Could Trump and Putin be conspiring to increase conflict in the middle east so both countries can make big money off of selling billions in dollars of weapons to middle eastern countries? It's unlikely that the US and Russia would directly go to war with one another - both countries know how that would turn out. Putin isn't Kim Jong, he knows what would happen - and Trump... probably knows too. However by feigning hostilities towards the US and then carrying out the 'consequences' of that hostility in Syria with a proxy war, it could cause an escalating conflict that sees middle eastern countries forming alliances and basically having a big dumb war. Then the US and Russia sell everyone weapons and make big money while only committing their own troops just enough to give the appearance of being part of the conflict. We surely couldn't accuse Trump of dealing with the Russians if we're "going to war" with them, so that whole thing would disappear while at the same time billions of dollars would come into the US economy making Trump into big hero man who 'made america great again' and Putin gets billions into his economy as well elevating Russia back to the kind of super power he thinks it should be.
But that's just a theory... a conspiracy theory!
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Everything so far is going according to Overlord Xenu's plans to convert the population of Earth into a docile slave race, ripe for regular harvests and sale on the interstellar black market.
Then again, it's more likely that Putin hates the US (and western democracy in general) and wanted to knock America down a few pegs. Donald Trump, a politically-ignorant, self-important narcissist who knows how to work crowds, lie, push people around, and fatten his own wallet but not much else, presented a perfect opportunity. Just imagine the chaos you could incite by utilizing any tools at your disposal to install a buffoon like that as leader of whichever country you hate the most.
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Keep in mind that even if that quote is accurate, it would have come from a KGB propaganda expert - who is, well, an expert at sowing doubt and discord in the populace. Grain of salt and all that.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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What this leads us to today is you have a massive proxy war in Syria, with Saudi founded "rebels" being aided by US training and weaponry, with Russian backed al-Assad fighting to maintain control of the region. Both sides are pretending to be against ISIS, but al-Assad finds their presence useful as he comes across as quite reasonable and civilized compared to what ISIS rule looks like, and a number of these "rebels" the US and the Saudi's are funding are in fact working with, if not actual, ISIS members.
It's worth mentioning here that the US spends about half it's income on the military and if there's not constant military conflict somewhere it becomes very hard to justify spending that much money. It's therefor somewhat unsurprisingly the US always has a conflict somewhere in the world that's a grave danger to the US interest or safety.
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Russia and Syria have been allies for quite awhile now, but I suspect much of this has to do with the fact that, because they're allies, Putin's warped sense of honor as well as his desire to protect his own way of life obliges him to back Assad. If he were to simply back out, it'll appear to the rest of the world that he's caving to the US, NATO, and the Arab Spring (the rise of democracy in that area). To an authoritarian such as Putin, allowing democracy to spread all around him is unacceptable because otherwise, as each dictator gets deposed and is replaced by democracy, he could eventually find himself to be the last autocrat standing. Who would come to his aid then, when his own people finally rise up?
That's why despots generally tend to stick together.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
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- Brexit is a plot to make a new world power which merges, the US and the UK to form a stronger Anglo-American super power and then slowly the EU will crumble into nothingness.
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his first, middle and last names are each 6 letters long...666 - the proof is in the pudding
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
So no, Trump isn't the antichrist because he's a republican. As we all know, he's good at grabbing Good Christian Morals by the ***** because he's so respectful and is just full of empathy.
Obama was supposedly that. Christians went on and on about it the whole time he was in office.
The "antichrist" was supposedly some charismatic individual who had many people fooled. What if--humor me here--Donald Trump is actually this "antichrist?" Let's think about it for a minute. He's charismatic (well, to some people. I find him repulsive), a smooth talker, and he claims that he alone can fix all the problems. He claims to be a great negotiator and dealmaker. And he has many people fooled, despite all the really bad things he's done throughout his life. Aren't these all supposed pieces of the "antichrist?"
Here's some random stuff for fun:
666 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Guess what building is there?
How tall is Trump Tower? Maybe not quite there, but pretty damned close, wouldn't you say?
Trump's Grandmother died on June 6th, 1966. 666!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
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Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.