Hello, I'm Bluegrass Beast.
...what? It worked for Johnny Cash, didn't it?
I digress, I am BluegrassBeast,member of the CO community since around September of 2011, Vanguard since 2012, and overall lover of tinkering with builds; I was what the MTG crowd would call a "Johnny", and my love of CO stems heavily from the amazing variety of concepts and playstyles the game allows. In short, I'm a terminal Alt'oholic, and I am always tinkering with new build concepts and ideas.
Rather than continue to litter the forums with a scattering of posts and given I now have enough material for it, once I get a build thoroughly tested (around level30 or so) and polished, it will show up here.
Hope y'all find somethin' shiny in here; if you give one of these builds a try I'm always thrilled to receive feedback and to hear your experiences with it.
Special ThanksNo builder is an island, and few of these builds have not benefited from the wise suggestions of my fellow forumites. Couldn't have done it without you folks, and you deserve your credit where it's due. Names will be listed alongside the builds where suggestions were made by the individual in question
Flowcyto -
Jimhsua -
Sister Sabbath.
Mother Winter,
Morrigan Black,
Sister Sabbath
Beast from the Bluegrass:
Update History:
NOTE: Hotlinks before 07/20/15 are currently broken
06/24/14: BBBB goes live; added
Manhunter, and
06/24/14 (2): Added
Nocturne; added Special Thanks section
07/06/14: Updated
Manhunter to new build version.
07/10/14: Added
07/13/14: Added
Drifter; added direct links to builds in Update History.
07/13/14 (2): Added screenshots of the various characters, to spruce the Basement up a bit.
07/16/14: Updated
Drifter to new build version.
08/06/14: Added
08/14/14: Updated
Starlight to new build version.
08/25/14: Added
Sister Sabbath
10/05/14: Added
10/12/14: Begun adding
Power Rotation sections to current builds, as per suggestion by
Pantagruel01. Currently in place for
Ulyssa, and
12/12/14: Added
Drifter updated to new build version; added role tags to all builds for additional clarity
01/04/15: Added
01/24/15: Added
Jinx -
Happy Support Day!
02/07/15: Added
Mother Winter
Nocturne updated to new build version
03/11/15: Added
Morrigan Black
03/23/15: Added
NemesisrethgualsnaM deddA - 51/10/40
04/02/15: Translated the hijacking cross-planar signal; added
04/05/14: Added
04/07/15: Added
04/19/15: Added
07/20/15: Added
Kamikaze; moved to modified entry format.
7/26/15: B4 Build Bonanza! Added
Bettie Bombshell,
Sister Trinity, aaand
As far as the builds- most of them look quite strong, so I won't be going too in-depth w/ suggestions here.
For Starlight, I'd ditch most the Accel Metabolism advs. Its okay to have one on a staple power if there's no better use for points, but since AM has an ICD there's not really much point to putting it on >1 power. I'd also swap Ego 2ndary for Int- better for efficiency & cd timers, and it'll still boost Concentration.
The build will be strong for dps, since its PA. It does look a bit glassy, though- lacking in tanking cds and health. Some Rec gearing would still be a good idea for OD, even if Elec Form helps w/ energy/equilibrium. Also, Energy Wave can be made to clump up mobs for the PA AoEs, if you take the Rev Polarity adv- but I dunno if ya took the power just to have a 'get off me' move.
If you want an SS setup w/ Con in it, ya could try INT/End/Con w/ Preparation, or EGO/Rec_End/Con.
For Manhunter, ya may consider sticking Sniper Rifle in there if you want to do some Gravi/Frosty cheesing, but its great as is.
And lastly, for Nocturne- if you wanted a bit more dmg overall w/o many changes, ya can try sticking Mental Storm in there for its stacking DoT +Ego dmg debuff- it can def add up in protracted fights.
Nice work overall thus far.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Its a great idea for the community, making fun ideas easy to find and when you're like you or myself, BBB, you need a place to drop new ideas without cluttering the forums.
It seems like every week or so I get inspiration for a new build or a new idea and am testing and posting it up to the forums and I've seen it's the same for you.
Overall, the build collection looks great. Good work, all in all. You've helped me with my own PA build and are one I look to for advice along with Flowcyto, Alfgorn, Gradii and too many others to mention properly here.
Best of luck to you, these builds look like a lot of fun.
I'd prob get a healing spell/cd outside of DE, though, just to be able to heal w/o being in melee range.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Con PSS may lack crit/severity boosts, but it gives innate knock resist w/o needing Str, and Con PSS means ya need less overall gearing oriented towards survival and can focus more on dps stats.
Ofc, ya can go the other route and take Str the PSS and pickup Juggernaut. Would prob go STR/Dex/Con then and get benefit from gearing mostly Con for Defiance, Juggernaut, ES/NM, and SR - and some Dex for crit (both will benefit Str's Brutality). May have some energy issues w/ IDF still, but I guess it depends how well Defiance is working out.
Also Ebon Ruin's debuff and dmg can help the build's dps overall. I'd prob find a means to include it.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
you mean the flat dodge%? That's applied before and independently of the dodge% DR. The dodge DR is for the rating itself, not flat % boosts.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Guess so. Also, personally, you might want to add Max Payne on Manhunter's ''Play if you like'' line.
Meaning I would be over 100% in DR if I use Masterful Dodge + LT's Tread Softly + EM + Quarry, right?
W/o MD up: R3 Quarry is 12% flat, R3 EM is 19%, LT's TS is 15% w/ Conc up (7.5% w/o). Say you had ~280 total dodge rating from gear and specs, that'd be ~15% added dodge from that.
Total from all those w/o MD would be ~71%, adding in the base 10% dodge as well.
Could get a bit higher from more dodgeR on gear (like legion's dodge, and/or from Elusive in Con_Dex PSS that scales w/ Dex), or other flat boosts like TK's dodge buff (18% at R3) or Crashing Wave Kick's SoTs adv (stacking dodge from attacking, forget how much but I think the avg is like 3-6%, but only works from melee attacks) or Parry's Elusive Monk (4-7%, based on Dex when using melee; but also only works for melee builds, so its N/A here) or Swinging's Flippin (~4% last I checked).
Its a big stretch to get to 100% dodge constantly w/ even R3 WotW (R3 LR has a much easier time getting there, though). I dun think its quite possible for the nerfed Quarry and dodge rating anymore, though.
Just remember: anything labeled dodge rating is subject to DR, flat dodge%'s are added on independently and thus aren't part of the DR.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
With WotW I think you pretty much need to take Sentry's Twist of Fate and Evasive Maneuvers. After that you can copy paste the typical 100% Dodge LR template - TK, Parry + EM, Primary Con with a boatload of Dex.
Thing is, having to throw in the Energy Builder and 0-DPS time from spamming EM kills DPS so it's really more trouble than it's worth.
Yea, no real point in having all that amazing mitigation if the big hit to ur dps means you won't be holding threat on most things.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Looks like you're using Lifedrain as your main heal so you really shouldn't need Selfless Ally. If you're stacking Pre, try going with Primary Ego. That way your high Pre will give you more bonuses from specs, notably Defense and Crit Chance from Sixth Sense and Force of Will. The only thing Pre gives you with Primary Pre is Offense which is which doesn't really keep up with Sixth Sense and doesn't help your heals either.
Second, "Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers"? Coolness factor went up by a power of 10. Looking forward to a Shane Gooseman.
Could you exchange Reaper's embrace for bite? or would that hurt the build as well?
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
What sort of stats do you spec into yourself? I'm not very good at min-maxing stats unfortunately so a little guidance would be great.
I'm currently in ranged role and heading towards having 2 of the same mods in each piece, INT/DEX/CON with secondariness being primarily INT. Then using Gamblers gems in all pieces.
Not sure which prefix to aim for on my legion pieces either. I have a defense of agility seeing as I figured you can't mod avoidance, may aswell get it in gear somehow.
I don't have his build, but you may want to trade one of those INT mods for a DEX mod for the following reasons:
1. Expertise. 'Nuff said. But also,
2. Muni is typically energy efficient, so energy shouldn't be an issue here,
3. Not a heavily CD reliant build, and CD redux is worth much more anyway (see math notes in my sig),
4. Def pen from INT does not go below zero, so more INT only helps vs elite lairs and certain bosses in that department.
This guide from selphea is, as always, useful.
I'd probably also go with impact over gambler's at least on the defense (TBD - more killing), and probably on the utility as well (energy issues permitting).
Thank You :biggrin:
Maybe I am too new to the game to realize what is going on, but I can not find the Eye Beam power in the freeform build options. Is this something I will need to respec into at a later time?
Something I need to buy with Zen? Already at Gold membership, so just a bit confused.
A search in various forums turned up nothing about it no longer existing, so finally giving up and just asking...
Where or how would I get Eye Beam?
It should be under Power Armor gold freeform choices.