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gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
Department of Emergency: Limit Tested Agents

DE:LTA are UNTIL liaison to Logistical Emergency Assistance Foundation (LEAF) as first responders for supernatural or catastrophic disaster across the globe. The Limit Tested Agents represent those who can handle anything. To be considered for agency heroes must be identified as the best in their respected field. Agents train through the most physically and mentally demanding training in existence. Then comes the tough part: the job of essentially taking on any situation or foe that the world has to offer.

- -

Mentiac's Notes:
I have this idea for a team. I want a group of dedicated heroes willing to really test the outer limit of their unique abilities. My prodigy, Agent Kontrol, is perhaps the smartest woman on the planet. I want her to enlist a team of our mightiest heroes.

- -

Character: Vitality- 715 STR

Character: Unknown - ??? STR

Character: Speed - 702 DEX

Character: Cavalier- 654 DEX

Character: Cliff-Side - 681 CON

Character: Rift - 535 CON

Character: Kontrol - 771 INT
Brain Control

Character: Northstorm - ??? INT

Character: Spectrum - 687 Ego

Character: Sarge - 639 Ego

Character: Arkane - 668 PRE

Character: Crescentwave - 548 PRE
Fluid Dynamics

Character: Sexah - 626 REC

Character: TNK-Striker - 674 REC
Protogen Droid

Character: D.A.W.N. - 710 END
Droid Armed With Nukes

Character: Joule - 704 END
Energy Transformer
Post edited by gamehobo on


  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt
    DE:LTA Kontrol

    Psychological Evaluation:
    I took Agent Cavalier on our first tour of UNITY Hotspots. Agent excels in ranged combat and completing mission objectives with minimal threat to self or team. Shows high levels of n Ach behaviors, perhaps signs of being least experienced squad member. Overcompensation for stimulus from nociceptive pain trends seems to boost power levels exponentially. Adding to the record - note assessors worry that agent will hide personal cost of trauma will lead to latent negative effects in the unconscious psyche.

    Agent shows extreme knowledge and information on the Qu'laar. Though his file shows only brief tenure in Project Stargazer, he managed to soak up many subtle nuances in hive mind behavior that escaped even my intellect. Subject is seemingly proficient in a leadership role when the subject is familiar, however Agent Cavalier also showed impressive, uncharacteristic restraint when not in lead role. Superego is well aligned to heroism. Subject passed confidence testing[ ------------------------------------REDACTED FROM RECORD------------------------------------].

    Project Mind Game Stronghold Report:
    Agents Speed, Cavalier, Sarge and myself responded to the immanent threat of Menton's control of Stonghold. Sarge, having use of no psychic defense techniques recused himself from the mission for the other agents safety. I used a remote psychic link to look at the situation inside. Strongholds power inhibitors are seemingly malfunctioning, allowing massive prisoner breakouts on all levels. Agent Maronni briefed us with the situation outside.

    Upon reaching 0.5 Kilometer proximity Menton's influence showed impressive levels. Agent Maronni and I were able to protect the squad from external influence. Agent Speed's action potential protected his synapse from direct control. On recognizance to find a VIPER Synaptic Expirator Agent Speed somehow became susceptible to outside influence's cognitive behavior modification. It is quite possible that in his brief time away Speed consumed . Upon recognizing his influenced behavior Agent Cavalier and Myself upped our mental defenses against Menton's coming attack. Agent Speed however was faster than the speed of thought, defeating Agent Cavalier before I could reestablish behavior normalcy.

    Agents Speed and Cavalier show signs of egoistic narcissism, however I believe the fallout from the internal scrimage will be negligible as Agent Cavalier seemingly understood the situation of Menton's control. The two personality types are very potentially volatile. I have taken preemptive steps by stimulating their hypothalamus to relative homeostasis.

    Director Kaufman, then authorized PRIMUS air strikes on the Stronghold Compound. Extensive trauma expected for both inmates and personnel. It is to be noted that Sidn.. Grond attacked unprovoked. It is unsure if DELTA was the target of these attacks. Research from Dr. Dupree shows promising results for mental rehabilitation for the grondling effect and Project Greenskin will soon be able to .

    Mission objective changed after Air Strikes upon Stronhold seemed to passify the prisoners not experiencing extreme control from Menton. Agent Cavalier led in a.. complicated mission near Area 51. I differ my notes to his Project Stargazer Report.


    --Thuy Xi Tranh--
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Open letter to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt:

    Agent Kontrol requesting a full debriefing on our new DELTA medic. Agent "Glimmer" is unlike any I've encountered. Her knowledge of the star charts is increasingly interesting. My link even to GATEWAY station does not have information on some of the star systems she has very intimate knowledge of.

    Perhaps more curious, it would seem that tales of her Xarnathian race are so similar to fables I heard as a child.. old tales in Vibora, the same that pre-dated the rise of the Vampires and Lychans also told of "the Fae". Faeries have been hinted at before but never have I seen someone so similar. Trader Jack himself planted rumor of his own faerie heritage. Glimmer's power to manipulate light and her unnatural beauty seem to fit so many of the old fables. But if knowledge of her race pre-dates Princess Allorah's arrival. If there is an official delegation in play it shows sign of malevolent intentions, the princess shows no signs of knowledge of an official delegation so any Xarnathian's found on Earth may have come on their own accord.

    I noted the similarities in her abilities and the Nephilim, but they are so different in appearance it seems unlikely of a relation. However with her ability to bend light itself I do not know for certain that she can not alter her visible form. She is by far the most beautiful humanoid I have seen. Her luminescence seems to provide an unnatural attraction and trust in her. Her cheery demeanor shows zero signs of mal-intent.

    I am not recommending a full mind read or psychiatric evaluation at this time. The action, on a royal dignitary, could be seen as hostile and has more potential for harm. She has proven her worth as a DELTA, and I am willing to give a cautious blind trust in her nature. The knowledge and information she brings is invaluable. Keeping her as a DELTA is the safest course of action - whether she be friend or foe.

    --Thuy Xi Tranh--
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt
    DE:LTA Kontrol

    Project Stargazer:
    DELTA received a distress call from Major Jason Larke of Project Stargazer. It appears the Qularr had begun to build new force field generators. The same generators were used in their invasion of Earth to keep heroes out. DELTA sent Agent Cavalier on a Stealth reconnaissance mission and his report revealed that the Qularr's plans had progressed much further than what we'd thought possible. We had only 5 minutes to shut down 5 generators in hostile territory.

    The Qulaar hid the generators underground on the beaches of the Wayfarer coast. Agent Cliff-Side used his tectonics to get our DELTA agents in. Myself I ran as fast as I could to manually shut-down the generators. The hive queen's control of the thousands of drones kept my influence low so I had to work fast. Without Agent Glimmer there to translate the Qularr controls I used my technological skill to shut the generators down the fastest way I knew how.. Smashing the Hardware! The damage I performed is not irreparable but until Stargazer can form a full assault on the Qularr on Wayfarer coast it should hold off their generators.

    With the generators disabled we then could then stop their biologists that were creating a zoo out of the many organisms found on Monster Island. Handily defeating their zoologist, we had saved even a human civilian. I personally walked him to safety and

    The operation took fewer than 5 DELTA agents and could very well have changed the tide of the Qularr threat.


    Thuy Xi Tranh
  • darksun0685darksun0685 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    AGENT: Danny Henderson

    DELTA Member: Cavalier

    Busy day in the city, team was patrol when we got word Jack Fool had taken the Mayor hostage. Agents Sarge, Speed, Glimmer, D.A.W.N and myself responded. Got on scene and saw Jack Fool had a bunch of minions with him, so we made a quick plan, Sarge took the left side, Speed took the right side, D.A.W.N flew air support and Glimmer got the Mayor and the other hostages. As for me, I took on Jack Fool himself.

    We had a good old sword fight, his demon blade vs my psi-blades. All his demon powers and blood magic didn't help him, I'm 20 times the swordsmen he is. After I disarmed him he tried to come at me with his claws only to get hit from five different dircetions as everyone else had finished up with the minions and getting the civillians to safety. Speed worked on his kidneys, Sarge hit him in the knee caps, D.A.W.N with a big old lazer blast to the chest, Glimmer with a light blast to his eyes, and I hit him with both my pis-blades in the gut. He dropped like a ton of bricks.

    We load up Jack into a paddy wagon to take him down to the Strong Hold for a hot sleep. Unfortunately he escaped in route. Doesn't matter he shows his face again Delta will take him down.
  • reverend668reverend668 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Agent: Trent Keating.
    DELTA and Project Newton Prime member designate: Speed.

    In regards to the new recruit Agent Cavalier.

    Took this rookie out on patrol last night in Vibora City and ran into some clowns who thought they were speedsters and wanted to race me. Me! The fastest dude alive! So after reaching the finish line and downing three pieces of piazza they finally come strolling and get all angry that they lost so spectacularly and decide they wanna fight. I'm like "aw man, I got this rookie here watching my back....great.." then before I could really get a hit on either of them Cav smashed them both with his brain! Again, me, the fastest dude alive, and I barely got a hit before he had those guys running.....priceless. So after seeing him in action gotta say, nice addition.
  • reverend668reverend668 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Agent: Trent Keating.
    DELTA and Project Newton Prime member designate: Speed.

    For the record I hate writing these things. Anyway, here it goes.

    Agents Glimmer, Sarge, Cav, Cliff and myself were finishing up patrol of a few known hotspots for bad guy activites when our intel bands went crazy. Sarge and Cliff were called back to their respective Projects for some super secret missions.(I honestly think Sarge wasn't really called anywhere, I think he's just old and needed to go watch reruns of Matlock.) Anyway, Cav, Jem (I will be calling Glimmer by the name Jem from here on out as she looks just like the 80's cartoon rocker chick.) and myself went on to finish our partols.

    Upon finishing our hot spot patrols, those of us left (Jem, Cav, and myself) returned to UNITY HQ to debrief when their danger alarms started going crazy too. Apparently a scout out in Canada had reported "The Tower has gone active." and since we were the only DELTA members active guess who had to check it out? So we get the intel and get told how very, very dangerous this mission is and then we get sent on our way.

    Jem, Cav and I reach the Tower and yes it is very much active. The "perfect man"'s tower is all glowing and shiny and there's clones of him everywhere. Small clones with guns, huge super strong clones, and zombie like clones that tried to control you mentally and made glowie worm like thingies come out of the ground and attack you. (Ask Trol...er Agent Kontrol for clarification as to what "glowie worm like thingies" are.) He also had wierd dogs, dinosaurs, and at one point we were even attacked by a near invincible test dummy.

    Huge pipes funneled fluid throughout the entire complex later to be revealed as Teleios's dna. (Not his man juice, by the way, thank sweet muppety odin for that as i busted as many pipes as I could, ran all around in it and even got some in Cav's hair. Also made inappropriate jokes about Cav's now "Something about Mary" hair.) We made our way up the tower busting pipes and turning off power stations on each level.

    Jem, Cav and I reached the top floor and there he was. The perfect man, Teleios, up on a platform. I got bored about three seconds into his typical big bad rant and started looking around and that's when I saw it. A really, really, REALLY, huge brain. Right in the middle of the floor and the pipes were all around it.

    Trying to keep this long story from getting any longer, we had to beat up the huge brain which was gross and spongy and did not like my mocking (yet witty) banter as it started shooting lightning at us. ( Maybe ask Agent Cav if it was a Sith lord.) Anyway, while beating up the Big Brain we didn't notice Teleios escaping. Just too much coming at us for three agents to breach his tower and take him out.

    All and all I consider this a win. Though we didn't get Teleios we did shut down his entire operation, chased him out of Canada, coexisted as a team, and showed that even just three DELTA agents are nothing to mess with.

    Time for piazza and beer....and a pretty lady.
    --Trent Keating--
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt
    DE:LTA Kontrol

    Psychological Evaluation:
    The task of evaluating Agent Sphinx for combat readiness is an increasingly difficult one. Subject's extreme trauma and post trauma related stressors have lead to a severe dissociative behavior. Psychiatric readings of hormone levels are completely useless, as the feline physiology varies much from that of baseline humans. Subject makes special effort for the most basic of human social norms. It is unclear if this is a side effect of trauma or simply his alpha nature from the manimalization.

    Subject failed multiple screenings for homicidal behavior - however consistently passes tests for human compassion. Psychosis and dissociative breaks seem to be triggered by his primal nature, however I cannot recommend corrective therapy. Subject is holding on to amnesic nostalgia of his previous human life and must learn to function as one whole person. Even with the congress of selves now occupying his mind.

    I am recommending a low steady dose of dopamines be introduced into his diet in his time of integration back into human society. I do not advocate but will allow for live hunting for the Agent. It is important that he, and we, accept his role atop the food chain as King of his own Jungle.
  • therogueprincetherogueprince Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    AGENT: Alorrah Dawnstar

    DELTA Member: Glimmer

    First of all I would like to say I am really very happy today and pleased to be here! DELTA has been a great team and have quickly become my Earth family. All members are so exceptional in their skill sets I cannot imagine working with a better team. To this day I have yet to find an adversary we cannot defeat. Would it be prideful of me to say we are becoming Earths Best of the Best?
    Not to say we have not had our share of challenges. (oooh how I do not like that Gravitar!) And I am particualrly fascinated by the alien race known ad the Gadroon. Who are they and what is their purpose here on Earth. I have dealt with them before on my own home planet of Xaranthia and have found them to be nothing more of a nuisance as they are not very intellegent and easliy defeated. Agent Kontrol and I have found that they do not work on thier own accord but that they seem to serve some "Queen". This "Queen" does not seem to be of the same species as the Gadroon. Who is she?

    On a side note: who is this 'Jem' person that agent Speed keeps refering to? I will have to do some research into human historical documents to satiate my curiosity.

    Thank You and have a WONDERFUL day! - DELTA Agent Glimmer
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Agent: Lieutenant Mark Waters
    DE:LTA operative: Sphinx

    It has been years since I've gotten to file a full, normal report, and it took hours to make, because clearly, claws and keyboards don't mesh well, even if theyre retracted..for the moment. My return to active duty sees me going back to the hell I thought I could leave behind for good, Monster Island..the place that 4 years ago i was captured while on a covert-ops operation for Project Snakecharmer, and turned into...this.

    This..Monstrosity that has ruined my life in multiple manners, and has Director Kauffman thinkin' I'm some kind of Grond-buster, a weapon to be deployed, some beast to be caged...

    My return to hell lands me ina confrontation with an old friend, one who helped me in my makeshift adaptation to manimal life,[even if i still isolated myself from the rest]Qwyjibo. Agents Kontrol and Cavalier were engaged in what seemd to be an attempt to repair his psyche gone south. I Didn't want to fight him, but if i had not stepped in, ..I am not sure if they would have been alive to see this report on file.

    After the battle, they seemed to express genuine concern for him, as well as myself. After sharing with Kontrol important information about my previous assignment that lead me into all of this to begin with, we stuck upon Argent. apprehending various troops, as well as the known assassin Steel Commando who form my understanding remains in critical condition at the UNTIL detention camp on the island.
    [report continues in next post]
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    ...Agent Speed continues to be as annoying as ever. He has an ego hte size of a planet, but unfortunately for me, he has teh skill to back it up, so no matter how much he grates on me, i know when the hits the fan, he'll have my back, and that is what ultimately counts in a team of elites like us.

    Later that evening there were reports of the Teliosaur's movements on the island. Kontrol, DAWN, and myself decided to try and take on the beast, and i Will tell you..wrestling with an over-sized radioactive lizard, despite my strength and regeneration levels, is not as easy as you would think, and having to dodge DAWNs orbital strikes on top of that make it an interesting affair, however, between the three of us, we were able to dispose of the beast in a safe manner, though more are hatching elsewhere, and i fear it will be a perpetual threat on the island.

    I dont want to deal with the island any more though. this place is a literal hell on Earth. Unfortunately, i cannot allow my team to walk into somewhere that i can prove to be a critical juncture to success without me.

    Im told i need to be more social, reintegrate into a "normal" life. what can this team possibly do? theyre supposed to be my teammates, and nothing more. give it a chance? perhaps, but i do not see happiness in my future...
  • darksun0685darksun0685 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    AGENT: Danny Henderson

    DELTA Member: Cavalier

    On patrol tonight with Glimmer and Sphinx, and what a night we had. Mechassassin was pulling a bank robbery, guess the economy hit the merc business too. Well we cleared out his thugs around the outside of the bank and got inside to find they took a bunch of hostages. No wonder the cops called us in things could have gotten ugly fast.

    So we got in there beat up some more thugs and got the hostage out of there safely. Nothing to really report on that, I mean I'm a great fighter and Sphinx is well, a beast and Glimmer kept us shielded and heathly with her light powers. So we stormed into the vault ready to battle Mechassassin, and I charged in and start to fight him. I can't believe this happen but, I see this big shadow behind me and ducked just in time as Sphinx nail Mechassassin with a couch, I mean he swung it like it was a baseball bat, knock Mechassassin out of the park too. It was pretty funny I really had to try hard not to laugh, Glimmer couldn't hold back and started laughing. So on top of saving the day we got to keep the bank video of Sphinx using a couch and Mechassassin as batting pratice, can wait to show it off at the next team meeting.
  • therogueprincetherogueprince Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    NAME: Alorrah Dawstar

    AGENT: Glimmer

    (a message caught over a voice recording device left on the UNTIL base consol)


    Hello? is this thing working?. . .oh ok.

    HI! it is me Glimmer! I would just like to say that - Team Picture Day was soo fun! I was very happy with everyone being there together. I could not stop dancing!
    umm . . . I was just wondering when we are going to have our first DELTA Party? I realy think we could use one and it would be much fun. Well that is all. Have a wonderful day! Bye. :smile:


    OH! and I will bring the marshmallows! YAY! :biggrin:
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt
    DE:LTA Kontrol

    I was taking some personal time at my old home in Vibora, when I was approached by disciples of Vibora Carmesi school of martial arts. The New Shadows have really begun taking a foothold in Vibora. Redsnake eventually sent me to help some teen named Taffy, apparently surrounded by hostile vampires. I adjusted my tech and called in D.A.W.N. and Cavalier for backup. Miss Winters was no damsel in distress, she was staking vampires left and right. How could a cheerleader be so adept at vampire hunting?! Vibora has surely become more dangerous than it was when I was young.

    Taffy introduced me to the Crypt Network known as the Nexus, where I eventually ran across a woman named Whisper. She mentioned some illogical nonsense about a "spirit guide" and sent a mage, Jeff Burton, to assist me. Jeff's mystic prowess gave him control over the spirits and mystic beings as they attacked me. Eventually he helped me re-calibrate my tech so that I could control them as well. However their signatures still do not display on my HUD tech.. it goes noting that my D.A.W.N. somehow was able to see many of the hostiles.

    It is very illogical; how can an android with no "spirit" see into the spirit realm? All systems were functioning optimally but somehow the D.A.W.N. is performing beyond it's programming. I fear that my mental imprint of Agent Joy-Ride's brainwave signature may . This, as with all fear, is illogical; simply False Evidence Appearing "Real". I am continuing my diagnostics, however there does not seem to be a threat from the droid. For the benefit of the team, perhaps it is time I speak to Agent Cli... speak to Alan. I understand this goes against the advisement of the Secretary-Marshall but this information needs to be declassified. Mr. Cashton is the closest thing I've had to a human friend, and he deserves to know the truth.

    After meeting Agent XI, I can see the toll that secrets can take on social relations.. specifically "family".


    Thuy Xi Tranh
  • reverend668reverend668 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Agent: Trent Keating.
    DE:LTA and Project Newton Prime member designate: Speed.

    Is this really happening?! If there's intel on this I want it. I don't care how "close" I am to this situation, I want to be there if he returns. I have to be there if he returns.

    I'm giving you people at UNITY ten minutes to respond. If you don't, I'll just go find answers myself.
    Clock is ticking.....slowly.

    Not joking.
    --Trent Keating--
  • reverend668reverend668 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Agent: Trent Keating.
    DELTA and Project Newton Prime member designate: Speed.

    I got bored waiting on you to get back to me, UNITY, so I took to the streets. I understand protocol and my punishment for not adhering to it. Screw it....

    As I stated before, I took to the streets by myself ( My DE:LTA mates had nothing to do with this so don't mess with them ) and after a quick trip around the city my fears seem to be right on. Dr. Destroyer hacked the Renaissance Center's holographic billboards and sent Destroids all over the city. I can't do anything about the billboards and his screwed up message so I smashed all the Destroids instead.

    I'm not so computer stupid that I don't know which parts hold all the data so I took those and enlisted the help of someone you have no control over, the Clint Eastwood meets Robo Cop looking hero, Drifter.

    Drifter took the parts and has told me to be patient as it will take him time to pull any information from them. Clock is ticking again.....slowly.

    I know you guys at UNITY and maybe even DE:LTA are disappointed in me for going not only against protocol but also going it alone. Well, I'm just as disappointed that I had to. With that being said, once Drifter gets me some usable intel on Dr. Destroyer's hiding place....I'm off.

    With or without permission and with or without DE:LTA.
    -Trent Keating.-
  • darksun0685darksun0685 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    AGENT: Danny Henderson

    DELTA and Project Stargazer Member: Cavalier

    Someone dropped the ball on this one big time. Destroids are all over the city, Dr Destroyer is back and yet no one listen to my predictions about it.

    Signs have been right their on the wall and no one could read them. I predicted this and yet I was told I was to young and not smart enough to know that Dr. Destroyer was really dead.

    Yeah well guess what my perdiction was right. I'm with Speed on this we need to take the fight to Dr Destroyer now. We need to prevent what happen in 1992, I know he knows we're coming and he has some plan for this fight, but I'm not going to sit around while innocent people are in danger.

    Maybe next time someone will listen to my predictions and not think they are illogical.

    -Danny Henderson-
  • darksun0685darksun0685 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    AGENT: Danny Henderson

    DE:LTA and Project Stargazer Member: Cavalier

    Agent Glimmer has returned home. To say I'm sadden by her leaving is an under statement, Alorrah will be greatly missed she made the whole team brighter and while I know she and I broke a number of rules during her brief stay on Earth, I have no regrets on having a relationship with her. But even the brief relationship between me and her proved that Humans and the other race of the unverse can form bonds.

    I hope she enjoyed her time here on Earth, I know I enjoyed having her around.

    She will be missed.

    -Danny Henderson-
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,153 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    UNITY AGENT: Mentella

    STATUS: High Level Agent and Honorary Member of DE:LTA

    Whilst I have not worked with DE:LTA for a while now, I am fully aware of what is going on in and around Millennium City. The number of reports of Destroid Squads appearing around the city are as numerous as they are factual. Due to the nature of my powers as a telepath, I am of limited use in the effort against the rise in mechanical activity. My hope is that once I get in touch with Agent Kontrol, we can begin working on a psionic enhancement device which will allow my mental powers to extend to the realm of mechanical control as well. I recall looking into past files containing details of this Dr.Destroyer and discovered his usage of psionic shielding. This may present a problem for telepaths and mentalists alike if this Invasion unfolds in a similar fashion to the previous attack on Detriot.

    However, I trust that not only will DE:LTA be ready for the no doubt following stages of this Invasion, but I together with The SummerStones be prepared for the fight ahead.

    Defender and The Champions have been very closed about the whole situation, Defender especially. Perhaps with the apparent return of Nighthawk and the whole Franklin Stone fiasco, his mind is a mess. I'll have to check when I return...

    My only fear, perhaps is the simple mindedness of some modern day heroes. Their sheer lack of common sense is astounding. Most fight like young men..eager to start...yet quick to finish.

    Either way I know I will be prepared for whatever comes. The question is will everyone else?


  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt
    DE:LTA Kontrol

    Project Shiva:
    When "Dr. Destroyer" made an appearance at the Champions Anniversary I was sure it had to be some kind of hoax. All of the intel I'd received said that the "Destroyer" everyone was speaking of was nothing like Albert Zerstoiten of the past. Some even went as far as to say he was interested in mystic arts. I had always considered his level of genius to be beyond the psuedo sciences.

    Then the Destroid army showed up all over Millennium City. UNTIL Special Ops and DE:LTA were mobilized immediately but it became clear that this job was beyond our limited resources. Then today a battalion of Mega-Destroid robots attacked the Champions HQ. If this is not the true Dr. Destroyer, this imposter has gone to great lengths to copycat the behavioral patterns of Albert Zerstoiten. Defender put out an APB to heroes all across the globe to defend Millennium City. We are working tirelessly to defend against the constant waves of attack, but there is concern about how long even WE can hold out if this is the true Dr. Destoyer.


    Thuy Xi Tranh
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    [im afraid im having soem hardcore computer problems, and wont be able tog et ingame until they are resolved, could take a few days, could take a few weeks, either way im going to try to find a more firm way to keep in touch]
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    DE:LTA Kontrol
    Personal File

    I have run countless tests of my Droid. I have yet to pinpoint the cause of its malfunction. Today I took her to Snake Gulch to compare her processor functions with those of Sister SATA. I found no indication that these unsolicited commands and upgrades to her programming came from Mechanon. But if not from him.. then who?

    I've already lost . I refuse to lose my droid as well. Whatever virus has overridden my programming, I will find and eliminate it. Then I will seek justice from whoever put it there.


    Thuy Xi Tranh

    theapygoos wrote: »
    [im afraid im having soem hardcore computer problems, and wont be able tog et ingame until they are resolved, could take a few days, could take a few weeks, either way im going to try to find a more firm way to keep in touch]

    ((We'll be here. Tell you computer I said get well soon!))
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    [were back and running! thank goodness]
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    DE:LTA Kontrol
    Personal File

    How?! How could he have beat me to it? And for what motive? Simple revenge? No. He is attempting to prove himself superior. To hold onto such a shame and resentment all these years. I understand now that human behavior IS predictable. Its time to even the score. He took Rift from me. Brique.. Glimmer.. I will not let this go. I will find Charles Montgomery.. and I will end him.

    If only I could do this alone.. but he has amassed an army! He's accessed my personnel files.. he knows what I know.. I will have to push the team harder than ever. I know now that the DE:LTA Progam is far to valuable to let it end. Especially to one man's impossibly deranged ego.

    I think it's time I get some intel of my own on this alternate dimension Rift so generously dropped Montgomery in.. If knowledge is power, he's about to get hit with a million Watts of **** kicking.



    Thuy Xi Tranh
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,153 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    UNITY AGENT: Mentella

    STATUS: High Level Agent and Honorary Member of DE:LTA

    UNITY Report, Mission ID - 03900746

    Upon landing in Vibora, I was aware of a relatively powerful psychic presence. However due to the high levels of mystical distruption in Vibora I was unable to locate it. I continued on to Redsnakes Dojo and was suprised to find his mind shielded, the shielding was too strong for a casual bypass, so I assumed something was not right. I decided to leave it until I could come to a solid conclusion. With aid from Doctor White's magical supression device and the information from Marcello Bocchieri, I was soon able to locate the cause of these psychic spikes and trace them back to Redsnakes Dojo, which had changed considerably, seeing as it was full of vampires.

    I quickly battled my way through the multitudes, even engaging in some hand to hand combat along the way until I reached the main court where a man dressed in a black suit with a somewhat disturbing amount of flamboyance, if you will was standing next to Redsnake. I sensed a strong psychic bond between the telepath and Redsnake. The Telepath introduced himself as Courtney Olmacher, he then set RedSnake to battle me. I set to work on destroying the psychic bond, which was a relatively quick process.

    After freeing Redsnake by severing the psychic bond, I placed Redsnake in a comatose state in order to stop any further control by Mr. Olmacher.

    After a short while Olmachner attempted a psychic duel with me, to which in the space of 4 seconds he sorely regretted.

    I restored Redsnake's mind to it's formerstate and left with Courtney Olmacher, in a psionic prison.

    I exited the Dojo and headed for the Jet, but during the transition, I was violently attacked by a large swarm of vampire bats and vampires, the suprise attack diminished my concentration and the psionic prison faded, releasing Courtney Olmacher from my control. By the time I could resume control over the situation, Olmacher's body was not in sight and my mystical suppression device had been damaged which clouded my psychic vision stopping me from tracking him down. A note was left signed by him, mocking me for loosing him. At this point I left Vibora Bay.

    However, once the device is fixed I will track him down and take him out. That is a promise.



    Personal Notes:

    - Courtney Olmacher's mind was shrouded by mystical energies, but whilst he was unconscious I was able to extract a few pieces of information from his mind. However his mind is a broken patchwork of thoughts from everyone he has ever forged a psychic bond with. Add mystical energies to the equation and his psyche becomes even more disordered. I have, as a safety measure, taken a copy of his mind, it will take weeks perhaps to order the information into something useful.
    - I hope to enlist the assistance of other high level mentalists to help speed up this process.
  • darksun0685darksun0685 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Where am I...? It's dark... Mmmpher... Can't move... Can barely think... Get it together Cav, your to good for this...

    Hey is someone there...? What? Something is looking at me...

    It looks like eyes, what color is that? Seem like I should know it... Come on Cav think...

    It's red, that right, red like my powers...

    You're your awake that is good. I wanted to tell you, I'm going to your world. I'm going to kill all of your friends. I'm going to use your face when I kill them. Then I will be back, to show you their memories of their death. I will enjoy it, you will not.

    Hey, wait get back here... Fight me... Come on Cav get moving... Mmmph... Still can't...
    Got to warn the team... Come on focus, you can do this... Get the message out, you can send your thoughts out to team... But the last time I did that...

    I hurt people with it... and myself... No time to think about it just do it... Break it up, a little bit to everyone...
    Should make it easier...

    <everyone>DE:LTA... It's Cavalier...</everyone> <Sarge>There is big trouble coming... your way...</Sarge> <Speed>someone... pretending to be me...</Speed> <Mentella>It has me somewhere... Not on Earth...</Mentella> <Cliff-Side>I... This is getting hard... I'm sorry...</Cliff-Side> <Kontrol>I don't... know how... this happen... Focus...</Kontrol> <DAWN> Have too stop me...</DAWN>

    **passes out**
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,153 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Mentella sat down at her desk and sorted through her personal file and was in the process of walking filing her report when a sharp, unexpected and rather forceful psychic message came her way, the sudden nature of the message caused her to almost loose her footing.

    As almost a snap reflex, Mentella retaliated with a powerful psionic blast, however due to her lack of focus at that point, the blast radiated outwards from her knocking several agents unconscious.

    "Oh dear. My mistake."

    She paused and thought about what had happened and decided to have the message repeated. She focused her mind on the message and it rang in her head:

    "It has me somewhere... Not on Earth..."

    Her eyes widened as she recognised who it was...

    "Cavalier..." She whispered

    Mentella picked her way over the unconscious agents and made her way to Mentaic;

    "We have a situation...Cavalier could be in trouble, I need you to call the other members of DE:LTA."

    Mentaic nodded and left his research desk. Mentella replayed the message over in her mind and tried to make sense of it, but on the little information she had, it simply wasnt possible. She tried tracing the message back to it's origin:

    "Hmm...there isnt enough residual psychic energy to accurately trace it..I just hope Kontrol and the others have all been contacted like I have and that they get here...fast."

    Mentella turned away and sighed with an impatient look upon her face. She hoped her old partner Psion had nothing to do with this, or he would be very sorry...
  • cbvmancbvman Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Since being assigned to DE:LTA it has been one roller coaster ride after another. What the hell am I involved with in this group. In general everyone seems outstanding in character but I have only been a member since August and since then;

    Brique, who is a double for deceased and ex-DE:LTA's Brique, from another dimension, wants me dead which we find out why later

    ...speaking of the deceased, Dawn my sister who died nearly 8 years ago isnt dead, she was just a meta who had a mind transplant when her body was killed, OH and until very recently Ive been unknowingly working right beside her since I joined

    ...then OMEGA show up, thats where Brique is from, bad Brique not DE:LTA Brique, so we run into a double of Sarge call Zed Torture, Speed called Mach Speed and Dawn, but not mechanical Dawn but Dawn from before her accident, she calls herself Dusk and their leader Viceroy, whos NOT Kontrol and Cavaliers double, who looked very alien, called something...Hussa, Houssa...I cant remember, it was just the other night and he wasnt around long. Well these OMEGAs have plans to basically take over our entire dimension

    ...and somewhere between dealing with Mach Speed nearly killing Dawn and Speed and finding out what happened with Cavalier's disappearance, Kontrol has an emotional breakdown thanks to the very new and magic controller named Arkane. The first time we met him, he and Kontrol bickered all night about magic this and logic that so somewhere along the line Arkane felt like he should just go futz with someones mind who is autistic.

    Dawn is in working order, Speed is healed, Cavalier is rescued and not hurt and 2 new recruits. We are looking strong again except for Kontrol. We need to find Arkane to undo whatever he did to Kontrol...she cant continue like this.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    DE:LTA Kontrol
    Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

    I can fix this.. Agent Rhodes.. no idea what he's doing. Cannot keep control, homeostasis broken. I understand his motives.. misguided hero symptom brought on by narcissism and slight psychosis. Subject breaks laws of physics regularly with reckless abandon. While his knowledge of the metaphysical is vast, Agent Rhodes's reckless disregard for the rule of law has taken toll on my psyche.

    Mentiac.. he's the only one who can remove this tech safely.. must act quickly. Remove tech for safety of everyone. Emotions are too heavy to maintain without tech. Mental excercise will help me regulate 0010 1010101 111 01101 0110 10101110 101010 1010101010 101 110 10101 0101 101 1010 011001 0110 10 101 001 01010110 0110 010 10110 01 01101 010 0101 011 01 0110 101 1011 [Message continues in encoded binary]


    Signed Thuy Xi Tranh
  • darksun0685darksun0685 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    OOC: Just to let you guys now, I'm having computer issues. Taking it get looked at, hopefully be back before the patch, doubt it though. For story line Cavalier is going on a "mandatory" vacation to clear his head.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ((Miss you guys! I love vacation tho! PLUM WINE FOR ALL!..

    Hope you're kicking ****!))
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    DE:LTA Kontrol
    Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

    Captain Jandebeur of the AEGIR has been updated on my situation. I need Ignatium to complete my new technology and regain my influence. With the civil unrest of Lemuria it is clear that UNTIL must take measures to stabilize the situation. LEAF liaison Floodgate has found ways for us to neutralize the rebellion's offensive capabilities. Amphibian of the Champions also has reconnaissance on the source of the rebellion. He shows evidence of Destroyer's return, but his interest in the Lemurian rebellion is unknown.

    The most immediate threat is the Mandragalore. I have assembled a team to disable this doomsday device.. King Arvad the Empyrean was inside.. it was he who activated such a death dealing device. Even he saw that the power was too great to contain and decided to aide us in taking the Mandragalore down.

    We were faced with staunch opposition from the Karkaradons, but luckily I could engineer the Empyrean constructs that lay dormant to fight by our side against them. Then I saw the Bronze King, former ruler of Lemuria. Perhaps the most threatening figure I'd seen in my career at UNTIL. It was clear that if we wished to shut the mandragalore down we must defeat him. Luckily Agent Cliff-Side could sustain the heavy blows, even underwater. We successfully shut the Mandragalore down and defeated the Bronze King.

    Directly upon leaving the construct we found ourselves in chum infested waters where both Bloodfin and Skura, legendary man-eating sharks, awaited our exit. Sarge did some heavy shooting to keep them at bay. I know Prince Marus, of Atlantis, was very grateful for DE:LTA's intervention. He promised to have the ignateum I needed delivered within the month. With my new tech, I hope to be even more effective in our upcoming battles. Destroyer's return will require that I be stronger and more capable. When he shows his head, DE:LTA will be ready. I guarantee it.

    Thuy Xi Tranh
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    DE:LTA Leader Mentiac
    Official Requisition to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt

    The Department of Emergency budget has steadily increased as the years have passed. The Limit Tested Agent program however has seen very little increase in funding or operational cost.

    In this time of great uncertainty with another global disaster threatening our future. The time is now to be prepared for catastrophe with a larger and more responsive task force. Dr. Destroyer has been himself threatened Millennium city on the anniversary of his last attack. Destroyer is not prone to hyperbole and this threat should be considered extremely eminent.

    I hereby request that the funding for our department be significantly increased to ensure the Limit Tested Agents will continue to provide Response and Recovery in the future. With funding, I can train eight (8) more agents for field duty. I want to ensure the future of our agency through 2013 and beyond.

  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ((I'm super serious when I say keep this group alive. You guys are way too good to quit it on account of me leaving.

    If I find out how to get the offline client working I'll keep in touch.

  • vitalityprimevitalityprime Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    ((I'm super serious when I say keep this group alive. You guys are way too good to quit it on account of me leaving.

    If I find out how to get the offline client working I'll keep in touch.


    Wait...you're done with the game...completely?

    "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    -Abraham Lincoln-
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,153 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ((I really hope you stick around at least on the forums and become active when they eventually release telepathy, I'm gonna miss you Q_Q))
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ((I really hope you stick around at least on the forums and become active when they eventually release telepathy, I'm gonna miss you Q_Q))

    ((Still on forums. but..

    UPDATE: I can't use a 3rd party client unless i go gold (which is NOT going to happen). Feel free to text or email me))
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ((Ummm.. u guys keepin hope alive? Anything new? I'm not seeing alot of updates and it makes me worry))
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sarge, Dawn. I salute you.

    It was very good to see you after such a long hiatus. You know I've been busy in Japan, China and North Korea with Bureau 17.

    More info when it's declassified. Stay Sharp team.

    ~Agent Kontrol
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    DE:LTA Kontrol
    Declassification of Preliminary Kontrol Technology

    This information is to be considered sensitive. Mentiac feels that the medical benefits of my research and technology outweigh the perils of my technology. It is my hope that this tech will be used to re-energize the many telepaths whose powers have been weakening over time for the past three years.

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive method to cause depolarization or hyperpolarization in the neurons of the brain. TMS uses electromagnetic induction to induce weak electric currents using a rapidly changing magnetic field; this can cause activity in specific or general parts of the brain with minimal discomfort, allowing the functioning and interconnections of the brain to be studied. A variant of TMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has been tested as a treatment tool for various neurological and psychiatric disorders including migraines, strokes, Parkinson's disease, dystonia, tinnitus, depression, and auditory hallucinations.

    I have come up with a treatment that will be able to re-activate the neurons psychics use to control their powers. This treatment may also restrict the RTPJ of brain may have adverse affects to personality and specifically judgement. I have sent my findings to a colleague, Gentleman Crush of the Cryptonauts.

    I repeat for emphasis, this declassification is to be considered extremely sensitive, as enemies of DE:LTA may try to replicate or even neutralize my Psycho-Electron Fields. I have already compensated with my latest tech design and know the field of neurology far more than even the most advanced inventor. Replication of my technology is beyond the technical abilities of any known earth science. Therefore, I must also request that any uses of the TMS on telepaths be reported to the PTS (Psycho Telemetry Server) for oversight. Any action taken with this information without pre-authorization should be considered hostile and in violation of UN Resolution FC.31.20120904.2 also known as the "#TelepathyNOW Resolution" passed in September 2012.

    Thuy Xi Tranh
  • darksun0685darksun0685 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    DE:LTA Cavalier
    Man does it feel good to be back in M-city, not that I didn't have fun on my STARGAZER mission. But after being in the Amazon for better part of three months it nice to be back State side. As for the mission pretty straight forward some group was trying Qualarr tech to some big time gang of drug runners, so STARGAZER sent me down to Brazil to help the locals take the gang down, pick up all the Qualarr tech we could and if able to find who was behind the sale of the tech.
    It took about two month to train the local police and a few local heroes how to deal with the fight I was going to lead them into and then another two weeks to do all the paperwork after words. The take down was pretty easy it was just chasing those guys through the jungle that was a pain, pretty sure some of them got away but the locals now know how to deal with this kind of threat so I'm not to worried. Also I'd like to thank STARGAZER for setting me up with a great liaison in Brazil she had some great assets for the team and made my stay all the more enjoyable.
    Anyhow great to be back and looking forward to working with everyone again see ya out their!
    Daniel Henderson
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Official Debriefing to Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt
    DE:LTA Kontrol

    Confidential Personnel Assessment
    The variables of this Ignateum and it's absorptive properties are vast and many, but I believe I am closer than ever before to integrating my new technology with the Lemurian's. Perhaps having Lara Crescentwave around is advantageous as she has more experience than me using this ancient science.

    I have been able to adapt my cerebral cortex to directly interface with the neurolocation technology previously used in holographic HUD (Heads Up Display). However humans find my lack of visual stimulation while using the tech to control many individuals' mental function disturbing so I have decided, for their sake, to shield my occular nerve from all stimulation while the tech is active. This should also provide vision to waves outside the usual human spectrum.. more testing is needed to validate these results.

    I must confer again with Gentleman Crush of the Cryptonauts to verify my results.. but perhaps I am no closer to finishing my technology than I was 9 months ago.

    Only time will tell.


    Thuy Xi Tranh
  • edited June 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,153 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    UNITY AGENT: Mentella

    STATUS: High Level Agent and Honorary Member of DE:LTA

    Subject of Report: DE:LTA Placement and "The Mystery Student"

    I am pleased to say that the latest addition to DE:LTA will be arriving in Millennium City in the next 24 hours from one of my New Summerstone Academies for Enhanced Individuals.

    As per correspondence with the academy they currently attend, I have been informed that the final tests are being run for suitability as well as standard defensive measures for the student.

    The DE:LTA signature costume details have been downloaded and the design is being implemented as I write this update.

    I will reveal a number of things as the time till the student arrives is not long from now. The student is in fact an alien, specifically from my home planet of Xen, this student possesses high amounts of energy capacity and output. I have removed the psychic barriers which were created as a protective measure to ensure the safety of others when in the same vicinity as the student, this has been done as the level of control displayed over their energy, in my estimation, is more than enough.

    However one final barrier still remains as a precaution. I will be writing up a dossier of sorts for DE:LTA based on this student, detailing the full extent of the individuals ability and the extent of control and range of power projection, as well as necessary information regarding background and history of the individual.

    It would be wise to note, this individual, regardless of alliance to an Earth organisation will remain under my care and protection. I am trusting Agent Kontrol to provide as much protection as the rest of her team have access to, to this individual.

    I have no doubt my student will be an asset to the fighting force that is DE:LTA.


  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    sorry gamehobo, agent kontrol has competition. my Silver Sentinel has destroyer grade intelligence, regardless of her int numbers in game.

    ((Prove it or it didn't happen. No crappy RP makes any natural intelligence greater than Kontrol.))
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,153 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    sorry gamehobo, agent kontrol has competition. my Silver Sentinel has destroyer grade intelligence, regardless of her int numbers in game.

    ((So Silver Sentinel has the same level of intelligence of an old man? Cool.))

    ((I jest ofc, but seriously, you aren't even PART of DE:LTA or it's RP story arc...why did you feel the need to say anything? This is like when you were complaining about Mentella, the same thing I told you then applies here, aka, not your story arc/not part of it, stay out of it unless you are invited.))
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ((Raven, now i feel mean, lol. I mean, I welcome the competition but I sincerely deny Roleplay that goes against Game Mechanics.. Kontrol IS the smartest woman in the world not only because it's her concept, but because she's earned it. Great.. now I sound like Chun Li screaming "I'm the Strongest Woman in the World!". So what I'm saying is, the Chinese fictional characters like proclaiming their status!




    Even if Technically Thuy Xi's nation of origin is ambiguous .. Southern China? Northern Vietnam? You will never know))
  • vitalityprimevitalityprime Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ((Jay...why are you short-changing me? haha))

    "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    -Abraham Lincoln-
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,153 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    ((Raven, now i feel mean, lol. I mean, I welcome the competition but I sincerely deny Roleplay that goes against Game Mechanics.. Kontrol IS the smartest woman in the world not only because it's her concept, but because she's earned it. Great.. now I sound like Chun Li screaming "I'm the Strongest Woman in the World!". So what I'm saying is, the Chinese fictional characters like proclaiming their status!

    Even if Technically Thuy Xi's nation of origin is ambiguous .. Southern China? Northern Vietnam? You will never know))

    ((Exactly which is why unless there is stat proof it doesn't matter, if people can't respect the way another RP's and decides to stick themselves into someone elses RP then that's totally gonna work right? I had a similar issue with another telepath a while ago, said he was stronger than Mentella, we duelled he lost #SoPathetic :wink:

    Then again, I settle stuff like this in two ways 1. Ignore it cause I am not really bothered. 2. Duke it out and win.))

    ((I meant no malice, it wasn't needed lol))
  • edited June 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • edited June 2013
    This content has been removed.
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