I think the game needs ingame Gm's/Devs, as the Zone Chat gets more and more toxic every day and a lot of people get harassed for the look or concept of their characters.
The main problem - in my opinion - is, that those Trolls know that there is not really any kind of monitoring/supervision of the Chats.
Also writing a report ticket is basically useless - you get a message from Cryptic if you want to add something - otherwise the report will be closed.
I have several friends that were bullied ingame all the time, there are groups who are literally specialized on doing that, choosing targets and harassing them afterwards.
I also know at least 4 players who stopped playing the game because of such Trolls/Bullies.
And to make it clear - I'm not some SJW, Snowflake or something like that, I just don't want to read racist, facist (talking about genocides, KZ's for Furries for example) or downward insulting stuff in chats, only because those people know that there will be no consequences.
Characters: Cybrax - DJ of SinAmatic Entertainment Radio -
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Having it open to know the location of MC event bosses was a mistake
I'm not being a nay-sayer... it's just that the devil is often in the details.
I would hope that hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as well as threatening or harassing another player.
These are the basics that should be adhered to imo, and aren't being adhered to currently .
I get that they are open to interpretation, but that would be up to GMs and Cryptic/PW to come up with their definitions and how to enforce them.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
While there are indeed multiple areas of the game with their own separate chat rooms, just monitoring the MC zone chat would address the vast majority of what is being complained about, as that is where it mostly happens since that is the area with the most players gathered.
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that not really a problem if they will have to be anywhere all they need to be at is Millennium City zone, since that will be the most popular, and there are ways to keep track of zone and multiple locations, and if anything they can always make a tool/app to keep track of those things mentioned.
Since those people need to be paid for their job and ...you know....
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Probably just a emote:
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Still waiting for him to start.
but he is an employee, not some player who volunteers.
Technically it started with disaster, if you remember a certain something something
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Navi didn't join at game launch tho
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
He's not a player, he's a PW employee.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Here we go. Listen up "you people".
Netflix Series incoming.
"everything" . What a bizarre practice, I wonder why?
Yeah, shut up and stop complaining you marginalised groups who these trolls target. "Muh Free Speech!"
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
My super cool CC build and how to use it.