use this?" while players are…
Why read when you can respond? :smiley: We gotta rush in there to show you your folly, lest we lose the chance to be first! Why, you could say that it is more important to try to be first, than to avoid being wrong! s( U 3 U)/
It's true. On my old laptop I had to play in potato mode, going so far as using the half-resolution option, and no lighting options on. Then I got my new laptop where I could max out everything and I felt like I went from playing a Playstation 1 game to a Playstation 3 game. Just the shinyness and bloom alone was nuts how…
At first test, my verdict is that this is super hype. Grond actually has his super jump, and based on range and grandiosity of his attacks he feels super villain powerful. Gravitar was a bit confusing and I wasn't actually able to activate the majority of her powers............ so yeah, there's actually some depth to these…
Putting 4 points into your energy builder will not send your Archetype into useless status. Hell, not spending any Advantage points at all won't even send your Archetype into useless status. Come on now.