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A Torrent of Bugs

crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Gameplay Bugs
This last patch has come with it an uncountable number of bugs. Lots of these have been posted in different threads but I think we should all compile them into a single thread.

Updated thanks to ruiiji:

As an aside, total # and # by type is rather interesting.

  1. UI+;-When turning in a completed mission to a contact the mission isn't removed from the list of missions offered by that contact. It still shows the yellow question mark next to the mission name and when clicking on that mission again the conversation window closes. Upon reopening the conversation with that contact, the already turned in mission is then removed from the list of completed missions.
  2. UI+;* All lore entries are gone
  3. UI+;* Boosts (the little glowies) fade out slowly instead of quickly, making it hard to tell if you managed to pick one up in the heat of combat.
  4. UI+;* Flyover cutscenes play as though it's the first time you visited an area (though just once, and you can skip them). OK, pretty small as the bugs on this list go, but still...
  5. UI+;* Some objects have corrupted text, though at the moment I can't remember where I saw this.
  6. UI+;"* Some quest markers on the map have corrupted text (something like ""QuestHelperObject""). For example the mission on Monster Island where you check to see if the professor in the caves is OK, one of the two markers shows that corrupted text."
  7. UI+;Cannot interact with UNITY Mission console.
  8. UI+;Chat UI for / commands are switching and bugging back and forth which was also brought from PTS.
  9. UI+;Completing a mission and hitting accept with the contact will still display the mission as ready to return. This goes away after closing the window.
  10. UI+;I'm seeing all the cutscenes for other maps when i enter them
  11. UI+;Scrolling down item windows with arrows or 360 controller doesn't not move the list. It just continues to go up or down. I have to use the scroll bar or mouse scroll to move the list correctly.
  12. UI+;"Every time I initiate the cut scene, it plays fine but then i get the following system error : ""[0:33] [System] [LegacyFloaterMsg] You were unable to get this mission."""
  13. UI;-Items dropped by mobs have a yellow border around the item regardless of item quality. (Uncommon items used to have a green border and rare items used to have a blue border, etc.)
  14. UI;-The zone maps now look like they are made up of square patches. The maps were one continuous image, but now it looks like multiple images have been placed together to make up the zone maps.
  15. UI;1. When talking to NPCs, their heads no longer appear in the tab that has missions, bank, etc. interactions.
  16. UI;2. PC portraits while in teams don't show up.
  17. UI;3. trying to hand in missions, and it flicks you out before you can press accept.
  18. UI;"Chat keeps stealthing itself ""Offline"". "
  19. UI;"I saw some corrupted text on a teleport to ren-cen 4 pack that came in like a lvl 20 supply pack. Below it it said something along the lines of ""Teleport_Ren_Cen_unlimited"""
  20. UI;Items in completed mission windows have their text bleeding off and over other items. This may be related to the shrunk chat bubble.
  21. UI;Loading screen is flashing up for extremely brief periods when clicking on other players. Something similar to this happened a few months back, going to look through dead threads now.
  22. UI;Store items showing free for gold which shouldn't be. Example is the Power Armor Bundle.
  23. UI;The shrunk chat bubble from PTS made its way over. Text bleeds out in the corners.
  24. UI;When standing in the area of destructible objects that are just off screen, if you click on or at the side of your character it targets one of those objects.
  25. UI;When you click on an NPC or another player, their portrait in the HUD is mirrored. And selecting ''info'' will not show their portait in the info window. (the text is shown as normal, though)
  26. UI;White damage indicators sinking rather than floating and fading.
  27. TAILOR;"A lot of pieces in the character creator, while I was trying to make my costume, showed as saying ""You have already purchased"" when I hadn't purchased them. I still couldn't use them, though, they just appeared in my list despite having turned off items I did not own. Not a major bug, just annoying."
  28. TAILOR;And Pulp Curl hair for women? is there a reason my character is bald?
  29. TAILOR;Certain costumes and head types like the worm and the brain in a bubble disappear. More reports are being added all the time of other costume pieces.
  30. TAILOR;Costume inconsistencies with recent Nighthawk set. Chest wear not working with cape as one example.
  31. POWERS;Another bug, concentrationm wierdly only on some characters that have it not others bugs out.
  32. POWERS;BUG: The Shredded Debuff that Command Animals applies is the OLD Shredded, not the good (and useful) one.
  33. POWERS;Manipulator Energy Gain doesn't scale with INT
  34. POWERS;ranking up Gas Pellets actually makes them weaker.
  35. OS;1) random client crashes. prior to the night blade (whatever the name is) patch, i never crashed. Ive crashed 3times in the past 2 hours.
  36. OS;Also getting the crash bug now as well - twice in last hour
  37. OS;Any character I log in, just crashes to the desktop. I can't even play anymore at the moment.
  38. OS;Disconnection from servers where you log back in and start at the spawn area last passed, mostly the jet.
  39. OS;Don't know if this is a bug aswell, reinstall game becasue verifiy data won't work and stops patching and does nothing, to see if it will be still there, but in the Unity Mission Calzulon vs Miniature Heroes, everytime i started attacking Calzulon the game crashes and showed a Cryptic Error.
  40. OS;I could log in without crashing as soon as the character select screen appears.
  41. OS;In this past days from the last patch my game began crashing costantly after an hour of gameplay....why is this?
  42. OS;Trying to alt-tab out of and back into the game when it's in fullscreen windowed mode causes the game, and by extension my entire computer, to hang for a couple of minutes. I had Steam running at the time, but I always play CO either through Steam or with Steam running in the background, and didn't have this problem when I played a week ago, so I suspect it's this patch's fault.
  43. MISSION;3) nemcon dr. destroyer self heals.
  44. MISSION;Cannot destory Mega D console on 2nd level as it will not allow it to be targeted. Cannot progress this mission. Please fix this as well as all the other bugs
  45. MISSION;I can attest to Doomsday Device! being utterly impossible to complete because the disappearing nemesis bug has spread like a plague across Millenium City. I've also read that this is now happening in Deathray Demolition and Whiteout #3: Cold and Calculating.
  46. MISSION;I had the same problem with Ripper in the Viper Nest on Monster Island. Whenever he go a shade under 1/3 HP he'd bounce back to 2/3.
  47. MISSION;I just ran Destroyer Factory and everything was fine until the last room. Dr D detaches his limbs and then his head disappears while his flying arms start multiplying. The arms swarm you at the room entry. Even teleport only buys you a few seconds before they find you.
  48. MISSION;"In the ""All That is Unholy"" mission from Vibora Bay Apocalypse, Valerian Scarlet disappears after taking 1/3 health damage without updating the ""Defeat Valerian Scarlet"" sub-goal. This makes the mission impossible to complete."
  49. MISSION;Just ran into the bug with Perfect Prey in Canada. The mission can't be completed because the enemies you're supposed to kill to save the clone don't spawn. AND the smoke grenade seems to be bugged too, showing the Wildlife Decontamination thing instead of what it should do.
  50. MISSION;Legendary villains' health shoot back up. I just ran Destroid Factory and Dr. Destroyer's health keeps shooting up to a full third and full 2/3s repeatedly. This goes for Alerts as well like Ripper, Psimon so far.
  51. MISSION;Mission : Breaking point (Nemesis multi-part mission) Draysha infused monster does not emerge from the control room to trigger last fight and complete the mission. Nemesis type = Munitions.
  52. MISSION;Mission: Braving the Elements Issue: During battle with Valerian Scarlet, she simply disappears after losing half her health. The mission then stops with no cutscene. Mission cannot be completed. She respawns if you leave and re-enter the instance.
  53. MISSION;Nemcon is reporting to be broken in different ways. (Nothing I know specifically, so it needs to be its own thread.)
  54. MISSION;Nemeses -- disappear after losing half health, regardless of power set
  55. MISSION;"On the mission ""The perfect prey"" the smoke bomb enables wildlife decontamination mode, which is for ""Stopcorruption of the food chain"" since it doens't summon the attackers or rescuers, you can't finish mission"
  56. MISSION;Psimon does the opposite, he does 2/3 hp flick to 1/34, large form, shrink at 1/6, back to 1/3, baclk to 2/3 repeat.
  57. MISSION;Ripper in Smash Alerts became unkillable by Super Omicron Technology...
  58. MISSION;Ripper-- self heal up to two full bars instead of dying (repeatedly)
  59. MISSION;Teleiosaurus in Monster Island Crisis resets to spawn point while fighting Qwijibo. Sometimes committing to the same path in the cut scene and then resetting again. After this loop he wonders around the jungle until you agro him yourself.
  60. MISSION;There and Bat again is still fracking bugged!
  61. MISSION;"This may be related to vanishing nemesis bug. In the Vibora Bay Crisis mission, ""No Time Like the Present"", Valerian Scarlet vanishes at 2/3 health and I can't complete the mission."
  62. MISSION;"Vikorin got affected by the ""doom-patch"" as well, now he don't wait anymore to use his incapacitate and explosion, just spam them randomly ad with like 2 sec between one another, although like this a couple freeforms will still have no problems but every Solo, or AT teams i see it pretty messed up."
  63. MISSION;Villains balances rolled back to previous versions from patches ago. For example Gravitar back into hard mode.
  64. ITEMS;Mod nodes are not giving skill levels when opened. (fusing the appropriate skill mods does still give skill pts)
  65. ITEMS;"Also, science mod nodes are still giving mysticism armorings and enhancements and mysticism nodes are giving science armorings and enhancements; the core mods coming from nodes are the correct skill type mod. (This is a bug that has been ongoing since the On Alert patch and has yet to be fixed.)"
  66. ITEMS;until/primus/mcpd recog. Go to the store and buy items. I got a L40 item which should have been a L23.at least I can sell it for 2g
  67. HIDEOUT;In hideouts that have low gravity, such as the Moon hideout, travel powers seem to be utterly disabled. The animations will play, but things like Teleport won't give you freedom of movement, and Athletics/Acrobatics won't boost jump height or movement speed. Even while phased you will move normally and jump like normal. Don't know if it is with every travel power, but Fire Flight, Athletics, Acrobatics, Electric Arc, Teleport, and Jetboots aren't working for me.
  68. HIDEOUT;Just had a boot to windows, while exiting hideout
  69. GAMEPLAY;auction house is bugged, keep getting 'unable to purchase' when trying to buy.
  70. GAMEPLAY;You cannot purchase from the Auction House. Its not known yet if its exclusive to certain account types.
  71. GAMEPLAY;1. Nemesis minions popup , run forward and vanish, not die, vanish before the attack happens
  72. GAMEPLAY;5:RANDOM DETARGETING during combat. and not on Rakshasa
  73. GAMEPLAY;I've discovered a bug with the VIP Room. When the loading screen starts up it gets a server not responding message and it disconnects you from the game. My main character is stuck there now, I tried to with low level alt and got the same result.
  74. GAMEPLAY;No free retcon given to all characters with Stealth.
  75. GAMEPLAY;Players saying that they are removed from Unity availability.
  76. GAMEPLAY;Selecting the Night Avenger AT from the character selection shows the AT Rotation error.
  77. GAMEPLAY;SG Bank not adding resources to total but will reduce total when removing resources
  78. GAMEPLAY;The serpent lantern sidekick devices are all level 1.
  79. ALERTS;2. alerts - join message doesn't turn up , then says you didn't respond in time.
  80. ALERTS;4. when joining alert- lose server connectiopn- unable to find map- can't remember what the third is but I get all three in a row. Get booted them when try to go back in you get the other 2 messages
  81. ALERTS;Alerts- nemesis fakes have no KB resist and vanish at 2/3 hps. for a win
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • hubrixhubrix Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    it's like 3 times longer than the patch notes. Also ranking up Gas Pellets actually makes them weaker.
  • sanguinevipersanguineviper Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    So... Which kitchen sink version are we up to now? 4.2.13?
    (You lost that one point of hope you had gained with the prospect of vehicles cryptic.)

    Snark never dies.
  • rodzilla81rodzilla81 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The auction house issue seems to have been resolved.
  • kcg75000kcg75000 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A couple of minor bugs in the 8/24 patch I have encountered:

    -When turning in a completed mission to a contact the mission isn't removed from the list of missions offered by that contact. It still shows the yellow question mark next to the mission name and when clicking on that mission again the conversation window closes. Upon reopening the conversation with that contact, the already turned in mission is then removed from the list of completed missions.

    -Items dropped by mobs have a yellow border around the item regardless of item quality. (Uncommon items used to have a green border and rare items used to have a blue border, etc.)

    -The zone maps now look like they are made up of square patches. The maps were one continuous image, but now it looks like multiple images have been placed together to make up the zone maps.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Still nothing on the new AT log out to log in error message issue..
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Due to the red writing its hard for me to read, so I'll add

    1. Nemesis minions popup , run forward and vanish, not die, vanish before the attack happens
    2. alerts - join message doesn't turn up , then says you didn't respond in time.
    3. trying to hand in missions, and it flicks you out before you can press accept.
    4. when joining alert- lose server connectiopn- unable to find map- can't remember what the third is but I get all three in a row. Get booted them when try to go back in you get the other 2 messages
    lets add
    5:RANDOM DETARGETING during combat. and not on Rakshasa
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • cyjonpwcyjonpw Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A few more to add

    * All lore entries are gone

    * Boosts (the little glowies) fade out slowly instead of quickly, making it hard to tell if you managed to pick one up in the heat of combat.

    * Flyover cutscenes play as though it's the first time you visited an area (though just once, and you can skip them). OK, pretty small as the bugs on this list go, but still...

    * Some quest markers on the map have corrupted text (something like "QuestHelperObject"). For example the mission on Monster Island where you check to see if the professor in the caves is OK, one of the two markers shows that corrupted text.

    * Some objects have corrupted text, though at the moment I can't remember where I saw this.

    I'm sure there are more but there are so many I'm not even writing them down anymore.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    And Pulp Curl hair for women? is there a reason my character is bald?

    The entire LORE tab is gone.

    Chat keeps stealthing itself "Offline".

    I'm seeing all the cutscenes for other maps when i enter them

    Manipulator Energy Gain doesn't scale with INT

    Cannot interact with UNITY Mission console.

    - -

    How does this stuff make it to the general population.. I really have to ask. Does anyone in your game studio actually PLAY champions-online? I mean I suppose you could be waiting for the midnight prelease of Guild Wars and phoning it in..
  • handsomerhandsomer Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm sure this has been said somewhere else, but after picking a few Night Avenger powers, I can no longer log in that character to play. Every time I try, it crashes to desktop while trying to load Millennium City.


    Ok, so it has nothing to do with the new powers. Any character I log in, just crashes to the desktop. I can't even play anymore at the moment.
  • drdestructosdrdestructos Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    chaelk wrote: »
    Due to the red writing its hard for me to read, so I'll add

    4. when joining alert- lose server connectiopn- unable to find map- can't remember what the third is but I get all three in a row. Get booted them when try to go back in you get the other 2 messages
    This has happened to me before. When the alert gives the countdown from 10, I tried to go to another map. When I did that, it tried to transfer me from map to map at the same time that it tried to transfer me to the alert map, and it didn't know what to do, and booted me. This may have been what happened to you.
  • drdestructosdrdestructos Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    cyjonpw wrote: »
    A few more to add

    * Some objects have corrupted text, though at the moment I can't remember where I saw this.

    I'm sure there are more but there are so many I'm not even writing them down anymore.
    I saw some corrupted text on a teleport to ren-cen 4 pack that came in like a lvl 20 supply pack. Below it it said something along the lines of "Teleport_Ren_Cen_unlimited"
  • rodzilla81rodzilla81 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The hits just keep on coming. I just tried to do Whiteout with someone about an hour ago. We got to the 2nd issue but were unable to continue due to an inability to enter any of the bunkers.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Alerts- nemesis fakes have no KB resist and vanish at 2/3 hps. for a win
    Psimon does the opposite, he does 2/3 hp flick to 1/34, large form, shrink at 1/6, back to 1/3, baclk to 2/3 repeat.

    Rockjaw in day at mall worked ok

    No its no when changing maps. I'll be stationary when it gives the 3 messages. The chnage maps & maps at the same time i have no problems with

    Just had a boot to windows, while exiting hideout
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • dukeofheredukeofhere Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Vikorin got affected by the "doom-patch" as well, now he don't wait anymore to use his incapacitate and explosion, just spam them randomly ad with like 2 sec between one another, although like this a couple freeforms will still have no problems but every Solo, or AT teams i see it pretty messed up.

    so yeah:

    Vikorin Ability spam no cd.

    Gonna check bronze king and eventually update


    EDIT: The Bronze King ( Mandragalore ) works properly, not that anyone cares except me and few others anyway.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    gamehobo wrote: »
    How does this stuff make it to the general population.. I really have to ask. Does anyone in your game studio actually PLAY champions-online?

    That's a DAMNED good question! This is just flat out being negligent in your duties as a professional game studio. Honestly, this is what I would expect from a small amateur team of modders. But a professional studio?! WTF?!

    My #1 priority for any gameplay development stuff is always proclaimed to be fixing bugs & glitches. ALWAYS. You know it's crazy, but I actually MIGHT know what I'm talking about ladies & gents... I don't understand how this can happen when there ARE people doing QA in your building. This is known. So, why does this fiasco have to keep happening?


    You all DID create the engine for this game, right Cryptic? This is absolutely crazy this keeps happening, and you're asking for us to invest with the 15% off sale via online cash purchases only? *sigh* It'd kind of be like a construction worker who doesn't do any work all week, but then still bills your for labor. It's just wrong.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ripper in Smash Alerts became unkillable by Super Omicron Technology...
  • fr0gurtfr0gurt Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    In the "All That is Unholy" mission from Vibora Bay Apocalypse, Valerian Scarlet disappears after taking 1/3 health damage without updating the "Defeat Valerian Scarlet" sub-goal. This makes the mission impossible to complete.
  • scorpagorscorpagor Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Another minor bug:

    When you click on an NPC or another player, their portrait in the HUD is mirrored.
    And selecting ''info'' will not show their portait in the info window. (the text is shown as normal, though)
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    fr0gurt wrote: »
    In the "All That is Unholy" mission from Vibora Bay Apocalypse, Valerian Scarlet disappears after taking 1/3 health damage without updating the "Defeat Valerian Scarlet" sub-goal. This makes the mission impossible to complete.

    That is a bug that's been around before the patch. It happens sometimes but if you do it enough times it will work. Usually if you tone down the DPS.
  • vendincevendince Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Did Soul Siphon - Ripper today, and he's badly bugged. His health keeps going back up to one third or two thirds every so often, so it's impossible to take him down, because his health goes up and down between 1 and 2 thirds, and rarely below 1 before it kicks in.
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The serpent lantern sidekick devices are all level 1.
    I had a stash of these guys for my 40+ characters ranging from level 11 to 40.
    Suddenly all sidekicks are equal and I'll assume gimped.

    Or maybe they just removed the level requirement, that'd be cool.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,573 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I had the same problem with Ripper in the Viper Nest on Monster Island. Whenever he go a shade under 1/3 HP he'd bounce back to 2/3.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • rodzilla81rodzilla81 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Shadow Destroyer's got nothing on Night Hawk. Destroyer never caused this kind of chaos.
  • diarrea76diarrea76 Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I don't know if someone has already reported this, but when you enter as part of a team in the gravitar alert you are forced to leave in 10 seconds and the team is disbanded once you're out.
  • serendipitynowserendipitynow Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    auction house is bugged, keep getting 'unable to purchase' when trying to buy.

    straight after first patch got this a staggering 14 out of 15 attempts to buy

    after 2nd patch got it 7 out of 12

    either partiallty fixed or got lucky/unlucky previously, either way still bugged and needs fixing, annoying searching for something to buy then being unable to over and over again!
  • oddbirdyoddbirdy Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A lot of pieces in the character creator, while I was trying to make my costume, showed as saying "You have already purchased" when I hadn't purchased them. I still couldn't use them, though, they just appeared in my list despite having turned off items I did not own. Not a major bug, just annoying.
  • cyjonpwcyjonpw Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    SG Bank not adding resources to total but will reduce total when removing resources.

    I'm the one who originally reported this but I haven't heard anyone else either confirm or deny it. Is anyone else either having this problem or NOT having this problem? It's still happening with me after the patch-patch. A related issue is that nobody but the SG leader can make cash deposits--everyone else gets a "no permissions" error even though permissions are correct.
  • diarrea76diarrea76 Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    cyjonpw wrote: »
    I'm the one who originally reported this but I haven't heard anyone else either confirm or deny it. Is anyone else either having this problem or NOT having this problem? It's still happening with me after the patch-patch. A related issue is that nobody but the SG leader can make cash deposits--everyone else gets a "no permissions" error even though permissions are correct.

    I can confirm it: it's still happening.
  • kcg75000kcg75000 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Mod nodes are not giving skill levels when opened. (fusing the appropriate skill mods does still give skill pts)

    (I have tried to get skill points on three different characters, all three skills and at three different levels: Arms 45, Science 310, Mysticism 181, all have proper training to get them to the next cap and I am opening nodes that would normally give a character a skill up.)

    *Also, science mod nodes are still giving mysticism armorings and enhancements and mysticism nodes are giving science armorings and enhancements; the core mods coming from nodes are the correct skill type mod. (This is a bug that has been ongoing since the On Alert patch and has yet to be fixed.)
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    and for those like me with too many character sand spare until/primus/mcpd recog. Go to the store and buy items. I got a L40 item which should have been a L23.at least I can sell it for 2g

    Thank you for chnaging the writing to yellow. I just don't see well at the red end.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • ryomastormryomastorm Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Minor Bug: Scrolling down item windows with arrows or 360 controller doesn't not move the list. It just continues to go up or down. I have to use the scroll bar or mouse scroll to move the list correctly.
  • heroic1989heroic1989 Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Are the Nemesis missions still bugged to hell or no?
    Role-player and member of the CO community since October of 2009. Also founder and leader of the RPSG, the Sentinel Squadron.
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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thats a polite way of describing the nemesis ones.

    Nodes not giving upgrades to skills, I think this one is already mentioned.

    On the mission "The perfect prey" the smoke bomb enables wildlife decontamination mode, which is for "Stopcorruption of the food chain"

    since it doens't summon the attackers or rescuers, you can't finish mission
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • fr0gurtfr0gurt Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    That is a bug that's been around before the patch. It happens sometimes but if you do it enough times it will work. Usually if you tone down the DPS.

    Thing is, I've been through the Vibora Bay Apocalypse eight times before, but this the first (second, ..., and sixth) time I have encountered this bug. I tried a variety of tactics (high spike DPS, energy builder only, NPC and summons only) without luck. This behavior sounds similar to bugs I've seen reported with the Nemesis missions, and I think Whiteout, Resistance, and Aftershock as well.

    My guess is that a low level process somewhere, perhaps an event handler, got corrupted with the latest patch. That could explain multiple bugs such as enemies disappearing, auction purchases not completing, alerts not being joined, garbage text (looks like resource identifiers instead of the proper text?), no teammate portraits, disconnections, completed quests not immediately clearing, etc.

    But other things like the costume bugs, chat bubbles, or hard-mode Gravitar seem to point to a hosed code/resource check-in or versioning.

    I'll stop now, since I'm already in the land of Don't Know What I'm Talking About...
  • serendipitynowserendipitynow Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Another bug, concentrationm wierdly only on some characters that have it not others bugs out.

    Instead of being lit and slowly going dark as it runs down it will run down near instant (from full lit to fully dark in about 2 seconds) then stay fully dark for its duration - annoying as dont know when it will run out and i use a different mechanism to renew it as to main attack.

    Also getting the crash bug now as well - twice in last hour
  • ansemthedarkansemthedark Posts: 668 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Don't know if this is a bug aswell, reinstall game becasue verifiy data won't work and stops patching and does nothing, to see if it will be still there, but in the Unity Mission Calzulon vs Miniature Heroes, everytime i started attacking Calzulon the game crashes and showed a Cryptic Error.
  • vendincevendince Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Just ran into the bug with Perfect Prey in Canada. The mission can't be completed because the enemies you're supposed to kill to save the clone don't spawn. AND the smoke grenade seems to be bugged too, showing the Wildlife Decontamination thing instead of what it should do.
  • zysalianzysalian Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Don't know if this is a bug aswell, reinstall game becasue verifiy data won't work and stops patching and does nothing, to see if it will be still there, but in the Unity Mission Calzulon vs Miniature Heroes, everytime i started attacking Calzulon the game crashes and showed a Cryptic Error.

    Had the same bug few hours ago, crashed several times during Cazulon fight, sometimes right after starting battle, sometimes a bit afterwards. Finally managed to beat Cazulon without crashing after lowering my graphics settings to near-minimum, however not sure if the crash bug is with graphics or with one of Cazulon's attacks.
  • wacky99wacky99 Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Loading screen is flashing up for extremely brief periods when clicking on other players. Something similar to this happened a few months back, going to look through dead threads now.

    Stuffy on the old CO forums. PWE ate my username.
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    wacky99 wrote: »
    Loading screen is flashing up for extremely brief periods when clicking on other players. Something similar to this happened a few months back, going to look through dead threads now.

    Yup. Seeing that too.

    BUG: The Shredded Debuff that Command Animals applies is the OLD Shredded, not the good (and useful) one.
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  • sanmercisanmerci Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    heroic1989 wrote: »
    Are the Nemesis missions still bugged to hell or no?

    Uh... yeah. I can attest to Doomsday Device! being utterly impossible to complete because the disappearing nemesis bug has spread like a plague across Millenium City. I've also read that this is now happening in Deathray Demolition and Whiteout #3: Cold and Calculating.
  • koriel8koriel8 Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This may be related to vanishing nemesis bug. In the Vibora Bay Crisis mission, "No Time Like the Present", Valerian Scarlet vanishes at 2/3 health and I can't complete the mission.
  • blackadder3000blackadder3000 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I just ran Destroyer Factory and everything was fine until the last room. Dr D detaches his limbs and then his head disappears while his flying arms start multiplying. The arms swarm you at the room entry. Even teleport only buys you a few seconds before they find you.

    Honestly, Dr. D could take over the world a lot more easily if he just mass-produced a horde of these arms instead of giant robots.

    I'll refrain from posting the obvious "fist" jokes.:biggrin:
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Mission: Braving the Elements
    Issue: During battle with Valerian Scarlet, she simply disappears after losing half her health. The mission then stops with no cutscene. Mission cannot be completed. She respawns if you leave and re-enter the instance.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Wow, I bet these bugs would annoy the bejeezus out of me if I could log in without crashing as soon as the character select screen appears.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Wow, I bet these bugs would annoy the bejeezus out of me if I could log in without crashing as soon as the character select screen appears.

    Did you make any toons with any of the Nighthawk powers or have you not been able to log in at all? If the former, than it may be related to that. The powers are bugged in different ways for everyone.

    I have not encountered any power problems myself. I had a toon on there that focused entirely on the new powers but did not encounter any of the bugs.

    The only plus I have noticed with this patch though is that I have little to no lag. But that's probably related to the number of players that get on since the patch. If not than looks like at least the smoothness was transferred from the PTS.
  • rodzilla81rodzilla81 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This auction house bug is really pissing me off. I've been trying to buy a piece of equipment from the AH since yesterday and the stupid thing still won't allow the transaction to go through.
  • alterbee#8429 alterbee Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Found another bug... I am in the Vibora Bay Apocalypse mission called No Time Like the Present.

    Every time I initiate the cut scene, it plays fine but then i get the following system error : "[0:33] [System] [LegacyFloaterMsg] You were unable to get this mission."

    At which point, the missions is no longer completable. Beating Valerian Scarlet simply makes he disappear and nothing happens.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Seems that these supervillains are simply bugged in all instances:

    Valerian Scarlet--disappears after losing half health
    Ripper-- self heal up to two full bars instead of dying (repeatedly)
    Nemeses -- disappear after losing half health, regardless of power set

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • ectooneectoone Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I've discovered a bug with the VIP Room. When the loading screen starts up it gets a server not responding message and it disconnects you from the game. My main character is stuck there now, I tried to with low level alt and got the same result.
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