Apparently there's sexual predators in CC soliciting cybersex from female characters by threatening them with a chat ban. The very idea that people like these are given such power is just morally repugnant. Cryptic really needs to do something about this system.
Apparently there's sexual predators in CC soliciting cybersex from female characters by threatening them with a chat ban. The very idea that people like these are given such power is just morally repugnant. Cryptic really needs to do something about this system.
:eek: Good God... I haven't heard that one. That's horribly sad. After posting this, I'll be pressing send to on a letter notifying GM Nerift about this in an update to my ticket.
Apparently there's sexual predators in CC soliciting cybersex from female characters by threatening them with a chat ban. The very idea that people like these are given such power is just morally repugnant. Cryptic really needs to do something about this system.
A screenshot of this would be a pretty powerful argument.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
Apparently there's sexual predators in CC soliciting cybersex from female characters by threatening them with a chat ban. The very idea that people like these are given such power is just morally repugnant. Cryptic really needs to do something about this system.
At this point I just feel like giving Cryptic the finger for allowing things to degenerate like this.
Apparently there's sexual predators in CC soliciting cybersex from female characters by threatening them with a chat ban. The very idea that people like these are given such power is just morally repugnant. Cryptic really needs to do something about this system.
I hate the human race U__U"
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Apparently there's sexual predators in CC soliciting cybersex from female characters by threatening them with a chat ban. The very idea that people like these are given such power is just morally repugnant. Cryptic really needs to do something about this system.
All but one of my characters are female... I think it's time to edit their costumes to give each of them the elder worm head. Anybody who finds that attractive... well...
Anyway, do you have screenshots of this to send to the GMs, assuming there even are any GMs? Threatening cyberrape is just wrong, it's also a new one on me. I've seen some real scum on Second Life, but even there I've never seen a cyberrape threat... It's comical, but anybody doing it needs to be crucified.
And i will be using the lil' girl costume with a bind 'Gotcha you perv!' binded on a costumechange/UIscreenshot button for easier report.
Actually, I know someone in the RP community who would probably line up to get caught. I won't name names, primarily because it's against the rules. I had a teen sidekick type character at one point. The idea was she had just left her original mentor's side in Hudson City. A new mentor appeared in MC who was helping her find her way after striking out on her own. Thing is, she was also like 16 and had joined a Teen Titans like group. Well this new mentor was basically "the adult" that was teaching the teens.
The new mentor started hitting on her and getting REALLY creepy. I came up with an excuse, involving Vibora Bay Crisis, for her to disappear and suddenly reappear at the age of 21 (she failed to stop the apocalypse and ended up having her return to the past delayed by 5 years). He immediately lost interest in her.
Thing is, he never threatened me with a chatban, and he never tried to force himself. It was just propositioning my character for sex and asking her for consent. Still creepy as heck though.
FYI - in theory, the moment you hit H to open up the GM help screen, it takes a screenshot and sends it with your report. At least I assume it works that way (check your screenshot folder - there's a file called tempss that keeps getting generated every time you hit H).
So, if we actually have GMs, make sure that bit is sitting in your chat box when you hit it.
Sadly, it was my friend who got it and told me on Skype and then ragequit, so I don't think there's screenshots.
At least I got his username, but as it turns out, we've been on each others' ignore lists for half a year. I put him on ignore for almost the same reason too: he wanted to cyber me, but minus the chat ban part thankfully. He probably happened to come across these forum threads only recently.
Apparently there's sexual predators in CC soliciting cybersex from female characters by threatening them with a chat ban. The very idea that people like these are given such power is just morally repugnant. Cryptic really needs to do something about this system.
If this is the case, it will not stand.
I know that much of this is second-hand, but any information that you can gather, please send it in as a ticket and PM me any info plus the ticket number.
Champs is a wide-ranging community, and we've intentionally made room for many different kinds of people, but anyone who would threaten that is not welcome here.
That being said, I understand how the telephone game works, and I know that it's possible that something got confused. Without screenshots, it's hard to verify anything. I ask that anyone who knows more contact me or Customer Support with more information via tickets or private messages; getting more details can never hurt, it can only move us towards the correct resolution and making Champions a more welcoming place.
First of all, thank you very much for responding to this thread and acknowledging the seriousness of this matter.
However I must point out something: Tickets and swift action taken against these people only go so far. Please understand that action taken against someone who has intentionally made a dummy silver account to carry out such activities is a very ineffective one. Such disciplinary action bears no weight when said person is able to create a new silver account in minutes even if the previous has been disabled, assuming that's the action to be taken.
This is why I, including many of the playerbase I'm sure, implore you to please revert this information to the developers to let them know why the auto-silence system in the current state that it is needs to be either done away with, or made so that silver players cannot use it. I am in no way discriminating against silver players as a whole. I know there are silver players who are decent folk who will not exploit the system in such a fashion, but it has to be understood that if the system is to exist, then measures and compromise have to be taken against exploitation of it.
Please please consider what I've said and feedback it to the developers. Thank you.
First of all, thank you very much for responding to this thread and acknowledging the seriousness of this matter.
However I must point out something: Tickets and swift action taken against these people only go so far. Please understand that action taken against someone who has intentionally made a dummy silver account to carry out such activities is a very ineffective one. Such disciplinary action bears no weight when said person is able to create a new silver account in minutes even if the previous has been disabled, assuming that's the action to be taken.
This is why I, including many of the playerbase I'm sure, implore you to please revert this information to the developers to let them know why the auto-silence system in the current state that it is needs to be either done away with, or made so that silver players cannot use it. I am in no way discriminating against silver players as a whole. I know there are silver players who are decent folk who will not exploit the system in such a fashion, but it has to be understood that if the system is to exist, then measures and compromise have to be taken against exploitation of it.
Please please consider what I've said and feedback it to the developers. Thank you.
That said, Trailturtle, that's the most in depth and convincing response to the issue I've ever seen. Kudos brother. Thank you.
I know that much of this is second-hand, but any information that you can gather, please send it in as a ticket and PM me any info plus the ticket number.
Champs is a wide-ranging community, and we've intentionally made room for many different kinds of people, but anyone who would threaten that is not welcome here.
That being said, I understand how the telephone game works, and I know that it's possible that something got confused. Without screenshots, it's hard to verify anything. I ask that anyone who knows more contact me or Customer Support with more information via tickets or private messages; getting more details can never hurt, it can only move us towards the correct resolution and making Champions a more welcoming place.
Well met TT. I have a daughter that plays Champions. Even though she's 17 I still keep an eye on what she plays* (no Resident Evil for her :O) I wouldnt want her running into perverts like that.
(Saying that the pervs wouldnt know whut hit them take my randomness and times it by 1000 , you get the idea )
*Yesh in RL I am actually rather boring and conservative
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
lol for that funneh your off my list
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I'm offensive and I find this to be very furry!! :eek:
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
Apparently there's sexual predators in CC soliciting cybersex from female characters by threatening them with a chat ban. The very idea that people like these are given such power is just morally repugnant. Cryptic really needs to do something about this system.
:eek: Good God... I haven't heard that one. That's horribly sad. After posting this, I'll be pressing send to on a letter notifying GM Nerift about this in an update to my ticket.
Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
(link under construction)
A screenshot of this would be a pretty powerful argument.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
At this point I just feel like giving Cryptic the finger for allowing things to degenerate like this.
I hate the human race U__U"
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
All but one of my characters are female... I think it's time to edit their costumes to give each of them the elder worm head. Anybody who finds that attractive... well...
Anyway, do you have screenshots of this to send to the GMs, assuming there even are any GMs? Threatening cyberrape is just wrong, it's also a new one on me. I've seen some real scum on Second Life, but even there I've never seen a cyberrape threat... It's comical, but anybody doing it needs to be crucified.
↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → Ⓑ Ⓐ
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Actually, I know someone in the RP community who would probably line up to get caught. I won't name names, primarily because it's against the rules. I had a teen sidekick type character at one point. The idea was she had just left her original mentor's side in Hudson City. A new mentor appeared in MC who was helping her find her way after striking out on her own. Thing is, she was also like 16 and had joined a Teen Titans like group. Well this new mentor was basically "the adult" that was teaching the teens.
The new mentor started hitting on her and getting REALLY creepy. I came up with an excuse, involving Vibora Bay Crisis, for her to disappear and suddenly reappear at the age of 21 (she failed to stop the apocalypse and ended up having her return to the past delayed by 5 years). He immediately lost interest in her.
Thing is, he never threatened me with a chatban, and he never tried to force himself. It was just propositioning my character for sex and asking her for consent. Still creepy as heck though.
↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → Ⓑ Ⓐ
So, if we actually have GMs, make sure that bit is sitting in your chat box when you hit it.
Razira's Primus Database Page
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
At least I got his username, but as it turns out, we've been on each others' ignore lists for half a year. I put him on ignore for almost the same reason too: he wanted to cyber me, but minus the chat ban part thankfully. He probably happened to come across these forum threads only recently.
If this is the case, it will not stand.
I know that much of this is second-hand, but any information that you can gather, please send it in as a ticket and PM me any info plus the ticket number.
Champs is a wide-ranging community, and we've intentionally made room for many different kinds of people, but anyone who would threaten that is not welcome here.
That being said, I understand how the telephone game works, and I know that it's possible that something got confused. Without screenshots, it's hard to verify anything. I ask that anyone who knows more contact me or Customer Support with more information via tickets or private messages; getting more details can never hurt, it can only move us towards the correct resolution and making Champions a more welcoming place.
First of all, thank you very much for responding to this thread and acknowledging the seriousness of this matter.
However I must point out something: Tickets and swift action taken against these people only go so far. Please understand that action taken against someone who has intentionally made a dummy silver account to carry out such activities is a very ineffective one. Such disciplinary action bears no weight when said person is able to create a new silver account in minutes even if the previous has been disabled, assuming that's the action to be taken.
This is why I, including many of the playerbase I'm sure, implore you to please revert this information to the developers to let them know why the auto-silence system in the current state that it is needs to be either done away with, or made so that silver players cannot use it. I am in no way discriminating against silver players as a whole. I know there are silver players who are decent folk who will not exploit the system in such a fashion, but it has to be understood that if the system is to exist, then measures and compromise have to be taken against exploitation of it.
Please please consider what I've said and feedback it to the developers. Thank you.
That said, Trailturtle, that's the most in depth and convincing response to the issue I've ever seen. Kudos brother. Thank you.
Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
(link under construction)
Well met TT. I have a daughter that plays Champions. Even though she's 17 I still keep an eye on what she plays* (no Resident Evil for her :O) I wouldnt want her running into perverts like that.
(Saying that the pervs wouldnt know whut hit them take my randomness and times it by 1000 , you get the idea
*Yesh in RL I am actually rather boring and conservative
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..