Reprint Event
- Fixed a bug where the Circus Malvanum Aura Store was not present.
Winter Event
- Fixed a bug where the Ice Spikes mission wasn't granting rewards properly. Players who completed this mission already can claim the costume from the Fixer vendor in the Recognition area.
- Until the end of the Winter event, you can claim a free goodies pack from the ZEN store. Once per account.
- Reduced the time it takes to open presents by 1 second.
ZEN Store
For the next week the Swift Skater pack will be available.
- Cost: 3000 ZEN
- 35x Cosmic keys of Power
- 1x Swift Skating Pack
- Fixed a bug where the Ice Skates costume was not appearing under the 'both' option for the male avatar.
Can't tell from the above if the fix to Reprint means it's going to hang around another week.
the best kind of signature
What of the missing 50 Winter Charms on characters that have redeemed the mission? Do we contact customer support?
Seems fair since it was a few characters I accidentally redeemed it on out of mission redeem habits. Even better that it is compiled on a single character to get something large.
And thank you for the fixes!
1. The perk appears on the LOCKBOX perk list, but the transformation is not in a lockbox, it's in the Q store.
2. Unlocking the 'Electrical Storm Transformation' does not register on the count for the perk.
3. The perk description suggests the transformation is purple quality, and is named 'Electrical Storm Costume Transformation'
4. the Q-Store transformation is blue, and is named 'Electrical Storm Transformation'
5. If these are not the same transformation, you need better naming discipline.
6. if these are not the same transformation, where is the one for the perk supposed to be found? It isn't in the lockbox.
Also, the News blurb about 20% costume sale and double XP is wrong again.
"Sale Start: Thursday, December 15th, at 8 AM PT
Sale Ends: Monday, December 22nd, at 8 AM PT"
Please clarify if this sale ends on Monday Dec 19th or Thursday Dec 22nd.
Lastly, in the Zen Store the "On Sale" tab lists Freeform Slots at regular price and not the Costumes at Sale prices. concerning. I legit purchased 5 of those from the Q store recently and unlocked them hoping to trigger the perk, since I can't think where else that transform would come from / refer to.
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I am @RavenForce in game
In case you didn't already figure it out, the reward from the "Ice Spikes" mission is the "Ice Shards" costume, which you can get from the Fixer.
I did not figure that out. And I did not see any way to get anything from Fixer.
But Now I know to go back to the costume shop and look for "Ice Shards" costume, and not "Ice Spikes"
Thank you!
It should be here