Also for a future space time wizard you are a pretty lousy one if despite seeing the future Magnifier still got somewhat nerfed.
Or is it like that time when Dr Strange gave the Time Stone to Thanos in order to setup the winning scenario? Does the Super Magnifier still exist within the Soul Stone?
Sitting around in RenCen showing off how much bigger you are isn't a "playstyle", it's a "sit-on-your-****-style". When you can show me how not being the biggest thing around affects your ability to, say, take down Kigatilik, then I'll admit your "playstyle" might be affected by this alleged "nerf".
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
not defending gigabear here, but should I then turn off all my auras and costume FX just because someone has a computer/internet connection worse than mine?
I mean, thats unfair, i had a laptop that would crash when someone used epidemic and i didnt complain cuz it wasn't their fault, i was running graphics on high i should have run on low. and even if it crashed the game on low, it still woudn't be their fault if i had potato pc/internet
thats like shutting down cosmics completely because 1 or 2 people can't play them due to lag issues.
Not what I am saying. All I am saying is that that stuff does cause other people lag. After all, it would be unfair to force others to de-equip them for other's sakes. Of course, they could always try implementing an option into the game that would make it so that players can Enable/Disable the viewing of other people's auras (at the very least). Might be trickier to work around growth increasing effects though. Though, even doing that for aura's would be tricky.
I felt that correcting errors and omissions in the release notes was important to this discussion. because the discussion is about the size effect changes, it is helpful to have a full accounting of what those actually were. Here is an updated version: Misc
Reduced the duration of the costume scaling buff from the Experimental Artificial Life Injector Device to 12 seconds, down from two minutes. Also reduced the height increase from this device to approximately 10% of its prior value.
The costume scaling effect from Draysha Gas Pistol has now been greatly reduced.
The Miniaturization Drive advantage Reciprocating Gizmo will no longer apply to characters using the Super-Magnifier device
Hey I'll give you this, your actions have actually had a positive effect on the game as far as I'm concerned. So in regards to continuing what you're doing... Faster, Gigabear! Kill! Kill(those growth effects)!
At this point you are simply disagreeing with me to disagree though. It would save us both a lot of time if you just told me what you actually want to be done with size in CO, and why you feel that way.
I want exactly what you're causing to happen. I want the exploits nerfed and the max-size potential of player characters reduced. You may disagree with me about everything under the sun, but you're basically working for me at this point.
Sitting around in RenCen showing off how much bigger you are isn't a "playstyle", it's a "sit-on-your-****-style". When you can show me how not being the biggest thing around affects your ability to, say, take down Kigatilik, then I'll admit your "playstyle" might be affected by this alleged "nerf".
No offense, and not trying to pick sides here.
but that's like saying roleplaying isn't a playstyle because you don't take down kigatilik.
not defending gigabear here, but should I then turn off all my auras and costume FX just because someone has a computer/internet connection worse than mine?
Not in general. However, if you're told you're causing a problem, you should consider the possibility that you're causing a problem, and if so, do something about it.
but that's like saying roleplaying isn't a playstyle because you don't take down kigatilik.
Roleplaying isn't a playstyle, it's an activity. Context is important, and here the context is "videogame". Unless of course you mean roleplaying as in how you build and play your characters in game content, then roleplaying would be considered a playstyle. However, standing in club caprice and chatting with other players is not a playstyle, it is an activity.
Think of it in terms of another game, basketball. So you walk up to the court and you see:
Tony, his playstyle is fast and aggressive.
Sharon, her playstyle is more deliberate and flashy.
Elroy, his playstyle is very defensive.
Gilbert, his playstyle is to stand at the sidelines and talk to people who came to watch.
See if you can spot the playstyle that isn't a playstyle. That person may be having a lot of fun, but in the context of the basketball court what they're doing is not a playstyle.
Not in general. However, if you're told you're causing a problem, you should consider the possibility that you're causing a problem, and if so, do something about it.
If someone comes up to you, who has already shown extreme bias in how much they dislike you, and tells you something in your powerset just crashed them without any evidence whatsoever, I highly doubt you'd be respeccing it out.
Sure, there's the possibility they're lying. However, since devs have been telling us since 2009 that growth exploits cause problems for the game, I assume a dev saying that growth exploits causes problems for the game is being honest.
My arguments are entirely based in the realm of intended sizes.
Range of intended sizes: super-magnifier and smaller. There is no evidence that combat effects (such as mini drive) were ever intended to stack with super-mag (which is non-combat only).
It's primarily because giant players are really annoying at cosmics, and often in other content. It's also because of the potential for abuse/griefing. It doesn't matter to me that some people don't do these things, what matters to me is that some people will.
I respect your honesty here in coming right out and saying what you want, but this is a position which essentially requires me to stop playing the game. As such, I cannot possibly support it.
Then you'll stop playing the game. You have chosen a position that cannot be resolved in any other way.
Personally I don't think you will. I think for all your bluster you'll learn to live with the appropriate size that can still be achieved.
> @spinnytop said: > poptartmaniac#8493 wrote: » > > but that's like saying roleplaying isn't a playstyle because you don't take down kigatilik. > > > > > Roleplaying isn't a playstyle, it's an activity. Context is important, and here the context is "videogame". Unless of course you mean roleplaying as in how you build and play your characters in game content, then roleplaying would be considered a playstyle. However, standing in club caprice and chatting with other players is not a playstyle, it is an activity. > > Think of it in terms of another game, basketball. So you walk up to the court and you see: > > Tony, his playstyle is fast and aggressive. > Sharon, her playstyle is more deliberate and flashy. > Elroy, his playstyle is very defensive. > Gilbert, his playstyle is to stand at the sidelines and talk to people who came to watch. > > See if you can spot the playstyle that isn't a playstyle. That person may be having a lot of fun, but in the context of the basketball court what they're doing is not a playstyle.
Okay I can see your point.
But I would think it would fall under playstyle, seeing as how it’s an MMO**RPG** and its really more than talking in caprice i mean most of the good roleplayers avoid that place but i think you know that and just said it as an example. Which is alright.
So is it not a playstyle because youre not actuallyyy playing the gamee like, pve content or pvp?
Edit: if this ends up in pts patch notes again ill kill myself
So is it not a playstyle because youre not actuallyyy playing the gamee like, pve content or pvp?
Yeah. Also by this point the RPG acronym is effectively meaningless. It hasn't meant roleplaying in a while, nowadays it means "Character progression systems".
> @spinnytop said: > poptartmaniac#8493 wrote: » > > So is it not a playstyle because youre not actuallyyy playing the gamee like, pve content or pvp? > > > > > Yeah. Also by this point the RPG acronym is effectively meaningless. It hasn't meant roleplaying in a while, nowadays it means "Character progression systems".
I could be mean-spirited and promise to move on to whatever you enjoy next
See the difference between us is that my fun isn't based on exploits, so there would be nothing for you to do once you got here. There are a few bugged things in my neck of the woods I'd like to see fixed though, so feel free to come on over and do yo thang Galacticus.
Okay firstly, just quit it with the personal attacks that involve accusations of someone trying to over-compensate for some inferiority complex for wanting to play a titanic-sized character. If you're not using the implied innuendo for some clever joke, then it's just for a cheap stab and it's eye-roll worthy. Also saying things along the lines of "I'm happy playing short characters hehe sucks to be you!" in this case doesn't make you sound like you have any solid point to make. It just makes you sound like a pompous jack*** and you come across as the one with compensation issues for feeling even the need to point it out.
That being said...
The game is running an engine that was created 10 years ago and has not had an overhaul since. Whatever limitations that come with an engine that dated when it comes how it processes visual effects and netcode are going to stay every passing year that this game stays running.
It's been declared by the devs that making your character super-duper huge and layering all sorts of visual effects on said character causes performance issues. Sure, you could have a very modern and powerful gaming rig that is able to overcome these performance issues and declare "Hey, it's not that bad / runs totally fine on my PC!", but that's entirely local and client-side. You're not playing an exclusively local single player game. You're playing a MMO and whatever visual effects and other mechanics that potentially cause performance issues will affect multiple people within the vicinity of those effects being played out.
Ideally the developers will want people with a wide array of PC hardware setups to be able to play the game relatively smoothly with as little performance issues as possible, so logically they will have to put in certain restrictions so that as many people as possible can play the game with as little performance issues as possible. It's a necessary pill to swallow.
And we haven't even addressed how walking around with a titanic-sized character can be a visibility annoyance to other players. This is a matter of consideration for other players besides it being a performance one. If your toon is huge enough to obstruct almost half my screen when you walk up to me, that's going to be an annoyance since it restricts not only the view of my own toon but that of my surroundings. It's not so bad if it's done out of combat like in RenCen, but it's certainly more of a problem when used in combat where people use click-targeting and need to pay attention to what's going on.
As it stands you can still make giant toons via giant growth, and I get the appeal of wanting to play size-shift superheroes, but due to game engine limitations and a general avoidance of being too intrusive towards other players with it, there has to be a cap put in place. Also if you're using an exploit to get your toon a lot larger than what is intended by the devs, it shouldn't come as a surprise if the exploit gets fixed eventually.
but that's like saying roleplaying isn't a playstyle because you don't take down kigatilik.
Roleplaying isn't a playstyle, it's an activity. Context is important, and here the context is "videogame". Unless of course you mean roleplaying as in how you build and play your characters in game content, then roleplaying would be considered a playstyle. However, standing in club caprice and chatting with other players is not a playstyle, it is an activity.
A playstyle is the manner in which you play the game. The manner in which I play the game is being an enormous panda. The word use is correct.
This is correct. Your playstyle is dependant on the activities you do while playing the game. Like in her basketball example. The one last one that talked on the sidelines a lot. His playstyle on court might not be much of an actual style, it is boring and overall nothing much to even be called a playstyle, thus, his style on the sidelines is way more noticable. Hence, that is his actual playstyle, not how he does on the court.
Like wise, I am a pver in CO that mostly does alerts and cosmics when does any pveing. But, I spend most of my time playing around in the tailor and judging Costume Contests. Yet, going by her train of thoughts, I must be a raider due to my main activity outside of costumes is tackling cosmics and alerts. Yet, a person's playstyle is defined more by the activity they are better at. If a person RPs more often than they do pve or pvp, than their playstyle is "RPer". And yes, that is an actual play style. Many RPers even keep their persona during pve battles. These can be fun to watch if you happen to see the rare fights they are in. Indeed, when I am judging a contest, I typically do light RP, having my character react and talk to people as that character would react and talk.
It is wrong to assume that just because a person's main activity is not punching people in the faces, that they have no style. Their style is just different than how she views things or even accepts things. Yet, that doesn't mean they are wrong for saying their play style is "RPing", or, in my case, "Costume Fan". A person't play stytle is defined by their favorite activities in the game they play.
"The game is running an engine that was created 10 years ago and has not had an overhaul since."
Incorrect good fellow. STO and NW both use updated/overhauled versions of this engine. Which has caused many people to wonder why they did no extend the updates/overhauls to this game.
> @soulforger said: > "The game is running an engine that was created 10 years ago and has not had an overhaul since." > > Incorrect good fellow. STO and NW both use updated/overhauled versions of this engine. Which has caused many people to wonder why they did no extend the updates/overhauls to this game.
Right, and I was referring specifically to CO's game engine and not the ones from the other two. I'm well aware that they're updated versions.
> @soulforger said:
> "The game is running an engine that was created 10 years ago and has not had an overhaul since."
> Incorrect good fellow. STO and NW both use updated/overhauled versions of this engine. Which has caused many people to wonder why they did no extend the updates/overhauls to this game.
Right, and I was referring specifically to CO's game engine and not the ones from the other two. I'm well aware that they're updated versions.
Incorrect good fellow. STO and NW both use updated/overhauled versions of this engine. Which has caused many people to wonder why they did no extend the updates/overhauls to this game.
Because they'd have to port everything and convert assets, most likely.
This is a level of size that is very thoroughly tested in the game engine over a prolonged period, and seemed fine.
You know what they say about making assumptions.
If it was not fine, the developers did everyone a tremendous disservice by not acting for as long as they did when the fixes were well within their ability to make quickly if they had wished to do so.
Have you not considered that maybe it hadn't been made known to the developers until you came along? You know there were people using these size exploits but not being blatant about them. That's why some of them were upset with you using them so flagrantly.
Again you're trying to drag the developers through the mud by saying things that amount to "they knew this was around for years and they could have fixed it but they chose to be dishonest and/or incompetent and not fix it." Paraphrasing, of course.
Of course they had the ability to fix it the whole time, but games don't generate instant bug reports. You don't just "find all the bugs and get the QA guys to write instructions on how to fix them" (hi, Grandma's Boy fans!). On top of that, even if there was a big list of bugs and exploits and the developers were aware of all of them, if there's an exploit that's not being used a lot and isn't catastrophic to the game, it doesn't rank high on the priority scale. I've worked QA for big companies that let big bugs fly because of deadlines or just low priority. It happens. If developers could stop time and "fix all the bugs" they would, but it's not realistic for any game or other piece of software for that matter.
Your posts would carry more weight if you stuck more to facts and less to speculation and mud-slinging. I know you think I'm the evil moderator out to get you and all that but take this part to heart if you want to be taken more seriously. I hope you do find a QA job sometime so you can see that things aren't always so black and white as you see them (not panda joke).
Super magnifier is not big enough in a world where almost everyone has a super magnifier. Because size is entirely relative, if everyone is equally big, nobody is actually big except compared to people who aren't size increasing anyway.
There is no diversity here. There is no fun in having no tweaks to be made to your build or character to actually influence your size with real consequences and perks. Enrage is it.
I can't just dump 14 advantage points into rank 8 enrage, it doesn't exist. I have no other ability or device to improve my stature now.
With life injector and a cooldown build, I could actually make real choices which had the effect of differentiating me from people using JUST mag. Now unless I go proc mini-drive, which is actually annoying for people because it's a yoyo effect, I have nothing.
I would like some DIVERSITY in the practice of size increasing, even if it means a weaker super-mag to allow for it.
My feedback is this:
Characters that wish to be large can still be large. That other players can be just as large should not be an issue for anyone because other players could always be just as large.
If the devs say that this fixes performance issues then I will take them at their word and thank them for it.
If these issues were known for some time and went unfixed until now that wouldn't make this the first case of that happening.
Maybe they just finally worked their way through the list, or maybe it became more and more of an issue and they moved it to the top of the list because they felt that they couldn't delay the fix any longer.
In any case, it's "fixed", whatever all that fix entails, and everyone can still choose to be larger or smaller than someone else through a series of costume choices, body sliders, powers, and devices, up to whatever the maximum and minimum sizes are now in combat and non-combat conditions.
Just as they could before, to whatever those maximums and minimums were at that time.
Incorrect good fellow. STO and NW both use updated/overhauled versions of this engine. Which has caused many people to wonder why they did no extend the updates/overhauls to this game.
Because they'd have to port everything and convert assets, most likely.
True. I realized that a long time ago. But, still, people wondered why.
Also, about devs fixing "alll the bug"...that is not possible. Anyone that has ever worked in programing will tell you that. Simply put, fixing one bug, causes more. All they can really do is tackle the ones they can tackle at the moment. Bugs take time to figure out what went wrong and how to fix them. Unlike the joke that bugs are made due to a missing symbol, the truth is that many bugs, are complex in nature with how the software works with itself.
I know you're not saying that size exploits are "okay" to use but you are saying that they cause no problems. While I appreciate that you took the time to test the effects it might have on your framerate, and you're being considerate of others, it just doesn't compare to what information the developers have, and they've told us it's harmful to the game.
I don't have a problem with vanity size at all and if the developers found a way to fix whatever problems that caused, I'd be all for it. But claiming that you know better than the developers because you've done limited testing is wrong.
I don't mind your character being huge, as long as:
they get stuck in doorways
they can't stand up inside a room shorter than them
mobs go- hit the huge guy first- well you are the obvious threat.
if they are blocking peoples attacks with their huge hit box, they get hit.
and all the other penalties of being huge.
from the PNP game
you have a much greater chance of being hit.
Have you tried actually asking the Devs, why it is being changed?
They do actually answer questions.
Just click on their name here and leave a polite message.
I don't think anyone would be excited at the prospect of a tank who can't tank past the first room.
I've invested in a super shrinker, so I'd be able to shrink down to get passed the door. Or just knock the wall down. Superheroes do it all the time.
On a more serious note, it seems the intent is to simply bury this issue and in several months maybe make a tweak somewhere which may be good or bad for my game experience.
That's simply not acceptable to me.
They'd have to update the eninge to allow walls and doorframes to be knocked down. But, that would be a cool update.
I don't think anyone would be excited at the prospect of a tank who can't tank past the first room.
I've invested in a super shrinker, so I'd be able to shrink down to get passed the door. Or just knock the wall down. Superheroes do it all the time.
On a more serious note, it seems the intent is to simply bury this issue and in several months maybe make a tweak somewhere which may be good or bad for my game experience.
That's simply not acceptable to me.
They'd have to update the eninge to allow walls and doorframes to be knocked down. But, that would be a cool update.
Not an engine update, but a matter of rebuilding maps to have destructible walls. The game gets weird bout it sometimes though, if you want to see how weird, just go to the docks in MC and smash cargo containers for a while.
Or is it like that time when Dr Strange gave the Time Stone to Thanos in order to setup the winning scenario? Does the Super Magnifier still exist within the Soul Stone?
Tagawa-san was a great actor.
My characters
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Not what I am saying. All I am saying is that that stuff does cause other people lag. After all, it would be unfair to force others to de-equip them for other's sakes. Of course, they could always try implementing an option into the game that would make it so that players can Enable/Disable the viewing of other people's auras (at the very least). Might be trickier to work around growth increasing effects though. Though, even doing that for aura's would be tricky.
Hey I'll give you this, your actions have actually had a positive effect on the game as far as I'm concerned. So in regards to continuing what you're doing... Faster, Gigabear! Kill! Kill(those growth effects)!
I want exactly what you're causing to happen. I want the exploits nerfed and the max-size potential of player characters reduced. You may disagree with me about everything under the sun, but you're basically working for me at this point.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
No offense, and not trying to pick sides here.
but that's like saying roleplaying isn't a playstyle because you don't take down kigatilik.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Roleplaying isn't a playstyle, it's an activity. Context is important, and here the context is "videogame". Unless of course you mean roleplaying as in how you build and play your characters in game content, then roleplaying would be considered a playstyle. However, standing in club caprice and chatting with other players is not a playstyle, it is an activity.
Think of it in terms of another game, basketball. So you walk up to the court and you see:
Tony, his playstyle is fast and aggressive.
Sharon, her playstyle is more deliberate and flashy.
Elroy, his playstyle is very defensive.
Gilbert, his playstyle is to stand at the sidelines and talk to people who came to watch.
See if you can spot the playstyle that isn't a playstyle. That person may be having a lot of fun, but in the context of the basketball court what they're doing is not a playstyle.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Sure, and Gilbert is playing basketball.
I've already said why, many times. You don't actually care about or pay attention to what anyone else says on this subject do you?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Then you'll stop playing the game. You have chosen a position that cannot be resolved in any other way.
Personally I don't think you will. I think for all your bluster you'll learn to live with the appropriate size that can still be achieved.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
> poptartmaniac#8493 wrote: »
> but that's like saying roleplaying isn't a playstyle because you don't take down kigatilik.
> Roleplaying isn't a playstyle, it's an activity. Context is important, and here the context is "videogame". Unless of course you mean roleplaying as in how you build and play your characters in game content, then roleplaying would be considered a playstyle. However, standing in club caprice and chatting with other players is not a playstyle, it is an activity.
> Think of it in terms of another game, basketball. So you walk up to the court and you see:
> Tony, his playstyle is fast and aggressive.
> Sharon, her playstyle is more deliberate and flashy.
> Elroy, his playstyle is very defensive.
> Gilbert, his playstyle is to stand at the sidelines and talk to people who came to watch.
> See if you can spot the playstyle that isn't a playstyle. That person may be having a lot of fun, but in the context of the basketball court what they're doing is not a playstyle.
Okay I can see your point.
But I would think it would fall under playstyle, seeing as how it’s an MMO**RPG** and its really more than talking in caprice i mean most of the good roleplayers avoid that place but i think you know that and just said it as an example. Which is alright.
So is it not a playstyle because youre not actuallyyy playing the gamee like, pve content or pvp?
Edit: if this ends up in pts patch notes again ill kill myself
Yeah. Also by this point the RPG acronym is effectively meaningless. It hasn't meant roleplaying in a while, nowadays it means "Character progression systems".
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
> poptartmaniac#8493 wrote: »
> So is it not a playstyle because youre not actuallyyy playing the gamee like, pve content or pvp?
> Yeah. Also by this point the RPG acronym is effectively meaningless. It hasn't meant roleplaying in a while, nowadays it means "Character progression systems".
Fair point.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
See the difference between us is that my fun isn't based on exploits, so there would be nothing for you to do once you got here. There are a few bugged things in my neck of the woods I'd like to see fixed though, so feel free to come on over and do yo thang Galacticus.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
That being said...
The game is running an engine that was created 10 years ago and has not had an overhaul since. Whatever limitations that come with an engine that dated when it comes how it processes visual effects and netcode are going to stay every passing year that this game stays running.
It's been declared by the devs that making your character super-duper huge and layering all sorts of visual effects on said character causes performance issues. Sure, you could have a very modern and powerful gaming rig that is able to overcome these performance issues and declare "Hey, it's not that bad / runs totally fine on my PC!", but that's entirely local and client-side. You're not playing an exclusively local single player game. You're playing a MMO and whatever visual effects and other mechanics that potentially cause performance issues will affect multiple people within the vicinity of those effects being played out.
Ideally the developers will want people with a wide array of PC hardware setups to be able to play the game relatively smoothly with as little performance issues as possible, so logically they will have to put in certain restrictions so that as many people as possible can play the game with as little performance issues as possible. It's a necessary pill to swallow.
And we haven't even addressed how walking around with a titanic-sized character can be a visibility annoyance to other players. This is a matter of consideration for other players besides it being a performance one. If your toon is huge enough to obstruct almost half my screen when you walk up to me, that's going to be an annoyance since it restricts not only the view of my own toon but that of my surroundings. It's not so bad if it's done out of combat like in RenCen, but it's certainly more of a problem when used in combat where people use click-targeting and need to pay attention to what's going on.
As it stands you can still make giant toons via giant growth, and I get the appeal of wanting to play size-shift superheroes, but due to game engine limitations and a general avoidance of being too intrusive towards other players with it, there has to be a cap put in place. Also if you're using an exploit to get your toon a lot larger than what is intended by the devs, it shouldn't come as a surprise if the exploit gets fixed eventually.
This is correct. Your playstyle is dependant on the activities you do while playing the game. Like in her basketball example. The one last one that talked on the sidelines a lot. His playstyle on court might not be much of an actual style, it is boring and overall nothing much to even be called a playstyle, thus, his style on the sidelines is way more noticable. Hence, that is his actual playstyle, not how he does on the court.
Like wise, I am a pver in CO that mostly does alerts and cosmics when does any pveing. But, I spend most of my time playing around in the tailor and judging Costume Contests. Yet, going by her train of thoughts, I must be a raider due to my main activity outside of costumes is tackling cosmics and alerts. Yet, a person's playstyle is defined more by the activity they are better at. If a person RPs more often than they do pve or pvp, than their playstyle is "RPer". And yes, that is an actual play style. Many RPers even keep their persona during pve battles. These can be fun to watch if you happen to see the rare fights they are in. Indeed, when I am judging a contest, I typically do light RP, having my character react and talk to people as that character would react and talk.
It is wrong to assume that just because a person's main activity is not punching people in the faces, that they have no style. Their style is just different than how she views things or even accepts things. Yet, that doesn't mean they are wrong for saying their play style is "RPing", or, in my case, "Costume Fan". A person't play stytle is defined by their favorite activities in the game they play.
Incorrect good fellow. STO and NW both use updated/overhauled versions of this engine. Which has caused many people to wonder why they did no extend the updates/overhauls to this game.
> "The game is running an engine that was created 10 years ago and has not had an overhaul since."
> Incorrect good fellow. STO and NW both use updated/overhauled versions of this engine. Which has caused many people to wonder why they did no extend the updates/overhauls to this game.
Right, and I was referring specifically to CO's game engine and not the ones from the other two. I'm well aware that they're updated versions.
Fair enough.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
You know what they say about making assumptions.
Have you not considered that maybe it hadn't been made known to the developers until you came along? You know there were people using these size exploits but not being blatant about them. That's why some of them were upset with you using them so flagrantly.
Again you're trying to drag the developers through the mud by saying things that amount to "they knew this was around for years and they could have fixed it but they chose to be dishonest and/or incompetent and not fix it." Paraphrasing, of course.
Of course they had the ability to fix it the whole time, but games don't generate instant bug reports. You don't just "find all the bugs and get the QA guys to write instructions on how to fix them" (hi, Grandma's Boy fans!). On top of that, even if there was a big list of bugs and exploits and the developers were aware of all of them, if there's an exploit that's not being used a lot and isn't catastrophic to the game, it doesn't rank high on the priority scale. I've worked QA for big companies that let big bugs fly because of deadlines or just low priority. It happens. If developers could stop time and "fix all the bugs" they would, but it's not realistic for any game or other piece of software for that matter.
Your posts would carry more weight if you stuck more to facts and less to speculation and mud-slinging. I know you think I'm the evil moderator out to get you and all that but take this part to heart if you want to be taken more seriously. I hope you do find a QA job sometime so you can see that things aren't always so black and white as you see them (not panda joke).
My feedback is this:
Characters that wish to be large can still be large. That other players can be just as large should not be an issue for anyone because other players could always be just as large.
If the devs say that this fixes performance issues then I will take them at their word and thank them for it.
If these issues were known for some time and went unfixed until now that wouldn't make this the first case of that happening.
Maybe they just finally worked their way through the list, or maybe it became more and more of an issue and they moved it to the top of the list because they felt that they couldn't delay the fix any longer.
In any case, it's "fixed", whatever all that fix entails, and everyone can still choose to be larger or smaller than someone else through a series of costume choices, body sliders, powers, and devices, up to whatever the maximum and minimum sizes are now in combat and non-combat conditions.
Just as they could before, to whatever those maximums and minimums were at that time.
My characters
True. I realized that a long time ago. But, still, people wondered why.
Also, about devs fixing "alll the bug"...that is not possible. Anyone that has ever worked in programing will tell you that. Simply put, fixing one bug, causes more. All they can really do is tackle the ones they can tackle at the moment. Bugs take time to figure out what went wrong and how to fix them. Unlike the joke that bugs are made due to a missing symbol, the truth is that many bugs, are complex in nature with how the software works with itself.
I don't have a problem with vanity size at all and if the developers found a way to fix whatever problems that caused, I'd be all for it. But claiming that you know better than the developers because you've done limited testing is wrong.
they get stuck in doorways
they can't stand up inside a room shorter than them
mobs go- hit the huge guy first- well you are the obvious threat.
if they are blocking peoples attacks with their huge hit box, they get hit.
and all the other penalties of being huge.
from the PNP game
you have a much greater chance of being hit.
Have you tried actually asking the Devs, why it is being changed?
They do actually answer questions.
Just click on their name here and leave a polite message.
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They'd have to update the eninge to allow walls and doorframes to be knocked down. But, that would be a cool update.
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