Nightmare Invasion Event
- New Mission: Complete Gateway to Nightmare daily 5 times. Grants the Lance costume.
- New Mission: Complete The Worms Turn daily 5 times. Grants the Bone Mantis costume. (Available week 2).
- New Mission: Complete the Colossus Mission 10 times. Grants a Chaos Imp loyal sidekick.
- Added options for the Lance, Bone Mantis and Chaos Imp items to the Drifter Currency Exchange store. The cost of these items will adjust depending on how much you have progressed in their respective missions. Example: If you have done 1/10 on the mission, the item will lower its base cost by 10%.
- Nightmare Colossus will now only spawn at 1 location at a time in a instance (instead of 3 always being up). Once completed, the open mission will reset after 30 minutes.
- Added beams of light to indicate active open mission location.
- Increased the amount of currency you get from missions.
- Increased the amount of currency you get from completing the Colossus open mission to 15, but the amount received is greatly reduced after completing it 3 times.
- Retired many items from the event store.
- Added a variety of items to the Misc event store.
- Added Cyber Claws costume to the event store.
- Added Eclipse Crown costume to the event store. (Available week 2).
- Eclipse Crown now has an attachment option and additional materials.
- Retired all costumes from event mob drops.
- Retired many action figures from event mob drops.
- Added account unlock versions of costume transforms and emotes to the event store. These are sold at a high price.
- Vehicles in the event store are all now bind on pickup.
- Removed Toy Master exchange stores.
- Event enemies from the The Worms Turn and Gateway to Nightmare dailies have had their Tough status removed.
- Portals now spawn enemies much slower.
- Added a healing component to the consumable devices dropped from event mobs.
- Event Acolytes and Sorcerers can no longer shield.
Nightmare Event
- Put action figures into a reward pack.
- Fixed a bug where the missions were not properly counting towards the costume missions.
- Fixed a bug with the Eclipse costume unlock.
- Action Figures dropped from mobs now drop in a reward box.
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Where it happens
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<font color="#ff0000">Bug
Where it happens
What happens</font>
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May I request for the reasoning behind each of these changes? I'm simply agasp at the conflicting purposes
Huge Plus, thank you
Update: The Titles from Transformations and Emotes ALSO unlock for all characters account wide (takes some time for the unlock to kick in)
a small, mischievous devil or sprite.
What the hell are you Feeding this guy? Why is it so massive?
Is his size working as Intended?
EDIT: it is, works better with the animation and hitbox
BUG: Chaos Imp is currently using L1L-D0GG13's bio
Good thing I unlocked EVERYTHING from the last time Actually really Interesting Reward Mechanic
But since there is no new costume to the vendor, everything is going to the account wide unlocks + transformations
Big fan of the Lance and the fact it unlocks for Multi weapon types except of Laser Swords
as TK skin it makes it even easier to match thematically with the TK Lance and Lance Rain visuals for Melee+Range
The Mantis Head is omnious, but I embrace more insectoids-heads
My demon summoner will thank you for the permanent pet!
Now for the Negatives
The Event Vehicles are Character Bound! If you want those Vehicles to become available for Account Wide you need to Upgrade them to Mark 2 whin Tune-Up Kit
Well I see the reasoning behind this, that's a clever way to make the Tune-Up Kits more popular from the store
I do NOT like this change however, not because of the Event Token resources but because Toy master was really good way to get rid of the Junk for Titles (which are now unobtainable because of the removal)
With that lance I can now make a proper Hoplite
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Crown Eclipse doesn't have additionnal attachment on female character
reduce knockback on the colossus or change its mechanics to not be chiefly knockback-focused. I don't know if the most heroic image of a superhero fight is 'back against the wall being reamed by a chicken skeleton.'
Reduce Account-Wide rewards to 1400 Event Currency, or make Horrors/Elder Worms less of a struggle to fight by yourself.
Making them non-elite did not make them easier.
Ok, now that I am back home I can /rant/ to my heart's content.
So the recent expiration on event currencies was to encourage player participation. With that in mind I must ask...
Tanks were already on high demand for events, with this change whatever 10-15 players that played Tanks during events now will play them even less. Why?
You can already solo 97% of the game. Events are supposed to be things the community does together. How does this work towards encouraging participation? Not to mention that this change screws up pure healer builds. They can still not solo the mobs, but the difference was that before at least they were seeked out by teams to do these quests.
The only way this would work towards "encourage player participation" is if you assume that the majority of the playerbase is composed of only old players, which would not be a wrong assumption, but now you are also actively discouraging new players from participating in events by removing costumes they might be after and placing them on the paper roulette. And why is there not an option to buy account bound vehicles at a higher cost like you did with Emotes and Transformations? Why are vehicles now cancer? Takofanes Chair and Lotus Blossom were BoP because they were supposed to be vanity cosmetic items, so what's the reasoning behind making the 50 different color skins of the NI vehicle BoP?
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
More weapons for HW like this and LESS Quirky please, we still don't have the basic weapons like Polearms and Spears
The Reprint event will likely run at the end of every year.
Events will be retiring older items, this was mentioned when the Trade Paperback box was being tested. Many of those retired items will eventually wind up in the Trade Paperback store.
Re: Mob Difficulty
We toned down the enemies a bit (this mostly affects higher levels), but please keep in mind these tasks are meant to be done with teams. If you are having difficulty running them solo, seek out other players to help!
*Turning in quest (I turn in the Worm one) did not tick (1/5) on the Nightmare Costume quest. It remain (0/5)
*There two Nightmare Costume: Lance, even though one is the head piece.
At least the Drifter Currency Exchange, which is found at the event store and not from Drifter himself, is working properly.
Not by healers or support ATs though. DPS will solo this as soon as the quests become available, and then healers will sit hours on end in zone trying to find someone that can spare 10 minutes out of their "2000 tokens for account bound emote before year ends" grind to help them complete their quests.
Making things easier doesn't encourage people to team up. I think Cosmics are the living proof of this (ie. they were camped and soloed by 1 player only upon spawn vs people forming raids to fight them)
Did you have someone that usually has trouble soloing something like this try it, or did you only use yourself and other people who were already able to solo it as the test sample? I mean, you did at least have someone other than you in that sample, right?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I relate to this, I don't even bother going after Takofanes and Clarence because by the week they spawns I had enough tokens and I don't want to deal with hunting them! During this Winter event I didn't even bothered killing a single Clarence
Also Bloodmoon has CRYPTS and Undread heroes to keep us busy, something which Nightmare Invansion doesn't offer once you are done with the regular dailies
That's a rather broad qualifier... can you define it better?
Can any DPS AT do it? At any level? What builds were tested? What levels and gearing? What about hybrid ATs?
I used my troll pet build DPS. If my troll pet build can solo it but you as a DPS can't, then it's a build problem a not a mob difficulty problem.
Pet builds are really good at soloing tho...
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
It checks out because I just attempted to solo the dailies with my Necromancer-Darkness Healer and my Pet-Summoner and it went pretty good
Give Mantis Head eyes the Qularr hexagon option (but not just skin metal like they currently have)
Alternatively, assuming this won't change, will the cost be cheaper for events that run only one time a year like Anniversary, Blood Moon, Foxbatcon, and Winter? It'd be much harder to save up for them during those.
Nightmare Colossus