I like the name, Crimson Bloom, sounds like a terribly violent Asian action movie. Maybe you need to say it in Voiceover Man mode.
I do wish the power was dodge based, though, so that you can make a proper dodge-focused build. If people want a shield effect - and why not - then it should be a 3pt advantage on the power, as it is with the munitions powers that have a shield effect.
I'd also love an AT without a BCR self-heal. This will be the sixth one. Master, Fist, Blade, Unleashed, Dragon Spirit, Samurai. It's all a bit samey. Healing off stacked debuffs isn't new - we already have Thrash and Absorb Heat - and it's balanced, because BCR works better against multiple enemies, but debuff healing is more useful against single targets, bosses, etc.
In anything without a lockout? No reason at all, just like the other self rez powers. However, in lockout situations like say the last phase of STE a tank could pop back up, grab aggro on everything ( threat bonus + being able to attack constantly without having to worry about incoming damage, great combo for that ) then wait out the penalty period while blocking.
In StE maybe, though unsure on mobs with DoTs. 10% generally means you will be left with 1.7k Hp to survive for 10/5 seconds, since few tanks go above 17k hp. Again, the problem is "another self-rez can do this better".
The actual situation I could think "yeah, this power will be more useful than any other self-rez"...was on a DPS, after the tank died and doesn't have a self rez himself. The DPS rezzes, becomes invulnerable, aggros everything and gives enough time for the healer to rez and heal the tank. Then the DPS proceeds to die and the threat goes to the tank.
However, this self-rez's apparent intended usage seems to be by tanks, specially since it's been given to a Tank AT. And for that purpose, there are way better options.
I'm not sure if this is intended or not, but the Rupture damage from Reaper's Embrace has been reduced from Live values by roughly ~30% for each bleed. I'd understand if this was specifically for the No Mercy advantage due to gaining the ability to rupture wounds resulting in more overall damage, but this is also the case when not taking the No Mercy advantage, resulting in a hefty loss in damage.
At this point, it makes taking No Mercy even more important since the initial burst can nearly keep up with rank 3, while also having the two extra ticks of damage a few seconds later.
OH GREAT, we are doing the "You are required to get the ADV on the already existing TIER 3 power in order to get back the 30% nerfed damage" again
Not a fan of this mechanic in revamps, why even having rank 3 at this point?
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
For Last Stand, what about also increasing damage dealt for the same time period. So not only do you have 15 where you are nigh invulnerable, but you also can carve through enemies at a crazy rate. Would make this more likely to see use in non-cosmic play. If something took you down, you get back up and have a much better shot at taking it down in 15 secs. If you can, great, you get the time afterwards to rest and recover. If not, well, then sucks to be you.
Also helps to get threat back quickly. Good option for a soak tank to save a wipe. Gives the MT time to get back up and generate threat to get it back when the last stand tank dies.
Rebirth does this i believe. Doubles damage. (you can also get the zombies if you want) Seems like this should have a similar advantage. Makes them more on parity. You then get a choice on your penalty. 20 secs of health ticking down, or 15 sec of boost followed by the HP loss/no heal.
Or how about making it a PBAOE. Activating triggers a PBAOE for 15 sec that during which you have all the damage resistance, etc, with the idea that it should hopefully clear out whatever killed you, then have the 10 sec penalty.
To make this really fun, make it a passive automatic affect. You die, it happens automatically. (actually makes sense in that it prevents someone from camping out dead at cosmic for the sole purpose of waking up if the tank dies.)
I actually haven't tested RE again after this last patch, but remember a thing:
- Live RE you have to build up Bleed stacks manually, resulting in a net loss of DPS
- PTS RE builds Bleed stacks a lot faster by itself, in a similar way like TK does, allowing for faster RE spammage
The proper way to test if RE's overall DPS got nerfed or not would be to compare 2-3 mins of the Live rotation vs the PTS rotation.
They do, it was added at the time of the last revamp. (I checked!) No bad thing, it goes well with Way of the Warrior (which is on four of those ATs, too).
I'm neutral on the animation to Crimson Cloud, it looks quite cool sometimes. Although I wish the power was dodge based the AT is still pretty strong. I had a quick zip around the Q Zone and there's no reason why you can't solo the dailies with it. The Elder Worms are usually the pain in the rear-end but I'm not having any trouble here:
Fully restores your health, gives you a health boost, damage resistance and a massive amount of regeneration for 15 seconds.
After 15 seconds, your health is dramatically reduced. For the next 10 seconds you cannot be healed and cannot use any active defenses.
Places other Self Rezzes and Active Defenses on cooldown.
Advantage (2): Grants a large amount of threat generation while active.
Advantage (2): Reduces the amount of time you are immune to healing.
Does the "massive amount of regeneration for 15 seconds" benefit from any healing bonuses? Pre, Specs, Gear? Aside from the random threat Adv, this seems like a pretty good Healer self-rez. Use it when SHTF, then you have 15 seconds to get everything straightened out.
This power makes NO sense as a tank rez. Instead of the bonus threat adv, put a threat gen reduction advantage on it.
Another option would be to make it less unworthy and make it an Ultimate.
- - - - -
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Tested it and shields are not affected by the penalty period. Also Protector Mastery reactivates Last Stand. When it reduces your health that doesn't proc Protector Mastery of course, but Protector Master is guaranteed to proc on the very next hit giving you your ADs back right away.
Tested it and shields are not affected by the penalty period. Also Protector Mastery reactivates Last Stand. When it reduces your health that doesn't proc Protector Mastery of course, but Protector Master is guaranteed to proc on the very next hit giving you your ADs back right away.
Which is probably something the Devs would "fix" immediately, as it is bypassing their "intent". Meanwhile, HOORAH for Protector Mastery! (I think. I'm not sure if I'm reading what you said correctly.)
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=- "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
Tested it and shields are not affected by the penalty period. Also Protector Mastery reactivates Last Stand. When it reduces your health that doesn't proc Protector Mastery of course, but Protector Master is guaranteed to proc on the very next hit giving you your ADs back right away.
Does Protector Mastery cause the power to bypass this:
Tested it and shields are not affected by the penalty period. Also Protector Mastery reactivates Last Stand. When it reduces your health that doesn't proc Protector Mastery of course, but Protector Master is guaranteed to proc on the very next hit giving you your ADs back right away.
Does Protector Mastery cause the power to bypass this:
New Power: Last Stand
[*] For the next 10 seconds you cannot be healed and cannot use any active defenses.
Cause if it does it sounds like non intentional behaviour.
No, but it does mean that even though using the power will put your other Active Defenses on Cooldown, Protector Mastery can ensure that you have them immediately after that 5/10 second period ends; pretty sure this is intended behavior since why wouldn't it be - allowing you to bypass Active Defense cooldowns is literally the singular function of Protector Mastery. Surviving the 5/10 second period meanwhile can be assisted with shields.
It also needs some specific timing to actually happen. If Protector Mastery procced right before you went down as part of the process of you going down then you don't get this. What I'm wondering is if Protector Mastery procs if you get blasted from >30% health right down to 0, or if it actually requires you to make a stop at 1% - 30% to proc. In the lattter case, getting one shotted would mean Protector Master provides this benefit, which could be pretty handy in an emergency situation.
Using Mini Drive's Reciprocicating Gizmo adv with Enrage's Giant Growth no longer applies the visual FX from Reciprocicating Gizmo.
Please do not leave this kind of information out of PTS notes.
If this change is intended to go Live, please consider giving a free retcon to anyone who has either of these powers since the only reason I even take Mini Drive on my toons is cause the visual FX.
Another size stealth change was made this patch as well:
Having Enrage toggled on with its Giant Growth advantage will make it so that Super Magnifier/Magnifier will no longer apply its visual effect when toggled on. You must have NO stacks of Enrage for it to work.
Even having 1 stack will prevent the effect from toggling on.
Can we get some information as to why these changes were made, and specifically left out of the patch notes?
Not stacking temp and super magnifiers seemed fair and I don't think that the stopping of using Shrinker+Magnifier together was too bad, I was even okay with the fix to mini drive stacking, draysha gun and artificial life injection.
But if the previous two posters are right, then this size nerfing nonsense is all getting just a bit silly now.
Using Mini Drive's Reciprocicating Gizmo adv with Enrage's Giant Growth no longer applies the visual FX from Reciprocicating Gizmo.
Please do not leave this kind of information out of PTS notes.
If this change is intended to go Live, please consider giving a free retcon to anyone who has either of these powers since the only reason I even take Mini Drive on my toons is cause the visual FX.
Another size stealth change was made this patch as well:
Having Enrage toggled on with its Giant Growth advantage will make it so that Super Magnifier/Magnifier will no longer apply its visual effect when toggled on. You must have NO stacks of Enrage for it to work.
Even having 1 stack will prevent the effect from toggling on.
Can we get some information as to why these changes were made, and specifically left out of the patch notes?
So it finally happened. A lot of growth-themed heroes will be EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED with this. Please don't let this go to Live. The Enrage's growth is why I love playing my fav characters so much.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
How not to avoid an incoming storm: Leaving out details about upcoming changes in patch notes.
If the failure to add the sizes changes in patch notes was a legitimate accident, then that's fine, but uh...If it wasn't an accident, then mistakes were made.
But if the previous two posters are right, then this size nerfing nonsense is all getting just a bit silly now.
What was silly was me watching a certain someone, after the last batch of growth changes, standing in rencen still growing to the size of a building, except this time it appeared to be a method that involved actively entering the combat state. Makes me wonder if we were about to see that utilized at cosmics for trolling, in which case I'm glad it's being headed off quickly.
One more undocumented change:
Miniaturization Drive's Reciprocating Gizmo advantage's visual effect can no longer be stacked. (This is still possible on Live as of this post)
But if the previous two posters are right, then this size nerfing nonsense is all getting just a bit silly now.
What was silly was me watching a certain someone, after the last batch of growth changes, standing in rencen still growing to the size of a building, except this time it appeared to be a method that involved actively entering the combat state. Makes me wonder if we were about to see that utilized at cosmics for trolling, in which case I'm glad it's being headed off quickly.
Basically what that player was doing was stacking CDR and timing Mini Drive's CD to get that big. However with the above change, this is no longer possible.
In other words, this change alone is enough to stop that and the other two undocumented changes are just overkill.
Basically what that player was doing was stacking CDR and timing Mini Drive's CD to get that big. However with the above change, this is no longer possible.
In other words, this change alone is enough to stop that and the other two undocumented changes are just overkill.
Mmmm... you sure? Cause when I was watching him he went from regular sized to giant building sized in the span of about 3 seconds, and appeared to have several growth spurts in that time. Can you really get MiniD's CD that low?
It's possible to stack Mini-Drive up to 3 times with enough CDR, timing, and nanobot swarm. Maybe more.
You can also activate Magnifier afterwords while the visual effect is still on your character. However, that has also been fixed with this patch too. (That is trying to activate Magnifier while Mini-Drive's visual effect is active will do nothing until MD's VFX expires, which is also a reasonable change).
Well, thing is if as you said just the one change would have fixed it I imagine that's what would have been done. The fact that all the changes were made makes me think someone with the inside knowleges knows that without making all these changes such exploits are still possible. After all, the devs wouldn't just change things for no reason.
Sooo, no one is gonna comment on how overpowered Reapers embrace's advantage is?
Seriously, it may be divided into three hits but its still OP spike that bypasses dodge, even if the spike is divided into 2 or 3 hits, and heck the delay on the last 2 hits might make it more OP just do nothing, run away and block and then wait for the last 2 hits to hit the person
A thing to remind people is that the more extreme giant growth effects can lag out other players' systems. On top of the problems it can cause with team content, I can vaguely feel bad for the players who weren't doing it for ill but don't have problems with seeing it gone.
But yeah, devs...document this stuff. And fix bugs like the Demonflame finale that pull this on the NPC side.
"Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."
A thing to remind people is that the more extreme giant growth effects can lag out other players' systems. On top of the problems it can cause with team content, I can vaguely feel bad for the players who weren't doing it for ill but don't have problems with seeing it gone.
Yes, I can totally see how it can cause performance issues with people who stacked size exploits to get into rencenter size, and I have in fact, spoken against it. Specially since said people encouraged more into doing it. The whole rencen was one particle aura away from becoming unplayable.
However, Giant Growth + Mini Drive is smaller than Magnifier size, so I really don't see how it could cause issues when you grow to a smaller size than the intended one provided by a device.
As it has been said, there is an easy fix (which was done and not mentioned either) to prevent people from growing into huge sizes during combat, and that is, by preventing Mini Drive to stack on itself.
Anything else just gives off an unprofessional feeling, to me at least.
It's possible that it's not the size itself but the amount of size altering mechanics that causes problems. Like a single 300% size increase could be no problem but thirteen 1% increases could possibly cause the problems.
I'm with spinny, the developers don't just make arbitrary rules and changes to stomp out fun, they can look under the hood and see what's actually causing problems and make decisions based on factual data.
This I can understand "because of server health"... but now my entire concept is just gone because of this.
And i'm more tick because With this i was certainly able to bring in new players and show them "Hey! You can do anything-- Like this!!" And then give the grand tour of CO like normal.
But this, this just downright killed all of my toon's concepts and hard work since my beginnings, and most definitely dropped out ideas for possibilities too. I really hope we get compensated for this or something, because this is just not right. Especially for another thing not being mentioned as a stealth fix.
Or just stop making costumes, power reworks, and halt the possible upcoming content and overhaul the servers and ask to have the same treatment as Neverwinter, or even Cryptic's upcoming Magic the Gathering MMORPG. Please?
This I can understand "because of server health"... but now my entire concept is just gone because of this.
And i'm more tick because With this i was certainly able to bring in new players and show them "Hey! You can do anything-- Like this!!" And then give the grand tour of CO like normal.
But this, this just downright killed all of my toon's concepts and hard work since my beginnings, and most definitely dropped out ideas for possibilities too. I really hope we get compensated for this or something, because this is just not right. Especially for another thing not being mentioned as a stealth fix.
Or just stop making costumes, power reworks, and halt the possible upcoming content and overhaul the servers and ask to have the same treatment as Neverwinter, or even Cryptic's upcoming Magic the Gathering MMORPG. Please?
My hope is wearing thin.
What concept, though.. you're standing in RC, lagging others out while spamming the discord link on zone chat. If that's a concept, then i'm Santa Clause.
This I can understand "because of server health"... but now my entire concept is just gone because of this.
And i'm more tick because With this i was certainly able to bring in new players and show them "Hey! You can do anything-- Like this!!" And then give the grand tour of CO like normal.
But this, this just downright killed all of my toon's concepts and hard work since my beginnings, and most definitely dropped out ideas for possibilities too. I really hope we get compensated for this or something, because this is just not right. Especially for another thing not being mentioned as a stealth fix.
Or just stop making costumes, power reworks, and halt the possible upcoming content and overhaul the servers and ask to have the same treatment as Neverwinter, or even Cryptic's upcoming Magic the Gathering MMORPG. Please?
My hope is wearing thin.
What concept, though.. you're standing in RC, lagging others out while spamming the discord link on zone chat. If that's a concept, then i'm Santa Clause.
|| Main Tank || DPSer || Healer || CCer || Altoholic || @shadowolf505 in game ||
It's possible that it's not the size itself but the amount of size altering mechanics that causes problems. Like a single 300% size increase could be no problem but thirteen 1% increases could possibly cause the problems.
I'm pretty sure that's it. I'm only one person but naturally large NPCs like Mega Destroids and the Bleak Harbinger don't mess with my system the way stacked growth does.
"Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."
I'm gonna stick with "the devs know more than we do". It is funny seeing you edge closer to you-know-who in terms of what you're typing tho lez.
Nah. No three threads of it, plus leaving stuff out of patch notes=/= devs know more than we do. Fixing things okay whatever, but leaving things out of patch notes is not some wise all-knowing dev trick. I fail to even see how it could be interpreted as such
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
This I can understand "because of server health"... but now my entire concept is just gone because of this.
And i'm more tick because With this i was certainly able to bring in new players and show them "Hey! You can do anything-- Like this!!" And then give the grand tour of CO like normal.
But this, this just downright killed all of my toon's concepts and hard work since my beginnings, and most definitely dropped out ideas for possibilities too. I really hope we get compensated for this or something, because this is just not right. Especially for another thing not being mentioned as a stealth fix.
Or just stop making costumes, power reworks, and halt the possible upcoming content and overhaul the servers and ask to have the same treatment as Neverwinter, or even Cryptic's upcoming Magic the Gathering MMORPG. Please?
My hope is wearing thin.
Well that's not gonna happen unfortunately because PWI takes care of NW and monolithic names like those, CO apparently just gets by, so they figure it's in a sweet spot of sorts. Sure, it could do numbers if they put more into it but it's overall easier to just let it get by/linger, and they get a few dollars here and there for it too.
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
I'm pretty sure that's it. I'm only one person but naturally large NPCs like Mega Destroids and the Bleak Harbinger don't mess with my system the way stacked growth does.
Actually they did back to the days every DoT/Debuff/Attack Visual Aura stacked on them since they all scaled with their gigantic physic
but now that players attacks don't disturb their visuals they are doing fine
However this is noticeable on the few enemies in the game with the ability to growth
Like Qliphothic Horror Bloodmothers(sp?) their growth effect on normal enemies can affect performance
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
It's possible that it's not the size itself but the amount of size altering mechanics that causes problems. Like a single 300% size increase could be no problem but thirteen 1% increases could possibly cause the problems.
I'm with spinny, the developers don't just make arbitrary rules and changes to stomp out fun, they can look under the hood and see what's actually causing problems and make decisions based on factual data.
I was thinking the same thing: It might not be the size, but the layering of effects that have to be individually calculated. Maybe we could get more "ranks" of Magnifier devices. The "Great Magnifier" (a little smaller), existing "Super-Magnifier", "Mega-Magnifier", and the "Colossal-Magnifier" (AKA the Grond-ificator).
It's possible that it's not the size itself but the amount of size altering mechanics that causes problems. Like a single 300% size increase could be no problem but thirteen 1% increases could possibly cause the problems.
I'm with spinny, the developers don't just make arbitrary rules and changes to stomp out fun, they can look under the hood and see what's actually causing problems and make decisions based on factual data.
I was thinking the same thing: It might not be the size, but the layering of effects that have to be individually calculated. Maybe we could get more "ranks" of Magnifier devices. The "Great Magnifier" (a little smaller), existing "Super-Magnifier", "Mega-Magnifier", and the "Colossal-Magnifier" (AKA the Grond-ificator).
I will miss getting that big in combat though.
That looks pretty neat actually
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
RIP Giant Growth theme.
Say what you want, but the game just became less fun for them. All because of a silly quarrel. Even using the "not intended" excuse to justify the "fix". Can't hold back my bitterness for this, so forgive me but deal with it.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
Remove growth totally from the effects that grant it.
Create a new effect. This effect is applied by anything that currently grants size.
This effect grants size based on the total number of other traditional growth effects (possibly counting some effects with a multiplier)
This has two benefits. First, you can put a cap on it. Secondly, it becomes additive rather than multiplicative with multiple growth effects.
I like this, additive instead of multiplicative.
Other easy fixes would be:
1) If it is the maximum height is the problem, just put a maximum on height. No matter how many effects you stack, you can never get taller than X.
2) If it is number of stacks that is the problem, just limit the number of stacks. No matter how many effects you try to stack, it maxes out at X.
3) If it is a resource issue caused by a combination of height, auras, and whatever else, just put a maximum on that. "You have been logged off for over-consumption of resources."
Also, while you are working on the growth stuff, could you take the growth mechanic off Reciprocating Gizmo and add it as 0 point advantage? I use the power because I like the buff, but my character is supposed to be small and not size-change. That has always messed with my concept, but I never bothered to complain about it. However, since we are complaining about size here, it seems appropriate.
- - - - -
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Tested it and shields are not affected by the penalty period. Also Protector Mastery reactivates Last Stand. When it reduces your health that doesn't proc Protector Mastery of course, but Protector Master is guaranteed to proc on the very next hit giving you your ADs back right away.
Does this mean you can re-rez yourself when you die again right away?
- - - - -
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Also, if the Growth stacking was not working as intended, why has it been that way for many years?
Also, if you are working on things that are not working as intended that are ruining the QoL for players, there are a LOT of those that need attention, many with way more impact than Growth scaling. Can we get some work on those?
- - - - -
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
It's possible that it's not the size itself but the amount of size altering mechanics that causes problems. Like a single 300% size increase could be no problem but thirteen 1% increases could possibly cause the problems.
I'm pretty sure that's it. I'm only one person but naturally large NPCs like Mega Destroids and the Bleak Harbinger don't mess with my system the way stacked growth does.
Actually they did back to the days every DoT/Debuff/Attack Visual Aura stacked on them since they all scaled with their gigantic physic
but now that players attacks don't disturb their visuals they are doing fine
However this is noticeable on the few enemies in the game with the ability to growth
Like Qliphothic Horror Bloodmothers(sp?) their growth effect on normal enemies can affect performance
I'mma reply to these for arguments sake since the changes have already been enforced.
As Avi correctly assessed (and I've also replied in other threads), players or enemies growing giant do not have an apparent impact on your game's performance, but they do when you stack a visual aura on top, specially if it's a particle aura like Fire Aura/Clinging flames debuff.
On enemies, this was fixed by preventing the debuff visual aura from displaying.
I would have personally liked if the same approach had been taken with players.
Posting here since the Patch Notes are flooded with drama and the bug report will be ignore
I would like to request someone else to TEST this power as well Reaper's Caress -> Cleanse ADV
I'm having serious issues testing this power in power house, especially against Dummies where i have to damage myself with Dark Transfusion first, and in Battle station the Holograms either die too fast or I die too fast The GOOD: The healing is affected by Bonus Healing sources and by Healing Debuffs
You get 1 healing tick for Each stack consume against Mobs when used as AOE attack
Bug: The Cleanse ADV doesn't seem to consume 100% Deadly Poison neither Bleeding, causing the adv to fail to trigger and heal you
I tested it against dummies with 5 stacks of bleed and Poison
Right now the power is not reliable for self healing
I suspect the power may ignore the prime target and only consume stacks from secondaries
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
I'm not sure if this is intended or not, but the Rupture damage from Reaper's Embrace has been reduced from Live values by roughly ~30% for each bleed. I'd understand if this was specifically for the No Mercy advantage due to gaining the ability to rupture wounds resulting in more overall damage, but this is also the case when not taking the No Mercy advantage, resulting in a hefty loss in damage.
At this point, it makes taking No Mercy even more important since the initial burst can nearly keep up with rank 3, while also having the two extra ticks of damage a few seconds later.
First thing on LIVE was to test my main Single Blade DPS (DEX/STR/CON, Vindicator+Brawler Set Up+Flanking)
RANK 3 Reaper's Embrace, around 30k on Critical, i don't think the No Mercy ADV is enforced
Not everyone is fan of Scything Blade, so Swallowtail cut isn't been used in all builds (i hate it personally)
I don't trust No Mercy ADV for endgame, the timing is tricky. This is propably intended to be used by Tanks so I don't plant to change my Main single blade dps build any time soon
EDIT: Almost 40k on Critical on a build with Aurum gear by consuming all types of bleeds, interesting
The timing of keeping all 4 bleeds active during endgame won't be easy, especially since Shredded is capped
So yeah while the damage output is
No Mercy Advantage: This advantage no longer has a chance to apply Bleeds. Now causes Reaper's Embrace to rupture all of your Wound effects instead of just Bleed effects. The rupture damage now deals a portion of the damage initially, then hits twice more over the next 4 seconds. The last 2 hits cannot be dodged and cannot be refreshed or reapplied while active.
Are those 2 Hit suppose to be able to Critical Hit?
Post edited by avianos on
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
The Blade and Fist ATs don't have BCR.
In StE maybe, though unsure on mobs with DoTs. 10% generally means you will be left with 1.7k Hp to survive for 10/5 seconds, since few tanks go above 17k hp. Again, the problem is "another self-rez can do this better".
The actual situation I could think "yeah, this power will be more useful than any other self-rez"...was on a DPS, after the tank died and doesn't have a self rez himself. The DPS rezzes, becomes invulnerable, aggros everything and gives enough time for the healer to rez and heal the tank. Then the DPS proceeds to die and the threat goes to the tank.
However, this self-rez's apparent intended usage seems to be by tanks, specially since it's been given to a Tank AT. And for that purpose, there are way better options.
At this point, it makes taking No Mercy even more important since the initial burst can nearly keep up with rank 3, while also having the two extra ticks of damage a few seconds later.
Not a fan of this mechanic in revamps, why even having rank 3 at this point?
Also helps to get threat back quickly. Good option for a soak tank to save a wipe. Gives the MT time to get back up and generate threat to get it back when the last stand tank dies.
Rebirth does this i believe. Doubles damage. (you can also get the zombies if you want) Seems like this should have a similar advantage. Makes them more on parity. You then get a choice on your penalty. 20 secs of health ticking down, or 15 sec of boost followed by the HP loss/no heal.
Or how about making it a PBAOE. Activating triggers a PBAOE for 15 sec that during which you have all the damage resistance, etc, with the idea that it should hopefully clear out whatever killed you, then have the 10 sec penalty.
To make this really fun, make it a passive automatic affect. You die, it happens automatically. (actually makes sense in that it prevents someone from camping out dead at cosmic for the sole purpose of waking up if the tank dies.)
- Live RE you have to build up Bleed stacks manually, resulting in a net loss of DPS
- PTS RE builds Bleed stacks a lot faster by itself, in a similar way like TK does, allowing for faster RE spammage
The proper way to test if RE's overall DPS got nerfed or not would be to compare 2-3 mins of the Live rotation vs the PTS rotation.
They do, it was added at the time of the last revamp. (I checked!) No bad thing, it goes well with Way of the Warrior (which is on four of those ATs, too).
I'm neutral on the animation to Crimson Cloud, it looks quite cool sometimes. Although I wish the power was dodge based the AT is still pretty strong. I had a quick zip around the Q Zone and there's no reason why you can't solo the dailies with it. The Elder Worms are usually the pain in the rear-end but I'm not having any trouble here:
(so Apologies for calling the thing "Junk", it's absolutely not).
Does the "massive amount of regeneration for 15 seconds" benefit from any healing bonuses? Pre, Specs, Gear? Aside from the random threat Adv, this seems like a pretty good Healer self-rez. Use it when SHTF, then you have 15 seconds to get everything straightened out.
This power makes NO sense as a tank rez. Instead of the bonus threat adv, put a threat gen reduction advantage on it.
Another option would be to make it less unworthy and make it an Ultimate.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
The massive amount of regeneration is health %. 70%-100% (depending on rank) Hp regeneration per second.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Which is probably something the Devs would "fix" immediately, as it is bypassing their "intent". Meanwhile, HOORAH for Protector Mastery! (I think. I'm not sure if I'm reading what you said correctly.)
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
Does Protector Mastery cause the power to bypass this:
Cause if it does it sounds like non intentional behaviour.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
No, but it does mean that even though using the power will put your other Active Defenses on Cooldown, Protector Mastery can ensure that you have them immediately after that 5/10 second period ends; pretty sure this is intended behavior since why wouldn't it be - allowing you to bypass Active Defense cooldowns is literally the singular function of Protector Mastery. Surviving the 5/10 second period meanwhile can be assisted with shields.
It also needs some specific timing to actually happen. If Protector Mastery procced right before you went down as part of the process of you going down then you don't get this. What I'm wondering is if Protector Mastery procs if you get blasted from >30% health right down to 0, or if it actually requires you to make a stop at 1% - 30% to proc. In the lattter case, getting one shotted would mean Protector Master provides this benefit, which could be pretty handy in an emergency situation.
More testing on this would be neat.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Using Mini Drive's Reciprocicating Gizmo adv with Enrage's Giant Growth no longer applies the visual FX from Reciprocicating Gizmo.
Please do not leave this kind of information out of PTS notes.
If this change is intended to go Live, please consider giving a free retcon to anyone who has either of these powers since the only reason I even take Mini Drive on my toons is cause the visual FX.
Having Enrage toggled on with its Giant Growth advantage will make it so that Super Magnifier/Magnifier will no longer apply its visual effect when toggled on. You must have NO stacks of Enrage for it to work.
Even having 1 stack will prevent the effect from toggling on.
Can we get some information as to why these changes were made, and specifically left out of the patch notes?
But if the previous two posters are right, then this size nerfing nonsense is all getting just a bit silly now.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
So it finally happened. A lot of growth-themed heroes will be EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED with this. Please don't let this go to Live. The Enrage's growth is why I love playing my fav characters so much.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
If the failure to add the sizes changes in patch notes was a legitimate accident, then that's fine, but uh...If it wasn't an accident, then mistakes were made.
What was silly was me watching a certain someone, after the last batch of growth changes, standing in rencen still growing to the size of a building, except this time it appeared to be a method that involved actively entering the combat state. Makes me wonder if we were about to see that utilized at cosmics for trolling, in which case I'm glad it's being headed off quickly.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Miniaturization Drive's Reciprocating Gizmo advantage's visual effect can no longer be stacked. (This is still possible on Live as of this post)
Basically what that player was doing was stacking CDR and timing Mini Drive's CD to get that big. However with the above change, this is no longer possible.
In other words, this change alone is enough to stop that and the other two undocumented changes are just overkill.
- Remove growth totally from the effects that grant it.
- Create a new effect. This effect is applied by anything that currently grants size.
- This effect grants size based on the total number of other traditional growth effects (possibly counting some effects with a multiplier)
This has two benefits. First, you can put a cap on it. Secondly, it becomes additive rather than multiplicative with multiple growth effects.Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Mmmm... you sure? Cause when I was watching him he went from regular sized to giant building sized in the span of about 3 seconds, and appeared to have several growth spurts in that time. Can you really get MiniD's CD that low?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
You can also activate Magnifier afterwords while the visual effect is still on your character. However, that has also been fixed with this patch too. (That is trying to activate Magnifier while Mini-Drive's visual effect is active will do nothing until MD's VFX expires, which is also a reasonable change).
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Seriously, it may be divided into three hits but its still OP spike that bypasses dodge, even if the spike is divided into 2 or 3 hits, and heck the delay on the last 2 hits might make it more OP just do nothing, run away and block and then wait for the last 2 hits to hit the person
I love this attack but, this is just not right.
But yeah, devs...document this stuff. And fix bugs like the Demonflame finale that pull this on the NPC side.
Yes, I can totally see how it can cause performance issues with people who stacked size exploits to get into rencenter size, and I have in fact, spoken against it. Specially since said people encouraged more into doing it. The whole rencen was one particle aura away from becoming unplayable.
However, Giant Growth + Mini Drive is smaller than Magnifier size, so I really don't see how it could cause issues when you grow to a smaller size than the intended one provided by a device.
As it has been said, there is an easy fix (which was done and not mentioned either) to prevent people from growing into huge sizes during combat, and that is, by preventing Mini Drive to stack on itself.
Anything else just gives off an unprofessional feeling, to me at least.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I'm with spinny, the developers don't just make arbitrary rules and changes to stomp out fun, they can look under the hood and see what's actually causing problems and make decisions based on factual data.
And i'm more tick because With this i was certainly able to bring in new players and show them "Hey! You can do anything-- Like this!!" And then give the grand tour of CO like normal.
But this, this just downright killed all of my toon's concepts and hard work since my beginnings, and most definitely dropped out ideas for possibilities too. I really hope we get compensated for this or something, because this is just not right. Especially for another thing not being mentioned as a stealth fix.
Or just stop making costumes, power reworks, and halt the possible upcoming content and overhaul the servers and ask to have the same treatment as Neverwinter, or even Cryptic's upcoming Magic the Gathering MMORPG. Please?
My hope is wearing thin.
What concept, though.. you're standing in RC, lagging others out while spamming the discord link on zone chat. If that's a concept, then i'm Santa Clause.
I'm pretty sure that's it. I'm only one person but naturally large NPCs like Mega Destroids and the Bleak Harbinger don't mess with my system the way stacked growth does.
Nah. No three threads of it, plus leaving stuff out of patch notes=/= devs know more than we do. Fixing things okay whatever, but leaving things out of patch notes is not some wise all-knowing dev trick. I fail to even see how it could be interpreted as such
42 40s, LTSer.
Well that's not gonna happen unfortunately because PWI takes care of NW and monolithic names like those, CO apparently just gets by, so they figure it's in a sweet spot of sorts. Sure, it could do numbers if they put more into it but it's overall easier to just let it get by/linger, and they get a few dollars here and there for it too.
42 40s, LTSer.
Actually they did back to the days every DoT/Debuff/Attack Visual Aura stacked on them since they all scaled with their gigantic physic
but now that players attacks don't disturb their visuals they are doing fine
However this is noticeable on the few enemies in the game with the ability to growth
Like Qliphothic Horror Bloodmothers(sp?) their growth effect on normal enemies can affect performance
I was thinking the same thing: It might not be the size, but the layering of effects that have to be individually calculated. Maybe we could get more "ranks" of Magnifier devices. The "Great Magnifier" (a little smaller), existing "Super-Magnifier", "Mega-Magnifier", and the "Colossal-Magnifier" (AKA the Grond-ificator).
I will miss getting that big in combat though.
That looks pretty neat actually
42 40s, LTSer.
Say what you want, but the game just became less fun for them. All because of a silly quarrel. Even using the "not intended" excuse to justify the "fix". Can't hold back my bitterness for this, so forgive me but deal with it.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
I like this, additive instead of multiplicative.
Other easy fixes would be:
1) If it is the maximum height is the problem, just put a maximum on height. No matter how many effects you stack, you can never get taller than X.
2) If it is number of stacks that is the problem, just limit the number of stacks. No matter how many effects you try to stack, it maxes out at X.
3) If it is a resource issue caused by a combination of height, auras, and whatever else, just put a maximum on that. "You have been logged off for over-consumption of resources."
Also, while you are working on the growth stuff, could you take the growth mechanic off Reciprocating Gizmo and add it as 0 point advantage? I use the power because I like the buff, but my character is supposed to be small and not size-change. That has always messed with my concept, but I never bothered to complain about it. However, since we are complaining about size here, it seems appropriate.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Also, if you are working on things that are not working as intended that are ruining the QoL for players, there are a LOT of those that need attention, many with way more impact than Growth scaling. Can we get some work on those?
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
I'mma reply to these for arguments sake since the changes have already been enforced.
As Avi correctly assessed (and I've also replied in other threads), players or enemies growing giant do not have an apparent impact on your game's performance, but they do when you stack a visual aura on top, specially if it's a particle aura like Fire Aura/Clinging flames debuff.
On enemies, this was fixed by preventing the debuff visual aura from displaying.
I would have personally liked if the same approach had been taken with players.
I would like to request someone else to TEST this power as well
Reaper's Caress -> Cleanse ADV
I'm having serious issues testing this power in power house, especially against Dummies where i have to damage myself with Dark Transfusion first, and in Battle station the Holograms either die too fast or I die too fast
The GOOD: The healing is affected by Bonus Healing sources and by Healing Debuffs
You get 1 healing tick for Each stack consume against Mobs when used as AOE attack
Bug: The Cleanse ADV doesn't seem to consume 100% Deadly Poison neither Bleeding, causing the adv to fail to trigger and heal you
I tested it against dummies with 5 stacks of bleed and Poison
Right now the power is not reliable for self healing
I suspect the power may ignore the prime target and only consume stacks from secondaries
First thing on LIVE was to test my main Single Blade DPS (DEX/STR/CON, Vindicator+Brawler Set Up+Flanking)
RANK 3 Reaper's Embrace, around 30k on Critical, i don't think the No Mercy ADV is enforced
Not everyone is fan of Scything Blade, so Swallowtail cut isn't been used in all builds (i hate it personally)
I don't trust No Mercy ADV for endgame, the timing is tricky. This is propably intended to be used by Tanks so I don't plant to change my Main single blade dps build any time soon
EDIT: Almost 40k on Critical on a build with Aurum gear by consuming all types of bleeds, interesting
The timing of keeping all 4 bleeds active during endgame won't be easy, especially since Shredded is capped
So yeah while the damage output is
Are those 2 Hit suppose to be able to Critical Hit?