Happy 10th Anniversary! For the next 4 weeks we will be celebrating! Every week will bring new goodies and things to do!
- Added Retro Defender Chest Wear, Hips Layer and Boots costumes to the event store.
- New Event Contact: Top Ten. He will have new weekly missions during the anniversary!
Week 1 Highlights:
- Witchcraft is here to give double XP this week.
- Gifts and event currency will be dropping from enemies.
- Top Ten has a mission for you to reconvene with past contacts.
- Martha Reece is looking for help rescuing cats from trees.
- Sapphire is putting on a concert every hour. Dance!
- Weekly Event store: This week Become Devices are available in the event store.
Secret Identity Lockbox
We have a new lockbox out!
New items to this lockbox:
- Casual Costume Box
- Power Skating travel power
- Bladed Fury ultimate power
- Phonebooth costume transformation
- Energy Surge costume transformation
- Run Scared emote
Casual Costume Box can contain the following items:
- Casual Hair 1
- Casual Hair 2
- Casual Glasses
- Casual Hood 1
- Casual Hood 2
- Casual Sweater
- Casual Shirt 1
- Casual Shirt 2
- Casual Jacket 1
- Casual Jacket 2
- Casual Belts
- Casual Pants 1
- Casual Pants 2
- Casual Pants 3
- Casual Pants 4
- Casual Boots 1
- Casual Boots 2
- Casual Sneakers 1
- Casual Sneakers 2
ZEN Store
New Key Pack:
- 20 Keys
- Gauntlet of Power costume
- Requin Exocet vehicle
- 25x Nighthawk’s Talons mods
- 3x Triumphant Recovery
- 10x Healing Device Plus
- 10x Energy Surge Plus
All players have received a free respec. Free respecs do not stack, so if you already had one this one will not stack on top of it.
Might Power Changes
Defensive Combo
Nuclear Shockwave
Unleashed Rage
Havoc Stomp
Mighty Leap
Iron Chain
New Power: Impressive Physique
New Power: Call To Battle
New Power: Indestructible
New Power: Pulverizer
New Power: Endorphin Rush
New Power: Final Punch
Onslaught Gloves of the Defender
Force Shield
Telekinetic Shield
Inborn Tenacity Device
Ultimate Powers
Active Powers
Active Offenses
Master of the Mind/Feral Rage
Ice Sheathe
Masterful Dodge
Ice Barrier
Field Surge
Power Chord
Charged Up
Laughing Zephyr
Lightning Strike
Wall of Ice
Ebon Ruin
New Power: Destructive
New Power: Bladed Fury
Corrected diminishing return values on this archetype.
New Power Progression:
Changed power choices:
Changed power choices:
This lockbox kinda gives the impression that you're lowkey calling us filthy casuals. Which is true in a way.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Since Bestial got such a... that kind of ultimate... we need alternative powers and Bladed Fury fits perfectly Bestial
Was the Unlocking issues with Skating travel power and Run Scared Emote fixed?
I see this typo made it into the release notes. That should be "when taking or dealing direct damage". Taking and receiving mean the same thing in this context .-.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I'm willing to bet she forgot to post those changes, and that they are definitely included. It would be a disaster otherwise.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Now get ready to add A LOT and i mean A LOT OF TEN-puns
Why is Caterpie here?
5/10, not enough cats.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
because hes a CATerpie
This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I also like how the Secret ID box provides us with Reactor Costume Boxes!
And no time to retcon all that...
And i got $50 right here, for all those CostumeParts in a bundle.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Also, there's a tool tip error as Indestructible is reading that it's an Active Offense in it's first descriptions.
Still, I do love the power. I'm gonna try to get Virt gear to make the most of it!
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
We need more Unique travel powers like this
Have a happy 10 anniversary champions.
Also, targeting DJ Madbot with the party bomb does not give the 'D.J.' perk, as it did last year. I did not have enough to test the party-bombing perks on other perk-y targets, but I suspect that whatever change was made that counts the number of affected targets has broken the other target and location based party-bomb perks.
Will it be placed there later ?
It is a real shame that they changed it as they did. A charge reduction bonus is nearly useless compared to a flat-out damage buff. I rarely see people use charge attacks fully charged unless they are super fast to charge to begin with.
Also, did we really need to kill the advantage of the two shields? I mean I know the Dark shield's version is 3 points but it provides stronger defense when fully loaded as far as I know.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
This year we decided to break all your Characters so you can spend even longer in the Powerhouse!
Don't worry though, you can obtain a free Excel macro from the Event Store (cost 1,000,000 Boffin tokens). to help you work out the optimal Cosmic DPS setup for this week! (May not work next week).
(I'm joking, sort of).
Next Week It's true and I can confirm since im using it with adv on 3 support builds
The offensive buff was hit HARD by DM, it wasn't even worth using
What she meant is it literally doesn't work xd, it's bugged.
On things that have a charge time that this would actually effect? I mean I see full charge moves being used when the charge period is short and even then sparingly mostly but any of the serious ones seem to mostly just get spammed at low charge because they are not worth full charge in my experience.
The DR thing is valid though. It helps a lot with lower level less Minmaxed characters around you but top level Minmaxed it does nothing much for. Then again, it is not a very valid skill to use in those circumstances anyway.
I'm not sure what you mean by charges only being worth using if the charge time is short, or people using charges sparringly. You must be watching different people than I am, because I see lots of fully charged powers, even when the charge time is long. Many of my toons dps using charged attacks, and barring some un-updated sets, using full charges produces better dps - the only toon I have that dpses using taps is my Telepathy CCer, and I can't wait for them to change telepathy to use a maintain or full charges instead. There's no reason to minimize your charges either, since blocks will always interrupt them if you need to suddenly block in the middle of a charge.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Addressed an issue where the Casual hair 1 and 2 unlocks were swapped.
Addressed an issue where the Casual Jacket 2 costume wasn't unlocking for female characters. These changes are retroactive.
> The great thing about charge speed bonus is that it helps all builds equally, so long as they're using charges, and collectively we benefit more from having our top dpsers have their dps increased by 12% than we do from having the bottom dps increased 20%. Incidentally all Melee builds use charges, often long ones, and that's where a Heavy Weapons toon that might use this power is likely to be hanging out.
> I'm not sure what you mean by charges only being worth using if the charge time is short, or people using charges sparringly. You must be watching different people than I am, because I see lots of fully charged powers, even when the charge time is long. Many of my toons dps using charged attacks, and barring some un-updated sets, using full charges produces better dps - the only toon I have that dpses using taps is my Telepathy CCer, and I can't wait for them to change telepathy to use a maintain or full charges instead. There's no reason to minimize your charges either, since blocks will always interrupt them if you need to suddenly block in the middle of a charge.
The only people who use fully charged powers are ones at cosmics or being forced to do so, or doing it just out to make sure they get out the max damage, there not much of reason to max out your charge unless you can do this willingly without cool down behind it, if your attacks are must be full charge to fire\used, you at a disadvantage because if you are
Knocked, it will be cancelled.
Held, it will be cancelled.
Interrupted, you already know.
This will be even worse if we are talking about involving cooldowns if you if hit the 100% mark on your charge and get knocked, held, interrupted, shot\action will fail and you will go in to a cooldown as if it was initiated, me personally I think fully charged to attack is bad thing to put on any power, unless device power e.g psionic accelerator, and lost of DPS, IF you can do 10k with half or 75% of a charge why should I fire defile at full for 13k? Is it that 3k worth that? No, not worth to me anyway, rarely anything hold still in this game, so a fully charged power to fire would be a chore, I do enough of that when I comeback from work.
Also rocket launcher known as rocket is 20 seconds power and must be fully charged to fire that do if I was to get knocked or held, at the time of it's firing\ 100% charged up, it will be cancelled out go into cooldown and I will have to wait 15-20 seconds to be used just to try to fire again, and this is always going to be a problem regardless if you doing cosmics or not, even if you think the shot is going to be wasted all you have to do is block and your shot is canceled
And any powered get benefits from a full charge is TK Lance with it semi dependent buffs.
Hi-Octane Excitement: Combat is instantaneous and electrifying. No more boring auto attacks and lengthy recharge times
I want my rocket launcher back too 5-7 seconds again and be able to fire it at any percentage of charge, please
and you could get rid of the 7target cap it not useful anyway, and make red hot fury turn it into a 20-15 second recharged time modifier.
Please do this kaiserin.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained