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FC.30.20120720a.2 PTS Update



  • s3rjus3rju Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Bug: linking gear pieces into the chat box isn't working, items turn white with no way to see stats, probably the same for devices.

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  • haleakalahaleakala Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    When I select an Innate or a Talent, the UI pops to the top and "selects" the option among the top 8 (4 per column) that was in the same position as the one I chose when the window was scrolled down. For example, if I scroll down The Marksman and have it shown as the third option from the top in the right-hand column, Tech Savvy is chosen (it is third from the top in the right column with the scroller at the top. If I have Marksman showing as the top option in the right column, then selecting it actually selects Abyssal (which is at the top of the right column), etc.

    I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.

    Willie Nelson

    T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
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  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2012
    Regarding Perception Cores: This is a difficult subject since it's questionable whether or not they're meant to exist in the game. In beta they were sold at pvp vendors, but once live hit they were removed and the only ways to acquire them are through freak occurrences that I can only imagine were intended to be removed as well.

    If looking at their potency by comparing them to other utility mods, they aren't that over the top. When comparing them in a pve environment, considering how infrequently you come across stealthed foes, I would very much expect to be able to see anything stealthed if I had to sacrifice a recharge mod for it.

    However in pvp they are questionably strong for how little you have to give up (old perception gear required a good amount of stat sacrifice). This is another difficult subject to touch as pvp balance is not as simple as slight stat adjustments. Tinkering with stealth and perception gear is like placing a band aid on a severed leg, you're not really tackling the big issues.

    With Night Warrior one answer could be to buff up it's stealth properties some more to counter the mods, but then you may run into issues with mob perception and it becoming too powerful in pve. Pve/pvp balance is always a tricky issue.
  • rykonailorykonailo Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I still think letting Dex boost perception stealth ontop of its current aggression stealth boost as well as adding Utility mod gear for increasing both types of stealth would be the best way to solve the perception issue but thats just my take.
  • s3rjus3rju Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    so, anyone else thinks boomerang throw is still overpreforming? fully charging it 1 time took out half of the training dummies... but then again, that was with night warrior.

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  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    rykonailo wrote: »
    I still think letting Dex boost perception stealth ontop of its current aggression stealth boost as well as adding Utility mod gear for increasing both types of stealth would be the best way to solve the perception issue but thats just my take.

    I actually like the "Dex boosting perception stealth" Idea, honestly it should have an effect to that, It would make "stealthier" builds require more dex, versus con, (I fear the sight of high Con DPS builds, its almost like tanking with an offensive passive)
  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I've done a few vs. Player tests with sneak. Here are a few numbers

    70 Int: Could not see sneak unless at point blank.
    131 Int: Could see Sneak within 20 feet
    85 Int + Perception Core 4: Beyond 100 feet, approximately 110-120 until Sneak was out of sight.
    142 Int + Perception Core 4: 150+ feet, looked around 160ish
    203 Int + Perception Core 4: Beyond 200 feet, 200-250
    203 Int No Perception Core: About 65-70 feet.
    326 Int No Perception Core: Approximately the diameter of a duel bubble. 150ish?
    This is good info.
    I have to ask though, are you able to attack at these ranges? When i did some PVP testing on the old sneak, my opponent (with little to no INT) was able to see me but unable to attack as long range.

    Also, im not convinced that sneak needs its stealth values buffed for pvp purposes because
    1. ATs cant build for stealth sight the way FFs can
    2. We have other stealth powers as well. I think that you should need more than sneak level stealth to require the highest levels of INT/Cores to be spotted. I dont think there should be any single power that requires a fully dedicated int/gear combo to counter.
    3. I assume that the sneak buff will be stacking with ninja vanish/teleport/tunneling.
    4. A perception focused build is getting into hardcore pvp build territory and the pvp community cant survive on hard core alone. Sneak is a free power and damn good one but its not necessary to assassinate in pvp. All you really need is teleport and imbue to be a ninja assassin in pvp.

    I think we should leave some wiggle room for noobs and ATs with sneak. Hard core players will be able to assassinate any way but my experiences is that nothing makes ppl give up on pvp faster than being stealth ganked.

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This is good info.
    I have to ask though, are you able to attack at these ranges? When i did some PVP testing on the old sneak, my opponent (with little to no INT) was able to see me but unable to attack as long range.
    Since we can't attack beyond 100 feet I can't be accurate with that, but everything in 100 feet that could be seen, could be attacked. Its possible in your test it worked that way because you were teamed. Teaming lets you see your teammates and target them at all times, unless they placate you.
    Also, im not convinced that sneak needs its stealth values buffed for pvp purposes because
    1. ATs cant build for stealth sight the way FFs can
    This is a valid concern, which leads to the next point.
    2. We have other stealth powers as well. I think that you should need more than sneak level stealth to require the highest levels of INT/Cores to be spotted. I dont think there should be any single power that requires a fully dedicated int/gear combo to counter.
    Currently the way Sneak is working is when you activate said stealth power you lose sneak for four seconds, hopefully this will be changed, that would change the need for any further sneak stealth buffing.
    3. I assume that the sneak buff will be stacking with ninja vanish/teleport/tunneling.
    Previous note explains it, however Travel Power stealth should not be comsidered when balancing the other powers, infact I still think the above mentioned TPs should not stealth players.
    4. A perception focused build is getting into hardcore pvp build territory and the pvp community cant survive on hard core alone. Sneak is a free power and damn good one but its not necessary to assassinate in pvp. All you really need is teleport and imbue to be a ninja assassin in pvp.
    Well, currently the only player base in PvP left are the hardcores and copy-the-latest-FOTM players.
    I think we should leave some wiggle room for noobs and ATs with sneak. Hard core players will be able to assassinate any way but my experiences is that nothing makes ppl give up on pvp faster than being stealth ganked.
    Agreeable. If Sneak will be stacking with other forms of stealth again though, It won't need a buff, and if Dex boosts perception stealth, that would be helpful in Niching Sneak aswell.
  • s3rjus3rju Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Since we can't attack beyond 100 feet I can't be accurate with that, but everything in 100 feet that could be seen, could be attacked.

    I can think of atleast a power or two that is 120ft range, is that what you meant by can't attack beyond 100ft?

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  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    s3rju wrote: »
    I can think of atleast a power or two that is 120ft range, is that what you meant by can't attack beyond 100ft?

    The player I was testing with didn't have sniper rifle.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I personally think that stealth shouldn't break when interacting with objects. Even if it does let you bypass a lot of stuff. That's the advantage of choosing stealth over defensive or offensive builds.

    If you want to detect stealth better then get Intelligence or the gear for it. If Dex does get a perception application, than Int should increase critical chance. Its only fair. (I actually wouldn't mind that. It would make it sort of how Dex/Ego worked with each other.)
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If Dex does get a perception application, than Int should increase critical chance. Its only fair. (I actually wouldn't mind that. It would make it sort of how Dex/Ego worked with each other.)

    Technically int does so much more, Cooldown reduction, Cost discount, stealth sight, and synergy with MSA is unparalelled. Dex already boosts Aggression stealth, it should boost perception stealth the same way (probably only have as much scaling though)
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