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The top 5 things YOU feel need to be fixed/improved in 2013!

agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
edited October 2013 in Champions Online Discussion
Ideally this should be like a top 100 list, but realistically I know most you all are going to be unable or unwilling to summarize an exhaustive list like that...

So I'm keeping it simple, top 5, no more, no less.


+ Try to consider things that benefit the whole community (not just you)

+ Remember that this is a business, not a charity. Your whole list should represent a pathway to increased profits AND total revenue (and remember as they say in retail: "sales is king", that total sales dollars drives profits, even if your margin of profit is small). Just be ready & able to defend why your list is smart for business.

+ The ultimate goal for the community is fun, the ultimate goal for business is growth

All clear? Ok, I guess I'll establish the precedent, by going first...
  1. Bug fixes
    (Do you even LOOK in the Gameplay Bugs forum devs?)

  2. New explorable content
    (Places to go & things to do. Improvements to existing missions, quest chains, zones, and alerts count.)

  3. Revise & improve the Nemesis system
    (Entirely new mission arcs based on your nemesis's personality & minion types. Alerts that involve nemesises of everyone on the team. Better customization of your nemesis from power sets, to devices & gear, and more personalities)

  4. Address player griefing issues
    (Low levels & leechers in Smash Alerts specifically, greifers/trolls in costume contests, and the player chat-ban issue. Smart, longer-lasting solutions are needed)

  5. Consolidate the currencies
    (see my signature below PLUS I feel there should be a daily & completely optional daily Questionite mission for playing 3 PvP queue matches of any kind to completion, win or lose, just don't quit or AFK.)

Now it's your turn! Please post YOUR top five, "This NEEDS to be done in 2013" :smile:
Post edited by agentnx5 on


  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Give us a reason to do stuff at higher difficulties/make non-alert content harder
    Rebalance some of those powersets
    Give us something new to do
    Hire one visible GM
    Fix old content because it's broke as shıt
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • xcaligaxxcaligax Posts: 1,096 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. Bug fixes, obviously

    2. New Content. CONCRETE content. SG hideouts? New missions? New Zone? New Lore?

    3. A fix to the chat ban system, give us an actual GM system.

    4. Foundry.

    5. Daily developer logs to keep the CO population updated on your plans, what you're working on, and what plans you have in the future. Basically, COMMUNICATION.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. Bug fixes
    2. More open world missions
    3. A review and improvement of non-Alert XP & gear rewards
    4. Something to address the issue of 'report spam' and/or other exploits - such as a real GM presence
    5. A costume set that consists of general-purpose, non-specific pieces, (like knee & elbow pads, neck guards/accessories, leg accessories, and all existing weapon models as back/hip options, etc).
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. Caliga
    2. Caliga.
    3. Caliga!
    4. CALIGA!
    5. CALIGAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
  • valasquavalasqua Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. Bug fixes
    2. Consistent, frequent dev communication
    3. An end game
    4. New content -- adventure pack or zone
    5. At least one new powerset
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I dunno, biff...can even this game withstand 5 Caligas? :eek:
    'Dec out

  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Some sensical replies would be lovely... *looks at Smackwell and Decorum* :wink:

    bioshrike wrote: »
    2. More open world missions
    3. A review and improvement of non-Alert XP & gear rewards
    5. A costume set that consists of general-purpose, non-specific pieces, (like knee & elbow pads, neck guards/accessories, leg accessories, and all existing weapon models as back/hip options, etc).

    These are all excellent ideas!
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm too new to be constructive, and everything I thought of, everyone's putting under a blanket "bug fixes".

    I want pick up and throw fixed, but apparently that's about to happen.

    I would like the female fighting claws bug fixed.

    I would like more content. I can't be specific, because I've barely done any, just know there's a very limited amount.

    Something Foundry-like would be good, except that I don't know much about the specifics of how the actual one works.

    I would like to run around making dumb jokes, but I already do that. :tongue:
    'Dec out

  • seazombie64seazombie64 Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. Bug Fixes
    Start small..no need for a huge attempt. I would like the OM's fixed first, then move on to something else. Can't think of a monetary angle for this.

    2. New Powersets
    Water and Sonic. Make premium AT's for them for the monetary pay off.

    3. Super-group Bases
    Huge fun for active SG's and RP'ers. Some upgrades to the base are grindable (pay with questionite, globals or some new currency method) and some upgrades from the Z store (again for the monetary angle)

    4. New Zone(s)
    Will give us more content, will probably require a level increase. A new zone for level 6-20 something would be a nice alternative to grinding through MC again though. Can't think of a monetary angle for this.

    5. Foundry
    I don't care about a foundry, don't really want one. I wish they would expand hideouts, but so many people want a foundry, if they finally add one I won't have to see several new threads a week about it. Only monetary angle I can think for this would be make it available for Golds only.
  • yogid0nnieyogid0nnie Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1) Foundry, give us what we need to fill our own content needs

    2) Communication, please give us bi-monthy until reports or state of the games

    3) More missions that tie into current story lines and move the story forward

    4) A new zone, I like outer space/moon/Mechanon/Star Guard stuff

    5) Rideable mounts added to the vehicle system.. ie.. Dragons, Pegasus, Giant Insects, low tech vehicles.. Vehicles are cool but some of us aren't high tech heros
  • prankensteinprankenstein Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1) Chatbans/Other community fixes.
    2) Foundry
    3) Allowing PTS members ample time to actually test bugs before they come out.
    4) If you don't feel like implementing 3, then please don't give us buggy content.
    5) Anything but vehicles. Please. Stop making vehicles/mounts/retextured transform powers.
    ~~~The Tidal Tilde Wave of Seperation~~~
    I'd rather get STO's level of lockbox suck if worthwhile updates come with it. -Buxom
  • savetheplanetnowsavetheplanetnow Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    Clash of the titans. :biggrin:
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. Bug fixes. You guys have at least a year's worth of work on bugfixes ALONE. And that's assuming someone runs a spellchecker against all the text in the game during the off hours.
    2. New mission arc content. Not everyone can or wants to run endless alerts. And random one-off missions here and there just don't cut it. As noted above, have someone run a spellcheck on the thing before release!
    3. Fix the chatban function. I honestly don't give a crap if it is *WAI*. If the way it currently functions was your intention, you were either brain-dead or drug-addled (or both) at the time. This tool is simply too easily abused as-is.
    4. A balance pass on the game would be great. Currently this game is ridiculously lopsided, with ranged sets being GLARINGLY superior to melee sets, and control being laughably useless.
    5. I'll leave this one for pie-in-the-sky. A foundry system or a hideout/base upgrade would be VERRA nice!
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. PW's attitude towards CO.
    2. PW's priorities towards CO.
    3. PW's priorities towards paying customers.
    4. PW's priorities towards customers.
    5. The Game.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • gandalesgandales Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. End-game Lairs

    For lvl 40s to do. One thing I have always proposed is to have lvl 40 versions of all pre-40 lairs like stronghold, teleios tower, etc.

    2. Lair Queues

    This is necesary to increase the involvement of players.

    3. Balancing rewards

    The relation reward/effort is too far wrong in this game, this leads to lairs overemphasized and others neglected. It would be also a good thing to have the lair of the week for increased rewards.

    4. Setting to use vehicles

    So far vehicles are not more than a nice novelty but there are not really content targeted to them. The skycommand was supposed to be like that but it is not having much attendance.

    5. End game progression

    Design a route for endgame increased difficulty so players feels they are improving over time.
  • visionstorm01visionstorm01 Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    Clash of the titans. :biggrin:


    Though, as much as I think that Bug Fixes are completely necessary:

    1) Bug fixes will not going to bring me back to the game

    2) This is CO, I am used to living with Bugs, but I NEED SOME FRAKKING NEW CONTENT!!!
    • Explorable Content
    • End Game Content
    • Foundry


    I find the chat ban feature and the blatant money grabs through gambling items utterly insulting and disrespectful towards paying customers and I will NOT support a company that treats me like disposable garbage.
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    1. PW's attitude towards CO.
    2. PW's priorities towards CO.
    3. PW's priorities towards paying customers.
    4. PW's priorities towards customers.
    5. The Game.

    And on a related note... this^

    Yet one more EDIT for proper thread format:
    1. Explorable Content
    2. End Game Content
    3. Foundry
    4. Company Revision of Attitudes/Priorities towards the game and its costumers
    5. A CLEAR Consistent VISION for the game (i.e. no more random, "new shiny" crap)
  • eastgatewidoweastgatewidow Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1: Cryptic-Studios executive management's (apparent) chronic under-investment in both financial backing and staff allocation for their 'Champions-Online' project.

    2: Cryptic-Studios executive management's opinion that keeping a game on a bare-bones life-supporting maintainance-mode is acceptable.

    3: Do the Hero-Games IP Cryptic-Studios bought, justice!.
    Seriously, four years on and there is no Ravenswood Academy, no Shamballah, no Agharti, no Arcadia:City of Gold, no Well of the Worlds, no Sunday Pond, no Hudson City, no 'Gateway' Until Space Station, no Atlantis, no Lyonesse.
    Seriously guys, are you even trying anymore?.

    4: Communication. It was bad enough that you canned 3+ years of invaluable forum suggestions for a sub-standard forum, but now it appears that forum communication with the dev-team (there is a dev-team right?) - has stopped entirely.

    5: The apparent sense of complacency from the executive team that the title is developing well enough and their failure to appreciate (or willfull blindness) that PWE's vision for the title extends to nothing like what you guys originally promised Champions-Online would be.
    You promised us a next generation superhero MMO, and a feature-packed exciting one at that.
    Wake up and realise what a downright tragedy wasted potential is with regards to a project like Champions-Online and how it is almost 'failure to launch' in the grand-scope of how the game should be.
    If there is something you know re: future development and resources that perhaps your paying customers should to stay invested both creatively and financially.... nows really the time gentlemen.

    Dropping my knitting to buff you whilst hitting - Proudly protecting Millennium City's little ones since 2009.

  • scorpiongtfxscorpiongtfx Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1) Shop sales
    First thing to do is earning more money through CO. Doing weekly sales like the sales of League of Legends or Steam, can help a lot!

    2) Review and rebalance shop prices
    Do you really think you can earn moneys selling for ex. the Hover Tank Snow Leopard at 18$? There is Torchlight 2 (and many other games) at the same price (actually I bought Torchlight 2 at 10$, but never mind). If you sells the Hover Tank Snow Leopard for 6$ for example, I think overall you can earn a lot more than selling it at 18$. Many articles in your shop should be adjusted this way.

    3) Add more content to the shop
    On a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Let some of this content that can be earned in game too (like as mission rewards, questionite shop, acclaim shop, in crafting, etc.)

    4) Get rid of lockboxes
    You will not need them anymore...

    5) Develop new content
    Like new zones, dark champions, new nemesis content, events, new powersets (maybe 1 new powerset every month), better crafting, etc. etc. .... not all together, but plz start from 1 of these. You can add these to the shop too!! For example, new Archetypes based on new powersets...
  • intrinsicmanintrinsicman Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1.) Raise the level cap to at least 50.

    2.) Add new tiers of end game gear and higher rank mods, all of which can only be earned through cooperative multi-team raid content or by completing challenging small team/solo content in the new 40-50 zone. Risk of failure for all of the above.

    3.) Oh, that new 40-50 zone. Add it. Make it cool.

    4.) New comics and adventure packs, along with changes to all the old ones upping the minimum difficulty and requiring a minimum team size. Increased questionite, mod and/or gear rewards to compensate for the increased challenge. It really doesn't matter what the rewards are, as long as they're enticing enough to get people to actually team up and play content.

    5.) Fix bugs. Throwing invisible trucks is pretty lame, unless that's your super power. It would be a stupid super power though.

    And oh, I want a 6. I'm feeling rebellious.

    6.) Make all alerts at least five times as long so that an actual team environment can be cultivated. Add a level threshold for each alert respectively and scale the difficulty according to level range. How did you not think of this?
  • revanantmoriturirevanantmorituri Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Sadly part of the bandwagon here...

    1) Bugfix pass. Please.
    2) More content, especially in the 5-15 range. Very Tired of the Westside Gang Unification Conspiracy.
    3) More Developer communication. Something official once a week. Short and sweet is fine. "Progress on the upcoming Java event is coming along great! We would like some additional input over on the test server on the second mission of the Doctor Phytoplancton arc."
    4) More DevelopMENT communication. CoH players generally knew what was coming up in the next major update a solid two months in advance, and playtesting began on the beta server as soon as feasible, generally 6 weeks out. Yes, a certain amount of hype was lost, but reading these forums, we're willing to get excited over a _hat_.
    5) A general balance pass. Melee is a somewhat suicidal way to start the game. Control powers are joke (to the point 3/4 of my CoH buddies have left in frustration). Too much of the combat is geared towards the hyper-reflexed, sugar overloaded youth: somewhat tougher, but proportionally lower damage foes would force us to think more about the fights, and use more than 2 powers to fight with. Reduce the cooldown (especially with respect to interdependencies) on consumables. Double-check the math on aggro: Damage-dealing ranged types find it far too easy to steal aggro from tanking types, even with Challenging Strikes factored in.

    And because I am a cat...

    6) Maps. Leave active contacts on the map regardless of distance. Draw borders on rooms in instanced maps so navigation isn't a headache.
    7) Stop gating entire categories of content behind the cash store. Looking at the entire vehicle fiasaco.
    Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.

    Supporter of the Titan Project.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. Bug fixes
    2. Foundry
    3. New Zone (Hudson City)
    4. New low-level area (combined with #3)
    5. New power sets (like water, plants)

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • valasquavalasqua Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    New comics and adventure packs, along with changes to all the old ones upping the minimum difficulty and requiring a minimum team size.

    I really don't want to have to have minimum teams for the adventure packs/comic series. That was one thing I really hated about task forces in CoX.
    6.) Make all alerts at least five times as long so that an actual team environment can be cultivated. Add a level threshold for each alert respectively and scale the difficulty according to level range.

    I like this idea, though.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Everything listed is to be done by priority.

    0. I wouldn't even consider bug fixes to be included in the list since its something that needs to be a constant throughout everything done. Just make use of the PTS and squash them as they appear.

    0. More devs. A good start would be to transfer at least 20 devs to Champions full time. This also isn't included as part of the list since it should already be a given.

    1. Any event that is to be worked on needs to have the permanent mentality added to it along with a physical location for it to be tied to. Stop using the Alert feature as a crutch.

    2. Vehicles need an overhaul to work as originally advertised. Change color tailor. All versions available in the C-Store as well as lockboxes. Working in every zone and instance that is "outside". NOT being a become device and actually being an unlockable transformation where you get to choose which model you want on each character and the gear put into it is locked to that character's vehicle mode.

    3. The Foundry in STO has been talked about excessively as something that is totally worth the Dev work put into it. It has been proven to produce more content than the amount of work the devs have to put into it. It keeps the players invested in the game with what authors (players who create missions with it) produce with it. It has been admitted by the Cryptic head that it is worth it without making it cost a dime to anyone who plays or creates.

    4. Revamping the Nemesis feature to be edited by the Foundry and make it as glorious as it was advertised when the game was in Beta. Rebuild it from the ground up AFTER the Foundry has been added to the game. Make it so your nemesis can be involved in Zone open missions or even events (listed in 1 above) if possible.

    5. Phase 2 Hideouts and SG bases. Hideout layouts added in fold. Customization added to include NPCs. SG bases made with Foundry system to include NPC and furniture placement. SGs use the base to do SG dailies that level up the SG functionality (team or single player options available).
  • intrinsicmanintrinsicman Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    valasqua wrote: »
    I really don't want to have to have minimum teams for the adventure packs/comic series. That was one thing I really hated about task forces in CoX.

    The trouble is that everyone solos this game because it's so easy and they don't miss out on rewards, which sort of defeats the point of it being an MMO. Having a healthy amount of content requiring cooperative play is what builds up in game friendships with new people and leads to a more productive and vibrant playerbase. Just say "yes" to minimum team sizes!
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. Bugs fixed. And I don't just mean the Qularr shouldn't have children.

    2. An alternate leveling path for my new characters. Yes, Poe, I know. This is the twentieth time I've been Just in time... to be too late! Also, new zones/Adventure Pack/Comic Series.

    3. As an alternative to 2, the Foundry.

    4. Re-addition of the weapon skins they removed with On Alert. I'm missing a handful myself, and it's unfair to penalize the deluge of newcomers from CoH/people who didn't unlock them before On Alert. And by 're-addition', I don't mean in one of your lockboxes. Oh, and more costume sets that you can, you know, BUY in the Z-store instead of having to open a lockbox for 2 Drifter Salvage for a Costume Box from Drifter that costs 40 Salvage for a random costume unlock.

    5. Bug fixes. Seriously. If you add nothing else the whole year and dedicate all that time to fixing everything that's broken, I would be fine with that.
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1) Chatbans/Other community fixes.
    2) Foundry
    3) Allowing PTS members ample time to actually test bugs before they come out.
    4) If you don't feel like implementing 3, then please don't give us buggy content.
    5) Anything but vehicles. Please. Stop making vehicles/mounts/retextured transform powers.
    The trouble is that everyone solos this game because it's so easy and they don't miss out on rewards, which sort of defeats the point of it being an MMO. Having a healthy amount of content requiring cooperative play is what builds up in game friendships with new people and leads to a more productive and vibrant playerbase. Just say "yes" to minimum team sizes!

    Part of the problem is, teaming n this game is just PAINFUL. They need to just implement CoH-style super-sidekicking and be done with this. Then there's no more screaming at someone to get back under sidekick so the team doesn't wipe on suddenly purple enemies.

    That and the fact that team scaling for enemy groups is kind of out of whack..

    Not to mention that there is exactly ZERO real benefit to teaming or higher difficulty in this game.

    And FORCING minimum team sizes? Just because?

    Hows about HELL ******* NO!!!?

    All that will do is get you a bunch of content that isn't run by anyone but a few groups of grind-hounds. At that point, it's a waste of content development.
  • opalflameopalflame Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. More real content. (new zone and maybe a level cap raise)
    2. More devs and more communication.
    3. Bug fixes.
    4. Fix the chat ban so that it can not be abused.
    5. New stuff in the shop that I don't need to gamble for.
    Ink@Opalsky in game
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Heres my fixes.

    1) Replace Mega D with a Mega Nepht.
    2) Replace all the statues with statues of Nepht.
    3) Replace everyone's Nemesis with Nepht.
    4) Bunnehs in the park.
    5) Rename Socrates to Nepht so even if I get chat banned I can still spam players.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • sparhawksparhawk Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    4.) New comics and adventure packs, along with changes to all the old ones upping the minimum difficulty and requiring a minimum team size. Increased questionite, mod and/or gear rewards to compensate for the increased challenge. It really doesn't matter what the rewards are, as long as they're enticing enough to get people to actually team up and play content.

    6.) Make all alerts at least five times as long so that an actual team environment can be cultivated.

    Flat out no here. These are very bad ideas that runs contrary to the entire game design to date. We'll never agree on these points so I'll just leave things at that to avoid derailing the thread.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    And because I am a cat...

    Another fix would be to give this person a tag that says Is a cat.

    Gotta respect her style :D
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • gerberatetragerberatetra Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Improved? Well...

    ok..I'll prose an issue and offer suggestions.

    1- Scarce Content - The Foundry/Mission Architect [Get us to make the stuff for you!]

    2-Supergroup lacking- SG bases and SG quests/recognition paths. [give us reasons to be in, and support our SG and ways to have fun together supporting them. ]

    3- RolePlay support- Emotes, RP locations, A RP community rep [The RP community can and has been a loyal group who are -mostly- low maintenance but get a lot of miles out of static content]

    4- Costumes - Fixes for textures, glowing [or lack of] and other various bugs. [CO's custom characters are the KEY to it's appeal. This feature needs love, and needs a lot of it]

    5- Nemesis Content
    -A lack of variety, customization and BUGS [This is unique feature numero dos. This needs to be a big focus, it's one reason to come and stay to play and it's meh.]

    Honorable mentions; Cannon CO character need to be less goofy and more like their PnP versions, a lot of Missions need small bug fixes, Cosmic need to be more accessible, oh.. and PvP could use some love but meh..

    Here we are now going to the West Side
    Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
    Some may come and some may stay
    Watching out for a sunny day
    Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm

    In game as @forgemccain
  • twg042370twg042370 Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    + Try to consider things that benefit the whole community (not just you)

    I read this and thought, "Yeah, as if that's gonna happen."

    Then I read the thread and it did.

    And my heart grew three sizes this day.
    Wait? Whaaaa..?
  • stmothstmoth Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1) more content
    2) less emphasis on quick-money schemes
    3) more dev communication (ya do good, TT, but I wish the other devs would speak to us as well)
    4) ability to distribute UGC amongst one another (and the ability to easily include UGC into the game)
    5) bug fixes for long standing problems
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I can't bring myself to type anything here.

    In one year there's alot of potential.. but if this game exists in 2014 I'm going to point to this thread and cry. If it doesn't exist in 2014 (which feels likely) then I'm going to point to this thread and laugh.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The trouble is that everyone solos this game because it's so easy and they don't miss out on rewards, which sort of defeats the point of it being an MMO. Having a healthy amount of content requiring cooperative play is what builds up in game friendships with new people and leads to a more productive and vibrant playerbase. Just say "yes" to minimum team sizes!

    No. We already have multiple difficulty settings. If you want to tweak said settings and make them more difficult (except for normal of course) knock yourself out. If you want to have better rewards for said higher difficulty settings, again knock yourself out. If I want to play the game solo, that should be my choice. If I miss out on better rewards, that should also be my choice. I find that I have more fun and team up more on events (Misfit Toys, Blood Moon, etc.) And that again is my choice. Now onto the list.

    Most everything has been stated (multiple times) and I agree with most of it. Content, bug fixes, end game, content that is reasonably priced and you actually want to pay/sub for, more communication, etc. Some of the biggest things they could do would be to take content they already have, tweak it a bit, and get more use out of it. Things like the five man instances, give level 40s a reason to actually want to play those. Better mechanics for Alerts so they're less of a mess (Alerts for different level caps so lowbies can enjoy the content and so higher level elites don't feel bored, differing difficulties, etc.). Fixing the public quests and making them appealing as end game content would be another step up. Hideouts, nemesis, and too many others to mention that were (seemingly) left incomplete.

    Make sure CO appeals to different types of players, and your profits will grow. A "something for everyone" as it were, would be ideal.
  • intrinsicmanintrinsicman Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    lol I can't believe some of these responses. If you guys want to be alone so badly why are you playing an MMO? And how do you not realize that a massively multiplayer game that doesn't require or at least add appropriate incentive for teaming at all is poorly designed? You guys know about single player RPG video games right? You might want to look into those.
  • darksun0685darksun0685 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Just because no one has said it yet but alerts with Talisman, Brian Trust, Menton, all those villains that act as hired guns for our nems and Black Mace and his fight club gang.

    Just want to see some of them get some face time.
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I would throw up pretty much the same 5 most are, with one exception, the Foundry. Even is the CO team said, hey we are doing this, I doubt we would see it till 2014, late 2014. But it would be great to read those words..."Foundry is coming to CO" that would be great.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • cellarrat33cellarrat33 Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    lol I can't believe some of these responses. If you guys want to be alone so badly why are you playing an MMO? And how do you not realize that a massively multiplayer game that doesn't require or at least add appropriate incentive for teaming at all is poorly designed? You guys know about single player RPG video games right? You might want to look into those.

    Funny you should say that.

    I don't play the game because it's an MMO, I play it because it's a niche genre. If they released it as a single player RPG, I would buy it and play it. I haven't seen a single player superhero RPG that lets me customize like CO does.

    I don't mind playing in an MMO environment, but that's not why I play. It isn't that I want to be alone. I just don't care. Most of the "social" fun I've had has been through zone chat anyway. Players I friended because of a mandatory team up, I have never heard from again. The players I do keep in touch with I have met in the forums.

    Also "a massively multiplayer game that doesn't require or at least add appropriate incentive for teaming at all is poorly designed", I'm not a power player and do not have builds that solo content, so I do require other players for certain lairs. So that means CO is not poorly designed... for me.

    As for improvements, pretty much the same as everyone else.

    1. Bug fixes
    2. Communication.
    3. New playable content (i.e. New zones, mission arcs, etc. Shamballah for the sake of Mother Love! )
    4. Foundry
    5. And... for certain players who shall remain nameless... Telepathy Now!!!

    CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared

    "The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
    From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Agreed. One of the draws of both CoX and CO is that they were eminently solo-able. You couldn't do EVERYTHING solo, but you could do most of the "regular" content that way. Sure, some stuff can be "team only", but forcing it on the main parts of the game is more poor design than not.
    'Dec out

  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I thought it over and here are my 5...again I know these have already been said and I only made it to page 2.

    1) SG bases: I am a heavy RPer, so this would benifit me and my friends alot, but I would like them to be like the ones in COX, teleporters multiple rooms, and freedom of placement for objects. I would like to have Levels added though. and perhaps those could be unlockables or paid content. Along with other things like Hanges and such. Teleporters would also mean we needs more....

    2) Zones! We need more zones. I cover in the CO leadership threads that this would actually be alot easier than people thing. At least to get a couple of zones up then get some major ones up int he mean time. Convert the Q-Realm from Demonflame into a zone-use it as a base and add to it. The Hi-Pan Fury of the Dragon alert, use that and build upon it. Turn it into one big Zone. Then add to the City, even re-using/re-coloring buildings if needed to act as extensions to say Downtown, or the city acrossed the river.

    3) Bug Fixes, we all know there are alot of them, they have been reported to death, fix them.

    4) Powers: Water, Sonic, Plant, and Cosmic I think could be awesome. Shields could be added to might, along with Bow staffs and such. With the Gravbikes I think that the Devs have gotten much better at dealing with the slider variations and how they work with other things.

    5) Costumes. Fix little things like some costumes (Irradiated Jacket) that dont work on both Sexes. and others like a goatee not working on Half Helmets while the Viking beard does. Also finish some of the costumes that dont seem to have matching pieces.

    that is meant to go with others who brought up the same topics and siad things I didn't and vise versa.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1: Cryptic-Studios executive management's (apparent) chronic under-investment in both financial backing and staff allocation for their 'Champions-Online' project.

    2: Cryptic-Studios executive management's opinion that keeping a game on a bare-bones life-supporting maintainance-mode is acceptable.

    3: Do the Hero-Games IP Cryptic-Studios bought, justice!.
    Seriously, four years on and there is no Ravenswood Academy, no Shamballah, no Agharti, no Arcadia:City of Gold, no Well of the Worlds, no Sunday Pond, no Hudson City, no 'Gateway' Until Space Station, no Atlantis, no Lyonesse.
    Seriously guys, are you even trying anymore?.

    4: Communication. It was bad enough that you canned 3+ years of invaluable forum suggestions for a sub-standard forum, but now it appears that forum communication with the dev-team (there is a dev-team right?) - has stopped entirely.

    5: The apparent sense of complacency from the executive team that the title is developing well enough and their failure to appreciate (or willfull blindness) that PWE's vision for the title extends to nothing like what you guys originally promised Champions-Online would be.
    You promised us a next generation superhero MMO, and a feature-packed exciting one at that.
    Wake up and realise what a downright tragedy wasted potential is with regards to a project like Champions-Online and how it is almost 'failure to launch' in the grand-scope of how the game should be.
    If there is something you know re: future development and resources that perhaps your paying customers should to stay invested both creatively and financially.... nows really the time gentlemen.

    OMG #3 so much! WHERE IS MECHANON?!?! He is only one of the biggest bad guys in CO lore and the history of the P&P! There are three books of villains and so many stories to be told about them.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • intrinsicmanintrinsicman Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Agreed. One of the draws of both CoX and CO is that they were eminently solo-able. You couldn't do EVERYTHING solo, but you could do most of the "regular" content that way. Sure, some stuff can be "team only", but forcing it on the main parts of the game is more poor design than not.

    The good thing about COH was that it had quite a lot of team content AND quite a lot of solo capable content. I've never suggested that quests be removed. Having soloable quests is important, but there should still be team exclusive content in order to instill a sense of community, and with increased rewards and challenge. This is an MMO after all.

    @cella, lairs are hardly even a part of the game. What are the rewards for completing them? What makes the XP, gear or anything else received worth it? Background peripheral content that serves no real purpose whatsoever is not the way to implement team driven content, lol.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    A solid mixture of team oriented and soloable content is important to an MMO in my opinion.

    The soloablility aspect should not be, "design an uber build if you want to be able to solo anything."


    The teaming aspect should not be, "you can form a group to play through content that any single member of the team could solo."

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    intrinsicman must've had me take him wrong

    The good thing about COH was that it had quite a lot of team content AND quite a lot of solo capable content. I've never suggested that quests be removed. Having soloable quests is important, but there should still be team exclusive content in order to instill a sense of community, and with increased rewards and challenge. This is an MMO after all.

    Then I don't understand the question. This game HAS soloable content AND team exclusive content. Is it just unhappiness that, say, the team content doesn't have the rewards you want? If so, I'll just bow out, because rewards have never meant diddly to me. That's more an achiever/gamer thing. Super-hero games tend to be less about that and heavier on the other aspects...designing, exploring, RP, etc.
    'Dec out

  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ashensnow draws borders:

    A solid mixture of team oriented and soloable content is important to an MMO in my opinion.

    The soloablility aspect should not be, "design an uber build if you want to be able to solo anything."


    The teaming aspect should not be, "you can form a group to play through content that any single member of the team could solo."

    See, now that I cannot disagree with even a little bit. Nicely put.
    'Dec out

  • intrinsicmanintrinsicman Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Then I don't understand the question. This game HAS soloable content AND team exclusive content. Is it just unhappiness that, say, the team content doesn't have the rewards you want? If so, I'll just bow out, because rewards have never meant diddly to me. That's more an achiever/gamer thing. Super-hero games tend to be less about that and heavier on the other aspects...designing, exploring, RP, etc.

    What team content? Alerts? Those novelty lair things? This game has almost no actual teaming because there's no reason to team. That's where the rewards come in- as we've seen in this game, if there's no incentive to team, people just won't do it.

    When you can get to max level in a week by yourself and 3 or 4 days doing 2 minute alerts that hardly even count as teaming, there's no point. If you can get all the best loot in the game by yourself in a week, there's no teaming up for a cooperative end game, and again it just defeats the point of having an MMO.
  • savagedeaconsavagedeacon Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The good thing about COH was that it had quite a lot of team content AND quite a lot of solo capable content. I've never suggested that quests be removed. Having soloable quests is important, but there should still be team exclusive content in order to instill a sense of community, and with increased rewards and challenge. This is an MMO after all.

    @cella, lairs are hardly even a part of the game. What are the rewards for completing them? What makes the XP, gear or anything else received worth it? Background peripheral content that serves no real purpose whatsoever is not the way to implement team driven content, lol.

    Thee were only two kind of game content that weren't soloable in CoH and both weren't soloable not because a skilled player couldn't do them on his own but because the game forced you to be on a team to to get them like the task force mishs or there was something that needed to be done by the players simultaneously like to activate 2 or more computers . There were workarounds around both of them and every player in CoH had send or reiceved messages like those :"Escuse me could join me for just 2 minutes? I have cleared the mish but i need someone to activate the computers with me. Afterwards you can leave" or "Can you join me for this mish? I need two more members on my team to get it. Just 2 minutes of your time . Thank you I got the mish you can leave now."

    The thing that really promoted the team up in CoH was that you got much more xp when you are on a team, in fact the xp that you got was proportionate to the number of the teamers. Make it that way in CO too and you will see the requests to team up increase dramatically and that leaving all the content soloable So everyone would be a winner : the lone wolves (that could solo anything)and the teamers that would be motivated to team up
  • intrinsicmanintrinsicman Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Because Incarnate trials were so easy to solo. Sure, some TF's could be soloed. I had several characters that soloed MoITF's for example. But then there was the STF and LRSF, the Sutter TF, Apex, Tin Mage... Most of which couldn't really be soloed (or if they could it was extreme niche cases, probably less than 1% of the player base soloing LRSF on their tricked out Mind Dom's and the SS/Fire duoing Lambda with an Ill/Cold, lol.)

    People still did this content all the time on teams because the rewards were worth it and the content was engaging.
  • savagedeaconsavagedeacon Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Because Incarnate trials were so easy to solo. Sure, some TF's could be soloed. I had several characters that soloed MoITF's for example. But then there was the STF and LRSF, the Sutter TF, Apex, Tin Mage... Most of which couldn't really be soloed (or if they could it was extreme niche cases, probably less than 1% of the player base soloing LRSF on their tricked out Mind Dom's and the SS/Fire duoing Lambda with an Ill/Cold, lol.)

    People still did this content all the time on teams because the rewards were worth it and the content was engaging.

    The incarnate trials begun with isssue 19 "Alpha Strike" November 30, 2010 and the following issue "Incarnates" April 5, 2011 added the big leagues (teams up to 40 chars at a time) . None improved the will of the players to team up more than before when they didn't exist nor increased the number of players playing the game,but like yourself said it was the rewards (especially the xp rewards) that prompted the players to team up
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