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Are Daily Login Rewards Really Such a Bad Idea?

meeoeoowiemeeoeoowie Posts: 78 Arc User
Listen, I'm not sure if there is some stigma against these, that they facebook-game an mmo, or whatever, but...
Do any of you really consider these a bad thing? At all? I am sure there are poor examples, but I have seen some really good ones, and I feel like CO could use a light, very simple incentivising for in the very least logging in.

Before I begin, for something like this to ever work, you NEED to add the account-bank to the standard vault building. A function this crucial should not be locked behind something like Hideouts, it's a very dubious way to gate such an expected feature.

Below, I will list some options for how I think it would work in a game like this, as well as list games with similar concepts, should I know any.

Option A - "Login Ladder"
This one, I find to be the most likeable, and would think to be the most exciting.
  • Each day, upon logging onto any character on their account, they will receive a random, account-bound box with redeemable contents.
  • In CO's case, it could be a Recognition crate (maybe 3gcr, 5scr, 10until, etc), a crate containing 10-50 Globals, maybe a rare costume retcon token?
  • Rewards like these should primarily be random on a day-to-day basis, as assigning them to specific days may add a sense of priority and lack thereof for different days.
  • Where this system becomes fruitful, is having login milestones, such as a unique, unchanging reward for reaching 25 days, 50 days, 75 days, and so on.
  • There is no "falling out" for missing a day, it just doesn't add to your total. Adding the pressure of consistent logins are a bad thing.
  • To prevent this from being a large investment sink for development, there is no shame in only having truly unique items every 50th, or even 100th day. Every other 25th, or 10th, can simply be slightly more impressive rewards.
  • The only difficulty with a system like this, is that a sliver of development needs to go towards keeping up with the possible day totals, to ensure the most dedicated players don't get shafted. Thankfully, creating ~10 pieces for a "login master" costume pieces, can give you 500, to 1000 days of worth, immediately easing that pressure.
  • Costume pieces exclusive to logins should probably not be pieces of too high demand, think similarly monthly gold rewards.
Most notably, the game "Warframe" has a system like this, for reference.

Option B - "Login Bar"
This one is quite mild, which I don't know to be a good thing, necessarily, as Champions is a game that should try to make the most of QoL functions such as these.
  • Each day, upon logging onto any character on their account, they will receive a random, account-bound box with redeemable contents.
  • In CO's case, it could be a Recognition crate (maybe 3gcr, 5scr, 10until, etc), a crate containing 10-50 Globals, maybe a rare costume retcon token?
  • Rewards like these should primarily be random on a day-to-day basis, as assigning them to specific days may add a sense of priority and lack thereof for different days.
  • In a system like this, you plainly work towards a login quota, so every time you login, you claim a minor reward, and gain a 1/5 (for example) on some bar.
  • Once you reach your quota, you receive some slightly better reward for that day, and go back to zero.
  • A system like this can be pretty underwhelming, unless the rewards overall are quite strong, or fluctuate into potentially great rewards.
This system is quite generic, and so I am sure it is used by a bunch of games

And that is what I've got, for now! I do genuinely think a game such as CO would benefit largely from this.
Daily missions are not the same, I understand the similarities, but without trailing on further, through comparing the two, you should find that having daily logins adds some unique benefits, especially through Option A.

If there is to be discussion below, try to be civil about it, having super intense hate for something like this simply isn't reasonable, try to criticise constructively, or with some tact!

[A Place to Post Power Concepts] - I don't update this thing as often as I want to, but it is not abandoned!
[Daily Login Rewards] - They sure would spice things up a bit!
[Monthly Rewards and Silver Players] - Surely there should be some way to get them, no matter how difficult!
[Discussion Concerning Event Powers] - Feel like you're missing out on Holy Water? Uh, probably shouldn't.
[Discussion Concerning Energy Stats] - More or less what it says on the tin, there.
[Analysis of Sorcery Copy-Powers] - I showcase some visual chopjobs, and such.
[Analysis of a Poison Spread Bug] - The different interactions Virulent Propagation and Bite has with all poisons.


  • neverwinter sorta has something like it with its celestial coins...they don't buy anything especially interesting, though - CERTAINLY not high-tier currency like their version of GCR​​
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    Please no. Daily login rewards, as well as time-logged-in rewards, are toxic, and there's a reason why seedy pay-to-win games are the birthplace of these things. They're used as psychological hooks (a few among many others, such as the endless resource race, heavily-"important" daily quests, limited-time event-based content, etc) used to quite literally get players mentally addicted to a game.

    "I have to log in every day, and stay logged in for X hours or else I won't get all the [insert PoS junk here] I need!"
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    I think login rewards are fine. I mean hey, people keep complaining it's too hard to get rewards right so anyone in that camp should instantly jump on this reward and approve... otherwise they'd be some sort of dumb hypocrite who doesn't even know what they want and should never be listened to.

    I like when a game gives me a friendly hello and thanks for logging in by handing me a present. Makes me feel welcome, and like the developers really care about my continuing patronage ^_^.

    After all, it's not as if login rewards force you to log in every day. Logically, when you don't log in every day in a game you're already missing out on something anyway since you didn't spend any time acquiring stuff that day, so anyone who thinks logically, using reason rather than wonky conspiracy theory armchair psychology realizes this is just a nice friendly way for the devs to thank people for logging in.

    As you point out, a lot of games use this and for good reason - people like it!
  • blockwaveblockwave Posts: 329 Arc User
    Depends of the daily rewards, I don't mind cosmetic stuff, but GCR/SCR is not a good idea, but I'm fine with everything else.

  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    spinnytop said:

    I think login rewards are fine. I mean hey, people keep complaining it's too hard to get rewards right so anyone in that camp should instantly jump on this reward and approve... otherwise they'd be some sort of dumb hypocrite who doesn't even know what they want and should never be listened to.

    Oh you. ;)

    Seriously though, given how stingy CO's rewards are for actually playing the content, do you honestly think the rewards would be that good?
    spinnytop said:

    I like when a game gives me a friendly hello and thanks for logging in by handing me a present. Makes me feel welcome, and like the developers really care about my continuing patronage ^_^.

    You are proof that the psychological trick works. ^^ In fairness though, they do care about your continued patronage. They care about everyone's continued patronage because that patronage is $$$. I'm not saying that's bad, but it's important to understand that it's not entirely meant as a benevolent system. They don't care about you, they care about what's in your bank account, or as a free player, you existing in their game to up the player count (a form of game content).

    Online games are a business and the players are the customers. No players means no business, and no business means a trip behind the woodshed for the poor game.
    spinnytop said:

    After all, it's not as if login rewards force you to log in every day. Logically, when you don't log in every day in a game you're already missing out on something anyway since you didn't spend any time acquiring stuff that day, so anyone who thinks logically,

    Login rewards typically aren't just "log in, get a prize." There's usually secondary factors which encourage you to either log in X days in a row or on a given week to earn a bigger prize, or the initial login prize is actually spread out over a period of time, requiring you to not just log in, but stay logged in for X minutes/hours before you get the full reward.

    Of course nobody is forcing you (as in, standing behind you, gripping your wrists to make you type stuff, blah blah etc) to log in every day, however a game with login rewards is heavily encouraging you to do so. Just like with gambling, some people are more susceptible to this kind of compulsion trap than others.
    spinnytop said:

    using reason rather than wonky conspiracy theory armchair psychology realizes this is just a nice friendly way for the devs to thank people for logging in.

    Uh yeah, it's not "wonky conspiracy theory armchair psychology," it's an actual thing conceived by F2P games for F2P games. Don't take my word for it though, try doing a little of your own research. Here's a starting point - hell, it even specifically references the one cryptic game that does feature login rewards.
    spinnytop said:

    As you point out, a lot of games use this and for good reason - people like it!

    Of course they do, which leads to them logging in more, even if just to claim their shinies.

    Our usual bickering aside, since CO is already in the F2P pit and even has a degree of pay to win (hello mod system) I suppose implementing login rewards would be "okay" if the devs thought it would help the game do better and could be done in a positive way. Just be aware of what login rewards really are, that's all I ask.
    blockwave said:

    Depends of the daily rewards, I don't mind cosmetic stuff, but GCR/SCR is not a good idea, but I'm fine with everything else.

    Actually, they could give out 1 GCR per day and it'd be fine. Since people would surely want their gear at rate faster than 1 piece every 0.68 years it wouldn't do any damage to people's participation in boss fights.
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    I think Rift just has a random Artifact as a login bonus. You can use it or sell it. It's not anything game breaking and people like collecting artifacts. (Artifacts are basically collection things. They can be found in the game normally. One set can be turned in for a coin and the coins can be traded for various stuff.) Subscribers get an extra login bonus once a week.

    If Cryptic could implement it in a way that isn't the sleaziest way imaginable, sure. Honestly, I don't trust them to have good judgment on these things.

    If it was just a box of currency, not new currency but stuff that already exists, that would be fine with minimal effort in the system. I don't really like the idea of fabulous prizes for X number of days logged in. It's too easy for Cryptic to do something stupid and scummy with stuff like that. It might be nice if it stops all the damn Event Spam we've been getting. But just seeing how Cryptic went bonkers with events doesn't fill me with confidence they they could implement daily logins in a not horrid way.

    *shanks Aesica*​​
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    aesica said:

    You are proof that the psychological trick works. ^^

    And yet, I and millions upon millions of other people do not continue to log in to every game we've ever played that has login rewards. Not a very impressive trick. After all if that's all it took, then why are there games with player retention issues that have login rewards?
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    CO in effect gives daily login rewards by having daily quests that are rather easy (and a weekly login reward in the Vigilance rotation). What more would you expect out of a daily login reward?
  • rtmartma Posts: 1,198 Arc User
    I'd rather them make some power reviews and revamps then focus on a welcome mat to rub your face on. xP
    Want to get to know me a bit better, Click me and take a read of My Dragon Profile Page, it's a bit dated but still relevant.

    I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

    "customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
  • pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Posts: 978 Arc User
    GIMME MOAR FREE STUFF FOR FREE! These kinds of suggestions are insulting to the creative people who work (supposedly) hard to make something enjoyable. @meeoeoowie would you like it if I came to you and asked you to work for free?

    That being said, you get TONS of free login rewards. You get a FREE character. You get hours and hours of FREE content.

    But even moreso than that. Lt. Patil is giving out practically free stuff every day. You just go get his Alert, do a few quick and easy missions and boom stuff.

    As far as account banks, those are free. I mean, as long as you pay your rent. Asking for a free account bank with a free account is like asking for a free maid with the free home someone gave you. Let's not get greedy.

    I have to admit that people who want free stuff just for the pleasure of their company is a big pet peeve of mine. I deal with it every day in my business and everyone gets the same lecture.

    One thing that I would support that could get people stuff without actually playing the game or spending money would be a "watch a commercial and get free coins" function. Watch a 30 second video commercial for Tesla and earn 2 SCR. I wouldn't allow more than once per day per account, but it could be a way for people like the OP to earn a bit of stuff without actually playing the game while CO earns a bit of money to help pay their bills.
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User

    CO in effect gives daily login rewards by having daily quests that are rather easy (and a weekly login reward in the Vigilance rotation). What more would you expect out of a daily login reward?

    Well, login rewards, as the name implies, gives you something just for logging in. Daily quests are their own thing. So it's not "what more" would I expect, it's actually that I expect less.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    rtma said:

    I'd rather them make some power reviews and revamps then focus on a welcome mat to rub your face on. xP

    Have an NPC with a daily quest that completes without doing anything other than accepting it and turning it in. Done, back to the reviews and revamps.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    rtma said:

    I'd rather them make some power reviews and revamps then focus on a welcome mat to rub your face on. xP

    Have an NPC with a daily quest that completes without doing anything other than accepting it and turning it in. Done, back to the reviews and revamps.
    Original idea is per-account, not per-character, which would require some added development (and a per-character login would be prone to being an annoying chore for people with lots of alts).
  • it already IS an annoying chore in neverwinter...and i only have 8 characters there​​
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    spinnytop said:

    And yet, I and millions upon millions of other people do not continue to log in to every game we've ever played that has login rewards. Not a very impressive trick. After all if that's all it took, then why are there games with player retention issues that have login rewards?

    That's because it's just one of several things games use to hook people. Eventually, people either kick their habit or the game itself just isn't fun enough to sustain their continued patronage.
    spinnytop said:

    Well, login rewards, as the name implies, gives you something just for logging in. Daily quests are their own thing. So it's not "what more" would I expect, it's actually that I expect less.

    Daily login reward: Complete a sequence ingame to get a reward. Resets daily.
    Daily quest: Complete a sequence ingame to get a reward. Resets daily.

    The only real difference is how much effort is required to get the shiny. (Click a menu vs click a menu, go kill some things, click the menu again)
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    aesica said:

    That's because it's just one of several things games use to hook people.

    Ye, primarily the game itself. If that isn't fun no amount of wacky psychological tricks are gonna keep people playing.
    aesica said:

    Daily login reward: Complete a sequence ingame to get a reward. Resets daily.
    Daily quest: Complete a sequence ingame to get a reward. Resets daily.

    Grats, you know the difference between a login reward and a daily quest.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    aesica said:

    That's because it's just one of several things games use to hook people.

    Ye, primarily the game itself. If that isn't fun no amount of wacky psychological tricks are gonna keep people playing.
    Maybe not you, maybe not me, maybe not most people, but people are different. People with compulsive tendencies are quite vulnerable to the tactics used by many F2P games. Here, take a look: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/195806/chasing_the_whale_examining_the_.php
    spinnytop said:

    Grats, you know the difference between a login reward and a daily quest.

    In terms of "daily ingame activities," where is the line drawn between "login reward" and "daily quest reward?"

    If I log into the game and, right away, I'm greeted with a popup saying "Click to claim your daily reward!" I think we both can agree on this being a daily login reward. But what about the xmas gift thing, where I walk to the big Ren Center tree and click to get my free daily gift? Daily quest, or login reward? It uses the quest/npc interaction interface. Is it both? If that's a login reward instead of a daily quest, what happens if they change it so that I need to go kill a foe before I get my gift? If it's a daily quest instead of a login reward, then...why is that the case? Is it because I have to move to a location and interact instead of having it pop up upon login?

    Do you understand now how the two are so similar to one another?
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    aesica said:

    People with compulsive tendencies are quite vulnerable to the tactics used by many F2P games.

    Yes, and people interested in reindeer porn would be vulnerable to the game offering reindeer porn.
    aesica said:

    Do you understand now how the two are so similar to one another?

    "They're both daily". Can't believe it took you more than three words to get there.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    Considering that CO already has psych hooks in the form of promoting gambling via lockboxes (which is an addiction which can become crippling, maybe not lockboxes but gambling itself)...I don't think login rewards are any more toxic in comparison.

    As with everything I'm sure there'd be an option to discard the login reward if you were very adamant that you didn't want any part of it...just like no one forces players to open lockboxes.

    By playing games to get rewards, you generally understand that there is some form of compromise in order to obtain a reward (cost reward matricies).

    Login Reward in CO...the closest I can think is the perk completion you get for logging in during the anniversary period, but that's per character.

    Daily rewards in CO require you to complete content or act upon something in order to obtain the reward i.e. Custom Alert Dailies.

    I wouldn't mind having login rewards for CO, would be pretty neat actually. I could see 100 day login rewards being something like 3 GCR, however there is a common thought that GCR should be sacred and only obtainable through the most demanding team content in minuscule amounts or in negligible amounts via difficult 'solo' content, so I don't know if SCR/GCR would take.

    I like the idea, but it would need to be explored in a bit more depth.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    I personally would use a tiered login reward where after you accumulate a certain number of days logged in you get a special reward. Regular login rewards could be stuff like G and Q. Special rewards could be stuff like cosmic keys, recognition, drifter salvage, or even unique action figures or costume pieces.
  • meeoeoowiemeeoeoowie Posts: 78 Arc User

    Not responding to most posts here, since they have some element of coherent point-making, are civil, counter-point, and are formally argumentative, for the most part. I do think a lot of aruments are on the pretense that the developers will do it in a shitty way, or that a side-project like this would be done at a time where it severely harms the game's development.

    The devs aren't idiotic enough to make a system like this when they're at a difficult work quota already, this argument is extremely redundant, please try to reason past this logic before relying on it. Both suggestions for a daily login reward system were of no anti-consumeristic pressure of having to consistently log on, and were merely login milestone-oriented.

    Now, writing this strictly to the post quoted, and not acknowledging the person further than this. If anyone else gets anything out of this, then that is great, but don't feel personally attacked. @pwestolemyname, Please get over yourself. Suggesting content that may better the player-experience for certain people with perhaps just a smidge, does not warrant some cheaply asserted ad hominem towards the poster, or anyone else actually trying to wrap their heads around an implementation such as the one suggested.

    Misuse, and inept interpretation of the word "Free" does not further your points, as time and effort invested, regardless of how entertaining the worker may find it, infact is payment, made evident by how jobs work across the globe. Certain things are free, or more rewarding than perhaps seems initially logical, until you learn practically one page about player incentive strategies. At that point, it's entirely logical.

    If you are so scared that a game is manipulating you, that you are dreading free items upon logging in, as they will send you spiralling into an inescapable vortex of never not logging in, then I am sorry, that must truly be terrible. For people who aren't scared of receiving minor free things in a digital game without any capability of translating the rewards into real life worth beyond your own entertainment: unless you have personal stigma based on your experiences in the past, I don't see how this could be such a scary thing.

    And for the love of my mum, understand that most devs probably want to aspire to better their game, and that having an account-bank system tied to an otherwise arbitrary, primarily role-play or tailor-convenience system, set behind a zen paywall, is far from a polished concept.

    I hope this didn't sour the mood in any way shape or form, and that people are doing okay. I, personally, don't see the problem with a well-implemented login system. If it isn't well implemented, they implemented a system poorly, I don't know what else to tell you.

    [A Place to Post Power Concepts] - I don't update this thing as often as I want to, but it is not abandoned!
    [Daily Login Rewards] - They sure would spice things up a bit!
    [Monthly Rewards and Silver Players] - Surely there should be some way to get them, no matter how difficult!
    [Discussion Concerning Event Powers] - Feel like you're missing out on Holy Water? Uh, probably shouldn't.
    [Discussion Concerning Energy Stats] - More or less what it says on the tin, there.
    [Analysis of Sorcery Copy-Powers] - I showcase some visual chopjobs, and such.
    [Analysis of a Poison Spread Bug] - The different interactions Virulent Propagation and Bite has with all poisons.
  • nacito#6758 nacito Posts: 982 Arc User
    Watch a 30 second video commercial for Tesla and earn 2 SCR.

    this is not a mobile game tho​​
    Just another reptile lover, known in game as @nacito

    This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
  • pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited June 2017


    Not responding to most posts here, since they have some element of coherent point-making, are civil, counter-point, and are formally argumentative, for the most part. I do think a lot of aruments are on the pretense that the developers will do it in a shitty way, or that a side-project like this would be done at a time where it severely harms the game's development.

    The devs aren't idiotic enough to make a system like this when they're at a difficult work quota already, this argument is extremely redundant, please try to reason past this logic before relying on it. Both suggestions for a daily login reward system were of no anti-consumeristic pressure of having to consistently log on, and were merely login milestone-oriented.

    Now, writing this strictly to the post quoted, and not acknowledging the person further than this. If anyone else gets anything out of this, then that is great, but don't feel personally attacked. @pwestolemyname, Please get over yourself. Suggesting content that may better the player-experience for certain people with perhaps just a smidge, does not warrant some cheaply asserted ad hominem towards the poster, or anyone else actually trying to wrap their heads around an implementation such as the one suggested.

    Misuse, and inept interpretation of the word "Free" does not further your points, as time and effort invested, regardless of how entertaining the worker may find it, infact is payment, made evident by how jobs work across the globe. Certain things are free, or more rewarding than perhaps seems initially logical, until you learn practically one page about player incentive strategies. At that point, it's entirely logical.

    If you are so scared that a game is manipulating you, that you are dreading free items upon logging in, as they will send you spiralling into an inescapable vortex of never not logging in, then I am sorry, that must truly be terrible. For people who aren't scared of receiving minor free things in a digital game without any capability of translating the rewards into real life worth beyond your own entertainment: unless you have personal stigma based on your experiences in the past, I don't see how this could be such a scary thing.

    And for the love of my mum, understand that most devs probably want to aspire to better their game, and that having an account-bank system tied to an otherwise arbitrary, primarily role-play or tailor-convenience system, set behind a zen paywall, is far from a polished concept.

    I hope this didn't sour the mood in any way shape or form, and that people are doing okay. I, personally, don't see the problem with a well-implemented login system. If it isn't well implemented, they implemented a system poorly, I don't know what else to tell you.


    This so utterly misses the point of my post that I cannot figure out how to get it back on track. I guess the best I can say is "pay your bills". Stop asking for more free stuff CO already gives craptons of stuff for free and now you want even more?
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
  • pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Posts: 978 Arc User
    naciiito said:

    Watch a 30 second video commercial for Tesla and earn 2 SCR.

    this is not a mobile game tho​​

    I don't see how that is relevant.
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User

    I don't see how that is relevant.

    That is a thing that mobile games do. There, now you know how it is relevant.

    Also, telling a LTS player to "pay their bills"...

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