Both my wife and I received out emails a couple of days ago. As said prior, it's acrually just applied to your account, no key needed. So you may be eligible even if you didn't receive the email...
The Bera starts at noon PST today and runs to sometime Sunday...
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
You should be able to just Log In with your Perfect World Account info. I think. Seemed to work for me so far, but I won't know for sure until the Weekend starts ( I do get the "You Cannot Play At This Time" message at the Launch Screen, so that's a good sign).
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
It's worth noting that if you've opted out of emails/newsletters, you might not receive the emails. I'm not sure how that one works, but it's possible.
Regardless, yeah, LTS players from CO will have access for this beta weekend. You don't need a code, it's just automatically applied to your account.
Two of these emails were telling me to buy a founders pack for "Acess". Someone, needs to run a spellchecker before sending a blast like that out again.
One of them was informing me that I had beta access by virtue of having a LTS (I have a CO and a STO LTS).
Edit: I am in error, the CO email wasn't about the NW beta it was the one about the lemurian event. So I never received a CO email about NW beta access.
I got mine. But I pretty much refuse to touch Neverwinter. It can be the greatest game to come since Pong, I won't play it.
The last thing I want to do is give them any proof that pulling all the devs from the game I liked pays off.
Until Champions Online gets better, I won't play any Cryptic or PWE game. Even Champs. Hell, it is only a chat client for me these days anyway.
Super Angry Bad Ball (They still have not fixed the droopy antenna costume piece to show up, so looks like he may never be Super Happy Fun Bomb again.)
The Last Gunslinger
...and many more!
went to run the exe program and it came up with.
neverwinter nw.1.20130225d.1/setup.exe
The version o this file is not compatible with the version of windows you are running, contact the software publisher for the correct version.
1. Vista is listed under Minmum. trouble is vista has x86(32 bit) and x64(64 bit version)
the exe file is one versiopn only, so even if my account has access, I can't becasue the system which is listed as usable isn't.
i only got mails about the founders packs, but no direct invitation.
I installed the client however and tested it, was able to login, but i only played for maybe 20 minutes because i simply dislike the shooter style interface. For the same reason i deinstalled DCUO after 20 minutes.
I got mine. But I pretty much refuse to touch Neverwinter. It can be the greatest game to come since Pong, I won't play it.
The last thing I want to do is give them any proof that pulling all the devs from the game I liked pays off.
That's a cool sentiment, but one that's ultimately going to be a non-issue for them. There were already a gadjillion people playing the NW beta by the time I logged in (maybe an hour or two after the beta opened on Friday) many of whom I know to be CO supporters. Several of them were playing it the entire weekend. So if a CO player playing NW is proof that pulling devs from CO pays off then they got that proof in spades.
Also, this is a false argument. People can be mad that we're losing Devs to NWO all they want, but the fact remains that this is completely irrelevent.
The existance of NW, STO or MUSTSP (Mysterious Undisclosed Super Top Secret Project) doesn't change the fact that Champs is simply not performing. The devs would be lost anyway. NWO and STO aren't benefitting at the cost of CO. CO is simply "failing." (I put that in quotes because I don't think it is, but for the sake of this argument lets go with it)
The Neverwinter team is doing a good job, as is the STO team. Punishing them because CO is failing is 1) absurd, 2) ineffectual and 3) yo momma.
Should Cryptic have done things different? Yes. Should CO get more love? Of course. Should CO be the best of all the games. IMO it already is. Is Cryptic the king of poor decision making? Nobody will argue that, not even Cryptic. Is any of that the direct fault of Neverwinter, STO or the teams dedicated? Only partly because some of the devs that screwed us are now on those teams, but that's some round-about **** that is a sort of backwards yes that really means no because CO "failed" on its own.
If you've lost confidence in the company as a whole, so be it, I won't argue that. Cryptic has done an incredible job at pissing off their customers as a corporation. But the Dev teams? Dedicated, skilled, hard-working, and easily confused. You can take one look at STO and NW and see that these are not the CO teams, there is serious backing, and the quality is by far leaps and bounds ahead.
Several publishers/development companies have put out both failures and successes, and each game is measured by it's own merits. Why are STO and NW any different?
And all this **** is coming from me. I've been pretty steadily bashing everything about Cryptic for months now. (years?)
tl;dr - 1) you're not punishing anyone, and 2) even if you were punishing someone, you're punishing the wrong someone for the wrong reasons.
i only got mails about the founders packs, but no direct invitation.
I installed the client however and tested it, was able to login, but i only played for maybe 20 minutes because i simply dislike the shooter style interface. For the same reason i deinstalled DCUO after 20 minutes.
GIve it another shot, it's much better done than DCUO. I didn't like it at first, especially not being able to use a gamepad, but quite honestly, the gameplay was well designed for the layout/UI.
Because of the active style of combat, you actually need the shooter style controls, or else keeping track of your targets after a dodge would be absurdly difficult.
With a gamepad and "melee can ignore target" style directional attacking like CO has, this would be moot for controllers (not for keyboards tho, unless you re-bind everything.)
Correction: The NWO environmental team is doing a good job (and to a lesser extend the combat team as well depending on who you ask [I thought it was ok], and maybe the content developers, since the missions are ok). The rest of the game is crap.
Worst character customization--both, in terms of appearance and character ability selection--in the history of Cryptic. All characters of the same class are largely identical--"0" reason to alt on the same class other than purely cosmetic reasons (assuming you can stomach the horrid character creator options).
Map graphics are better than STO or CO IMO, though. Also, Foundry--yay!
PS/On Topic: Yeah, I didn't get my invite either. Pretty much found out I could DL/install the game regardless by following the NWO forums. Played most of the weekend. Game is ok, but customization fails at Every. Possible. Level.
All you get is a bunch of fantasy character clones that are not even on par in physical appearance to contemporary games like GW2 and TERA in an Ok fantasy world losely based on D&D.
PS-2: Its not D&D. Merely a Cryptic game with D&D flavor.
GIve it another shot, it's much better done than DCUO. I didn't like it at first, especially not being able to use a gamepad, but quite honestly, the gameplay was well designed for the layout/UI.
Isn't it supposed to support gamepads from the get-go? The whole UI looks like it's designed for the XBox controller.
Correction: The NWO environmental team is doing a good job (and to a lesser extend the combat team as well depending on who you ask [I thought it was ok], and maybe the content developers, since the missions are ok). The rest of the game is crap.
Worst character customization--both, in terms of appearance and character ability selection--in the history of Cryptic. All characters of the same class are largely identical--"0" reason to alt on the same class other than purely cosmetic reasons (assuming you can stomach the horrid character creator options).
Map graphics are better than STO or CO IMO, though. Also, Foundry--yay!
PS/On Topic: Yeah, I didn't get my invite either. Pretty much found out I could DL/install the game regardless by following the NWO forums. Played most of the weekend. Game is ok, but customization fails at Every. Possible. Level.
All you get is a bunch of fantasy character clones that are not even on par in physical appearance to contemporary games like GW2 and TERA in an Ok fantasy world losely based on D&D.
PS-2: Its not D&D. Merely a Cryptic game with D&D flavor.
Character customization is pretty much on standard with other fantasy MMOs. Physical appearance customization, about on par with GW2 and TSW.
Gear appearance customization: On par with GW2. I'd say better than TSW.
Ability customization: Regarding alting, every class has 3 specializations that they can spec into. You can have two Guardian fighters, one a tank, and one DPS. And you can swap out abilities that you learn (how far did you get, anyway?). This is very reminiscent of TSW and a bit better than GW2 in my opinion.
If I'm not mistaken, you're a fan of both GW2 and TSW, so I'm not sure where all the hate is coming from, unless you expected the game to be Champions with fantasy abilities.
Character customization is pretty much on standard with other fantasy MMOs. Physical appearance customization, about on par with GW2 and TSW.
Gear appearance customization: On par with GW2. I'd say better than TSW.
Ability customization: Regarding alting, every class has 3 specializations that they can spec into. You can have two Guardian fighters, one a tank, and one DPS. And you can swap out abilities that you learn (how far did you get, anyway?). This is very reminiscent of TSW and a bit better than GW2 in my opinion.
If I'm not mistaken, you're a fan of both GW2 and TSW, so I'm not sure where all the hate is coming from, unless you expected the game to be Champions with fantasy abilities.
Sorry, I should have said "GW2 and TERA have more appealing character models", which is part of the real issue, rather than better customization per se.
That being said, GW2 and TERA have more extensive facial options and facial sliders in particular than NWO. And while GW2 doesn't have body sliders, it makes up for it on the sheer number of other options it does have, including a height slider which NWO seriously lacks. And some GW2 races (sylvari in particular) have tons of body customization options even if they don't have sliders.
Futhermore, the majority of face or body sliders in NWO provide changes that are barely noticeable at all. So while NWO does have sliders many of those sliders make little differences in providing any distinction between characters. And the base Head and Body Shapes in NWO look remarkably similar to eachother, with differences that look like they were worked using sliders, except that they work as masks we have to keep as part of our head/body regardless of what we try with the sliders (I went into more detail at a couple of threads in the NWO forums -link for one).
GW2 and TERA also have significantly higher quality hairstyles. Hair in NWO looks matter and dull, with pixelated hairlines and hair sticking out in odd places.
NWO has 3 specializations, but GW2 has more than that for every class and it lets you use different weapons. NWO locks you into one per class. Though, I admit that TERA doesn't have much per class and its very dull in terms of class customization.
I do agree that NWO gear customization is on par with GW2 and TERA, however... and that's the problem. Cuz GW2 and TERA gear customization utterly and completely sucks! Why Cryptic had to go and copy the worst aspects of appearance customization from other games when they had been the leaders in it for years is beyond me. Now we're expected to (potentially) cough up cash every time we change something about our gear, from armor appearance to colors.
As for TSW, I didn't mention it... for a reason. And I did bash its appearance customization options at their forums for months before and after launch. However, I'm not sure that NWO has better gear customization. TSW at least doesn't charge you a special time currency (that may potentially cost you real money) every single time you want to change something.
EDIT/PS: Also, if they were going with the Cryptic engine and using the same internal stat mechanics used in CO regardless, making the game like CO but with fantasy abilities would have been awesome.
Correction: The NWO environmental team is doing a good job (and to a lesser extend the combat team as well depending on who you ask [I thought it was ok], and maybe the content developers, since the missions are ok). The rest of the game is crap.
Worst character customization--both, in terms of appearance and character ability selection--in the history of Cryptic. All characters of the same class are largely identical--"0" reason to alt on the same class other than purely cosmetic reasons (assuming you can stomach the horrid character creator options).
Map graphics are better than STO or CO IMO, though. Also, Foundry--yay!
PS/On Topic: Yeah, I didn't get my invite either. Pretty much found out I could DL/install the game regardless by following the NWO forums. Played most of the weekend. Game is ok, but customization fails at Every. Possible. Level.
All you get is a bunch of fantasy character clones that are not even on par in physical appearance to contemporary games like GW2 and TERA in an Ok fantasy world losely based on D&D.
PS-2: Its not D&D. Merely a Cryptic game with D&D flavor.
Can't help but notice that not much of this about the actual play of the game. VS, please look past just the character creator. I know it's hard for you to do but you can do it. I've ordered your CO creator withdrawal patches and they should be arriving shortly. Also sending you some stronger CO recovery meds. You went from calling a Cryptic non-CO game crap to calling it OK in just a few paragraphs. That was dangerously close to complimenting Cryptic and I think you're in danger of flatlining.
Can't help but notice that not much of this about the actual play of the game. VS, please look past just the character creator. I know it's hard for you to do but you can do it. I've ordered your CO creator withdrawal patches and they should be arriving shortly. Also sending you some stronger CO recovery meds. You went from calling a Cryptic non-CO game crap to calling it OK in just a few paragraphs. That was dangerously close to complimenting Cryptic and I think you're in danger of flatlining.
*Ups VS's dose* :biggrin:
Well, I did say they have better map graphics than CO or STO :biggrin:
Sorry, I should have said "GW2 and TERA have more appealing character models", which is part of the real issue, rather than better customization per se.
That being said, GW2 and TERA have more extensive facial options and facial sliders in particular than NWO. And while GW2 doesn't have body sliders, it makes up for it on the sheer number of other options it does have, including a height slider which NWO seriously lacks. And some GW2 races (sylvari in particular) have tons of body customization options even if they don't have sliders.
Futhermore, the majority of face or body sliders in NWO provide changes that are barely noticeable at all. So while NWO does have sliders many of those sliders make little differences in providing any distinction between characters. And the base Head and Body Shapes in NWO look remarkably similar to eachother, with differences that look like they were worked using sliders, except that they work as masks we have to keep as part of our head/body regardless of what we try with the sliders (I went into more detail at a couple of threads in the NWO forums -link for one).
GW2 and TERA also have significantly higher quality hairstyles. Hair in NWO looks matter and dull, with pixelated hairlines and hair sticking out in odd places.
NWO has 3 specializations, but GW2 has more than that for every class and it lets you use different weapons. NWO locks you into one per class. Though, I admit that TERA doesn't have much per class and its very dull in terms of class customization.
I do agree that NWO gear customization is on par with GW2 and TERA, however... and that's the problem. Cuz GW2 and TERA gear customization utterly and completely sucks! Why Cryptic had to go and copy the worst aspects of appearance customization from other games when they had been the leaders in it for years is beyond me. Now we're expected to (potentially) cough up cash every time we change something about our gear, from armor appearance to colors.
As for TSW, I didn't mention it... for a reason. And I did bash its appearance customization options at their forums for months before and after launch. However, I'm not sure that NWO has better gear customization. TSW at least doesn't charge you a special time currency (that may potentially cost you real money) every single time you want to change something.
EDIT/PS: Also, if they were going with the Cryptic engine and using the same internal stat mechanics used in CO regardless, making the game like CO but with fantasy abilities would have been awesome.
No but they have no problem selling you a trenchcoat to use on one character for 15 bucks real money. I'd rather pay Astral Diamonds... you get them just by asking for them.
As far as all their sliders go, they did have lots of options, but the sliders didn't go far enough. The same basic face you choose will largely stay looking the same. I spent so much time on my character's face, and hated the way he looked. I thought most of the characters looked ugly. Matter of opinion obviously, on that one.
When I played GW2, I actually thought it was pretty cool how they let you copy one item's look to another. I'm glad they did use this system in NWO. It's just not like fantasy games to let you choose what you look like by just picking parts and letting your character stay the same way forever. I'm fine with finding more parts that I can apply the looks to my current armor or changing the looks of my new armor to my previous. I'm not sure having a Champs style character creator would be great for that game.
As far as GW2's class specializations vs. Neverwinter, I haven't gotten far enough in Neverwinter to actually quantify which one "has more options." It looked like a pretty involved system from what I remember, so I'll wait and see maybe next beta weekend how they stack up. I remember not being too terribly impressed with GW2's system (you're basically just picking what stat you want to boost with your specializations) but yeah. I'm not familiar at all with Neverwinter's.
And yes, I agree that a fantasy style freeform game would be awesome, but, I want to actually try PvP in Neverwinter. :biggrin:
Well, I had a good time during last weekend beta. I played nwn 1 and it was awesome. When I started my character in NWO I decided to play a dwarf guardian. Graphics look pretty nice but I think they went for too tough style characters, maybe Cryptic decided to go pretty close to western fantasy style.
Some people hates the linear questing. I am not among them, I think it lets you enjoy the story, feeling more like an adveture and not an office boy doing unrelated task simultaneously.
Bottonline, the immersion was awesome in my experience.
Now for the bad things,
I felt the controls a little clunky and I was for not having explicity support for controller(I heard it will be soon). I miss a bit having some knockback with shield and sword.
I have to confessed I just got to lvl9 so my review is not that reliable but I am looking forward to play it but I still pretty skeptical about getting a founder's pack, specially given the mistreatment to CO
Isn't it supposed to support gamepads from the get-go? The whole UI looks like it's designed for the XBox controller.
Character customization is pretty much on standard with other fantasy MMOs. Physical appearance customization, about on par with GW2 and TSW.
Gear appearance customization: On par with GW2. I'd say better than TSW.
Ability customization: Regarding alting, every class has 3 specializations that they can spec into. You can have two Guardian fighters, one a tank, and one DPS. And you can swap out abilities that you learn (how far did you get, anyway?). This is very reminiscent of TSW and a bit better than GW2 in my opinion.
If I'm not mistaken, you're a fan of both GW2 and TSW, so I'm not sure where all the hate is coming from, unless you expected the game to be Champions with fantasy abilities.
Agree with the controller setup. Once in the teens I found there was no more action bar spaces to place new active abilities. I had to pick which ones I'd use and load them on the action bar. With a limit of 8 buttons is seemed very designed for a controller, at the expense of the flexibility of Kb+Ms that make PC games attractive to me.
I expected Cryptic quality and that's what I got, saw similar types of buggy behavior and collision that we're accustomed to by CO. The Cryptic Engine. Had this been last year I'd say it looks like a pretty good F2P. but with GW2, SWTOR, TERA and so many other games that have mostly solid features and performance and customer support NWO looks like small step up from RaiderZ with a Foundry.
The Foundry will set it apart and very casual play and or creativity types (the typical CO player) will gravitate to it. And despite it being yet another Cryptic half baked it's the most solid of all its titles by far far far. Personally I think once this launches it will absolutely cannibalize CO leaving only those that need tights, capes and flight hanging tight in the last 1 instance of Millennium City.
One other note about the Foundry: The dungeons available for the Beta were carefully selected BEFORE the beta. What was seen this past weekend was the pinnacle of quality anyone should expect from it. Bugs, reward exploits, crappy quests are more likely to become mainstay once it launches.
Yeah, the character models don't look very good, and neither do the weapons. Not sure what's happening there since this is Cyrptics forte' but whatevs, Witchcraft was known for her derp-face at launch, maybe NWO will get a bump too.
Gamepad was allegedly available up until this weekend, when it was not. Hope they bring it back.
With a limit of 8 buttons is seemed very designed for a controller, at the expense of the flexibility of Kb+Ms that make PC games attractive to me.
Redonkulous. Having the controller set up allows you to have 4 face buttons plus any combination of shoulder buttons. At minimum, thats 20 abilities, not counting dual and triple shoulder combinations, all within twitch proximity without losing mobility.
I've seen people say KB+Mouse offers so much more versatility and some other hogwash, but the only thing it offers is faster turning speed and increased accuracy because of the mouse.
Actual mobility is flat out better on a controller, and button press combinations are if not even, then completely in favor of the controller, unless you're a naga-style "mmo mouse" with an additional 20 buttons.
The only other thing that kb+m is good for is macros which let you set the game to play with itself.
To those that argue mobility is better on a kb+m, I say try strafing left+turning right, triggering your shift/alt+7 attack and circling your camera around to see what's happening behind you. "But when would I ever...?" 2GM or any alternate/utility maintain in a frantic team PvP match, where his buddy is getting awful close.
To me the limit of 8 button pressing is a sign that it was meant to be implemented on a keyboard. Who ever realistically enjoyed pressing the 9 key in Land of Battleart's 17 tray system, or the +- tray switching in CoX? It's no coincidence that the NWO scheme places all combat directly in line with natural keyboard WASD finger placement and mouse clicking, and this to me, is fracking brilliant and should have been implemented MMO 1, Day 1. MMOs are not Doom. They need to stop building them as though they were. MMORPGs are not "D&D" Emulators, they are supposed to be PnP Alternatives.
The whole point of the insanely indepth retardation that required reworkings and rebalancings and a million editions, is because text was unable to compensate for it's lack of physicallity. The moment RPGs entered the visual, and then the three dimmensional, it was time to put away the absurdity like Dexterity stats. Is your character "agile?" The game should represent that, not an arbitrary number on an irrelevant screen. I think this is where Cryptic usually hits the nail on the head, then punks out and backs up.
A rogue with the ability to dodge out of the way of an attack? ****ing brilliant!! That still requires investment into Dexterity for crits? Whuu..?
To those that argue mobility is better on a kb+m, I say try strafing left+turning right, triggering your shift/alt+7 attack and circling your camera around to see what's happening behind you. "But when would I ever...?" 2GM or any alternate/utility maintain in a frantic team PvP match, where his buddy is getting awful close.
Whenever I have to keep moving in one direction but my fingers can't stay on the movement keys, I either jump the direction I'm heading in, spin around, hit the button that's too far away to keep my fingers on WASD, then continue, or use autorun to keep moving in one direction while usually also holding down a strafe key, or use the left+right mouse button to move forward while hitting attack keys with my left hand.
However, I never have anything that needs to be used right now on something ridiculous like alt+7. I'll bind everything from 1 through 5, Alt 1 through 5, Ctrl 1 through 5, R, Alt R, Ctrl R, C, Alt C, Ctrl C, F, Alt F, Ctrl F, V, Alt V, Ctrl V, `, Alt `, Ctrl `. Anything on keys 6 and higher is strictly for out-of-combat use and stuff like that. The only game I've played where even ALL THIS WAS NOT ENOUGH was SWTOR. Holy crap, 90 situational skills that gotta be kept on-hand. And I don't know if they actually went through with this, but when they went free to play, they planned to sell action bars!!!
Anyway, I've always been good with the keyboard, is what I'm trying to say. In my circle of friends I've always been the best at most games, especially shooters, definitely not Tetris. I can't count how many times people have called BS on me because I pulled some wack move on them and destroyed them.
All that said though, I pretty much only game on consoles nowadays because consoles are easier to maintain than PCs.
I got my Beta access and second the sentiment that the game is *not* what I was hoping it'd be. The game just doesn't feel right, like the fact that everyone of the same class gets the same abilities, that there is minimal customization, and that the classes just don't make sense to me - a ranged DPS cleric? No option for a shield/mace cleric? No choice in weapon specializations, etc. I was hoping for a D&D character creator - being able to be a mage and take a spec to wear light armor, or a thief who could also cast some magic.
CO, (and other superhero MMOs), have really spoiled me when it comes to things like travel powers.
As another person pointed out, the environments look great, and it's nice to see the characters actually carrying their weapons when not in combat.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Both my wife and I checked it out this weekend and I'm sad to say I'll likely not play NW and I know for a fact my wife won't...
I'm a point and click player by nature and dispise the mouse look and targeting reticule style of combat. Although it is indeed better than DCUO, it's not by very much. My wife played for about an hour and uninstalled because the mouse look triggered her motion sickness...
We tried, but NW ain't happening for us unless they put in a new control scheme...
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
That's a cool sentiment, but one that's ultimately going to be a non-issue for them. There were already a gadjillion people playing the NW beta by the time I logged in (maybe an hour or two after the beta opened on Friday) many of whom I know to be CO supporters. Several of them were playing it the entire weekend. So if a CO player playing NW is proof that pulling devs from CO pays off then they got that proof in spades.
This may be true. But I will be happy, and that's all that matters to me. I know I am in a minority, but I would much rather take my financial support and use it elsewhere. Like somewhere where I feel I am appreciated as a customer.
I am not in the habit of telling people what to do, I just happened to share my opinion on the matter. If other people decide to support Neverwinter, that's great! I just won't be one of them. I won't tell them if they are right or wrong.
And, before I get anything remotely like "Well, in a way you are telling Cryptic what to do." as a response, I am not really. I am just making a choice to take my money elsewhere. They are a business, that provide a service... If that service is not to my liking, why should I continue to support it? Win or lose be damned... I am doing it for me.
The story is linear. The worst thing you can do to a D&D game with the Neverwinter sub title. They ought to create more alternative campaigns to level on.
All characters of the same classes are the exact same. You just get to choose what 2 Daily powers and 3 active powers you want to use at the time.
Equipment unique to each class. Can't I wield a weapon on my cleric and suffer a penalty?
Character customization...NWO made me want to continue playing CO even more!
I never got the chance to try the Foundry. I got bored before reaching the level 15 requirement. But if I was able to use it, I would only have wanted it in CO that much harder.
Its a good game but I don't see myself playing it more than once for each class and then I have the best character of each kind ever.
Neverwinter Nights 1 had leagues more customization from its first release.
Also, this is a false argument. People can be mad that we're losing Devs to NWO all they want, but the fact remains that this is completely irrelevent.
The existance of NW, STO or MUSTSP (Mysterious Undisclosed Super Top Secret Project) doesn't change the fact that Champs is simply not performing. The devs would be lost anyway. NWO and STO aren't benefitting at the cost of CO. CO is simply "failing." (I put that in quotes because I don't think it is, but for the sake of this argument lets go with it)
The Neverwinter team is doing a good job, as is the STO team. Punishing them because CO is failing is 1) absurd, 2) ineffectual and 3) yo momma.
Should Cryptic have done things different? Yes. Should CO get more love? Of course. Should CO be the best of all the games. IMO it already is. Is Cryptic the king of poor decision making? Nobody will argue that, not even Cryptic. Is any of that the direct fault of Neverwinter, STO or the teams dedicated? Only partly because some of the devs that screwed us are now on those teams, but that's some round-about **** that is a sort of backwards yes that really means no because CO "failed" on its own.
If you've lost confidence in the company as a whole, so be it, I won't argue that. Cryptic has done an incredible job at pissing off their customers as a corporation. But the Dev teams? Dedicated, skilled, hard-working, and easily confused. You can take one look at STO and NW and see that these are not the CO teams, there is serious backing, and the quality is by far leaps and bounds ahead.
Several publishers/development companies have put out both failures and successes, and each game is measured by it's own merits. Why are STO and NW any different?
And all this **** is coming from me. I've been pretty steadily bashing everything about Cryptic for months now. (years?)
tl;dr - 1) you're not punishing anyone, and 2) even if you were punishing someone, you're punishing the wrong someone for the wrong reasons.
I am just gonna say that I appreciate your opinion. I think this is really a "chicken or egg" problem. And, I would think, we both would know there is really no correct answer to that problem. It can be argued for the rest of time.
I don't know if I am right or wrong. I am doing the only thing I know to do. I am doing what feels right to me. This does not mean you need to follow me blindly off the cliff... All it means is that I have an opinion that differs from yours.
With that being said, please refrain from insulting me. Even playfully, in jest. I honestly don't know you from Adam, and don't appreciate you thinking we are close enough to be throwing "yo momma" jokes in because the other kids in the class will think you're cool for doing so.
And as to not derail this thread any longer, if anyone would care to discuss this further (probably not) there is a private messaging feature. I will gladly respond.
That's a cool sentiment, but one that's ultimately going to be a non-issue for them. There were already a gadjillion people playing the NW beta by the time I logged in (maybe an hour or two after the beta opened on Friday) many of whom I know to be CO supporters. Several of them were playing it the entire weekend. So if a CO player playing NW is proof that pulling devs from CO pays off then they got that proof in spades.
Betas are betas, even Scarlet Blade had a tons of people playing on its close beta. It is interesting that you mention it, since I used to get zen every 15% off sale, but this time I let it pass.
I also let pass the founder packs for NWO, different from when Raiderz offered its founder packs which I got.
Still, I would like NWO to succeed in spite of the bad comments in some mmo sites(yep, haters spread on almost every game in beta). I don't blame NWO or STO for CO neglection but the management people who decided that CO should be the sacrifiable lamb.
This game was kinda cool, I enjoyed it I got to level 20 and stop because I know they are going to kill my hero :P. I like the idea of having a companion with you. I think this game is more easy then Champions. Since in Champions without Regeneration I die ALOT, and in Neverwinter I can use potions, or run back the the waypoints, so I don't need a power. Also in NW if you die during a fight the entire group heals, even the dead one......
I not talking to much about it right, sorry if I am I know I am not suppose too :P
I am just gonna say that I appreciate your opinion. I think this is really a "chicken or egg" problem. And, I would think, we both would know there is really no correct answer to that problem. It can be argued for the rest of time.
I don't know if I am right or wrong. I am doing the only thing I know to do. I am doing what feels right to me. This does not mean you need to follow me blindly off the cliff... All it means is that I have an opinion that differs from yours.
With that being said, please refrain from insulting me. Even playfully, in jest. I honestly don't know you from Adam, and don't appreciate you thinking we are close enough to be throwing "yo momma" jokes in because the other kids in the class will think you're cool for doing so.
And as to not derail this thread any longer, if anyone would care to discuss this further (probably not) there is a private messaging feature. I will gladly respond.
Sorry, that wasn't directed at you or anyone specific, I was just springing off your idea, and generally speaking I agree with you about company loyalty, customer satisfaction, chicken and egg, etc., and I respect your decision though I don't agree with it. It was more of a mind dump response to an idea than directed at anyone, and that just came out. But yeah, I wasn't thinking about how that would come out/across, and I apologize.
Still, I would like NWO to succeed in spite of the bad comments in some mmo sites(yep, haters spread on almost every game in beta). I don't blame NWO or STO for CO neglection but the management people who decided that CO should be the sacrifiable lamb.
Here's the dilemma and something that needs to be said.
Anyone who was a CO player prior to deciding to invest their time and money in NWO instead of CO will no doubt (and perhaps unwittingly so) contribute in giving PW / Cryptic the impression that putting NWO at the top of development priority while leaving CO at the bottom is paying off. It's just simply more validation to just leave CO in development purgatory.
And before anyone makes the recycled argument of resources being invested back into CO if NWO does well, we've seen absolutely no official promise of that. If PW / Cryptic is genuinely concerned about getting CO "back on track" by being carried by NWO, they would have made the statement a long time ago.
GIve it another shot, it's much better done than DCUO. I didn't like it at first, especially not being able to use a gamepad, but quite honestly, the gameplay was well designed for the layout/UI.
Because of the active style of combat, you actually need the shooter style controls, or else keeping track of your targets after a dodge would be absurdly difficult.
With a gamepad and "melee can ignore target" style directional attacking like CO has, this would be moot for controllers (not for keyboards tho, unless you re-bind everything.)
GW2 also has active combat but works with standard MMO style controls, also the character models and the environment in GW2 looks better for me, so i really don't see a reason why i should play a game where the controls are a pita for me.
I really expected that we would have controls more like in CO and don't see a reason why we at least don't have an option for that.
I remember not being too terribly impressed with GW2's system (you're basically just picking what stat you want to boost with your specializations) but yeah.
You're doing it a bit of a disservice.
GW2 system for class specialization.
Weapons control the first 5 skills. You get to pick either one big weapon or two smaller weapons to mix and match your skills. Engineers and Elementalists have different options with elementalists getting to swap between 20 different weapon skills on the fly for each weapon combination and enigineers having kits to enable different weapon skills.
Healing Skills. Around 3 per class, plus racial skill(s), Equip one at time.
Utility skills - Around 20 per class, plus racial skill(s). Equip 3 at a time.
Elite Skill - Around 5-6 accounting for class and racial skill(s). Equip one at a time.
Talents - 5 different trees per class, each with 3 minor talents automatically granted at certain investment levels with the player able to choose up to 3 out of 12 major talents per tree that are unique for each of the trees. Max a player can choose currently given the 70 total talent points to spend will end up being about 8 major talents out a total of 60 for the class.
All power selections and major talent selections changeable at any time out of combat at no cost. I can only hope NW will have something similar given Cryptic's pedigree for character specialization beyond just the visual.
That was pretty much my point. With so many people from CO complaining about the state of CO but going off to play NW (including more than a few who have decried NW's development as being the bane of CO that they staunchly oppose...yet they have the hero of neverwinter title to go with their "opposition") one player such as yourself sticking to their guns is sadly likely to have a net effect of zero, except for your own personal satisfaction.
Weapons control the first 5 skills. You get to pick either one big weapon or two smaller weapons to mix and match your skills. Engineers and Elementalists have different options with elementalists getting to swap between 20 different weapon skills on the fly for each weapon combination and enigineers having kits to enable different weapon skills.
Healing Skills. Around 3 per class, plus racial skill(s), Equip one at time.
Utility skills - Around 20 per class, plus racial skill(s). Equip 3 at a time.
Elite Skill - Around 5-6 accounting for class and racial skill(s). Equip one at a time.
Talents - 5 different trees per class, each with 3 minor talents automatically granted at certain investment levels with the player able to choose up to 3 out of 12 major talents per tree that are unique for each of the trees. Max a player can choose currently given the 70 total talent points to spend will end up being about 8 major talents out a total of 60 for the class.
All power selections and major talent selections changeable at any time out of combat at no cost. I can only hope NW will have something similar given Cryptic's pedigree for character specialization beyond just the visual.
Talents is the system I was referring to specifically, in direct comparison to Neverwinter's similar system. (Haven't played in a long while, had no idea what they were called.)
Neverwinter seems to be set up pretty similarly. As you level up you unlock three different sets of abilities, which can be set to Mouse Button 1, 2, Q, E, and R (I think this is the setup), similar to the Healing, Utility, and Elite skills you mention.
But beyond that there's also the class spec. I remember for my Guardian Fighter I had a choice of being either a Tank, a DPS, and something else (stopped reading after DPS :P). If I'm remembering correctly, each of those spec trees had some kind of track that you can put points into that put you further into that class specialization, which seems kind of like the talents system. I could be wrong here though, because I never got high enough level to try it out.
This. However, it was in the dropdown on the launcher for me as well.
Vanish in the air you'll never find me
The Bera starts at noon PST today and runs to sometime Sunday...
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
Gib Email Plz. Must Play Neverwinter.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
Gonna chatban everyone in Zone...For teh lulz. :cool:
Obviously not really...But it's tempting...Reaaally tempting...
Deliciously nutritious!
Long live CO.
Regardless, yeah, LTS players from CO will have access for this beta weekend. You don't need a code, it's just automatically applied to your account.
Two of these emails were telling me to buy a founders pack for "Acess". Someone, needs to run a spellchecker before sending a blast like that out again.
One of them was informing me that I had beta access by virtue of having a LTS (I have a CO and a STO LTS).
The emails came in this order.
1) Thanks for having an STO LTS, here's your beta access.
...few days later
2) By a founder's pack, get beta acess!
3) By a founder's pack, get beta acess!
Edit: I am in error, the CO email wasn't about the NW beta it was the one about the lemurian event. So I never received a CO email about NW beta access.
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How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
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Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
Also thank you for this thread it reminded me to check download the game.... I didn't notice it the other day :P
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
The last thing I want to do is give them any proof that pulling all the devs from the game I liked pays off.
Until Champions Online gets better, I won't play any Cryptic or PWE game. Even Champs. Hell, it is only a chat client for me these days anyway.
Super Angry Bad Ball (They still have not fixed the droopy antenna costume piece to show up, so looks like he may never be Super Happy Fun Bomb again.)
The Last Gunslinger
...and many more!
I did download the game, only took 11 hrs.
went to run the exe program and it came up with.
neverwinter nw.1.20130225d.1/setup.exe
The version o this file is not compatible with the version of windows you are running, contact the software publisher for the correct version.
1. Vista is listed under Minmum. trouble is vista has x86(32 bit) and x64(64 bit version)
the exe file is one versiopn only, so even if my account has access, I can't becasue the system which is listed as usable isn't.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I installed the client however and tested it, was able to login, but i only played for maybe 20 minutes because i simply dislike the shooter style interface. For the same reason i deinstalled DCUO after 20 minutes.
That's a cool sentiment, but one that's ultimately going to be a non-issue for them. There were already a gadjillion people playing the NW beta by the time I logged in (maybe an hour or two after the beta opened on Friday) many of whom I know to be CO supporters. Several of them were playing it the entire weekend. So if a CO player playing NW is proof that pulling devs from CO pays off then they got that proof in spades.
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
The existance of NW, STO or MUSTSP (Mysterious Undisclosed Super Top Secret Project) doesn't change the fact that Champs is simply not performing. The devs would be lost anyway. NWO and STO aren't benefitting at the cost of CO. CO is simply "failing." (I put that in quotes because I don't think it is, but for the sake of this argument lets go with it)
The Neverwinter team is doing a good job, as is the STO team. Punishing them because CO is failing is 1) absurd, 2) ineffectual and 3) yo momma.
Should Cryptic have done things different? Yes. Should CO get more love? Of course. Should CO be the best of all the games. IMO it already is. Is Cryptic the king of poor decision making? Nobody will argue that, not even Cryptic. Is any of that the direct fault of Neverwinter, STO or the teams dedicated? Only partly because some of the devs that screwed us are now on those teams, but that's some round-about **** that is a sort of backwards yes that really means no because CO "failed" on its own.
If you've lost confidence in the company as a whole, so be it, I won't argue that. Cryptic has done an incredible job at pissing off their customers as a corporation. But the Dev teams? Dedicated, skilled, hard-working, and easily confused. You can take one look at STO and NW and see that these are not the CO teams, there is serious backing, and the quality is by far leaps and bounds ahead.
Several publishers/development companies have put out both failures and successes, and each game is measured by it's own merits. Why are STO and NW any different?
And all this **** is coming from me. I've been pretty steadily bashing everything about Cryptic for months now. (years?)
tl;dr - 1) you're not punishing anyone, and 2) even if you were punishing someone, you're punishing the wrong someone for the wrong reasons.
GIve it another shot, it's much better done than DCUO. I didn't like it at first, especially not being able to use a gamepad, but quite honestly, the gameplay was well designed for the layout/UI.
Because of the active style of combat, you actually need the shooter style controls, or else keeping track of your targets after a dodge would be absurdly difficult.
With a gamepad and "melee can ignore target" style directional attacking like CO has, this would be moot for controllers (not for keyboards tho, unless you re-bind everything.)
Correction: The NWO environmental team is doing a good job (and to a lesser extend the combat team as well depending on who you ask [I thought it was ok], and maybe the content developers, since the missions are ok). The rest of the game is crap.
Worst character customization--both, in terms of appearance and character ability selection--in the history of Cryptic. All characters of the same class are largely identical--"0" reason to alt on the same class other than purely cosmetic reasons (assuming you can stomach the horrid character creator options).
Map graphics are better than STO or CO IMO, though. Also, Foundry--yay!
PS/On Topic: Yeah, I didn't get my invite either. Pretty much found out I could DL/install the game regardless by following the NWO forums. Played most of the weekend. Game is ok, but customization fails at Every. Possible. Level.
Physical Appearance Customization... FAIL
Gear Appearance Customization... FAIL
Ability Customization... FAIL
All you get is a bunch of fantasy character clones that are not even on par in physical appearance to contemporary games like GW2 and TERA in an Ok fantasy world losely based on D&D.
PS-2: Its not D&D. Merely a Cryptic game with D&D flavor.
Isn't it supposed to support gamepads from the get-go? The whole UI looks like it's designed for the XBox controller.
Character customization is pretty much on standard with other fantasy MMOs. Physical appearance customization, about on par with GW2 and TSW.
Gear appearance customization: On par with GW2. I'd say better than TSW.
Ability customization: Regarding alting, every class has 3 specializations that they can spec into. You can have two Guardian fighters, one a tank, and one DPS. And you can swap out abilities that you learn (how far did you get, anyway?). This is very reminiscent of TSW and a bit better than GW2 in my opinion.
If I'm not mistaken, you're a fan of both GW2 and TSW, so I'm not sure where all the hate is coming from, unless you expected the game to be Champions with fantasy abilities.
360 controller was not supported at all in beta 2, but I heard of people using other aps to map theirs and say it was a blast.
I play CO with the 360 controller and can't even fathom not using it. NW worked better without one but I'd still prefer to use it.
Sorry, I should have said "GW2 and TERA have more appealing character models", which is part of the real issue, rather than better customization per se.
That being said, GW2 and TERA have more extensive facial options and facial sliders in particular than NWO. And while GW2 doesn't have body sliders, it makes up for it on the sheer number of other options it does have, including a height slider which NWO seriously lacks. And some GW2 races (sylvari in particular) have tons of body customization options even if they don't have sliders.
Futhermore, the majority of face or body sliders in NWO provide changes that are barely noticeable at all. So while NWO does have sliders many of those sliders make little differences in providing any distinction between characters. And the base Head and Body Shapes in NWO look remarkably similar to eachother, with differences that look like they were worked using sliders, except that they work as masks we have to keep as part of our head/body regardless of what we try with the sliders (I went into more detail at a couple of threads in the NWO forums -link for one).
GW2 and TERA also have significantly higher quality hairstyles. Hair in NWO looks matter and dull, with pixelated hairlines and hair sticking out in odd places.
NWO has 3 specializations, but GW2 has more than that for every class and it lets you use different weapons. NWO locks you into one per class. Though, I admit that TERA doesn't have much per class and its very dull in terms of class customization.
I do agree that NWO gear customization is on par with GW2 and TERA, however... and that's the problem. Cuz GW2 and TERA gear customization utterly and completely sucks! Why Cryptic had to go and copy the worst aspects of appearance customization from other games when they had been the leaders in it for years is beyond me. Now we're expected to (potentially) cough up cash every time we change something about our gear, from armor appearance to colors.
As for TSW, I didn't mention it... for a reason. And I did bash its appearance customization options at their forums for months before and after launch. However, I'm not sure that NWO has better gear customization. TSW at least doesn't charge you a special time currency (that may potentially cost you real money) every single time you want to change something.
EDIT/PS: Also, if they were going with the Cryptic engine and using the same internal stat mechanics used in CO regardless, making the game like CO but with fantasy abilities would have been awesome.
Can't help but notice that not much of this about the actual play of the game. VS, please look past just the character creator. I know it's hard for you to do but you can do it. I've ordered your CO creator withdrawal patches and they should be arriving shortly. Also sending you some stronger CO recovery meds. You went from calling a Cryptic non-CO game crap to calling it OK in just a few paragraphs. That was dangerously close to complimenting Cryptic and I think you're in danger of flatlining.
*Ups VS's dose* :biggrin:
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How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
Well, I did say they have better map graphics than CO or STO :biggrin:
No but they have no problem selling you a trenchcoat to use on one character for 15 bucks real money. I'd rather pay Astral Diamonds... you get them just by asking for them.
As far as all their sliders go, they did have lots of options, but the sliders didn't go far enough. The same basic face you choose will largely stay looking the same. I spent so much time on my character's face, and hated the way he looked. I thought most of the characters looked ugly. Matter of opinion obviously, on that one.
When I played GW2, I actually thought it was pretty cool how they let you copy one item's look to another. I'm glad they did use this system in NWO. It's just not like fantasy games to let you choose what you look like by just picking parts and letting your character stay the same way forever. I'm fine with finding more parts that I can apply the looks to my current armor or changing the looks of my new armor to my previous. I'm not sure having a Champs style character creator would be great for that game.
As far as GW2's class specializations vs. Neverwinter, I haven't gotten far enough in Neverwinter to actually quantify which one "has more options." It looked like a pretty involved system from what I remember, so I'll wait and see maybe next beta weekend how they stack up. I remember not being too terribly impressed with GW2's system (you're basically just picking what stat you want to boost with your specializations) but yeah. I'm not familiar at all with Neverwinter's.
And yes, I agree that a fantasy style freeform game would be awesome, but, I want to actually try PvP in Neverwinter. :biggrin:
Some people hates the linear questing. I am not among them, I think it lets you enjoy the story, feeling more like an adveture and not an office boy doing unrelated task simultaneously.
Bottonline, the immersion was awesome in my experience.
Now for the bad things,
I felt the controls a little clunky and I was for not having explicity support for controller(I heard it will be soon). I miss a bit having some knockback with shield and sword.
I have to confessed I just got to lvl9 so my review is not that reliable but I am looking forward to play it but I still pretty skeptical about getting a founder's pack, specially given the mistreatment to CO
Agree with the controller setup. Once in the teens I found there was no more action bar spaces to place new active abilities. I had to pick which ones I'd use and load them on the action bar. With a limit of 8 buttons is seemed very designed for a controller, at the expense of the flexibility of Kb+Ms that make PC games attractive to me.
I expected Cryptic quality and that's what I got, saw similar types of buggy behavior and collision that we're accustomed to by CO. The Cryptic Engine. Had this been last year I'd say it looks like a pretty good F2P. but with GW2, SWTOR, TERA and so many other games that have mostly solid features and performance and customer support NWO looks like small step up from RaiderZ with a Foundry.
The Foundry will set it apart and very casual play and or creativity types (the typical CO player) will gravitate to it. And despite it being yet another Cryptic half baked it's the most solid of all its titles by far far far. Personally I think once this launches it will absolutely cannibalize CO leaving only those that need tights, capes and flight hanging tight in the last 1 instance of Millennium City.
One other note about the Foundry: The dungeons available for the Beta were carefully selected BEFORE the beta. What was seen this past weekend was the pinnacle of quality anyone should expect from it. Bugs, reward exploits, crappy quests are more likely to become mainstay once it launches.
Grappling/Wrestling Power Set Suggestion 2012-2013
How a Wrestling Power Set Can Work
Gamepad was allegedly available up until this weekend, when it was not. Hope they bring it back.
Redonkulous. Having the controller set up allows you to have 4 face buttons plus any combination of shoulder buttons. At minimum, thats 20 abilities, not counting dual and triple shoulder combinations, all within twitch proximity without losing mobility.
I've seen people say KB+Mouse offers so much more versatility and some other hogwash, but the only thing it offers is faster turning speed and increased accuracy because of the mouse.
Actual mobility is flat out better on a controller, and button press combinations are if not even, then completely in favor of the controller, unless you're a naga-style "mmo mouse" with an additional 20 buttons.
The only other thing that kb+m is good for is macros which let you set the game to play with itself.
To those that argue mobility is better on a kb+m, I say try strafing left+turning right, triggering your shift/alt+7 attack and circling your camera around to see what's happening behind you. "But when would I ever...?" 2GM or any alternate/utility maintain in a frantic team PvP match, where his buddy is getting awful close.
To me the limit of 8 button pressing is a sign that it was meant to be implemented on a keyboard. Who ever realistically enjoyed pressing the 9 key in Land of Battleart's 17 tray system, or the +- tray switching in CoX? It's no coincidence that the NWO scheme places all combat directly in line with natural keyboard WASD finger placement and mouse clicking, and this to me, is fracking brilliant and should have been implemented MMO 1, Day 1. MMOs are not Doom. They need to stop building them as though they were. MMORPGs are not "D&D" Emulators, they are supposed to be PnP Alternatives.
The whole point of the insanely indepth retardation that required reworkings and rebalancings and a million editions, is because text was unable to compensate for it's lack of physicallity. The moment RPGs entered the visual, and then the three dimmensional, it was time to put away the absurdity like Dexterity stats. Is your character "agile?" The game should represent that, not an arbitrary number on an irrelevant screen. I think this is where Cryptic usually hits the nail on the head, then punks out and backs up.
A rogue with the ability to dodge out of the way of an attack? ****ing brilliant!! That still requires investment into Dexterity for crits? Whuu..?
Whenever I have to keep moving in one direction but my fingers can't stay on the movement keys, I either jump the direction I'm heading in, spin around, hit the button that's too far away to keep my fingers on WASD, then continue, or use autorun to keep moving in one direction while usually also holding down a strafe key, or use the left+right mouse button to move forward while hitting attack keys with my left hand.
However, I never have anything that needs to be used right now on something ridiculous like alt+7. I'll bind everything from 1 through 5, Alt 1 through 5, Ctrl 1 through 5, R, Alt R, Ctrl R, C, Alt C, Ctrl C, F, Alt F, Ctrl F, V, Alt V, Ctrl V, `, Alt `, Ctrl `. Anything on keys 6 and higher is strictly for out-of-combat use and stuff like that. The only game I've played where even ALL THIS WAS NOT ENOUGH was SWTOR. Holy crap, 90 situational skills that gotta be kept on-hand. And I don't know if they actually went through with this, but when they went free to play, they planned to sell action bars!!!
Anyway, I've always been good with the keyboard, is what I'm trying to say. In my circle of friends I've always been the best at most games, especially shooters, definitely not Tetris. I can't count how many times people have called BS on me because I pulled some wack move on them and destroyed them.
All that said though, I pretty much only game on consoles nowadays because consoles are easier to maintain than PCs.
CO, (and other superhero MMOs), have really spoiled me when it comes to things like travel powers.
As another person pointed out, the environments look great, and it's nice to see the characters actually carrying their weapons when not in combat.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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I'm a point and click player by nature and dispise the mouse look and targeting reticule style of combat. Although it is indeed better than DCUO, it's not by very much. My wife played for about an hour and uninstalled because the mouse look triggered her motion sickness...
We tried, but NW ain't happening for us unless they put in a new control scheme...
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
Death to NeverWinter. Long live TELEPATHY! May nothing interrupt our progress again.
This may be true. But I will be happy, and that's all that matters to me. I know I am in a minority, but I would much rather take my financial support and use it elsewhere. Like somewhere where I feel I am appreciated as a customer.
I am not in the habit of telling people what to do, I just happened to share my opinion on the matter. If other people decide to support Neverwinter, that's great! I just won't be one of them. I won't tell them if they are right or wrong.
And, before I get anything remotely like "Well, in a way you are telling Cryptic what to do." as a response, I am not really. I am just making a choice to take my money elsewhere. They are a business, that provide a service... If that service is not to my liking, why should I continue to support it? Win or lose be damned... I am doing it for me.
The story is linear. The worst thing you can do to a D&D game with the Neverwinter sub title. They ought to create more alternative campaigns to level on.
All characters of the same classes are the exact same. You just get to choose what 2 Daily powers and 3 active powers you want to use at the time.
Equipment unique to each class. Can't I wield a weapon on my cleric and suffer a penalty?
Character customization...NWO made me want to continue playing CO even more!
I never got the chance to try the Foundry. I got bored before reaching the level 15 requirement. But if I was able to use it, I would only have wanted it in CO that much harder.
Its a good game but I don't see myself playing it more than once for each class and then I have the best character of each kind ever.
Neverwinter Nights 1 had leagues more customization from its first release.
I am just gonna say that I appreciate your opinion. I think this is really a "chicken or egg" problem. And, I would think, we both would know there is really no correct answer to that problem. It can be argued for the rest of time.
I don't know if I am right or wrong. I am doing the only thing I know to do. I am doing what feels right to me. This does not mean you need to follow me blindly off the cliff... All it means is that I have an opinion that differs from yours.
With that being said, please refrain from insulting me. Even playfully, in jest. I honestly don't know you from Adam, and don't appreciate you thinking we are close enough to be throwing "yo momma" jokes in because the other kids in the class will think you're cool for doing so.
And as to not derail this thread any longer, if anyone would care to discuss this further (probably not) there is a private messaging feature. I will gladly respond.
Betas are betas, even Scarlet Blade had a tons of people playing on its close beta. It is interesting that you mention it, since I used to get zen every 15% off sale, but this time I let it pass.
I also let pass the founder packs for NWO, different from when Raiderz offered its founder packs which I got.
Still, I would like NWO to succeed in spite of the bad comments in some mmo sites(yep, haters spread on almost every game in beta). I don't blame NWO or STO for CO neglection but the management people who decided that CO should be the sacrifiable lamb.
I not talking to much about it right, sorry if I am I know I am not suppose too :P
Anyways I liked it.
Sorry, that wasn't directed at you or anyone specific, I was just springing off your idea, and generally speaking I agree with you about company loyalty, customer satisfaction, chicken and egg, etc., and I respect your decision though I don't agree with it. It was more of a mind dump response to an idea than directed at anyone, and that just came out. But yeah, I wasn't thinking about how that would come out/across, and I apologize.
Here's the dilemma and something that needs to be said.
Anyone who was a CO player prior to deciding to invest their time and money in NWO instead of CO will no doubt (and perhaps unwittingly so) contribute in giving PW / Cryptic the impression that putting NWO at the top of development priority while leaving CO at the bottom is paying off. It's just simply more validation to just leave CO in development purgatory.
And before anyone makes the recycled argument of resources being invested back into CO if NWO does well, we've seen absolutely no official promise of that. If PW / Cryptic is genuinely concerned about getting CO "back on track" by being carried by NWO, they would have made the statement a long time ago.
GW2 also has active combat but works with standard MMO style controls, also the character models and the environment in GW2 looks better for me, so i really don't see a reason why i should play a game where the controls are a pita for me.
I really expected that we would have controls more like in CO and don't see a reason why we at least don't have an option for that.
You're doing it a bit of a disservice.
GW2 system for class specialization.
Weapons control the first 5 skills. You get to pick either one big weapon or two smaller weapons to mix and match your skills. Engineers and Elementalists have different options with elementalists getting to swap between 20 different weapon skills on the fly for each weapon combination and enigineers having kits to enable different weapon skills.
Healing Skills. Around 3 per class, plus racial skill(s), Equip one at time.
Utility skills - Around 20 per class, plus racial skill(s). Equip 3 at a time.
Elite Skill - Around 5-6 accounting for class and racial skill(s). Equip one at a time.
Talents - 5 different trees per class, each with 3 minor talents automatically granted at certain investment levels with the player able to choose up to 3 out of 12 major talents per tree that are unique for each of the trees. Max a player can choose currently given the 70 total talent points to spend will end up being about 8 major talents out a total of 60 for the class.
All power selections and major talent selections changeable at any time out of combat at no cost. I can only hope NW will have something similar given Cryptic's pedigree for character specialization beyond just the visual.
Given how communication usually works, I don't think they would have told us if that was the plan.
That was pretty much my point. With so many people from CO complaining about the state of CO but going off to play NW (including more than a few who have decried NW's development as being the bane of CO that they staunchly oppose...yet they have the hero of neverwinter title to go with their "opposition") one player such as yourself sticking to their guns is sadly likely to have a net effect of zero, except for your own personal satisfaction.
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Talents is the system I was referring to specifically, in direct comparison to Neverwinter's similar system. (Haven't played in a long while, had no idea what they were called.)
Neverwinter seems to be set up pretty similarly. As you level up you unlock three different sets of abilities, which can be set to Mouse Button 1, 2, Q, E, and R (I think this is the setup), similar to the Healing, Utility, and Elite skills you mention.
But beyond that there's also the class spec. I remember for my Guardian Fighter I had a choice of being either a Tank, a DPS, and something else (stopped reading after DPS :P). If I'm remembering correctly, each of those spec trees had some kind of track that you can put points into that put you further into that class specialization, which seems kind of like the talents system. I could be wrong here though, because I never got high enough level to try it out.
There's...there's something after DPS?!?!?! :biggrin:
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