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Champions Online On Alert Issues



  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    Museum Heist makes my client wig out whenever someone goes into the boss room. My game basically freezes and I have to shut it down with the task manager. I managed to get back into the alert on reloading my game, but it froze a short while later once I got into the museum and was trying to head to the boss room.

    I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this?

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Bug: Talos Takedown Mission

    Being defeated by Wayland Talos means you re-spawn inside the Lair, in a room full of high-powered hostiles... without the New Purple Gang disguise on. You can guess how that goes. Would suggest either making the respawn inside Talos' room, or outside the Lair itself (so that you receive the warning message concerning putting the disguise back on).
  • Somehow I don't think a champion should end up with 1-half HP after leaving the alert map. I'm not sure what causes this but if it helps both of my characters are around level 11-15.

    Their HP will reset if I enter an alert and complete it, the bug seems random.
    The Mechanical Armageddon

    If I refer to a twin sister ingame, I'm either talking about Artisa or Atroxia Lion.
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,337 Arc User
    edited January 2017

    Somehow I don't think a champion should end up with 1-half HP after leaving the alert map. I'm not sure what causes this but if it helps both of my characters are around level 11-15.

    Their HP will reset if I enter an alert and complete it, the bug seems random.

    That is a pretty old bug and it actually has no detrimental side effects, taking any amount of damage will cause your health to rapidly return to normal when this bug happens. If you enter combat like this you will return to full health almost instantly and then take damage as normal.

    Not saying it shouldnt be fixed... just its pretty low priority as it doesnt really do anything... its also worth noting that asside from a few rare cases, this is entirely client side. I, and many others, have had this bug happen and no one else could see our HP as halved.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,413 Arc User

    Wasn't this supposed to be fixed?
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    guyhumual said:

    Wasn't this supposed to be fixed?

    It was, but it seems to be wildly inconsistent...
  • n8mcdn8mcd Posts: 334 Arc User
    guyhumual said:

    So I just did Nemesis Bank heist 4 times in a row but couldn't complete a single run because it was bugged, same bug I reported earlier, not enough mobs appearing in front of the bank, and it was the left most not spawning. Every time it was the Thug mobs but before it was the mafia mobs.

    The only other thing I can report is that I did a nemesis mission earlier today, and my nemesis has thug minions. I can't say if it was my nemesis, we didn't get inside the bank, but perhaps the nemesis minions aren't properly spawning because my nemesis mission was too closely completed. I know someone else I was playing with managed to get into a 5th mission with fire minions and that wasn't bugged. He faced a generic nemesis though.

    Thug Minions are missing the Tough Super Villain, 3 of which are designated to spawn outside of the bank, so you will always come up 3 villains short of being able to enter the bank.
  • mara0sunh#9946 mara0sunh Posts: 7 Arc User
    One odd thing I have noticed in all of the alerts I have played so far, is that the villains do not speak during their entrance cut scenes. In fact, in Pyramid Power alerts I noticed that Aztec-looking character that appears when the pyramid breaks does not speak either. They wave their arms and all as if they are talking, but they never talk. No subtitles or word bubbles appear either, so I never have any idea what they are saying. It is very odd to see in-game, I must say!

    A second strange alert bug I just encountered before coming on here was this: one of the alerts where you fight that viking showed up with his picture being missing from the announcer segment where they say the villain's name and say "Alert!". And, the spot where his picture should have been for the alert itself (the screen where you can select to join the alert) was white. All other alerts are working normal, it was just that one at least as far as I could tell.
    I am the Light that exists within the Darkness, the Voice that speaks within the Void. Time is an Eternal Cycle, endless and infinite. All this have I seen, and all this I am... as all who live, are. Be as I am, and be complete!
  • revanantmoriturirevanantmorituri Posts: 397 Arc User

    One odd thing I have noticed in all of the alerts I have played so far, is that the villains do not speak during their entrance cut scenes. In fact, in Pyramid Power alerts I noticed that Aztec-looking character that appears when the pyramid breaks does not speak either. They wave their arms and all as if they are talking, but they never talk. No subtitles or word bubbles appear either, so I never have any idea what they are saying. It is very odd to see in-game, I must say!

    Known bug, ongoing since at least November, and pretty much declared not a priority by the dev team.
    Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.

    Supporter of the Titan Project.
  • mara0sunh#9946 mara0sunh Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    > @revanantmorituri said:
    > One odd thing I have noticed in all of the alerts I have played so far, is that the villains do not speak during their entrance cut scenes. In fact, in Pyramid Power alerts I noticed that Aztec-looking character that appears when the pyramid breaks does not speak either. They wave their arms and all as if they are talking, but they never talk. No subtitles or word bubbles appear either, so I never have any idea what they are saying. It is very odd to see in-game, I must say!
    > Known bug, ongoing since at least November, and pretty much declared not a priority by the dev team.

    Good to know! It does seem a rather minor bug in the grand scheme of things in any case.

    I am still getting that weird white portrait with (I think his name is Hrodgeir the Unending) but it seems to only be when he is the Smash alert villain. I do not recall this happening when he was the XP villain, for instance. I did verify the game's files and nothing seems to be missing or amiss. His small portrait that shows up on the alert button at the top of the screen is there just fine too... so this only occurs on those two parts I mentioned above - in the alert itself, when he is announced, and on the large alert selection screen window where it lets you click to join and shows a picture of the level and the villain. I played for quite a while today and still I believe he is the only villain that has this issue. All other Smash alerts had no issues whatsoever.
    Post edited by mara0sunh#9946 on
    I am the Light that exists within the Darkness, the Voice that speaks within the Void. Time is an Eternal Cycle, endless and infinite. All this have I seen, and all this I am... as all who live, are. Be as I am, and be complete!
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