I do have a request though...
There are aura points on the head, chest, hands and feet... But it would really be complete if there was an aura point on the abdomen. It is disappointingly naked.
It would be nice for certain themed heroes whos powers come from deep within the core of the body.
Martial arts chi masters for example draw in chi from deep within the abdomen.
I'm wondering if there'll be an account purchase for aura storage and slots at some point in the future. Is that something we should create a thread for?
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
My next wish is that the Fiery Form aura be given ranks, like some of the other auras. I put Electric Form on Short Circuit, then toned it down to rank 1 (they default to rank 3), and it looks cool. Since the fire aura we get is that smoky thing that used to be the appearance of the fire passive, it'd be nice if I could tone that one down too.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
OMG! Even Silvers can change the aura colors! SILVERS!
And that's why my Tempest looks pretty awesome with me using the regeneration aura and my armor-covered Devastator guy is now sparkling thanks to invulnerability.
I should make new toons just to see what else I can do... I might even spend money at some point.
OMG! Even Silvers can change the aura colors! SILVERS!
And that's why my Tempest looks pretty awesome with me using the regeneration aura and my armor-covered Devastator guy is now sparkling thanks to invulnerability.
I should make new toons just to see what else I can do... I might even spend money at some point.
And we can also trade down to less, well, intrusive levels of some auras, which is why my Tempest is looking cool with the level 1 Electric Form aura.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I'm wondering if there'll be an account purchase for aura storage and slots at some point in the future. Is that something we should create a thread for?
My understanding is that there were tech difficulties that prevent account aura storage.
My understanding is that there were tech difficulties that prevent account aura storage.
Could we at least look forward to account-wide aura slot unlock purchases in the Z-Store? There is already account-wide costume slot increases available, makes sense to give aura slots the same treatment.
Could we at least look forward to account-wide aura slot unlock purchases in the Z-Store? There is already account-wide costume slot increases available, makes sense to give aura slots the same treatment.
I meant it in terms of this, an account-wide aura slot unlock. Also maybe account-wide unlock for character aura storage as well.
Thank you for your response though TT. Good to see that account storage for auras was an attempt.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
Are there high quality screenshots of each aura? I know the vendor cycles through them but it will be easier to pick when you see all of them side by side.
Are there high quality screenshots of each aura? I know the vendor cycles through them but it will be easier to pick when you see all of them side by side.
That is a good idea, because I have no idea what some of the auras in the list look like.
I'd do it myself and post it here but I run the game on a toaster so it won't look pretty. Surely a kind forumer here will post screens, right? *hint hint*
But considering the aura packs cost as much as normal costume sets, they shouldn't be per-character unlocks, any more than costumes themselves are.
Wait... the Zen Store aura packs are per-character unlocks, NOT account-wide unlocks? If that's the case, then color me not buying these until they're account-wide unlocks.
Wait... the Zen Store aura packs are per-character unlocks, NOT account-wide unlocks? If that's the case, then color me not buying these until they're account-wide unlocks.
They're account bound, though. You can technically buy or otherwise acquire a set or single piece and then shuffle them around all your characters.
But yeah, with the way the system currently works, they can't really be account wide unlocks like more traditional costume pieces are, since auras seem to be actual items that have their own equipment slot on your character.
Wait... the Zen Store aura packs are per-character unlocks, NOT account-wide unlocks? If that's the case, then color me not buying these until they're account-wide unlocks.
The comparison someone gave me earlier was Heirloom items. They're bound to your account, but only one toon at a time can use a given item. Similarly, if you bought, say, the Kirby Krackle pack, you could have one toon with krackle fists, one with krackle feet, and one with krackle all over, but if you wanted two with krackle fists, you'd need to buy two packs.
Or at least, that's how it reads; I'm not about to drop 475 Zen just to find out...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Are there high quality screenshots of each aura? I know the vendor cycles through them but it will be easier to pick when you see all of them side by side.
There's an overlong video on YouTube somewhere if you Google it. But that's not good for making comparisons unless you have a good memory for time stamps.
They're account bound, though. You can technically buy or otherwise acquire a set or single piece and then shuffle them around all your characters.
But yeah, with the way the system currently works, they can't really be account wide unlocks like more traditional costume pieces are, since auras seem to be actual items that have their own equipment slot on your character.
They could set them up like STO where the character who made the purchase gets the items and your other characters get a claim button in the store, which also allows one to reclaim deleted items.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
They're account bound, though. You can technically buy or otherwise acquire a set or single piece and then shuffle them around all your characters.
But yeah, with the way the system currently works, they can't really be account wide unlocks like more traditional costume pieces are, since auras seem to be actual items that have their own equipment slot on your character.
Which is utterly and completely horrible.
The first thing I did when I saw auras were in was go buy enough zen to get all the aura packs. I REALLY should have read here first, because if I had, they wouldn't have gotten any (more) of my money.
Good lord, did they think this through at all?!?
If they cost the same as a costume pack, then they should be available the same as costumes. I don't care that I can shift them around toon to toon, it's still a PITA if you want to use the same aura on more than one toon. "Wait guys, I need to stop by my account bank so I can look as cool as I ought to when we're out beating up villains." Yeah, way to ruin any kind of immersion. Plus, there's no way I'm paying account wide prices for something that I have to send around.
Rather than an aura inventory, they should work like costumes. Meaning give us a new tailor-like person/option. When you go into aura setup, you select from available/purchased auras. Make us pay G to revamp/change an aura, the same as revamping costumes. Toons get one set of aura slots free (always on and in battle). Charge us for extra aura setups so we can swap auras like we do costumes, or maybe even tie auras to costumes so that when we swap looks we can swap auras automagically.
ALL of the legacy auras (meaning auras for the existing passives that had/have auras) should be available to everyone for free, with a limiter. The limiter would be that with the free version you can only match your aura to your current passive. If you want to do a mix and match (fire aura on an ice passive), then you pay the 200k Q and it unlocks for general use.
There's an overlong video on YouTube somewhere if you Google it. But that's not good for making comparisons unless you have a good memory for time stamps.
Actually, ignore this.
The vendor cycles through all of the legacy auras in order. Just sit and watch her for a minute.
Rather than an aura inventory, they should work like costumes.
Reason why our auras are working that way is because very likely the system was ported from STO and is based on the same principle as their system for visual effects on starship gear sets. Visual overlays must be attached to something, items, in this system.
We don't know if it was possible to do it other way. Well, in theory it would be possible to introduce yet another new category of powers - auras - a purely cosmetic ones. But then they would take power points and required retcons to change/remove.
It would also result in auras being less desirable as Z-Store items, since being made as powers they would not be tintable for silver players. Not very reasonable, from Cryptic point of view, to make Z-Store items not desirable for silvers.
So the best thing devs could made with auras was to make Z-Store ones bound per account.
Of course it doesn't mean that this system can not be made more user friendly, with respect to Z-Store purchases.
Let's say every old or newly created character on this account would be given one Z-Store aura token upon every purchase - for this specific aura. That way every character on this account can have this specific aura unlocked after purchasin, and we are avoiding tedious sending auras back-and-forth between characters.
So, instead of buying Z-Store item, you are buying Z-Store token, for every character on this account. Then you are trading this token for respective aura item. With as many characters as you wish.
Hopefully with auras released, Cryptic North will rerelease the cursed costume items. Never saw the point of having them removed completely from the game.
Hopefully with auras released, Cryptic North will rerelease the cursed costume items. Never saw the point of having them removed completely from the game.
I never did get the gloves or eyes from either the Cursed or Scourge versions.
Are there high quality screenshots of each aura? I know the vendor cycles through them but it will be easier to pick when you see all of them side by side.
I'm currently recording footage of each aura, both legacy and the new ones. Will put them up soon.
Hopefully with auras released, Cryptic North will rerelease the cursed costume items. Never saw the point of having them removed completely from the game.
The cursed grab bag and the moutain grab bag were short term ones used as a promotion for Cursed/Scourge AT and Mountain AT.
Other short term ones, were Service (no idea why they had that one)and Nighthawk, which was when they were promoting Night Avenger AT.
Smackwell, Can you check if there is a problem with the Ego Form aura. It seems to have a problem with the wearer seeing it. I don't know if its everyone, due to the amount of people goign for shadowform.
I read the description in Z-store, got as far as one set and thought, NO , not with the amount of alts I have.
Reason why our auras are working that way is because very likely the system was ported from STO and is based on the same principle as their system for visual effects on starship gear sets. Visual overlays must be attached to something, items, in this system.
So, you are contending code copy as the reason?
I do not know, nor do I care, how they do it in STO. This is not STO, this is CO. Claiming that things have to work the same here as there is blatantly false.
We don't know if it was possible to do it other way.
Of course we know that it is possible to do it another way. They were doing it another way in this game before STO even came out.
Players in CO have had auras since the beginning. These auras were not attached to items. They were whole, or partial, body auras based on power selection, but they were not items.
Similarly, they've also demonstrated that auras can be "attached" to costume pieces as can be seen by number of costume bits that had auras, but (again) costume pieces are still not items in CO.
I'm not saying there weren't aura items, there have been aura pieces that took up an items slot or utility slot since the beginning of the game, but those were the exception to the above, not the rule.
Even if there's something wacky going on in the background where costumes or powers are considered items in a way that the player doesn't see, that does not excuse what they did with auras. Since, if that were the case, the work on auras was to "detach" them from those other items into new items, then flag them as color-able by anyone (like costumes are).
There's no good reason for them to be inventory items in CO.
Players should never be required to juggle/transfer items, because that is not what CO is about.
Well, in theory it would be possible to introduce yet another new category of powers - auras - a purely cosmetic ones. But then they would take power points and required retcons to change/remove.
No, sorry, not even vaguely. There's no reason to make these into powers as you describe.
Think it through.
Given that they had auras (and piecemeal auras) working prior to this, we know that there were already body "hooks" for auras.
Those "hooks" could be used with powers, with costumes, or with items.
Similarly, they've got a well established system in place for powers and costumes. Powers can be specific to characters (for example, ATs or the way certain costumes used to work (or did work while bugged)), or they can be universal to the account (like store bought travel powers, or the way costumes work now).
With those existing pieces, why add a new inventory system and special item type for auras? It's nonsensical.
Implementing it the way that they did is a step backwards; it's a customer unfriendly kludge.
Even if its an item in the background (if that's how powers/costumes work), the player should not ever have to see the aura item except when they learn it.
Once they learn the aura it's available for that toon or that account (depending on the version of the aura). Then it's a simple matter to treat them like costumes (allowing the player to re-hue them) at a new tailor-like-NPC.
So the best thing devs could made with auras was to make Z-Store ones bound per account.
No, it wasn't. It was a horrible decision, for the reasons I've already stated.
They could have still made a decent amount of money doing as suggested in my other post, rather than do something to increase inconvenience for the customers and make it less likely that customers will return for this, and other games, in the future.
Making something the same way as it works in other Cryptic titles absolutely makes a lot of sense, because you end with system usable in every of their games. Instead of making something workable in only one game and maybe not even portable to others.
Similarly, they've also demonstrated that auras can be "attached" to costume pieces as can be seen by number of costume bits that had auras, but (again) costume pieces are still not items in CO.
Auras attached to items ARE technically part of costume models. What aura you see on bracers IS part of this bracer. It's not the same.
At best it is, maybe, possible to make auras as costume parts.
And you are exactly confirming my words - auras were part of power selection. Those powers were made with auras and emanation points in mind. That's power customisation.
Just because something looks the same it doesn't mean it works the same.
Our present auras are following scheme established with old items like Dark Aura, only more refined.
You can't prove there is other way of doing it.
It's not about finding place on character model for displaying auras, but about finding condition telling when FX is displayed.
Currently in we have: on visible costume(when it's a costume part), on equipped item and on set power. It never worked other way.
Making something the same way as it works in other Cryptic titles absolutely makes a lot of sense, because you end with system usable in every of their games. Instead of making something workable in only one game and maybe not even portable to others.
I'm aware of coding practices, but you can't have everything working exactly the same in every game, because then you don't have different games, you just have different skins, with only a need for one set of coders and three sets of artists.
This is a superhero game, item juggling does not fit in this genre (unless you've got a utility belt, and because of the system in place here, not even then).
Auras attached to items ARE technically part of costume models. What aura you see on bracers IS part of this bracer. It's not the same.
Which is part of my point. Auras do not have to be part of powers, they've done this already by having them on costumes and items.
At best it is, maybe, possible to make auras as costume parts.
There is no "maybe". It has always been possible to implement them as costume parts.
And you are exactly confirming my words - auras were part of power selection. Those powers were made with auras and emanation points in mind. That's power customisation.
Just because something looks the same it doesn't mean it works the same.
Which is also my point.
The work they have done is to separate the aura from the power. they are no longer the same (aura != power anymore), which means they don't have to work the same.
Auras have become, essentially, costume items that slot into the emanation points on the character. which is why I said they should have been done like costumes rather than this poorly thought out thing they gave us.
Our present auras are following scheme established with old items like Dark Aura, only more refined.
Dark aura isn't an old item, even though it is an aura item. It was also a full body aura.
If you want to go "old", look at Inborn Tenacity (an aura item for a specific "slot").
If it was just a matter of making items per location like that, and making special slots for those items, it wouldn't have taken them so long to come out with the auras.
You can't prove there is other way of doing it.
No, I can't, but neither can you. We aren't cryptic employees, we don't have access to their code.
It's not about finding place on character model for displaying auras, but about finding condition telling when FX is displayed.
Which they had the ability to do already.
Auras, when they were attached to the passives, had conditionals to turn on and off in combat.
For the always on ones, they had to fix bugs at various points because the passives worked while not displaying the aura. Heck, they even gave peeps the option of a 0 cost adv to have an aura or not for at least one passive.
This all means that they already knew how to do the conditionals.
Between knowing the conditionals, the ability to give/apply auras not tied to powers, and the existing costume and powers system, it was just a matter of allotting the programming time to put the various existing bits of knowledge together into something new.
Currently in we have: on visible costume(when it's a costume part), on equipped item and on set power. It never worked other way.
I'm not saying it worked another way previously, I'm saying that they have made it work a different way now, and that the way they chose to make it work now is bad and poorly thought out.
It makes me not want to play the game, and I've been subbed for 1408 days (so, not since the beginning, but a few months after release).
My understanding is that there were tech difficulties that prevent account aura storage.
Why couldn't they work the aura list like they do travel powers? Do a drop down with a list of all auras, and only allow those purchased/gained to be selected.
Which is part of my point. Auras do not have to be part of powers, they've done this already by having them on costumes and items.
When aura is a part of costume model it must go into one of costume model "slots" on character body.
Where it will go? Headwear? Then it will exclude other headwear pieces.
Alternative? Either duplicating every headwear and copy&paste it's model with aura added, and then do the same for every new headwear piece with every new aura added.
Or adding second model "slot" for every existing body part so it can be worn with other parts. So, extensive rework of all character models.
Again, our existing costume parts with particle effects, those flaming boots/gloves/bracers, have this FX as a part of their models. It's not exactly an aura, it's just similar looking FX glued to copypasted costume models.
The way to tell engine to display aura would be via chosen costume option, and you can't have two costume options on the same body "slot" (and while it's possible to wear some long gloves and bracers, it's only because models are overlapping, not because they are in the same "slot").
Kinda different than adding bones for vehicles, as it was adding at best two bones to character models (one for models showing character model, like chariots and bikes, and one for tanks and fighters - but it may be as well with only one bone added, I'd have to look into costume file how many new bones were indeed added for vehicles. But certainly no more than two).
Are you sure that making auras as a part of costume models would be indeed a better, more simple option, from developer point of view?
No, I can't, but neither can you. We aren't cryptic employees, we don't have access to their code.
Which they had the ability to do already.
Auras, when they were attached to the passives, had conditionals to turn on and off in combat.
For the always on ones, they had to fix bugs at various points because the passives worked while not displaying the aura. Heck, they even gave peeps the option of a 0 cost adv to have an aura or not for at least one passive.
Devs also gave us good explanation why they don't like 0 point advantages, as every rank of power is a separate power in the database. Adding 0 point advantage doubles that number because now every rank must have duplicate for version with this visual advantage. So with time their database is more and more bloated.
But that's actually irrelevant.
What is relevant:
Auras tied to powers are part of power selection. You can't change them without retcon and FX on power can be turned off permanetly only with 0 point advantage. Which requires literally "new" powers copypasted into database.
At worst it's only adding, for every passive, one advantage per one aura. Now multiply it by number of ranks (I'm going the simplest route - auras would be attached to passives, all possible auras to every passive to allow picking auras). And to change advantage, again - retcon is needed.
How often people are complaining that they have to recton to pick other travel powers?
OR, you have the even simplest solution. Passive powers have dropdown menus like summon powers and you can pick it anytime. All have set all emanation points and everything.
That indeed looks simple, except...
One - it will not work for sliver accounts, which kinda defeats this approach because auras will have no appeal for silver accounts (and it is important - why to spend resources for making something that will be purchased by only part of your playerbase?).
Second - with every new aura added in the future you will have to rework all passives. Again.
But with auras as items, you have to work on new items, only.
If you want to go "old", look at Inborn Tenacity (an aura item for a specific "slot").
And it still works exactly like Dark Aura and present costume parts. Trigger is having slotted item. Just this one FX is displayed only on character head. Like Ebon Destruction - FX only on hands.
I'm not saying it worked another way previously, I'm saying that they have made it work a different way now, and that the way they chose to make it work now is bad and poorly thought out.
It's not a different way. It works like Tenacity/Dark Aura. We just have new items added to interface to leave devices slots alone.
From developer point of view it is simple. It makes use of already existing system in a not overly complicated way.
And if it was possible to make it work in a different way, then it would be probably done that way.
It wasn't set for monetary purposes, since every gold member can transfer account bound items via hideout bank, not spending any Zen. So there is no real gain in doing auras attached to items. The only reason must be - it's just not possible.
Sorry, but this is all just nitpicking.
I'm not saying this system can not be improved. For example - we could and should use STO Z-store setup where all the purchased bind-on-pickup items can be claimed from the store idefinitively (since they can't be sold to other players anyway).
But this system is not unreasonable.
I'm hardly Cryptic fanboy, but I can understand why it was made that way.
I now wish I would've come here first before I bought two of the auras and aura slots. I shouldn't have to come to the forum to find out that the auras and slots are not account wide. I get it that the Devs may not technically be able to make them this way, but the pricing of the auras is grossly out of proportion when you consider they're similar to costumes in their pricing and they are account wide. I have 18 characters on my account and it would become quite expensive to outfit all of them with these auras and slots. I can tell you all now that will not be happening and I will not be spending anymore money on these auras -- It is a shame because I really like them! From here on, I'm going to be very guarded of what CO puts out in the Z-Store!
It's usually a good thing to go and read the news/info what was actually released 1st, before going to a shoppingspree. Just like IRL.
(C-store Auras are Accountwide Unlock. Not the way Costume Sets are, but like Vehicles are.
You can share them between your characters thru Hideout's Shared Bank.)
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
The comparison someone gave me earlier was Heirloom items. They're bound to your account, but only one toon at a time can use a given item. Similarly, if you bought, say, the Kirby Krackle pack, you could have one toon with krackle fists, one with krackle feet, and one with krackle all over, but if you wanted two with krackle fists, you'd need to buy two packs.
Or at least, that's how it reads; I'm not about to drop 475 Zen just to find out...
When aura is a part of costume model it must go into one of costume model "slots" on character body.
Ah, I see the problem. I don't know whether you're doing it on purpose or not, but we apparently can't have a discussion because you clearly don't understand what I'm saying.
costume slot != aura slot
Auras have their own anchors (emanation points), which may or may not coincide with how/where costumes are displayed on the character model. They can put auras as part of costumes (or items), but that is only a demonstration of a concept. Stop focusing on the word costume.
Auras != powers
Auras and powers were always different, even when they were tied together. The evidence for this is bugs that allowed powers to function perfectly well while displaying no aura, and the 0 point advantage options. (do you happen to have a link handy for the dev explanation about those, I didn't see it in a quick search)
Now they've completely separated them, powers (passives) no longer reference specific auras (or ranks of auras).
The Tailor system (NOT COSTUMES) is an existing system they could have leveraged to handle the new way auras work. character specific vs account wide, selecting items for a slot, &ct.
From developer point of view it is simple. It makes use of already existing system in a not overly complicated way.
which point I've been trying to make since the start, they should have made use of already existing systems.
And if it was possible to make it work in a different way, then it would be probably done that way.
It wasn't set for monetary purposes, since every gold member can transfer account bound items via hideout bank, not spending any Zen. So there is no real gain in doing auras attached to items. The only reason must be - it's just not possible.
Circular reasoning is circular.
It is possible, it is always possible. The only question is whether they allot the dev time to do it that way.
The way they chose to do it was the fastest/easiest way to do it, but certainly not the only way they could have done it given the systems they already had in place.
They chose fast/easy, as opposed to a way that provides a better customer experience, because doing it the second way would have taken far more programming effort.
I'm not saying this system can not be improved. For example - we could and should use STO Z-store setup where all the purchased bind-on-pickup items can be claimed from the store idefinitively (since they can't be sold to other players anyway).
But this system is not unreasonable.
But it's also not good.
Any system in an MMO that takes you out of the immersion of the game is bad.
Any system that is not user friendly is bad.
I'm hardly Cryptic fanboy, but I can understand why it was made that way.
I know why they did what they did, but it doesn't make it less bad because you understand why something was done that way.
I like CO, I like it a lot. I really want CO to get better. I want more people to appreciate the game. I want the game to be successful so that I can keep playing the game for years. The reason I'm so aggravated is because of how much I like the game, and the questionable decision-making process that they keep displaying.
It's usually a good thing to go and read the news/info what was actually released 1st, before going to a shoppingspree. Just like IRL.
I started with a mea culpa. I regret my choice, so I will complain about it, and play the game of shoulda.
However, I'm not trying to get my money back, nor am I giving up the game.
OTOH, this is just another straw added to the pile which will eventually lead to my never having anything to do with a Cryptic (and by extension, Perfect World) product in the future.
Unless they do something that dazzles me before that happens, sweeping away the current straws. :rolleyes:
Any system in an MMO that takes you out of the immersion of the game is bad.
Any system that is not user friendly is bad.
Honest question here:
Is the ability to go to an NPC called a tailor to alter your aura not immersion affecting while having your aura in one spot of your UI rather than another is ?
Personally I would much rather have auras as is than have them tied to the tailor. Tying them there would be very unfriendly to this user. Must admit that I wouldn't mind having the ability to see them in the initial character creation screen though.
I started with a mea culpa. I regret my choice, so I will complain about it, and play the game of shoulda.
However, I'm not trying to get my money back, nor am I giving up the game.
OTOH, this is just another straw added to the pile which will eventually lead to my never having anything to do with a Cryptic (and by extension, Perfect World) product in the future.
Unless they do something that dazzles me before that happens, sweeping away the current straws. :rolleyes:
I agree generally with your sentiments, but while Cryptic North may be new here, at least someone is finally here helping. It may not be the best implementation, but hey at least it's here.
I am wondering this as well.
1. Go to the Aura vendor in Ren Cen, locvated near the tailor.
2. Select your deired aura and get your token from the vendor.
3. Open your inventory and find the token.
4. Hit "C" to open up your character and click on the Auras tab.
5. Slot the aura where you like (top row is always on, bottom row is combat only).
Welcome to your shiny (or smudgy) new world!
The "token" is available when you are at the right vendor.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I do have a request though...
There are aura points on the head, chest, hands and feet... But it would really be complete if there was an aura point on the abdomen. It is disappointingly naked.
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It would be nice for certain themed heroes whos powers come from deep within the core of the body.
Martial arts chi masters for example draw in chi from deep within the abdomen.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
That power is actually emitted from the chest. Although yeah, as a chi power, it should come from the gut.
And that's why my Tempest looks pretty awesome with me using the regeneration aura and my armor-covered Devastator guy is now sparkling thanks to invulnerability.
I should make new toons just to see what else I can do... I might even spend money at some point.
Wait? Whaaaa..?
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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My understanding is that there were tech difficulties that prevent account aura storage.
Could we at least look forward to account-wide aura slot unlock purchases in the Z-Store? There is already account-wide costume slot increases available, makes sense to give aura slots the same treatment.
Oh no, I didn't meant it in terms of account-wide storage
I meant it in terms of this, an account-wide aura slot unlock. Also maybe account-wide unlock for character aura storage as well.
Thank you for your response though TT.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
But considering the aura packs cost as much as normal costume sets, they shouldn't be per-character unlocks, any more than costumes themselves are.
That is a good idea, because I have no idea what some of the auras in the list look like.
Wait... the Zen Store aura packs are per-character unlocks, NOT account-wide unlocks? If that's the case, then color me not buying these until they're account-wide unlocks.
They're account bound, though. You can technically buy or otherwise acquire a set or single piece and then shuffle them around all your characters.
But yeah, with the way the system currently works, they can't really be account wide unlocks like more traditional costume pieces are, since auras seem to be actual items that have their own equipment slot on your character.
I suppose you can think of them like vehicles.
Or at least, that's how it reads; I'm not about to drop 475 Zen just to find out...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I'll have to do that since the default Electric Form is a bit too much for my idea of the malfunctioning robot.
There's an overlong video on YouTube somewhere if you Google it. But that's not good for making comparisons unless you have a good memory for time stamps.
Wait? Whaaaa..?
They could set them up like STO where the character who made the purchase gets the items and your other characters get a claim button in the store, which also allows one to reclaim deleted items.
The first thing I did when I saw auras were in was go buy enough zen to get all the aura packs. I REALLY should have read here first, because if I had, they wouldn't have gotten any (more) of my money.
Good lord, did they think this through at all?!?
If they cost the same as a costume pack, then they should be available the same as costumes. I don't care that I can shift them around toon to toon, it's still a PITA if you want to use the same aura on more than one toon. "Wait guys, I need to stop by my account bank so I can look as cool as I ought to when we're out beating up villains." Yeah, way to ruin any kind of immersion. Plus, there's no way I'm paying account wide prices for something that I have to send around.
Rather than an aura inventory, they should work like costumes. Meaning give us a new tailor-like person/option. When you go into aura setup, you select from available/purchased auras. Make us pay G to revamp/change an aura, the same as revamping costumes. Toons get one set of aura slots free (always on and in battle). Charge us for extra aura setups so we can swap auras like we do costumes, or maybe even tie auras to costumes so that when we swap looks we can swap auras automagically.
ALL of the legacy auras (meaning auras for the existing passives that had/have auras) should be available to everyone for free, with a limiter. The limiter would be that with the free version you can only match your aura to your current passive. If you want to do a mix and match (fire aura on an ice passive), then you pay the 200k Q and it unlocks for general use.
In the game, I'm @Knickknacks.
Actually, ignore this.
The vendor cycles through all of the legacy auras in order. Just sit and watch her for a minute.
Wait? Whaaaa..?
Reason why our auras are working that way is because very likely the system was ported from STO and is based on the same principle as their system for visual effects on starship gear sets. Visual overlays must be attached to something, items, in this system.
We don't know if it was possible to do it other way. Well, in theory it would be possible to introduce yet another new category of powers - auras - a purely cosmetic ones. But then they would take power points and required retcons to change/remove.
It would also result in auras being less desirable as Z-Store items, since being made as powers they would not be tintable for silver players. Not very reasonable, from Cryptic point of view, to make Z-Store items not desirable for silvers.
So the best thing devs could made with auras was to make Z-Store ones bound per account.
Of course it doesn't mean that this system can not be made more user friendly, with respect to Z-Store purchases.
Let's say every old or newly created character on this account would be given one Z-Store aura token upon every purchase - for this specific aura. That way every character on this account can have this specific aura unlocked after purchasin, and we are avoiding tedious sending auras back-and-forth between characters.
So, instead of buying Z-Store item, you are buying Z-Store token, for every character on this account. Then you are trading this token for respective aura item. With as many characters as you wish.
I never did get the gloves or eyes from either the Cursed or Scourge versions.
I'm currently recording footage of each aura, both legacy and the new ones. Will put them up soon.
The cursed grab bag and the moutain grab bag were short term ones used as a promotion for Cursed/Scourge AT and Mountain AT.
Other short term ones, were Service (no idea why they had that one)and Nighthawk, which was when they were promoting Night Avenger AT.
Smackwell, Can you check if there is a problem with the Ego Form aura. It seems to have a problem with the wearer seeing it. I don't know if its everyone, due to the amount of people goign for shadowform.
I read the description in Z-store, got as far as one set and thought, NO , not with the amount of alts I have.
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I do not know, nor do I care, how they do it in STO. This is not STO, this is CO. Claiming that things have to work the same here as there is blatantly false.
Of course we know that it is possible to do it another way. They were doing it another way in this game before STO even came out.
Players in CO have had auras since the beginning. These auras were not attached to items. They were whole, or partial, body auras based on power selection, but they were not items.
Similarly, they've also demonstrated that auras can be "attached" to costume pieces as can be seen by number of costume bits that had auras, but (again) costume pieces are still not items in CO.
I'm not saying there weren't aura items, there have been aura pieces that took up an items slot or utility slot since the beginning of the game, but those were the exception to the above, not the rule.
Even if there's something wacky going on in the background where costumes or powers are considered items in a way that the player doesn't see, that does not excuse what they did with auras. Since, if that were the case, the work on auras was to "detach" them from those other items into new items, then flag them as color-able by anyone (like costumes are).
There's no good reason for them to be inventory items in CO.
Players should never be required to juggle/transfer items, because that is not what CO is about.
No, sorry, not even vaguely. There's no reason to make these into powers as you describe.
Think it through.
Given that they had auras (and piecemeal auras) working prior to this, we know that there were already body "hooks" for auras.
Those "hooks" could be used with powers, with costumes, or with items.
Similarly, they've got a well established system in place for powers and costumes. Powers can be specific to characters (for example, ATs or the way certain costumes used to work (or did work while bugged)), or they can be universal to the account (like store bought travel powers, or the way costumes work now).
With those existing pieces, why add a new inventory system and special item type for auras? It's nonsensical.
Implementing it the way that they did is a step backwards; it's a customer unfriendly kludge.
Even if its an item in the background (if that's how powers/costumes work), the player should not ever have to see the aura item except when they learn it.
Once they learn the aura it's available for that toon or that account (depending on the version of the aura). Then it's a simple matter to treat them like costumes (allowing the player to re-hue them) at a new tailor-like-NPC.
No, it wasn't. It was a horrible decision, for the reasons I've already stated.
They could have still made a decent amount of money doing as suggested in my other post, rather than do something to increase inconvenience for the customers and make it less likely that customers will return for this, and other games, in the future.
In the game, I'm @Knickknacks.
Auras attached to items ARE technically part of costume models. What aura you see on bracers IS part of this bracer. It's not the same.
At best it is, maybe, possible to make auras as costume parts.
And you are exactly confirming my words - auras were part of power selection. Those powers were made with auras and emanation points in mind. That's power customisation.
Just because something looks the same it doesn't mean it works the same.
Our present auras are following scheme established with old items like Dark Aura, only more refined.
You can't prove there is other way of doing it.
It's not about finding place on character model for displaying auras, but about finding condition telling when FX is displayed.
Currently in we have: on visible costume(when it's a costume part), on equipped item and on set power. It never worked other way.
That Dork In The Suspenders, signing out.
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This is a superhero game, item juggling does not fit in this genre (unless you've got a utility belt, and because of the system in place here, not even then).
Which is part of my point. Auras do not have to be part of powers, they've done this already by having them on costumes and items.
There is no "maybe". It has always been possible to implement them as costume parts.
Which is also my point.
The work they have done is to separate the aura from the power. they are no longer the same (aura != power anymore), which means they don't have to work the same.
Auras have become, essentially, costume items that slot into the emanation points on the character. which is why I said they should have been done like costumes rather than this poorly thought out thing they gave us.
Dark aura isn't an old item, even though it is an aura item. It was also a full body aura.
If you want to go "old", look at Inborn Tenacity (an aura item for a specific "slot").
If it was just a matter of making items per location like that, and making special slots for those items, it wouldn't have taken them so long to come out with the auras.
No, I can't, but neither can you. We aren't cryptic employees, we don't have access to their code.
Which they had the ability to do already.
Auras, when they were attached to the passives, had conditionals to turn on and off in combat.
For the always on ones, they had to fix bugs at various points because the passives worked while not displaying the aura. Heck, they even gave peeps the option of a 0 cost adv to have an aura or not for at least one passive.
This all means that they already knew how to do the conditionals.
Between knowing the conditionals, the ability to give/apply auras not tied to powers, and the existing costume and powers system, it was just a matter of allotting the programming time to put the various existing bits of knowledge together into something new.
I'm not saying it worked another way previously, I'm saying that they have made it work a different way now, and that the way they chose to make it work now is bad and poorly thought out.
It makes me not want to play the game, and I've been subbed for 1408 days (so, not since the beginning, but a few months after release).
In the game, I'm @Knickknacks.
Why couldn't they work the aura list like they do travel powers? Do a drop down with a list of all auras, and only allow those purchased/gained to be selected.
When aura is a part of costume model it must go into one of costume model "slots" on character body.
Where it will go? Headwear? Then it will exclude other headwear pieces.
Alternative? Either duplicating every headwear and copy&paste it's model with aura added, and then do the same for every new headwear piece with every new aura added.
Or adding second model "slot" for every existing body part so it can be worn with other parts. So, extensive rework of all character models.
Again, our existing costume parts with particle effects, those flaming boots/gloves/bracers, have this FX as a part of their models. It's not exactly an aura, it's just similar looking FX glued to copypasted costume models.
The way to tell engine to display aura would be via chosen costume option, and you can't have two costume options on the same body "slot" (and while it's possible to wear some long gloves and bracers, it's only because models are overlapping, not because they are in the same "slot").
Kinda different than adding bones for vehicles, as it was adding at best two bones to character models (one for models showing character model, like chariots and bikes, and one for tanks and fighters - but it may be as well with only one bone added, I'd have to look into costume file how many new bones were indeed added for vehicles. But certainly no more than two).
Are you sure that making auras as a part of costume models would be indeed a better, more simple option, from developer point of view?
Because I'm cretainly not.
Devs also gave us good explanation why they don't like 0 point advantages, as every rank of power is a separate power in the database. Adding 0 point advantage doubles that number because now every rank must have duplicate for version with this visual advantage. So with time their database is more and more bloated.
But that's actually irrelevant.
What is relevant:
Auras tied to powers are part of power selection. You can't change them without retcon and FX on power can be turned off permanetly only with 0 point advantage. Which requires literally "new" powers copypasted into database.
At worst it's only adding, for every passive, one advantage per one aura. Now multiply it by number of ranks (I'm going the simplest route - auras would be attached to passives, all possible auras to every passive to allow picking auras). And to change advantage, again - retcon is needed.
How often people are complaining that they have to recton to pick other travel powers?
OR, you have the even simplest solution. Passive powers have dropdown menus like summon powers and you can pick it anytime. All have set all emanation points and everything.
That indeed looks simple, except...
One - it will not work for sliver accounts, which kinda defeats this approach because auras will have no appeal for silver accounts (and it is important - why to spend resources for making something that will be purchased by only part of your playerbase?).
Second - with every new aura added in the future you will have to rework all passives. Again.
But with auras as items, you have to work on new items, only.
And it still works exactly like Dark Aura and present costume parts. Trigger is having slotted item. Just this one FX is displayed only on character head. Like Ebon Destruction - FX only on hands.
It's not a different way. It works like Tenacity/Dark Aura. We just have new items added to interface to leave devices slots alone.
From developer point of view it is simple. It makes use of already existing system in a not overly complicated way.
And if it was possible to make it work in a different way, then it would be probably done that way.
It wasn't set for monetary purposes, since every gold member can transfer account bound items via hideout bank, not spending any Zen. So there is no real gain in doing auras attached to items. The only reason must be - it's just not possible.
Sorry, but this is all just nitpicking.
I'm not saying this system can not be improved. For example - we could and should use STO Z-store setup where all the purchased bind-on-pickup items can be claimed from the store idefinitively (since they can't be sold to other players anyway).
But this system is not unreasonable.
I'm hardly Cryptic fanboy, but I can understand why it was made that way.
(C-store Auras are Accountwide Unlock. Not the way Costume Sets are, but like Vehicles are.
You can share them between your characters thru Hideout's Shared Bank.)
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
That's kinda crap.
costume slot != aura slot
Auras have their own anchors (emanation points), which may or may not coincide with how/where costumes are displayed on the character model. They can put auras as part of costumes (or items), but that is only a demonstration of a concept. Stop focusing on the word costume.
Auras != powers
Auras and powers were always different, even when they were tied together. The evidence for this is bugs that allowed powers to function perfectly well while displaying no aura, and the 0 point advantage options. (do you happen to have a link handy for the dev explanation about those, I didn't see it in a quick search)
Now they've completely separated them, powers (passives) no longer reference specific auras (or ranks of auras).
The Tailor system (NOT COSTUMES) is an existing system they could have leveraged to handle the new way auras work. character specific vs account wide, selecting items for a slot, &ct.
which point I've been trying to make since the start, they should have made use of already existing systems.
Circular reasoning is circular.
It is possible, it is always possible. The only question is whether they allot the dev time to do it that way.
The way they chose to do it was the fastest/easiest way to do it, but certainly not the only way they could have done it given the systems they already had in place.
They chose fast/easy, as opposed to a way that provides a better customer experience, because doing it the second way would have taken far more programming effort.
But it's also not good.
Any system in an MMO that takes you out of the immersion of the game is bad.
Any system that is not user friendly is bad.
I know why they did what they did, but it doesn't make it less bad because you understand why something was done that way.
I like CO, I like it a lot. I really want CO to get better. I want more people to appreciate the game. I want the game to be successful so that I can keep playing the game for years. The reason I'm so aggravated is because of how much I like the game, and the questionable decision-making process that they keep displaying.
In the game, I'm @Knickknacks.
However, I'm not trying to get my money back, nor am I giving up the game.
OTOH, this is just another straw added to the pile which will eventually lead to my never having anything to do with a Cryptic (and by extension, Perfect World) product in the future.
Unless they do something that dazzles me before that happens, sweeping away the current straws. :rolleyes:
In the game, I'm @Knickknacks.
Honest question here:
Is the ability to go to an NPC called a tailor to alter your aura not immersion affecting while having your aura in one spot of your UI rather than another is ?
Personally I would much rather have auras as is than have them tied to the tailor. Tying them there would be very unfriendly to this user. Must admit that I wouldn't mind having the ability to see them in the initial character creation screen though.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
I agree generally with your sentiments, but while Cryptic North may be new here, at least someone is finally here helping. It may not be the best implementation, but hey at least it's here.
Also wb