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  • torkes20torkes20 Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    6) Where did the "My Characters" links go in my account page?

    Good question.
  • gerberatetragerberatetra Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    -When will we get more emotes

    -When will we get more rp.. ahem.. social locations?

    -When will we get back the Figures, Craftables and Costume unlocks stolen by On Alert?

    -Why hasn't real attention been paid to a 'Foundry'?

    -When will we get a foundry?

    -When will we get to the level of progress that CoH had at this point?

    Here we are now going to the West Side
    Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
    Some may come and some may stay
    Watching out for a sunny day
    Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm

    In game as @forgemccain
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Will there be a revamping of the tailor and character creator to also include auras?
    Reorganizing tabs and pages that don't conflict with each other or prevent costume pieces from being selected. Also to include auras as a new page rather than devices to be equipped. I speak for many who don't want to be limited to 2 aura options and want an aura option for each part of the body AND another for the whole body on top of it.

    Will the become devices get proper power sets like the first becomes?
    Only having 5 powers each really limit the effectiveness of them. Any becomes that utilize stacks of enrage and such no longer can gain them since they do not have the forms. Shouldn't they have a full power list to compare to purchasing an AT?

    Will the players be able to give feedback and actually be part of the development process to make the most out of these new features?
    All we want is communication and our feedback to actually be reflected upon. Usually when the test stages of a feature comes out, staff refuses to go back and remake it so that it works better or has more flexibility to what the players want. At this stage these features are going to be released as is and the players are only there for finding bugs. Testing should be used to see if a feature is actually worth having in the game even if it is designed as intended by your staff. (As a small example, players may want to pitch their own ideas of how they think vehicles should work.)
  • oyo32oyo32 Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1.) What ever happened to Foundry support in CO?
    I believe back in May 2011, you said you wanted to finish some things up with the Foundry before you began porting it to CO. It seems like you had a plan to get Foundry support in CO back then. Whatever happened to that plan? Is CO ever going to see the Foundry here?

    2.) How many devs are working on CO right now?
    It feels like there are barely any devs here. Can we expect that some devs will be transferred to CO after Neverwinter is released?

    3.) Are you guys going to adjust Upgrade Catalyst prices?

    Right now, these are horribly overpriced for what they offer. The difference between a Rank 5 mod and Rank 9 mod is definitely not enough to be worth spending that much money on. These prices should be toned down A LOT.
  • stellariodragonstellariodragon Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    • I know some people are bemoaning any changes to their beloved game, but I had been secretly hoping the lairs would be converted into the new system! Are there plans to convert Nemesis confrontation into an encounter?
    • One of my characters is a spirit animal. Will the auras be mostly particle effects, or will they also do things like make your character transparent and ghostly?
    • I like the idea of level-capped players being able to use the XP they earn towards alts. Will XP gifting work for level-capped Characters?
    • Will the vehicles be land-based or air based? Will they be purely technological or will we get things like dragons?
  • angelofcaineangelofcaine Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    stokeman wrote: »
    Rewards will include unique Dragon Armor costume parts, the powerful Dragon's Eye Mod and more!
    • Wizard & Witch Costume Set
    • The long-awaited magical collection!
    So...with the Wizard and Witch set.
    Does that mean y'all managed to get the tech running for emanation points?
    What @heavynosferatu ^^^ said...

    stokeman wrote: »
    • New Rampage Alert - Blaze & F.R.E.0.N.
    Does this Alert FINALLY work like it's supposed to?

    stokeman wrote: »
    • Costumes: Avian Warrior Costume Set: Assorted issues
    "Assorted issues" (that's a good one!)
    (now can we get a dedicated "costume pass" to fix the REST of the "assorted issues"?)

    stokeman wrote: »
    • Cosmetic FX Auras!
    Will these new "Auras" STILL be attached to gear?
    Or can we finally, after 3 years get simple, free floating, tailor alterable "AURAS"!?

    stokeman wrote: »
    • XP Gifting
      • Gift some of your experience to your alts or friends
    So, this isn't going to be "account wide", it's going to be "game wide"?!

    stokeman wrote: »
    • C-Store Coupons
      • Items that give you a discount in the C-store
    Ok, i'll give.
    As in "In Game earnable" coupons?

    stokeman wrote: »
    • Vehicles!
      • A brand-new system for customizing, equipping and riding vehicles into battle!
      • Vehicles will offer all-new powers, including new mechanics such as area-of-effect ground targeting, which can be swapped in and out via fully customizable "upgrade and equipment" items
      • Vehicles will come with an equipment load-out as standard, which can be completely exchanged with new items such as:
        • Offensive items (i.e. mini-guns, rocket packs, laser pods, etc)
        • Defensive items (i.e. extrahull-plating, flares, smoke grenades, etc)
        • Utility items (i.e. turbo-boost thrusters, self-repairing nanites, etc)
        • Vehicles will offer some cosmetic customization, albeit to a lesser degree than the character costume creator
    I'm only listing all the neat stuff above, so i can point to the woefully under used stuff below...
    stokeman wrote: »
    • Nemesis Updates
      • Open mission OR in-world dynamic encounters w/ your Nemesis
      • More minion types and options for standard Nemesis content
    If this doesn't end up with a "fully customizable creator" for your NEM...
    stokeman wrote: »
    • Sidekick "Pet" System
      • A more permanent, pet-like system for developing sidekick characters
    ...And THIS ^^^ ends up having more options for creation than for NEM's, i will be seriously dissapointed:frown:

    stokeman wrote: »
    • Hideout additions: Crafting rooms
      • Grant a % bonus to Fusion OR allow Fusion of stacks greater than 5
    Ok, i'll bite...
    ...What will "stacks greater than 5" give you when you fuse?
    Are we just skipping "Ranks" with this? (fusing in "bulk")
    (instead of R1 x5 = R2 x1, we'll be allowed to fuse straight to a higher rank with say like R1 x25 = R3 x1)

    stokeman wrote: »
    • Super Group Missions, Duels, Advancement & Bases
    I'm sooooo tired of seeing promises for SG's.
    3 years CO's been open, and we're just NOW seeing SG "bases"?!
    What will this new feature entail?
    | ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
    Were there any specific reason for that personal attack other than that your opinion differs from mine?
  • thegreendragoon1thegreendragoon1 Posts: 1,748 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    My Impulse is by far my worst performing archetype. The Force framework are in sorry shape right now. A lot of powers conflict with each other and a few powers make no sense at all. PFF is the worst defensive passive in the game. Plus once brought into group content, all those knockbacks become useless or worse disruptive, such as in Alerts. Is there any chance that this will get a serious look?
  • forher666forher666 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Is there any plans what so ever to bring PvP back to this game. Before free to play at level 40 that was the big draw with there being no que system to lairs and now PvP is dead entirely. I miss my zombie's and most of all I miss (and a lot of silenced players) miss Stronghold. Is there any new PvP rewards or ideas to bring the awesome PvP mechanic of this game back? Like maybe a daily Questionite reward as a EASY fix...
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    When will we really get a new Zone ? At the moment for me it looks as that is something
    that will be in far future forever. It was back 10 months ago when we got the first report
    and it is still now .. so why should we believe it will not be on the same level after another
    10 months have passed ?
  • caycepollardcaycepollard Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    I have a question that I haven't seen on anybody else's list yet:

    "When will 'Cryptic World' learn to stop opening its mouth and sticking its foot in it by asking us for our input/feedback and then ignoring it outright, like they probably will ignore most of the VERY GOOD questions in this thread?"

    :rolleyes: oh, and somebody mentioned that "joke questions" would probably get taken seriously? Well, considering that "official communication" has become a pretty big joke in these parts, it's only fitting that it deals with joke questions. :biggrin:

  • podsixpodsix Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    - Can we please have Color and Alignment BBCode in our signatures? (STO has them)

    - Will you please do these more often? We miss dev interaction with the community.
  • nivjinivji Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1. -Is still plans to add other hideouts, this is one of the best features of the game?
    2. -Will you finally insert all the emotes the community rp requests such as these (already used by NPC)
    3. -Could we have access for rp to the instances like the WCOC?
    4. -Still no content planned soon (alerts aren't content)? comic series, new Lairs, new missions arc .....
    5. -Many really awesome things were announced in the Until field reports, but the most interesting features has completely disappeared, what about the foundry ?
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hey Cryptic just wanna ask have you been paying attention to this question?
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • angelphoenix12angelphoenix12 Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    my question would have to be.
    is there any plans on getting new non alert missions in game?

    also is there any plans on making elemental sword powers and or water powers?
  • blackdroserablackdrosera Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I have only one question. Do you have any plans about foundry?
  • spacecatlivesspacecatlives Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1. With so many players both former and current begging on the forums for new "content"--and here content means new zones, new comic series, alternate leveling paths and does not mean new alerts--why does this kind of new content have such a low priority for the development team? Vehicles are cool, but it would appear that I will be using them for missions I have played dozens of times. Could you give us some insight into the development decision-making process? How are things prioritized? It often seems quite cryp...uh, puzzling.

    2: Will we ever see a speedster power set?

  • yannsolo75yannsolo75 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yup, question about the "Create a Villain" alerts

    1) WHY do we even bother with these in the 1st place? We're fighting villains no one know/care about, when we have a perfectly good nemesis who's begging for more screentime?

    2) WHY can't nobody read the nemesis' bio? Seeing a cool villain and saying "He must have a cool backstory!", only to click his description and read "YOUR NEMESIIIIIS!!" is HORRIBLE. And it's not even MY nemesis, you lying description

    We'll also eventually need heavy weapons / earth / wind nemesis powerset, but that's a story for another time
    Big guide of power DPS
  • polishlightningpolishlightning Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    yannsolo75 wrote: »
    Yup, question about the "Create a Villain" alerts

    1) WHY do we even bother with these in the 1st place? We're fighting villains no one know/care about, when we have a perfectly good nemesis who's begging for more screentime?

    2) WHY can't nobody read the nemesis' bio? Seeing a cool villain and saying "He must have a cool backstory!", only to click his description and read "YOUR NEMESIIIIIS!!" is HORRIBLE. And it's not even MY nemesis, you lying description

    We'll also eventually need heavy weapons / earth / wind nemesis powerset, but that's a story for another time

    "Is this about the Hero Shield?"
    -Captain Hero
  • malvoumalvou Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Will Chat Banning please get looked into?
    It's never happened to me, but my goodness it's a stupid thing to give to the public who just abuses it.

    Does the Wizard/Witch set come with the cat action figure like in the design images?

    Will there be more lizard head costume parts? D:
  • visionstorm01visionstorm01 Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I just want to know two things:

    1. What About the Region Banned Players?
    2. What is going to get done about the Chat-Ban issue? Why do players need police powers in addition to having the ability to simply ignore other players? How can such a function exist in this (or ANY multiplayer game) and not be abuse?

    And throwing one (or a couple on the same topic) for the currently planned or discussed development side of things:

    1. What plans do you have to supply appropriate content to support a level cap increase? Will we have to Alert our way into a new level cap, do special comic series, or will a new zone be added to the game? How will this affect development of content for the current level range, which many believe to be scarce? And what is going to be done with the content we have for the current level cap if the current cap is ever increased?
  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1. Can Life Time subscribers get all vet rewards up front, considering that they already paid for their time?

    2. Any chance that PVP rewards (gear progression/questionite) can be brought up to par with pve rewards?

    3. Will the Millennium City expansion be part of the level cap raise? Is the long term plan still to raise the level cap to 50?

    4. When will we see the "ultimate ninja" costume pack?

    5. Will we ever see the return of the Comic Series?

    6. Stokeman, is there any area that your approach to Champions is specifically different than what Robobo did?

    7. Has Cryptics communication policy changed? Will Ask Cryptic and Until Field Reports be coming at regularly scheduled intervals from now on?

    8. Are there any plans to balance stealth v.s. perception?

    9. Will Vehicles be thematically tied in with specific costume set released? EX: vigilante vehicle w/ vigilante costume pack, Transformer style vehicle and transformer costume pack (so it looks like you transformed into the vehicle)

    Robobo once spoke of plans to introduce a system that gathers stats about players.
    He said this information would be on desplay to show who was the top performer at a given thing and also that this tech would be tied into the queue system to to help balance teams. EX: The queue system would now try to form balanced teams with tank dps support e.c.t if it can. He also hinted as this being used for pvp queues so that ppl with high pvp stats would be put on separate teams.

    Is this system still in the works?

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • matixzonmatixzon Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Will there be some default aura slot pieces and unlockables from drops?

    I like cats :cool:.

    UGC Campaign: The Coldblooded Scrolls
  • angelofcaineangelofcaine Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Why did your creation team go to all the effort to make a "Drifter" mission that only sold costume pieces (Melee Weapons Pack) available on the Z-Store? :confused:

    If you're going to bring back OLD stuff (for salvage), make it stuff we can't get anymore :frown:

    Oh, and why go to all the effort to standarize the CO/STO boards when they're STILL not the same (sig BBC code), and STILL not connected to "Core Connect" :eek:

    And do you realize that seperating the "friends" list(s) from the "games" (CO/STO) from the forums/Core Connect has COMPLETLEY FRAGMENTED the player/forum base, and turned the forums into a completley alien enviroment now? :mad:
    | ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
    Were there any specific reason for that personal attack other than that your opinion differs from mine?
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1) Could you guys give am estimated time frame for the New additions listed int he latest Until reports?

    2)Will we see anymore RP locations open up in any of the other zones? It would be awesome to have caves in Monster Island and Shacks in the Desert opened up for RPers like the old crafting instances.

    3) Is their any chance of the CO team being able to get more staff so the ideas in the Until Report can see the light of day faster?

    4)Could we see the return of Adventure Packs or Comic Series? Alerts are fun but just too repetitve and the AP and CS just felt more like we were playing a super hero game. Like a full comic book story rather than the old comic strip Superman or **** Tracy stories in the Sunday paper.

    5)This is something that has bugged me since this game launched. When can we get Mechanon in game as a Villain? He is one of the greatest in Champions lore since the P&P launched, hes been mention in MC and the Desert. When will he get his chance to shine?

    THanks for reading through everyones post and keep up the hard work CO team.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • bry019bry019 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1. Do you plan on selling something in the c-store to remove or at least increase the resource limit of silver players?

    2. Do you plan on increasing the stats that rank 9 mods give. They currently give only 4 stats more than a rank 7 mod and are not worth the grind/globals.

    3. Do you still have any plan on bringing back the old perk rewards and open mission devices that were removed after the On-Alert patch?
  • jasonboxjasonbox Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    i have a question.maybe 13 days ago i became gold.i used my debit card to do it and maybe 9 days ago i had to cancel my debit card and got a new one.i dont want to play anymore so do i have to go c
    ancel my subscription because i got a dif card?if i do how do i do it?thanks
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Second Set:
    1)Can we get some new default faces to make it easier to create Teen heroes, and can we get a slider on feet to make them taller/thicker, right now when you use the scale it just seems they turn into more clowny than anything.

    2)When will we get more stances

    3)When will we get more emotes, and will we ever see the return of Air guitar?

    4)Will you guys ever look into makeing extra power animations so that they can use new points of origin?--ones like Breath attacks and Chest beam come to mind.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • amontillado1amontillado1 Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1. Will there be a change to the duplicated Mod Icons so as to visually differentiate between them?

    2. Why are we not permitted to duel inside of our hideouts?
  • azreal1696azreal1696 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    i have only a few questions i will try not to restate any questions previously asked

    #1 will we be getting better looking hairs in game and anime theamed hair styles(im tired of putting hoods and helms on my toons)

    #2 would you consider putting staff type costume peices(mutch like how you did the roi'n esh sword)

    #3 can you raise the rsource cap for silver players or put a cap on prices at the auction house i can't buy 2000G items or anything above 250G

    #4 will there be guild houses or SG bases much like how you did the hideouts?
  • elkstromelkstrom Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    How soon can we expect to see an injection of substantive, non-alert, new playable content on Live server?

    Plus when can we expect the level cap increase?

    Assumption is the mother of all mistakes!!!
  • malachai4malachai4 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Is there going to be a variety of Vehicles to choose from?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "You expect me to bow down to your every whim like some sick puppet that you hold the strings to. Well I'm goin to tell you straight. Piss Off you sorry excuse for a human." - Malachai De' Malaki
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    A golf cart would be nice :D
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • angelofcaineangelofcaine Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'd really like a VERTICAL option for the /console command "camoffset" :mad:

    (Currently the only options are "numerical": 1,2,etc = RIGHT, -1,2,etc = LEFT) :frown:

    These options need to be CHANGED to "X,Y" to give characters who are "Grown/Shrunken" a reason to use the command :rolleyes:

    Otherwise, what's the point? :confused:
    | ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
    Were there any specific reason for that personal attack other than that your opinion differs from mine?
  • sararussararus Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1. During the boss lair review. Will the boss gear drops be updated? right now there still dropping old useless gear. Also on that note if the gear is going to be changed will they be dropping rare and unique gear rather then just more costume pieces? The costume pieces are great and don't remove them it just would be nice if there was some new gear to find so treasure hunters like me have something to look forward to.

    2. Will the Mystic powers in general get a big review? Other then the infernal review a while back me thinks its time mystic powers as a whole get a look at. Add new powers for people who want to do Magic dps or magic tank builds. Just have things more varied.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    How often do developers of Champions actually play their game? When the do play the game do the go through all the play-styles, power concepts, and power-sets to get ideas of player experience? Do any of you PvP with the playerbase on LIVE server AT ALL? Run Gravitar with a toon using Aura of Arcane Clarity? Use Manipulator in a boss fight?

    I get the feeling that you don't have any internal testing much less actually PLAYING the game. Haven't seen a dev on LIVE in forever (on dev account OR hidden "im just a player" accounts). Its clear to me that you don't play pet-masters, crowd controllers, or ranged dps or you wouldn't ignore all the glaring issues with them.

    Do you listen at all to the people who are wanting you to make a better game and thus make a better profit?
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just played Hi-pan: Fury of the Dragon, I gotta say, the instance is Beautieful. which brings me to a new question.

    Could we ever get instance like the one in the Hi-Pan Alert to use for RP? I wish we had more out of the way locations used for Missions to be able to jump into and RP.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • frankendreadzfrankendreadz Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    When are u going to sort out the long outstanding performance issue like the
    D3D crashes due to descrepencies and graphical memory leaks within the game
    for example:
    Technical Details: D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY while creating 2D render target texture size: 2048 x 2048 (RTEX_NVIDIA_INTZ)
    this issue has been very annoying ever since beta and not addessed

    When are you going to address the issue of the UI causing lag and other performance issues
    Apparently this also has been around since the beta, has been looked at and dealt with on a number of times, but since the launch of "Alerts"
    lag occurs when the talents or innate characteristic ui interface pops up

    What is the exact timeline on the return of the C-Store to PTS. so we can actually test the new unlocks, costume sets, travel powers, and such and give actual feedback which is the real reason we have the PTS server
    to test new content

    When are you gonna fix all the numerous costume issues, and also provide the option of having "1 Long arm" and one "short arm" on a toon
    like on mechassassin and black talon for example
    and allow you to have say 2 "ball" or a hook on each hands
    Allow certain costumes on both sexes, eg cyberpunk chest piece
    allow jackets to have big shirts or shirts to have jackets
    hooks allowed on jackets for example and other wierd decisions made on costume restrictions
    cause a pirate without a big baggy shirt and ornate jacket is not a swashbuckling pirate

    What is the exact timeline on the removal of the ingame chat ban system?
    at least put it on a ticket basis, so that a moderator can verify its justification

    What, in detail, is going to happen with the region bans?

    will lifers recieve all the items rather having to wait the time duration as if they are gold
    if you do give them these benefits it may increase the demand for lifer subs

    Some more details on the vehicles coming
    more info on the new zones
    Some proper end of content
    To play your nemesis as an auto-ego in maybe PvP environment
    complete with improvement points scheme etc
  • catstarstocatstarsto Posts: 1,137 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Those cars are cool that drive around the city, it would be awesome to get to have one to drive...would be even better to be able to customise them. I have a funny little batman clone (Cat Crusader) and I wanna make the catmobile :3 will this be an option? You can see him on deviant art (CatStarSTO)

    Plus permanant side kicks, Id like there to be a permanant side kick that u can design like ur nemesis, I would be willing to buy it from the cstore if need be. A link character with a magic using fairy would be great for canada. Any chance of this happening?

    you also need to add in a type of classic hero, someone that uses a ray gun. something that will stun or vaporize your enemy like in Buck ROgers or FLash Gordon.

    How about magic users with wands...magical transformations like in anime and old RPG titles like legend of dragoon. Enchanted Guardians (power rangers clones) they get a melee and ranged weapon, energy pistol, martial arts, magic weapon..etc. And then thier vehicle with weapons, then in a teamup they can combine like voltron or somthing to make a giant robot to battle in alerts, each one has his own power according to his vehicle...u get the idea.

    Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
  • yuzhnatayuzhnata Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    - Will the truckload of costume parts that have been removed from the game either intentionally, or unintentionally ever be brought back? Old Crafting system costume unlocks for example.

    - Are we going to get any new emotes or access to pre-exsisting ones used only during cutscenes or by NPC's?

    - Why were so many older emotes removed?

    - Why is there still such a huge imbalance of costume availability between male and female in the costume creator? Some shoulders not being available on females with certain chest options for example.

    - Will we be seeing any new or more complex hideouts in the future?
  • kungpowroosterkungpowrooster Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hello Cryptic! First time posting in the Ask Cryptic, plus will try my best to make the questions simple and short. Also I know some question been ask already or might have not but thought I ask still.

    1) Will there be more transformation travel powers? Such as transforming into a Tiger? I hope the answer is yes, I have a tiger character that go perfect for it ^_^. So please tell me there be more? I am so tired of just seeing werewolf or dog stuff. Dogs aren't the only beast people animal race. There cats and birds too. So please tell me there be more transformation travel power then just a dog style one.

    2) Will we be able to design our own nemesis minions and be able choose each single power like freeforms? I hope a yes that we can do our own designs and freeform design on the minions powers

    3) Will the update to the nemesis system, allow us to rename/delete nemesis and will it allow us to freeform power choosing for our nemesis? I really hope for a yes

    4) Will there be different types of vehicles such as a motorcycle and will we really be able to see our characters drive them?

    5) On the vehicles system, will we be able to ride on creatures? Such as Tigers, Wolfs, Underwater fish creatures and Birds to fly on? That be awesome to have too

    6) Will Hideouts get jukebox to play music? As how City Of Heroes have the emote of the boombox. But it be great to have user play music they bought from Itunes, to play as background music in hideouts for partys and to dance too :)

    7) For XP Gifting. Won't this ruin the fact to level by mission? Smash Alert is already showing that. Get XP Boost by Z-Store, then get nemesis XP boost gear, then the XP boost from alert. You already given them a reason not to do any mission out there. I believe this should not be added to the game. Or Just Make it account-bound and limit how many times in the characters can get or give XP to there characters. I still prefer that this be not added at all to the game, it's a bad idea :(

    8) Will there be more Costume design for Manimal people, such as Hat/helmets Wear with hair style of manes/human style hair to wear with them? View DC Universe Online MMO game they done it, I know cryptic can :biggrin:

    9) Will there be more costume design for manimal people such as wearing face mask, eye wear and mouth gear and able to mix/match the costume pieces? View DC Universe Online again they done it, I know cryptic can as well :biggrin:

    10) Will there be more re editing old costume designs for mix/matching with other Category? It is disappointing that the wizard cape wasn't able to be used with the armor cowl in the chest wear category. :(

    11) A Quote from another forum user.
    crosschan wrote: »
    8. Can you please adjust the Alert Bar so that is has 1 Smash, 1 Grab, 1 Burst, 1 Special, and 1 Rampage Alert up at ALL TIMES and simply randomizes the appropriate slot with the available types?[/I][/COLOR]

    I agree with that forum user, it be great to only see just 1 of each alert in the listing. Instead of doubles, like smash alerts people are using it to level easy. It takes the part of the game of going through mission that your company made and design for leveling. Well that my point on that part.

    12) Will there be more new power sets after the new one? Like water powers, sound power such as black canary scream shout and more?

    13) Can you make another dodge power like the Evasive Maneuvers but has a big leap back flip? Because my toon isn't the gymnastic/ninja back flips when dodging attacks type style. Great Example: In SuperMan & Batman public enemies, there a scene with batman doing a normal leap back flip to avoid the lighting from the young boy that turns into captain marvel when he says Shazam.

    14) Can we design our sidekicks as we can our toons and nemesis?

    15) Will we be able to choose each power for the sidekick as in freeforms?

    16) Will we be able to choose what they say during battle? I do hope, but I am so greatful for the system coming to the game

    17) Will the hideouts get the training room and the crafting room. And will the training room allow duel PVP?

    18) Will there be more designs for the older hideouts and will you be adding for the other hideouts a way to get to MC such as how penthouse has? It be cool for example: the basement hideout having a teleport system to take you to the MC.

    19) Will we be able to get more sidekick and choose which we want to call out? Example: The nemesis system, allows you to have more nemesis. But depends who you choose from the list of nemesis you create to fight with.

    20) Will we see mission, alerts, instance, events and so on. Where are nemesis will partner with other players nemesis? Example: I seen in spider-man, how the sandman was team with venom to try and destroy spider-man. It be so awesome to have nemesis from other players that they team up in mission, alerts, instance, events and so on. Like they partner up to do a crime or to plan on getting rid of both there arch nemesis they hate. I know we have the Nemesis confrontation. But the nemesis aren't with others players nemesis, so it's not the same as what I am asking.

    Will nemesis confrontation be review and re design? It be great if you do, because well I personally found it alright at first. But it be great to see a cut scene where your toon was knock out by a smoke gas and then you ether see your toon being torture by there nemesis or awakes and then in the cut scene seeing the nemesis walking to your cell and then talking to your toon. I felt it be great story part to the starting of the instance mission for the Nemcon. Also it be great if all the nemesis are together in big a Colosseum area to battle as a team. But if they still be fighting solo, it be great that the team gets to fight there own nemesis solo. As a one on one battle, because it's not fun to see a nemesis just get gang up be the whole party. Plus you can make it, so that your friends can see the match like if it was a arena. I would like to see that in the nemesis Confrontation redesign of it ^_^

    That's all my question for now. I apologize for a long list and long questions, but these are question I had on mind. Also thank you cryptic for listening, please keep this game alive and keep bring more stuff to champions online. If you made City of Heroes before and it still living and being awesome too. Then this can be even more awesome :)
  • eternoneternon Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just in case this hasn't been asked before, since I didn't want to read 7 pages for a needle in a haystack:

    1) Will the suicide nemesis minions be fixed? It's funny the first couple of times they show up and instantly die, but then it gets old. I'd also like for them to be a bit tougher. Or at least a difficulty slider so everyone can set them as tough as they want.

    2) I would also like to see costume customization for minions, and more flexibility with their power options.

    3) New power set requests: Sound powerset and light powerset. The light powerset would be a better fit for my nemesis rather than the celestial. The science twist works better for me. I also have a hero concept that will only work with sound type powers.

    4) Is there a reason why we can't choose a black or white color motif for our powers?

    5) Teleportation's secondary effect doesn't always work, is there a trick to it or is it supposed to work immediately after a character phases back.

    6) New travel power request: incorporeal - can move through buildings and objects like a ghost, with the obvious limitations of not breaking the outer map walls of instances. A gaseous travel power would be cool too.

    7) Auras for our nemesi. I want mine to glow, or sparkle.

    Thanks for listening to us! Keep up the good work.
  • roundhousekittyroundhousekitty Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    This isn't really a question to this, but, can't you add yourself and Stormshade to the developer tracker? Currently, you guys aren't there, so we can't track you by those means. It'd help me have known about this thread earlier.
    More account-wide stuff in the Z-store. I want to buy stuff dammit. :(
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    This isn't really a question to this, but, can't you add yourself and Stormshade to the developer tracker? Currently, you guys aren't there, so we can't track you by those means. It'd help me have known about this thread earlier.

    Been said elsewhere they aint DEVS they dont make the game why should they have DEV tags >_>
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I will now decend upon this thread with my questions >:)

    1 - When will you be fixing Crowd Control Powers such as maintained ones, to make them viable again? Currently it is a waste of power points to take maintained holds unless you are an FF who specs around them to make them remotely as good as they used to be.

    2 - Telepathy has not been looked at since beta I dont think, I believe people had concerns about it before it even went to live and still voiced concerns when there was an AT made of it. This powerset doesnt even have a passive. When will this powerset get it's sorely needed review?

    3 - Force Powers such as PFF need reworking, it currently is the ONLY defensive passive to not give any innate damage resistance and is the worst passive in game. To add to the fustration of using PFF, IDF does not work with this at all and in fact as I have discovered does not work even after PFF is deactivated. I am aware that this has been brought to attention by myself :p. But are there any plans to look at Force Powersets counterproductive powers like PFF and Containment Field and fix them?

    4 - I am currently trying to grab any devs attention to this forum post:
    Which in describes a new type of power which we need.

    5 - Are there any plans to buff defensive powers in game to match the new damage output potentials of players?

    6 - As for AT's. Currently the 2 worst AT's which are around are Impulse AT (Due to unnecessary powers like Force Snap and IDF + PFF interaction issues) and Mind AT (Due to being outshined by Radiant AT in healing and damage. Also having now very poor CC) Are there any plans to find new ways to help underperforming AT's such as these?

    7 - I see with the new Alert Staff Powers/Device which looks good btw. Will there be soon available Staff Powersets? As the emanation point seems to work well...

    8 - I notice that alot of new villains have come along which is great :biggrin: But will older more established villain groups such as PSI, be coming back on the Villain Playing field instead of small time bank robberies and Museum Heists? I'd personally like to see them in a comic series or even have their own :eek:

    9 - Cant think of another question but when I do I will post it >:D
  • senshibat01senshibat01 Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Greetings Denizens of the Cryptic Lair. .A place we like to call the DEV Zone":

    I bet you wish you were in Napa somedays.. a short walk for the office and not commuters too.. Wait Queries Quandaries and Questions.. ??

    You know you have them too.. Like a Day in the Life of FoxBat.. what it would be like to be Foxbats Sidekick for a day?
    Like Robin Hood and Will Scarlet sort of thing.. So how about it?
    A Special role revesial and City of villians adventure.. I mean foxbat needs me.. to carry ping pong crates..

    Or maybe thats a tal lorder on a short pier. .How-a-bout a New Hero Lair Hideout Addition
    to Meet with our Demanding Fox-o-fasion-vision.. I know you want to.

  • kiranvoxkiranvox Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1) What is being done to help those players who are in the banned regions?

    2) When are you going to get rid of that chat-ban exploit? This should have been done away with as soon as people started reporting that the feature was being abused.

    3) Could you please elaborate on the Super Group Features mentioned in the recent UNTIL Report. How will Super Group missions work? will they be in specialised instances that let anyone from a sepcific super group join, or will you be implementing a ten man team feature as seen in the Rampage Alerts. How will Super Group Bases Work? Do you have plans to use a similar system that was implemented in the release of City of Villains where you can design the layout and pay ingame currency or will they just end up being pre-made instances with a few skins that you have to buy with Zen?

    4) What is the current status on porting the foundry to CO? How much work left is needed "under the hood" and what are the chances of us seeing it's debut in CO after the launch of Neverwinter?
  • zerodczerodc Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    These are my 10 questions to Cryptic/PWE in no particular order:

    1) Are nemesis descriptions going to become visible? I mean as it is right now, there's no point in writing them, and similarly the Villain contests where you write descriptions that never show seem... semi-pointless =S.

    2) Will magic-based characters be able to use staves? Regarding the new costume set, it's great that there is finally a "staff" weapon, but making it a heavy weapon limited to non-magic characters unless its a freeform seems weird.

    3) The original wizards/witches/staves concept art included rings, a cat, and staves and wands. It also had magic blast being shot out of a wand. Will we be seeing magic that can be used wands/staves in the future, and will it be an option to players to choose whether or not to use staves/wands/rings/hands as where the a power/skill gets "sent out of"?

    4) Is pvp finally going to be allowed in hideouts?

    5) Are the Cypberpunk and Superconductor chest pieces going to be available to females? (Female Superconduct is seen on Unil recognition vendors but is unavailable to the rest of us...)

    6) Would it be possible to get a list of m/f exclusive costume items as people may purchase items and will have found its a waste as they only stick to one gender?

    7) Will there be a Freeform guide for new free-formers? Its really confusing if you've never made a freeform before...

    8) Are crafting action figures ever going to be available again, or a crafting component foraction figures? I still have several Champion Blank Action Figures that I never got to craft into action figures and they are all bound which makes them pretty much useless as we can't do anything with them. -.-

    9) Will there be more questionite store sales?

    10) Will equipping "bracers" on one arm, and "long gloves" on the other be possible in the future? There are several villains (ex- Mechassasin), who have a long glove - the gun hand, and a bracer - Mechassasin's sheild on at once.

    Sorry if it's a bit much. Thanks for everything Cryptic and PWE :)
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    So plenty of people are wondering this...
    zerodc wrote: »
    2) Will magic-based characters be able to use staves? Regarding the new costume set, it's great that there is finally a "staff" weapon, but making it a heavy weapon limited to non-magic characters unless its a freeform seems weird.

    My question echoes this sentiment.
    Originally, the wizard set was touted as coming with the debut of weapon emanation points. While we now have the long-awaited costume set, the weapon emanation points seem to have fallen by the wayside.
    Will we ever be seeing them? It was hinted that the dev team responsible was very close to figuring out how it could be done in a practical way.
  • canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Is there any chance you can allow us to link two teams together so both teams would enter the same Rampage alert together?

    This would make Rampages a little more viable as a major SG activity.
  • championofflinechampionoffline Posts: 2
    edited July 2012

    This one's a little bit of an aggrivated rant, in question format.

    Why did, when the game went from P2P or 'Trial' only, to F2P and P2P, disallow players who do not pay to play become unable to create a custom powerset?

    I played in multiple events where people could come and play for free during the game's early phases, giving you a pretty good grasp of the game's content, including the 'Comic Outline' graffic setting and the ability to mix and match abilities. It was a good preview of the game, and I really enjoyed it. When I heard it was going full Free to Play, I was psyched! But once I got back on, the hype was turned into frustration seeing that the 'custom' slot was locked for free to play players.

    This is a prime part of the game, and it basically seperates it from other 'Hero' type games, like City of Heroes/Villains/Rogues, and DC Universe Online. Hopefully the thought of pleasing people's first impressions will set in, and make you guys a bit more money.

    I've been a big fan of Cryptic way back in the P2P only versions of City of Heroes/Villains.
    But now they're slowly loosing their 'The Customer is always right' glossing, and getting a more 'Sellout' feel to it. :frown:
This discussion has been closed.