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Champions Online Returning to Cryptic Studios in Los Gatos, California



  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    They tried the featured content thing that granted bonus questionite for completing, but they just stopped doing it.

    The story of this game's life.

    "They tried that, then just...stopped."
  • gandalesgandales Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gaelyn1 wrote: »
    Lol, after i read every messages of this thread, i really find it funny.

    1) All these people who spits on every other people who don't expect anything good or bigger than an alert for this game (with reason guys, there is almost no people on this game anymore vs any other mmos on the market, not enough players, no money to invest on some big projects) and says them they are haters, trolls, doomsayers, etc... (i tell them realistic people).

    2) All these people who spits on DCUO, MH2015, Neverwinter or every other game.
    Hey mens, Wake up. As Jon Sills said, CO is on steam ! But You will never see CO in the top 100 most played games. The 100th game have a 1300 players peak.
    Co have a ridiculous number of players, less than 1300-1400. It isn't in the top 100 and i'd never seen him into this list since so many years. (probably a 500 players's peak max)
    Neverwinter have a 6000 Players's peak. It is in the top of the 100 most played games every day on steam.
    MH have a 3500 player's peak. It is in the top of the 100 most played games every day on steam.
    Who's fail ? Co or others ?
    Why ? Because they have enough players to give money, to create new playable content to retain their players. Not only fluff like costumes sets, AFs, and some other useless things for the very little playerbase this game have. Players won't never come back with these crappy and useless content (costumes, vehicules), you know.

    3) I see the same ghosts here since 2009 (Ashen) or some new players of the second release (jon sills). And some people who only ask: will there is new costume sets or AF ? People who ask for "will there is new missions, new maps, new playable content" are very few.
    It seems nothing have changed since 2009...
    Continue to ask for costumes only, and in some years, you could ask at the next team if they have anything planned and will hope for a better future with the new team, again.

    4) If you want this game go out of the maintenance mode, you need some players come back. And costumes isn't the key of this come back. All the players who likes playing almost in the same anorexic playable content since 4 years or playing with their Barbie dolls in the tailor room are already in this game. Don't hope for more.

    This community killed this game and continue to burry it, year after year. Terrible.
    (I know someone will write my English is bad, because i've already read it on this forum from this awesome community. I hope you can read what i said in a bad form of your language as i can read you in a language who isn't mine. Because with mine, probably you won't understand anything, using Google translate or not, lol)

    I completely agree with you. It's true that the most common thing to do in this game is going to costume contests. I have been out for almost 6 months and I dont see any change more than this news.

    The sad truth is that the game is not going to change and by now it is too old to warrant the investment for its comeback. If Costume Contest Online satisfy your mmo needs stay and be happy otherwise you might want to reconsider your options.
  • dynamechdynamech Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I haven't been back to CO for some time ... I'm a lifer from the very beginning, so I pop in every now and again to see if there's anything new ... and as usual, it seems the deck chairs are getting rearranged while the ship continues to slowly take on water.

    I hope that this return of the old primary dev does something, but it sounds more like rah-rah to me than any real prediction of content, assistance, whatever. OF course, I felt that way about Cryptic North and was proven wrong ... I would like to see statements clearly setting a direction and a path, this is more important than letting us know who's in charge.

    I remember the constant requests for new content. People, including myself, putting up templates, ideas, backstory for new zones, new powersets, power additions, content of all sorts, and constantly being either ignored, so I think to complain about people not asking for anything more than costume sets or AFs (which have to be one of the most useless aspects of this game) is a little bit disingenuous, given that one of the biggest draws for the game is the idea of being unique and having a highly-personalized hero to play.

    We have always asked for new things in the game, from costumes and emotes to new adventures, new missions, new zones.

    And you can't tell me "Well the game has no money," because they decided instead of advertising the game, instead of getting people excited about it, they would instead go F2P and get their money from nigh-worthless lockboxes. A lot of people became lifers at the start, and more were willing to pay sub fees, but rather than letting the content speak for the game, they decided the best way would be "free advertising" from people playing content that was already stale.

    People complain about doing the same content in CO over and over again; MH2015 literally has their endgame content based around people replaying the same characters as many as five or six times, going through the exact same storylines 3 times in the course of a character's playthrough, grinding for the same 5 pieces of equipment and running through the same two or three areas for hours at a time fighting the same randomly-generated villains three minutes apart, and whose idea of a big event is frequently half-price costumes and heroes.

    Granted, they have the advantage of a license and voice-acting.

    The positive and unique aspects of CO are what needs help; bugfixes first, content should follow. Once people can have fun just worrying about playing the game, then more things can be added to it. I love new costumes, and that is pretty much the only thing I'm spending on anymore, but no matter how snazzy I or my nemesis look, when certain powersets are flat-out broken, some missions are flat-out broken, and purchasing a vehicle makes me more super than any amount of experience, power, or gear, I think the game is kind of out-of-whack and it's hard to sell that to your friends.

    Unfortunately, the genie is out of the bottle in a lot of ways, so the focus now has to be on moving forward. I think the biggest first step that can (and should) be taken is to stomp out as many of the big gameplay bugs as possible, then maybe work on the smaller appearance bugs, then maybe address adding new content, events, or whatever to your existing zones. Again, what we really need, at least as much as the announcement of the dev change, is what the plans are ...

    I don't need to know if you have experience with the game or who you are ... what I want to know is what you plan to do about the game, with the game, for the game. You iron out the problems, that'll get people wanting to come back. They'll bring friends.

    On the other side of the coin, costumes specifically show off one of the biggest aspects of the game, and that is a personalized superhero experience. I understand this has to be one of the hardest aspects to account for ... and adding more personalization like costumes, emotes, base configuration, these will all stand in the way of "actual" content for all. But for the people who are attracted to Champions ... costumes, emotes, etc ... this is actually part of the draw.

    Personally, I think we have more than enough "basic components" to work with. Spend some time squishing bugs and ironing out the power trees we have before adding new stuff. More missions, zones, enemies are welcome, but honestly, I'd rather be fighting my nemesis for twenty-plus levels so long as s/he acts the the villain I'd built rather than a generic cookie-cutter that plans, steals, and lairs in the same place every time.

    Anyway, the short form is this:

    Welcome (back) aboard, I hope you give a reason for me to come back soon
  • gaelyn1gaelyn1 Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I was ok with some of your points with CO, Dynamech, and i wouldn't have quote you. Until i read this:
    dynamech wrote: »
    People complain about doing the same content in CO over and over again; MH2015 literally has their endgame content based around people replaying the same characters as many as five or six times, going through the exact same storylines 3 times in the course of a character's playthrough, grinding for the same 5 pieces of equipment and running through the same two or three areas for hours at a time fighting the same randomly-generated villains three minutes apart, and whose idea of a big event is frequently half-price costumes and heroes.

    Granted, they have the advantage of a license and voice-acting.

    We aren't here to speak of others games but i can't let you say wrong informations.
    This is what i said on the players who defends CO and do some critics of others games they don't know, or perhaps have tried one or two years ago. DCUO, MH, Neverwinter or anything else.

    This is isn't because CO have almost anything than the others do the same.
    I don't like DCUO but they have a lot more of new content than CO. A lot more than 2 or 3 alerts.
    Neverwinter have a lot more too.
    And Marvel Heroes 2015 too. All you're saying about it is wrong. (Except perhaps the story line 3 times in the levelling but not really because 1) this isn't the only way for levelling, there is a lot more new content added out of the campaign, almost in one year what co had in 4 years, in fact. I was here one year before you, 09-2009, i know what's co had in 5 years. 2) A revamp of the campaign is under developpement at this time including a new story chapter).
    There is 17 pi
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    now , while you are doing these comparisons, could you get a list of;
    how many people are working on each of those games?
    how much their advertising budget is?
    how much their game development budget is?

    here's a bit from the wiki about marvel heroes(Marvel owned by Disney- large company which makes films)
    During development, Gazillion used an internal team of 75 people working for three and a half years. There were many others that are part of the support and marketing. Gazillion has raised more than $80 million to fund the game's development, but it hasn't disclosed exactly how much was spent.[18] In contrast to other MMO developers, Gazillion always planned to use the free-to-play model.

    from an article on DCUO(owned by Warner Bros- large company which makes films)
    Initially slated for release in 2009, DC Universe Online took 150 programmers and artists across four U.S. cities 5 1/2 years to complete, at a cost of more than $50 million. That’s roughly twice the budget and timeframe of a typical game. DC Universe Online is atypical in another way — it belongs to a rare class in which thousands of players can inhabit the game’s world simultaneously and interact with one another in real time.

    PWE purchased CRyptic with CO & STO for $50m

    and CO went from being Marvel online in Feb 2008 to launch in september 2009
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • gaelyn1gaelyn1 Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    chaelk wrote: »

    And ?
    We are players, not shareholders or human resources managers.
    We want to play with content the devs create for us in their game. No matter their team have, 12 or 30 or 358980 devs.
    It's not our fault, if Atari/cryptic fired a lot of their people, if PWE/Cryptic do another restructuring. And between, If they take all our devs to give them at STO than NWO.
    It's not our fault if they don't make advertising for CO, if they do almost no new playable content in CO and are very slow to do it.
    It's not our fault if players wants to love this game but they have no challenges with, they have no new content to retain them in this game but the costume tailor.

    No matter the number of devs, the only thing who is important for the players is the result. The content which is added in the game and the entertainment it can provide to them.
    As i said, it's too much easy to say that Co don't have enough devs to do what's other teams are doing. This is Cryptic (or Atari or perfect world now) who decide to fire their devs, to move them from CO to STO or NWO.
    If others companies don't fire or don't move their devs, this is because the games are profitable, because they retain their players. Probably because they don't only do costumes or lockboxes.
    PWE/cryptic must think about that. But i assume they know it already. It's probably too late regards to this game population.

    The questions are:
    - Why they have stopped the until field report and never answered the player's questions ? (because they knew they won't do what was listed in the UFR) We know it now.
    - Why they never wants to communicate on the content they will create for co ? Even now, they don't want to say what's their projects, how many devs they are, what we can hope for the game ?
    They continue to do as if their players community doesn't exist and they stay mute/silent as always. They don't communicate and hope the players will have enough hopes to not quit the game.
    They continue to do as if this game doesn't exist. They never talk of it. Nowhere, not even in this forum. It's a choice, but this is THEIR choice. Useless to try to find them some apologies.
    chaelk wrote: »
    Unless it's changed recently CO on Steam is listed under Atari not PWE and it's not easy to locate by name either.

    I know. What i wanted to say is :
    - launch steam
    - Go to store (sorry i'm not sure of the names, i'm not US/UK and i use steam on my language).
    - in the menu, choose statistics (the last choice for me, perhaps the same for you)
    - Scroll Down until you see "View all of the top 99 most-played games". Click on it.
    - Now, you have the 99-100 games most played on steam.

    I look at this every day by curiosity, since so many years. I never seen CO in this list since 2nd quarter 2010. This was my answer to some posts here about the fail of many games (newerwinter or others) because the players here loves CO. When CO will stop to be under the others and will be in this list, perhaps we could speak to fail about others. This was my point.
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited April 2015
    The first moment when any players are stating things in line with "we don't care why something's not possible, we just want it nao"...

    Is basically the first moment when any gaming studio/publisher is fully justified to not give any damn about entitlement and give no answer at all. Or do anything. :wink:
  • edited April 2015
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  • edited April 2015
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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    This could not be further from the truth.

    This is a business and we are the customers. and currently they aren't even coming close to the bare minimum expected from an MMO.
    No, it's exactly true.

    "I want this!!"

    "We understand that you want this, but it can't happen, at least not right now. Here's an explanation why."

    "I don't care that it's impossible, I WANT IT NOW!!!"

    That was usually the point at which I used to start talking to the six-year-old about appropriate behavior and the possibility of a spanking. (He's nine now, and even with ADHD and autism has outgrown such behavior. Pity most of the forums haven't.)

    Of course, Cryptic can't give entitled brats a spanking, so they do the next best thing - they ignore it.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    This could not be further from the truth.

    This is a business and we are the customers. and currently they aren't even coming close to the bare minimum expected from an MMO.

    Bare minimum is: Am I having fun? Since I am, CO wins. Woo.

    I'm gonna wait and see how this all plays out before I start being grumpy and making the angry noises.
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited April 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    This could not be further from the truth.

    This is a business and we are the customers. and currently they aren't even coming close to the bare minimum expected from an MMO.

    The "bare minimum" you are entitled to as a customer is precisely what is stated in a feature list for your account type:

    -character slots,
    -global cap,
    -Pidgin chat,
    -power coloring, and all the other features, including subscription costume rewards.

    As well as whatever you bought from Z-store.

    Obviously not having CO server being shut down also counts into a minimum service. After all, there's still a game to play.

    So don't even use this argument of not being served as a customer, because technically the company gives you exactly what you are paying for.

    That's what is stated in this agreement between you and the company.
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    It would have if it had gotten the proper development from the start and the attention it needed.

    and the best part? no one would care. it would be so much better.

    Honestly, I disagree.

    After Cryptic was out of the picture, there were some fairly major changes to how CoH operated, while CO is still, to this day, mired in the old Cryptic perception of what "fun" is. Maybe not COMPLETELY.

    Maybe, had CO been CoH2 or a rework of CoH with a more up-to-date engine, yeah, it possibly might have killed the original off. Maybe. Or it could be like EQ and EQ2.

    But CO was, and still is, a VERY different game, start to finish, than CoH was (and I've been with CO since "friends and family").
  • edited April 2015
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  • edited April 2015
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  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    But both games thriving woulda been better than one dying off and another being on life support for years.


    It would have been an ideal situation. But, since this is the real world, TPTB are diametrically opposed to ideals.


    As I've said often. CO is NOT CoH. As such, one game is always going to suffer a bit in comparison to another (and this is true from both sides). But CO is a decent enough game in and of its own right, and it really didn't deserve what happened to it.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gaelyn1 wrote: »
    And ?

    The questions are:
    - Why they have stopped the until field report and never answered the player's questions ? (because they knew they won't do what was listed in the UFR) We know it now.Because the players took everythign in the report as cast in iron will happen and ***** and complain if it doesn't turn up.
    - Why they never wants to communicate on the content they will create for co ? Even now, they don't want to say what's their projects, how many devs they are, what we can hope for the game ? because the players ***** and complain about anythign which is done.
    They continue to do as if their players community doesn't exist and they stay mute/silent as always. They don't communicate and hope the players will have enough hopes to not quit the game. see previous two comments
    They continue to do as if this game doesn't exist. They never talk of it. Nowhere, not even in this forum. It's a choice, but this is THEIR choice. Useless to try to find them some apologies.

    I know. What i wanted to say is :
    - launch steam
    - Go to store (sorry i'm not sure of the names, i'm not US/UK and i use steam on my language).
    - in the menu, choose statistics (the last choice for me, perhaps the same for you)
    - Scroll Down until you see "View all of the top 99 most-played games". Click on it.
    - Now, you have the 99-100 games most played on steam.

    I look at this every day by curiosity, since so many years. I never seen CO in this list since 2nd quarter 2010. This was my answer to some posts here about the fail of many games (newerwinter or others) because the players here loves CO. When CO will stop to be under the others and will be in this list, perhaps we could speak to fail about others. This was my point.

    IT's fine saying we are customers not shareholders.
    However, customers also understand a business needs funds to do anything. NO money in means no business.

    Everything that turns up is complained about.
    IT's not what I wanted
    It's not enough of what I wanted
    It's what I wanted but not done the way I wanted it

    I want this fluff item, not that one which brings in money.

    or the all time standard.

    You're not doing what I think should be done with the game.
    you were going to do this, why haven't you (upgrades to bases before On Alert)
    After a while, they realize that no matter what they do, people will complain.

    If they say they are trying to do something and then find out they can't. They get blasted for not trying.

    If they manage to do it, the comments are ; when do we get another one.
    WE have a small budget and a small team on a small company. Anyone expecting the same results from them as a large, well funded company with brand name advertising , needs to learn some economics.

    The company will never be able to provide the same expansions as the larger companies because they can't afford it.

    It is useless for players to expect them to.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • gtw891gtw891 Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sterga wrote: »
    Bare minimum is: Am I having fun? Since I am, CO wins. Woo.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • rjr2409rjr2409 Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You think that co will ever come to ps4? Because i think champions online would be a good compilation against dcuo because i loved champions online but i had to switch to console but Yea can u give me your thoughts traitturtle?
  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This one's for you, Cryptic and Cryptic North!

    "The Apocalypse..."
    "Huh... who'd have thought we'd live to see it happen."
    "If the dev speculations are right and maybe if we're lucky, they'll be able to stop it before it even begins."
    "PWE has had a few months to set up the pieces, so be smart putting them into play."
    "You're running the risk of making it all worse, but it's the only game we've got left."
    "They're trying to hide us under the rug for now, but they've hired powerful and hopefully determined individuals that can bring life back to the game."
    "You've got more allies, though."
    "The community can fill you in on the game. I'll be there to help when I can, but we may not work on any of this."
    "It's gonna be up to you."
    "Stuff like this starts small, so you'll have to be on the lookout for the little bugs in the corner; things that have been overlooked."
    "Look to the community for suggestions."
    "Time is against you on this one, but you've got to fix the past mistakes or we'll end up right back here at the end of the game."
    "You can do it, guys. You're all heroes. Clock starts now, good luck."
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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  • draogndraogn Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    These 6-7 month droughts aren't doing the game any favors, hopefully this move doesn't mean another 5-6 months of nothing. Especially with how little communication goes on. I get that they don't want to make a bunch of promises and not have any of them make it into the game. But not saying anything leaves players to speculate which is rarely a good idea. We've been told time after time that communication would get better, but it never does.

    (How about instead go with this is what we are working on/plan to work on with a disclaimer that everything is subject to change, it works for other companies)
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    rjr2409 wrote: »
    You think that co will ever come to ps4? Because i think champions online would be a good compilation against dcuo because i loved champions online but i had to switch to console but Yea can u give me your thoughts traitturtle?

    No. I don't think CO will come to PS4. Ever.
    It doesn'tt qualify for the PS Platinum Games category....
    One and only point...It's over 5 year old PC game.

    And i want MORE TIGHTS!!!
    End of the thread.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
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  • edited April 2015
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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    draogn wrote: »
    (How about instead go with this is what we are working on/plan to work on with a disclaimer that everything is subject to change, it works for other companies)
    Tried that. People still took it as an ironclad promise, and got their panties all twisted when some things didn't come through. (The "heavy weapons" proposed art, for instance; while we got the stone axe/club and a couple other items, we didn't get the stop sign or my particular favorite, the Guitar Axe - and there were folks talking about "broken promises" and what terrible liars CO devs are because of that.)
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • bazodeebazodee Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gaelyn1 wrote: »

    4) If you want this game go out of the maintenance mode, you need some players come back. And costumes isn't the key of this come back. All the players who likes playing almost in the same anorexic playable content since 4 years or playing with their Barbie dolls in the tailor room are already in this game. Don't hope for more.

    I won't put the entire blame on the community but, Holy PointMaker, you do have something there.

    I sometimes think we have been too easy that the community (and I am generalising here, I know cause I've also seen the posts asking for more) should have been less complacent with lockboxes, new costumes sets maybe we could have gotten more out of CN.

    It was great fun the Mechanon attack on Champions building (note I am specific) and working together as a team to down the Destroids and I'd like to see more of this and adventure packs.

    I'm no business strategist. I haven't played a million games - I'm not wired that way. I tried CO and it was the only game that "stuck" with me.

    I love this game so please give me more content to play and which will also keep me occupied several months down the line. :smile:

    ETA: I'm also crazy about the CCs, just much more crazy over content.
    I don't like Sigs, but I'll leave this here anyway. At least I'm not to trying to hypnotise you with moving things!
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    they have got the conditional, its in the TOS.

    25.2You acknowledge that the Service or any part thereof may be interrupted for reasons beyond our control, and we cannot guarantee that you will be able to access the Service whenever you may wish to do so. We shall not be liable for any interruption of the Services, delay or failure to perform resulting from any causes whatsoever.

    25.3We have the right at any time with or without reason to change and/or eliminate any aspect(s) of the Service as we see fit in our sole discretion.

    and if you want more than costumes and lockboxes, then you need to spend a LOT of money.

    STO the thread aout the person claiming people who have spent $5000 or more on the game should be consulted on updates. Got shouted down by a LOT of people who had spent that amount or more.

    we have people complaining about $10 for a costume pack.
    GO have a look in the STO store and see some of their prices and people pay them.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • gemini2099gemini2099 Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I have been very happy with the content that has been added the past 13 months. I can say that unlike other MMO's the content is steady and consistent despite having a smaller playerbase.

    Shore up some lingering issues and add more content and I think the game can grow.
    Gemini - Lvl 4x - Soldier
    Omicron - Lvl 4x - Mind
    Emerald Myst - Lvl 2x - Claws/Fighting Hybrid
    Epsilon - Lvl 2x - Blade
    Asterius - Lvl 1x - Electric/Void Hybrid

  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,779 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Any chance we can get old gear enhancements restored as cores?

    Coruscating Might

    and so on?
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • edited April 2015
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  • doktormarengodoktormarengo Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    chaelk wrote: »
    ....and if you want more than costumes and lockboxes, then you need to spend a LOT of money.

    STO the thread aout the person claiming people who have spent $5000 or more on the game should be consulted on updates. Got shouted down by a LOT of people who had spent that amount or more.

    we have people complaining about $10 for a costume pack.
    GO have a look in the STO store and see some of their prices and people pay them.

    Yup I have to agree. I'm a stingy player - I hardly ever spend money on STO. And what I do buy are usually small cosmetic items (costume pieces, doffs, boffs). As I find the ships you can get on the exchange for under 1 mill EC are more than good enough to PVE with.

    But boy am I thankful for those who spend thousands of dollars on the game. Because of them STO gets rolling content update after update.

    People need to count their blessings here.. because the costume pack prices here are actually of better quality and don't cost nearly as much as they do on STO.

    I am excited about one thing. How dedicated and passionate the player base here is about the game. We've all put up with a lot and still keep coming back.

    Some of us love superheroes others just dig the deep level of customization this game allows.

    I'm not sure if the new guy in charge is going to work miracles or not. Most of us are hoping that he will.
    This is RiverOcean's 2nd Account. Can't combine my STO and CO accounts for some weird reason.
  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gradii wrote: »
    What did they do? I dont remember, rarely crafted gear back then, just consumables and bags.

    They did some nice "On Kill" things such as a quick burst of energy, health, a damage buff, or defense buff as well as some having a chance for additional damage spikes on attack. They were pretty awesome and I would love to see them return. Brou's probably got the best idea with them returning as Cores.

    I still prefer being able to fabricate equipment over some extra gems to insert into sockets though. Let me be an outfitter again! It'll make everyone happy! :biggrin:
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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  • dragonf1ightdragonf1ight Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Having been a subscriber to CoH until they shut it down, I know what I liked, and what a lot of other people also liked. Sure, this is my opinion, but I think it's pretty much on-target.

    I keep hearing people putting up wishlists, but what I recall most about the CoX games was that it was the missions that kept me coming back. Not just standalones, but team missions. Task Forces were big. Anything that let me log in, group up with my friends, and mash bad guys. This game has a serious lack of those kinds of missions, and with team sizes of just four, it's hard to get a good game going with friends even for those.

    What this game needs is the experience. I'm not talking the skill in making games. I'm talking about the feel you have after you play for a night, and don't want to log out because you want to run "just one more." It doesn't even need the much-maligned player mission editor. Truthfully, even after AE came out, I never used the thing. I was always running TF's with my friends. I literally cannot count how many ITF's I ran with my friends, and it was because it was fun to mash hordes of bad guys with a team of like-minded people I could count on. The rewards were nice, but ultimately not the reason we were doing it.

    This game needs that, if it's going to be more than just a lockbox money sponge. Sure, I know games have to make money, but honestly, if the devs put some of that stuff in their C-Store, instead of turning the good stuff into Lockbox bait, they wouldn't have that problem. I recall somewhere someone listing out how much it costs in real-world money to buy a choice lockbox vehicle with keys, and it's something like $50.

    Really? Really? Fifty bucks for a vehicle which will be made obsolete by a new thingie in a couple of months anyway? Why not just put it on the C-Store for a more reasonable amount, and let whoever wants one buy one? You'll probably make more money in the long run.

    That rant aside, I'd recommend focusing on multi-mission story arcs, like the TF's from the old CoX days. Something that encourages 8 (or more) person teams, and feels epic, and fun to play. When you add up the TF's in the other game, it was, what? Ten leveling-up multimissions spread across the map, and about ten missions at the top end? Yet people played them over and over and over. Christmas missions would be farmed for over a month, playing the same two or three missions in endless sequence, and somehow, everyone would love it.

    That's what this game needs. Missions that a large team of friends can play, over and over, and enjoy. It doesn't need a player-made mission system. It doesn't need hideout mods, or new costumes, or lockboxes. (Although if you want to make money, and I'm sure you do, I'd please encourage you to find some way other than lockboxes. They actually make me feel you're ripping me off and talking down to me like an idiot child at the same time. There's other ways to make me want to buy things from you than making me play the game's slot machine with real money.)

    That's my opinion, anyway. Like it, hate it, or ignore it. But that's what I believe. I hope some of this helps.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    in real-world money to buy a choice lockbox vehicle with keys, and it's something like $50.

    If we're really talking about Cash. More like $20. And you have some extra Zen to spend. Buy keys for Zen, sell Keys for Globals, use Globals to buy Vehicle from Auction House.
    I mean if you're really trying to get the Vehicle from the LockBox with $, you're one to blame for spending $100 for it... Since you have options to get it for Free.
    But then again some people spend $6000 for a online game, so......
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • orangeitisorangeitis Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    We won't be getting any ground vehicles. I could link y'all once again to Tumer's old post on the topic - or you could just go stand in the park area just west of RenCen, and watch the cars coming up out of the tunnels and demonstrating how poorly the game engine works with changes in attitude and direction of automobiles. Then consider these are scripted NPC cars - and consider how poorly the engine would handle some of the shenanigans the players would get up to...

    Short version is, for ground vehicles to work in STO, they'd have to rewrite a considerable chunk of the game engine. And that just ain't happening.
    I assume you were responding to me, as I'm the only one to bring that up before your post.

    I was referring to new models of the vehicles that are already in-game. You know, hover tanks, VTOLs, Exocets, etc. Not more realistic stuff. Basically I was asking if we'll be getting new models of existing vehicles that are paired with the release of the Variable Robot set, that's all. =)
  • furriesfurries Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Just in case anyone doesn't know who Randy Mosiondz is, he is the original lead designer for Champions Online. From gameplay to pretty much structure.

    Lets see if he uses the knowledge of the base game to fix CO back into shape by return everything that was lost from incomplete updates that removed stuff, and see if he'll bring enough devs to actually give us the content the players actually want.

    More combat related stuff, more places to do it in, and more stories to tell that are actually complete. That last one is kind of super important.

    In short, Returning Champions Online back to it's former glory.

    Fastest Hedgehog Alive
  • furriesfurries Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Some mention fixing the bugs that plauge PvP do hope that gets fixed too. I am not a PvP Material kind of person but I don't mind tangling with another player once and awhile for fun.

    I had ideas that we could add for PvP, These are just ideas dose not have to happen but it can be put as a sudjustion for thinking it over.


    [Seperate Are Builds one for PvE and one for PvP]

    This idea was thought up from another game, Called Guild Wars 2. Maybe even add the ability to reset your PvP Build for free but not for PvE so the Recton Tokens can still be usable outside PvP Zones.

    [Reward Tracks for PvP]

    They should add a reward track much like Guild Wars 2 Version but instead of ripping idea off another game. Maybe add in a new spin on it based off that idea and expand it. Several Tracks are list each with there own rewards as you progress down a single track of your choice you gain a reward from start to finish.

    Oh yea this one idea is not PvP Related but they should add in a Login Reward where you gain a reward each time you login for that day. But without having to also login everyday. So like if you had not logged in for like 10 days you still get the reward regardless and the whole thing resets back to the first login reward.

    These ideas can be though of in the later future, It reallly dose not have to happen right now. Which ever is more important but it's always good to come up with ideas.

    Fastest Hedgehog Alive
  • revanantmoriturirevanantmorituri Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    If we're really talking about Cash. More like $20. And you have some extra Zen to spend. Buy keys for Zen, sell Keys for Globals, use Globals to buy Vehicle from Auction House.
    I mean if you're really trying to get the Vehicle from the LockBox with $, you're one to blame for spending $100 for it... Since you have options to get it for Free.
    But then again some people spend $6000 for a online game, so......

    Well, someone has to be buying keys and opening lockboxes, otherwise the silly things wouldn't be in the Auction House in the first place.
    Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.

    Supporter of the Titan Project.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    And someones use only Zen from Questionite to buy Keys.
    But then again some people spend $6000 for a online game, so......
    Yes, people are buying keys with $. Didn't say no one is.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    to several things on the page;

    1. we don't have much to spend money on and what there is, mostly cosmetic.

    2. CO is based around solo play. COH as I understand it , was mostly group play.

    3.PvP used to have best gear ingame, then with On alert. PvE got it (heroic)until lockboxes came out.
    Before fixing the bugs in the games, they need to fix the queues so you can get and stay in them.
    Note: despite the plauge bearer ingame. It's Plague
    same as I keep seeing people ingame use Loose(the opposite of tight) instead of Lose (the opposite of win)

    all I remember from GW2 was grinding the open missions, then going to another area and repeating. I uninstalled after 1 month of boredom. OH and taking great delight in getting my childhood friend, the criminal idiot, killed.

    4. Back to it's former glory implies having a team the same size as at that time; so far we've only seen mentioned him and an art dev who posted on another thread.
    There has been no mention of the size of a team,
    new people being hired(which is what we usually get),
    people being transferred from the other games.

    So all these wish lists are exactly that unless we have a large enough team of devs to work on them.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • gandalesgandales Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    chaelk wrote: »
    to several things on the page;

    1. we don't have much to spend money on and what there is, mostly cosmetic.

    2. CO is based around solo play. COH as I understand it , was mostly group play.

    3.PvP used to have best gear ingame, then with On alert. PvE got it (heroic)until lockboxes came out.
    Before fixing the bugs in the games, they need to fix the queues so you can get and stay in them.
    Note: despite the plauge bearer ingame. It's Plague
    same as I keep seeing people ingame use Loose(the opposite of tight) instead of Lose (the opposite of win)

    all I remember from GW2 was grinding the open missions, then going to another area and repeating. I uninstalled after 1 month of boredom. OH and taking great delight in getting my childhood friend, the criminal idiot, killed.

    4. Back to it's former glory implies having a team the same size as at that time; so far we've only seen mentioned him and an art dev who posted on another thread.
    There has been no mention of the size of a team,
    new people being hired(which is what we usually get),
    people being transferred from the other games.

    So all these wish lists are exactly that unless we have a large enough team of devs to work on them.

    Cryptic won't increase development unless it gets more money from CO. CO most likely won't get more money unless significant content is release(way more frequent and better than we have had in the last 2 years). Loving deadlocks, I guess :frown:

    Who is most likely going to be able and willing to break this deadlock, players, Cryptic, Mandrake?
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Still don't know the size of the team, but there's at least one more member - she posted in the PTS thread. (I'm unimpressed with the May Gold Reward, but the existence of another team member is a nice bonus.)
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • doktormarengodoktormarengo Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm slightly optimistic.. I guess.

    The fact that PWE has gone private means they don't have investor pressure on them. It may mean that they'll decide to take some risks.. and invest some effort in other games. STO and NW are the obvious money makers. But if they can get some of their other games brining in more money.. that could equal even more profits.

    So maybe.. just maybe this poor game will get some love.
    This is RiverOcean's 2nd Account. Can't combine my STO and CO accounts for some weird reason.
  • riltmosriltmos Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I have to admit I was extremely skeptical about this, and the first thing I thought when I heard CO was returning back to hq was that this game was going back into hiatus for around a year again. But I have to admit I am getting a bit more hope for this game recently. I am curious now to see where this may head.
  • sidearmesidearme Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    you know .... Prove it
    put my money where were your mouth is

    give us back our orignal movement( sow we dont have to stare at our hero's poop shoot to fly strat, back flip at will again even, engery slide mite be fun)

    fix the costume shop ( just to have the stuff i bought would be a god send ) it has be come emence. but ever atemp to fix it as gone very rong. don't over think it just let us be stupid.
    iif we want to use every layer at the same time let us.( the abilty to were under on the out side is not manditory but helps)

    and give us a daily alert for our 40 lvl groups in the curent lvl 40 instance so, we can get the costume parts ! and a frew other things while we are there

    to every one else sorry i ever asked for vehicale how ever im not sorry i asked for the pulp gear

    ps if u find it in your hart to give me a infernal chainsall with bleed, i will give you my cat
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    give us back our orignal movement
    I must've missed that.
    engery slide mite be fun
    Like the one in game?
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sidearme wrote: »
    don't over think it just let us be stupid.
    Judging by the spelling and grammar in the rest of your post, you decided not to wait for permission. And assuming "engery" means "energy", there is an Energy Slide travel power.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • sidearmesidearme Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sorry good gamer bad types and speller please endur till lurn the spell check

    more over ive played champions sence befor lanch. the movement of our heros use to be much more dynamic.
    our pc flew like a hero the didnt fall on there back till there the power charged up nor did we have to target somthing to back flip. the bug came in a bout the time engery slide be came avable. for short time i could exploit a glich at do the bug and map 3 control set. engery slide has got some cool move one can get some good half pipe action. that not posible with the curent control maps avable. less then half our basic control opions work, sacified for the bugs that ran evey one off

    other bug gliches at the time AOE's ramdinly hitting thangs ( because our heros would turn, i should say refresh poining at another taretable not mark hit it then check the aim aoe mantains drove nuts till it was fixed.

    most of this stuff, bug and what not could have been midigated if all the servers had the same code ( they dont but there close for horse shoe )
  • mattachinemattachine Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I have a few questions.

    1. What will you be doing to get more things for guilds to do together?

    2. When will we see some guild owned stuff?

    3. Guild projects that guilds can work together on, that both Star Trek Online and any day now even Neverwinter Online will have, when will that be added to the game?
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    mattachine wrote: »
    I have a few questions.

    1. What will you be doing to get more things for guilds to do together?

    2. When will we see some guild owned stuff?

    3. Guild projects that guilds can work together on, that both Star Trek Online and any day now even Neverwinter Online will have, when will that be added to the game?
    We don't have "guilds". Neither does STO. And STO fleet projects are mostly just a way to suck up the excess Dilithium - and since you can't mine Questionite, we don't really have that problem here.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • edited June 2015
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