Been working on this over the weekend after being out for over a month. The solution is an old one. It's KB damage.
Bottom line, you need to successfully land a significant KB in order to remove the bubble/preventing them from spamming new ones. A lot of the player base is using sonic device attached to their NTTG combo, be it hurl or geyser. Stop this. You need to save sonic device to chain two full spikes in a row to finish the deed.
Here is an example: Hit Ego SURGE with adv - Hurl NTTG w/Crip ? Detonate rank3 ? Sonic Device Rank 3 + spike(Ebon ruin rank 3) Stunned + Follow up Spike. Because of the potential to rotate endless Masterful Dodge, Active defenses or ascension on top of a double bubble action the only solution is to remove their ability to do anything during the time of the fall itself.
Worked this combo on most of Dark Future yesterday and I was successful and killing all of them. At least until they do what they always do ?call for help? because neither one of them is any good 1 on 1 with no solution to stop this combo.
And when the savior build becomes the tyrant build, like all those other times? You don't honestly think you're revitalizing PvP, are you? This sounds like a personal score and nothing further.
That would have only worked if the "arrogant dodge tanks" didn't have Super Strength as one of their super stats, you could keep them still long enough to knock them, if after you knock them you have the opportunity to strike them effectively before they can regroup etc. :P
Nesno, I'm not sure what you were "working on" unless you were doing some specific calculations to confirm what you already understand. This solution is simply common sense. Nevertheless I've enjoyed reading all your replies thus far because everything you've said is logical.
Brou, you brought up an interesting point... not only about so-called "perfect imbalance" in video games, but also about tyranny in general. It's very thought-provoking and I still don't know if this one is in actuality a savior or a tyrant. xD I like knocking, though. :P
Well I should clarify that my Detonate crits for 5.5k with a 115% severity with my build, that drops the bubbles. The KB back in the air will take them 1/4th to 1/2 of thay down in health, the key component is to chain sonic device to your spike while they are free falling, allowing a follow up spike when they land - all of this is under the buff of ego surge. Since I'm running a 540+ con based toon my Crit chance is 100%. So every attack/damage is a crit.
Common sense yes, but not neccessary to kill people before the patch, what I am saying is now - one on one, I beleive this to be one of the only few ways to dispatch a build that can endlessly exploit imbued heals behind shields in addition to rotating endless cooldowns/defense ontop of bionic shielding / ascension.
The ony other way is resort to exploiting. - I won't go there to spare everyone another Brou lamentation post.
I like my teddy bear option. But looking at reasonable ones, yeah you're kinda stuck relying on the knock animation preventing said double bubble from bubbling.
Of course, if you can drain the bubbles low enough and get a lengthy hold/stun afterwards, that works too. But that's easier said than done.
Well I should clarify that my Detonate crits for 5.5k with a 115% severity with my build, that drops the bubbles. The KB back in the air will take them 1/4th to 1/2 of thay down in health, the key component is to chain sonic device to your spike while they are free falling, allowing a follow up spike when they land - all of this is under the buff of ego surge. Since I'm running a 540+ con based toon my Crit chance is 100%. So every attack/damage is a crit.
Common sense yes, but not neccessary to kill people before the patch, what I am saying is now - one on one, I beleive this to be one of the only few ways to dispatch a build that can endlessly exploit imbued heals behind shields in addition to rotating endless cooldowns/defense ontop of bionic shielding / ascension.
The ony other way is resort to exploiting. - I won't go there to spare everyone another Brou lamentation post.
5.5k Is nothing when double bubbles can easily reach 13,000. That FD critical will take out most of one bubble, but that's it. You are likely fighting players who are not actually focusing on double bubbles at all. Most don't want to give up that critical strike bonus in primary and secondary offense let alone use compassion instead of concentration.
The knocks ability to completely disable a player is nothing new and is the only way to gain any real ground against a player. Sonic device? You think a stun will allow you to finish someone off unless they sit there and let you? Do you not recall what powers can be used while stunned? Let's list some of the options your target has if you add a stun to your main damage nuke.
1. Hit an activate defense such as masterful dodge.
2. Hit an active offense, namely Ascension. This will boost their healing allowing them to recover quickly, break the stun, and most importantly of all prevent you from using any immediate followup knocks either for the disable or fall damage.
3. Use smoke grenade with escape artist. This will immediately end your entire attack chain thus allowing them an easy out.
Now if your target is making use of juggernaut you might not even be able to knock them. For those who don't know, juggernaut is a specialization in the primary strength tree (Hurray for unreliable Knock-back resistance) that gives you bonus gear defense scaling with your Constitution. It is the most powerful gear defense boosting option in the game. No other specialization comes close.
Using this specialization coupled with AoPM to further boost your Con and as a result your defense a player can have loads of HP, dodge/avoid, and high defense on what is otherwise a normally squishy passive. Strength + Constitution + Int (Concentration) on a ranged toon. AoPM would also easily allow one to hit 70 ego from the 20% soft capped ranged damage bonus.
Using this specialization coupled with AoPM to further boost your Con and as a result your defense a player can have loads of HP, dodge/avoid, and high defense on what is otherwise a normally squishy passive. Strength + Constitution + Int (Concentration) on a ranged toon. AoPM would also easily allow one to hit 70 ego from the 20% soft capped ranged damage bonus.
This here is what most double bubble imbue users are not doing, in fact, most run an Int spec in support role with heal boosting items. So Xeno's combo does well versus those guys. Now, sure, against my Malware build (what I quoted from you describes the backbone of that build), the KB isn't going to land very often.
It wouldn't be too smart of a PSS Str build to use double bubbles. Actives are a much better option.
This here is what most double bubble imbue users are not doing, in fact, most run an Int spec in support role with heal boosting items. So Xeno's combo does well versus those guys. Now, sure, against my Malware build (what I quoted from you describes the backbone of that build), the KB isn't going to land very often.
It wouldn't be too smart of a PSS Str build to use double bubbles. Actives are a much better option.
Yes exactly! The builds he's describing involve merely slapping the bubbles onto what is other wise meant to deal damage. They then of course fail at that too by running in support role which destroys their super-stat damage bonus. That build gives up offensive presence in order to stay alive yet despite running in support role are much easier to kill than an actual healer.
In all my years of playing champs I have never enjoyed the sacrifices pessary to properly implement double bubbles on a build meant to one shot and melt things in seconds. I stick them on my healer and call it done. To get good bubbles you need the below. Those builds will at best have some presence, thus making their bubbles weak and easily torn through.
1. Presence!
2. A constant flow of lots of energy. It's nearly impossible to deal with the energy upkeep of double bubble spam plus attacking without support role which as mentioned earlier lessens their overall potential threat level.
3. Compassion!
4. Bonus Healing on gear.
This here is what most double bubble imbue users are not doing, in fact, most run an Int spec in support role with heal boosting items. So Xeno's combo does well versus those guys. Now, sure, against my Malware build (what I quoted from you describes the backbone of that build), the KB isn't going to land very often.
Because cascaders need penetration for the most part, clone build n?2 proves inefficient in that matter and you'd end up doing 0 damage with that attack. Now he just mentioned double bubble, not AoPM STR CON as they're barely an annoyance.
As Malware already stated, I'm not talking about (Healers) or anyone stacking Presence to increase their bubbles to said 10k+. What I'm talking about are the INT based toons using the bubbles up to 4k double stacked to provide enough shielding to prevent a large spike from permeating though, (This is all anyone needs.) and a 5.5k crit on det is all I need to drop that. Pump it with EGO surge which my combo said to do, the MB is around 50%. Otherwise they will use bionic shields behind the bubbles, seeing the full proc of the healing component as the bubbles absorb the damage while procing bionic, boosted by the support role build it can be 1k healing procs. And Yes Xerios, combined with exploiting imbue and rotating defense cool downs on an INT SS setup makes finding the window to kill said build near impossible - 1 on 1. Unless you copy said build. Hence my suggestions to neglate that - the KB. You have to remove all control from them.
I am also fully aware of the ability to use other powers while stunned. I'm combining crit sonic device with a crit ebon ruin to hit the same time the player lands, this increases my spike alot, the DOT will usually finish them off, if not I have already taped 2 to 3 consecutive crits for around 2.5k to land almost instantly after the spike. There is also the delay in human reaction aftere the stun of around 1 second that gives me the entire window I need before they can activate anything to stop the combo. For fighting Juggernaught based builds, it's simply a matter of time and who has the best healing/defense management. I consider those fights much more legit than fighting an int based toon rotating MD endlessly, no need to KB them - enjoy the fight and say GG. Finally, Xeiros if you honestly beleive the int based / ARMOR PEN builds using Force cascade or Ego lance as gimped in damage because they are in support role, I think you need to PVP more - be less contrary, more constructive. Instead test imbue crit severity with stacking certain tree's boost to severity I wont go into any more detains on which specific one it's boosted by. Second, using armor penetration from int and the mod bridges the gap in support role and really dude we are only talking about a small percentage DPS of the base of any one attack. IN ADDITION an ego lance crit cannot be dodged, it can be mitigated but never dodge.
Unless you honestly think I'm making a post with a how to kill healers... My post is for a "suggestion" only, that worked for me and Malware has also stated it worked for him as well. When I executed this combo over the weekend, I beat everyone in bash using that INT based double bubble build, it was only a matter of time before my DET kb their sorry asses off a building, by the time they landed I had ejaculated a 11k crit down their exploiting throats.
Besides, Nothing is funnier than catching them in the sky with a hurl to remove their travel powers then landing the det sending them flying into the nothing. So fun, made me giggle. -X
Because cascaders need penetration for the most part, clone build n?2 proves inefficient in that matter and you'd end up doing 0 damage with that attack. Now he just mentioned double bubble, not AoPM STR CON as they're barely an annoyance
I think you misunderstood what I am saying. Xeno isn't talking about STR builds, and I was clarifying that to the poster I responded to with what you quoted.
I think you misunderstood what I am saying. Xeno isn't talking about STR builds, and I was clarifying that to the poster I responded to with what you quoted.
Ehm yes, that's what I actually said O.o And just specified the 'why' of the INT choice behind it. Might say that STR statting users will have a hard time using bubbles during their combat patterns. And those mixing both will end up doing very few damage which is... problematic.
I wanted to add, I am not saying at all that the str spec aopm user can't run in support role, it would indeed boost healing benefits, but unless you are using bubbles it just isn't worth it.
The int spec that boosts benefits from secondary super stats is also common in those int/aopm/bubble builds. That's how they are reaching 14k+ hp. The int build is a nice build, it's smart and works very well. The problem we are seeing right now is not with the bubbles, but rather the Imbue not consuming on the first heal used. Combined with the type of players running these builds, how most of them are completely ignorant to the fact they are exploiting a broken power (Imbue) for personal gains and bolstering their ego's. Then multiplied by the fact they are all in one particular Super Group that farms anyone running a build that's not exploiting Imbue (typically everyone not in the same SG as them), it's refreshing to see Xeno giving out ideas to stop these types of PvP'ers.
I myself have been enjoying a pestilence build in ranged role to do the job.
My strategy is popping Sonic Device with my Energy Builder, Spiking with Defile; pop them up with a Force Geyser, Tap Defile, and Lightning Arc them as they are falling. The entire combo works very well if I time Ego Surge + adv just right.
Well I should clarify that my Detonate crits for 5.5k with a 115% severity with my build, that drops the bubbles. The KB back in the air will take them 1/4th to 1/2 of thay down in health, the key component is to chain sonic device to your spike while they are free falling, allowing a follow up spike when they land - all of this is under the buff of ego surge. Since I'm running a 540+ con based toon my Crit chance is 100%. So every attack/damage is a crit.
Common sense yes, but not neccessary to kill people before the patch, what I am saying is now - one on one, I beleive this to be one of the only few ways to dispatch a build that can endlessly exploit imbued heals behind shields in addition to rotating endless cooldowns/defense ontop of bionic shielding / ascension.
The ony other way is resort to exploiting. - I won't go there to spare everyone another Brou lamentation post.
And this is part of the reason why my alt is still my most successful (pvp) tank. Most of the bubbles get knocked with Rocket Launcher then I can finish them off with Pulse Beam Rifle. ^_^ I had 507 CON at one point... it was fun, and it still is nice on some builds but I wanted more strength.
I like how On Alert gives people a lot more variety, like how Ego is not always necessary.
And this is part of the reason why my alt is still my most successful (pvp) tank. Most of the bubbles get knocked with Rocket Launcher then I can finish them off with Pulse Beam Rifle. ^_^ I had 507 CON at one point... it was fun, and it still is nice on some builds but I wanted more strength.
I like how On Alert gives people a lot more variety, like how Ego is not always necessary.
Now I gotta call you on it.
Not sure who your competition is, but the double bubbles I face won't go down to pbr alone if they lose their initial bubbles. Usually they'll just reapply bubble and conviction or simply evade.
But more importantly, On Alert did anything but give people more variety. While it allowed people to get away from enrage toggles, anyone who did any significant pvp will tell you there was a lot more variety pre-alert. Even I myself ran an electric vba sniper/pbr, and earned a few pvp perk titles along with getting shev to claim she/he would go lifetime to beat me.
On Alert killed variety as it further limited viability through both nerfs (ala crowd control) and gear changes (hello low CD MD/ascension). Even in unrestricted, my lil cursed was a threat pre-alert. Now she's not worth taking considering she'll rarely last long enough to get through the md, especially since her hold is just shy of useless.
And this is part of the reason why my alt is still my most successful (pvp) tank. Most of the bubbles get knocked with Rocket Launcher then I can finish them off with Pulse Beam Rifle. ^_^ I had 507 CON at one point... it was fun, and it still is nice on some builds but I wanted more strength.
I like how On Alert gives people a lot more variety, like how Ego is not always necessary.
Actually, I am really curious, what is your in-game handle and which are your toons. Have we met before?
Not sure who your competition is, but the double bubbles I face won't go down to pbr alone if they lose their initial bubbles. Usually they'll just reapply bubble and conviction or simply evade.
Pre-alert it was possible on high EGO AoPM Detonation builds, Kien version with Ebon Ruin, Mechassault's variant with PBR: Geyser-PBR then Detonation-PBR, that was when fall damage did hurt really bad.
It doesn't work anymore unless you really caught your opponent off guard, and even there, with the chances to knock, your plans to happen like planned, the sheer luck overall, nearly impossible.
Only time I managed to do it was when I made an over-fueled Quarry DEX INT high EGO setup with absolutely no care for resillience.
Second bubble bursting option was Quarry, Geyser when off guard then PBR to attack the shield while charging Shoulder Launcher that goes through the broken shield.
Tanks gained a fair bit of damage with the update, spiking with Unleashed Rage while using a defensive passive is possible. But no way you're going to burst a bubbler down with a defensive passive and PBR alone (yes because Rocket Launcher damage will only require like 0,5s to recover from it).
Not sure who your competition is, but the double bubbles I face won't go down to pbr alone if they lose their initial bubbles. Usually they'll just reapply bubble and conviction or simply evade.
But more importantly, On Alert did anything but give people more variety. While it allowed people to get away from enrage toggles, anyone who did any significant pvp will tell you there was a lot more variety pre-alert. Even I myself ran an electric vba sniper/pbr, and earned a few pvp perk titles along with getting shev to claim she/he would go lifetime to beat me.
On Alert killed variety as it further limited viability through both nerfs (ala crowd control) and gear changes (hello low CD MD/ascension). Even in unrestricted, my lil cursed was a threat pre-alert. Now she's not worth taking considering she'll rarely last long enough to get through the md, especially since her hold is just shy of useless.
There's no need to call me on anything as what I mentioned obviously doesn't apply in every case. None of the players who are really good would get killed by that and that wasn't my objective in the first place. The object of the game was to win, not to beat other players.
I think the real reason people don't make various builds is that the numbers are more in favor of a few powers. You can win or at least survive with any build you want, but some choose to use the best of the best.
There's no need to call me on anything as what I mentioned obviously doesn't apply in every case. None of the players who are really good would get killed by that and that wasn't my objective in the first place. The object of the game was to win, not to beat other players.
I think the real reason people don't make various builds is that the numbers are more in favor of a few powers. You can win or at least survive with any build you want, but some choose to use the best of the best.
Like I said, it really limited your options when alert hit. Pre-alert, any character I had in my arsenal could pvp, AT or otherwise. We didn't have the cost and cd redux that are present now, so a lot of the "defensive" powers that are practically required now would wear off and provide a decent window of opportunity.
Holds and knocks were deadly, I know I died a lot more before ever reacting thanks to the original unmitigated fall damage when I started.
Maintains alone generally don't hit hard enough without a boost or supplemental damage now. Minigun + maintain for example can work in an offensive role, but you'll pay for it by being extra vulnerable.
Really what it comes down to is, if you don't finish off your opponent quickly, they're almost guaranteed to get away and recoup, which is why the dynamic has moved in its current direction.
It also helps that powers that no one ever bothered touching before (ala UR) were actually made useful for a change.
There's no need to call me on anything as what I mentioned obviously doesn't apply in every case. None of the players who are really good would get killed by that and that wasn't my objective in the first place. The object of the game was to win, not to beat other players.
I think the real reason people don't make various builds is that the numbers are more in favor of a few powers. You can win or at least survive with any build you want, but some choose to use the best of the best.
You talk a lot, but know nothing. I got you pegged. Also, answer Wesley. Don't be rude and ignore him.
I'm very close to a combo finisher that really ends the Double Bubble Era. I was working it for most of the day Sunday. Some of you have fought it already
I'm very close to a combo finisher that really ends the Double Bubble Era. I was working it for most of the day Sunday. Some of you have fought it already
I'm very close to a combo finisher that really ends the Double Bubble Era. I was working it for most of the day Sunday. Some of you have fought it already
Shall I go back to Double Bubble build to finish your test?
I'm not speaking about Healer level 12k double bubbles.
I'm speaking about the imbue exploiting douche bag 4k levels.
Actually you are referring to double bubbles over and on top of conviction healing. Imbue does not not crit bubbles (if I am not wrong, not at the game to verify) right? So actually which is the issue? Double bubbles or conviction not consuming imbued? The title of the thread is how to beat the double bubbles.
That's why I responded in the way that I did. Double Bubbles to me means 12k+ not 4k. So when someone says how to beat the double bubbles, but then back pedals and tries to explain that it isn't actually that but an issue with a different power entirely I point that out.
DPS potential is much too high for anyone to actually struggle with a build that one claims is double bubble but cannot come close to their full potential. It's easy to kill someone with half-assed shields and a squishy passive. Imbue is bugged. We know. Let it be fixed in a few months/years.
That's the point though. Potential. The TC is most likely trying to beat Imbue abusing AoPM builds while also using AoPM. That passive can't come close to what an offensive passive and role can give you DPS and burst wise. Yet while you solve one issue, you create others.
On the note of TK Lance. Yeah I'm pretty sure a power's bonus damage gained through consuming stacks of ego leech ignoring an entire layer of defense (dodge) is not in the least bit intended. Remember when Vengeful Shadows did the same thing? That got fixed.
Hey! All none of the developers that don't ever read this section of the forums. Is TK Lance's bonus ego leech consumption damage supposed to ignore dodge? Hell, a feature that good ought to be mentioned in the description if it is.
That's why I responded in the way that I did. Double Bubbles to me means 12k+ not 4k. So when someone says how to beat the double bubbles, but then back pedals and tries to explain that it isn't actually that but an issue with a different power entirely I point that out.
DPS potential is much too high for anyone to actually struggle with a build that one claims is double bubble but cannot come close to their full potential. It's easy to kill someone with half-assed shields and a squishy passive. Imbue is bugged. We know. Let it be fixed in a few months/years.
That's the point though. Potential. The TC is most likely trying to beat Imbue abusing AoPM builds while also using AoPM. That passive can't come close to what an offensive passive and role can give you DPS and burst wise. Yet while you solve one issue, you create others.
On the note of TK Lance. Yeah I'm pretty sure a power's bonus damage gained through consuming stacks of ego leech ignoring an entire layer of defense (dodge) is not in the least bit intended. Remember when Vengeful Shadows did the same thing? That got fixed.
Hey! All none of the developers that don't ever read this section of the forums. Is TK Lance's bonus ego leech consumption damage supposed to ignore dodge? Hell, a feature that good ought to be mentioned in the description if it is.
I think this is well put. The issue is multifold. Seriously, so let's look at the FotM build or for that matter 90% of PvP builds and we should be able to figure out where the imba is. What is 1 power that 90% of PvP builds use? Unanimously AoPM. What is another? Conviction. Another? Ascension. Another? Imbue. Go ahead, swing the nerf bat on all these and we shall see a totally different ball game in PvP. What? No more super spike 1 shot kills? Melee getting a fighting chance?
Melee is moreso at a disadvantage thanks to holds getting nerfed a while back. So to say nerf this, nerf that is a stretch and likely damaging to the game as a whole. If they would simply *FIX* Imbue, I guarantee it will solve most problems in PvP. Offensive passives are very viable. My pesti toon does quite well despite being slightly more squishy than an AoPM build. The big difference is the offensive passive can run in Ranged role which is nice for the damage :biggrin:
Melee is moreso at a disadvantage thanks to holds getting nerfed a while back. So to say nerf this, nerf that is a stretch and likely damaging to the game as a whole. If they would simply *FIX* Imbue, I guarantee it will solve most problems in PvP. Offensive passives are very viable. My pesti toon does quite well despite being slightly more squishy than an AoPM build. The big difference is the offensive passive can run in Ranged role which is nice for the damage :biggrin:
You got me wrong Mal, I did not really meant to call for a nerf. It was more sarcasm. They need to fix things so that melee becomes viable again. I always pity those clueless melee toons to enter BASH and ends up a moving target for the range spikes and maintains. AoPM is doing too much because of Con and Imbue, Pres and Bubbles, Rec and End for energy management etc. It is in that sense overpowered compared to many other passives. However I am clearly aware that it has already been nerfed once after On Alert. Maybe a boost to other passives is in need? Why doesn't anyone use targeting computer in PvP? How about Regen, PFF? These are just some of the passives which do not work in PvP. Then again, the devs will certainly have some concerns about balancing powers around PvP. Take away imbue, we shall see an influx of ego surge and ice sheathe. But the truth is there are really too many things not balanced in the game and really any effort to do it may be futile. Short of reskinning of powers such that they function exactly the same way this cannot be done.
I'm not speaking about Healer level 12k double bubbles.
I'm speaking about the imbue exploiting douche bag 4k levels.
I know. Double Bubble with imbue + conviction exploit Primary INT & High-Secondary CON with penetration, speed-squishy farmer attacking at respawn point, right?
Actually you are referring to double bubbles over and on top of conviction healing. Imbue does not not crit bubbles (if I am not wrong, not at the game to verify) right? So actually which is the issue? Double bubbles or conviction not consuming imbued? The title of the thread is how to beat the double bubbles.
I know. Double Bubble with imbue + conviction exploit Primary INT & High-Secondary CON with penetration, speed-squishy farmer attacking at respawn point, right?
So that's what double bubble means! I never would have guessed. Making any bit of sense was never the point. How in the world do you get Con, specific specializations in the Intelligence tree, Imbue, and conviction out of double bubble? Double bubble means protection field and mindful reinforcement. That is all it has ever meant. You cannot define an entire build on two powers. Any build can take con or pre and abuse bugged imbue.
I love how the TC's guide entails using a very specific build. Instead of basic tips, guidelines, and build pointers. He basically tell you to do what every PVPer already does. Abuse Knock-backs and deal as much as damage as possible by taking advantage of the most potent damage layer in the game ('s the critical layer.) The trick with his method is to abuse ego surge's nimble mind by guzzling Con like your toon is a black hole.
There's nothing I love more than the current utter lack of build diversity. It's all the same boring tripe. To beat AoPm imbue exploiting build you must use another Aopm build that is more similar than it is different. I just don't care. You can't play the toons you want anymore. Not like you used to be able to anyway. That's a large part of why almost nobody queues for PvP. The horrible queue system, no in match size balancing, no matchmaking, and terrible rewards are just the delicious icing on the festering cake that is COPvP.
I'd say the best thing about these guides is the fact that pretty nobody really cares in game. Bash is the only map that pops, and even it can't fill it's quota. So all 10 of the players that are still bothering can use this to become super winners! Hurray! Everyone else has already lost all hope and interest. At best we post of the forums from time to time, but that's it.
malware, stop acting like you care about politeness. You're telling me not to ignore someone who said he wanted to ignore me. "I got you pegged." heh... Yeah you got me pegged by saying I'm this or I'm that without having spent any time around me. Nice work, detective. "Consequences will never be the same!" >_>
Like I said, it really limited your options when alert hit. Pre-alert, any character I had in my arsenal could pvp, AT or otherwise. We didn't have the cost and cd redux that are present now, so a lot of the "defensive" powers that are practically required now would wear off and provide a decent window of opportunity.
Holds and knocks were deadly, I know I died a lot more before ever reacting thanks to the original unmitigated fall damage when I started.
Maintains alone generally don't hit hard enough without a boost or supplemental damage now. Minigun + maintain for example can work in an offensive role, but you'll pay for it by being extra vulnerable.
Really what it comes down to is, if you don't finish off your opponent quickly, they're almost guaranteed to get away and recoup, which is why the dynamic has moved in its current direction.
It also helps that powers that no one ever bothered touching before (ala UR) were actually made useful for a change.
It's still possible to do well with variety. There are still several options beyond whatever the clones are doing. It's just that those who always want to win tend to choose the powers that are the highest damage and so on.
So that's what double bubble means! I never would have guessed. Making any bit of sense was never the point. How in the world do you get Con, specific specializations in the Intelligence tree, Imbue, and conviction out of double bubble? Double bubble means protection field and mindful reinforcement. That is all it has ever meant. You cannot define an entire build on two powers. Any build can take con or pre and abuse bugged imbue.
You can Take bunch of CON mods & Gears for Primary-INT build.
You can Even make Secondary SS higher amount then Primary SS.
With INT Primary SS and Molecular Self-Assembly, they can generate energy by just using Conviction in 3-5 sec charge cycle. Doesn't even need energy builder for full charged 100% critical penetrate attack.
4K Double Bubbles are enough for waiting Conviction recharge, so it is not easy to kill.
malware, stop acting like you care about politeness. You're telling me not to ignore someone who said he wanted to ignore me. "I got you pegged." heh... Yeah you got me pegged by saying I'm this or I'm that without having spent any time around me. Nice work, detective. "Consequences will never be the same!" >_>
It's still possible to do well with variety. There are still several options beyond whatever the clones are doing. It's just that those who always want to win tend to choose the powers that are the highest damage and so on.
Errr what? Mal asked you not to ignore me. Did I say I want to ignore you? Please quote me from forum thank you. As far as we are concerned, you have been posting under anonymity making claims of all kinds. When asked to justify your claims (not because we doubt but rather to see your perspective) you refuse and say it is a waste of your time. While at the same time, making claims of all sorts here is not a waste of your time. Please do not make misleading posts which are generally unsubstantiated. You have reached a point that you are actually trolling. As far as Mal and me are concerned, we always treat each other with respect.
malware, stop acting like you care about politeness. You're telling me not to ignore someone who said he wanted to ignore me. "I got you pegged." heh... Yeah you got me pegged by saying I'm this or I'm that without having spent any time around me. Nice work, detective. "Consequences will never be the same!" >_>
I think at this point everyone has you pegged... As a troll, never having a clue about what they are talking about.
BTW, you are still ignoring Wesley. He wanted to know who you were, if he had ever met you; if you are someone who really does play Hero Games with us. You could at least share some in-game character names, afterall, you know who all of us are. Stalk much?
I think you prefer to remain anonymous for forum trolling purposes. Yes, we "got you pegged."
Errr what? Mal asked you not to ignore me. Did I say I want to ignore you? Please quote me from forum thank you. As far as we are concerned, you have been posting under anonymity making claims of all kinds. When asked to justify your claims (not because we doubt but rather to see your perspective) you refuse and say it is a waste of your time. While at the same time, making claims of all sorts here is not a waste of your time. Please do not make misleading posts which are generally unsubstantiated. You have reached a point that you are actually trolling. As far as Mal and me are concerned, we always treat each other with respect.
I can't quote you from the forums because you didn't say it there. I saw what you said and I even made a screenshot. You're right, sharing ideas is not a waste of my time. You see my ideas as unsubstantiated because you can't be bothered to investigate further. My posts aren't misleading unless they're actually false. I don't consider them to be false because 1) I understand if what I am saying is claiming anything, and if it is, what exactly is being claimed, and 2) I've actually done such things or seen them work. Not everything I say applies in every case, and there's no perfect build. What I'm doing is not acting like I have to "prove myself" to any group or individual who are supposedly more knowledgeable. Not everything is a competition and this isn't about my ego. Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance. I always respect people I don't know because they know things that I don't. I suggest you do the same.
Your assertion that my "claims" are unsubstantiated is unsubstantiated. heh >_> As far as I'm concerned, everything I've said lately works the way I've seen it does; none of it is a general claim on any build or power; and much of the backlash against what I've said lately doesn't even make any sense in the first place. This is why I remain unconcerned. Malware is an obvious troll and he does not respect people he considers to be lowly.
malware, stop acting like you care about politeness. You're telling me not to ignore someone who said he wanted to ignore me. "I got you pegged." heh... Yeah you got me pegged by saying I'm this or I'm that without having spent any time around me. Nice work, detective. "Consequences will never be the same!" >_>
Lucy calm down all they asked was who are you? I think we all need to chillax and listen to some music.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Lucy calm down all they asked was who are you? I think we all need to chillax and listen to some music.
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
I woke up in a Soho doorway
A policeman knew my name
He said, you can go sleep at home tonight
If you can get up and walk away
I staggered back to the underground
And the breeze blew back my hair
I remember throwin' punches around
And preachin' from my chair
Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
'Cause i really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I took the tube back out of town
Back to the Rollin' Pin
I felt a little like a dying clown
With a streak of Rin Tin Tin
I stretched back and I hiccupped
And looked back on my busy day
Eleven hours in the Tin Pan
God, there's got to be another way
Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Oh, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Come on, tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Oh, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Who are you?
Who are you?
Ooh wa ooh wa ooh wa ooh wa...
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Come on, tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
'Cause i really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still recieve your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
After such a love as this?
Well who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Come on, tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Oh, i really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Tell me, tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Come on, come on, who? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Oh, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Oh, tell me who are you?
I really wanna know (2x)
Come on, tell me who are you
You! (2x)
You see my ideas as unsubstantiated because you can't be bothered to investigate further. My posts aren't misleading unless they're actually false. I don't consider them to be false because 1) I understand if what I am saying is claiming anything, and if it is, what exactly is being claimed [...]
I see them as "unsubstantiated" and often just plain wrong.
For example, you claimed UR is cheating.
First of all, UR wasn't even worth taking till Alert hit, and pre-alert was a joke.
Second, if UR is as broken as you believe it to be, you'd see it MUCH more often on pvp oriented builds, as your perception of broken is pvp's typical definition of simply being effective.
If one were to claim any power is currently broken in regards to pvp, imbue would be what comes to mind.
You also stated that the reason we see so little variety is because people want an I win button.
- If my build was an "I win" button, then as often as I do manage to win, what about when I lose? Is there an "I win win" button that somehow is eluding me?
Simply put, Alert gear and spec trees along with several nerfs and buffs (ie CC) have completely changed the dynamic of pvp Post-Alert. But as that concept is apparently too complex, it's easier to claim people just copy each other to explain one's losses.
In fact, if I were to run what I'm running now just as alert hit, I wouldn't be nearly as successful. As much pvp experience as I had pre-alert, I had to completely adapt to the new system, which did actually require something called learning.
There's nothing wrong in "sharing ideas" per say, but to make claims and voice opinions behind the veil of anonymity doesn't exempt you from scrutiny, especially in these pvp forums. Some people find it offensive to see your input as it can mislead newcomers if they give your opinion too much credit.
I myself am not too concerned about those that may be led astray by words such as yours. Anyone who fails to "investigate" and take things at face value deserves it. If they're pvp-capable, they'll learn from it and get over it. If not, they'll remember the "unpleasant" experience and avoid pvp entirely.
I see them as "unsubstantiated" and often just plain wrong.
For example, you claimed UR is cheating.
First of all, UR wasn't even worth taking till Alert hit, and pre-alert was a joke.
I'm already aware of this. Tell me something I don't know, and don't assume that I don't know what happened until now. I said Unleashed Rage is cheating, not has always been a cheat.
Second, if UR is as broken as you believe it to be, you'd see it MUCH more often on pvp oriented builds, as your perception of broken is pvp's typical definition of simply being effective.
The fact is that we do see it often, and this is not like a working power like Conviction, it's because it's broken, not because it's just good. The ability to make a power do an amount of damage 2 orders of magnitude higher than what's considered "high amounts of health points" means it's broken and is not working as intended. Something that has the potential to kill a cosmic in just a few hits is broken.
You don't know what my perception of broken is. You're not a mind reader, and I gave you no formal definition.
If one were to claim any power is currently broken in regards to pvp, imbue would be what comes to mind.
You also stated that the reason we see so little variety is because people want an I win button.
- If my build was an "I win" button, then as often as I do manage to win, what about when I lose? Is there an "I win win" button that somehow is eluding me?
The answer to this question is yes, but you haven't mentioned why these things exist, I win buttons and I win win buttons. Since a game like this is in a state of flux over its lifespan, things can be changed and what wins today might not win tomorrow.
Simply put, Alert gear and spec trees along with several nerfs and buffs (ie CC) have completely changed the dynamic of pvp Post-Alert. But as that concept is apparently too complex, it's easier to claim people just copy each other to explain one's losses.
Again, you didn't mention why this happens and the fact that many don't understand that this is going to change or think about why this is happening or collect data and predict what will happen next. You're also implying that I always lose against such builds; people do copy each other, and I didn't say it results in winning or losing necessarily. I did start to comment on why certain builds are appealing; you're reading too much into what I've said.
In fact, if I were to run what I'm running now just as alert hit, I wouldn't be nearly as successful. As much pvp experience as I had pre-alert, I had to completely adapt to the new system, which did actually require something called learning.
This is what happened with my old build, my true main character, which was based on Lightning Reflexes; people asserted that I didn't know what I am talking about. I did say that lightning reflexes required more of "something called learning," or much more effort to get it to work as easily as other reliable passives. This is why I opted out and went with Invulnerability instead.
There's nothing wrong in "sharing ideas" per se, but to make claims and voice opinions behind the veil of anonymity doesn't exempt you from scrutiny, especially in these pvp forums. Some people find it offensive to see your input as it can mislead newcomers if they give your opinion too much credit.
If you think I don't know what I'm talking about, go into PTS and load a 40 with full gear. Choose Dexterity/Strength/Constitution, no block power. Make sure you have access to the mods you need. Go into the powerhouse and max out lightning reflexes, Conviction, and get chi with resurgent reiki and Masterful Dodge. As you said and I said, what worked before doesn't work now. See if you can survive hard teams for five and stay as close to all of them as you can. Let them all attack you at the same time and heal yourself. I can guarantee that under normal circumstances you won't survive nearly as well as before. Increasing HP delays the net effect but the end is inevitable. Run the same test with Invulnerability rank 3, both tests use dodge/avoid gear. Maintaining 100% dodge and 90% avoidance or anything near those is not a part of this test. Even with a recharge time of about 43 seconds, Masterful Dodge is not enough.
I mentioned that there is less dot mitigation without IDF. This is absolute fact, as IDF reduces about 85 points at rank 1. Without IDF all damage is increased by this amount by definition.
I mentioned that Resurgent Reiki can only be triggered at the least every half-second. Unless you can show data that proves that exactly one half of a second is adequate for every situation and get Reiki to heal as intended without being overpowered, then the end result is that Reiki is healing less often and dozens of hits can come in before it even works. If you don't believe me, test it and look in your combat window.
When I see integers and clean-cut rational numbers, I start questioning people's reasons for choosing such numbers, depending on the context. In the case of Reiki, it doesn't always make sense. Prove me wrong.
I mentioned that LR doesn't dodge "big hits" as well as before, and others did too. This means that there is a possibility of receiving massive amounts of damage more than before over a sufficiently long interval of time. Prove that this isn't true.
I don't mean to go off on a tangent about LR, but you brought this up.
For some reason when you say it, it's somehow absolute fact, but when I say it, it's "unsubstantiated" and something you never said, which you've just proven that I did say what you just said. The only thing I (and others) added to it was that powers like LR require a lot more attention than reliable passives like Invulnerability. This is just one example of how what I said is verifiable and how you've done nothing to verify. I am "exempt" from scrutiny because you're the one asking about it, not me. I already understand my test results, it's up to you if you want to verify it yourself. Moreover, I made subtle hints at the numbers that people who understand the passive could verify without testing, but since you need to test what's already easy to understand, I challenge you do to it.
I myself am not too concerned about those that may be led astray by words such as yours. Anyone who fails to "investigate" and take things at face value deserves it. If they're pvp-capable, they'll learn from it and get over it. If not, they'll remember the "unpleasant" experience and avoid pvp entirely.
heh... I would never expect anyone to take things at face value, that's unwise and a fundamentally unreasonable expectation by definition; that's why I alluded to real-world values, and anyone who understands these powers can confirm what I did say, not what you tell me I said.
Now you've tried to corner me, "you've got me pegged," as you indirectly stated, and I feel compelled to spell things out for you in the form of a set of repeatable steps, steps which you should be able to deduce on your own. If you think I'm wrong, prove it.
It was excellent at killing arrogant dodge-tanks last spring (although to be fair Dragon Uppercut was kinda bugged for awhile there).
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
And when the savior build becomes the tyrant build, like all those other times? You don't honestly think you're revitalizing PvP, are you? This sounds like a personal score and nothing further.
That would have only worked if the "arrogant dodge tanks" didn't have Super Strength as one of their super stats, you could keep them still long enough to knock them, if after you knock them you have the opportunity to strike them effectively before they can regroup etc. :P
Nesno, I'm not sure what you were "working on" unless you were doing some specific calculations to confirm what you already understand. This solution is simply common sense. Nevertheless I've enjoyed reading all your replies thus far because everything you've said is logical.
Brou, you brought up an interesting point... not only about so-called "perfect imbalance" in video games, but also about tyranny in general. It's very thought-provoking and I still don't know if this one is in actuality a savior or a tyrant. xD I like knocking, though. :P
Common sense yes, but not neccessary to kill people before the patch, what I am saying is now - one on one, I beleive this to be one of the only few ways to dispatch a build that can endlessly exploit imbued heals behind shields in addition to rotating endless cooldowns/defense ontop of bionic shielding / ascension.
The ony other way is resort to exploiting. - I won't go there to spare everyone another Brou lamentation post.
Oh, you. I already told them about the other way.
Besides, the whole point of pvp in this game is to make people deeply upset.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
LOL :biggrin:
@Scrizz :biggrin:
Of course, if you can drain the bubbles low enough and get a lengthy hold/stun afterwards, that works too. But that's easier said than done.
5.5k Is nothing when double bubbles can easily reach 13,000. That FD critical will take out most of one bubble, but that's it. You are likely fighting players who are not actually focusing on double bubbles at all. Most don't want to give up that critical strike bonus in primary and secondary offense let alone use compassion instead of concentration.
The knocks ability to completely disable a player is nothing new and is the only way to gain any real ground against a player. Sonic device? You think a stun will allow you to finish someone off unless they sit there and let you? Do you not recall what powers can be used while stunned? Let's list some of the options your target has if you add a stun to your main damage nuke.
1. Hit an activate defense such as masterful dodge.
2. Hit an active offense, namely Ascension. This will boost their healing allowing them to recover quickly, break the stun, and most importantly of all prevent you from using any immediate followup knocks either for the disable or fall damage.
3. Use smoke grenade with escape artist. This will immediately end your entire attack chain thus allowing them an easy out.
Now if your target is making use of juggernaut you might not even be able to knock them. For those who don't know, juggernaut is a specialization in the primary strength tree (Hurray for unreliable Knock-back resistance) that gives you bonus gear defense scaling with your Constitution. It is the most powerful gear defense boosting option in the game. No other specialization comes close.
Using this specialization coupled with AoPM to further boost your Con and as a result your defense a player can have loads of HP, dodge/avoid, and high defense on what is otherwise a normally squishy passive. Strength + Constitution + Int (Concentration) on a ranged toon. AoPM would also easily allow one to hit 70 ego from the 20% soft capped ranged damage bonus.
This here is what most double bubble imbue users are not doing, in fact, most run an Int spec in support role with heal boosting items. So Xeno's combo does well versus those guys. Now, sure, against my Malware build (what I quoted from you describes the backbone of that build), the KB isn't going to land very often.
It wouldn't be too smart of a PSS Str build to use double bubbles. Actives are a much better option.
Yes exactly! The builds he's describing involve merely slapping the bubbles onto what is other wise meant to deal damage. They then of course fail at that too by running in support role which destroys their super-stat damage bonus. That build gives up offensive presence in order to stay alive yet despite running in support role are much easier to kill than an actual healer.
In all my years of playing champs I have never enjoyed the sacrifices pessary to properly implement double bubbles on a build meant to one shot and melt things in seconds. I stick them on my healer and call it done. To get good bubbles you need the below. Those builds will at best have some presence, thus making their bubbles weak and easily torn through.
1. Presence!
2. A constant flow of lots of energy. It's nearly impossible to deal with the energy upkeep of double bubble spam plus attacking without support role which as mentioned earlier lessens their overall potential threat level.
3. Compassion!
4. Bonus Healing on gear.
Well, AoPM Double Bubbler has one problem. This kind of build is hard to use as healer. Only good for self-protection.
Double Bubbler can be killed easily when healing/bubbling someone else.
Sleep, Stun, Knock can also work very well in duel and B.A.S.H.
Because cascaders need penetration for the most part, clone build n?2 proves inefficient in that matter and you'd end up doing 0 damage with that attack. Now he just mentioned double bubble, not AoPM STR CON as they're barely an annoyance.
That's the only problem you could find?
And very poor variation of Attack power etc...? xD
I am also fully aware of the ability to use other powers while stunned. I'm combining crit sonic device with a crit ebon ruin to hit the same time the player lands, this increases my spike alot, the DOT will usually finish them off, if not I have already taped 2 to 3 consecutive crits for around 2.5k to land almost instantly after the spike. There is also the delay in human reaction aftere the stun of around 1 second that gives me the entire window I need before they can activate anything to stop the combo. For fighting Juggernaught based builds, it's simply a matter of time and who has the best healing/defense management. I consider those fights much more legit than fighting an int based toon rotating MD endlessly, no need to KB them - enjoy the fight and say GG. Finally, Xeiros if you honestly beleive the int based / ARMOR PEN builds using Force cascade or Ego lance as gimped in damage because they are in support role, I think you need to PVP more - be less contrary, more constructive. Instead test imbue crit severity with stacking certain tree's boost to severity I wont go into any more detains on which specific one it's boosted by. Second, using armor penetration from int and the mod bridges the gap in support role and really dude we are only talking about a small percentage DPS of the base of any one attack. IN ADDITION an ego lance crit cannot be dodged, it can be mitigated but never dodge.
Unless you honestly think I'm making a post with a how to kill healers... My post is for a "suggestion" only, that worked for me and Malware has also stated it worked for him as well. When I executed this combo over the weekend, I beat everyone in bash using that INT based double bubble build, it was only a matter of time before my DET kb their sorry asses off a building, by the time they landed I had ejaculated a 11k crit down their exploiting throats.
Besides, Nothing is funnier than catching them in the sky with a hurl to remove their travel powers then landing the det sending them flying into the nothing. So fun, made me giggle. -X
I think you misunderstood what I am saying. Xeno isn't talking about STR builds, and I was clarifying that to the poster I responded to with what you quoted.
The int spec that boosts benefits from secondary super stats is also common in those int/aopm/bubble builds. That's how they are reaching 14k+ hp. The int build is a nice build, it's smart and works very well. The problem we are seeing right now is not with the bubbles, but rather the Imbue not consuming on the first heal used. Combined with the type of players running these builds, how most of them are completely ignorant to the fact they are exploiting a broken power (Imbue) for personal gains and bolstering their ego's. Then multiplied by the fact they are all in one particular Super Group that farms anyone running a build that's not exploiting Imbue (typically everyone not in the same SG as them), it's refreshing to see Xeno giving out ideas to stop these types of PvP'ers.
I myself have been enjoying a pestilence build in ranged role to do the job.
My strategy is popping Sonic Device with my Energy Builder, Spiking with Defile; pop them up with a Force Geyser, Tap Defile, and Lightning Arc them as they are falling. The entire combo works very well if I time Ego Surge + adv just right.
And this is part of the reason why my alt is still my most successful (pvp) tank. Most of the bubbles get knocked with Rocket Launcher then I can finish them off with Pulse Beam Rifle. ^_^ I had 507 CON at one point... it was fun, and it still is nice on some builds but I wanted more strength.
I like how On Alert gives people a lot more variety, like how Ego is not always necessary.
Now I gotta call you on it.
Not sure who your competition is, but the double bubbles I face won't go down to pbr alone if they lose their initial bubbles. Usually they'll just reapply bubble and conviction or simply evade.
But more importantly, On Alert did anything but give people more variety. While it allowed people to get away from enrage toggles, anyone who did any significant pvp will tell you there was a lot more variety pre-alert. Even I myself ran an electric vba sniper/pbr, and earned a few pvp perk titles along with getting shev to claim she/he would go lifetime to beat me.
On Alert killed variety as it further limited viability through both nerfs (ala crowd control) and gear changes (hello low CD MD/ascension). Even in unrestricted, my lil cursed was a threat pre-alert. Now she's not worth taking considering she'll rarely last long enough to get through the md, especially since her hold is just shy of useless.
Actually, I am really curious, what is your in-game handle and which are your toons. Have we met before?
Pre-alert it was possible on high EGO AoPM Detonation builds, Kien version with Ebon Ruin, Mechassault's variant with PBR: Geyser-PBR then Detonation-PBR, that was when fall damage did hurt really bad.
It doesn't work anymore unless you really caught your opponent off guard, and even there, with the chances to knock, your plans to happen like planned, the sheer luck overall, nearly impossible.
Only time I managed to do it was when I made an over-fueled Quarry DEX INT high EGO setup with absolutely no care for resillience.
Second bubble bursting option was Quarry, Geyser when off guard then PBR to attack the shield while charging Shoulder Launcher that goes through the broken shield.
Tanks gained a fair bit of damage with the update, spiking with Unleashed Rage while using a defensive passive is possible. But no way you're going to burst a bubbler down with a defensive passive and PBR alone (yes because Rocket Launcher damage will only require like 0,5s to recover from it).
There's no need to call me on anything as what I mentioned obviously doesn't apply in every case. None of the players who are really good would get killed by that and that wasn't my objective in the first place. The object of the game was to win, not to beat other players.
I think the real reason people don't make various builds is that the numbers are more in favor of a few powers. You can win or at least survive with any build you want, but some choose to use the best of the best.
Like I said, it really limited your options when alert hit. Pre-alert, any character I had in my arsenal could pvp, AT or otherwise. We didn't have the cost and cd redux that are present now, so a lot of the "defensive" powers that are practically required now would wear off and provide a decent window of opportunity.
Holds and knocks were deadly, I know I died a lot more before ever reacting thanks to the original unmitigated fall damage when I started.
Maintains alone generally don't hit hard enough without a boost or supplemental damage now. Minigun + maintain for example can work in an offensive role, but you'll pay for it by being extra vulnerable.
Really what it comes down to is, if you don't finish off your opponent quickly, they're almost guaranteed to get away and recoup, which is why the dynamic has moved in its current direction.
It also helps that powers that no one ever bothered touching before (ala UR) were actually made useful for a change.
You talk a lot, but know nothing. I got you pegged. Also, answer Wesley. Don't be rude and ignore him.
@Scrizz :biggrin:
Shall I go back to Double Bubble build to finish your test?
I'm speaking about the imbue exploiting douche bag 4k levels.
Actually you are referring to double bubbles over and on top of conviction healing. Imbue does not not crit bubbles (if I am not wrong, not at the game to verify) right? So actually which is the issue? Double bubbles or conviction not consuming imbued? The title of the thread is how to beat the double bubbles.
DPS potential is much too high for anyone to actually struggle with a build that one claims is double bubble but cannot come close to their full potential. It's easy to kill someone with half-assed shields and a squishy passive. Imbue is bugged. We know. Let it be fixed in a few months/years.
That's the point though. Potential. The TC is most likely trying to beat Imbue abusing AoPM builds while also using AoPM. That passive can't come close to what an offensive passive and role can give you DPS and burst wise. Yet while you solve one issue, you create others.
On the note of TK Lance. Yeah I'm pretty sure a power's bonus damage gained through consuming stacks of ego leech ignoring an entire layer of defense (dodge) is not in the least bit intended. Remember when Vengeful Shadows did the same thing? That got fixed.
Hey! All none of the developers that don't ever read this section of the forums. Is TK Lance's bonus ego leech consumption damage supposed to ignore dodge? Hell, a feature that good ought to be mentioned in the description if it is.
I think this is well put. The issue is multifold. Seriously, so let's look at the FotM build or for that matter 90% of PvP builds and we should be able to figure out where the imba is. What is 1 power that 90% of PvP builds use? Unanimously AoPM. What is another? Conviction. Another? Ascension. Another? Imbue. Go ahead, swing the nerf bat on all these and we shall see a totally different ball game in PvP. What? No more super spike 1 shot kills? Melee getting a fighting chance?
You got me wrong Mal, I did not really meant to call for a nerf. It was more sarcasm. They need to fix things so that melee becomes viable again. I always pity those clueless melee toons to enter BASH and ends up a moving target for the range spikes and maintains. AoPM is doing too much because of Con and Imbue, Pres and Bubbles, Rec and End for energy management etc. It is in that sense overpowered compared to many other passives. However I am clearly aware that it has already been nerfed once after On Alert. Maybe a boost to other passives is in need? Why doesn't anyone use targeting computer in PvP? How about Regen, PFF? These are just some of the passives which do not work in PvP. Then again, the devs will certainly have some concerns about balancing powers around PvP. Take away imbue, we shall see an influx of ego surge and ice sheathe. But the truth is there are really too many things not balanced in the game and really any effort to do it may be futile. Short of reskinning of powers such that they function exactly the same way this cannot be done.
I know. Double Bubble with imbue + conviction exploit Primary INT & High-Secondary CON with penetration, speed-squishy farmer attacking at respawn point, right?
I love how the TC's guide entails using a very specific build. Instead of basic tips, guidelines, and build pointers. He basically tell you to do what every PVPer already does. Abuse Knock-backs and deal as much as damage as possible by taking advantage of the most potent damage layer in the game ('s the critical layer.) The trick with his method is to abuse ego surge's nimble mind by guzzling Con like your toon is a black hole.
There's nothing I love more than the current utter lack of build diversity. It's all the same boring tripe. To beat AoPm imbue exploiting build you must use another Aopm build that is more similar than it is different. I just don't care. You can't play the toons you want anymore. Not like you used to be able to anyway. That's a large part of why almost nobody queues for PvP. The horrible queue system, no in match size balancing, no matchmaking, and terrible rewards are just the delicious icing on the festering cake that is COPvP.
I'd say the best thing about these guides is the fact that pretty nobody really cares in game. Bash is the only map that pops, and even it can't fill it's quota. So all 10 of the players that are still bothering can use this to become super winners! Hurray! Everyone else has already lost all hope and interest. At best we post of the forums from time to time, but that's it.
It's still possible to do well with variety. There are still several options beyond whatever the clones are doing. It's just that those who always want to win tend to choose the powers that are the highest damage and so on.
You can Take bunch of CON mods & Gears for Primary-INT build.
You can Even make Secondary SS higher amount then Primary SS.
With INT Primary SS and Molecular Self-Assembly, they can generate energy by just using Conviction in 3-5 sec charge cycle. Doesn't even need energy builder for full charged 100% critical penetrate attack.
4K Double Bubbles are enough for waiting Conviction recharge, so it is not easy to kill.
Errr what? Mal asked you not to ignore me. Did I say I want to ignore you? Please quote me from forum thank you. As far as we are concerned, you have been posting under anonymity making claims of all kinds. When asked to justify your claims (not because we doubt but rather to see your perspective) you refuse and say it is a waste of your time. While at the same time, making claims of all sorts here is not a waste of your time. Please do not make misleading posts which are generally unsubstantiated. You have reached a point that you are actually trolling. As far as Mal and me are concerned, we always treat each other with respect.
I think at this point everyone has you pegged... As a troll, never having a clue about what they are talking about.
BTW, you are still ignoring Wesley. He wanted to know who you were, if he had ever met you; if you are someone who really does play Hero Games with us. You could at least share some in-game character names, afterall, you know who all of us are. Stalk much?
I think you prefer to remain anonymous for forum trolling purposes. Yes, we "got you pegged."
I can't quote you from the forums because you didn't say it there. I saw what you said and I even made a screenshot. You're right, sharing ideas is not a waste of my time. You see my ideas as unsubstantiated because you can't be bothered to investigate further. My posts aren't misleading unless they're actually false. I don't consider them to be false because 1) I understand if what I am saying is claiming anything, and if it is, what exactly is being claimed, and 2) I've actually done such things or seen them work. Not everything I say applies in every case, and there's no perfect build. What I'm doing is not acting like I have to "prove myself" to any group or individual who are supposedly more knowledgeable. Not everything is a competition and this isn't about my ego. Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance. I always respect people I don't know because they know things that I don't. I suggest you do the same.
Your assertion that my "claims" are unsubstantiated is unsubstantiated. heh >_> As far as I'm concerned, everything I've said lately works the way I've seen it does; none of it is a general claim on any build or power; and much of the backlash against what I've said lately doesn't even make any sense in the first place. This is why I remain unconcerned. Malware is an obvious troll and he does not respect people he considers to be lowly.
Lucy calm down all they asked was who are you? I think we all need to chillax and listen to some music.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
I woke up in a Soho doorway
A policeman knew my name
He said, you can go sleep at home tonight
If you can get up and walk away
I staggered back to the underground
And the breeze blew back my hair
I remember throwin' punches around
And preachin' from my chair
Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
'Cause i really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I took the tube back out of town
Back to the Rollin' Pin
I felt a little like a dying clown
With a streak of Rin Tin Tin
I stretched back and I hiccupped
And looked back on my busy day
Eleven hours in the Tin Pan
God, there's got to be another way
Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Oh, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Come on, tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Oh, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Who are you?
Who are you?
Ooh wa ooh wa ooh wa ooh wa...
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Come on, tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
'Cause i really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still recieve your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
After such a love as this?
Well who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Come on, tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Oh, i really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Tell me, tell me who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Come on, come on, who? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Oh, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Oh, tell me who are you?
I really wanna know (2x)
Come on, tell me who are you
You! (2x)
Sorry about it, but I REALLY LOVE THE WHO.
I see them as "unsubstantiated" and often just plain wrong.
For example, you claimed UR is cheating.
First of all, UR wasn't even worth taking till Alert hit, and pre-alert was a joke.
Second, if UR is as broken as you believe it to be, you'd see it MUCH more often on pvp oriented builds, as your perception of broken is pvp's typical definition of simply being effective.
If one were to claim any power is currently broken in regards to pvp, imbue would be what comes to mind.
You also stated that the reason we see so little variety is because people want an I win button.
- If my build was an "I win" button, then as often as I do manage to win, what about when I lose? Is there an "I win win" button that somehow is eluding me?
Simply put, Alert gear and spec trees along with several nerfs and buffs (ie CC) have completely changed the dynamic of pvp Post-Alert. But as that concept is apparently too complex, it's easier to claim people just copy each other to explain one's losses.
In fact, if I were to run what I'm running now just as alert hit, I wouldn't be nearly as successful. As much pvp experience as I had pre-alert, I had to completely adapt to the new system, which did actually require something called learning.
There's nothing wrong in "sharing ideas" per say, but to make claims and voice opinions behind the veil of anonymity doesn't exempt you from scrutiny, especially in these pvp forums. Some people find it offensive to see your input as it can mislead newcomers if they give your opinion too much credit.
I myself am not too concerned about those that may be led astray by words such as yours. Anyone who fails to "investigate" and take things at face value deserves it. If they're pvp-capable, they'll learn from it and get over it. If not, they'll remember the "unpleasant" experience and avoid pvp entirely.
I'm already aware of this. Tell me something I don't know, and don't assume that I don't know what happened until now. I said Unleashed Rage is cheating, not has always been a cheat.
The fact is that we do see it often, and this is not like a working power like Conviction, it's because it's broken, not because it's just good. The ability to make a power do an amount of damage 2 orders of magnitude higher than what's considered "high amounts of health points" means it's broken and is not working as intended. Something that has the potential to kill a cosmic in just a few hits is broken.
You don't know what my perception of broken is. You're not a mind reader, and I gave you no formal definition.
The answer to this question is yes, but you haven't mentioned why these things exist, I win buttons and I win win buttons. Since a game like this is in a state of flux over its lifespan, things can be changed and what wins today might not win tomorrow.
Again, you didn't mention why this happens and the fact that many don't understand that this is going to change or think about why this is happening or collect data and predict what will happen next. You're also implying that I always lose against such builds; people do copy each other, and I didn't say it results in winning or losing necessarily. I did start to comment on why certain builds are appealing; you're reading too much into what I've said.
This is what happened with my old build, my true main character, which was based on Lightning Reflexes; people asserted that I didn't know what I am talking about. I did say that lightning reflexes required more of "something called learning," or much more effort to get it to work as easily as other reliable passives. This is why I opted out and went with Invulnerability instead.
If you think I don't know what I'm talking about, go into PTS and load a 40 with full gear. Choose Dexterity/Strength/Constitution, no block power. Make sure you have access to the mods you need. Go into the powerhouse and max out lightning reflexes, Conviction, and get chi with resurgent reiki and Masterful Dodge. As you said and I said, what worked before doesn't work now. See if you can survive hard teams for five and stay as close to all of them as you can. Let them all attack you at the same time and heal yourself. I can guarantee that under normal circumstances you won't survive nearly as well as before. Increasing HP delays the net effect but the end is inevitable. Run the same test with Invulnerability rank 3, both tests use dodge/avoid gear. Maintaining 100% dodge and 90% avoidance or anything near those is not a part of this test. Even with a recharge time of about 43 seconds, Masterful Dodge is not enough.
I mentioned that there is less dot mitigation without IDF. This is absolute fact, as IDF reduces about 85 points at rank 1. Without IDF all damage is increased by this amount by definition.
I mentioned that Resurgent Reiki can only be triggered at the least every half-second. Unless you can show data that proves that exactly one half of a second is adequate for every situation and get Reiki to heal as intended without being overpowered, then the end result is that Reiki is healing less often and dozens of hits can come in before it even works. If you don't believe me, test it and look in your combat window.
When I see integers and clean-cut rational numbers, I start questioning people's reasons for choosing such numbers, depending on the context. In the case of Reiki, it doesn't always make sense. Prove me wrong.
I mentioned that LR doesn't dodge "big hits" as well as before, and others did too. This means that there is a possibility of receiving massive amounts of damage more than before over a sufficiently long interval of time. Prove that this isn't true.
I don't mean to go off on a tangent about LR, but you brought this up.
For some reason when you say it, it's somehow absolute fact, but when I say it, it's "unsubstantiated" and something you never said, which you've just proven that I did say what you just said. The only thing I (and others) added to it was that powers like LR require a lot more attention than reliable passives like Invulnerability. This is just one example of how what I said is verifiable and how you've done nothing to verify. I am "exempt" from scrutiny because you're the one asking about it, not me. I already understand my test results, it's up to you if you want to verify it yourself. Moreover, I made subtle hints at the numbers that people who understand the passive could verify without testing, but since you need to test what's already easy to understand, I challenge you do to it.
heh... I would never expect anyone to take things at face value, that's unwise and a fundamentally unreasonable expectation by definition; that's why I alluded to real-world values, and anyone who understands these powers can confirm what I did say, not what you tell me I said.
Now you've tried to corner me, "you've got me pegged," as you indirectly stated, and I feel compelled to spell things out for you in the form of a set of repeatable steps, steps which you should be able to deduce on your own. If you think I'm wrong, prove it.