dunno where else to put this so i put it in discussion, hope noone cries.

great graphics and physics.
sucks at character creation. no options allmost.
the community is wierd. they speak in leet language with numbers instead of letters and such.
dont understand a thing, meh im getting old. feeling silly naming my toon blue ant, when watching ppls toons with names like XxxL377Hunt3rxxX and such.
and big plus is that you can be evil.
wish that champions had the dedication that the devs for that game has.
whats your guys opinions of this superhero game?
and do you like dark or light muffins?
Came back years later, same issues persist despite numerous additions.
Not for me at present though several friends like it.
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How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
yea the sidekick feeling is there all the time. kinda sucks.
CO makes you actually feel like your a hero in your own prime where as with DCUO everyone seems to just give you pat on the back, a "good job" and then forget you even exist.
It looks amazing, some of the story stuff is cool (particularly if you like comics), and the travel powers are sheer joy.
The power selections, gameplay, UI, and character customization are screamingly and bafflingly dumb.
(I'm still just... aghast that people making a superhero game would not offer a 'big tough guy' powerset. Really? REALLY??)
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
costume creator is...why im here, its just too limited. the unlocks are very specific and doing broad concepts simply is impossible i stopped playing some time ago but there isn't a way to do even a basic karate gi, let alone some of the cooler ninja or kung fu looks. also, the biggest issue for me, no tails unless you take a very specific skin for your character. this is even more baffling since there were tails in beta in the belt slot, but now, nothing. as such i simply cannot make a rian frostdrake there, cant do his suit, cant do his tail. this limitation really stops the game dead for me. if co shuts down, ill grudgingly move there, but right now the costume creator is a festering wound for dcou.
funny part is, while a persistent argument against tailed characters that i keep ramming my head into is that heroes shouldn't look monstrous. the game has villains, there are lots of monstrous villains, what the heck?
also, new content really is not that much more plentiful, little stuff here and there, and the stuff that moved the story on in the earth update, but really they do not add that much stuff either.
the sidekick thing...really never bothered me, it is acceptable story wise if a game is going to have a level progression where players start out weaker, it only makes sense that the old guard is going to be cooler, particularly for characters most of us have known for decades before we started the game. superman means something culturally,so do batman and wonder woman and the joker, i can see it not putting you on par with them. the dialogue makes enough attempts as building you up so i find it excusable really.
its ok, but the weakest of the 3. if you want YOUR superhero stuff, co wins hands down. The good news is, if you are one of those "superheroes should only wear spandex" sort, and some of you are, then it is the game for you, thanks to the costume creator. but co is the game for broader minds by a significant margin.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
I found the stories more engaging in DCUO, too.
But, man. Again, the UI. THE UIIIIII. Even _chat_ is a pain in the hiney.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
pretty much sums it up for me as well.
They got cool classes and power sets though, but no where near the amount of power you can choose from in champions.
And the customization.....DC can just take a flying leap when it comes to customization, I've seen better options in an 8bit shooter.
Villain side is also a huge plus I wish was standard in ALL superhero MMOs including CO, and improves replayability by giving you more stuff to do with alts. Open World heroes vs. villains is also cool (except for the ganking) but still gives additional options for the often neglected PvPers, and Open World style PvP is my prefered form of PvP and the only type I normally participate on.
Unfortunately, appearance customization SUCKS and user interface and controls SUCK completely and is clunky as hell, especially for PC gamers. And its extremely easy to accidentally target the wrong enemy, or target random enemies after you kill your current enemy while spamming attacks, and end up pulling more enemies than you can either handle or care to fight.
PS: I honestly didn't feel much like a flunky at all except for my early (and only experiences) experiences on villain side and one single Batman/Gotham mission where Nighthawk walks in at the last minute and kills the bad guy then tells you "Thanks for the assist" and I'm like "B**ch, I did all the work, all you did was show up at the last minute!" :mad:
But doing missions for Wonder Woman or Supes I didn't feel like a sidekick at all. More like being informed of imminent emergencies by established heroes.
It barely qualifies as what people have come to think of as a "Superhero MMO".
There are minimal character creator options as compared to CoX or CO -- more than a traditional MMO, though.
Costuming options are limited, but you can get gear in-game that changes your appearance.
The power sets are secondary to the "weapon" that you pick, which is your primary damage source. You are very limited in the selection of powers as you gain them based on what is essentially a talent point tree. As a result, the gameplay is an inch deep.
The game is faster-paced than CO or CoX and is probably best played with a controller for some people.
The game does a terrible job of making you feel "heroic". Everyone gains their superpowers in the same way, so everyone's backstory (which you can't write, like you can in CO) is identical. You are operating with Batman, Superman, Lex Luthor, The Joker, etc. in most major content, and they are considerably more powerful than you are, so you feel like a sidekick a lot. You can't design a Nemesis.
I played the game for about 40 hours and enjoyed it. I believe that 40 hours of enjoyment is about the average time that most people play most console games. I will admit that I spent no money on the game at all, nor did I feel compelled to as the free-to-play option provides a lot at that price point.
Tiresias: Celestial/Darkness (Support)
Ravish: Bestial/Might/Unarmed (Tank)
I thought that for a comic book game, the graphics were stupid. Sure, technically they're good, but look nothing like a comic book. I understand that Champs isn't exactly comic book style, but it comes much closer with color palettes at least.
The combat I found dull. Character creation, well, who needs to go into that when it's pretty unanimous on this crowd that it was trash.
A big boooooo all around for me.
If it had graphical style, and more traditional character archetypes, maybe I'd play it.
My opinion is that DCUO has just absolutely ****-awful combat, controls, and camera, the community is ****, the characters look weirdly deformed, and the graphics are ****e with the only saving grace being Jim Lee's art, which also happens to be it's biggest downfall because the animations look awkward and jerky due to them not actually being animated, but rather being filler movements to get from one Jim Lee action pose to the next.
The mission structure is interesting, but the world layout is poorly thought out (at least since last I played), there's no in-universe incentive/motivation to be a hero or villain other than "thats what you logged in to do" which is areal shame considering the calibre of writers DC routinely employs, and the gameplay revolves around being a superhero's lapdog rather than your own standalone character and the player either ends up feeling like Booster Gold from "The Greatest Story Never Told" (thanks Green Lantern!!) or foregoing the experience altogether in favor of comepletely mindless PvP, also with no deeper motivation other than "thats what you logged in to do."
The power selection is less than fun with everything being either redundant, or requiring some weird Budokai Tenkaichi combo input in order to use you power (X, X, X, X, X, Hold X,
And OH MY GOD the collision detection in that game... for ****'s sake people need to stop iddling in doorways and blocking everyone from getting in and out. Who's the genius that thought that **** up?
I'm going to ignore teh easy and obvious character creator argument, and focus on the fact that even the majority of unlockables and buyables in the game, even within its own world and ignoring all other games, look like ****.
The voiceover mission stuff is a good idea on paper but I can read text faster than Oracle can tell me, and sometimes its more obnoxious to have to listen to her, Supes, or Bats rather than just looking at my objective, and the reward claiming functions are counterintuitive (as is gearing and the store). Most of the UI is garbage, and the chat window... god....
I also found myself bored before I even got out of the tutorial, and already annoyed with Oracle, but pressed on only to be further bored and annoyed eventually logging off with a pounding headache from all the ****ty visual effects and bad camera and movement. (An example of DCUO's movement, camera and control scheme done right with a visceral feel is Sleeping Dogs, btw)
But they have the Vanguard of the Heavens, which is just pure win, release content regularly, and Harley so it almost evens out.
The poses were cool. I'd like to see some more of these in CO. The masks were much better.
Otherwise the coolest thing about it was taking on major Villains we all know and love.
But, I uninstalled it and have no desire to return.
The artwork, both character and environs is good but could be better.
I'd prefer not to have to be Batman's or Superman's or Wonder Woman's pet hero (Well, ok, maybe being Wonder Woman's pet hero wouldn't be all that ba* nevermind) but I could actually deal with that if this last bit were changed:
What ruins DCUO for me is the controls. I have never been one that enjoys FPS type controls and with the camera locked to mouse movement, that is exactly what DCUO has. I know that some people like it and that is fine, but I think that if it had an alternative control scheme, I would enjoy it much more.
The Forumite formerly known as Galeforce.
If you want my money, there is a fairly simple way to get it since I am fairly free with how I spend it. First, produce something I consider to be worth buying. Second, offer it up for sale. Don't lock it behind a gambling scam. If I want something, I am perfectly happy to pay for it. But I will not purchase a CHANCE to get it, When I pay money, I have a perfectly logical right to expect to get what I want.
That said, I enjoyed their physics, and I love that movement powers are a powerset unto themselves (a clever idea I'd like to see other games emulate). Their graphics, while maybe not as "comic-book" as CO, are actually quite good. Their leather actually looks like leather. And their cities are gorgeous- I just wish they had a night/day cycle and weather.
No thank you, though- that wasn't enough to get my money.
Lately, though, I've given up on CO ever getting any more content- or even any attention from the devs. Looking for something else to play, I decided to take another look at DCUO.
And now I've signed up for a three-month membership, and I've already spent five bucks in their store. This, Cryptic, is what you've lost out on by ignoring CO: I've given another company about $40 bucks that you could have had.
My experience has been pretty similar to most of the other posters here:
Pros: Nice graphics. Lots of content. Some neat powers and animations. The few travel powers are fun, although flight seems painfully slow...
Cons: All the rest. Character creation is extremely limited and effectively everyone has the same origin. Yes, being a sidekick does bug me. Most costume drops don't seem to be account wide. UI is cumbersome at best. The game seems quite vulnerable to cheats. And I hate, Hate, HATE the combat! The click, click, hold type power activation kills my hand and makes me feel like I'm learning Morse Code, not playing a game. Lack of a cursor and forced mouse look is icing on the crap cake...
I can't count the number of times I've tried to give it another chance, only to log off after 10 minutes.
For me, its CO or no go....
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
I think words like "MMO", the fact that its on the computer, and the inevitable comparison to games like CO and COX make people come at the game with preconceived notions and that prevents them from enjoying it objectively.
The costume creator, while more shallow than co/cox is still better than most give it credit for. I was able to recreate my main for the most part but gave up before i finished because you have to grind hard to get many of the costume pieces.
I went on the wiki and was able to find costume pieces i liked, but (after reaching lv 30) became disheartened when i figured out that it would take months to complete my costume. This may not have been a big deal to me if i wasnt already spoiled by co/cox.
I think the game is a big more "polished" than CO. The VO is of a quality of your avrage Saturday morning cartoon and allows you to focus on playing the game and traveling between spots instead of reading. This also adds a bit of Emerson to me.
I didn't come across any systems that feel half implemented or abandoned like in CO. Even if you don't like the systems they have, at least they aren't the former.
The instanced missions with unique maps and unique bosses came fairly often and that's something i wish CO had more of. Only COs big story (like pre crisis Vibora Bay) have the the level of production that DCUO takes for granted.
I also like that there is a core meta-game regardless of how you build. The rock>paper>scissors iterations between blocking,combos and lunging allows mobs to feel less like spammy than in CO.
In the end, making me grind super hard for the costume parts i wanted killed it for me. If not for that, i probably would have stayed for longer.
PVP is starving without rewards
1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
* Villain/Hero, World PvP with factions
* Good over-arching storylines
* Amazing voice acting
* Nice graphics, especially environments
* Travel powers and physics are done very well
* PUG play for missions is pretty good
* Hero customization is very limited
* Costume unlocks are per character, and based on progress through storylines and level (mostly)
* Grind for resources to pay for equipment damage (and now for hideouts)
* All heroes and villains have same essential backstory
* Unpleasant online community (compared to Champs)
* Controls for PC gamers are terrible
* Few power sets to choose from
* Too much sameness from character to character
* Have to repeat missions to level up and to get enough resources to repair gear
Definitely, the game has great appeal for folks that love DC comics, folks that don't worry about character customization, and folks that play with a controller (instead of a keyboard).
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
1)Controller, unless you hate your mouse and want to kill it soon, the best thing to do is to get a controller
2) Make sure you have low ping, attacks are basically combos which timing has some requirement. At the beginning I started in a European server, then moved to the US one, and the difference in enjoyability is pretty significant
3) it has been said that premium players has trouble in the endgame due to the resource limits so limited that it is not even enough for repairs. I can't confirm this since while I have a lvl 30 I still have not taken part in any endgame content. So it might be either a character leveling game or need subscription to play it seriously
Now for the goods and bads.
1) Action
2) Endgame costumes are epic
3) Intense lore
1) Relatively simple character customization(compared to CO and CoH)
2) weapons tends to shadow the powers so it feels not too epic from power point of view
3) Interface is completely consolish so it might take time to get use to it.
The one thing I DID like was the wall-climbing travel power (acrobatics, I think). That was the most hilariously fun travel power I've experienced.
Unfortunately that's not the case. Right at the starting tutorial I was already put off by the clunky and stiff combat controls, and this was the PS3 version I was playing with full controller support.
What sucks the most is that I've spent a week downloading the game, only to get nothing out of it.
Ironically, CO seems to have better controller support for combat IMO.
Overall I feel that CO is just a superior game overall, at least for me is.
Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Also, I ran out of missions twice so I needed to team, I don't like being force to team.
I fighting was cool, it is a pain sometimes so I can't heal myself like Champions, in CoH I didn't have to heal myself. I find blocking pointless unless you can heal yourself.
I also like super speed, and telekinesis. It is fun running up walls, and throwing near by items at people.
The reasons?
First, You're not a Superhero.. You're simply a "Fanboy" serving an "All Powerful Hero (or villain)" who gives you orders.. For me, this is simply insulting, as it feels like i'm nothing more than a "weak" errand boy, being tossed away and overshadowed by the "Almighty Signature Heroes" when my task is complete..
There were times when i thought "Fanboy & Chum-Chum" would appear saying "Braiiiiinfreeeeeeze" during my game time.......<@#$!?>
Second, the damn UI/Controls.. I mean, whoever designed those, was definitely on drugs, or was brainwashed by Joker to make them as disturbing as they are.. If you're not willing to invest on a gamepad, you're in for a really rough ride... Including having to face a totally random interface, placed in the game in no particular order! Plus, some power animations gives you a "What the hell am i playing" feeling..
Third, the game was meant to be released in consoles.. The PC version is simply a parody they released only to get more subscribers, which they obviously failed to get, causing the game to go F2P after only a few months of release.. I believe the majority of the players comes from consoles and not the PC.. For a console player, such a game is "cool and original", but for a PC user? It just doesn't make the grade..
Fourth, the damn grinding.. Even though it's fairly easy to reach the max level, which was 30 back when i tried the game, the fact that the game "forces" you to team up at times, or go "hitting" things in order to get some costume pieces, simply ruins everything.. Plus, mission "sharing".. If you're a sidekick to Superman, why can't you take a Batman's task from a friend who wishes to play with you? Will your "God-Modding" Mentors be insulted if you do so? For this section, i speak from personal experience, the game may have changed by now, and if so, correct me! :cool:
And last but not least? The Character Creator! *Shudder*
Saved this one for last, cause i'm not sure about what to say, honestly.. It's something the game lacks.. Although i must admit, that it really made me laugh for quite some time when i tried to re-create my main hero there.. Alas, i failed miserably to do so.. If they wanted our heroes.......sorry, fanboys to be unoriginal, they did a really great job, though..
In overall, the only good "things" about the game, are the world's graphics/textures, and some voice acting.. But those two alone can't "keep" a player into the game for a long term basis.. No matter how much you polish a piece of glass, it won't turn into a diamond..
@Nepht : A thread about DCUO is never "serious" enough, but that's a personal opinion!
"Few are agreeable in conversation, because each thinks more of what he intends to say than that of what others are saying, and listens no more when he himself has a chance to speak." - Francois de la Rochefoucauld
"Forums are amazing technology. They can take a seemingly normal and
rational person and make them look like a troll. Short-sighted, misguided, creative effort deprived. Incredible." - Snarlygribbly
A lot of people keeps saying they felt like a sidekick or a flunky, while playing through I never got that. What I got was we were given these powers, and the heroes/villians took us under their 'wing' to guide us and teach us what it takes to be a hero/villian, while fighting and saving the world, because it was our characters with our powers who would be able to stop the games biggest threat.
In DCUO there is significantly more things to do, if you are villian you can run/fly around the city and you can cause random mayhem, or as a hero you can help random citizens/officers.
Sure the character creator is limited at first but as you open up styles the options to customize your hero/villian, who started out as a regular person, increases greatly.
Another area that I like about DCUO vs CO, I feel subscribers are given more for a sub with DCUO, then they are here. A subscriber has access to most ingame content/items for free, and Sony doesn't rely on cheap gamble boxes to make a quick buck. In fact subscribers can open lockboxes for free.
These forums are for the celebration of Champions Online.
Heck even geriatric old city of zeroes was better that sidekicks online, why waste bandwidth discussing it here?
Because champions isn't doing any better, and in fact is probably worse because they're at least getting new things every few months. Champions by far should be the better game but isn't because of a few things like lack of development, bad cash grabs, and half finished always forgotten content.
All three of those things could be easily solved yet it isn't and hasn't been for months.
In my opinion, DCUO does a lot of things right that CO does very poorly, things as i've mentioned before should have been in CO first because the forum goers have been requesting them since they came out. Hide out features, the way travel powers work, villain play. Plus DCUO has Jim Lee's art work and a lot of voice acting which is just a nice feature. I personally would love Champions to look a little more realistic like STO does, but that's just me.
To be fair though DCUO does a lot of things terribly that champions does great with. Customization being the biggest, though they've moved away from that and should really get back to what makes them great. Both in terms of character, costume, and power Champions does a spectacular job of giving the power to the players. Something they should really work on for the vehicles, nemesis, hideouts, and side kicks. It strikes me as really sad that i can make a better clone of literally any DC Character in Champions than in DCUO, especially seeing how you're supposed to have a character's exact powers according to the games own story... It's really kind of sad for them.
Every thing DCUO does right champions should have had long before them, yet the fans went ignored here where sony listened. I like DCUO, but it's mostly just meh. I like champions, but i get mad that it's so much wasted potential simply because all of the great ideas people keep tossing out to cryptic get ignored.
DCUO would need to revamp character creation, customization, and the power system all together for me to think it was the better of the two, and champions really needs to just go back and finish what it started as well as listen to the players more.
If some one took the good from both games and put them in a new superhero based MMO, it could easily be the best, something champions should have been already.
You're operating under the assumption that CO is somehow worse off because some other game puts doodads out at a faster rate than CO does. At least as far as these forums go it doesn't matter how fast DCUO puts out updates as the game just isn't that great to a lot of people anyway.
These shoulds are mostly armchair developer/management speculation. There's no guarantee that we'd be any better or worse off than we are now if these "shoulds" were implemented.
Personal preference:
Computer games > Console games
* More customization control (often times you can create your own content on the PC versions)
* Titles cost less, lower/no royalties for PC titles.
* Thumsticks suck. Turn acceleration sucks. A laser mouse or ball mouse gives you such more accurate control and you can stop your turn on a dime.
* Keyboards give you more control with the touch of one specific button, and typing chat messages is a breeze.
* PC games port over to consoles easier than console games port over to PCs.
Fancy graphics doesn't sell a game for me. That I love Minecraft should speak volumes for that. If anything fancy graphics means I have to spend more money.
My impression of DCUO was it was for diehard fans of DC Comics made for the console-gamer. Same thing for Marvel. No, with City of Heroes gone there is only one true create-your-own-character MMO out there.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
this game
players of both DCUO and the Hulk game would have no doubt seen the likeness between the two games.
The problem of DCUO was that instead of a single player console game where it would have rocked the did want to put it in the market (that they thought would have let them rake in big bucks) of the MMOGs where the game was, is, and always will be a fish out of the water.
It didn't help any that they added concepts right out of WoW like armors and weapons (even the penalty for being defeated is the same :biggrin:)
So it depends on you :if you want to play a fps/beat them up play it , if you want to play a MMOG avoid it
No, I thought this was the thread where we troll Champs players by speaking well of DCUO.
Yeah .. i created a character, and already really hated the character editor, not just the
low number of options, but simply the useability of that thing was so bad. And then i entered
the game .. noticed the FPS style controls .. searched through the options again and again
if there was a way to change that to a "normal" MMO type control. After not finding that i
used Google .. and also didn't found anything. So finally after 20 minutes i quit the game
and never looked back.
No. This is not "the" thread, just one of many. Stick around a little longer or dig through the archives, you'll see more of them.
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
Problem soon after my first year on CO is there was not enough new content to keep anyone interested in the game. So people left in droves, they did the FTP reboot and even more people came to play the game, but the bugs lost a lot of people.
The lack of endgame and content soon lost tons more. STO has the same problem.
Great game engine, fantastic game play, Cool and fun original stories, just not enough to keep you going at all.
I came back to both games yesterday after over 2 years away. And there is new content I am enjoying, but I can clearly see that it is all far to weak to keep me still. After over 4 years on CO and 3 Years on STO, Cryptic is making changes and adding C-Store goodies regularly, But had added far less content to play than anything.
No where near enough content to sustain an MMO playing community. This is a great game! But, after 4 years has done far to little to make the game sustainable for the community.
Now Cryptic is launching NWN. Looks great, I am certain the content it launches with will be fun and enjoyable. I wanted to buy it.
But with Cryptic's history of tidbits of content to keep you going after launch, I am afraid to give and more of my money to to Cryptic.
I want to, I really do want to believe that Cryptic had learned from CO and STO.
They have just added new stuff to both games recently, but like I stated earlier it is far too little of anything substantial.
I fear placing my trust in Cryptic anymore. But I want to.
But...what do you think of DCUO?
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
I had the feeling he posted in the wrong thread, and that should be placed correctly in the Neverwinter-Thread
[_] A mediocre game with frequent content updates.
[_] A great game with very infrequent content/balance updates.
[_] A cheese danish.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Answer in green above.
I also have a DCUO LTS and I found this very annoying glitch after like 30 mins of play I found that my head was actually in an oven :I
As far as I know that glitch isnt fixed
*edit* I also played DCUO BEFORE I played CO and to be fair I still play now and then on my PS3. BUT the PC one is a pile of crap theres no two ways about it. CoH even in its shutdown state is more playable than the PC version of DCUO.
If you have to give it a go play it on the PS3 its a better version than the PC by miles.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
You know the cookies will never bake if you keep watching them like that.