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  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,165 Arc User
    Some people are less than diplomatic in their replies.

    While the first sentence should be the one to focus on by the recipient, it is the less cordial comment following that always takes center stage in a rebuttal.

    As has been pointed out and supported by those that should know, facts have been given. However, you continue to deem them as opinions. Additionally, many of us have tested out these facts and can verify them. You should do the same. Clearly, one should never completely take someone at their word. If you can verify things on your own, you should do so. THEN comment on what you have discovered.

    tl;dr Go test. Then discuss.​​

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • kingpin0000kingpin0000 Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    warcanch wrote: »
    Some people are less than diplomatic in their replies.

    While the first sentence should be the one to focus on by the recipient, it is the less cordial comment following that always takes center stage in a rebuttal.

    As has been pointed out and supported by those that should know, facts have been given. However, you continue to deem them as opinions. Additionally, many of us have tested out these facts and can verify them. You should do the same. Clearly, one should never completely take someone at their word. If you can verify things on your own, you should do so. THEN comment on what you have discovered.

    tl;dr Go test. Then discuss.​​

    Ugh same topic... Last comment on it. You guys are sharing one ongoing misconception & its probably a good part my fault for not being clear enough in the beginning or overthinking in a later reply while frustrated & having it come out less than clear so I'll make one attempt to clarify.

    I am not trying to discredit the accuracy of information found. In the scope of what the information is about, the game, only devs are privy to all the inner workings. They are "those that should know" that as you put it. At the very start I simply pointed out wanting to see where it was supported as you said before drawing final conclusions on a particular bit of information which I had been presented yet not even seen testing spoken of on the forums or word from "those that should know" on one way or another.

    "Defensive Combo's shielding seems better because it is smaller and can stack quickly and does not count as your entire slotted passive.

    Once again I will reiterate, PFF & Defensive Combo have exactly the same kind of shielding."
    was the info I spoke about so that you can benefit from proper context. And I did search the for the info yet that statement was all I had to go by. My own tests of the power didn't show that correlation. Raven's reply was an argument for me accepting it on the basis of it being tested information in general. Then others eventually jumped in to back the general validity of forum provided & tested information which my comment was never about.

    My next reply was then a general statement, one about the process of developing a working theory & then having it confirmed or "supported by those that should know" giving it way as fact. I then went on to specifically say that I didn't even disagree with those specific findings yet they where unconfirmed or lacking in the latter of what I just said. It made enough sense to me not to dismiss it so I simply needed the stated form of confirmation to put full stock in it as I originally said.

    "I am of the mind that if a theory works to solve a problem or answer an otherwise unanswerable question then you should go with it if for no other reason than practicality's sake. That is why I did not disagree with your findings. It is not confirmed though. That is fact. That's all I'm saying so please don't take it as a discredit or point of contention."

    My words simply seemed to ring hollow in the face of a general & unstated premise that it discounts all forum information likely stemming from a degree of personal frustration at that point.

    "This comes across as problematic, because that would mean that Player testing cannot be trusted or be used as reliable data in any circumstance. I don't need a Developer to tell me AoRP is working if I slot it and take less damage from an attack when it is not slotted." I never made that claim. That was as you can see a position presented to me in way of argument, not my words or any implication of my own feelings on the matter. Every reply seemingly kept throwing that point at me. Thus me refusing to continue talking on the subject. You guys merely jumped on the bandwagon both late & seeming after assuming their reply as more than it was.

    Again, another general statement that you can agree or disagree with though I doubt you will since its an echo of your own:

    With any hypothesis, or drawn conclusion, there will always be a margin of error. As you say, players test and figure out solutions & answers to problems we aren't given answers for. Through testing that info, it is proven viable & useful. Through the "support of those that should know" it is given credence as fact. Even if unconfirmed in such a manner though I personally remain of the mindset that if it solves a problem effectively then it should be used as fact if for no other reason than the lack of an official solution.

    This is the same point of view I've expressed this whole time regardless of assumptions. Everything I've said about myself, & my philosophy supports this. The fact that my post has adopted various thoughts & opinions presented to me supports this. I was not gonna wholly accept that stated bit of information singularly because I couldn't properly confirm it. That was the single bit of information I intentionally referenced as such. That was it, so hostile comments suggesting a deficiency in my overall character based on a perceived inability to accept provided information are totally unfounded and pointless to make from the first, alongside any misguided attempts to educate me on that point seeing as I obviously know well the benefits broad perspectives & objectivity given all that lengthy philosophy stuff I came at raven with which centered wholly around the subject.

    Again, and for the very last time, I strongly support all aspects of the scientific process: speculation, research, postulation, experimentation, analysis, & drawing a conclusion. Information provided in this manner has been the backbone of society and all human advancement since the advent of reading & writing. I don't know how to make it any clearer. Leave me alone about that crap. It should've never been a point of contention to begin with.

    You're all seeming well educated and quite experienced in the realm of this game. I love having smart people to talk to & I obviously love to talk so that's great. Seriously, this lockdown crap is a pain but I'm unhealthy enough to take it seriously. Please don't continue to derail the thread topic for the sake of argument though. I want you guy's information and ideas. I wanna know more towards the inner workings of this game which I don't have the same freedom to play right now. To be honest & blunt(giggles), this kinda diversion from that is totally & literally killing my high which is such a freakin' waste man. (Yes, it makes me think more freely despite the haze. I'm not ashamed.) I prefer to stay as mellow as possible so let's just be friends. I like you all. Don't worry, be happy. (Passes the peace around the room :P)

    Btw, I won't blame any TL;DRs on this. It's long, but hopefully the last time I have to get serious like this. Not fun. To anyone who bothers with reading it" Thank ya kindly!

    (Ugh so many typos... Despite my OCD I won't be editing it to fix anymore so please just excuse em & anything else that came out super weird sounding.)
    Post edited by kingpin0000 on
  • kingpin0000kingpin0000 Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    I'm actually on here hoping to run in to raven. Logged in to the game a couple hours ago but since couldn't find you. Was searching for @theravenforce in the game which I assume is your handle. I still got some dailies to do so maybe you'll still get on.

    Btw, to the point of my last reply I am in need of some info from experienced individuals though it's off topic quite a bit. Hope that can be excused for the sake of a quick reply then going back on topic.

    I'm trying to use my free FF slot. Decided to try Night Warrior, opposed to Way of the Warrior. I keep seeing NW builds scoring really high at cosmics & I wanna get me some of that lol. I'm feeling like I'm approaching it wrong though because even on PTS my numbers feel sorta off. My character idea is a Spawn inspired mma fighter who passes in and out of nightmares and can attack from another plane of existence. Thought NW fit nice. Can someone clue me into the best ways to get the most out of it? I don't wanna waste a FF. Buying at retcon isn't an option & I'm quite poor in game too. Or maybe a better passive to use? I'm stuck in the powerhouse until then so please help.
    Post edited by kingpin0000 on
  • kingpin0000kingpin0000 Posts: 70 Arc User
    Hopefully this thread will be closed soon. I think the topic would be best addressed fresh in one of the newer threads. Since my last posts, I have actually had the chance to speak with @theravenforce on their points and have come out with a better understanding on a number of points. So far as to even rethink my approach significantly. I wanted to take the time to thank anyone and everyone that took the time to respond & give me further insight & information. Sorry if I overlooked your actual comments. And I apologize for any offense and/or confusion I seemingly may have caused anyone earlier. Having to digest a lot of info at once & respond gets me thrown sometimes & what I'm saying suffers for it. I'm better with code than words luckily. Thanks for meeting up with me Raven and taking the time out to talk for me as long as you did. Hope everyone on here has a good time. Gonna re-post my build question the proper thread so if anyone sees fit to answer it there I'd appreciate it.
  • gentlegiantvexxgentlegiantvexx Posts: 330 Community Moderator
    Can definitely see how this snowballs, Closure request granted.
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