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Contemplated buying Lifetime, but COdevs hate Hero Games :(

oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
I am so incredibly CLOSE to buying a Lifetime membership! For cereal !
But when I asked myself, "Why would I buy a Lifetime CO account," (during a -33% sale, and after about 3 years of paying monthly no less) I found no answers. For cereal !

Hello, I'm a PvPer!

I love Hero Games! The Freeform system inherent to Champions Online is, as far as I know, un-matched. It's so much fun (!!!) making builds and counter-builds to other popular builds, when regarding PvP. It's addictive! It makes me want to buy retcon tokens just to goof around!

I'm a fan of the card game "Magic: The Gathering" and to me, freeform min/max building is a lot like making a killer MtG deck. Or you could think of it like "winning Chess strategies."

I am motivated because I think CO has a lot more potential than it's current playerbase supports... They gotta fix PvP though FOR REAL if they care about making more profits in addition to EXTENDING THE GAME'S LIFE-SPAN. The freeform system is so unlike any other mmo! Way ahead of it's time at launch, but that time is NOW. Alas, since it's tough to balance, these devs decided to say "**** IT I DON'T CARE ABOUT PVPERS" and, well, it is UNFAIR.

Hero Games have such an incredible amount of un-touched potential, it makes me sad. Act like a professional, PWE/CRYPTIC and at least consider the amount of money you guys could make if you at least focused on Hero Games one time in the past 2 YEARS?

When I see a Hero Games update, preferably (minimally) fixing the broken queue kicking issues belonging to Stronghold Apocalypse, UTC and King of the Hill, then I might consider investing in a Lifetime purchase.

Until then, this 33% off sale is a joke.

EDIT: To be quite honest, I'm likely going to quit this game. Stop paying monthly, in addition to not purchasing the Lifetime subscription, on the sole reason that this games Developers refuse to acknowledge or fix the game-breaking queue kicking issues. I am not asking for a power balance, rewards, or anything too complicated. I just want to play Hero Games without being "banned" (click link for video evidence of the "getting kicked" experience) 75% of the time due to the kicking bugs. This problem has been around since On alert released. I'm nearing my "1100 days subscribed" and I am not only NOT BUYING A LIFETIME SUB, but I am also CANCELLING MY MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION because these developerss do not care.

Brou says it best here, on page 2...
Really, how hard is it to make the maps function as originally released?

That is the core request. Not powers, not balance concerns; to have something actually function properly.

Asking for the turrets not to glitch and become immortal in Stronghold, or for the zone not to dissolve teams and kick people out is a request for the game to work properly, not to request an improvement or update.

I have never seen a game allowed to direct players to a feature (HERO Games missions) only to present them with showstopping bugs that punish them for trying it for so long.
Post edited by oobtree on


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    monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Yea. Hero Games are the true End Contents those able to enjoy infinity.
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    chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I miss when hero games worked. And had real rewards. I don't even think I touched a pve mission for a full year.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Every single thing I know about building in this game is a result of my years as a pvper. The community's legit, and almost every pvper is an expert in some area of character design. Now that the bad eggs are gone from the community it seems, I've been slowly dipping my toes back in, but I'm not gonna lie: It's hard when everyone else has justice gear. That really is a huge power jump and I notice it every time I pvp.

    The gear system isn't currently doing hero games any favors, I miss when you could just farm up some SL blues and go to town.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
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    chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Raven's not wrong. PVP whining is at least most of the reason ego storm with malevolent manifestation breaks the second one mob breaks out of it. Took the power straight from top tier to almost don't even bother levels of efficacy in one patch. To be fair, though, it was freaking brutal to duel in its old form, that thing would hold you for like an hour, getting tagged with it was pretty much a death sentence.

    You could just as easily, though, blame cryptic for overreacting when we ask for adjustments. If we want a buff to stealth, we get night warrior passive and sudden strike. If we want a slight nerf to a hold, we get the mess that is ego storm's current form.

    's why I try not to nerf herd. It's never worked well for us in the past.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
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    monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Does our devs truly have enough skills to touch Hero Games? That's the most point I'm afraid of.
    If you don't like shadow strike, take [Spark Storm] or [Force Eruption]. Epidemic spam also help you.
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    crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,596 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Sorry, but PvP isn't getting a renewal until the game builds up enough of a paying player base to fix everything else wrong and ramp up the content development.

    If you buy now you will for sure help that along faster. Or wait later for when you are more guaranteed an arrival of PvP and power b̶a̶l̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ fixes and changes to the game as a whole.

    Right now, we're just going through the motions that STO went through before it became PWE's number one game.
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    roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,784 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I am generally lousy at PvP, but I loved Hero Games.

    After playing through much of the game's content with my first couple toons, I used Hero Games as the main method of leveling for several others. Then On Alert hit, and, well, all that stopped.

    At the very least, fix the queues.

    Next most important thing: make Hero Games (all forms) grant either Q, G, or SCR, or allow Acclaim to buy something worthwhile again.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
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    skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This thread is actually a great example of why I dont care much about CO anymore beyond as a forum equiv of a tabloid.

    I really enjoyed CO year one especially the PVP as in those early days people where still learning the OP powers, and more importantly how to create them through synergy not readily apparent to the masses.

    I recall fondly how those who crafted in arms had the much hushed secret edge of neutralization grenades that allowed for easy take down of the oft complained about to this day TPing slef healers.

    I recall fondly how my concept characters( powerful concepts to be sure) would do well without being OP or easily face rolled, and how he would indeed win more often then not largely based on the concept of the characters fighting. After all you dont really expect batman type concepts to hold their own and survive a head on fight with the likes of Doctor Strange or Adam Warlock let alone the silver Surfer or even a single kree super soldier.

    I always felt the real flaw was a lack of weight classes so to speak that would be applied to players based on their win/loss ratios and total acclaimed earned on a given character. Thus over type the best of the best would be forced to face off with each other while the less well versed in the arts of heroic pvp would get the time needed to explore the ins and outs.

    It also showed me the community at its worst not in the OP one shotters but the exact opposite. It was disgusting to me how frequently sore losers with no sense of sportmanship would attack one as both a player, character builder, and the character concept itself all for the act of beating them a few times in a BASH.

    Frankly I cant stand people who lose who cant lose with a smile on their face and a desire to do it all over again so they can try to see what it is they need to see to figure out a way to win.

    During my twilight time on CO my last main character was Psike a wielder of brain scrambler pistols and a unique use of the two gun mojo style enhanced by shadow form if I recall right. It was a fun build built upon using hidden synergies like shadow form with pistol munition abilities using the power replacer to turn my pistol dmg psionic and make it buffed by shadow form. It also used a variety of abilities to represent telepathic and telekinetic abilities as well as teleportation ofcourse and ofcourse physical abilities like evasive maneuvers and such.

    He was a very fun concept to play, and had much fun in mainly duels around the ren center. Then one day after a hero game bout where a AT inferno who had chosen to Q for the free for all build PVP time and time again felt the need to first get verbally abusive to me in PMs then after putting me on ignore started to rant about how OP and uninspired my build and character where which granted are the kind of rants most end up ignoring the guy ranting over, but it was just the final straw I was sickened by the community and too tired of the game play to care to return or log on ever again.

    Granted I might of come back if not for PWE losing my account info and characters during the final days of account conversion after PWE took over, but that is just another nail in the coffin of why CO is dead to me.
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    oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Thanks for the great response skylyger. It's a shame that this game has lost so many other skilled players that are much like yourself. It's hard to believe there's still a couple handfuls of us still trying to enjoy the graveyard that is Hero Games, especially when considering 3 of the 5 modes have been broken since On Alert launched. Such a long time for game-breaking bugs to be allowed to continue. But hey, somehow personal feelings and agendas unrelated to company profits drives developer motivation for CO.

    When the last of us stop PvPing, then what happens? Ego's are bad enough around here not even counting the PvPers. At least the later actually play competitively, which lends legitimacy, for the time being, that is.
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    itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,778 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Really, how hard is it to make the maps function as originally released?

    That is the core request. Not powers, not balance concerns; to have something actually function properly.

    Asking for the turrets not to glitch and become immortal in Stronghold, or for the zone not to dissolve teams and kick people out is a request for the game to work properly, not to request an improvement or update.

    I have never seen a game allowed to direct players to a feature (HERO Games missions) only to present them with showstopping bugs that punish them for trying it for so long.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
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    skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Really, how hard is it to make the maps function as originally released?

    That is the core request. Not powers, not balance concerns; to have something actually function properly.

    Asking for the turrets not to glitch and become immortal in Stronghold, or for the zone not to dissolve teams and kick people out is a request for the game to work properly, not to request an improvement or update.

    I have never seen a game allowed to direct players to a feature (HERO Games missions) only to present them with showstopping bugs that punish them for trying it for so long.

    There is a reason those like myself these days refer to this game as being more akin to an open alpha as far as the state of the game goes.

    I used to think Alpha and even Beta states meant a completely unplayable game. But recently I started checking out such games asking for pre purchase support and open access to their alphas and betas on steam Ive come to recognize that if your game is still dealing with major bugs that break or prevent play, its certainly not passed those states.

    I just got done exploring Planet Explorer an Alpha State game you can support and buy into for 20 bucks or so on steam, and I can say for a game that admits to being far from done, it still had a fairly stable series of early quests to teach you the complexities of the game, learn the sights and foes of the starting region, and give you a solid and enjoyable bit of playtime. I am very excited to see what it will be a year or two down the road as long as things go well for their pay into kickstarter to play alpha approach. If not it was still a 20 spot that got me a good 20 hours of game play so far.

    MMO to me have become a corrupted form of game due to developers and publisher companies frequently forcing out products largely unpolished, asking triple A prices for them upfront and subscriptions on top of that until the games lack of popularity hurt them too much in ingame population, go FTP to milk more, but never really have any interest in COMPLETING their product. That for me is why I am so tired of MMOs in general, they all feel that way, rushed out, unpolished, and riddled with bugs that can out and out kill any sense of fun when stopped by suddenly.
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    oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Really, how hard is it to make the maps function as originally released?

    That is the core request. Not powers, not balance concerns; to have something actually function properly.

    Asking for the turrets not to glitch and become immortal in Stronghold, or for the zone not to dissolve teams and kick people out is a request for the game to work properly, not to request an improvement or update.

    I have never seen a game allowed to direct players to a feature (HERO Games missions) only to present them with showstopping bugs that punish them for trying it for so long.

    So well said, I wish I said it. Thanks Brou.
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    nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Really, how hard is it to make the maps function as originally released?

    That is the core request. Not powers, not balance concerns; to have something actually function properly.

    Asking for the turrets not to glitch and become immortal in Stronghold, or for the zone not to dissolve teams and kick people out is a request for the game to work properly, not to request an improvement or update.

    I have never seen a game allowed to direct players to a feature (HERO Games missions) only to present them with showstopping bugs that punish them for trying it for so long.

    This post pretty much nails the main issues with PvP. To fix these days would not take to much effort and for the devs not to sort these things is utterly shameful.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
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    kylexiii#1660 kylexiii Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nepht wrote: »
    This post pretty much nails the main issues with PvP. To fix these days would not take to much effort and for the devs not to sort these things is utterly shameful.

    Honestly, show me and everyone else here a post that hasn't nailed the main issues with PvP, because it's been done over and over again and no matter how much it happens it's either being written on some white board somewhere, or on someone's sticky note pad and utterly forgotten. The neglect is despicable, but I think it's intentional as well.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
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    oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Brou said it best and I recommend everyone reads his post.

    We just want the game-breaking queue issues fixed. We're not asking for a balance overhaul, here. We just want this **** to work! FFS!

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
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    agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Overall, I agree with the sentiments posed by Malware, Brou, and Skylger.

    I'll have to add more specifics later when I have more time.

    Team PvP is one of the MOST enjoyable aspects of the game, and it doesn't get stale as easily as most PvE content too. As long as we aren't talking about re-creating the fiasco with the Champions gear being PvP-exclusive, then probably I'm supporting it. My personal favorite is a team PvP healer role. Dunno why, I just like being a healer on the team. :smile:

    And I'm ALWAYS all for bug fixes. These PvP maps and the broken queues are loooooooong overdue for bug fixing.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
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    chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    me I don't give a **** about Pvp, I care about a part of the game not working.

    Which is,
    queue needs fixing
    map elements needs fixing
    rewards that don't encourage farming exploits.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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    jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,317 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    It's a thread about Player versus Player.

    How is that not going to devolve into players arguing with one another? Think about it.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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    meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,961 Arc User1
    edited June 2014
    These forums are CO official PvP and endgame, after all. :biggrin:
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    oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    It's a thread about Player versus Player.

    How is that not going to devolve into players arguing with one another? Think about it.

    It's a thread about a game-breaking queue bug. But thanks anyway. Thinker.
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    monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    oobtree wrote: »
    It's a thread about a game-breaking queue bug. But thanks anyway. Thinker.

    Yea, thread token about broken queue system and broken SH gun turret. Most of us are not already begging for any prize nor force PvE player in to PvP game.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
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    chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I always thought the forums were the endgame. That's why I occasionally let other players draw my aggro.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
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    quasimojo1quasimojo1 Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    They really should at least fix the queues and any broken PvP maps.
    Adding a rotating Hero Game to the weekly Q missions seems pretty reasonable as well.
    I always thought the forums were the endgame. That's why I occasionally let other players draw my aggro.

    LTS since 2009. Author of ACT parser module for CO. Founder of Rampagers. Resident curmudgeon.

    "Without data, you're just another person with an opinion." -- W. Edwards Deming
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    jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    oobtree wrote: »
    It's a thread about a game-breaking queue bug. But thanks anyway. Thinker.

    Partly about a game-breaking queue bug, which is a pvp issue, so it's really a thread about pvp. But it's also partly a whine thread, and the OP has been edited to also make it a quasi-ragequit thread. So it's more of a potpourri.

    Also, history has shown that if you act like a **** towards anyone guilty of lighthearted humor, your thread will be 200x more successful. So you've got that going for you.
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    themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Can I haz ur stuffs ??
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
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    chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Everyone knows rp in caprice involves awkward tentacles. That's the very definition of end game.

    (I rp, but seriously. Them tells from random erpers.)

    thank you for posting that, it mkaes the whole thread just.. slimy.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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    meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,961 Arc User1
    edited June 2014
    gradii wrote: »
    That's actually a pretty difficult endgame. those 8 year old demon lord-catgirls who leave legos on the floor and are older than time itself, and dress in the first colors ever to exist, which THEY THEMSELVES invented at the DAWN OF TIME, dark dark black and super glowing red.
    And now you wrote the ultimate guide to the Club Caprice. In few sentences.
    It needs to be under Caprice on CO wiki. As soon as we have the wiki back. Or the new wiki is made. :biggrin:
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    monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Hero Game Club Caprice Apocalypse!!!

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    orrynnorrynn Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So not to be a jerk, but did not the OP make almost this same post a few weeks back. If I remember right, he throw it up in the pts fourms and said a long the lines of something like. I spend lots of money so you should do what I say?
    I do like how you did it this time its a "do this or I am leaving the game for good". I can't wait too see next month post on pvp. What idle threat are you going to use next.

    Now yes I think it need to be fixed, I agree 100%. But long winded post ever month is not the way to do it. Use saying.
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    nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    orrynn wrote: »
    So not to be a jerk, but did not the OP make almost this same post a few weeks back. If I remember right, he throw it up in the pts fourms and said a long the lines of something like. I spend lots of money so you should do what I say?
    I do like how you did it this time its a "do this or I am leaving the game for good". I can't wait too see next month post on pvp. What idle threat are you going to use next.

    Now yes I think it need to be fixed, I agree 100%. But long winded post ever month is not the way to do it. Use saying.

    I think the OP is right , they ADVERTISED the PvP in this game for a bit. PvPers seen the game had PvP and came in droves. Then they broke PvP and now the games freaking empty. Xeno and Luci self imploded, Empy 10 just went "poof" in a cloud of dust, you hardly see Vixy these days, Drak Might has turned into a filthy casual, Imp spends most of his days in Neverwinter, not seen Eve in a bit....etc ...etc

    The devs underestimated how much of CO's playerbase was actualy PvPers , they broke PvP ( some devs even laughed about breaking PvP ) a large chunk of MOSTLY PAYING CUSTOMERS LEFT! ( Pay to win and all that :P ). They didnt get the product that they where promised.

    Its not on.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
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    biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,739 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Cleaned up some stuff. Please try to stay on topic, guys. I'm asking you as a "respectable" and "amicable" "person," pretty please with a cherry on top!

    Thank you! :biggrin:
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    darqauradarqaura Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nepht wrote: »
    I think the OP is right , they ADVERTISED the PvP in this game for a bit. PvPers seen the game had PvP and came in droves. Then they broke PvP and now the games freaking empty. Xeno and Luci self imploded, Empy 10 just went "poof" in a cloud of dust, you hardly see Vixy these days, Drak Might has turned into a filthy casual, Imp spends most of his days in Neverwinter, not seen Eve in a bit....etc ...etc

    The devs underestimated how much of CO's playerbase was actualy PvPers , they broke PvP ( some devs even laughed about breaking PvP ) a large chunk of MOSTLY PAYING CUSTOMERS LEFT! ( Pay to win and all that :P ). They didnt get the product that they where promised.

    Its not on.

    Pretty much everyone didn't get the game they were promised. PVP isn't special in that regard.

    If there had never been a COH there would never have been a CO. :cool:
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    oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    darqaura2 wrote: »
    Pretty much everyone didn't get the game they were promised. PVP isn't special in that regard.

    I'm not asking for anything other than for the Hero Games to work as intended. I'm assuming you didn't bother reading the OP. Rampage queues work. Alert queues work. Hero Games queues are not working.
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    monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    oobtree wrote: »
    I'm not asking for anything other than for the Hero Games to work as intended. I'm assuming you didn't bother reading the OP. Rampage queues work. Alert queues work. Hero Games queues are not working.

    Yea. Only thing working well is B.A.S.H. and all other are broken. :(
    I miss UTC/SH/ZA so much.
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    chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    We did sh and za like a week ago. Is the bug intermittent?

    I do not feel that it is too much to ask to make the game function properly. Rewards would be great, fixing bugs should be obvious. The queue issue should have been fixed during the bugsplatathon, because it effects pveers too. Ever get added to a map after an alert changed, and get kicked from the map after the alert started? Congrats, you got hit by the pvp queue bug.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
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    oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ZA and BASH queue just fine. It's Stronghold, UTC & King of the Hill that are broken. I listed this in my OP.
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    chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Cleaned up some stuff. Please try to stay on topic, guys. I'm asking you as a "respectable" and "amicable" "person," pretty please with a cherry on top!

    Thank you! :biggrin:

    ok which word apart from the four letter one starting with S(which got asterixed anyway), did you amend in mine?
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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    zahinderzahinder Posts: 2,382 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    When questionite appeared, I assumed it was a simple oversight, that they just didn't get around to adding Q rewards for pvp and that would be fixed within a week, maybe a month.

    It's... really, really REALLY dumb that there are no Q rewards for PvP. Astonishingly dumb, and, well, mean to a group of players, in a game that can't really afford to turn away groups of players.

    Now, let me point out... I have almost no interest in pvp myself. I liked the frozen cabin thing, because zombie mode seems HILARIOUS to me (and I like sorta pve v p ish whatever that is).

    I'm not speaking out of self-interest, except in the overall viability of this game.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
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    oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    zahinder wrote: »
    When questionite appeared, I assumed it was a simple oversight, that they just didn't get around to adding Q rewards for pvp and that would be fixed within a week, maybe a month.

    It's... really, really REALLY dumb that there are no Q rewards for PvP. Astonishingly dumb, and, well, mean to a group of players, in a game that can't really afford to turn away groups of players.

    Well said. I too thought it was a brief over-sight.. But alas, here we are, 2 years later, with non-existent dev support regarding their broken game. Let's be clear, one dev in particular purposely broke PvP, mocked PvPers on the forums and laughed about the whole situation. GC SHOULD BE FIRED (if he hasn't been let go already.) It's plain unprofessional.
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    nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    darqaura2 wrote: »
    Pretty much everyone didn't get the game they were promised. PVP isn't special in that regard.

    Like Malware said Alerts and Rampages work right PvP q's still kick people for no reason. That said I 100% agree no one got what they where promised.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
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    oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Promises are one thing. For something to actually work and be playable as intended (and it isn't, and hasn't, for 2 YEARS NOW) is another thing.

    Nothing to do with "grand promises" but rather to do with "working as intended but isn't."

    And considering a dev broke it on purpose and openly hated on customers who enjoyed PvP ON THE FORUMS is downright criminal (technically not LEGALLY "Criminal", but it's something that should be a fire-able offense and that should be rectified IMMEDIATELY.) Do professionals run this company or is it ran by delinquents?
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    nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    oobtree wrote: »
    Promises are one thing. For something to actually work and be playable as intended (and it isn't, and hasn't, for 2 YEARS NOW) is another thing.

    Nothing to do with "grand promises" but rather to do with "working as intended but isn't."

    And considering a dev broke it on purpose and openly hated on customers who enjoyed PvP ON THE FORUMS is downright criminal (technically not LEGALLY "Criminal", but it's something that should be a fire-able offense and that should be rectified IMMEDIATELY.) Do professionals run this company or is it ran by delinquents?

    Not this again U__U

    Malware I must correct you. GMC yes he did hate on PvPers ,and ive hated on him to his face on the Forumites about that many a time..its like "hey Crush when you gonna stop being a d%$k and fix PvP"....BUT to be fair he didnt break PvP on purpose a team of people where working on PvP and they where moved to Neverwinter and they havnt been allowed to finish what they had only begun to start.

    GMC has stated to many a player ( other forumites can back me up about that ) that he would love to finish and fix stuff that got broken and his TEAMS plans for PvP where rather awesome..but the TEAM he was on got moved by the higher ups and PvP was left in a shambles.

    Its not Crushe's fault its PWE/Cryptics fault.... and you know what thats worse.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
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    oobtreeoobtree Posts: 1,068 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nepht wrote: »
    Not this again U__U

    Malware I must correct you. GMC yes he did hate on PvPers ,and ive hated on him to his face on the Forumites about that many a time..its like "hey Crush when you gonna stop being a d%$k and fix PvP"....BUT to be fair he didnt break PvP on purpose a team of people where working on PvP and they where moved to Neverwinter and they havnt been allowed to finish what they had only begun to start.

    GMC has stated to many a player ( other forumites can back me up about that ) that he would love to finish and fix stuff that got broken and his TEAMS plans for PvP where rather awesome..but the TEAM he was on got moved by the higher ups and PvP was left in a shambles.

    Its not Crushe's fault its PWE/Cryptics fault.... and you know what thats worse.

    Thanks for the correction.
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    skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nepht wrote: »
    Not this again U__U

    Malware I must correct you. GMC yes he did hate on PvPers ,and ive hated on him to his face on the Forumites about that many a time..its like "hey Crush when you gonna stop being a d%$k and fix PvP"....BUT to be fair he didnt break PvP on purpose a team of people where working on PvP and they where moved to Neverwinter and they havnt been allowed to finish what they had only begun to start.

    GMC has stated to many a player ( other forumites can back me up about that ) that he would love to finish and fix stuff that got broken and his TEAMS plans for PvP where rather awesome..but the TEAM he was on got moved by the higher ups and PvP was left in a shambles.

    Its not Crushe's fault its PWE/Cryptics fault.... and you know what thats worse.

    Totally concur here, it was never a single devs hand that brought us to this state, it was and always has been cryptic who then pointed the finger at their first parent company, or said that they didnt have the funds to devote to CO just months after launch, with life time sales and many at the time subbing, they sill where going to try and cahrge for viborea bay and people said wtf was the point of subbing or a LTS if new zones where not part of the package with those payment models.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
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    nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
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    biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,739 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Stay on topic, guys.
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    skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    well biff I thought it was on topic as it all connects to why someone may want to buy into the game or have come to rgret doing so. Personally I think its a disservice to my fellow gamers in this world to not give them as much of a devils advocate for not buying in as a community rep might want to do the opposite.

    and hell nepht and I where almost like as tight as bats and sups for a second their;)
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