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Contest - Design a Costume [Submit Here!]



  • springhawkspringhawk Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well... well. I suppose it can be more an aura than a real costume, but I always regreated that there is not any invisibility power in the game. So, this is the Cloaking Costume :

    Heads: cloaking full mask, cloaking partial mask (front face is visible, not from behind)
    Eyes: cloaking eyes (to be completely transparent with a full mask)
    Chest: cloaking tight
    Gloves: cloaking long/short gloves
    Legs: cloaking tights
    Feet: cloaking long boots

    Part of visible costume pieces can superimpose on this costume.
  • pimpinellaspimpinellas Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hello everyone

    My contribution is:

    1 Chance to take even more arm or leg (my character with 4 arms would be great or centaur)
    2 Members who can stretch (a travel of elastic jump)
    3 New fanfare for travel
    4 Segments of blood vessels
    5 Hairstyles for him and her
    6 More arches
    7 Manga style (Japanese Love)
    8 Mi character does not reload the gun (him to do would be nice)
    9 When launching a shout power to do so (arghhhh)
    10 Improve the color palette (brown disappeared)

    Thanks for reading and forgive me the spelling mistakes, a greeting from Spain
    (Mi fisrt costume in co)
    (Mi last costume.....)
  • d0m1nusdrak3d0m1nusdrak3 Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    For a long time now, the idea of being able to make a pure energy being or construct has always been a desire of some people. Well, with the Energy Sentinel Set, that could be made possible.

    Energy Being Head(flaming head)

    Head Piece
    Sentinel Helmet

    Chest Wear
    Energy Body

    Chest Piece
    Sentinel Armor

    Arm Accessories
    Sentinel Arm Rings

    Sentinel Arm

    Energy Hands

    Sentinel Waist Armor

    Energy Legs

    Leg Accessories
    Sentinel Leg Rings

    Energy Feet
    Sentinel Blade Boots

    "Whether made from power of magic or a visitor from another realm, you can become a being of pure energy and fend off evil using the power that radiates your very life essence."
    Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
  • amarillonmcamarillonmc Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I present: Taoist Robe set
    The above is just a general idea of what I will describe,
    Art by my friend, do not use elsewhere since it's one of my non-CO characters.

    The general idea of this set is for 2 kinds of people.
    A: those who just want to roll a Taoist character. (We have Wind, Elec and Celestial, which are good power trees to go with the concept, no to mention MA...)
    B: those who want to roll a young character, but want to make them seems bigger (like the above image, the character up there is also a Taoist.)

    To do this, first you need a robe. In my opinion, a new category should open up for the robe option as this one would essentially cover your character from head to toe without messing with whatever costume (other than covering them) . The picture there didn't have the robe extend below the lower half of the body, and can be kept as an option (to also combine with different existing lower body options), but in order to do point B, the robe must be cover at least to the ankles.
    (Notice this didn't include the hood in the picture because we already had the hoods in the head section, and my set is about the body.)
    Then, this robe's sleeve is exactly as it's shown on the picture, it'll be much longer and wider than the character's arm and must fully cover the character's hands normally (notice you cannot see the character's right hand in the picture since it's covered by the sleeve).
    The robe can come with several designs similar to the tights one, this character has a Tron-Line design, but in reality, Taoism robes are always a single color.
    Additionally, for other variations, a version of robes that has a open slit (not fully open, we already has these in the game) that resembles to Neo's costume in the second Matrix Movie. This will give the players a chance to see what's in the robe.

    Additionally, please include this as a weapon skin inside that resembles this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hossu

    Technically, this can be archived by building the robe mesh larger than all existing costumes so it can cover any costume in the game, and then add an additional category that just wear this robe mesh on top of any toon. The only costume parts I could think that would be troublesome are the Victorian dress, which is super big, and the Magical Girl Tails part which could clip, but other wise it will be fine with most costumes because it's an addition.

    The scarf in the picture is not part of this suggestion, but I do want to see longer hairstyles and longer scarfs or longer ribbons or the like in general.

    ...and no, this isn't Japanese Anime stuff, this is strictly Chinese material.

    Some additional themes to go with this idea are the robe worn by the Buddhist monks, which are similar (but with different patterns.) The pattern on this picture itself isn't very Taoist like, I'll call it a Cyber Taoist (and true, this is this character's name)

    ...the ultimate Contrast Moe (or not).
  • necratech009necratech009 Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This is an updated version of my previous submission. Hope it doesnt confuse anyone.
    Just thought I needed to show some of the parts more clearly and added a Dual Blade
    Heavy Weapon with the same CLEAR texture option.
    Sorry, got confused on how to edit the original.
  • rhinorammerrhinorammer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    (Link For the Porkchop Head)
    for all of those who played Miami Hotline are going to like the Wild Pig Head


    (Link for the pork Suit) The Style is that its supposed to make you pink as a pig and beefy fat


    (Link for the PigTail) awh look how cute the pig tail is

  • ninjapiffninjapiff Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Although I can't quite decide on a name I like best for my Costume Idea, I've narrowed it down to my 3 favorites:
    • 'The Professional' - A play on the Movie of the same name, starring Jean Reno, Gary Oldman and a very young Natalie Portman (great movie!).
    • 'The Merc' - With or Without a Mouth, this Mercenary is all-around Gritty, Tough and a pretty Cool Guy.
    • 'The Grizzled Commando' - Armed to the Teeth, and ready to put into use the skills he/she's learned from years of combat experience! Mostly in the jungle, solo, against an entire vietnamese army.

    I think you can get a feel for the kind of set this is, so here's some drawings I threw together!
    (NOTE: I can't draw very eloquently, but I think this gets the point across just fine)


    -Skull Eyepatch: An Eyepatch with a Skull on it! Also, alternative could be an Eyepatch with any of the Emblems on it!

    --NOTE--: Also, PLEASE let us have an Eyepatch for either eye, not only the Left Eyepatch (which is currently all we can have). On a related note, please give us a Scar texture for either eye, as well, not only your right eye (which is currently all we have). Even if this costume set isn't chosed, just give us this? :P

    -Scarred Face: Beyond just the scar facial texture, the Scarred Face would be a slightly different mesh and head altogether than the generic Heads and Hairs Humanoid Head.

    -'Commando Hair': Bandana tied around head just so? Check. Hair unkempt and wavy? Check. Looking awesome? Check.

    -Dark Trenchcoat-Long: Now, this is something I've wanted for a while. A trenchcoat that actually extends lower, but doesn't end up only sticking out the backside. (think of the Trenchcoats from 'The Matrix'.

    -'Love/Hate Tatoos': C'mon, do I even need to explain?

    -Brass Knuckles/Knuckledusters Fist Weapon- We don't have many Fist Weapons, as is. And Brass Knuckles is a Fist Weapon I've been wanting for a long time!


    -Boot Knife/Boot Gun: Quick weapons to draw in the heat of combat! Plus, now there's actually a gun to grab at for the Holdout Shot power!

    -"Waist Rifle": Basically a Rifle holstered across your butt/lower back. Would take up a Rear Accessory/Tail slot. More room for more weapons!

    -Cigar (w/ Cigar Smoke Aura?): Smokin' a cigar. Like a Boss. Also, a Cigar Smoke Aura? That'd be cool.

    -Dual Holstered Shotguns: Twice the Shotguns, Twice the Power! Probably would use the Double-Barreled Shotgun skin (see below).

    -Double-Barreled Shotgun Weapon Skin: "Shhh... be vewwy vewwy quite. I'm hunting Cosmics." The fact that we don't actually have the classic Double-Barrelled Shotgun yet is astonishing. You'd think that would be one of the first weapon skins to make!

    -'Heavy Sniper': Basically a bulkier, more Heavy-Duty sniper rifle. Modelled off of the Barrett .50 Cal Sniper Rifle, made famous by the 'Call of Duty' franchise (although it is an actual, real life weapon).


    Okay... this next part doesn't match quite as much, but still fits the theme... mostly.

    -Bowie Knife: This one matches the theme perfectly. Now you have something to draw out of your Knifed Boot! (Single/Double Blade weapons skin).

    -Rebar Hammer: Got this idea mainly from Fallout: New Vegas (image of the Rebar Club from there is here: http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110209221125/fallout/images/5/59/RebarClub.png ) Basically something you can grab from a nearby construction site and beat villians silly with! (Heavy Weapon unlock)

    -Uprooted Stop Sign: Another 'improvised weapon'. Rip a Stop Sign (actually, any road sign could work) out of the ground, and make those Henchmen 'Stop'... FOR GOOD! (Single/Double Blades and/or Heavy Weapons Unlock)

    I should also mention that any of the above concepts can also be used for a Female Character, though I'm not good at drawing females (and, as you can see from how I can draw Males, that means a lot). Might want to leave the Stubble out for the women, though.

    Well... that's pretty much what I got. You could also expand upon the last 3, or, more specifically, the last 2 and make an 'Improvised Weapons Set'. Fill it with Street Lights, Umbrellas, Road Signs, Hockey Sticks, whatever! Even make a Manhole Cover shield!
    It makes sense, if you don't think about it.
    Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
  • breaditebreadite Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    As you can tell the idea of the costume is completely based on looking like a total tourist.
    How often could that be used? Even heroes need vacations man... Now a more in depth, not silly description of each piece

    [Sun Block] A swipe across the nose really. You see it on vacationers all the time, standing around in the hot summer sun.

    [Lei] Get lei'd! But seriously a lei neck piece that really shows how relaxed you are.

    [Flip Flops] Because I feel the game lacks in none shoe/boot casual footwear. Nothing more, nothing less.

    [Hawaiian Shirt] The Current one is... Eeeeh.... A Hawaiian shirt... tucked in... with double front pockets... EEEEEEEEEEEH.... Plus, easily can have multiple flavors. More flavors, more fun.
  • theghosthacktheghosthack Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    So, This will probably be my last entry (but who knows?)

    I originally wanted to make a forth of July "Stars and Stripes" set, but realize that what we really could use is a couple of tights sets that allow players to do a better job of making "flag-themed" costumes and characters.
    in some respects, a simple tweak to current pieces (like giving us three color options on the middle stripe tights pieces, instead of just two) or deconstructing flag elements (giving us a separate Mexican eagle+snake emblem, not just a "flag of mexico" emblem, for example) would go a long way towards making these sorts of concepts easier...

    but, to be honest, many flags are pretty flat (just two or three bars of color)... so The concept could benefit from a collection of tights that expand the possibilities of a Patriotic themed hero, reguardless of nationality.

    To that end, I created this, the Patriot Stripes Set:

    Patriot Stripes:
    Heroes in the champions universe come from every corner of the globe, and beyond. Show your true colors with these brand new tights!

    The Four tights sets (tops and bottoms for male and female) include:

    Patriot Bars:

    Patriot Diagonal Bands:

    Patriot Vertical Lines:


    Patriot Crossed Stripes:

    In addition to these four sets, the Costume would include a collection of new chest emblems in the style of the Steelhawk and Golden Age emblems (large "solid/physical" objects)
    Further, some of these emblems would (like the large emblem) allow players to add an emblem to them.

    Also, I would like to see a new cape shoulder-piece included.. one that attaches at the points of the shoulders, and "sags" slightly across the back.
  • theghosthacktheghosthack Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I would also like to see a new Arm Accessory (possibly also a Bracer) option of a row of Four stars, similar to the Golden Age stars....
    and perhaps have all these oversized emblems also come in "lapel" form (like the foxbat badge)


    And here's a quick mockup of the cape backing...
    pretty simple, but it's just to get the idea:
  • theghosthacktheghosthack Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    And, finally... here are just a couple of other mockups with different, more and less patriotic color schemes:

    A greek hero, perhaps?

    or a onsie with leggings?

    Give this one a big star on the front and back.... or maybe a big beetle logo? ;)

    and, finally... something of a Great British Flare:

    Now, I realize that this set doesnt include Masks, Gloves, or Boots. This isn't so much an oversight, as a lack of ability (in terms of masks/helmets) and the simple fact that I believe many current tights options for hands and feet would already suffice....

    That said, of course, if this set WAS chosen... I'd love to see the development team come up with some cool matching masks and appendage parts
  • type61type61 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Part 1, cable tension robot. Aside from the main body, there are an assortment of head/face plate choices which will allow for the usage of the various mouth and eye accessories currently in-game (this is repeated in the images).

  • type61type61 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    As you can see, as opposed to using cable drives like those featured on old cable steam shovels, this design's muscles are compressed liquid hyrdraulics. Another interesting feature of this robot is the weapon prosthetic or gun arm. This can be implemented as a "vest and bare arms" option, or as a 4th arm option in which one arm is only reskinned with this prosthetic. However, the arm, as I repeated in the illustration, is to only be used for those archetypes that are blasters. You can note the head is the same/general faceplate featured in Part 1, cable driven robot. The shoulder star symbols are an additional feature I would like to see available for other "shoulder pads".
  • necratech009necratech009 Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    XenoPlant Elemental Set
    -XenoPlant Body
    -Arm Accessories
    -Backpiece w/ option to have leaves or not
    -XenoPlant Legs
    -XenoPlant Orb Staff
    *All orb parts should have a glass texture option in addition to the glow effect
    **Still working on my coloring skills but I thought it might clarify the set with a little color.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    this entry is not mine, This is Jon's , handle @wayword. he's busy with work and family, so I'm collecting pictures and posting for him.

    (This is the info he sent me to work with)
    ohh, send me pics when you get them,

    the only idea I had was a African/Australian bush hat. with khakis, pith helmets, safari coats, and Bermuda shorts. as well as a line of Purdy, and H&H doubles, webbly pistol, and mauser, lee Enfield rifles, for an expedition bound safari hunter type.
    . So lets hope I got what he meant.

    Pulp hero 2: the explorers
    Whether an older gentleman exploring for the Royal Society , a younger gentleman or lady out to make a name for themselves away from the family, a young man or woman out to make their name and fortune(enthusiasm sometimes outweighing knowledge and common sense) or a rather shady character out for fortune minus the fame.
    The Explorer is the person who gets there, be it the last Continent, what’s behind that Portal, first on the new planet with their homemade spaceship.
    Practical clothing, designed for hard wear and travel, multiple pockets for the essentials
    eg. The medicinal brandy in the hip flask for cleaning wounds, recoverin from shock or spiking the drinks of enemies to aid escape from unwelcome situations.

    The sewing kit, not just the ladies carried them, a gentleman off on his own, knew how to “do for himself”. It also made a handy emergency first aid kit.

    A pistol, usually Webley or Mauser, for scaring off the local wildlife, regardless of 2 legs or 4. For shooting the creepy crawly about to climb down a party members neck.

    A heavy rifle for the bigger problems. Whether a large charging “WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?” Or fighting off an attacking force bent on stopping from getting to (or maybe away with) the great jewelled Scepter Of Woo pass. The rifle with a large supply of ammunition cartridges was an essential item.

    A machete for cutting through the underbrush or simply trying to cut up some uncooperative food(or soon to be) This heavy knife was used in hand o hand fighting and for throwing.

    A notebook or 4 plus sketchpad, for drawing those interesting, whether for your research report or for locating something later(and looting it)

    Clothing itself
    Linen or cotton, the safari suit consisted of;
    a loose shirt with 2 rows of pockets on upper and lower front. Worn either loose or belted. Epaulettes on the shoulders.

    (males) Trousers-loose with a pleat down the front, front and rear pockets.
    Shorts to the knees or regions with less insect problems.

    (females) Skirts- either near ankle length, or just past the knee A-lineskirt or culottes(A-line shorts with double pleat at front and back made to look like a skirt)
    If a lot of riding was to done, trousers may also be worn,

    Boots for both were rugged hiking boots securely laced, thick socks and in cases where dense underbrush(or lots of nasties in the bushes)
    gaiters (lower leg accesory)to protect the lower legs(leather leg protector which attach to hiking boots, similar to spats)

    Hats- either a pith helmet or a wide brimmed hat for the females with attached mosquito netting or scarf.
    For the gentlemen of leisure a pith helmet, though a younger son or daughter focusing on the Adventurer look may wear a bush or slouch hat- wide brimmed in leather or water proofed rabbit fur with an animal skin band.
    Sweat stained by wear in the case of fortune hunters and lowlifes.

    The hats are designed to guard against the sun and glare , while keeping the head cool.
    Gloves- short, either heavy cotton or leather depending on terrain, temperature and activities.

    The male jacket is a good example of the type I mean, usually worn open.
    The female short sleeved is one version,
    the long sleeved one- the skirt is too wide, its meant to be A-line not flared.

    Pith helmet options- white, cream, khaki or stained.
    Bush hat - brown, black, dirty, stained
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • sekhmet46sekhmet46 Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    NOTE: None of these images are mine. They are taken from the web.
    DARK CYBERPUNK: CO already has several cyberpunk pieces, but this set explores the darker side of cyberpunk science fiction.

    Chest Wear
    Full Helmet
    Mouth Accessory 1
    Mouth Accessory 2
  • sekhmet46sekhmet46 Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Eye Accessory 1
    Long Gloves 1
    Long Gloves 2
    Concept 1
  • sekhmet46sekhmet46 Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Robotic Arm Type
    Bracers/ Hands and Short Gloves
  • sparduhkuzsparduhkuz Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I would like to suggest a costume for Pirates, including the old flintlock pistol and perhaps a rifle to go with it. The links is for a web page with pirate costumes they are not my property, but as a whole they are something like what I am thinking of. Since I am submitting material that is not "mine" I under stand that I am not eligible for winning, but I would hope that it might spark some ideas for future costume concepts.


    Thank you,

  • wayword1wayword1 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    chaelk wrote: »
    this entry is not mine, This is Jon's , handle @wayword. he's busy with work and family, so I'm collecting pictures and posting for him.

    (This is the info he sent me to work with)
    ohh, send me pics when you get them,

    the only idea I had was a African/Australian bush hat. with khakis, pith helmets, safari coats, and Bermuda shorts. as well as a line of Purdy, and H&H doubles, webbly pistol, and mauser, lee Enfield rifles, for an expedition bound safari hunter type.
    . So lets hope I got what he meant.

    Pulp hero 2: the explorers
    Whether an older gentleman exploring for the Royal Society , a younger gentleman or lady out to make a name for themselves away from the family, a young man or woman out to make their name and fortune(enthusiasm sometimes outweighing knowledge and common sense) or a rather shady character out for fortune minus the fame.
    The Explorer is the person who gets there, be it the last Continent, what’s behind that Portal, first on the new planet with their homemade spaceship.
    Practical clothing, designed for hard wear and travel, multiple pockets for the essentials
    eg. The medicinal brandy in the hip flask for cleaning wounds, recoverin from shock or spiking the drinks of enemies to aid escape from unwelcome situations.

    The sewing kit, not just the ladies carried them, a gentleman off on his own, knew how to “do for himself”. It also made a handy emergency first aid kit.

    A pistol, usually Webley or Mauser, for scaring off the local wildlife, regardless of 2 legs or 4. For shooting the creepy crawly about to climb down a party members neck.

    A heavy rifle for the bigger problems. Whether a large charging “WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?” Or fighting off an attacking force bent on stopping from getting to (or maybe away with) the great jewelled Scepter Of Woo pass. The rifle with a large supply of ammunition cartridges was an essential item.

    A machete for cutting through the underbrush or simply trying to cut up some uncooperative food(or soon to be) This heavy knife was used in hand o hand fighting and for throwing.

    A notebook or 4 plus sketchpad, for drawing those interesting, whether for your research report or for locating something later(and looting it)

    Clothing itself
    Linen or cotton, the safari suit consisted of;
    a loose shirt with 2 rows of pockets on upper and lower front. Worn either loose or belted. Epaulettes on the shoulders.

    (males) Trousers-loose with a pleat down the front, front and rear pockets.
    Shorts to the knees or regions with less insect problems.

    (females) Skirts- either near ankle length, or just past the knee A-lineskirt or culottes(A-line shorts with double pleat at front and back made to look like a skirt)
    If a lot of riding was to done, trousers may also be worn,

    Boots for both were rugged hiking boots securely laced, thick socks and in cases where dense underbrush(or lots of nasties in the bushes)
    gaiters (lower leg accesory)to protect the lower legs(leather leg protector which attach to hiking boots, similar to spats)

    Hats- either a pith helmet or a wide brimmed hat for the females with attached mosquito netting or scarf.
    For the gentlemen of leisure a pith helmet, though a younger son or daughter focusing on the Adventurer look may wear a bush or slouch hat- wide brimmed in leather or water proofed rabbit fur with an animal skin band.
    Sweat stained by wear in the case of fortune hunters and lowlifes.

    The hats are designed to guard against the sun and glare , while keeping the head cool.
    Gloves- short, either heavy cotton or leather depending on terrain, temperature and activities.

    The male jacket is a good example of the type I mean, usually worn open.
    The female short sleeved is one version,
    the long sleeved one- the skirt is too wide, its meant to be A-line not flared.

    Pith helmet options- white, cream, khaki or stained.
    Bush hat - brown, black, dirty, stained

    ok ok i got it, ill post!

    these are additions i found.


    headwear, hats. varient 2, victorian era classic pith helmet options dirty, spike and badges, scarf band, fur band.

    slouch hat. with flat or folded brim, trim could be as pictured, or fur band. fur band W cartridges fur band
    munitions, , french Le Faucheux 20 shot revolver. webley revolver. h&h double rifle.holland & holland nitro express double. options fancy, plane, & field worn.

    blades. double blades, machete, and bolo knife.

    accessories: bull whip, side holster. and back mounted variant of munitions, blades, (button covered holster for revolver, or luger, colt 1911 type pistols.

    just for fun, munitions rocket launcher: wwII british PIAT spigot launcher. one of the most terrifying (to whoever has to shoot one that is) types of rocket launchers ever invented, and a great exampill of the efficiency of desigh by committee engeneering.)

    i think, that this costume set, not only is usable as a pulp era adventurer, hunter type. but has aplication in a wide range of costume eras, and genres .
    dr. Finius Jones exotic food supply
    baked, fried, skewered, in a stew, or just pop em between your jaws like popcorn, everyone knows a growing gorns breakfast starts with fresh dr Finius Jones tribble bits.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Forgive the low quality image, I'm a decent artist but I haven't got a scanner.
    My idea is for a set of costume parts based around clocks. The parts would include:

    A cuckoo clock helmet

    A clock crown

    A pendulum tie

    A tie in the shape of cuckoo clock weights

    A set of bracers with roman numerals and cogs at either end

    A sword and shield set

    For travel powers a set of cuckoo's wooden wings or spring-loaded boobs for super jump.

    And as for weapons, maybe a bazooka in the shape of Big Ben.

    Mybe a whole set of armor?

    Now if only we had a time manipulation power set…
  • infinitysaxisinfinitysaxis Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The Savage Heroes Set!

    Featuring feathered raptor, triceratops, ankylosaurus, and stegosaurus pieces.

    All costume pieces are Male and Female. There should be no, or very minimal, difference between them.

    Wavy Stripe Pattern - a thick, bulbous, stripe pattern for the torso/arms, legs, and tails of any set. There should also be a similar 'mask' pattern for all head types: beast, humanoid, monstrous, etc. (see the Feathered Raptor image)


    Feathered Raptor Head - sleek raptor head piece with side and top/back feather crest options (for beast as well as humanoid head options), new 'mask' stripe pattern option (standard patterns should also be available), and all eye options

    Feathered Arms - arm accessory piece that extends down the entire arm in a double feather layered bird wing-like manner. The pseudo-wings should not hook to the back like the bat or bird-like arm cape pieces that already exist, but should be more akin to the large and small batwing bracers (only extending across the entire arm).

    Feathered Raptor Legs - beast and non-beast leg options with long feather patterned upper legs options and scale (almost bird-like) patterned lower legs. The legs should be available with and without the feathers so that the scales can be used feathered or featherless. Feathers should also be available as a leg accessory option (both short and long) akin to the feathered crests on the head.

    Raptor Feet - three-toed raptor feet with a large curved claw for the innermost toe. This toe should be raised, as opposed to laying on the ground the way the other toes do (think Jurassic Park raptors if you need a better visual). These should also have the bird-like scale pattern.

    Raptor Hands - two-fingered hands with a short, thick, hooked claw on each finger and thumb. These should be think, long fingers akin to bird's feet. All hand skin options should be available.

    Feathered Tail - long reptile-like tail ending in a double layered plume of feathers. This would also be acceptable as an added option for the lizard or dinosaur tails. All tail skin options should be available.


    Triceratops Head - stocky three-horned beast head piece with an armored frill and beak-like mouth. Multiple horn types (short, long, broken) are a possible option. As with the Raptor Head, the 'mask' coloration should be available here.

    Triceratops Hands - thick, stocky, three fingered hands with each finger and thumb ending in a rounded hoof-like nub. Similar to short, dull, claws. All hand skin options should be available.

    Triceratops Back - three rows of small armored nubs, akin to having rows of stones, running down the backbone and along side it. The middle row should be larger and stick out more, while the two side rows would be smaller and more pebble-like. There should be a glow option for these, allowing them to be used more diversely.

    Triceratops Feet - three-toed feet similar to the rhino feet, but with larger and more pointed hoof-like nubs at the end of each toe. Like with the hands, these should be similar to short, dull, claws and all feet patterns should be available.


    Stegosaurus Back Plates - large, stiff, fan-like plates that run from the base of the neck, to the base of the torso, with the largest plates in the middle of the back. Like the back fins, these should come in both small and large size options.

    Ankylosarus Club Tail - long, reptile-like tail with a large, round, bony club at the end and two sets of armor plates running down the sides. Thick, rounded, flat plates line the sides close to the spine, while short rounded spikes line the sides closest to the bottom of the tail. All tail skin options should be available.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I am a big fan of anthropomorphic animals. I am grateful that you have provided us with a wide variety of good-looking heads and animated tails but I really think we could do better. I have tried to create several anthropomorphic characters but I find my creativity stifled because I cannot combine those animal heads with hats, helmets or hair. I tried to create a jaguar character but choosing leopard spots as the costume piece means I'm limited for options for clothing.

    My idea is to simply give the game animal muzzles like these…

    We can put them in under Mouths and that we will be able to combine them with all the other accessories. Or alternatively we could add more animal heads that are compatible with hats, helmets and hairs. Either way is it possible we can make the mouth animated so they'll coincide with emotions?
    Also, in the skin tone palette, we could add patterned animal skins certain they would be compatible with the rest of the clothing.
    Actually posted something like this once before but it went unnoticed, so now I ask all of you out there…

    Don't be species biased!
  • melphyxmelphyx Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2014
  • melphyxmelphyx Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2014
  • nicey102nicey102 Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    Well this will be my last entry. Its the Space Pirate Set, Spent a little more time on this one.
    And Space Pirate don't say Argg or Yeargg.



    I tried to combine fantasy and sci-fi together.

    Coat: Torn Coat-A coat with a portion of it torn of,light comfortable. (M/F)
    Texture: Metal Cloth Leather Pattern Plaid, Bold Bars, Ornate

    Armor Shirt with Straps- A shirt with crystal armor made from the finest diamonds in the galaxy. This shirt protects its wearer from bullets laser or whatever comes your way (M/F) However the shirt is a bustier for women armor is the same
    Texture for shirt Cloth Metal Leather
    Armor Pattern Dirty Glass, Cracked Glass (this is just textures for the glass)

    Shoulder pads (M/F)- regular tech shoulder pad and fur shoulder pad
    Texture Leather Metal Cloth

    Arm Accessory(M/F)-Sun proof Pad(does what name implies, however we recommend you stay at least 1000 miles away)
    Texture Metal Leather Cloth Shiny Metal, Dirty Metal

    Bracer-Holo compass/map: Space pirates don't use paper maps and regular old busted up compass, they use the new Holo compass with map app, view where you are with a click of a button or voice command.(M/F)
    Texture Metal Leather Cloth Shiny Metal, Dirty Metal

    Goggles- Heat/Night vison goggles: does what name implies (M/F)
    Texture: Metal Cloth Leather

    Head Scarf-yep (M/F)
    Texture: Cloth leather metal
    Pattern: Striped, Ornate, Plaid

    Mask- Oxygen Supplier-these days you don't need any tubing or a giant oxygen tank just put on the OSM (oxygen supplier mask) and your good
    Texture: Metal, Cloth Leather Dirty Metal Shiny Metal

    Leg Accessories-Knee and leg protectors(M/F)-does what name implies, pouches(M/F)
    Texture Metal Cloth Leather

    Belt-Triple Strapped Waist belt- attached to coat while strap hang(M)
    Texture: Leather Cloth Metal

    Belt- Gypsy Belt also includes Belt with straps around it(F)
    Texture: Leather Cloth Metal

    Side Accessories-Jars-filled with whatever you want it to be filled with(M/F). Rope: because every pirate needs rope, space or not.(M/F)
    Jar Textures: Cloth Leather Metal
    Patterns: Dirty Glass, Cracked Glass, Shiny Glass
    Rope Texture: Cloth Leather Metal

    Feet: Boots-Laced medium boots, Robotic Medium armored boot(M/F)
    Texture for Laced Boots: Cloth Metal Leather/ Robotic Boots: Cloth Metal Leather, Shiny Metal Dull Metal
    Pattern for laced Boots: Torn, Polished/ Robotic Boots: Dirty, Cracks

    Tattoo: Yep(M/F)

    Well that's the main things you need to know, now for the weps ^^


    A Premium Laser Pistol-dual wield
    B Premium Vibro Cutlass-dual wield
    C Premium Laser Cannon Blunderbuss-rifile heavy
    D Holo Boarder Axe-heavy
    E Laser Triple Edge Sword-heavy/medium can be dual wield

    P.S you probably see that the guy one looks better, I was in a rush and I wanted to get this out ASAP so that's all from me folks, Hope you like
  • cidersylphcidersylph Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Marionette Costume Set


    Articulated Joints: Like the Robotic Arms and Legs set, these would be selectable costume options (Articulated Arms, Articulated Legs) that can make a character look like a puppet of sorts! Joints which would be articulated include the hips, knees, ankles, elbows, shoulders and wrists. This is the core feature of the set and allows for a variety outfits to combine with them.

    For Females:

    Stylish Floppy Hat: A pretty hat to make your marionette stand out in the crowd. Around the hat's base, some flowers and frill give a feminine touch.

    Accented Tango Shoes: Strappy high heels with flowers and a bell are a great crowd pleaser on stage. The bell and flowers can be different colors.

    Elizabethan Bodice Dress: Designed with floral accents and bows, the patterns are elegantly stitched to make your character dance with style. The dress includes a beautiful petticoat short skirt, decorated with tintable flowers and frill.

    Elizabethan Ruff: This frilly collar accents the dress with pure elegance.

    For Males:

    Tailored Tango Jacket: With double boutonnieres and a vest underneath, this pin striped jacket has subtle accents to bring out the flair for the male marionette. The jacket is short sleeved, allowing it to be worn with or without a shirt underneath depending on the situation.

    Pin Striped Pants: Well designed artisan pants, but with special toned and padded knees designed in mind for the marionette.

    Accented Tango Shoes: For males, the tango shoes are two-toned, with a heel and button accents.


    Marionette pose! Strike the marionette pose for the crowd to know that there is an unseen puppeteer...

    Art commissioned through pixelkitties for this contest <3
    High resolution version of costume art.

    @FrozenViolet in game
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Re: Request for modern, near future, armour and weapons
    Request response is as follows;

    NUTS to YOU,
    I don’t give a fig for armour,
    So I’ll just leaf this one instead

    (and anyone who can’t work out that this one is a joke set, you can shoot them)

    Want to get back to nature or simply wear more natural clothing, don’t give a fig about fashion. Well here’s the clothing for you.

    Fig leaf collection;

    For spring, summer and Autumn we have the Fig leaf wear. Minimalist clothing for those who just want to wear enough not to get arrested.
    Note: due to the deciduous nature of fig trees, this clothing is not available during winter and the autumn wear may have stability problems. Excess wear is not recommended during this season.
    Hip wear –
    fig leaf – front and back to cover the essentials. (Different sizes are available)Grapevine twists are used to hold the leaves in place.
    Options(m/f): folded leaf pouch for holding what you have no pockets for.
    [B]Female -[/B]
    chest layer – leaves facing up or sidewards, grapevines to hold them under and in place.
    Available in standard straight straps and halter twists.
    Hips wear – fig leaf- front and back as per male.
    Other leaves,
    Elephant ear fern, arum lily leaf, cotton palm,
    good solid leaves with a wide variety of uses;
    You can cut a hole in the center and wear it as a poncho,
    Note: this is not advised for the cotton palm as it may cause a large amount of scratches.

    wrap it over your head as a umbrella or sunshade,

    Wrap around head as a wide brimmed hat,

    Attach to the neck of your top for a high extended collar,

    wrap it around your waist as a wrap skirt,

    over the shoulder for an asymmetric top,

    larger hole in center , a split along the vein line plus a few vines to make some thick trousers.

    Lighter options
    Maiden hair fern
    For when the weather is hot or you are, these 2 are there for your selection
    The maiden hair fern with it’s small loosely spaced leaves is great for that summer wear. Lots of air circulation.
    dandelion(flower only
    Dandelion hats, this head piece will allow you to let it all fly loose whenever the wind blows. Don’t worry if you hat goes bald, just remember that you are helping to spread the seeds of next years hats.

    Armour(ok I did some but it’s not modern or even practical)
    Conker(horse chestnut)
    This helmet is a metalized version of the seed cover, complete with the curled spikes.

    Dandelion Armoured version;
    More solid base and spikes replaced with metal ones which can be easily detached and thrown.
    also available on a cross the chest belt.

    Walnut, conker(horse chestnut), brazil nut, hazelnut.

    Simple – nut is on top, strap under chin
    Angled- sloped down back of head face more open.
    Full – fitted with head head further into nut so more of sides covered.
    Options- shade visor- shell or leaf.

    All nut varieties;

    Single nut peice
    Multi nut scale effect- for the larger client or one who wants more flexibility

    Shoulders/elbow /knee
    - single nut cover- usually hazelnut due to strength and smoothness but available in others for camouflage purposes.

    Upper/lower arm
    - single nut cover.
    Note: brazil nuts will have to go with edges facing out from sides

    - gloves with attached nut cover on top of hand with enough space for hands to move freely under them.

    Hip wear

    – hazelnut...um..er nut cover at front and larger sections at back over scaled nut armour leggings. Suitable for either sex.

    –Scaled version as per chest pieces
    Single piece options, brazil nut edges to face forward. Note: single section for legs are not recommended for anyone except people requiring stealth or camouflage.
    - woven leaf or vine underlayer with strategic placement of shell for damage reduction. Usually, 2 smaller ones on sides of ankles, larger across instep and above ankle.

    Fern leaf staff and club. Made to look like the curled head of new fern leaves.

    Conker including string as a handle less Morningstar.

    Dandelion spike throwing blades

    Fern leaf dagger – hard to make but all those fronds make for a nasty wound.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • mmhare8mmhare8 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    A more true cyborg set, for the heroes out there looking for a wider range in cyborg looks, other then full chest covers and all metal arms.

    Head part: Cyborg Right, and Cyborg left

    Neck: Wires, half wires

    Robotic Arm Right/Left/Both: Part metal, with a choice material cover, or skin with a choice material cover

    Arm Accessories: Thin wires

    Belt: Power core thin

    Back: Maybe a jet pack, or more wires

    Gloves: Part metal with cover, or part skin with cover

    Chest: Cyborg tight's right/left (standard tights, with a robotic half)

    Robotic Leg Right/Left/Both: Same as arms, part metal with cover, or part skin with cover

    Leg Accessories: Thin wires, like arms

    Feet: Cyborg boots, skin or metal with covers

    Weapons: Maybe an arm canon, for range, and a a light sword for melee, both that seem to for into the hand more.
  • wraith9thwraith9th Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hey guys, Wraith_9th here...

    Ok, so here is my first submission.
    I was thinking that CO lacks kinda the costume pieces an angel would have (Nephilim are not angel) so here is what I made...
    Apologies for the image quality - I have no scanner and the camera on my cell phone is pretty crappy (as you will see).


    Here is a little labelled version for clarity regarding the costume parts...


    So, now for a little explanation.

    Beginning with:

    1 - Top Accessory. This is a Halo. Its like the halo hex field pieces, i.e. slightly transparent and can glow. There are five small pieces inside the crescent and four outside it. They are nor physically connected - just floating in air like the halo itself. The halo floats slightly above the head as shown and the size is also as per the image.

    2 - Back (Halo). This is another halo (like the back halo that does not drop anymore). Its also like the halox hex field pieces - slightly transparent and can be pulled to max glow. Also, as you can see, there are small engravings on it. These are ancient ruins or holy text. The size should be slightly larger so that the piece is visible around the arms and above the shoulders when the character is viewed from the front.

    3 - Back (Wings). This is the second back piece consisting of four wings instead of the normal two. The wings are like the standard wings available in-game - feathered. The size of the wings at maximum length is shown compared to the dark silhouette of a toon at max height.

    4 - Hood. The hood is pretty self-explanatory... It comes down over the head, covering the eyes. The hood is not closed at the bottom, rather it has hanging ends that fall down to the abdomen like flowing extensions. It has a pretty simple trim design as well.

    5 - Shoulder Pads. The Shoulder pads are pretty simple too save for the ancient runes/holy text engravings on the panels next t the hood.

    6 - Arm accessory. These are long flowing sleeves which extend from underneath the shoulder pads and hang downthe sides of the gloves.

    7 - Long Gloves. The right hand glove shows the inner side and the left hand glove shows the outer pattern. The gloves are clawed. The forearm section carries engravings of ancient runes/holy text.

    8 - Belt. The belt is pretty simple... kinda like the Dragon Armour one. The crescent on the centre panel has a glow option.

    9 - Robes (full). And by full, I mean FULL... No feet visible. Like Hi-Pan's normal clothes. The robes extend all the way down.

    10 - Neck Piece. Similar to the Nephilim one. This also has engraved ancient runes/holy text. The top (pointy) part of the piece reaches and covers the chin - a chin guard of sorts as well a neck piece.

    11 - Chest Wear. Just CHEST wear. Connected to the neck piece and shoulder pads. Major part of abdomen is visible. Hanging ends of hood flap above it aimlessly in the wind. :P

    Naturally, all three texture options (cloth, leather, metal) are available for all pieces save the halos.

    AND thats it. Hope you guys like it.

    I am also adding some weapon samples. The following images are not owned by me. I just saw them on the internet and thought they would serve as good references.


    In-game: @Wraith_9th
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    A set of pieces designed around mining equipment. Should go great with the tunneling travel power. A drill bit that goes over the hand, a drill helmet and a excavating arm.

    Could we make the drills spin?
  • melphyxmelphyx Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2014
  • bullseye8bullseye8 Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Although there are many costumes for ordinary appearances, there is a need for summer styles. As I'm no artist, I'll use some pictures to assist. These costumes are for females only.

    T-shirts with more style would be very useful. At best at the moment, we have can use two different colors. This t-shirt will be multi-colored. Words can be added to the t-shirt, if wanted.


    What's more summertime than going to Hawaii. The chest area costumes are lacking in this area. A fluffy hawaiian top with it being blank, or variations of flowers and/or colors on it.

    For the neck, a Lei garland would be a suitable accessory.

    Also, the hairstyle for the ponytail is nice but ends short. With the hair tied up, then flowing down in a a much longer, more flowing way adds alot.


    For the skirt, a medium and long grass skirt would add an appropriate addition.


    I'm seeing alot of other suggestions for more hairstyles so I will add to it. A hairstyle with the hair tied up.

  • wraith9thwraith9th Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hey Guys!

    So, I am back with my Second submission.
    Cyberpunk Ninjas (quick, agile, blade-wielding and occasionally gun-slinging people) - I'm all for 'em. I have like 3 different cyber ninja costumes on one toon alone.

    But why not a quick, agile, Techno Gunslinger who occasionally uses a blade?

    Here we go...


    Ok, so first and foremost...

    Grey areas show regions with metal-only texture (No cloth or leather - like the dark ages fantasy chest wear has). All other uncoloured areas have all three options.
    Secondly, red regions are areas with the GLOW option.

    On to explanations then...

    1 - Tights. Pretty straightforward, actually. Upper body tights, lower body tights, grey sections metal-only, red sections GLOW.

    2 - Jackets. Again straightforward. Upper section, jacket bottom, grey=metal, red=glow. THE Sheriff STAR is optional - comes as a detail.

    3 - Hands/Short Gloves. Again same. Move along.

    4 - Boots. Pretty simple design (Or lack of design - I was really out of NEW ideas).

    5 - Single/Dual Blade Weapons. Ok. Same rules as before. Just one thing. The blade of the second sword (the one with only 3 red dots) is an energy blade so it should look like Halo Hex Field costume pieces but more opaque... and glowy!

    6 - Pistols. Again, same rules.

    7 - Mouth Accessories. The wrapped scarf covers the mouth, nose and neck. Torn, flowing ends at the back.
    The beard is supposed to look exactly like the one sported by Adam Jensen in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

    8 - Hats. Of course. How can a cowboy be complete without 'em.

    Ok. So here's some additional options.
    Both of the Swords in 5 will be available as options in the Back section of the Upper Body.
    Also, all three of the pistols from 6 will be available as Leg Accessories.

    As this is a techno/cyberpunk set, the above mentioned weapons will require no holsters or sheaths. They will simply be sticking to their respective parts of the body in order to portray MAGNETIC attachment.

    There we go. Hope you guys like this one too.

    Here's some eye-candy for you guys in lieu with this set. I do not own the following image. I found it on the internet and thought it was really cool!


    In-game: @Wraith_9th
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    First of all, let me just preface this by saying that i am sorry for the terrible terrible art skills you're about to see... or lack thereof in my case.

    I present to you the Umbrakinetic costume set!




    The Basic design from this pack is based on my My Character Wraith Shadow, from the various games like CoH, CO, DCUO, and he's been adapted to other games as well. The last image is from an entry i did for a similar contest in The Secret World (hence the Filth References). In essence, He is a conduit for Darkness, so the idea behind the set comes off as a very tenebrious, tendril laden look. He's not as much as a costumed super hero as much as he is a man dealing with this ability in the only way he can.

    The first thing to notice about this set is the utility. This isn't just a set for the Darkness powerset. There is a lot of general utility for these pieces individually as well. Being based on powers like the Shade, they also lend themselves perfectly for Symbio.... I mean... er... Roin'esh characters as well, giving the unique stylings. The big point to note is that this set makes excellent use of clipping to achieve many of it's visual effects.

    The Trench Coat: The idea here is that the hood is built onto the coat, making it great for many different looks. When the Hood accessory is applied, it is up and apart of the coat. If it's not applied, it is down and works like a back accessory. This can either be done in the appropriate spots, or from the menu on the coat section itself. From the design, the coat and hood will have a shadow effect, blocking what is underneath. This could be done easily by a partially Transparent layer on the front, shaped to obscure where the coat and hood cover, acting as a mask (like Jay Garrick's flash). This allows the shadows to move and flow "naturally" with the movement of the coat. There could even be a few options under Dawn (light), Dusk (medium), and Dark(heavy), which would cover for the of the face or affect opacity. Given the ability to make the eyes glow, this would still allow for them to show through the shadow layer, while the default would make the eyes unseen., both giving it a great effect.

    The Gloves: We need better hand wraps. Plain and simple, yet the ones we have in game are really just kind of lame. The gloves here are bandaged up in more of a realistic sense, with the hands being black (true black, none of that mostly grey stuff) claws as the darkness takes hold. At the opposite end are optional veins showing the spread of the infection (of darkness, evil, or roin'esh) As with most of this set, it comes in Dawn, Dusk, and Dark, showing that more of the power has taken place. The lightest of which, being the hand wraps, the medium being humanoid hands coated in the substance, and the heavy being a thick coating with more of a monstrous hand. Since the Wraps would be considered Long gloves with the tendrils as a suboption on the piece itself, the tendril effects alone would be listed under the bracer's menu, allowing them to be used with other pieces.

    The boots: I used the regular looking shoes here, but there are a lot of great options, but the Dawn effect would be just the Wispy light tendril effect over normal looking shoes. Then, just as with the gloves, the heavier they are, the thicker and more viscous they look. The medium or Dusk option would be regular knee high boots made to look like the legs were being coated in a thick tar like substance. The heavier setting would have a three clawed talon appearance, and would have options both under normal legs and beastial.

    The Mask: For the option of the Hood being down, there would be the option of a mask. Think Symbiote Spider-Man, but with a very distinct Roin'esh feel... to keep from being sued... Over all, the eyes are much larger and flatter (since it's a mask) but still allow for the Roin'esh lighting effect. The chin is their trademark pointed, and the mask itself comes in several varieties. The mouthpiece, which is like the existing mask but without the straps would cover the lower face, with the dawn, dusk, and dark effect playing on the smoothness of the mask, with dark looking like the goo. The Eye piece would cover the eyes, looking like Spider-Boy (amalgam) or a few of the Spider-women but with the Roin'esh design. The heavier the setting, the more viscous the pieces would look, while the dawn setting would be smooth. The whole mask would be in two versions, one covering the entire head, and the other covering the head minus the top and ears, lending itself to work much better with the ears. Each of the head pieces would have the Veiny options as well to allow the pieces to be used with multiple themes for characters.

    The Hair: Just a simple Curtained Haircut. It could have short, medium and long options, as well as a middle, left, and right for the part, but a hair style like this is long overdue for both sexes. Please make it happen.

    The Tendrils: This is one of the major parts of the set. Here is where we see the hardest part for the team to animate. Yes... Animate. Essentially, these parts would be the other parts of the costume. The shoulder parts, the leg parts, the back, the chest, there are a lot of places this could fit. More so, if done properly, this could also be made into an Aura for those that want the effect, but not the costume set. The part would basically be a small ball placed in the center of where it is. From there, it would spawn the effect in a few different ways. Following the design of the other parts, these would show the light, medium and heavy aspects, the Dawn would be a light, wispy smoke like effect, slowly emanating from where ever the pieces are. The Dusk would be a slightly thicker tendril with sharp pointed ends, growing and shrinking from the points like you would see on the shade or Symbiote Spider-Man. The Dark setting would be the heavier, very gooey tendrils that were bulbous at the ends, much like you would expect to see on Venom.

    Much like other effects and auras, the tendrils would be affected be movement, as shown in the poor renderings of running and flying. Perfecting the tendril animations would allow for a possible visual revamp of darkness powers to allow for the more tendril effects, while leaving the current smokey effect (as the dawn version) as well as having a (true black) option for the colors separate from the standard color wheel where black makes it invisible.

    Each piece would have Dawn, Dusk, and Dark as texture options as well, allowing for the Smooth skin like texture for Dawn, The current Roin'esh like texture for Dusk, and Dark would have a texture much like it had the thick dark go dripping up the body, giving it a unique visual. I doubt they would be able to animate the skin to actually look like it was moving, so this would just be a static texture, but it would be a nice visual none the less. Animated skins would be a nice feature, but even as listed here, this set would allow for a much better rendering of shadow themed enemies as well as the Roin'esh, and who knows what else, people could create with it.

    Again, sorry for the poor art, but this is my idea and entry for a costume set.
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    About to scrap one of my previous submissions in favor of a new one.



    Heroic Assault Plate (Mee_Da_Cthunist did this, and wow. Just... wow.)


    I'm trying to appeal to a wider group here. I wanted something everyone could use. So bare with me.

    The plating is desgined to not be worn by a 'harness' or anything, but rather 'attached' to your character's tights or flexible body armor or whatever- even you skin, you masochists!

    I figured it would be cool to have a 'hard layer' to augment heroes' tights, or even combat uniforms. Then I thought that adding the accessory options in a drop-down would accomodate anything from those who just want plain plates, characters who would use flashbangs to stun foes and go nonlethal, assassins that would use throwing knives, shotgun shells for hardcore gun-junkies, and pouches for Rob Lefield.

    So ideally, this should have something for a lot of people- from the costumed superhero looking for a few extra plates to re-enforce his tights, to the wannabe mercenary/assassin in all of us.

    Another thing I've always thought CO lacked was a good featureless faceplate. The 90's mask does all right, but I wanted somethign a bit sleeker (see 'Vega' from Street Fighter games) and I also saw someone's avatar with a half-mask that was a hard plate as well.

    I also wanted to add something cool like Roman numerals or stenciled numbers, or maybe even other designs to various parts to personalize this.

    Ideally, the plates would be available in all materials. Most of the plates are similar to 'flate plate' the shoulderpad part that Justiciar uses.


    Top Accessory: Brow plate Full, Brow plate Half (not pictured, just a 'plate' headband)

    Head Wear: Face plate Half, Face Plate full- features some degree of patterns/emblems that could be added perhaps.

    Neck: Throat Plate

    Chest Wear: Torso plate- Plain or wiith knife, pouch, flashbang, shells options. Additionally, should have an emblem on the left.

    Shoulders: Shoulder plate- Plain or with knife, pouch, flashbang, shells options Could also feature an emblem.

    Arm accessory: Bicep Plate- Plain or with Shells or flashbangs options

    Bracer: Arm plating- Plain, knives, shells options

    Belt accessory: Hip plating (Both sides or individual) in plain, shells, knives, pouches, flashbangs

    Leg accessory: Thigh plating in plain, shells, knives, pouches, flashbangs

    Boots: Armored greaves

    Open to suggestions.
  • novaninja555novaninja555 Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    I apologize for bad picture quality.

    I have not attached part mages as it is so that it will not cluster! Please take the time to click on the links!

    Watch your back!

    As I am not allowed to buy zen, this is probably my only way to get some XD. I see too many armored warriors, robots, tights and power armors these days. Finding these ideas too used. I figured its time a new thematic hero came up.

    Tired of seeing robots, power armors all the time? Want a change? Some heroes get to watch their back. The Watcher does the best job at it. This COSTUME FULLY BELONGS TO ME AND I CLAIM ALL RIGHTS FOR IT! (till now)

    The Whole Watcher:


    The Parts:

    Full helmet: http://ashwatz.deviantart.com/art/The-Watcher-Head-448838879?ga_submit_new=10%253A1397990965]

    Description: Texture style: Wood / Flesh / Meat
    Type: Main Eye to be at middle, small eyes to be at sides and back of head. The back of the head has multiple wooden splinters. Looks like arrowhead.


    Chest Wear: http://ashwatz.deviantart.com/art/The-Watcher-Chest-448839639?ga_submit_new=10%253A1397991357

    Description: Texture style: Wood / Flesh / Meat
    Type: Eye in centre, cluster of splinters on right side, 3 wood spikes on left side with mini eyes. mini eyes to be at other spots on chest wear as well. slit for eye at back of chest.

    Back accessory:http://ashwatz.deviantart.com/art/The-Watcher-Back-448840220?ga_submit_new=10%253A1397991654

    Description: Texture Style : Wood / Flesh / Meat
    Type: Splinters at back , all long. Slit for a chest's eye at back.

    Long Gloves: http://ashwatz.deviantart.com/art/The-Watcher-Gloves-448840753?ga_submit_new=10%253A1397992005

    Texture Stlye: Wood / Flesh / Meat
    Type: Arrow with two tips. Several eyes (small) at edges. Large eye on gloves.

    Arm Accessory: http://ashwatz.deviantart.com/art/The-Watcher-Arm-Accessory-448842869?ga_submit_new=10%253A1397992820

    Texture : Wood / Flesh / Meat
    Type: Splinters out

    Shoulder: http://ashwatz.deviantart.com/art/The-Watcher-Shoulder-448843190?ga_submit_new=10%253A1397993025

    Texture: Wood / Flesh / Meat
    Type: rugged wood pad

    Leg accessory:

    Texture Style: Wood / Flesh / Meat
    Type: Has long splinters peeping out. Eyes at front. small eyes at borders.


    Texture: Wood / Flesh / Meat
    Type: Has long splinters at shoe insertation. 3 toes, a mini eye at where toenails are supposed to be at. Large eye at sole and and front.

    Hip gear:

    Texture: Wood / Flesh / Meat
    Type: has an eye where a belt buckle would be at

    I tried this idea as a simple fantasy. I really hope it gets selected at least to top 5

    "Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."

  • mistersilver6mistersilver6 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Release your inner best with this Mythological Creature Pack! Complete with Snake Parts, Kitsune Parts, and Ancient Weapons! Let the Beast Out with this pack!




    Snake Parts:

    M/F Snake Tail [for the legs, complete with moving animation]
    M/F Snake Shoulder Pads
    M/F Snake Hips Piece
    F Breast Plate
    F Snaking Neck Piece
    F Ancient Headdress
    F Clawed Feet w/ Horned Heel
    M Snake Head w/ Elongated Neck
    M Clawed Feet w/ Buckle
    M 3 Clawed Hand
    M Snaked Chest Piece w/ Emblem
    M Cobra Cowl Back Piece
    M Cobra Curved Shoulder Pads
    Weapon's Skin Ancient Lemurian Hooked Scythe Blades [Light Weapons]
  • petrix101petrix101 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The Hooligan Costume Set






    (Only look at the chest on the image above.This costume looks like "Robes Open",the one you get as a veteran reward.Pockets INCLUDED!)



    (As you can see on the image above,there are LONG and SHORT gloves,so don't get confused why are there two gloves in one picture)

    Jeans/Trousers (I don't actually know how to call this)


    (The point is that these jeans have HOLES ON KNEES...So-HOLES on KNEES)



    (There are already boots that look exactly like these ones,but they are longer.We need shorter ones)


    Enjoy ruling Millenium City streets in this brand-new costume set,now available for 475 ZEN in the C-Store!

    Thank you Cryptic,for this amazing Contest! :smile:
  • bindingchainsbindingchains Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Almost out of time but here is my submission:

    Super Genie costume, sleveless possibility too! :D

  • thelostexilethelostexile Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I was a little more than disappointed with the so-called "cyberpunk" set when it came out, as it felt more sci-fi than cyberpunk to me. (Not saying I didn't like the set, I do love it, I just feel as though it was mis-named.) So here you are, I made a "Network Decker" costume set. (As to not conflict with the existing "Cyberpunk" set.)



    1: The background images are semi-transparent to give you a more clear view of what costume parts go where, so you have a frame of reference.
    2: The four colors, Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue are to designate what color swatches fill in where in the costume creator.
    3: This post is liable to be updated if I get around to making any additional parts to it.
    4: The Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue is rendered in CMYK, not RGB, as to not appear eye bleeding or unpleasant to look at, as a result, the colors look more like lighter shades or desaturated.




    1: (TRUE FAUXHAWK): I found the options for fauxhawks lacking in CO's customization. There isn't actually a real one other than a messy one. So here we are, a real fauxhawk.

    2: (SWEPT SPIKED): I think there's already a hairstyle named "swept spikes", but this is a slightly common, cyberpunkish hairstyle in which it's a hybrid of two. The front of the hair is straight and combed and relaxed, whilst the back of the hair is spiked outward.




    1: Triocular Eyewear - (Eye Wear) - Yellow parts have a glow setting.

    2: Decker Hoodie - (Chest Layer) - There is a hood in the back, much like a costume part from urban defender.

    3: Cyber Augmented Arms - (Robot Arms Both/Left/Right) - I didn't draw it in on the right arm because it was a lot of work for just one of the arms. This costume piece would be available to both arms. Yellow parts have a glow setting.

    4: Cyber Augmented Hands - (Hands/Short Gloves) - Not drawn for same reason stated above. This costume piece would be available to both arms. Yellow parts have a glow setting.

    5: Baggy Tactical Shorts - (Baggy Pants - Legs) - No special notes.

    6: Mag Buckle Boots - (Feet) - No special notes.


    1: Goggles - (Eye Wear) - Should be able to fit above most hairstyles, so it doesn't look like hair is growing out of it. Also, emblems are able to be placed on the (yellow) lenses. Yellow parts have a glow setting.

    2: Respirator - (Mouth Wear) - Emblems are able to be placed on the (Yellow) air gaskets. Yellow parts have a glow setting.

    3: Neck Cover - (Neck Wear) - No special notes.

    4: Skin Punk Top - (Skin Wear) - No special notes.

    5: Cyber Long Coat - (Chest Layer) - This would come with a special "jacket attachment" category to enable or disable the tail that comes off of the jacket.

    6: Augmented Skin (Arms) - (Robotic Arms Both/Right/Left) - I put this specifically as robotic arms because I could not feasibly think of any other way it would work with my existing costume parts. They would basically be your characters arms, but with an augmented texture on them. The skin color would key off your character's skin color, and the augments would be able to be colored whatever color the first swatch is. Augment marks are able to glow, as well.

    7: Augmented Skin (Hands) - (Hands/Short Gloves - 5 Fingers - Pattern) - They would basically be your characters hands, but with an augmented texture on them. The skin color would key off your character's skin color, and the augments would be able to be colored whatever color the first swatch is. Augment marks are able to glow, as well.

    8: Gadget Belt - (Belt) - Yellow parts have a glow setting.

    9: Network Tight Pants - (Tights and Skin - Legs) - No special notes.

    10: Network Thick Boots - (Feet) - No special notes.

  • spacebattle01spacebattle01 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Just on the line haha, Finally managed to get this done, I hope everyone enjoys this i know i did drawing it ^_^

    Formal Armour Costume

    This Images has the metal chest piece, bracer, shoulder pad and arm accessory, they of course can come on different textures such as cloth and leather. They also don't have to be single pieces, as they come in pairs like most shoulder pads, arm accessories and bracers. Also these designs can be changed to be plain, without the engraved detail, or without the gems and stone and finally with the detail and stone. The dress is quite simple too, the top half is sleeveless on the shoulder pad side and on the other side stops at the Arm accessory, also it crosses over the the chest, as a one sleeved top.

    This is Simply a front and back image of what the Whole thing would hopefully look like, from front and back, of the details aren't added like the previous image has for the pieces.

    This is the full image of how i would see the Costume come together, it's quite elegant simple, but has that hint of fierceness with the metal bracer, cheat piece, shoulder pad and arm accessory, but the elegant detail softens it down. Also along side this new costume, the hair style if new too and should be added as well, it's a simple elegant design which helps compliment the design of this costume

    These are my favourite part of the costume the shoes, again the elegant but cool design, they will be metal (sounds sore haha i know) but with the engraved detail and gems/stone it would match the Chest piece, Also there is a choice to have it plain, without gems/stone but with Engraved detail and engraved detail with gems/stone.

    Thank you again for taking time to look at my submission and good luck everyone else ^_^
  • smilicu007smilicu007 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Robotronic is coming from the right side of the Iron-man.As his fallower robotronic is half organic and half a robot.

    The costum design is made by me in illustrator and photoshop.Thank you!

  • doomedluke1doomedluke1 Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Another entry, for the timeless warriors and for those who can't decide whether to use a futuristic armor or an enchanted plate, I present the Aeon Armor. :tongue:

    It would have two textures: Ornated (left in the illustration) and Lines. It should also have all three options for materials, Cloth, Leather and Metal, or at least Leather and Metal. The gems should have glow options and any materials.

    The set consists in:

    Neck piece
    Chest Armor
    Shoulder Pads
    Arm Accessories
    Hips Armor
    Leg Accessories


    It could also have a sword that should look both modern but still fantastic. Something similar to this http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/hand-painted-fantasy-sword-3ds/690755 (the blade and inscriptions, not the handle), or this http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/kit_rae_fantasy_swords_540.jpg

    Edit: something like this: co-weaponsword.jpg.
  • mistersilver6mistersilver6 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Release your inner best with this Mythological Creature Pack! Complete with Snake Parts, Kitsune Parts, and Ancient Weapons! Let the Beast Out with this pack!




    Snake Parts:

    M/F Snake Tail [for the legs, complete with moving animation]
    M/F Snake Shoulder Pads
    M/F Snake Hips Piece
    F Breast Plate
    F Snaking Neck Piece
    F Ancient Headdress
    F Clawed Feet w/ Horned Heel
    M Snake Head w/ Elongated Neck
    M Clawed Feet w/ Buckle
    M 3 Clawed Hand
    M Snaked Chest Piece w/ Emblem
    M Cobra Cowl Back Piece
    M Cobra Curved Shoulder Pads
    Weapon's Skin Ancient Lemurian Hooked Scythe Blades [Light Weapons]

    (I'm sorry, forgot to add the Kitsune Parts :frown: and they're for FEMALES ONLY!! Sorry Guys. Well, not the Dual Tails though...)

    Kitsune Pack:

    M/F 2-4 Tails *can be switched between Cat, Lion, Wolf, and Fox Tail*
    F Kimono TanikTop
    F Kimono Short-Skirt
    F Hanging Wrap
    F Fox Ears w/ Curved Horns
    F Dual Short Sword Sheathes *can be attached to the Hanging Wrap: OPTIONAL*
    F Sandals w/ Long Socks
    F Unruly Long Hair *like in the picture*

    Weapon's Skin Short Bladed Katana *would be the size of the New Shadow's Vampiric Blade*
  • necratech009necratech009 Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Just one last quick submission.
    Someone requested that I make an alternative helmet. Thus the addition.
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2014
    (Larger image link)

    Far East Folklore Set

    If I find the time I may add in a couple more creatures.

    Fox Head
    -Kitsune and Plain textures.
    Kirin Head
    -Moustache and Plain options.

    Wild Kirin Mane

    Super Spikey

    Top Accessory
    Kirin Horns

    Side Accessory
    Kirin Ears
    Fox Ears

    -Access to regular chest textures. New Fox Fur texture.
    -Access to regular chest textures. New Kirin Scales texture.

    Kirin Ornaments

    Arm Accessories
    Kirin Ornaments

    Wild Kirin Mane

    Fox Paws
    Kirin Hooves

    Leg Accessories
    Calf Fur
    Kirin Ornaments

    Kitsune Tails
    Wild Kirin Mane
    -Scales and plan textures.

    Tail Attachment
    Hoshi No Tama (Star Ball)
    -Available for all tails.

    Fox Paws
    Kirin Hooves
    -Ornament and plain versions.

    Heavy Weapon?
  • xparibaxxparibax Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    I thought a Cheerleader and Mascot set might be fun. :)

    Cheerleader Includes:
    * Long ponytail with Bangs
    * Upper ear-ring
    * Belly button ring
    * Sporty wristbands
    * Knee-socks
    * Sensible running shoes
    * Matching asymmetrical top and flared skirt
    * Pompoms!

    *Roller skates super-speed skin power: just for fun!

    Mascot Includes:
    * Faux fur torso and legs
    * Patterned sports jersey
    * An assortment of matching heads, digits and tails.

    I include a Kangaroo, a Horse, a Koala and a Cow as examples. They'd have the appropriate paws, hooves and tails as needed.
    The Jersey, socks and Cheer outfit could have alternate patterns for that unified team feel.

    Good luck everyone! :D

  • nightr0dnightr0d Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This is my submission. I do not own the image but I'm not good at drawing so I might as well just provide an "idea". The final costume will be most likely redesigned by you (DEVS/Cryptic) anyways so....

    This is for the full helmets option (OR it could be a head type with options on top). We currently have nothing that can look as sophisticated as the image below. Furthermore we have no helmet which can allow for the chin/mouth that can be seen below.

    Costume parts in the image:

    -mouth accesssory
    -side accessory
    -head wear
    -top accessory

    (it all depends on how you implement/view the image)

    It could be a full helmet OR a new Head type which has accessories added to it.


    In terms of armor I would like something sleek like:


    The costume parts list is mostly self explanatory wit the exception of the chest piece which is typically of the Gurren Langan series (looking like a face) and should not be considered part of this set.

    - boots
    - leg accessory
    - arm accessory
    - bracers
    - hip accessory
    - thights (like the cyberpunk but different of course)
    - tail (optional)
    - helmet (see above, I just like the pro-eminent chin on those mecha but the horn should be removed due to it being too specific)

    I generally want to see more Eastern power armor/mecha costume pieces (not necessarily in the Sakura/Gundam style). IMO there Easter power armor/mecha are far more diverse in their looks than Western ones which are mostly (not exclusively) defined by Iron Man - style looks.
  • xeronuxxeronux Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I call this costume set Freewing. The focus of the set is a floating tech wing as a back piece similar to the Nephilim wings. The wings are semi-translucent and they glow. In my mind, I imagine that when not in use, the wingspan shrinks down length. The bracer and chest emblem are also not attached to the body and they glow.

This discussion has been closed.