As teh title says.. it is madness you only need a few friends all "report spam" a specific person and then he /she gets a 24hours chat mute EVEN for local chat and /tell...
thats madness... really.. i got trollattacked by chatmuters... wtf?
i was talking about playing furries at zone chat... and then BAM.. youve been chat muted for 24 Hours... come on... unmute me... gosh-dammit... i got troll-attacked..
we should troll-attack a gm then they see how fail the mute system is...
i got chat muted few weeks ago and "maybe" i deserved that...(( had put in to much text quickly / arguing about something ))
but THIS TIME.. i did nothing wrong...
** btw i heard im not teh onyl one.. soem "lee" got trolatacked , "Linx" .. wow... wtf is wrong with you guys? why you chatmute people??
EDIT: how many "report spam" votes someone needs to get muted ? 5 ? >.< also why 24 hours..-.- 30 minutes i coudl dealwith.. but 24hours.. seriously i cant recruit peopel to my SG now, can trade things and also cnat rp, cant nemcon , cant form alert groups...
24hours just beign able to do nothing else than arm and pissingmy ingame friends not answerign them...due to mute.. and ALSO not beign able to use ingame male to tel clannies about it... COME ON !!!
EDIT 2* adding links:
Chatbanned for typing in a a sentence of a music song:
the song below:
EDIT 3 Favorite qutations:
jajaja so 4 players it takes now in one zone of millennium city there's usually over 300 people, that 4 out of 300, a tiny tiny group reporting one guy haha and the MAJORITY doesnt care haha are you kidding me cryptic? 24 chat ban because a small group of people decided it was spamming (repeating the same message over and over again) this is a crazy little joke
This chat-ban nonsense has been going on for far too long. Players should NOT have the power to ban another player from chat--period. Its that simple.
It is not the players job to moderate other players. Its Cryptic's job. They're the ones that are supposed to determine if/when a player needs to be moderated for any reason. Not us. This should have gotten rid of this feature a long time ago.
Also usualy this is exploiting to use "report spam" with your friends just to bully someone you maybe dont like for whatever reason...BUT as you see.. CRYPTIC allows players to ABUSE a GAME MECHANIC wich is exploiting.. so .. exploiting seems to be allowed...
but then i have an idea .. but i need many players for it...
here is the idea:(( its an idea ... im not asking you to do so.. just teh idea.. because i dotnknwo how else we get heared
![:/ :/](
Everytime you login you could ask ALL your friends and SG members and in zone chat to help "report spam " ANY player you find in the online list of ANY channel !!!!
If we succeed MUTING a majority of players in this game we maybe make CRYPTIC hear us... if the majority of players is pissed of the fail mute system we maybe bring them to disable the option
lol how ironic using mute to make cryptic hear us.. -.-
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seriously i dont want to do that .. i like the game and i dont want players leave.. but im really pissed.. and i got muted for no reason.. its just unfair that a small group of people have so much might...
actually TROLLS control zone chat and decide who has to be muted... soem just report spam you if u dont like their costume.. or because they dont like your style of roleplay. or just because they like to destroy costuem contests...
ALSO that chatmute sytsem is useless since NOONE advertises gold sites in this game.. we have 250G limit for silvers and a refien limit.. so no goldseller would post...spam
AND it is unfair that a small group of people can decide WHO is allowed to speak and who not...every individual should be able to decide for him/herself if he wants to read the chat of any person.. we have already IGNORE feature.. we DONT NEED a 24 HOURS mute..... !!!
You are one of many. I have yet to see ONE person say this thing is good, except the people at Cryptic who claim the function is 'working as intended'. SO, yeah, I'm with you on the 'chat-mute' one of the devs or GMs as soon as they log in.
My other idea was to FLOOD the ticket system with complains when anyone you know has this happen to them. Just get a huge chain of persons doing this.
We did find out that the same system for chat is used across all the games, so I wonder how popular this is with the STO crowd?
The best way to combat the system is to incessantly send in ticket after ticket to PWE, boycott spending money toward any PWE game, and not stop discussing the issue. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
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So there's nothing wrong. That's confirmed by Cryptic employee. All is well. All. Is. Well.
...:rolleyes: (here's a smiley that's feeling abit sarcastic.)
I'm just waiting when Cryptic hands players the dev tools to fix the game.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
even on star trek
Edit: addedlinks to my first post ! read up
working as intended?......WORKING AS INTENDED?!?!
Are they INTENDING to cause us grief?
Are they INTENDING to cause hysteria?
Are they INTENDING for this chat ban thing to annoy us out of our minds!?
I hope cryptic will recognize that this Chat ban system NEEDS to go
I even made a petition for it to go!
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Yes, working as intended...
None of what you posted are any of its intended uses, they are side affects of its functionality...
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
Calm the heck down dude. You have read what was Cryptics answer for the chatban feature.(hey, now you can. It's right under your post.)
Should i go and add an smiley face to my post so the "joke" won't be so obvious?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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I just think that Cryptic stopped taking players seriously a long time ago.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
many typos i know.. but im pissed.. because i wated to rp and do some adventure packs with friends.. now i cant...-.-
I agree with the idea,as someone stated once,the forums are a minority of the playerbase,so we need to take action into the game to take this chatban system out once and for all,there are only 2 ways I can see as to how we can persuade cryptic to take chatban off
1:the revolution as you stated,can drive many people away from the game,and make them hate chatban,and possibly even take it to cryptic,when enough of them do that,cryptic will HAVE to take it out.
2:Boycott them,whilst keeping the issue alive on the forums,the wallet is the most powerful persuasion method!
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This happened months ago so when Cryptic is saying it works as intended its BS.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
asi said it is madness... giving a handful of random people the might to chatban whoever they want...
ive paid money for this game .. not lifetime or monthly but from time to time i buy ZEN because i like the game and want to support it.. and of course because there are sum awesome things to buy... now i assuem i got chatmuted by trolls... nice.. maybe trols who have never spent a cent to this ...
also heard goldmembers were muted because they got haters ... ive also seen a 1000 day veteran got muted by those trolls... (( he had that 1000 veteran tighs and travel power on... )) he said somethgin about that teh TP looks nice and then his friend said " sry he cant anser you ... he got chatmuted for 24 hours " .. at that time i was like OKAY?! because i didnt knwo about those trollattacks.. now it makes sense..tere ARE people whojust like to ABUSE this function OR to overreact about jokes at zonechat....
its like u speak loudly at teh street that youre happythat your kid has grown its first tooth ... and then a group of people comes out of a dark corner and hit your face until u cant speak for the next few hours...
First off, let me state that I don't agree with the chat-ban system in place in CO. I would be happy with just the ignore function personally.
However,r9xchaos, the fact is that you don't know why you were reported by people. You said it was because you were "talking about playing furries at zone chat". You simply don't know this. It could have been for any numerous reasons up to that point. Also,"talking about playing furries at zone chat" doesn't really describe what you were saying about playing furries. For all we know, you might have been incredibly insulting to players who like playing furries, who knows? Nobody does, because we don't get a list of who reported us, or when or why.
As for the second part of your post, absolutely not! Your idea to "ask ALL your friends and SG members and in zone chat to help report spam ANY player you find in the online list of ANY channel !!!!"........worst idea ever. When you start using the tactics that you, yourself, find deplorable, then you've already lost the war.
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So if fighting banning with banning won't persuade Cryptic to change this,maybe the Petition in my sig,or boycotting them might?
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Petition to take in game report spam function out
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BUT with most of you guys it is like it is in reallife.. noone has the balls to speak thinks out loud.. only a very small amount of people / some single individuals have enough balls to do so.. but... those are labeled as conspiracy theorists or idiots...mostly by peopel who are to afraid to fight ...
The thing is noone can start an action like this all alone..all alone, someone would loose the fight and being flagged as black-sheep...and why? because all the white sheeps following their shepard.. and that shepard is called "fear" ... most of you cower in fear of being punished by cryptic if u use the system against itself... or you fear to loose reputation or whatever...
if you want to change something you have to risk something... but i dont see that coming.. because peopel are also not doign **** unless they get chatmuted too... even then they wil only post here .. and thats it.. sad story... humanity has forgoten what their potential was...
humans accompished tasks in the past by fighting for their ideals... but nowadays they just eat **** up ....
thats why we grow so slowly compared to our past ... sumeria 5000 bc? and earlier...
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
do we have a guy fawkes mask? XD
seriuosly i like that Occupy Millenium City idea.. but actuallyim still muted.. i think
Don't generalise like that man, a guy can take that as an insult. You know nothing of who I am IRL. For all you know, many of us are fighting, or have fought for many things far more important than this. This is not Sparta and you are not one of the 300
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
It is NOT working as intented when *sshats can mute people that are not even talking in Zone. Got it?
How would you like to be muted just what you just said there? I bet you wouldn't. And no, this is not a threat.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
It's called the "Auction House" (although that's a bit of a misnomer, it's really more of a clearinghouse). Look into it. Or, better yet, see if there's a Trade channel, and if not, start one and mention it in Chat. Either way, stop complaining that people are chatting in Chat. It's like complaining that people are purchasing powers in the Powerhouse, you know?
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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No matter where u go in life or online u will always find a weed in the middle of a rose garden. Sadly some people find being the villain fun or there wouldn't be any superheros to begin with. From my experience very few people get repeat banned day after day who are considered model citizens in the community. So sometimes u need to stop and look at self before casting the stones.
Isnt the point of a massive multiplayer game to communicate with other players? To have a community of like minded people where they can do things together? If you dont like seeing people converse with each other in such a game (and this is ALL MMOs) then maybe you would be better off playing single player games. People talk in MMOs, get over yourself.
And back on topic, to the OP, abusing the very system you are trying to stop the abuse of is the wrong way to handle things. Doing that makes one no better than the people who have caused the problem in the first place.
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I'm not saying that the use of this system in this way is right by any means, but reading these threads is like interviewing prisoners - everyone's innocent.
Um....yeah, that's what I was basically saying. Only in a more subtle way ;-P
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Nah, both times I got chat banned, I knew I probably deserved it. :biggrin:
I happily admit my guilt. I RP. It can be annoying at times, I know. But it isn't spamming, and I resent being silenced for it by an automated system for a whole DAY, especially since I'm not being an annoying bastard on my RP character, I'm usually answering questions in zone.
And as for Flare.... look at all the times he's been silenced. Once while judging a Costume Contest. Once while just PMing friends. I'm pretty sure he's innocent.
Something needs to change. Even if it's just making the people who hit Report Spam accountable for their actions and punishing them when there was no actual spam, that would be enough for me.
That is the real problem IMO. The automated system doesnt distinguish the innocent from the guilty. Its not the systems job to. There really should be real people to sit down and monitor the system and evaluate whether the chat ban is justified or not. When automated systems are making the choices, problems happen. Look at Terminator
My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
I'd love it if at least, when someone PMed you, it sent a message back saying "This person is chat banned" or whatever. The worst part about it is that you look like you're ignoring people.
Best I could do is find someone who was trying to talk to me, and do a choke emote.
Needless to say, that didn't drive the point across.
Yes! If nothing else, please this! I'm sure that guy who complimented my character 'Nurseferatu' on her name thinks I'm a horrible person. He PMed me twice in the alert. I bowed to try to say thank you, but I don't think he saw it. Please. At least tell people PMing silenced people that they can't talk.
Its Nemesis will be Autochatban, a robot (originally designed to enforce noise levels at a library) that has gone rogue, and seeks to silence everyone everywhere by killing them all...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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You should realize that you're making up arbitrary rules for the chat channel. Lots of people like to just "chat" in the channel. Discussing your day is perfectly acceptable.
You're saying that people shouldn't talk about their day, but selling should be allowed. Why? Just because it's what you want to do on the channel? There's no rule saying that you should keep chat to in-game topics like selling or looking for group. Developers and GMs (once upon a time) used zone chat for things like this. Are you saying that they're wrong in what they're doing?
If I and a bunch of like-minded people decided "Hey, I don't ever buy anything from people advertizing their loot in Zone Chat, so I should just ignore people who are trying to sell, then I can just chat uninterrupted as long as I want." You know what would happen? A bunch of people who use Zone to sell their things will start getting chat banned.
If that were to happen to, say, someone like you, would your reaction be "Well, guess the system is working!" and move on? Or maybe post about it in the forums about how ridiculous the system is?
People have the right to refuse to listen to anyone they want in the game. That means they have the right to ignore anyone they don't want to listen to, for whatever reason they want. This includes people who use Zone Chat to sell items.
You'd seriously be cool with this happening to you for selling things?
Barnhouse, don't be sorry you post. Ever. Everyone's opinion is vaild as long as you have experience to back up your reasoning. Now, I know what I've gotten banned for. I've gotten banned for doing nothing wrong. I announce contests, I talk in local chat with friends. I occasionally joke around but said jokes have never had a negative connotation. I don't curse online, I'm nice to everyone. I go out of my way to help people.
Have I ever deserved a chat ban? No.
I have 20 some-odd channels, 6 of which I'm admin, more I'm operator for. My chatbox is a freaking slot machine. I'll privately PM someone spamming asking them to kindly stop but if, after repeated pleas, that doesn't happen? They go on the ignore list. In order to do my job in the game, I need to be able to answer people's questions and read what they type and no bozo with an affinity for the caps lock or Ctrl+C combo should dictate which people I help and which I don't.
Smackwell is dead on in his assessment. Zone is an anything goes channel. Sadly the one rule that sort of is in place, "be nice", is broken quite a bit. If we had GMs I doubt it'd be as bad as it is but that's a tangent. I admin a channel call "Auctions" that, albeit, needs to be used more. Just for information's sake, you might want to look into it.
Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
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*turns to look at the OP with eyes barely containg their fury*
Madness...? This... Is... SPARTA!!!
*kicks the OP down a chat-silencing hole*
PS: The second post in that list of favorite quotes seems vaguely familiar... That Archived Post person must be a very smart individual :cool:
PS-2: While I don't condone what they OP is asking (the chat-ban everyone idea) I honestly don't believe that ANYTHING other than doing just that will truly affect any change.
Should be stop giving Cryptic our money till they address this issue? Stop playing the game? Many of us are already doing that. See how much they care.
As horrible as what the OP is asking (which is something that has been brought up before), it is the ONLY course of action that (I believe) would truly force Cryptic to change anything about the issue. I have seen no evidence from Cryptic so far that they care if any of us stop giving them our money or stop playing the game. But people actively disruping their game left and right by using the very system they refuse to change? Yeah, that may get their attention.
PS of PS-2: I am still not condoning what the OP is asking, and I also believe that such methods could potentially bring harm to the game as well. If literally no one in the game can be sure that they can login and have an enjoyable evening (or whatever time you choose to play) of play, the game might as well end up being turned into a ghost town (I mean, more than it already might be). And the whole game might take a massive hit that may end up closing it down or bringing further setbacks than it already has.
But just sayin'...
(I just don't think that simply not giving them our money or even playing the game has done ANYTHING to affect change on this issue)
HAhahahaha, this just made me laugh. And the sad part is, if they had done that about a year or two ago we would probably have a couple new zones by now... :rolleyes:
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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There you go. That's what happened. Either you were talking about furries in a positive light and got spam reported by intolerant idiots, or you were talking about furries in a bad light and got spam reported by furries.
Talking about furries in zone chat is more volatile than talking about Wolverine. I dare you to go into zone chat and post a link to this scan.
Anybody who does that is going to get instantly chat banned for 24 hours by Wolverine lovers even though it's a scan from an actual Marvel comic in which Marvel's own writers were insulting him.
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And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Dont click this if youre a Furry !!!
Autochatban was originally designed to enforce silence in a library. However, it has gone berserk, and now seeks to silence everyone everywhere, using its army of robotic minions.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
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I clicked it :O
Ur on my list -.-
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Like this?
Before anybody asks what that's from, it's from a superhero themed webcomic called GrrlPowerComic.
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