Yeah that right.
Any FF you currently have that is gained by gold-status, will be locked and unaccessable for all players that misses a single payment to PWE, and your only option will be to turn them into an AT - thereby taking away the thing that CO stood for - BUILDING YOUR OWN HERO.
We are either forced to continue to pay our subscriptions WITHOUT FAIL, or pay LTS.. or lose all our FF-characters we've worked on.
Players will also have to pay up 50$ for each FF-slot they want to add to their account, thats more money than full retail on a PC-game these days.. for a character-slot.
They have said:
"We are looking into the possibility of creating a purchasable item to convert silver slots into freeform slots."
^ This is something they should DEFINITELY look at and actually do. Because circumstances change and sometimes you'll have to allow your sub to lapse.
I will admit this is an odd direction to go in. I do wonder if this is meant to be beneficial in the long run or something...?
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I am @RavenForce in game
And yea... "Purchasable item" .. you're gonna have to pay for each and every FF-hero that
you want to save.. and i'm betting that's gonna be about 20$ per.
They reserve the right to change their service, they'll know soon enough if it needs to be revised, if players leave or stop subbing or something.
As an LTSer, it doesn't particularly affect me, but, it shouldn't be too hard to make something which converts existing characters into gold, since we have something like that already when you re-sub.
I'd like to think this wasn't a snap decision but that someone (preferably a group of someones) has run the numbers and seen that [insert w/e is going on now] isn't working so well.
I'd be surprised if this was direct sabotage after all the work that has gone into CO recently (and that still goes in).
I think everyone should take time to dissect the article and ask questions which aren't covered there.
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I am @RavenForce in game
Well I wouldn't be surprised. Did you read how much is being given with the 1.5k Zen purchase?!
"Access to Several Services:
Adds 6 Character Slots on Your Account
Adds 1 Costume Slot on Your Account
Adds 40 Auction Slots on Your Account
Adds 3 Inventory Bag Slots on Your Account
A Resource Limit of 200,000 G
The Ability to Change the Colors of your Powers
Emanation points and pet selections on powers that support those features will also be included in this pack
One Free Retcon at Level 40"
^ That alone is quite impressive for 1.5k Zen.
You can't even get one Rank 8-9 catalyst for that price.
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I am @RavenForce in game
The news you see on the explains the premium pack. They are actually getting rid of monthly subs. I'm not sure that it will be possible to resub if you have an auto-sub going though. From what how it reads, you keep your CURRENT sub, but will not be able to sub after that is over. Not sure how that works though.
This is, in my opinion, a very horrible thing to do. Same with what they are doing to costume slot purchases. Sure, the one cosutme slot for one toon option goes from 175 zen to 100 zen for two costume slots for one toon. But, the two costume slots for your account that costs 565 zen becoming a five costume slots for ONE toon for 300 horrible. I understand why they are doing it, they want more money. But, still a bad move.
Yes I saw that and edited my original post, Not really sure what this all means yet but it is very clear that a lot of people are unhappy at the moment.
And i did the math. If those new tokens are $20 to $25 dollars each, the economical choice for me, will be purchasing lifetime. I have 20+ FF's I made over the years. So for those people who flipped from sub to non-sub frequently, this change sucks. LTS are still sitting pretty and getting their moneys worth however. Though a few are upset that they aren't getting free character slots anymore.
*shrugs* It is what it is.
The token to convert characters should be free for all characters made before a certain date, but a convert all token would cost a certain amount if your sub lapses or something.
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I am @RavenForce in game
I'm NOT putting up 200$ on a game that has had serious bugs exist for 4+ years.. simple as that.
Ah, well, if you're in the EU, they can reserve away. If they make a material change to the nature of the service on an LTS then you can close your account and get a full refund, regardless of what they've put in the EULA or whatever they post on here. It's a bit like Netflix offering a one-time all-you-can-watch subscription and then changing their mind, saying you can watch old shows but no new ones. Nope. £££, please.
That's your right not to do so. I do think they need to publish more information about this. It's pretty damn late to say "Beeteedubz, next week Thursday we're changing your world, kthxbye".
It might be worth asking the right questions in a reasonable way, in order to obtain a response, rather than blowing your top (as it appears here).
Not saying it's not okay to be unhappy with this, but there are better ways to put your displeasure across.
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I am @RavenForce in game
Someone told me in a thread not too long ago that PWE WANTS you to make new alts, it's the reason for the insanely costly respeccing of characters.. 550 Gold for a single full respec.. or buy Zen for 20$.
So they have to make up their mind.. do they want us to create alts, or respec our characters.. Trick question, they want more of your money.
^ This is something which I hadn't realized actually...could this mean that CO's Dev team will suddenly get bigger?
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I am @RavenForce in game
Personally this is going to affect my enjoyment of the game. Ever since launch, this game has kept my attention (longer than any other MMO I ever played) mainly because I could create so many characters. There are other factors but being able to create characters (and so many of them) has been huge. I started with 16 character slots (lifetime since before launch) and before I even had a single 40 I think I had doubled that amount of slots. I bought a bunch of character slots because that's what I liked. Getting a free one at 40 was great too.
Unfortunately, with this coming update all accounts will have a hard cap on how many characters you can make. I understand that I won't lose any characters or slots already gained, but being no longer able to create a new character without trashing another (or creating a new account with no unlocks) is going to radically change the game for me.
There's a chance that they'll be increasing the character cap, but until that happens, as one of the game's longest supporters, I'm not going to be able to do one of the things I enjoyed most with this game. I'm not gonna panic and say the game is doomed, but this is 100% a change that is not at all positive for me.
Also consider this.
Now you will have to pay up 50$ per FF-slot
Being able to create your OWN HERO that way you want... is CO's greatest strength.
No more free char-slots and freeform.. RIP.
Now, once at the cap there is nothing to motivate someone to keep going.
Ye.. All my main chars are full Endgame gear now..
So when we can't create new alts anymore.. wtf are we suppose to do ?.
Champions Online isn't even about AT's. Like i stated previously, CO's strength has always been the freedom of creation.
agreed, but a new players cheapest path to ff will be $50
The only solution right now to recover your locked gold characters is to get a sub before the 7th and never ever cancel it, or go for a lifetime sub for 200€... this is absurd.
People generally pay 25$ for those. Less if they're willing to farm up some questionite.
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Lol no. Neither Jade Dynasty nor Swordsman has had a dev for over a year now if what the community says is true (which, hey, I'm willing to believe them seeing PWI's ethical record)
If anything it means that CO better start making up the money difference they have from losing the money influx (however small it might have been) that Swordsman and Jade Dynasty provided, or they gonna start working on finding a way to axe CO without shitting on STO/NW in the process.
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Yeah, people like you are affected the most, not ltsers like me. It sucks, really really sucks. I just hope they come up with something for people that are not ltsers to turn silver toons into gold toons.
The game servers are on the same box. The chat server is on the same box. Cryptic owns the license itself to CO so that costs nothing (unlike STO and NW). The biggest expenses are development time, and I'm guessing a lot of that is shared between the three titles.
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Now all of you know what it felt like to preorder the game and sub, only to see your characters locked when the game went F2P.
Don't expect that to change. Cryptic and intelligent decisions don't go hand in hand.
Remind them that this is not their private little plaything but a product we pay for and they are employed to provide.
No, that is what they say they are working on. Right now if you buy a FF slot it is just that: an additional slot you can make a new character in. They are working on a token that will convert a Silver slot into a Gold slot and the character already in the slot would stay FF. They should have seen the need and worked that out before announcing this change.
Thanks for the contact info.
Sadly the track record of Cryptic and PW shows how little they give a flying farkle about customer feedback but it can't hurt to try.
Here we are now going to the West Side
Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
Some may come and some may stay
Watching out for a sunny day
Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm
In game as @forgemccain
Oh, it's diggot again. nvm.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
That is the info for the parent company, NOT Cryptic/PWE's customer support, but rather the people that OWN them. This is to reach Cryptic's bosses' bosses, and they take costumer feed back pretty serious, as I noted the second e-mail is for the head of Fraud/Employee complaint department, it is specifically for filing claims/complaints against their employees.
If we really truly want to put a stop to this we need to all contact the parent company, through both departments, and make them aware of what is going on.
Yes you do. If you miss a single payment to your subscription, all your gold-FF's will be locked
and you'll be forced to turn them into AT's in order to unlock them.. which is pointless because
that hero will be useless.
The only way to prevent your gold-FF's from being permanently lost, is to keep paying and never miss a payment,
or pay the extortionransom of 200$, which is stupid for a game that has no active support in terms of
content developtment and bugfixing.
Do you honestly believe CO made this decision without PWI's instruction and direction? PWI is closing two of it's non-cryptic games (Jade Dynasty & Swordsman) within days of these new changes to CO. Also, look at the recent changes on STO regarding subscriptions. This is obviously a coordinated effort.
Absolutely not. Cryptic only has 3 games, CO, STO and NW. There will be no increase to the Cryptic dev team from the closure of those 2 games.
Well, for me and many others, it will be a bad thing. I personally don't team much if at all in CO, outside of my friends and SG anyway. I hate alerts and as a result, I don't run them. The 'endgame' cosmic stuff holds zero interest to me. The zone and holiday events are scaled so that anyone can contribute, but even then I rarely participate in them.
I make alts to express my creativity. The fun of the game is in leveling, once I get to 40, I make a new alt. That is how I play.
I'm sorry that not everyone plays the way you want them to. Perhaps if you'd be willing to pay for those folks to play the way you'd like them to play, everyone's problems could be solved.
As for me, I'm LTS and I'll keep playing until I can no longer make new alts.
Lifetimer, boiii. Yo.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
But the discontinuation of the monthly reward does not inspire confidence.
I honestly cannot and will not ever recommend to anyone to get a LTS. It's too steep a cost for this game. I got mine 2 years ago as a future-proof, plain and simple. Based on the premise of getting a new slot at every 40, and being able to not play the game for half a year regularly and still get zen. However, I firmly believe that shouldn't be the ONLY option for new players.
42 40s, LTSer.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Here's a question.
Why should we pay 200$ LTS for a game that isn't properly supported and ran on a skeletoncrew,
and with a game engine so old and complex that everytime we ask for something to get fixed or
implemented, we're told that it can't be done because of the old engine...
And the fact that we have to pay 50$ per FF-slot from now on.. adds salt in the wound.
Because you want to. If that's not the case, then don't.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
That question wasn't directed to you, because in your eyes, PWE can do no wrong.
The question was directed towards PWE or any devs reading these forumsthreads.