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Sneak Preview - Grav Bikes and Free Costume Pieces!



  • spyralpegacyonspyralpegacyon Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yay, new content-

    Oh, right, 50 posts about lockboxes. And we wonder why the devs never come here to chat anymore. Ah well, time to load up on resources and see what falls through at the auction house.
  • bjoernrbjoernr Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    These grav bikes are enough content for the next 3-4 months!
    Thanks Kryptic.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yay, new content-

    Oh, right, 50 posts about lockboxes. And we wonder why the devs never come here to chat anymore. Ah well, time to load up on resources and see what falls through at the auction house.

    Yea, we like to talk about the content that comes in every major patch, doesn't bug and stays on without being gone after 2 weeks.
    And i'd like to thank for advance for the Lemurian Bubble Helmet. Been wanting that over 3 years now.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • revanantmoriturirevanantmorituri Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1) Looking forward to the event. Costumes, adventures, story: glad to see this coming. Just want to make that clear.

    2) However, no enthusiasm for more vehicles gated behind additional expenditures of real world cash beyond my subscription fees. Worse yet, random, zero guarantee of collection, gated distribution. I would settle for an absolutely bottom end vehicle, so long as it was availible through in game activities. In the meantime, Defender's pet Collection Agent will continue to be the recipient of all my vehicle parts.
    Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.

    Supporter of the Titan Project.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Will 8 slot grav bike vehicles be available in the C-Store? Lockboxes should be an option for those who can't afford full price. I want the 8 slot vehicles outright.

    I'm alright with more costume unlocks available if they are spotted throughout the year. Christmas steampunk pieces was a nice surprise.

    Please let this new mission chain be a permanent addition to the game. With the "custom Alert" being permanently on the list under Until Sky Command, unlocked after the mission chain is completed.
  • atompenguinatompenguin Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Lockboxes aside, I'm cautiously optimistic about the mega event and the costume pieces.
    -Campaign: Spells and Coin
    --Part 1: Spells and Coin (NW-DHM3XQVQK)
    --Part 2: A Blind Eye (NW-DI3QTHZGJ)
    --Part 3: Dodo's Dinner (NW-DHPA8O253)

    -One Shots
    --The Wizard of Eldeur (NW-DRKQNE4S7)
  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I hope it's a new comic series complete with a world event. I mean.. it's taking two months to unveil this thing, it has to be something huge, right? >.> I'm just hoping anyways... but how exciting! I wonder if it's connected to the end of Whiteout.

    Grav bikes only in lockboxes? Ehhh... just going to shove that to the left and pretend it doesn't exist....

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • drreverenddrreverend Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I hope the new missions are permanent... just disable the extra rewards from the event (After the event is over) in the future, but leave the missions there...

    That's kind of how I feel too. Heck, I'd love to have the Nighthawk event missions back, with a standard reward at the end instead of the Nighthawk event reward. Make it say, the equivalent of a daily custom alert run in rewards. Which is a bit low given how tricky that mission at the end of Nighthawk is, but we're running it for fun, not just the rewards.

    You guys spend a lot of time and effort crafting these event missions, and it always kind of boggles me that you spend months of effort for some stuff that you squirrel away forever after a pretty short time.

    Because I do have friends that never got the chance to run the Nighthawk missions, or were too low level to really enjoy it, and I'm kind of concerned that for a lot of folks? They'll never get the chance to see this stuff.

    Just seems like everyone would be happier if a way was devised for event arcs like this to be placed permanently in-game with a reduced reward. Maybe as a mission arc from a contact or something, and have it grant, say... level appropriate renown merits or a box of Questionite or just resources instead of Hawkwings or whatever.

    Oh, and please go through the event with a fine-toothed comb for bugs. :)

    That all said, intrigued about this.
  • xgcoxgco Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    • New Mega Event
    • New Missions
    • Free Costume Pieces
    • Communication

    • Another Lockbox
    • Grav Bikes (Just couldn't care less)
    • Temporary Missions (maybe)
  • sparhawksparhawk Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Will 8 slot grav bike vehicles be available in the C-Store? Lockboxes should be an option for those who can't afford full price. I want the 8 slot vehicles outright.

    I'm alright with more costume unlocks available if they are spotted throughout the year. Christmas steampunk pieces was a nice surprise.

    Please let this new mission chain be a permanent addition to the game. With the "custom Alert" being permanently on the list under Until Sky Command, unlocked after the mission chain is completed.

    All of the above please.
  • malvoumalvou Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Please oh please, let the Widow Grav Bike be in the C-store.

    I can't be an ex-Arachnos Villain without it.
  • crosnightcrosnight Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    what about drifter store hoverbikes, have 200 salvage saved up for an 8 slot bike (cuase the 8-slot tank is 200 salvage).
  • msmagnificentmsmagnificent Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    And then there's the sinking feeling of "despite how long you've been waiting for these bikes, you'll have to wait a bit longer if you don't want to gamble for them." Honestly, new content is great and I think if it's presented well, they should be given our utmost appreciation. At the same time, if lock-boxes (gambling) are the only way to gain a vehicle we've been waiting months for, I'd suggest just not buying the keys for the boxes until the bikes are actually released on the store. This is a business and in business you'll looking out for your bottom dollar. If sells on keys aren't were they're expecting them to be they'll probably place them up for Zen purchase sooner... or we can hope at least. In the mean time enjoy the fresh content^^.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    crosnight wrote: »
    what about drifter store hoverbikes, have 200 salvage saved up for an 8 slot bike (cuase the 8-slot tank is 200 salvage).

    I'm not spending up to $100 for one item.
  • randomchance4242randomchance4242 Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    So far, CO has brought Z-store vehicles, lockboxes, and Lobi Crystals/Drifter Salvage over from STO. So, why not bring over Featured Episodes, as well?

    Right now, I could go on STO and run through the Breen, The Devidians, Cloaked Intentions, etc... and since they're having a "rerun" event until the 14th, I can get the limited time rewards that were available when the episodes first came out. But after the 14th, I can still (re)play the *#&#@ing episodes any time I want to, just without the special rewards.

    It boggles my mind why things like the Nighthawk missions (and possibly or probably whatever this new Mega event will be) can't be permanent game fixtures, especially in a game as content-starved as CO.

    If you don't want people getting the event rewards all the time, that's fine. Make them like the comic series or other dailies and have them give a smaller reward after the event timeframe has passed. And then, maybe every once in a while like STOs featured episode re-runs, you could have "Back Issues" where the limited time rewards would be available for a week or two.
  • spyralpegacyonspyralpegacyon Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yeah, some of us missed out on the Nighthawk events the first time around. It'd be nice to actually see what that was all about.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I definitely like the idea that they're introducing new missions in the form of a featured episode, but i'm still sad to see that there's been no real leeway in improving the Vehicles system aside from tossing out a new lock box. To be honest though, adding in the free costume pieces, while being a small move, is still a move in a better direction than the game has seen for a few months.
  • gaelyn1gaelyn1 Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    After many months without nothing new, the next two months for some missions which will disappear after the event (as nighthawk's missions) and a custom alert.

    3+2 months for a custom alert, and some grav bikes with the best ones in lockboxes and meh bikes in zstore, like the other vehicules.

    wow. Impressive. I can buy some other cartel points and pre order makeb. It's not tomorrow i will come back here.
  • brokensaintvxbrokensaintvx Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    As much as I would have liked to have gotten a bike, I'm not going to open a lock-box for a chance to get one. I especially would have liked the Raptor, however it's also poor due to only having 2 weapons slots.

    The new missions are nice though, but the fact that it isn't permanent saddens me also.

    Three wrongs don't make a right.
  • darksideofspacedarksideofspace Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I can't believe with all the complaints they didn't bother to change the look to be more like a bike, cuz these UGLY!!
  • brokensaintvxbrokensaintvx Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Unfortunately this is Cryptics M.O. and means of making a buck. You should see STO, there's like.. 5 or 6 different lockboxes now. Kinda annoying cause you have to keep emptying out your inventory all the time.

    I've never had an issue with the lock boxes in STO, also I've never had a want or desire to open them. I'm too much of a purist when it comes to flying fleet or KDF ships.
  • titotito333999titotito333999 Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thanks for the update on the Grav Bikes, can't wait to get one. And start releasing more cool **** so I can buy it hehe... gimmie fat chick body please.

    This was awesome while it lasted
  • wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Come on already, we are getting new stuff so be happy. Not as much as we want but at least some positive responses will be appreciated, I am sure. We complained how STO has all the devs and too few for CO but look at the lock boxes they have. We are not required to open them if we do not want to (although an auto pickup function for lockboxes will be preferred).

    Those who do not wish to gamble, you can still not gamble. There are many who does. There are those who trade keys, stock up salvages, trade legacy device kits etc. You want direct purchase but at the same time complain about the price tags.

    I am not a fan boy. There are things which I disagree to at times but seriously, I want this game to be profitable and continue to grow strong for many, many, many more years to come. I wish for more content and larger player base. I wish it will subsume DCUO and MO. However, it requires the existing players to support and recommend the game to even more people. It also requires the company to see the potential and be willing to push the game in this direction.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I've never had an issue with the lock boxes in STO, also I've never had a want or desire to open them. I'm too much of a purist when it comes to flying fleet or KDF ships.
    It was a bit of an issue, at least in the beginning - they dropped the way our lockboxes do, but only stacked to 10 (as opposed to our stacks of 999). Last time I played STO, a week or so ago, the drop rate seemed more reasonable.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • doomedluke1doomedluke1 Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm very curious about what will be this event. Like said before, I wonder if it does have any connection with previous content, like Whiteout, which I love. I also hope these new missions will be permanent this time. I barely could enjoy Nighthawk's event, and it seemed a lot of fun. Don't like much the idea of temporary content, comics are timeless things which you can always go back and read them again, so why not the missions in CO be like this?

    About the bikes, while I sympathize with all the vehicles thing, I like the grav bikes, but still haven't seen one vehicle that made me want to have it. Most of my characters have mystical concepts, so none of the existing vehicles fit them. I hope the devs bring in the future some kind of demonic or winged horse, or something like that.

    And... lockboxes? No, thanks. I'll probably never spend money nor questionite in one. I'd much rather spend them in things I know what will come, like costume sets, archetypes, travel powers or new characters.

    Ah, talking about costume pieces... free costume pieces! Yay!!! \o/
  • cheesehotpocketscheesehotpockets Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bjoernr wrote: »
    These grav bikes are enough content for the next 3-4 months!
    Thanks Kryptic.

    You cannot be serious.
  • knightrcer2000knightrcer2000 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Any chance we can get a few pics of the helmets?I'm imagining the nice full helmet with a mouth area open and a see through visor we can color.Then again when have we ever gotten what we envisioned in this game?
  • revjimrevjim Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Looks good, but I'm still hoping to get a nice ground based motorcycle or two. Heck, I'd stick with the game just to be able to hot dog around the desert once in a while :biggrin:
  • thelostexilethelostexile Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    a new and possibly good event (will have to wait and see if it even works this time) is a welcome addition.


    we need more PERMENENT REAL CONTENT! we havent had any in a whole YEAR and never had much EVER since launch, which was low on content to start with!

    Guys I would like to point out that I'm sure new permanent content is on the schedule, it always has been on the last UNTIL report.

    - However, MOST of the teams at Cryptic are working on Neverwinter.
    - We probably won't get regular monthly content again like we used to until it's completed.

    So as far as I'm concerned, a majority of any new content that CO needs badly is a matter of a waiting game until Neverwinter is finished. Then the teams can be split into their own respective groups, and take charge once again for bringing new and shiny content to each their respective titles.
  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    falchoin wrote: »
    Pity this event couldn't have started when CoX went down.

    Am I the only one a bit wary since we've not seen this on PTS? This sounds like a big game changing event. Given the last few changes and "fixes" *cough*Imbue*cough* my faith in a smooth release is not high.

    Still, yay for more things to actually do. It'd be nice if there will be some sort of permenant addition to CO's content as well beyond a custom alert.

    Oh, and here's to hoping the Grav Bike Arsenal lockbox drops less frequently than the hovertank lockbox and as was mentioned earlier is set to an actual quality level that Need or Greed can properly filter.

    All this and especially the red bit.
    acrosscat wrote:
    Also, less whining about lockboxes being lockboxes being a moneysink. That's how microtransaction-based games make money, outside of the subscriptions of course. We wanted F2P? This is how they make more money.

    They've got mouths to feed over at their families, after all.
    But... we can? Vehicles can be bought already. I'm sure Bikes will show up in the shops. Dropboxes are literally the TF2 crates maybe containing an Unusual hat, or Dota's rarer drops from their respective crates. Either way, you get stuff out of them (usually just not what you want out of them, as the aforementioned crates).

    Or is such business savvy wrong on Valve's part, too?

    -What's this "We", Kemosabe? F2P does not have to equal Microtransactions or lockboxes. If we had actual real estate(content) to leverage into making the Gold subscription more appealing then.... :wink:
    -it's only as "right/wrong" as people are willing to shell out cash and even that does not prove right or wrong in all reality. It just shows some people will pay for things others will not.
    bjoernr wrote:
    These grav bikes are enough content for the next 3-4 months!
    Thanks Kryptic.
    I, too, hope this is a joke...otherwise, you can take that for a spin around Westside for the umpteenth time and I'll keep looking for actual content.
    Originally Posted by serendipitynow
    a new and possibly good event (will have to wait and see if it even works this time) is a welcome addition.


    we need more PERMENENT REAL CONTENT! we havent had any in a whole YEAR and never had much EVER since launch, which was low on content to start with!

    I do not see why this isn't a CS/AP instead of some temp event.
    Guys I would like to point out that I'm sure new permanent content is on the schedule, it always has been on the last UNTIL report.

    - However, MOST of the teams at Cryptic are working on Neverwinter.
    - We probably won't get regular monthly content again like we used to until it's completed.

    So as far as I'm concerned, a majority of any new content that CO needs badly is a matter of a waiting game until Neverwinter is finished. Then the teams can be split into their own respective groups, and take charge once again for bringing new and shiny content to each their respective titles.

    Ok, you can point that out but I'm sure some vet will point out your post might be right in places but it's also very optimistic. The way I read it is another version of "Soon(tm)" except this "Soon(tm)" is based on a report from last JULY. I mean, don't get me wrong, I hope you're right. I just doubt you're right, sadly.

    -This event could be fun.

    -New Costume Unlocks are nice so long as they adhere to some kind of basic Quality Control(Cloth, Leather, Metal, and is not held back by odd restrictions).

    -I, personally, do not care for vehicles in their current form but others do so as long as I don't get overwhelmingly spammed by the team loot systems(discussed above) and I can ignore them then that's fine.

    -I type too much sometimes. The End. :biggrin:
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • johhotajohhota Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Have you guys discussed the part where the new lockboxes only drop vehicle mods and no Drifter Salvage? But I'm glad to see the only possible bike I may care about is not listed as a lockbox bike so there's C-Store hope for it. But just the same I've played this game for 2 years without a bike so... yea.

    Looking forward to the costume pieces and event. So a set up for the F2P Anniversary?
  • logandarklighterlogandarklighter Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    In simple terms, what this all boils down to is -

    The stuff is good. The stuff is fine. We like the stuff for what it is. (I like the designs for the bikes, myself)

    And while that's all well and good, that's not what we want, really.

    We're not asking for stuff.

    We're asking, begging, PLEADING with you for content.

    STUFF does not equate to CONTENT. They are different things. (Though content can INCLUDE stuff.)

    You might think that the event missions and alert is content, and it may be. It may be very interesting in terms of story. But there's no indication that it's PERMANENT content. Which is what the game really needs.

    But let's assume we're not going to get permanent content with the next update.

    At bare minimum we need BUG FIXES. The bugs have made certain missions and events impossible to enjoy.

    One of the greatest things that Champions had from the beginning that even COH never had was the ability to pick up and throw things (including huge things like semi-trailers if your strength was high enough). But that has been ruined with the pick-up-throw-object-disappears bug.

    Tell you what - if all we get from this next big update is what has been advertised in the OP - the bikes, the lockboxes, the costumes. Even if the new event is only temporary... Assume all that, but we also get bugs like the game breakers in the comic series and the pick-up-and-throw bug fixed?

    Heck, I'll put it in the WIN column, if just barely.

    I'll still be on you guys about lack of content, but at least we'll be able to see that Cryptic has decided to maintain the game rather than let it corrode into unplayability from all the bugs.

    If not, then... *shrug* I don't know. We'll just have to see.

    (And BTW - you had BETTER test this event on the PTS and damn well LISTEN to people when they tell you things are broken and FIX anything that's broken before it goes live, even if you have to miss a deadline, or you'll wind up with the truncated Destroyer event all over again!)

    Just want to be clear to the artists and designers that the work they do - the bike designs, the costumes, the hover tanks. All of it is good work and we appreciate the artistry. Don't want to slam you guys for that.

    But it's just not enough. Mere artistry is not enough to keep a game going. And this one is dying of starvation and neglect.
  • tangent90tangent90 Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The stuff is good. The stuff is fine. We like the stuff for what it is. (I like the designs for the bikes, myself)

    And while that's all well and good, that's not what we want, really.

    We're not asking for stuff.

    We're asking, begging, PLEADING with you for content.

    The problem is that people expect content to be free, and won't pay for it. It's sort of like content on the Internet -- sites that charge for content (like news) are having a very rough go of it. For example, people will pay for newspapers and magazines, but they won't pay for that same information on a website.

    But people will pay for real-world stuff like cars and clothes, so paying in-game for vehicles and costume items is an easier sell than content.

    What the devs need to do to get us to pay for content is to have that content give us stuff. It could be a random chance at stuff, sort of like a lockbox that you can open over and over, say once a day. Or it could be rewards like silver champions merits or questionite.

    There are already daily repeatable missions for level 40 characters that give stuff like that, at no extra charge. The devs should develop content appropriate to lower levels so that we have alternate leveling path that awards stuff that we want -- maybe drifter salvage or something like that.
  • liquinliquin Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    a whole FREE helmet?!?!? AND I get to gamble on an item I will mostly likely never get!?!?

    I'm totally coming back!
    The problem is that people expect content to be free, and won't pay for it..
    WHile for the most part that's true, I would have kept playing ($15 mo) if they had, say, 3-6 comic series a year & sold a new costume every month.

    But the truth is they know their game is small enough to be run by Whales that buy 1000s of dollars worth of "content" like lockboxes & consumables. because of this, most people won't pay money or really love this game, but it won't really matter much in terms of keeping the game alive. they can survive off the whales & will design for the whales.
  • logandarklighterlogandarklighter Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    tangent90 wrote: »
    What the devs need to do to get us to pay for content is to have that content give us stuff. It could be a random chance at stuff, sort of like a lockbox that you can open over and over, say once a day. Or it could be rewards like silver champions merits or questionite.

    There are already daily repeatable missions for level 40 characters that give stuff like that, at no extra charge. The devs should develop content appropriate to lower levels so that we have alternate leveling path that awards stuff that we want -- maybe drifter salvage or something like that.

    How would this get us to pay for content? I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad idea. But - where's the incentive? I'm not sure I'm seeing what you're talking about. What are we paying for under such an idea?

    In terms of paying for content, how about a new zone expansion? Both DCUO and COH have/had a form of content which was either a zone where the content was gated to being a subscriber or you download (and pay for) the specific DLC to access it. In DCUO, it's things like The OA or Central City Flash content. In COH after Freedom it was First Ward and Night Ward that were gated to VIP (subscribers) or you paid directly to access the story content. In the case of First Ward and Night Ward, you could actually still go to the zones, but you couldn't access the mission contacts unless you had paid via sub or through the cash shop.

    I know, I know - the Vibora Bay fiasco may have burned Cryptic on such things. But I think NOW people would be open to it and would welcome a full new zone and would accept the gating for it, since it's effectively alternate content. You wouldn't NEED it. There's still the standard leveling paths. But if you wanted, you could pay for it as a DLC or subscribe to get access.

    How much would I be willing to pay for an entirely new zone? Well - assuming it's a specific buy for Silver players, I'd say between 1500-3000 Zen would be appropriate -- depending on the amount and quality of the material of course. If it's a REALLY big zone, like a whole new City, say? Then it might be worth up to 5000 zen, the same cost as a freeform slot. I mean, we pay 625 zen for hideouts. 2000 for a whole zone? Seems like a comparatively reasonable deal to me,

    That gives players a lot of incentive to either buy it or subscribe to gain access (at least if the content is good. And by good, I mean good STORY, not good drops of gear/costumes, though you can do that too). Based on the models of the other two superhero games, the basic idea seems fair. Making it a benefit of being subbed or being a lifetime member also retains the value in those payment options as well.

    Oh - I almost forgot about the foundry. IIRC, in STO I believe you can play any missions as either VIP or Premium. But you can only access the creator if you're a sub or LTS.

    You can do it that way here too, but hey - you can itemize the monetization on that, too. I loved playing AE missions (and I mean I liked hunting for good stories, not farming) but I never was much interested in creating things in the AE back in COH. So I can't tell you exactly what the cost structure was for accessing it via the Store. But I do remember it was there. I think you paid a set amount for 1, 3, or 5 mission slots? Not sure.

    But I think if you brought the foundry over and gave not only subscribers, but FTP accounts access to it by buying it specifically like that - well that's more money, yes?

    All kinds of ways to make STORY content into things that people want to actually BUY. You don't have to depend on flooding the game with lockboxes.

    (Disclaimer: I seriously doubt any of this will happen. It makes too much sense. :/ )
  • baroness1980baroness1980 Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    tangent90 wrote: »
    The problem is that people expect content to be free, and won't pay for it. It's sort of like content on the Internet -- sites that charge for content (like news) are having a very rough go of it. For example, people will pay for newspapers and magazines, but they won't pay for that same information on a website.

    Honestly? SCREW THEM.

    There are ways to do this...

    Example: New exclusive lvl 40 Area with several story lines and new enemies. Sell access to it (In the same way they did on City... everyone could enter the area, and look at it... but only subscribers and people who BOUGHT the area pack could take the missions, I'm talking of First Ward)

    Another possibility is to increase the value of being a gold player and release said new areas for free to Gold members, yet charge for them to everyone else.

    Something like tha could also be done about new powers.

    Vehicles are fine... would be far more interesting if we could personalize their paint jobs and other options like that... Lockboxes? I'm not saying to eliminate them, but please reduce the dropping rate, tight now it is ridiculous, also make them to simply be added silently to your inventory, no need to cluster your screen with them.

    We need new content, that being new areas, or adding storylines to existing ones , more comic book series, and of course the Foundry (everyone able to play it, but only those who buy it/are gold are able to create content), so WE can make our own content at a fastest rate.

    I do not think any of these should be given for free, though, but should not be overpriced on the Z store. And furthermore this should enhance the value of being a subscriber over being a silver, make gold accounts to access these features for free and Silvers the ability to buy them... with enough incentives more people would weight in that subscribing tot he game is a better deal.

    If what is needed for these game requires an investment, then forget about pleasing people that want comic series for free, new areas for free... that will lead to stagnation. Many people, old and new is willing to pay for new content.

    In my opinion, things that catch the attention of people quickly are new powersets, new costumes, and then serialized storylines. These 3 things worked wonderfully on CoH market... and speaking for myself only? If they said that they are going to release staff fighting but for 800 zen points FOR EVERYONE... I am willing to pay them just to access those powers.

    I spent more on CoH since they went F2P to take advantage of the stuff on the market there (costumes and powers, mainly and the hero and villains gambling bits to get the Elemental order costume) and I'm willing to put a lot more money here as well. But for that we need to start considering the current game the entire package, and anything new, any area, or new storyline, as something extra.

    Of course not every new storyline should be pay to play, every game needs constant updates, so some new content should be open for everyone (Let's say a storyline about purple gang and Psi going to war on each other, 15 to 20 missions)
  • serendipitynowserendipitynow Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The problem is that people expect content to be free, and won't pay for it.

    On the contrary. Its the ONLY thing i will pay for at this point, and im sure im not the only one.

    No i wont pay tens of dollars for an adventure pack, its very little content, but id still pay a microtransaction for a good ap, and more for single zones.

    I would pay tens of dollars for a proper expansion (i.e a few more zones - the size other games have for expansions, CoX for example with its expansions)
  • sparhawksparhawk Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    In terms of paying for content, how about a new zone expansion? Both DCUO and COH have/had a form of content which was either a zone where the content was gated to being a subscriber or you download (and pay for) the specific DLC to access it. In DCUO, it's things like The OA or Central City Flash content. In COH after Freedom it was First Ward and Night Ward that were gated to VIP (subscribers) or you paid directly to access the story content. In the case of First Ward and Night Ward, you could actually still go to the zones, but you couldn't access the mission contacts unless you had paid via sub or through the cash shop.

    I know, I know - the Vibora Bay fiasco may have burned Cryptic on such things. But I think NOW people would be open to it and would welcome a full new zone and would accept the gating for it, since it's effectively alternate content. You wouldn't NEED it. There's still the standard leveling paths. But if you wanted, you could pay for it as a DLC or subscribe to get access.

    How much would I be willing to pay for an entirely new zone? Well - assuming it's a specific buy for Silver players, I'd say between 1500-3000 Zen would be appropriate -- depending on the amount and quality of the material of course. If it's a REALLY big zone, like a whole new City, say? Then it might be worth up to 5000 zen, the same cost as a freeform slot. I mean, we pay 625 zen for hideouts. 2000 for a whole zone? Seems like a comparatively reasonable deal to me,

    That gives players a lot of incentive to either buy it or subscribe to gain access (at least if the content is good. And by good, I mean good STORY, not good drops of gear/costumes, though you can do that too). Based on the models of the other two superhero games, the basic idea seems fair. Making it a benefit of being subbed or being a lifetime member also retains the value in those payment options as well.

    All kinds of ways to make STORY content into things that people want to actually BUY. You don't have to depend on flooding the game with lockboxes.

    (Disclaimer: I seriously doubt any of this will happen. It makes too much sense. :/ )

    I agree with the general idea and believe it could work. The Vibora Bay fiasco was a different set of circumstances back from when the game was still working under a full subscription model.
  • sparhawksparhawk Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Honestly? SCREW THEM.

    There are ways to do this...

    Example: New exclusive lvl 40 Area with several story lines and new enemies. Sell access to it (In the same way they did on City... everyone could enter the area, and look at it... but only subscribers and people who BOUGHT the area pack could take the missions, I'm talking of First Ward)

    Another possibility is to increase the value of being a gold player and release said new areas for free to Gold members, yet charge for them to everyone else.

    Something like tha could also be done about new powers.

    Vehicles are fine... would be far more interesting if we could personalize their paint jobs and other options like that... Lockboxes? I'm not saying to eliminate them, but please reduce the dropping rate, tight now it is ridiculous, also make them to simply be added silently to your inventory, no need to cluster your screen with them.

    We need new content, that being new areas, or adding storylines to existing ones , more comic book series, and of course the Foundry (everyone able to play it, but only those who buy it/are gold are able to create content), so WE can make our own content at a fastest rate.

    I do not think any of these should be given for free, though, but should not be overpriced on the Z store. And furthermore this should enhance the value of being a subscriber over being a silver, make gold accounts to access these features for free and Silvers the ability to buy them... with enough incentives more people would weight in that subscribing tot he game is a better deal.

    If what is needed for these game requires an investment, then forget about pleasing people that want comic series for free, new areas for free... that will lead to stagnation. Many people, old and new is willing to pay for new content.

    In my opinion, things that catch the attention of people quickly are new powersets, new costumes, and then serialized storylines. These 3 things worked wonderfully on CoH market... and speaking for myself only? If they said that they are going to release staff fighting but for 800 zen points FOR EVERYONE... I am willing to pay them just to access those powers.

    I spent more on CoH since they went F2P to take advantage of the stuff on the market there (costumes and powers, mainly and the hero and villains gambling bits to get the Elemental order costume) and I'm willing to put a lot more money here as well. But for that we need to start considering the current game the entire package, and anything new, any area, or new storyline, as something extra.

    Of course not every new storyline should be pay to play, every game needs constant updates, so some new content should be open for everyone (Let's say a storyline about purple gang and Psi going to war on each other, 15 to 20 missions)

    I agree with this and believe it should work.
  • raphaeldisantoraphaeldisanto Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The grav bikes are cool and all, but honestly? I want that raked out chopper in the background. I'm okay with it not flying. Honest. Superspeed is locked to the ground, it'd be okay for a vehicle to be locked to the ground, too.

    A large number of my heroes are of the street-level Punisher-type.

    p.s. Lockboxes with the only way to get keys being from the c-store are retarded. Just sayin'.
  • voyagersixvoyagersix Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm supposed to get excited about gambling? Let me spell it out: You will not get a dime from me for any lockbox ever.
  • drreverenddrreverend Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Am a little concerned about it saying that the end result of this will be a new custom alert. How many missions, with stories and content, will be created and then discarded forever in this event? How many arcs? How much stuff to do...

    All so the legacy of it is... one little Custom Alert. That we blaze through in like... 5 minutes. With no background story or interaction beyond dropping into "Oh no, Captain McBadpants is doing Bad Things! Stop him!"

    While the stories, the missions, the substantially more than 5 minutes of content created to support this event just ends up thrown away.

    We could do a comic series. An action pack. Something with some serious meat on it, in terms of story and adventure. Not just blam blam smash everything high explosions now action, but an adventure. That's what Whiteout had. An arc of adventure, from the mysterious crash to fighting aliens to fending off opportunistic villains to being in space.

    Alerts just don't leave me feeling very connected to the game world. They're popcorn instead of meat. They're flashes. There's no adventure, no discovery, no feeling of being with your team, just... empty action. It's the boss fight without the build up.

    We need that build up. We need the story, and the journey. We need the legacy of everything you guys are putting together for the next two months to be more than "Hey, wanna kill 5 minutes?"

    So please, let the end result of this be more than just another alert where you and four strangers have a bossfight. Let us be able to see the story. More Whiteout, less... flash in the pan.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    sparhawk wrote: »
    I agree with the general idea and believe it could work. The Vibora Bay fiasco was a different set of circumstances back from when the game was still working under a full subscription model.
    However, don't forget the sad history of Adventure Packs. Those offered playable content, special drops, and were playable only by subscribers, or by purchasing the pack - and sales were sufficiently poor that the APs were eventually thrown into the Free For All pool.

    Why should we expect a new zone offered in this fashion to receive any better response?
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • noyjitatpwenoyjitatpwe Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I can't say im surprised that the new bikes would be in yet another lockbox. But would you consider atleast making the droprate more reasonable than 2%? I know you're trying to make money but it should be less of an extreme gamble. Put more good mods in the box and take out the weak rank 1 - 4. So that if you're unlucky and don't get a bike you atleast get some decent mods. 1$ should buy better stuff than the current lockboxes drop.
  • serendipitynowserendipitynow Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I can't say im surprised that the new bikes would be in yet another lockbox. But would you consider atleast making the droprate more reasonable than 2%? I know you're trying to make money but it should be less of an extreme gamble. Put more good mods in the box and take out the weak rank 1 - 4. So that if you're unlucky and don't get a bike you atleast get some decent mods. 1$ should buy better stuff than the current lockboxes drop.

    Or you know how about the wild idea of funding the game with microTRANSACTIONS, not microLOTTERY TICKETS.

    Transactions definition is buying/selling not gambling!
  • hushiforumhushiforum Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    This makes me very happy. I do agree with the others: keep the content permanent after the event is over. But I'm so glad to see something new, new adventure, new things to do. Thumbs up!
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    hushiforum wrote: »
    This makes me very happy. I do agree with the others: keep the content permanent after the event is over. But I'm so glad to see something new, new adventure, new things to do. Thumbs up!

    If you have nothing negative to say, say nothing at all.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    If you have nothing negative to say, say nothing at all.

    lol xD

    You need to understand that sadly not everything is about telepathy xD

    We all know gamehobo means no disrespect but like myself, is very irrate about telepathy power additions not being worked on currently, let alone any feedback or correspondance.

    Even speaking about the new powers and only 1/20 people I speak to roughly have any idea what I am talking about. Proof that is has been a while... So yes, Telepathy Now.

    Anyway back to the OP, I am hoping Grav Bike Widow will be via Drifter Store/Z-Store, I will not accept raptor as a replacement!!!!!!

  • rainshadow2rainshadow2 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Uh? I Love CO but .. You guys couldnt have made the so called bikes smaller??? :mad:
  • rainshadow2rainshadow2 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    drreverend - Hit the NAIL STRAIGHT ON THE HEAD! Please more backstory and notable content ...than the WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAM ...ALERTS...please more WHITEOUTs!!!! Thank You :biggrin:
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