"That's why I responded in the way that I did. Double Bubbles to me means 12k+ not 4k. So when someone says how to beat the double bubbles, but then back pedals and tries to explain that it isn't actually that but an issue with a different power entirely I point that out." -xeiros
Since Beta, I've only posted in the hero games, played in the hero games and know all of you from the hero games - I felt it was pretty evident what and whom I was speaking upon within the hero games forum.
But I get the whole forum snob thing you do, seen you work it for a long time. -GG
Since Beta, I've only posted in the hero games, played in the hero games and know all of you from the hero games - I felt it was pretty evident what and whom I was speaking upon within the hero games forum.
But I get the whole forum snob thing you do, seen you work it for a long time. -GG
I don't care one iota about your posting habits or your apparent ability to "know" every player that has ever PvPed in Champions Online despite taking breaks for months at a time. Not only is it utterly pointless it's also irrelevant to boot. None of that matters. If you write a clear, direct, and organized guide supported by cited sources it won't matter how many times you've posted in the HG forums or Bash matches you've won. Who wrote it is again irrelevant.
Oh yes coming across in as vague and obtuse a manner as possible is always a wonderful approach to getting your point across. Whatever that may be. I are the Queen Emperor of all the COPvP. Everyone should automatically know exactly what I am trying to say. Credibility has nothing to do with your own personal experience. There is no need to take someone's word for anything.
I'm already aware of this. Tell me something I don't know, and don't assume that I don't know what happened until now. I said Unleashed Rage is cheating, not has always been a cheat.
The fact is that we do see it often, and this is not like a working power like Conviction, it's because it's broken, not because it's just good. The ability to make a power do an amount of damage 2 orders of magnitude higher than what's considered "high amounts of health points" means it's broken and is not working as intended. Something that has the potential to kill a cosmic in just a few hits is broken.
You don't know what my perception of broken is. You're not a mind reader, and I gave you no formal definition.
You are steadfast in your claim that UR is cheating. It's been months since the enrage bug was fixed that allowed for 40k+ URs.
I don't need a mind reader to tell me your perception when you flatly state that you honestly believe UR is broken and cheating.
We don't see it often. You do apparently, yet never enter the HG and pvp. Kien and Paragon are the only two users of UR that even come to mind. Kien doesn't even play anymore and is probably busy in DoTa2, and Paragon spends more time touching himself than actually killing anything.
If you think I don't know what I'm talking about [...]
At this point I'm guessing the community is thinking exactly that.
The LR tangent has nothing to do with the discussion. Tho, it leads me to believe you might be Direx running Maya with that LR, but I think Direx knows better after what happened the last time he/she tried trolling these forums.
Your tangent has nothing to do with claims such as "UR is cheating" or "I win" buttons.
I've been hit by other powers that have hit as hard or even harder than said UR. So are they cheating too? And if so, what are they? An experienced pvper can name them just off the top of his or her head. An experienced pvper also doesn't claim that they're broken either just because they "hurt so bad".
Bottom line - If you were a credible source, you wouldn't believe UR is cheating.
I'm sure I could ask in zone and find plenty of people who agree with you, but that's also the same zone that thinks flying in a duel is cheating and has people asking for help with lowbie missions.
Random thought - I do find it funny this thread is less about beating the double bubble and more about folks like myself "discussing" something entirely different.
I am calm. Calmness doesn't always come through blank text. Trust me, I'll let you know when I'm not.
I'm already aware of this. Tell me something I don't know, and don't assume that I don't know what happened until now. I said Unleashed Rage is cheating, not has always been a cheat.
The fact is that we do see it often, and this is not like a working power like Conviction, it's because it's broken, not because it's just good. The ability to make a power do an amount of damage 2 orders of magnitude higher than what's considered "high amounts of health points" means it's broken and is not working as intended. Something that has the potential to kill a cosmic in just a few hits is broken.
Oh good, You have decided to give more specific examples. This is what I would consider as substantiated. However, I do wish to point out a few inherent errors and I hope you can keep an open mind and perhaps I can change your views on these matters. Firstly, UR with 8 stacks of enrage does like 6k damage. This is by no means 2 orders of magnitude higher than what's considered "high amounts of health points" assuming you meant double when you said 2 orders of magnitude (it is rather vague what you meant by it). 10k HP is consider the benchmark for me personally as anything considered as high. When you see UR hitting for more than 10k, perhaps in the range of 15k, this is because it is Imbued with very high Con. So as Seck mentioned if anything to be considered broken, it will be Imbued. There are also Force Cascade users who imbue their FCs for such big hits or even 20k damage. That seems to imply then that FC is broken. If you wish to contend that FC requires a much longer charge time and energy, that is fair enough but what about UR recharge time? But that is not your point when you claim that UR is broken and I quote you again on this:
"The ability to make a power do an amount of damage 2 orders of magnitude higher than what's considered "high amounts of health points" means it's broken and is not working as intended"
You also mention that UR is frequently used in PvP not sure if you refer to HG or duels. However, perhaps we play in different time zones but I can't recall even 10 users of UR maybe I am a noob. But compared to the number of AoPM, FC, ER users I am certain it is significantly less.
You should also consider greater accuracy in your statements. There are no cosmics which will fall to a few UR hits "Something that has the potential to kill a cosmic in just a few hits is broken". UR does not do anything much more than 20k a hit even with all con stacked for Imbued. There are no cosmics with less than 1 million HP. Most are around 2 million assuming they do not heal.
So it takes about 50 unleashed rage to kill Grond if he does not hop. UR has a cooldown of 1 minute which in today Post Alert case will be about say averaging 30 seconds assuming only using UR since UR is supposed to be so broken then there is no need for other powers.
50 * 30 sec = 1500 sec which comes to about 25 minutes.
For other cosmics this will take about an hour. Now, this is of course assuming you do not die in that 1 hour or something comes along and die in front of Kiga or Teleio causing them to regenerate.
You don't know what my perception of broken is. You're not a mind reader, and I gave you no formal definition.
The answer to this question is yes, but you haven't mentioned why these things exist, I win buttons and I win win buttons. Since a game like this is in a state of flux over its lifespan, things can be changed and what wins today might not win tomorrow.
Again, you didn't mention why this happens and the fact that many don't understand that this is going to change or think about why this is happening or collect data and predict what will happen next. You're also implying that I always lose against such builds; people do copy each other, and I didn't say it results in winning or losing necessarily. I did start to comment on why certain builds are appealing; you're reading too much into what I've said.
This is what happened with my old build, my true main character, which was based on Lightning Reflexes; people asserted that I didn't know what I am talking about. I did say that lightning reflexes required more of "something called learning," or much more effort to get it to work as easily as other reliable passives. This is why I opted out and went with Invulnerability instead.
If you think I don't know what I'm talking about, go into PTS and load a 40 with full gear. Choose Dexterity/Strength/Constitution, no block power. Make sure you have access to the mods you need. Go into the powerhouse and max out lightning reflexes, Conviction, and get chi with resurgent reiki and Masterful Dodge. As you said and I said, what worked before doesn't work now. See if you can survive hard teams for five and stay as close to all of them as you can. Let them all attack you at the same time and heal yourself. I can guarantee that under normal circumstances you won't survive nearly as well as before. Increasing HP delays the net effect but the end is inevitable. Run the same test with Invulnerability rank 3, both tests use dodge/avoid gear. Maintaining 100% dodge and 90% avoidance or anything near those is not a part of this test. Even with a recharge time of about 43 seconds, Masterful Dodge is not enough.
I mentioned that there is less dot mitigation without IDF. This is absolute fact, as IDF reduces about 85 points at rank 1. Without IDF all damage is increased by this amount by definition.
I mentioned that Resurgent Reiki can only be triggered at the least every half-second. Unless you can show data that proves that exactly one half of a second is adequate for every situation and get Reiki to heal as intended without being overpowered, then the end result is that Reiki is healing less often and dozens of hits can come in before it even works. If you don't believe me, test it and look in your combat window.
When I see integers and clean-cut rational numbers, I start questioning people's reasons for choosing such numbers, depending on the context. In the case of Reiki, it doesn't always make sense. Prove me wrong.
I mentioned that LR doesn't dodge "big hits" as well as before, and others did too. This means that there is a possibility of receiving massive amounts of damage more than before over a sufficiently long interval of time. Prove that this isn't true.
I don't mean to go off on a tangent about LR, but you brought this up.
For some reason when you say it, it's somehow absolute fact, but when I say it, it's "unsubstantiated" and something you never said, which you've just proven that I did say what you just said. The only thing I (and others) added to it was that powers like LR require a lot more attention than reliable passives like Invulnerability. This is just one example of how what I said is verifiable and how you've done nothing to verify. I am "exempt" from scrutiny because you're the one asking about it, not me. I already understand my test results, it's up to you if you want to verify it yourself. Moreover, I made subtle hints at the numbers that people who understand the passive could verify without testing, but since you need to test what's already easy to understand, I challenge you do to it.
heh... I would never expect anyone to take things at face value, that's unwise and a fundamentally unreasonable expectation by definition; that's why I alluded to real-world values, and anyone who understands these powers can confirm what I did say, not what you tell me I said.
Now you've tried to corner me, "you've got me pegged," as you indirectly stated, and I feel compelled to spell things out for you in the form of a set of repeatable steps, steps which you should be able to deduce on your own. If you think I'm wrong, prove it.
OK, I am not certain why you brought up your issue with LR. I thought your debate over LR was with silverspar in the PTS thread. Actually, not sure if you read, I agreed with you that LR is not as optimal a choice today compared to Invul. I used to play ZA with an LR toon too. In fact I had 3 LR toons which I used to farm ZA. LR just pre-alert was designed to take big slow hits consistently well and not against quick attacks. Hence, I have brought my LR toon (fully decked in acclaim gear that time) into BASH and was killed in less than 10 secs by PBR despite running EotS to try to absorb the damage. Today, BCR+RR was nerf to .5 sec and in your testing you will certainly find this to be a problem because you are fighting many many mobs in PH which would otherwise be helping to heal you more than damage you. You also choose to use dodge and avoidance gear with LR which may or may not be the best case scenario because of the diminishing returns which kicks in very hard for dodge/avoidance. You use dodge gear with invul, so perhaps you can try +defense gear with LR.
If you use dodge/avoid gear with LR then the natural next step in further building your defenses will be stack dodge to 100%. Your choice of MD is also not ideal (but unbreakable is too lame today but that is a different issue) because other than the gauranteed dodge for 15 secs u gain hardly anything in avoidance on R3 when stack over LR. The natural options for stacking dodge over LR if you are freeform is Evasive Manuever R3 and either Shuriken Storm and Thundering Kick. They give you 100% dodge and with LR and gear an avoidance of high 80 percent. This means ALL attacks hit you for only 10 plus percent damage except during the break in shuriken storm activation (with sufficient cooldown, it is quite possible to double stack EM for very short periods as long as you have a target to reverse lunge from)
However, as I said, I agree with you that LR may not be as good as say Invul because especially in PvP, you may not have a target to activate EM or Thundering Kick. You may also not have the energy to sustain Shuriken Storm indefinitely and S. Storm is definitely no head turner in DPS.
With invul, and good gear, you will consistently have around 230% damage mitigation which works out to a toon taking only 43% of any damage (assuming no penetration from powers like Dragon Wrath or spec tree skills). Then on top of this there is a layer of dodge gear with about 40 percent dodge and 60% avoidance which is actually rather respectable levels) if the roll is successful of course. The player also have the option to use a block replacer in PvE (this will of course be Crippling Challenged in PvP) which can then usually raise damage resistance to say around 590% if it is not ebon void, energy shield or TK shield. 590% is equivalent of about 17% of all damage.
However there is still another option for invul which if as you claim you know who I am in game will know that I run a near perma masterful dodge over and on top of invul with full avoidance (and avoidance core) gear reducing all incoming damage to around 10% which overcomes the inability to block in PvP.
So in a sense Seck's post in the PTS thread on buffing LR was right again. LR is not fantastic as Silverspar sees it but neither is it horrible. At the very least it is better than PFF.
Having spent over 30 minutes to type this response, I hope you do not see it as anything offensive or defensive. Just as I requested for you to substantiate your claims I too have done likewise to put down evidence. Saying that your claims are unsubstantiated does not mean they are false, it simply means that there is no evidence provided in forum and you bothering to put down evidence will help people to understand your point.
As to me ignoring you, I definitely do not recall saying I will ignore you in chat, and the times I did mention about you in chat is in COPvP where I asked if anyone knows who you are. If indeed you have a screen cap of me having said that I implore you to put the link up to activate my memory and I will certainly apologise if indeed I said that. I have actually asked for your in-game identity on exactly 2 occasions in forum but you responded to neither one. The reason is not so much to find you in game to flame you but rather since you did not give much evidence in forums to back your claims, one good and fast way is to see your experience and performance in game as a gauge.
I don't care one iota about your posting habits or your apparent ability to "know" every player that has ever PvPed in Champions Online despite taking breaks for months at a time. Not only is it utterly pointless it's also irrelevant to boot. None of that matters. If you write a clear, direct, and organized guide supported by cited sources it won't matter how many times you've posted in the HG forums or Bash matches you've won. Who wrote it is again irrelevant.
Oh yes coming across in as vague and obtuse a manner as possible is always a wonderful approach to getting your point across. Whatever that may be. I are the Queen Emperor of all the COPvP. Everyone should automatically know exactly what I am trying to say. Credibility has nothing to do with your own personal experience. There is no need to take someone's word for anything.
I would hate to offend your sensibilities any further, seeing how opinion passionate you are.
I'll make sure moving forward all of my "proposed" hero game forum posts are ran through you first - this way you can critique them. Because your perception of how a proper post should be presented, that's what's really important to me. Please accept my most sincere apologies for being obtuse and vague, forcing a snob like you to correct me.
-Bottom line - If you were a credible source, you wouldn't believe UR is cheating.
"Credibility has nothing to do with your own personal experience. There is no need to take someone's word for anything." - Xeiros"
According to forum officer Xeiros, this is not one of the criteria for a "successful" forum post. He may have to take a break from his busy schedule of smelling his own farts to correct you.
First clearly and directly define the purpose of your guide. Leave no details out. Do not take anything for granted and make no assumptions on what your readers may or may not know. When future posts in the thread are needed to clarify the guides main purpose something has been lost in translation. You don't want that.
The main idea here is to explain everything that you are suggesting. Don't leave your readers hanging with unanswered questions. Remember, clear, concise, and direct. A lot of what you say can easily be written off as unnecessary If you assume it is common knowledge. Don't do this.
How to Beat AoPM users that exploit the Imbue on next hit effect Power.
What is Imbue and how is it bugged?
Imbue is an on next hit power found in the celestial powerset
When activated it is supposed to guarantee that your next heal or damage power will be a critical hit with the severity based on either your Constitutional or Presence whichever is higher
After use the buff is supposed to expire, but with some powers such as conviction it is not being properly consumed thus allowing chain critical hits/heals.
What attributes describe the build we are tying to beat?
Uses Imbue coupled with high Con in order to chain critical heal of the heal power conviction though other heals can be used that's the most often used due to its instant activation.
Makes use of the powers protection field and mindful reinforcement to act as barriers in order to more easily use the above tactic
Tends to use aura of primal majesty as its passive of choice
Usually run in the support role
Primary Superstars Intelligence in order to make use of the Detect Vulnerability Specialization
Prefers to rotate the active defenses Masterful Dodge and Unbreakable.
What General Tactics are there?
Make use of critical hits
Use Stuns strategically in order to chain large spikes
Utilize hang time through strong knock backs in order to prevent the activation of defensive powers.
What Stats should I be focusing on and why? How much of each do I need?
Focus on Con in order to take advantage of nimble mind, the advantage on ego surge which scales with said stat and temporally increases your critical hit chance. This is important as we want to critically hit as often as possible. Insert recommended Con amount here:
You can chose to Primary Dexterity in order to hit generally high levels of chance and severity thanks in part to the specialization trees Vindicator, Warden and the Dexterity Mastery itself. With decent superstars you will be able to hit about 114-115% severity and around 50% chance.
You will want to superstat either Intelligence or Ego in order to have a stat that scales your ranged damage toggle in Concentration. Since the 20% soft cap of the ranged damage bonus from Ego is achievable with only 70 points you don't need to superstat it for that. You will want to consider Ego's contribution to ranged knock power as well. You want enough of a window to deal the damage necessary, but at the same time don't want to knock your target out of your own range and waste the period of vulnerability.
What Stun should I use and why? Should I rank it?
Since this is a ranged build we will be focusing on the Sonic Device on next hit power. It is the only instant stun available to us.
If you choose intelligence as one of your superstats and combine it with CD reduction in primary and secondary utility, you will be able to get the CD to about 15 seconds with around 200 Intelligence.
Ranking sonic device like any other stun will increase its duration and damage. Both are important but we are using it mainly for it's ability in partially crippling the target. We want to have enough time to get off that additional spike.
You can choose to play in the support role. While this will lower your superstat damage it will increase the duration of your hold powers. This includes sonic device. Experiment on your own to see what you feel is best
What should my main damage attack be and why? What are my options?
Defile. This a single target toxic attack the debuffs the targets toxic damage resistance by up to 12% at rank 3. It is one of if not the hardest hitting single target ranged attacks in the game on its own merits. It has synergy with the fire-snake power which you can use to further rebuff their elemental damage resistance. This is risky as it adds another step to your combo.
Force Cascade. One of the hardest hitting Cylinder AoE attacks in the game. Unfortunate it comes with a number of downsides. It is also one of the slowest and most expensive charge attacks in the game. It's built in knock can interfere with your normal knock power. Not only this but so much as tapping it will disable an active offense you have which means no more boosted critical chance from nimble mind which is key to your attack combo.
Telekinetic Lance. Another single target attack. This one though has a catch. It can deal a second hit at the same time as the main one that scales up based on the number of Ego Leech stacks on you up to give stacks. If you choose to try this, you will want a power to quickly build said stacks in order to maximize your damage potential in as little time as possible. Telekinetic Maelstrom or Telekinetic Burst are both options to consider. A nice bonus is that if the main power is a critical hit the bonus damage will be as well.
Ebon Ruin ? Yet another single target attack. This one is from darkness. It can hit reasonably hard, but it's main draw lies elsewhere. Note that you can fear your opponent to increase its damage through the Nyctophobia by 15%. The main reason to use this power over one like Defile is it's built in ability to weaken your targets healing strength. This can make all the difference against other players.
What Knock Power should I choose and why ?
Force Geyser. Normally this would be your go to ranged knock. 100 feet. 3 second base cooldown with the option to take nailed to the ground. It's cheap and easy to use. That said even with high Ego you won't have very much hang-time to work with. It is useful for killing two birds with one stone.
Force Detonation. 50 Feet. 10 Second base CD. No access to nailed. The main draw of this knock is its righteously awesome knock distance. We're talking hundreds of feet with high ego at rank 3. It also hits decently hard. If you choose this be sure to have a fast in combat travel power like Acrobatics/Athletics or Super-speed in order to follow them through the air as needed.
What Energy Unlock should I use and why ?
Given our choice of stats in Con, Ego, Intelligence, and Dexterity we have a number of options. Some easier to work with than others.
Spirit Reverberation.. It scales with Constitution and activates when you hit a feared target with dimensional damage. The DoT from Ebon Ruin is perfect for this, but you will still need to include a fear applier in your attack combo and there are few reliable options. Void shift with emerging nightmares being one of them. This poses a problem as void shift?s stun interferes with Sonic Devices. We do not want to give them unnecessary stacks of hold resistance.
Molecular Self Assembly. This is the easiest energy unlock to work with as it requires nothing more specific than powers with short (base 3 second) cooldowns to work most reliable. Powers like hurl and force geyser for example. With this energy will flow in naturally as you attack.
How exactly do I go about attacking and making use of all these powers?
1. Hit the Ego Surge with nimble mind active offense. This will greatly boost your critical hit chance. This is key for our overall damage potential.
2. Use Hurl with Crippling Challenge and Nailed to the ground advantage. This will break their block, remove their travel power, and begin ticking MSA for you.
3. Immediately follow up with your knock of choice. In this combo's case. Force Detonation. We do not want them to hit Ascension and reduce the effects of a knock back.
4. Queue up your Sonic Device on next hit power
5. Fully Charge and fire your main damage nuke with the Sonic Device attached while they are in midair. This will deal a large amount of damage and stun your target. MSA will begin to tick again thanks to Force Detonations cooldown expiring.
6. Immediately follow up with a second full charge of your main nuke to hopefully finish them off.
All I did was try to expand on that short first post. You wanted to help other players correct? Help them by providing answers to questions you may assume everyone knows the answers to. Pretend that you know next to nothing about building a toon for PvP when you make a guide about it. We are in essence trying to hold their hand here. The questions above are the sort they'll have and I didn't even cover them all.
Even my version of said guide is still very much lacking. Answer the questions you know your readers will have and help them to help themselves. While I went over stats briefly I never gave recommended numbers, nor did I go over which is best to primary/secondary and why. I never mention what passive to use. I didn't touch on specializations much at all. There's nothing about what to do should the combo be interrupted in some way/sometihng goes wrong. You won't find anything about gearing and what modifications to slot. As I said, it is still lacking in detail.
First clearly and directly define the purpose of your guide. Leave no details out. Do not take anything for granted and make no assumptions on what your readers may or may not know. When future posts in the thread are needed to clarify the guides main purpose something has been lost in translation. You don't want that.
The main idea here is to explain everything that you are suggesting. Don't leave your readers hanging with unanswered questions. Remember, clear, concise, and direct. A lot of what you say can easily be written off as unnecessary If you assume it is common knowledge. Don't do this.
How to Beat AoPM users that exploit the Imbue on next hit effect Power.
What is Imbue and how is it bugged?
Imbue is an on next hit power found in the celestial powerset
When activated it is supposed to guarantee that your next heal or damage power will be a critical hit with the severity based on either your Constitutional or Presence whichever is higher
After use the buff is supposed to expire, but with some powers such as conviction it is not being properly consumed thus allowing chain critical hits/heals.
What attributes describe the build we are tying to beat?
Uses Imbue coupled with high Con in order to chain critical heal of the heal power conviction though other heals can be used that's the most often used due to its instant activation.
Makes use of the powers protection field and mindful reinforcement to act as barriers in order to more easily use the above tactic
Tends to use aura of primal majesty as its passive of choice
Usually run in the support role
Primary Superstars Intelligence in order to make use of the Detect Vulnerability Specialization
Prefers to rotate the active defenses Masterful Dodge and Unbreakable.
What General Tactics are there?
Make use of critical hits
Use Stuns strategically in order to chain large spikes
Utilize hang time through strong knock backs in order to prevent the activation of defensive powers.
What Stats should I be focusing on and why? How much of each do I need?
Focus on Con in order to take advantage of nimble mind, the advantage on ego surge which scales with said stat and temporally increases your critical hit chance. This is important as we want to critically hit as often as possible. Insert recommended Con amount here:
You can chose to Primary Dexterity in order to hit generally high levels of chance and severity thanks in part to the specialization trees Vindicator, Warden and the Dexterity Mastery itself. With decent superstars you will be able to hit about 114-115% severity and around 50% chance.
You will want to superstat either Intelligence or Ego in order to have a stat that scales your ranged damage toggle in Concentration. Since the 20% soft cap of the ranged damage bonus from Ego is achievable with only 70 points you don't need to superstat it for that. You will want to consider Ego's contribution to ranged knock power as well. You want enough of a window to deal the damage necessary, but at the same time don't want to knock your target out of your own range and waste the period of vulnerability.
What Stun should I use and why? Should I rank it?
Since this is a ranged build we will be focusing on the Sonic Device on next hit power. It is the only instant stun available to us.
If you choose intelligence as one of your superstats and combine it with CD reduction in primary and secondary utility, you will be able to get the CD to about 15 seconds with around 200 Intelligence.
Ranking sonic device like any other stun will increase its duration and damage. Both are important but we are using it mainly for it's ability in partially crippling the target. We want to have enough time to get off that additional spike.
You can choose to play in the support role. While this will lower your superstat damage it will increase the duration of your hold powers. This includes sonic device. Experiment on your own to see what you feel is best
What should my main damage attack be and why? What are my options?
Defile. This a single target toxic attack the debuffs the targets toxic damage resistance by up to 12% at rank 3. It is one of if not the hardest hitting single target ranged attacks in the game on its own merits. It has synergy with the fire-snake power which you can use to further rebuff their elemental damage resistance. This is risky as it adds another step to your combo.
Force Cascade. One of the hardest hitting Cylinder AoE attacks in the game. Unfortunate it comes with a number of downsides. It is also one of the slowest and most expensive charge attacks in the game. It's built in knock can interfere with your normal knock power. Not only this but so much as tapping it will disable an active offense you have which means no more boosted critical chance from nimble mind which is key to your attack combo.
Telekinetic Lance. Another single target attack. This one though has a catch. It can deal a second hit at the same time as the main one that scales up based on the number of Ego Leech stacks on you up to give stacks. If you choose to try this, you will want a power to quickly build said stacks in order to maximize your damage potential in as little time as possible. Telekinetic Maelstrom or Telekinetic Burst are both options to consider. A nice bonus is that if the main power is a critical hit the bonus damage will be as well.
Ebon Ruin ? Yet another single target attack. This one is from darkness. It can hit reasonably hard, but it's main draw lies elsewhere. Note that you can fear your opponent to increase its damage through the Nyctophobia by 15%. The main reason to use this power over one like Defile is it's built in ability to weaken your targets healing strength. This can make all the difference against other players.
What Knock Power should I choose and why ?
Force Geyser. Normally this would be your go to ranged knock. 100 feet. 3 second base cooldown with the option to take nailed to the ground. It's cheap and easy to use. That said even with high Ego you won't have very much hang-time to work with. It is useful for killing two birds with one stone.
Force Detonation. 50 Feet. 10 Second base CD. No access to nailed. The main draw of this knock is its righteously awesome knock distance. We're talking hundreds of feet with high ego at rank 3. It also hits decently hard. If you choose this be sure to have a fast in combat travel power like Acrobatics/Athletics or Super-speed in order to follow them through the air as needed.
What Energy Unlock should I use and why ?
Given our choice of stats in Con, Ego, Intelligence, and Dexterity we have a number of options. Some easier to work with than others.
Spirit Reverberation.. It scales with Constitution and activates when you hit a feared target with dimensional damage. The DoT from Ebon Ruin is perfect for this, but you will still need to include a fear applier in your attack combo and there are few reliable options. Void shift with emerging nightmares being one of them. This poses a problem as void shift?s stun interferes with Sonic Devices. We do not want to give them unnecessary stacks of hold resistance.
Molecular Self Assembly. This is the easiest energy unlock to work with as it requires nothing more specific than powers with short (base 3 second) cooldowns to work most reliable. Powers like hurl and force geyser for example. With this energy will flow in naturally as you attack.
How exactly do I go about attacking and making use of all these powers?
1. Hit the Ego Surge with nimble mind active offense. This will greatly boost your critical hit chance. This is key for our overall damage potential.
2. Use Hurl with Crippling Challenge and Nailed to the ground advantage. This will break their block, remove their travel power, and begin ticking MSA for you.
3. Immediately follow up with your knock of choice. In this combo's case. Force Detonation. We do not want them to hit Ascension and reduce the effects of a knock back.
4. Queue up your Sonic Device on next hit power
5. Fully Charge and fire your main damage nuke with the Sonic Device attached while they are in midair. This will deal a large amount of damage and stun your target. MSA will begin to tick again thanks to Force Detonations cooldown expiring.
6. Immediately follow up with a second full charge of your main nuke to hopefully finish them off.
All I did was try to expand on that short first post. You wanted to help other players correct? Help them by providing answers to questions you may assume everyone knows the answers to. Pretend that you know next to nothing about building a toon for PvP when you make a guide about it. We are in essence trying to hold their hand here. The questions above are the sort they'll have and I didn't even cover them all.
Even my version of said guide is still very much lacking. Answer the questions you know your readers will have and help them to help themselves. While I went over stats briefly I never gave recommended numbers, nor did I go over which is best to primary/secondary and why. I never mention what passive to use. I didn't touch on specializations much at all. There's nothing about what to do should the combo be interrupted in some way/sometihng goes wrong. You won't find anything about gearing and what modifications to slot. As I said, it is still lacking in detail.
--- Had to actually open up Word to make edit this -- Way too much effort ---
The fact that you had to open Word to type two paragraphs of an empty reply is pathetic at best. If you are unable to accurately state what the point is I'm making and you are unable to invalidate what I am saying, not what I'm not saying, then the problem lies with you, not me. If I have to explain to you why I brought up certain other powers, you aren't understanding what I'm trying to tell you.
I'm not Direx, he's on my friends' list, and I notice people I consider harmless or knowledgeable are often looked down upon here. You do not have my definition of cheating, you only presuppose yours. A better approach would be to ask for a definition or to verify and confirm with me that you know what I am pointing out. Your response was "your claims are unsubstantiated," "you're a troll," "you know nothing," and you keep insulting my intelligence by telling me things about bug fixes or Kien or whichever alpha male you think I don't know about, tell me about events that you think I did not observe, and you assume that I've never been in hero games without verifying such a ridiculous statement.
If your judgment of me was accurate, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because I would already know the risks of making incorrect claims, and I would accept valid corrections. You've already proven several times that your criticisms of what I say do not make enough sense to invalidate anything, whether people understand that or not.
I notice there are a lot of 'forum snobs' here as was mentioned above. Just because you think you know what claims I am making, if any, doesn't mean that is what I am stating. No need to "read between the lines" about people you don't yet understand.
Wow, this is truly remarkable. I literally spelled out for you step-by-step instructions, minus a few details that you can deduce on your own, ways to prove what I said is wrong. Instead you have to open up Microsoft Word to write a baseless accusation about something you do not understand. You brought up elsewhere why I'm "wrong" so I confront you here and you say it's irrelevant. I truly do not care what the hive thinks when it is not correct. Your response was to do nothing and to assume you already know. I considered you to be one of the more reasonable of such players, but I see you have the prototypical elitism of hero gamers.
Sorry Lucy, but I've yet to see any substantial, relevant comment from you about the topic at hand. Much similar to every comment you leave in ANY topic. Talking about Lightning Reflexes, BCR+RR? Seriously? That just tells me you are a PvE newb. Why are you commenting in the Hero Games subsection other than to TROLL? All I can gleam from your posts is that you are infatuated with us, and infatuated with trying to make actual PvPers look bad. Your petty attempts to "prove a point" about no point at all regarding any topic a thread is about? You say a lot without saying anything. Grow up. Learn about PvP like the rest of us have: with experience, perseverance, and patience. And you want to know the saddest reflection I have now of you? Secksigai is one of the nicest PvPers in the game next to monaahiru, yet you've somehow managed to get him against you. Wow.
I'm sorry Lucy, but you are an epic fail. You further prove my claims I've made about you: You are a clueless git.
This post is about how to defeat a typical Dark Crusade member build; one that exploits Imbue while bubble spamming. A support, Primary Super Stat Intelligence build. You bring up LR, BCR+RR in a power house test? Come on, man. At least make some sort of intelligible comment regarding what this thread is about rather than derail it with your defensive stance.
Anyway, Xeiros, I love you bro. I love your long-winded post about how a guide should look. You are awesome, I have the utmost respect for you. You will always be the bees knees to me I hope you post more guides in the future for all the new noobs in the game these days. But you should know, as I did earlier on, exactly what Xeno was talking about. If you would PvP again in the current state of this game you would have completely understood exactly what he was referring too with this thread. An entire SG is out there, exploiting Imbue, and frustrating the rest of us with their exploitations. They even have the audacity to deny such exploits. It's as if someone handed them all a build to use, and they are clueless as to what they are even playing. It's a sad state of affairs, atm.
PvP nowadays is chalk-full of cocky newbs not knowing anything about how to run a build or how to make their own, yet they are cocky. It's truly sad. But a fun gankfest on my behalf. They cry so hard when they lose. It's music to my ears :biggrin:
It's hard to write a guide if the only focus is a single bugged power that can be included in a number of builds. Hell most of what I wrote is simple general build advice and not about dealing with imbue in any specific manner at all even though it will help.
At the same time the main issue is how many players are still left to even care. To try and read this thread looking for tips on how to deal with Double Bubble + Imbue because for whatever reason they still want to PvP despite its current state. How many simply stopped PvPing and won't get anything out of this thread as they've already given up?
If only there was a single power or two that could simply remove the imbue buff. Some players don't want to have to build their character in a specific manner in order to compete against someone exploiting a bugged power. It's a loss of control and freedom in a game where those are normally its strongest points. They wonder why must I sacrifice so much choice and creativity just to beat this power? For some it's worth it, while for others not so much.
It's as if someone handed them all a build to use, and they are clueless as to what they are even playing. It's a sad state of affairs, atm.
Include Dark Future SG in this statement. Before the "On Alert" AE and Dark Future were at a full out war, DF was getting stomped by three SG's at the time, include Spectre. After the pass, their builds we so laughable, they were on the edge of another SG disband. Kien then went over with Adam and showed them the FC / Support role build and the PVP ego lance build. And then organized them. Now they all have the exact same build and all exploit imbue. It's really laughable to see Altered Egos impact on an entire SG of people resorting to cheating to even be competitive. And now even this exploit is not enough - it was a open feeding frenzy of Dark Future all day yesterday and all through last weekend.
The fact that you had to open Word to type two paragraphs of an empty reply is pathetic at best.
Word wasn't opened for me to type, it was opened to clean up what you wrote. Feel special, I did it again for this too. I actually just type in the thread window, I use word to copy your quotes.
If you are unable to accurately state what the point is I'm making and you are unable to invalidate what I am saying, not what I'm not saying, then the problem lies with you, not me. If I have to explain to you why I brought up certain other powers, you aren't understanding what I'm trying to tell you.
No real pvper will agree with you that UR is "cheating". Can't state that any clearer. And if you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't feel the need to bring up something irreverent to the conversation to create a sense of credibility. Just because I know how to boil water doesn't make me an expert chef. Or, in this case, just because you have a better understanding of LR than the average person, that doesn't magically make you a pvp authority.
If your judgment of me was accurate, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because I would already know the risks of making incorrect claims, and I would accept valid corrections. You've already proven several times that your criticisms of what I say do not make enough sense to invalidate anything, whether people understand that or not.
If my judgement was accurate, I would know better than to type this and waste my time. Paragon tried to explain in detail what I was referring to but you simply ignored it outright. It isn't a case of making sense, because if I didn't make sense people would call me on it just like I have with you.
I'm not Direx, he's on my friends' list, and I notice people I consider harmless or knowledgeable are often looked down upon here. You do not have my definition of cheating, you only presuppose yours. A better approach would be to ask for a definition or to verify and confirm with me that you know what I am pointing out. Your response was "your claims are unsubstantiated," "you're a troll," "you know nothing," and you keep insulting my intelligence by telling me things about bug fixes or Kien or whichever alpha male you think I don't know about, tell me about events that you think I did not observe, and you assume that I've never been in hero games without verifying such a ridiculous statement.
He's on my list too.
Knowledgeable isn't looked down upon, even Sage gets much deserved respect here, and I don't recall ever pvping against him. Pretty sure his days were before I ever logged onto CO.
You won't even give up your anonymity - People see a Charlize in a Grav outfit and know it's me, see a guy touching himself, it's probably Paragon, an Alien probably inspired by Alien would be Xeno, A big wolf or creature in blue, it's probably Brou. Etc. I never said you have never been in hero games, but you've made it clear to everyone that you aren't a regular. If you were "observing" the HG, you'd notice that no regular uses UR aside now from Paragon really. And there's a reason why he uses it specifically as opposed to anything else. But you'll just assume its cheating anyway and turn a blind eye.
Wow, this is truly remarkable. I literally spelled out for you step-by-step instructions, minus a few details that you can deduce on your own, ways to prove what I said is wrong. Instead you have to open up Microsoft Word to write a baseless accusation about something you do not understand. You brought up elsewhere why I'm "wrong" so I confront you here and you say it's irrelevant. I truly do not care what the hive thinks when it is not correct. Your response was to do nothing and to assume you already know. I considered you to be one of the more reasonable of such players, but I see you have the prototypical elitism of hero gamers.
If I stated 2+2 was 4, prove me wrong, you probably wouldn't, unless you were a chemist. I don't even remember how in chemistry it could be anything other than 4, it's been a while since chem 101. Notice that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.
I stated that there are other powers that do as much if not more damage than UR. Apparently that's not enough to negate your cheating, yet your basis of UR being a cheat is it's damage output. If something said so plainly, and I mean, clear as day plain, completely goes over your head, a detailed explanation of the mechanics isn't going to convince you any different.
HG is where the best pvpers actually pvp. Pvp is in a pretty sad state for CO, but what's left of the best still queue the Hero Games. My last bash, I ended 8-0, because the players who joined left out of frustration. I didn't blame them, nor do I hold it against them, but it would have been nice to actually get credit for the win since I bothered to q at all instead of waiting out the draw alll byyyy myyyyseeeeelf. First guy quit after 2 deaths, second one after 6.
The one before that ended 10-0. Can't say I really earned that entirely as people farmed an inferno I think for 12 deaths total by the end. There were only 3 "serious" players in, but they did make me earn it once the inferno left and the real fighting began. Almost ate it a few times, but managed to get out whenever I was dropped low.
Before that, I was 8-4, Haneef winning 10-4. Haneef got me all 4 times, and earned each kill, albeit I was pre-occupied with another target for all of em. You know what was hitting me for over 15k? Shadow Strike, not UR. Am I calling that a cheat? Not at all.
It's one thing to have the opinion that "UR is cheating". However, when you state it as "fact" based upon its damage output, when there are a number of powers that exceed said damage output, you don't have anything left to stand on other than your personal perception.
Lastly, here just some of the powers that are on par with Unleashed Rage's damage output:
Force Cascade - my typical choice, it's a "ha-do-ken"!
Strafing run - actually requires aim, only 50ft range or so, but no charge up time!
Shadow Strike - add smoke bomb and its the hardest hitter at the moment assuming you can land it in stealth
TK Lance - requires a bit of synergy needing them stacks of ego leech to really shine
Typhoon - if not for the split damage type, I'd be using this since it's cheaper than cascade
Sniper Rifle - Pre-alert this was my power of choice, over 1000 player kills using this alone. Post-alert it's just no longer practical, but even pre-alert it had plenty of limitation. Pre-alert the targets were just easier to kill.
Chest Beam - see below
Shoulder Launcher - while either CB or SL hits hard on its own, when paired simultaneously its truly devastating. I've eaten more than of few of said combo.
"Credibility has nothing to do with your own personal experience. There is no need to take someone's word for anything." - Xeiros"
According to forum officer Xeiros, this is not one of the criteria for a "successful" forum post. He may have to take a break from his busy schedule of smelling his own farts to correct you.
You two can have at it - though from what I saw of his guide, it was pretty damn impressive.
Either way, he doesn't like me anyway, so I'll let you two duke it out on that one =P
You know I think I saw her once in Bash, she was complaining that I was "Obviously" hacking because I executed a combo that deleivered a straffing run every 9 seconds. If she knew just how hard it is to use straffing run I bet she would not be so opinionated. Sometimes that power does not even activate or you can't see the target reticle on the ground. But I'm using it because it brought a new layer of difficulty to the game but with high rewards if done correctly. I like powers like that, I think UR is cool too it's a shame more people don't make AOPM Melee toons and rock it, if you use sonic device before the UR, the Sonic device will Proc before the UR goes off, making it impossiable to escape from, that's funny to me. . -Xeno
You two can have at it - though from what I saw of his guide, it was pretty damn impressive.
Either way, he doesn't like me anyway, so I'll let you two duke it out on that one =P
Whatever, I called him out for being a forum snob and in response he types up a 4 page reply detailing the proper use of the writting pinciples, "who," "what," "where" and "when." - Nuff said.
So I will change the name of the thread too "How to write a correct forum post, argue off topic and maybe beat imbue exploiters "
You know I think I saw her once in Bash, she was complaining that I was "Obviously" hacking because I executed a combo that deleivered a straffing run every 9 seconds. If she knew just how hard it is to use straffing run I bet she would not be so opinionated. Sometimes that power does not even activate or you can't see the target reticle on the ground. But I'm using it because it brought a new layer of difficulty to the game but with high rewards if done correctly. I like powers like that, I think UR is cool too it's a shame more people don't make AOPM Melee toons and rock it, if you use sonic device before the UR, the Sonic device will Proc before the UR goes off, making it impossiable to escape from, that's funny to me. . -Xeno
Yeah I think it's great, especially considering its a massive hit without a charge, only requiring aim. I thought about swapping to it on char, but the fg/fc is as close as I can get her to running like Grav, and having 100 ft range when the target's off-screen can be quite nice.
I think I'll probably end up making another pvp alt with it though, it's just too fun to use. Was in SH with one of the pve alts running it, and ended up getting over 20 kills with it.
And I didn't even have a hold or stun or gasp, imbue.
I have some combos I'll share with you, I had previously typed them here but deleted them, it's just so fun to play with. Combined with certain combos provides a way to end with fatality.
There's no flame war here. Anyone who doesn't have the reasoning ability to comprehend the problem he's complaining about has no business debating with me.
There's no flame war here. Anyone who doesn't have the reasoning ability to comprehend the problem he's complaining about has no business debating with me.
You and reason don't seem to go together, as its starting to show across the forums. Besides, it's not a debate when one side is unarmed in a skill of wit.
At least when I get into it with Silver or Kai, I know where they're comin from and we just have differing points of view. But on the otherhand, I've teamed with them on more than one occasion and know they are actual capable players.
In other words, anyone outside your scope of knowledge you assume they don't know what they're talking about and call it a day.
If you are unable to understand what is being stated, you will be unable to debate it.
I've even given you step-by-step instructions on how to prove me wrong, and you never bothered. You are the quintessential online competitor: nothing more than a know-it-all.
In other words, anyone outside your scope of knowledge you assume they don't know what they're talking about and call it a day.
If you are unable to understand what is being stated, you will be unable to debate it.
I've even given you step-by-step instructions on how to prove me wrong, and you never bothered. You are the quintessential online competitor: nothing more than a know-it-all.
No, you've proven time and again that you'd rather give your opinion and hold it as truth regardless of how people prove you otherwise.
I've proven you wrong time and again, but you fail to see it all the same.
Multiple people in a single thread call you on what you say. You simply ignore it and claim you aren't being proven wrong, when EVERYONE else can see that you are. Someone was even upset that a newbie might take your words and be misinformed. That's pretty damn drastic. You just straight up ignored it.
If someone questions me, they see my understanding firsthand in actual pvp combat. I don't always win but everyone that actually pvps know that I'm not some clueless random voicing opinions without merit.
Let's face it, no one can change your opinion, as you'll believe it regardless of what's right in front of you. You won't pvp or even own up to your in-game identity. It's like talking to xao, except I actually know who he is in-game, he actually pvps on occasion, and isn't always off his rocker when giving an opinion (most of the time.... he's waaaay out there).
There's no point in trying to prove anything to you, because you lack the ability to comprehend and accept when you're wrong. Even Ryder has proven me wrong, and I've apologized and given him credit for it. I can't have a battle of wits with you as you would be unarmed, or to be blatant : you have none.
In other words, anyone outside your scope of knowledge you assume they don't know what they're talking about and call it a day.
If you are unable to understand what is being stated, you will be unable to debate it.
I've even given you step-by-step instructions on how to prove me wrong, and you never bothered. You are the quintessential online competitor: nothing more than a know-it-all.
This response to secksegai came 10 days late. This response was planned for 10 days by this idiot. LOL? :biggrin:
Why be nice to someone who is, well as you know, completely ignorant to lengthy replies by people such as yourself? Respectful, nice people who took the time to seriously respond to their earlier posts, only to have their time wasted on blind eyes (or deaf ears, if you prefer)?
Why would you even start telling me to be nice to lucyinspacewithdiamonds? Seriously brother, explain...
And from now on, I act as I please. No one can tell me to be nice anymore. One of the reasons I left SPECTRE.
Why be nice to someone who is, well as you know, completely ignorant to lengthy replies by people such as yourself? Respectful, nice people who took the time to seriously respond to their earlier posts, only to have their time wasted on blind eyes (or deaf ears, if you prefer)?
Why would you even start telling me to be nice to lucyinspacewithdiamonds? Seriously brother, explain...
And from now on, I act as I please. No one can tell me to be nice anymore. One of the reasons I left SPECTRE.
LOL I guess it comes with my occupation. I believe everyone deserve a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc etc chance. Guess my job.
LOL I guess it comes with my occupation. I believe everyone deserve a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc etc chance. Guess my job.
Uhm.. Parole officer? But no, I am an average individual who believes when one starts trolling, they deserve all the backlash they get I personally do troll, but I typically troll all the PvE RPers who come over here to troll PvPers.. IDK, why not...
Uhm.. Parole officer? But no, I am an average individual who believes when one starts trolling, they deserve all the backlash they get I personally do troll, but I typically troll all the PvE RPers who come over here to troll PvPers.. IDK, why not...
LOL well close enough, I am a high school teacher.
Yup, because I know how much you all care about truth. >_> Your arrogance blinds you.
This is why Superman works alone. =P
I think you need to look in the mirror and say that again.
Reasonable minded folk would have noticed how foolish you look in stating your opinions as fact, and see me for being an idiot in trying to convince said fool of the actual reality.
Just keep telling yourself it's true because you believe it, especially when people prove you wrong, because if you believe it, doesn't matter if you're wrong .
Yup, because I know how much you all care about truth. >_> Your arrogance blinds you.
This is why Superman works alone. =P
I thought Superman works with people like Supergirl , Batman , The Flash , Martian Manhunter , Green Lantern and Wonder Woman you know a little known group called the Justice League
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Since Beta, I've only posted in the hero games, played in the hero games and know all of you from the hero games - I felt it was pretty evident what and whom I was speaking upon within the hero games forum.
But I get the whole forum snob thing you do, seen you work it for a long time. -GG
Oh yes coming across in as vague and obtuse a manner as possible is always a wonderful approach to getting your point across. Whatever that may be. I are the Queen Emperor of all the COPvP. Everyone should automatically know exactly what I am trying to say. Credibility has nothing to do with your own personal experience. There is no need to take someone's word for anything.
You are steadfast in your claim that UR is cheating. It's been months since the enrage bug was fixed that allowed for 40k+ URs.
I don't need a mind reader to tell me your perception when you flatly state that you honestly believe UR is broken and cheating.
We don't see it often. You do apparently, yet never enter the HG and pvp. Kien and Paragon are the only two users of UR that even come to mind. Kien doesn't even play anymore and is probably busy in DoTa2, and Paragon spends more time touching himself than actually killing anything.
At this point I'm guessing the community is thinking exactly that.
The LR tangent has nothing to do with the discussion. Tho, it leads me to believe you might be Direx running Maya with that LR, but I think Direx knows better after what happened the last time he/she tried trolling these forums.
Your tangent has nothing to do with claims such as "UR is cheating" or "I win" buttons.
I've been hit by other powers that have hit as hard or even harder than said UR. So are they cheating too? And if so, what are they? An experienced pvper can name them just off the top of his or her head. An experienced pvper also doesn't claim that they're broken either just because they "hurt so bad".
Bottom line - If you were a credible source, you wouldn't believe UR is cheating.
I'm sure I could ask in zone and find plenty of people who agree with you, but that's also the same zone that thinks flying in a duel is cheating and has people asking for help with lowbie missions.
Oh good, You have decided to give more specific examples. This is what I would consider as substantiated. However, I do wish to point out a few inherent errors and I hope you can keep an open mind and perhaps I can change your views on these matters. Firstly, UR with 8 stacks of enrage does like 6k damage. This is by no means 2 orders of magnitude higher than what's considered "high amounts of health points" assuming you meant double when you said 2 orders of magnitude (it is rather vague what you meant by it). 10k HP is consider the benchmark for me personally as anything considered as high. When you see UR hitting for more than 10k, perhaps in the range of 15k, this is because it is Imbued with very high Con. So as Seck mentioned if anything to be considered broken, it will be Imbued. There are also Force Cascade users who imbue their FCs for such big hits or even 20k damage. That seems to imply then that FC is broken. If you wish to contend that FC requires a much longer charge time and energy, that is fair enough but what about UR recharge time? But that is not your point when you claim that UR is broken and I quote you again on this:
"The ability to make a power do an amount of damage 2 orders of magnitude higher than what's considered "high amounts of health points" means it's broken and is not working as intended"
You also mention that UR is frequently used in PvP not sure if you refer to HG or duels. However, perhaps we play in different time zones but I can't recall even 10 users of UR maybe I am a noob. But compared to the number of AoPM, FC, ER users I am certain it is significantly less.
You should also consider greater accuracy in your statements. There are no cosmics which will fall to a few UR hits "Something that has the potential to kill a cosmic in just a few hits is broken". UR does not do anything much more than 20k a hit even with all con stacked for Imbued. There are no cosmics with less than 1 million HP. Most are around 2 million assuming they do not heal.
Kigatilik : 2,984,019
Teleiosaurus: 2,138,213
Qwyjibo: 2,138,213
Grond: 1,105,041
1,000,000/20,000 = 50
So it takes about 50 unleashed rage to kill Grond if he does not hop. UR has a cooldown of 1 minute which in today Post Alert case will be about say averaging 30 seconds assuming only using UR since UR is supposed to be so broken then there is no need for other powers.
50 * 30 sec = 1500 sec which comes to about 25 minutes.
For other cosmics this will take about an hour. Now, this is of course assuming you do not die in that 1 hour or something comes along and die in front of Kiga or Teleio causing them to regenerate.
OK, I am not certain why you brought up your issue with LR. I thought your debate over LR was with silverspar in the PTS thread. Actually, not sure if you read, I agreed with you that LR is not as optimal a choice today compared to Invul. I used to play ZA with an LR toon too. In fact I had 3 LR toons which I used to farm ZA. LR just pre-alert was designed to take big slow hits consistently well and not against quick attacks. Hence, I have brought my LR toon (fully decked in acclaim gear that time) into BASH and was killed in less than 10 secs by PBR despite running EotS to try to absorb the damage. Today, BCR+RR was nerf to .5 sec and in your testing you will certainly find this to be a problem because you are fighting many many mobs in PH which would otherwise be helping to heal you more than damage you. You also choose to use dodge and avoidance gear with LR which may or may not be the best case scenario because of the diminishing returns which kicks in very hard for dodge/avoidance. You use dodge gear with invul, so perhaps you can try +defense gear with LR.
If you use dodge/avoid gear with LR then the natural next step in further building your defenses will be stack dodge to 100%. Your choice of MD is also not ideal (but unbreakable is too lame today but that is a different issue) because other than the gauranteed dodge for 15 secs u gain hardly anything in avoidance on R3 when stack over LR. The natural options for stacking dodge over LR if you are freeform is Evasive Manuever R3 and either Shuriken Storm and Thundering Kick. They give you 100% dodge and with LR and gear an avoidance of high 80 percent. This means ALL attacks hit you for only 10 plus percent damage except during the break in shuriken storm activation (with sufficient cooldown, it is quite possible to double stack EM for very short periods as long as you have a target to reverse lunge from)
However, as I said, I agree with you that LR may not be as good as say Invul because especially in PvP, you may not have a target to activate EM or Thundering Kick. You may also not have the energy to sustain Shuriken Storm indefinitely and S. Storm is definitely no head turner in DPS.
With invul, and good gear, you will consistently have around 230% damage mitigation which works out to a toon taking only 43% of any damage (assuming no penetration from powers like Dragon Wrath or spec tree skills). Then on top of this there is a layer of dodge gear with about 40 percent dodge and 60% avoidance which is actually rather respectable levels) if the roll is successful of course. The player also have the option to use a block replacer in PvE (this will of course be Crippling Challenged in PvP) which can then usually raise damage resistance to say around 590% if it is not ebon void, energy shield or TK shield. 590% is equivalent of about 17% of all damage.
However there is still another option for invul which if as you claim you know who I am in game will know that I run a near perma masterful dodge over and on top of invul with full avoidance (and avoidance core) gear reducing all incoming damage to around 10% which overcomes the inability to block in PvP.
So in a sense Seck's post in the PTS thread on buffing LR was right again. LR is not fantastic as Silverspar sees it but neither is it horrible. At the very least it is better than PFF.
Having spent over 30 minutes to type this response, I hope you do not see it as anything offensive or defensive. Just as I requested for you to substantiate your claims I too have done likewise to put down evidence. Saying that your claims are unsubstantiated does not mean they are false, it simply means that there is no evidence provided in forum and you bothering to put down evidence will help people to understand your point.
As to me ignoring you, I definitely do not recall saying I will ignore you in chat, and the times I did mention about you in chat is in COPvP where I asked if anyone knows who you are. If indeed you have a screen cap of me having said that I implore you to put the link up to activate my memory and I will certainly apologise if indeed I said that. I have actually asked for your in-game identity on exactly 2 occasions in forum but you responded to neither one. The reason is not so much to find you in game to flame you but rather since you did not give much evidence in forums to back your claims, one good and fast way is to see your experience and performance in game as a gauge.
I would hate to offend your sensibilities any further, seeing how opinion passionate you are.
I'll make sure moving forward all of my "proposed" hero game forum posts are ran through you first - this way you can critique them. Because your perception of how a proper post should be presented, that's what's really important to me. Please accept my most sincere apologies for being obtuse and vague, forcing a snob like you to correct me.
"Credibility has nothing to do with your own personal experience. There is no need to take someone's word for anything." - Xeiros"
According to forum officer Xeiros, this is not one of the criteria for a "successful" forum post. He may have to take a break from his busy schedule of smelling his own farts to correct you.
The main idea here is to explain everything that you are suggesting. Don't leave your readers hanging with unanswered questions. Remember, clear, concise, and direct. A lot of what you say can easily be written off as unnecessary If you assume it is common knowledge. Don't do this.
How to Beat AoPM users that exploit the Imbue on next hit effect Power.
What is Imbue and how is it bugged?
Imbue is an on next hit power found in the celestial powerset
When activated it is supposed to guarantee that your next heal or damage power will be a critical hit with the severity based on either your Constitutional or Presence whichever is higher
After use the buff is supposed to expire, but with some powers such as conviction it is not being properly consumed thus allowing chain critical hits/heals.
What attributes describe the build we are tying to beat?
Uses Imbue coupled with high Con in order to chain critical heal of the heal power conviction though other heals can be used that's the most often used due to its instant activation.
Makes use of the powers protection field and mindful reinforcement to act as barriers in order to more easily use the above tactic
Tends to use aura of primal majesty as its passive of choice
Usually run in the support role
Primary Superstars Intelligence in order to make use of the Detect Vulnerability Specialization
Prefers to rotate the active defenses Masterful Dodge and Unbreakable.
What General Tactics are there?
Make use of critical hits
Use Stuns strategically in order to chain large spikes
Utilize hang time through strong knock backs in order to prevent the activation of defensive powers.
What Stats should I be focusing on and why? How much of each do I need?
Focus on Con in order to take advantage of nimble mind, the advantage on ego surge which scales with said stat and temporally increases your critical hit chance. This is important as we want to critically hit as often as possible. Insert recommended Con amount here:
You can chose to Primary Dexterity in order to hit generally high levels of chance and severity thanks in part to the specialization trees Vindicator, Warden and the Dexterity Mastery itself. With decent superstars you will be able to hit about 114-115% severity and around 50% chance.
You will want to superstat either Intelligence or Ego in order to have a stat that scales your ranged damage toggle in Concentration. Since the 20% soft cap of the ranged damage bonus from Ego is achievable with only 70 points you don't need to superstat it for that. You will want to consider Ego's contribution to ranged knock power as well. You want enough of a window to deal the damage necessary, but at the same time don't want to knock your target out of your own range and waste the period of vulnerability.
What Stun should I use and why? Should I rank it?
Since this is a ranged build we will be focusing on the Sonic Device on next hit power. It is the only instant stun available to us.
If you choose intelligence as one of your superstats and combine it with CD reduction in primary and secondary utility, you will be able to get the CD to about 15 seconds with around 200 Intelligence.
Ranking sonic device like any other stun will increase its duration and damage. Both are important but we are using it mainly for it's ability in partially crippling the target. We want to have enough time to get off that additional spike.
You can choose to play in the support role. While this will lower your superstat damage it will increase the duration of your hold powers. This includes sonic device. Experiment on your own to see what you feel is best
What should my main damage attack be and why? What are my options?
Defile. This a single target toxic attack the debuffs the targets toxic damage resistance by up to 12% at rank 3. It is one of if not the hardest hitting single target ranged attacks in the game on its own merits. It has synergy with the fire-snake power which you can use to further rebuff their elemental damage resistance. This is risky as it adds another step to your combo.
Force Cascade. One of the hardest hitting Cylinder AoE attacks in the game. Unfortunate it comes with a number of downsides. It is also one of the slowest and most expensive charge attacks in the game. It's built in knock can interfere with your normal knock power. Not only this but so much as tapping it will disable an active offense you have which means no more boosted critical chance from nimble mind which is key to your attack combo.
Telekinetic Lance. Another single target attack. This one though has a catch. It can deal a second hit at the same time as the main one that scales up based on the number of Ego Leech stacks on you up to give stacks. If you choose to try this, you will want a power to quickly build said stacks in order to maximize your damage potential in as little time as possible. Telekinetic Maelstrom or Telekinetic Burst are both options to consider. A nice bonus is that if the main power is a critical hit the bonus damage will be as well.
Ebon Ruin ? Yet another single target attack. This one is from darkness. It can hit reasonably hard, but it's main draw lies elsewhere. Note that you can fear your opponent to increase its damage through the Nyctophobia by 15%. The main reason to use this power over one like Defile is it's built in ability to weaken your targets healing strength. This can make all the difference against other players.
What Knock Power should I choose and why ?
Force Geyser. Normally this would be your go to ranged knock. 100 feet. 3 second base cooldown with the option to take nailed to the ground. It's cheap and easy to use. That said even with high Ego you won't have very much hang-time to work with. It is useful for killing two birds with one stone.
Force Detonation. 50 Feet. 10 Second base CD. No access to nailed. The main draw of this knock is its righteously awesome knock distance. We're talking hundreds of feet with high ego at rank 3. It also hits decently hard. If you choose this be sure to have a fast in combat travel power like Acrobatics/Athletics or Super-speed in order to follow them through the air as needed.
What Energy Unlock should I use and why ?
Given our choice of stats in Con, Ego, Intelligence, and Dexterity we have a number of options. Some easier to work with than others.
Spirit Reverberation.. It scales with Constitution and activates when you hit a feared target with dimensional damage. The DoT from Ebon Ruin is perfect for this, but you will still need to include a fear applier in your attack combo and there are few reliable options. Void shift with emerging nightmares being one of them. This poses a problem as void shift?s stun interferes with Sonic Devices. We do not want to give them unnecessary stacks of hold resistance.
Molecular Self Assembly. This is the easiest energy unlock to work with as it requires nothing more specific than powers with short (base 3 second) cooldowns to work most reliable. Powers like hurl and force geyser for example. With this energy will flow in naturally as you attack.
How exactly do I go about attacking and making use of all these powers?
1. Hit the Ego Surge with nimble mind active offense. This will greatly boost your critical hit chance. This is key for our overall damage potential.
2. Use Hurl with Crippling Challenge and Nailed to the ground advantage. This will break their block, remove their travel power, and begin ticking MSA for you.
3. Immediately follow up with your knock of choice. In this combo's case. Force Detonation. We do not want them to hit Ascension and reduce the effects of a knock back.
4. Queue up your Sonic Device on next hit power
5. Fully Charge and fire your main damage nuke with the Sonic Device attached while they are in midair. This will deal a large amount of damage and stun your target. MSA will begin to tick again thanks to Force Detonations cooldown expiring.
6. Immediately follow up with a second full charge of your main nuke to hopefully finish them off.
All I did was try to expand on that short first post. You wanted to help other players correct? Help them by providing answers to questions you may assume everyone knows the answers to. Pretend that you know next to nothing about building a toon for PvP when you make a guide about it. We are in essence trying to hold their hand here. The questions above are the sort they'll have and I didn't even cover them all.
Even my version of said guide is still very much lacking. Answer the questions you know your readers will have and help them to help themselves. While I went over stats briefly I never gave recommended numbers, nor did I go over which is best to primary/secondary and why. I never mention what passive to use. I didn't touch on specializations much at all. There's nothing about what to do should the combo be interrupted in some way/sometihng goes wrong. You won't find anything about gearing and what modifications to slot. As I said, it is still lacking in detail.
... oh wait I forgot to unnecessarily quote my own unnecessarily quoted 15 hundred word post. Too much work.
The fact that you had to open Word to type two paragraphs of an empty reply is pathetic at best. If you are unable to accurately state what the point is I'm making and you are unable to invalidate what I am saying, not what I'm not saying, then the problem lies with you, not me. If I have to explain to you why I brought up certain other powers, you aren't understanding what I'm trying to tell you.
I'm not Direx, he's on my friends' list, and I notice people I consider harmless or knowledgeable are often looked down upon here. You do not have my definition of cheating, you only presuppose yours. A better approach would be to ask for a definition or to verify and confirm with me that you know what I am pointing out. Your response was "your claims are unsubstantiated," "you're a troll," "you know nothing," and you keep insulting my intelligence by telling me things about bug fixes or Kien or whichever alpha male you think I don't know about, tell me about events that you think I did not observe, and you assume that I've never been in hero games without verifying such a ridiculous statement.
If your judgment of me was accurate, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because I would already know the risks of making incorrect claims, and I would accept valid corrections. You've already proven several times that your criticisms of what I say do not make enough sense to invalidate anything, whether people understand that or not.
I notice there are a lot of 'forum snobs' here as was mentioned above. Just because you think you know what claims I am making, if any, doesn't mean that is what I am stating. No need to "read between the lines" about people you don't yet understand.
Wow, this is truly remarkable. I literally spelled out for you step-by-step instructions, minus a few details that you can deduce on your own, ways to prove what I said is wrong. Instead you have to open up Microsoft Word to write a baseless accusation about something you do not understand. You brought up elsewhere why I'm "wrong" so I confront you here and you say it's irrelevant. I truly do not care what the hive thinks when it is not correct. Your response was to do nothing and to assume you already know. I considered you to be one of the more reasonable of such players, but I see you have the prototypical elitism of hero gamers.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I'm sorry Lucy, but you are an epic fail. You further prove my claims I've made about you: You are a clueless git.
This post is about how to defeat a typical Dark Crusade member build; one that exploits Imbue while bubble spamming. A support, Primary Super Stat Intelligence build. You bring up LR, BCR+RR in a power house test? Come on, man. At least make some sort of intelligible comment regarding what this thread is about rather than derail it with your defensive stance.
Anyway, Xeiros, I love you bro. I love your long-winded post about how a guide should look. You are awesome, I have the utmost respect for you. You will always be the bees knees to me
PvP nowadays is chalk-full of cocky newbs not knowing anything about how to run a build or how to make their own, yet they are cocky. It's truly sad. But a fun gankfest on my behalf. They cry so hard when they lose. It's music to my ears :biggrin:
(Translation: I think I am being ignored)
I doubt Lucy could comprehend your response. Too much substance for such a small mind. More evidence to his cluelessness.
And you need know, i'm crazy, lololololololololololol.
At the same time the main issue is how many players are still left to even care. To try and read this thread looking for tips on how to deal with Double Bubble + Imbue because for whatever reason they still want to PvP despite its current state. How many simply stopped PvPing and won't get anything out of this thread as they've already given up?
If only there was a single power or two that could simply remove the imbue buff. Some players don't want to have to build their character in a specific manner in order to compete against someone exploiting a bugged power. It's a loss of control and freedom in a game where those are normally its strongest points. They wonder why must I sacrifice so much choice and creativity just to beat this power? For some it's worth it, while for others not so much.
He be an odd looking man if he has double bubbles* , isnt Lucy a girl?
*Those who know me yesh I am a massive hypocrite ..also shut up
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Wow you became God. xD
Include Dark Future SG in this statement. Before the "On Alert" AE and Dark Future were at a full out war, DF was getting stomped by three SG's at the time, include Spectre. After the pass, their builds we so laughable, they were on the edge of another SG disband. Kien then went over with Adam and showed them the FC / Support role build and the PVP ego lance build. And then organized them. Now they all have the exact same build and all exploit imbue. It's really laughable to see Altered Egos impact on an entire SG of people resorting to cheating to even be competitive. And now even this exploit is not enough - it was a open feeding frenzy of Dark Future all day yesterday and all through last weekend.
*evil glare* oO we have one who can seee! >:o ^_~
2. Have them call their SG into BASH to transform it into a ZA game.
Word wasn't opened for me to type, it was opened to clean up what you wrote. Feel special, I did it again for this too. I actually just type in the thread window, I use word to copy your quotes.
No real pvper will agree with you that UR is "cheating". Can't state that any clearer. And if you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't feel the need to bring up something irreverent to the conversation to create a sense of credibility. Just because I know how to boil water doesn't make me an expert chef. Or, in this case, just because you have a better understanding of LR than the average person, that doesn't magically make you a pvp authority.
If my judgement was accurate, I would know better than to type this and waste my time. Paragon tried to explain in detail what I was referring to but you simply ignored it outright. It isn't a case of making sense, because if I didn't make sense people would call me on it just like I have with you.
He's on my list too.
Knowledgeable isn't looked down upon, even Sage gets much deserved respect here, and I don't recall ever pvping against him. Pretty sure his days were before I ever logged onto CO.
You won't even give up your anonymity - People see a Charlize in a Grav outfit and know it's me, see a guy touching himself, it's probably Paragon, an Alien probably inspired by Alien would be Xeno, A big wolf or creature in blue, it's probably Brou. Etc. I never said you have never been in hero games, but you've made it clear to everyone that you aren't a regular. If you were "observing" the HG, you'd notice that no regular uses UR aside now from Paragon really. And there's a reason why he uses it specifically as opposed to anything else. But you'll just assume its cheating anyway and turn a blind eye.
If I stated 2+2 was 4, prove me wrong, you probably wouldn't, unless you were a chemist. I don't even remember how in chemistry it could be anything other than 4, it's been a while since chem 101. Notice that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.
I stated that there are other powers that do as much if not more damage than UR. Apparently that's not enough to negate your cheating, yet your basis of UR being a cheat is it's damage output. If something said so plainly, and I mean, clear as day plain, completely goes over your head, a detailed explanation of the mechanics isn't going to convince you any different.
HG is where the best pvpers actually pvp. Pvp is in a pretty sad state for CO, but what's left of the best still queue the Hero Games. My last bash, I ended 8-0, because the players who joined left out of frustration. I didn't blame them, nor do I hold it against them, but it would have been nice to actually get credit for the win since I bothered to q at all instead of waiting out the draw alll byyyy myyyyseeeeelf. First guy quit after 2 deaths, second one after 6.
The one before that ended 10-0. Can't say I really earned that entirely as people farmed an inferno I think for 12 deaths total by the end. There were only 3 "serious" players in, but they did make me earn it once the inferno left and the real fighting began. Almost ate it a few times, but managed to get out whenever I was dropped low.
Before that, I was 8-4, Haneef winning 10-4. Haneef got me all 4 times, and earned each kill, albeit I was pre-occupied with another target for all of em. You know what was hitting me for over 15k? Shadow Strike, not UR. Am I calling that a cheat? Not at all.
It's one thing to have the opinion that "UR is cheating". However, when you state it as "fact" based upon its damage output, when there are a number of powers that exceed said damage output, you don't have anything left to stand on other than your personal perception.
Lastly, here just some of the powers that are on par with Unleashed Rage's damage output:
Force Cascade - my typical choice, it's a "ha-do-ken"!
Strafing run - actually requires aim, only 50ft range or so, but no charge up time!
Shadow Strike - add smoke bomb and its the hardest hitter at the moment assuming you can land it in stealth
TK Lance - requires a bit of synergy needing them stacks of ego leech to really shine
Typhoon - if not for the split damage type, I'd be using this since it's cheaper than cascade
Sniper Rifle - Pre-alert this was my power of choice, over 1000 player kills using this alone. Post-alert it's just no longer practical, but even pre-alert it had plenty of limitation. Pre-alert the targets were just easier to kill.
Chest Beam - see below
Shoulder Launcher - while either CB or SL hits hard on its own, when paired simultaneously its truly devastating. I've eaten more than of few of said combo.
You two can have at it - though from what I saw of his guide, it was pretty damn impressive.
Either way, he doesn't like me anyway, so I'll let you two duke it out on that one =P
Whatever, I called him out for being a forum snob and in response he types up a 4 page reply detailing the proper use of the writting pinciples, "who," "what," "where" and "when." - Nuff said.
So I will change the name of the thread too "How to write a correct forum post, argue off topic and maybe beat imbue exploiters "
Yeah I think it's great, especially considering its a massive hit without a charge, only requiring aim. I thought about swapping to it on char, but the fg/fc is as close as I can get her to running like Grav, and having 100 ft range when the target's off-screen can be quite nice.
I think I'll probably end up making another pvp alt with it though, it's just too fun to use. Was in SH with one of the pve alts running it, and ended up getting over 20 kills with it.
And I didn't even have a hold or stun or gasp, imbue.
Stops ascension as well nade.
You and reason don't seem to go together, as its starting to show across the forums. Besides, it's not a debate when one side is unarmed in a skill of wit.
At least when I get into it with Silver or Kai, I know where they're comin from and we just have differing points of view. But on the otherhand, I've teamed with them on more than one occasion and know they are actual capable players.
If you are unable to understand what is being stated, you will be unable to debate it.
I've even given you step-by-step instructions on how to prove me wrong, and you never bothered. You are the quintessential online competitor: nothing more than a know-it-all.
No, you've proven time and again that you'd rather give your opinion and hold it as truth regardless of how people prove you otherwise.
I've proven you wrong time and again, but you fail to see it all the same.
Multiple people in a single thread call you on what you say. You simply ignore it and claim you aren't being proven wrong, when EVERYONE else can see that you are. Someone was even upset that a newbie might take your words and be misinformed. That's pretty damn drastic. You just straight up ignored it.
If someone questions me, they see my understanding firsthand in actual pvp combat. I don't always win but everyone that actually pvps know that I'm not some clueless random voicing opinions without merit.
Let's face it, no one can change your opinion, as you'll believe it regardless of what's right in front of you. You won't pvp or even own up to your in-game identity. It's like talking to xao, except I actually know who he is in-game, he actually pvps on occasion, and isn't always off his rocker when giving an opinion (most of the time.... he's waaaay out there).
There's no point in trying to prove anything to you, because you lack the ability to comprehend and accept when you're wrong. Even Ryder has proven me wrong, and I've apologized and given him credit for it. I can't have a battle of wits with you as you would be unarmed, or to be blatant : you have none.
This response to secksegai came 10 days late. This response was planned for 10 days by this idiot. LOL? :biggrin:
Be nice Mal.
Why be nice to someone who is, well as you know, completely ignorant to lengthy replies by people such as yourself? Respectful, nice people who took the time to seriously respond to their earlier posts, only to have their time wasted on blind eyes (or deaf ears, if you prefer)?
Why would you even start telling me to be nice to lucyinspacewithdiamonds? Seriously brother, explain...
And from now on, I act as I please. No one can tell me to be nice anymore. One of the reasons I left SPECTRE.
LOL I guess it comes with my occupation. I believe everyone deserve a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc etc chance. Guess my job.
Uhm.. Parole officer? But no, I am an average individual who believes when one starts trolling, they deserve all the backlash they get
LOL well close enough, I am a high school teacher.
Well, I graduated from a high school in 1996. What a coincidence!
LOL good old Mal. Wait, wait, I should say mean old Mal hahaha.
Mummy, mummy, he's a meanie
^___^ you like your anime then.
You me and Smoochy need to team sometime
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Yup I think so too. Lets look forward for it
I dont know why but I have always wanted to team with Smoochan just to see if she would rage at the Mega D XD
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Yup, because I know how much you all care about truth. >_> Your arrogance blinds you.
This is why Superman works alone. =P
I think you need to look in the mirror and say that again.
Reasonable minded folk would have noticed how foolish you look in stating your opinions as fact, and see me for being an idiot in trying to convince said fool of the actual reality.
Just keep telling yourself it's true because you believe it, especially when people prove you wrong, because if you believe it, doesn't matter if you're wrong
I thought Superman works with people like Supergirl , Batman , The Flash , Martian Manhunter , Green Lantern and Wonder Woman you know a little known group called the Justice League
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..