Covfefe isn't funny, in fact it's quite serious. Side effects include headaches, nausea, cover-ups, weight gain, ignorance, pretend wall building, poor health care and female groping.
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
An unfair, sweeping statement which has unfortunately taken root in the minds of too many people.
It's true that some are just in it for the money, and they're perfectly happy to check their moral compasses at the door as they vote in whatever way makes their wealthy backers happy, plebs be damned. Yeah, they suck and I'm sure everyone here can agree that such people have no business in positions of power.
To a slimeball politician. especially when they flock together in a particular party, it's a lot easier to stay in power if you propagate the idea of "every politician's a slimeball, not just us!" Wouldn't you agree? A choice between poop and vomit isn't very appealing, and really either could win as the least disinterested members of society uncaringly vote for what they see to be the lesser of two evils. But given a choice between poop and a delicious home-cooked meal, poop doesn't stand a chance, does it? That's why Team Poop needs to persuade you, the voter, that the home-cooked meal is somehow equal to or worse than the raw sewage they represent. Even if it involves telling outright lies about what the homecooked meal is made out of, how it is made, what horrible things the cook has done in the past, etc.
However, it's important to understand that there are also people who get involved in politics because they genuinely want to make a difference. They want to do what they can to drive their country in a direction that they consider to be more ideal--this can be a progressive tug to the left, expanding rights and embracing new ideas, or it can be a regressive tug to the right in a way that rolls back rights and rejects new ideas in favor of older ones.
I honestly don't know what kind of media people are consuming these days that somehow reinforces the "all politicians are crooked/evil/eat babies/etc" rhetoric, but it's not only untrue, it's dangerous for democracy. It's how the US ended up with...what it has now as its president.
But no one ever gives the Dems flack for being PoS. Hypocrites.
That depends on who you talk to, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't give them as much flack because they're nowhere near the Republicans on the PoS-o-meter. "Lesser of two evils" by quite a bit. As Bill Maher put it in one of his skits, it's more like the difference between an imperfect friend and a deadly enemy. One threatens my freedoms, the other does not. Simple choice, really.
As someone who exists on the left end of the spectrum, I'm less likely to criticize the Democrats because they support more things that I happen to agree with than the Republicans. Expanding rights for women/minorities/lgbt/etc, pro-science positions, working with other countries to form and strengthen international bonds, and generally progressing forward are all things I want to see more of. "Damn you Obama and your support of climate change science and equal rights!"
There's really only a few "dems" I consider to be PoS, but they're usually people like Anthony Weiner.
I'm not very fond of the POTUS but all this over a typo seems a bit strange to me... however I did find it a very odd tweet as it just seems to trail off mid sentence into nonsesne and abruptly ends. Like he stopped typing to correct the typo and somehow ended up sending it instead. Still..I don't see what all the fuss is about....
but what is even stranger to me are all the folks getting defensive about it... don't you know that you're not supposed to feed the trolls?
I'm not very fond of the POTUS but all this over a typo seems a bit strange to me... however I did find it a very odd tweet as it just seems to trail off mid sentence into nonsesne and abruptly ends. Like he stopped typing to correct the typo and somehow ended up sending it instead. Still..I don't see what all the fuss is about....
but what is even stranger to me are all the folks getting defensive about it... don't you know that you're not supposed to feed the trolls?
Its a hatred thing; since they have no way to get at him or anything solid to pin on him, they have to ether invent stuff or nit pick him about every little thing. (remember highschool?) In this case we see them running with a typo, in a desperate attempt to make something out of it. A persons true heart is revealed in how they treat others, if you feed your desire to attack someone and not have mercy, you will loose your humanity as you allow yourself to indulge your inner monster. Once this is satisfied, it will eventually not be enough to just troll on social media, the person will eventually loose control of that monster and go berkley on a community. If you see how they treat people they dont like, imagine if you are their focus one day...would you really want to be apart of a group like that? They will have no mercy, it will be like when chickens in a coop, find an open wound on one of their own and each will smell the blood and begin to pick at it until its layed wide open and dies from a horrible death at the hands of its own kind (predatory birds) ^maybe not the spanish one but definately the social media one. lol
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
What's even funnier is watching his supporters try to spin something out of it.
Quoted for truth
More like an opinion you agree with. It easy to do when you both seething over the same person.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Its a hatred thing; since they have no way to get at him or anything solid to pin on him, they have to ether invent stuff or nit pick him about every little thing.
Do you honestly think people are making this stuff up about Trump, despite the Trump x Russia investigation, which is only getting more elaborate by the day? Despite the things he's on record as having said or done? With "covfefe" in particular, nobody's making anything up here--the word came from his own twitter account, and the tweet in question was up for nearly 6 hour before being removed. Pretty much all of the criticism about him in general comes from things he is on record as having said or done.
And people should be critical of him. He's not just some kid in high school; he's supposed to be representing the most powerful country in the world, meaning the things he says and does does affects us and reflects on all of us in either a good or bad way. Unfortunately, I suspect it's been mostly bad from the perspective of nearly every other free country on the planet. At least our mistake has scared other countries, such as France, into voting responsibly by rejecting toxic nationalist/alt-right candidates.
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
Its a hatred thing; since they have no way to get at him or anything solid to pin on him, they have to ether invent stuff or nit pick him about every little thing.
Do you honestly think people are making this stuff up about Trump, despite the Trump x Russia investigation, which is only getting more elaborate by the day? Despite the things he's on record as having said or done? With "covfefe" in particular, nobody's making anything up here--the word came from his own twitter account, and the tweet in question was up for nearly 6 hour before being removed. Pretty much all of the criticism about him in general comes from things he is on record as having said or done.
And people should be critical of him. He's not just some kid in high school; he's supposed to be representing the most powerful country in the world, meaning the things he says and does does affects us and reflects on all of us in either a good or bad way. Unfortunately, I suspect it's been mostly bad from the perspective of nearly every other free country on the planet. At least our mistake has scared other countries, such as France, into voting responsibly by rejecting toxic nationalist/alt-right candidates.
Hes a professional negotiator, your not going to scare him away by flooding media with false accusation and tinfoil hat conspiracy theories....or as you so intensely put about the misspelled word. He will in fact shove you right back and hit you back with your own poison....this is something most cant stand, they are used to running people off or publicly shaming them away, or now these days, using fear/terror tactics like at berkley.
Your comment didnt make me change my thoughts on what I initially posted, it only strengthens its validity. If you guys could just see your own level hate for him, you will see why i find it hard to take your word as anything more then uncontrolled emotional outbursts? Do you see where Im coming from??
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Well so far, the "professional negotiator" can't even repeal and replace the ACA with his destructive garbage, and that's despite the fact that Republicans control both the House and the Senate. His Muslim ban keeps failing as well. He promised that Mexico would pay for his joke of a wall, but the Mexican president has said that Mexico will not be paying for it.
Not at all, actually. I honestly don't understand why anyone likes him in the first place.
- - -
Also, what didn't I fact check? What did I get wrong in my previous post? You can't use some meme to imply I didn't fact check something without also backing it up. ;3
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
Well so far, the "professional negotiator" can't even repeal and replace the ACA with his destructive garbage, and that's despite the fact that Republicans control both the House and the Senate. His Muslim ban keeps failing as well. He promised that Mexico would pay for his joke of a wall, but the Mexican president has said that Mexico will not be paying for it.
Not at all, actually. I honestly don't understand why anyone likes him in the first place.
- - -
Also, what didn't I fact check? What did I get wrong in my previous post? You can't use some meme to imply I didn't fact check something without also backing it up. ;3
It doesnt need to be replaced, it need to be IN the garbage...the government isnt supposed to interefer in free market or industry...let alone force its own market into it!
There again is why nothing i say clicks, because it all comes back to what id said before "when you hate someone they can do no right, when you like someone they can do no wrong" this is why I believe you are emotionally compromised from your being coached by fake news to be biased, and can only see anything he does as evil...because you've allowed your hatred of him to make everything he does seem like a disaster.. "oh the paper he tossed tried to toss in the waste can missed, hes a litter bug, he should be fined for littering, he cant even hit the goal, look how feeble he is (insert endless jokes about him missing the trash)..etc...etc." Im forced to roll my yes when ever something new comes up for you to run with, so yeah we can get lots of memes out of your guys prejudicial reactions. Because its like watching "means girls" write in there burn book, when they go to war with a rival. You each try and out mean one another in how toxic you can be. i dont see how you can live like that, its like you only get along with people who equally hate with you. trump is far from perfect but i give our presidents space to work in even if they arent my choice. I wish i could get you guys to cool your jets and have a 3rd person perspective for a bit (a real look) that way I can take what you say or argue as something worth considering and investigating.
as for your fact checking, fake/coached news isnt fact checking its fanning the flames of propaganda...they know you will use to set social media on fire with... ^no comic or movie has ever made heroes out of such motivations!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
"when you hate someone they can do no right, when you like someone they can do no wrong"
So are you playing the victim for yourself or Trump here? I noticed he likes to do the same thing "waa, the media is so mean to me!". The reason we ridicule Trump is because he made a followup tweet where he said "Can you figure out what covfefe means?" trying to play it off like he didn't screw up. That's classic Trump of course... he can't ever admit to a mistake, which is how he guarantees that he makes them repeatedly. That's why it's so fun to make fun of him... he just makes it so easy - the guy is practically a career clown, bumbling along but claiming he's doing everything right.
Which makes that quote kind of interesting. You might want to think about that second half a bit more
as for your fact checking, fake/coached news isnt fact checking its fanning the flames of propaganda...they know you will use to set social media on fire with...
Ah yes, the common way for Trump followers to defend their fantasy of their leader being perfect. It must be nice to be able to tell yourself that every fact that proves you wrong is a lie. We all know that that's exactly how Trump himself operates after all.
Funny, you hardcore right wing conservatives used to constantly accuse liberals of doing this, a la "SJWs never listen to facts because they threaten their world view! Damn liberals!". And now here you are, doing the thing you accused others of in the name of a man who couldn't care less about you. Of course, that's just another way you're being like your perfect leader isn't it? After all, he's done everything he accused Clinton of... often in worse ways.
the government isnt supposed to interefer in free market or industry...
So basically, you're saying it's okay for big corporations to dump waste into your water supply, to poison your air, to cut workplace safety regulations, to discriminate against its employees based on race or gender. Or, in the case of the ACA, it's okay for them to not cover people with preexisting conditions, poor people should be out of luck, and seniors' rates should skyrocket? All so those corporations can save some bucks. Got it.
If the government didn't "interfere" with the free market and industry, it would run wild all over everyone. Including you. And who exactly would be able to stop them?
this is why I believe you are emotionally compromised from your being coached by fake news to be biased
So live coverage of Trump or his press secretary, cabinet members, etc is somehow fake? What makes my news supposedly fake and yours somehow not fake? Have you ever once stopped to think that, just maybe, whatever you're going to for "information" might be the fake news?
as for your fact checking, fake/coached news isnt fact checking its fanning the flames of propaganda...they know you will use to set social media on fire with...
What is this I don't even. No but seriously, I don't even really use a lot of social media, and certainly not for news. Any "news" found on social media should be questioned heavily. Sure, it could be legit, but it could also be some viral troll article written by a teen all the way over in Macedonia.
Look, I get it. Many conservatives, probably including you, don't trust the media for whatever reason. I've never really understood the reasoning behind this because I think it's completely illogical. Whatever the reason, know this: Distrust of the media is dangerous for democracy. It opens you up to being intentionally mislead, because if you distrust the media, who are you going to turn to for information?
Some small, independent news network? One that's telling stories that are completely different and contradict those in every other network? Spoiler alert: Many smaller news outlets use tricks to try and grab viewers' attention (and later, continued patronage) such as sensationalism and clickbait in particular. Sensationalism/clickbait and misleading articles (unfortunately) tend to be more interesting, so unless you really take your time to investigate the credibility of your chosen independent news network, you're setting yourself up to be misled.
The president himself? Hopefully not. Every aspiring dictator in the world would love it if his people would turn only to him so he could feed them whatever line of BS he wanted to boost his popularity. This kind of logic is like asking someone if he killed his wife:
"I promise I didn't kill her, officer. The baseball bat in my trunk, covered in with my fingerprints and her DNA, was clearly put there by the real killer. Who is not me."
"Oh, okay. The neighbors said they heard you guys yelling at each other last night, but we trust you. We won't bother investigating you further because you told us you didn't do it. Have a good day."
- vs -
"I promise Putin and the Russian government didn't help me win the election! Ignore the paper trails of me and all my associates that may lead to them, it's just made up!"
You are slick pair, I know to answer your questions will probably get me banned, because it would involve bringing up as much politics from the other side as you do for the side protected here...only ill be showing you more then just well spun taunts and accusations you've not given documentation for.
Ok, lets cover some collaboration with russia: While some of the dealings people in office do are only natural, given working with other countrys does involve a certain amount of dealings negotiation, im not getting onto liberals for that, its part of their job to do getting on them for taking money for selling out our country and then pointing the finger at trump, accusing him of their own crimes...this also happened here too and trump called them on it:
As for governments roll in business, they arent supposed to own or interfere with business, this means they arent supposed to own GM, or health insurance companys, and they certainly arent supposed to force their products on you by penalty of law like some sort of dictatorship!! they are supposed to regulate laws that prevent said companys from committing crimes...what you are asking us to do is turn the US into a socialist country, thats treason. Leave it alone, if you dont like this system go to europe, there is plenty of socialism there....getting checks from us every month to support their system! O.o
As for healthcare i lost 2 family members last year under our last presidents ideas, my dad was removed from his the list for being too old to receive a new lung due to the set ln print in obamacare, even when i offered to give one of my own lungs they refused because he was too old under the law to get the operation or receive the lung, if i donated it would only go to someone else on the list he was bumped from!!
Im not even going to touch the race, gender, whatever card your desperately trying to pull out of your backside, you should be ashamed of exploiting that cheap trick to get the admins you got away with posting even that, and pics of our president as hitler given the T.O.S. speaks volumes!! I was banned from STO for making a pun about "Kai Winn", in the sto forums the other day...if someone can flag that and it be hit that standard! Especially when it wasnt even a violation of the rules!!! Its like spinny compiling my statements out of context when i gave her the last word before, as if no one would of noticed, instead of trying to use the opportunity to make up or even just say, "your wrong, im not as bad as you think" she used a CNN tactic.
I wasnt in favor of our last president but i never did anything as disgraceful, disrespectful, vulgar, despicable and unAmerican as what is going on here in this country today through hate filled spoiled unrealistic "victums" as spinny likes to overuse, against our own elected president. Im glad I got to say my peace, if it causes my ban or i get shouted down, one man still got to speak the truth for what its worth here and stand up for it in the mix of all this BS threads they shamefully use to disrespect our president!! I dont care if hes not perfect, hes still our president, if i had to suck it up and deal with our last one you can too for our current one!!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
I wasnt in favor of our last president but i never did anything as disgraceful, disrespectful, vulgar, despicable and unAmerican as what is going on here in this country today
You don't remember all the hateful racist things some members of the right said about Obama? All the death threats? Hell, Ted Nugent said he wanted to kill the president and an entire audience cheered him on... you think those were liberals in his audience? Don't bother trying to lecture anyone about disgusting unamerican behavior.
Im glad I got to say my peace, if it causes my ban or i get shouted down, one man still got to speak the truth for what its worth here and stand up for it in the mix of all this BS threads they shamefully use to disrespect our president!! I dont care if hes not perfect, hes still our president, if i had to suck it up and deal with our last one you can too for our current one!!
There you go, playing the victim again. Yes Cat you're so brave for typing up your opinion on a discussion forum, they should throw you a parade.
I'm not sure what you mean by "suck it up". When Obama screwed up I said something about it, I didn't "suck it up" because that's not what you're supposed to do. One of the founding principles of the US was that we are allowed to criticize our leaders and hold them accountable for their actions. The difference is that Trump has screwed up more in his first few months than Obama did in his entire presidency, and has made the US the outright laughing stock of the world. There's no "he's our president so we have to accept him", it's "he's our president so he better do his job or he's out in four years".
It is, in fact, unamerican for you to tell people they can't criticize the president. We can disrespect him, ridicule him, and say whatever we like about him - since that is one of the most american, most important core principles of living in this country, and if you don't like it you can just go live somewhere else. Try North Korea, they have your kind of mind set over there.
I really don't get how expressing one's own opinions in a calm and respectful manner is going to get anyone banned or that we can assume the admins are taking sides in a conversation going on in an off-topic forum. Is discussing politics against the rules? Wouldn't that just end up with this whole thread being shut down? I don't know why that was even brought up. That sort of paranoid reasoning can be harmful to a person's credibility.
There is no need to get so defensive, all polititions are routinely mocked and scrutinized for their entire terms(some more than others) its all part of the job. I'm sure Trump can handle it, you don't need to fight for Trump. You don't need to blame even his smallest of mistakes on some kind of dark liberal agenda. Maybe you feel obligated to defend him because you voted for him...well I voted for Clinton and Obama and would do so again if given the opportunity yet I never felt the need to jump into the online trenches everytime a conservative starting raking their name through the mud because I knew what they were saying was nonsense and I don't feel a need to respond to nonsense statements.
because I knew what they were saying was nonsense and I don't feel a need to respond to nonsense statements.
Well see there's the issue. With Trump, we're literally just pointing out things he actually did and said. That's why they feel like they need to respond, because if they don't then there's just the facts... and the facts make them look gullible and foolish for supporting the guy.
Just because Trump is the president doesn't mean we should respect him. If he wants respect, he needs to do something useful and quit trying to turn America into a joke.
That said, everything else is either too asinine to bother with or (I never thought I'd say this) has already been covered rather well by Spinnytop.
1. Hillary Clinton approved the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia and nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.
While Hillary Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review and sign off on the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia — then-Secretary of State Clinton herself was the only agency head whose family foundation received $145 million in donations from multiple people connected to the uranium deal, as reported by the New York Times.
2. Bill Clinton bagged $500,000 for a Moscow speech paid for by a Kremlin-backed bank while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.
Former President Bill Clinton delivered a speech in Moscow and received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian government-connected bank, while his wife’s State Department was getting ready to sign off on the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia.
“And, in one case, a Russian investment bank connected to the deals paid money to Bill Clinton personally, through a half-million-dollar speaker’s fee,” reported the New Yorker.
3. Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman’s Joule energy company bagged $35 million from Putin’s Rusnano.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of an energy company, Joule Unlimited, which received millions from a Putin-connected Russian government fund. Podesta also owned “75,000 common shares” in Joule Unlimited, which he had transferred to a holding company called Leonidio LLC.
Podesta also failed to fully disclose his position on Joule Unlimited’s board of directors and include it in his federal financial disclosures, as required by law, before he became President Obama’s senior adviser in January 2014.
4. Clinton Foundation chatter with State Dept. on Uranium Deal with Russia.
Senior staffers inside Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were warned by Clinton Foundation senior vice president Maura Pally that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), was asking the Department of Justice to investigate the State Department approval of the sale of American uranium assets to a Russian company.
The chain of emails proved the regular interaction between members of the Clinton campaign and senior staff at the Clinton Foundation.
5. Hillary Clinton hid $2.35 million in secret donations from Ian Telfer, the head of Russia’s uranium company.
Ian Telfer, the head of the Russian government’s uranium company, Uranium One, made four foreign donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation, as the New York Times reported.
“Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million,” the Times reported. “Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.”
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Just because Trump is the president doesn't mean we should respect him. If he wants respect, he needs to do something useful and quit trying to turn America into a joke.
Yes that shameful CNN tactic of "showing what a person said".
I cant imagine why trump called them fake news ^ maneuvering something around to show things from the perceptive that entertains your a shameless lie! Much like how you can twist something around that you have done and accuse others with only your word as backing...but never once showing any sort of remorse for your own lies and dirty deeds, you think by demonizing another it will cover your wrong doings and never have to answer for least trump apologized and said he was in the wrong for those things he said when they tapped him years ago...the clintons have not only shown no remorse for their evil, they try to hide them, threaten those they can make disappear or like you, just accuse others of their own crimes hoping to push the blame over to their prey and take the heat off of themselves.
I really don't get how expressing one's own opinions in a calm and respectful manner is going to get anyone banned or that we can assume the admins are taking sides in a conversation going on in an off-topic forum. Is discussing politics against the rules? Wouldn't that just end up with this whole thread being shut down? I don't know why that was even brought up. That sort of paranoid reasoning can be harmful to a person's credibility.
There is no need to get so defensive, all polititions are routinely mocked and scrutinized for their entire terms(some more than others) its all part of the job. I'm sure Trump can handle it, you don't need to fight for Trump. You don't need to blame even his smallest of mistakes on some kind of dark liberal agenda. Maybe you feel obligated to defend him because you voted for him...well I voted for Clinton and Obama and would do so again if given the opportunity yet I never felt the need to jump into the online trenches everytime a conservative starting raking their name through the mud because I knew what they were saying was nonsense and I don't feel a need to respond to nonsense statements.
Thats what i thought too, but if any of you have been to the STO forums especially when it was ruled by someone who began to ban for personal reasons rather then the rules...and players would flag like the button was a machinegun and openly demand people be banned at the drop of a will know why one gets defensive...well that and people like nabreeki and spinny who take the role of predatory birds, to drowned out any voice that damages their fun of sport trolling. Id complained about obama in the past there and was told to "suck it up" "get over it" "deal with it" "your a racist" all for being opposed to his agenda. Which happens to have been for the very thing trump is opposed to, nationalized/controlled everything including way your allowed to think "political correctness"
I would of thought you'd have checked the rules before you dismissed me as uncredible, I didnt think you where like that beez.
The reason i dont consider spinny credible is because of what i explained above, how she turns things around to take the heat off of her, it doesnt even have to be true. I was concerned a while back that i may have hurt her feelings so i gave her final word...but someone reminded me she has to have them before they can be hurt. I think he was right im sad to say. I thought she was a friendly cat at one time, but nope...
The liberal agenda is to make america like Venezuela in every way they have adapted their government...but they act like it wil be a utopia instead of how it really turns out in other places...Both clinton and obama i was never in favor with because they didnt honor their oath to office "to serve protect and defend the constitution" they wanted PC and socialism. That was punishable at one time...think of McCarthyism, to prevent America from ending up like china or Venezuela or even Vietnam. The only time the constitution means anythign to them is when they use it as an excuse for their agenda...any other time they try to use that fascist unwritten law of PC to control you. So yeah, im going to call them on it when they compare trumps agenda to hitlers, when he is trying to stop the things liberals put into place for the government to have the government control hitler wanted. ^fact checker!
I had to speak up once i seen the trump as hitler pic, it was too much BS! otherwise yeah it was just whiny people popping off about trump cleaning up the mess he was left by the last 3 presidents.
I probably missed some questions but idk, ive spent too much time answering this nonsense, id prefer coming here to have fun and share jokes...
Post edited by catstarsto on
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Bla bla bla But Obama!... Yadda Yadda Yadda But The Clintons! Yak Yak Yak Liberal agenda! Fake News! Grrrrr! Republican-haters!"
The Obama administration is over. Electoral campaigning is over. Hilary didn't get to be president. Let's focus on the now.
You want to tell me that Trump is a professional negotiator? Because I didn't see him negotiate with Mexico over the wall. He straight out declared that Mexico pay for it, or else he'd impose a 20% tax on all Mexico imports. I guess Trump equates "negotiating" to blatant blackmailing of another sovereign nation's government?
Fast forward to today, did he negotiate with NATO leaders on how they can better contribute to global security efforts against terrorism since he felt they needed to do more? Nope! He outright gave a disrespectful talk-down to everyone there saying they needed to pay more, and need I give the reminder that some of the most loyal allies of the US have been for several years suffering ongoing terrorist attacks at home because of them being open allies to the US? Go ask the UK and France how they feel about that subject.
Talk about spitting in the face of the countless people actively engaged in counter-terrorism efforts from those nations, nevermind the people who had to die because of their countries being open allies. Yes President Trump, you're really making America great again by acting like an arrogant jackass, especially with how you went after London's mayor after the very recent van attack on Twitter. Such a professional negotiator.
Worse than that he's facing possible obstruction of justice charges for firing the FBI director for investigating ties with Russia, and how about official White House transcripts of his meeting with the Russian ambassador showing that he told him that he was relieved about not being investigated any further? The President of the United States, discussing internal matters with an ambassador from a foreign country? Obviously that is going to sound alarms.
The guy has absolutely zero diplomatic sense and compromises national security due to his blunders. Heck, he's already done irreversible damage to Israel's own intelligence services by that now very stupid and careless blabbering about "I didn't say Israel!".
But nevermind, it's all just fake news and liberals hating the President and his recent actions due to just the fact that he's Trump and his administration is full of Republicans. These days we no longer judge people, especially people in powerful political positions of leadership, for their actions, because when we do we're attacked for being on the opposite end of the political spectrum and it's all about hating the other camp. Conspiracy theories then come into play and are taken as absolute objective facts to support those positions being against "fake news", because alternative news based on conspiracy and here-say are so much more without flaw and bias right? Hah.
I would of thought you'd have checked the rules before you dismissed me as uncredible, I didnt think you where like that beez.
So maybe those things you mentioned where a problem in STO forums but I don't read those and from where I am standing that is not a problem here, just calling it as I see it and it is clear we do not agree on political matters, but that's how it goes I'm afraid. we'll see who wins next round, pretty sure you can already guess who I am not going to be voting for...
and if people in this country cannot come together on common ground as fellow Americans despite our political differences we are already lost.
I would of thought you'd have checked the rules before you dismissed me as uncredible, I didnt think you where like that beez.
So maybe those things you mentioned where a problem in STO forums but I don't read those and from where I am standing that is not a problem here, just calling it as I see it and it is clear we do not agree on political matters, but that's how it goes I'm afraid... we'll see who win next round, pretty sure you already can guess who I am not going to be voting for.
Your probably right, i guess im just extra agitated from the sto forums from the other day, and overall social medias excuse to hate-hate-hate...and not just in politics! (batman vs superman forums...triple facepalm!!!) i think its probably best to find what we DO like about one another online and exchange about that more then threads like these....i vote for more cat threads.
IF trump fails, im not voting again for anyone...he was kind of a "ok, your not a politician, lets see what you can do" candidate. So im giving him space to see if that makes a difference..if not, im done with voting...
------------------------------------------------------- Edit: just seen your post...
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Voting is a duty and privilege to all citizens. Never stop voting, particularly on the local level where your vote can really make a difference. Presidential elections not so much...because blahblah electoral college blah blah.
Voting is a duty and privilege to all citizens. Never stop voting, particularly on the local level where your vote can really make a difference. Presidential elections not so much...because blahblah electoral college blah blah.
yes local of coarse, i meant president.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Ooh! Scary, it's George Soros, conservatives' favorite boogeyman!
Meanwhile, said conservatives completely disregard massive campaign contributions made to their own party by massively wealthy people like the Koch brothers, the Mercers, Sheldon Adelson, Steve Mnuchin, Stephen Feinberg, Peter Thiel, blah blah etc, I probably missed a bunch.
1. Hillary Clinton approved the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia and nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Actually, here's some highlights so you have no excuse this time:
1) Clinton's role at the time allowed her to voice approval or objection, but the president is the one who actually signs off on the deal.
2) 20% of the extraction potential is not the same as 20% of the country's uranium supply.
3) Uranium One (or its parent company) doesn't have the required license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) needed to export uranium. This means they can't just mine uranium, pack it up, and then ship it back to Moscow, contrary to what Breitbart or Trump might be trying to make you believe.
4) This all happened at a time when we were trying to reset and build better a better relationship with Russia.
Businesses buy out other businesses all the time like this. Letting the free market do its thing without the government getting in the way is one of the core conservative values, isn't it?
- - -
I really don't feel like bothering with the rest because, no matter how hard I hit you with actual facts, it's not going to sink in. All I ask at this point is that you do the actual research on this stuff. Stop relying on known-bullshit and spin sources like Breitbart and Fox.
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...and her listening to spin doctors is your guys answer??
I find it amusing when you guys get to the point of just saying "blah blah blah!" it reminds of what your argument is reduced to: ^the best sign that you are actually doing good is when your hecklers revert to their core childish from. No wonder trump talks back down to them like children, i can see it now...i was concerned at some point that he may have been going to far but no, when you act like children thats what you deserve to be treated like. This experience has not only taught me more about how the radical lefts mind works, but strengthened my confidence in the vote i gave trump...what ever he is, its better then what they had!!! ^"Haters gonna hate!"
Post edited by catstarsto on
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
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Or, you know, just have a laugh about it...... and the completely bizarre response to it by Spicy.
They can't even admit a typo.
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it's another Trump Stanky Dunky epic MayMays
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
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It's true that some are just in it for the money, and they're perfectly happy to check their moral compasses at the door as they vote in whatever way makes their wealthy backers happy, plebs be damned. Yeah, they suck and I'm sure everyone here can agree that such people have no business in positions of power.
To a slimeball politician. especially when they flock together in a particular party, it's a lot easier to stay in power if you propagate the idea of "every politician's a slimeball, not just us!" Wouldn't you agree? A choice between poop and vomit isn't very appealing, and really either could win as the least disinterested members of society uncaringly vote for what they see to be the lesser of two evils. But given a choice between poop and a delicious home-cooked meal, poop doesn't stand a chance, does it? That's why Team Poop needs to persuade you, the voter, that the home-cooked meal is somehow equal to or worse than the raw sewage they represent. Even if it involves telling outright lies about what the homecooked meal is made out of, how it is made, what horrible things the cook has done in the past, etc.
However, it's important to understand that there are also people who get involved in politics because they genuinely want to make a difference. They want to do what they can to drive their country in a direction that they consider to be more ideal--this can be a progressive tug to the left, expanding rights and embracing new ideas, or it can be a regressive tug to the right in a way that rolls back rights and rejects new ideas in favor of older ones.
I honestly don't know what kind of media people are consuming these days that somehow reinforces the "all politicians are crooked/evil/eat babies/etc" rhetoric, but it's not only untrue, it's dangerous for democracy. It's how the US ended up with...what it has now as its president. That depends on who you talk to, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't give them as much flack because they're nowhere near the Republicans on the PoS-o-meter. "Lesser of two evils" by quite a bit. As Bill Maher put it in one of his skits, it's more like the difference between an imperfect friend and a deadly enemy. One threatens my freedoms, the other does not. Simple choice, really.
As someone who exists on the left end of the spectrum, I'm less likely to criticize the Democrats because they support more things that I happen to agree with than the Republicans. Expanding rights for women/minorities/lgbt/etc, pro-science positions, working with other countries to form and strengthen international bonds, and generally progressing forward are all things I want to see more of. "Damn you Obama and your support of climate change science and equal rights!"
There's really only a few "dems" I consider to be PoS, but they're usually people like Anthony Weiner. Nonsense! Words are for "readers."
however I did find it a very odd tweet as it just seems to trail off mid sentence into nonsesne and abruptly ends. Like he stopped typing to correct the typo and somehow ended up sending it instead. Still..I don't see what all the fuss is about....
but what is even stranger to me are all the folks getting defensive about it... don't you know that you're not supposed to feed the trolls?
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Or maybe overall it isn't really about hating the right and has more to do with hating incompetent government leaderships.
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^maybe not the spanish one but definately the social media one. lol
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
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Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
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Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
And people should be critical of him. He's not just some kid in high school; he's supposed to be representing the most powerful country in the world, meaning the things he says and does does affects us and reflects on all of us in either a good or bad way. Unfortunately, I suspect it's been mostly bad from the perspective of nearly every other free country on the planet. At least our mistake has scared other countries, such as France, into voting responsibly by rejecting toxic nationalist/alt-right candidates.
Hes a professional negotiator, your not going to scare him away by flooding media with false accusation and tinfoil hat conspiracy theories....or as you so intensely put about the misspelled word. He will in fact shove you right back and hit you back with your own poison....this is something most cant stand, they are used to running people off or publicly shaming them away, or now these days, using fear/terror tactics like at berkley.
Your comment didnt make me change my thoughts on what I initially posted, it only strengthens its validity. If you guys could just see your own level hate for him, you will see why i find it hard to take your word as anything more then uncontrolled emotional outbursts? Do you see where Im coming from??
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
- - -
Also, what didn't I fact check? What did I get wrong in my previous post? You can't use some meme to imply I didn't fact check something without also backing it up. ;3
There again is why nothing i say clicks, because it all comes back to what id said before "when you hate someone they can do no right, when you like someone they can do no wrong" this is why I believe you are emotionally compromised from your being coached by fake news to be biased, and can only see anything he does as evil...because you've allowed your hatred of him to make everything he does seem like a disaster.. "oh the paper he tossed tried to toss in the waste can missed, hes a litter bug, he should be fined for littering, he cant even hit the goal, look how feeble he is (insert endless jokes about him missing the trash)..etc...etc." Im forced to roll my yes when ever something new comes up for you to run with, so yeah we can get lots of memes out of your guys prejudicial reactions. Because its like watching "means girls" write in there burn book, when they go to war with a rival. You each try and out mean one another in how toxic you can be. i dont see how you can live like that, its like you only get along with people who equally hate with you. trump is far from perfect but i give our presidents space to work in even if they arent my choice. I wish i could get you guys to cool your jets and have a 3rd person perspective for a bit (a real look) that way I can take what you say or argue as something worth considering and investigating.
as for your fact checking, fake/coached news isnt fact checking its fanning the flames of propaganda...they know you will use to set social media on fire with...
^no comic or movie has ever made heroes out of such motivations!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Tell us Cat, what do you think it means? So are you playing the victim for yourself or Trump here? I noticed he likes to do the same thing "waa, the media is so mean to me!". The reason we ridicule Trump is because he made a followup tweet where he said "Can you figure out what covfefe means?" trying to play it off like he didn't screw up. That's classic Trump of course... he can't ever admit to a mistake, which is how he guarantees that he makes them repeatedly. That's why it's so fun to make fun of him... he just makes it so easy - the guy is practically a career clown, bumbling along but claiming he's doing everything right.
Which makes that quote kind of interesting. You might want to think about that second half a bit more
Funny, you hardcore right wing conservatives used to constantly accuse liberals of doing this, a la "SJWs never listen to facts because they threaten their world view! Damn liberals!". And now here you are, doing the thing you accused others of in the name of a man who couldn't care less about you. Of course, that's just another way you're being like your perfect leader isn't it? After all, he's done everything he accused Clinton of... often in worse ways.
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If the government didn't "interfere" with the free market and industry, it would run wild all over everyone. Including you. And who exactly would be able to stop them? So live coverage of Trump or his press secretary, cabinet members, etc is somehow fake? What makes my news supposedly fake and yours somehow not fake? Have you ever once stopped to think that, just maybe, whatever you're going to for "information" might be the fake news?
Of course not ^^ What is this I don't even. No but seriously, I don't even really use a lot of social media, and certainly not for news. Any "news" found on social media should be questioned heavily. Sure, it could be legit, but it could also be some viral troll article written by a teen all the way over in Macedonia.
Look, I get it. Many conservatives, probably including you, don't trust the media for whatever reason. I've never really understood the reasoning behind this because I think it's completely illogical. Whatever the reason, know this: Distrust of the media is dangerous for democracy. It opens you up to being intentionally mislead, because if you distrust the media, who are you going to turn to for information?
Some small, independent news network? One that's telling stories that are completely different and contradict those in every other network? Spoiler alert: Many smaller news outlets use tricks to try and grab viewers' attention (and later, continued patronage) such as sensationalism and clickbait in particular. Sensationalism/clickbait and misleading articles (unfortunately) tend to be more interesting, so unless you really take your time to investigate the credibility of your chosen independent news network, you're setting yourself up to be misled.
The president himself? Hopefully not. Every aspiring dictator in the world would love it if his people would turn only to him so he could feed them whatever line of BS he wanted to boost his popularity. This kind of logic is like asking someone if he killed his wife:
"I promise I didn't kill her, officer. The baseball bat in my trunk, covered in with my fingerprints and her DNA, was clearly put there by the real killer. Who is not me."
"Oh, okay. The neighbors said they heard you guys yelling at each other last night, but we trust you. We won't bother investigating you further because you told us you didn't do it. Have a good day."
- vs -
"I promise Putin and the Russian government didn't help me win the election! Ignore the paper trails of me and all my associates that may lead to them, it's just made up!"
- - -
Oh and just for fun:
Ok, lets cover some collaboration with russia:
While some of the dealings people in office do are only natural, given working with other countrys does involve a certain amount of dealings negotiation, im not getting onto liberals for that, its part of their job to do getting on them for taking money for selling out our country and then pointing the finger at trump, accusing him of their own crimes...this also happened here too and trump called them on it:
Who is playing the victum:
ok aside from all of your crying threads and posts we have to hear about how much you suffer for trumps actions lets look as some real life action of crying and fear mongering and terrorism because they didnt get their way...
^read up on history on how certain partys in 1930s europe used these same tactics to get into power!!!
As for governments roll in business, they arent supposed to own or interfere with business, this means they arent supposed to own GM, or health insurance companys, and they certainly arent supposed to force their products on you by penalty of law like some sort of dictatorship!! they are supposed to regulate laws that prevent said companys from committing crimes...what you are asking us to do is turn the US into a socialist country, thats treason. Leave it alone, if you dont like this system go to europe, there is plenty of socialism there....getting checks from us every month to support their system! O.o
As for healthcare i lost 2 family members last year under our last presidents ideas, my dad was removed from his the list for being too old to receive a new lung due to the set ln print in obamacare, even when i offered to give one of my own lungs they refused because he was too old under the law to get the operation or receive the lung, if i donated it would only go to someone else on the list he was bumped from!!
Im not even going to touch the race, gender, whatever card your desperately trying to pull out of your backside, you should be ashamed of exploiting that cheap trick to get the admins you got away with posting even that, and pics of our president as hitler given the T.O.S. speaks volumes!! I was banned from STO for making a pun about "Kai Winn", in the sto forums the other day...if someone can flag that and it be hit that standard! Especially when it wasnt even a violation of the rules!!! Its like spinny compiling my statements out of context when i gave her the last word before, as if no one would of noticed, instead of trying to use the opportunity to make up or even just say, "your wrong, im not as bad as you think" she used a CNN tactic.
I wasnt in favor of our last president but i never did anything as disgraceful, disrespectful, vulgar, despicable and unAmerican as what is going on here in this country today through hate filled spoiled unrealistic "victums" as spinny likes to overuse, against our own elected president. Im glad I got to say my peace, if it causes my ban or i get shouted down, one man still got to speak the truth for what its worth here and stand up for it in the mix of all this BS threads they shamefully use to disrespect our president!! I dont care if hes not perfect, hes still our president, if i had to suck it up and deal with our last one you can too for our current one!!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
There you go, playing the victim again. Yes Cat you're so brave for typing up your opinion on a discussion forum, they should throw you a parade.
I'm not sure what you mean by "suck it up". When Obama screwed up I said something about it, I didn't "suck it up" because that's not what you're supposed to do. One of the founding principles of the US was that we are allowed to criticize our leaders and hold them accountable for their actions. The difference is that Trump has screwed up more in his first few months than Obama did in his entire presidency, and has made the US the outright laughing stock of the world. There's no "he's our president so we have to accept him", it's "he's our president so he better do his job or he's out in four years".
It is, in fact, unamerican for you to tell people they can't criticize the president. We can disrespect him, ridicule him, and say whatever we like about him - since that is one of the most american, most important core principles of living in this country, and if you don't like it you can just go live somewhere else. Try North Korea, they have your kind of mind set over there. Yes that shameful CNN tactic of "showing what a person said".
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There is no need to get so defensive, all polititions are routinely mocked and scrutinized for their entire terms(some more than others) its all part of the job. I'm sure Trump can handle it, you don't need to fight for Trump. You don't need to blame even his smallest of mistakes on some kind of dark liberal agenda. Maybe you feel obligated to defend him because you voted for him...well I voted for Clinton and Obama and would do so again if given the opportunity yet I never felt the need to jump into the online trenches everytime a conservative starting raking their name through the mud because I knew what they were saying was nonsense and I don't feel a need to respond to nonsense statements.
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Clinton & Uranium for Russia
That said, everything else is either too asinine to bother with or (I never thought I'd say this) has already been covered rather well by Spinnytop.
1. Hillary Clinton approved the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia and nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.
While Hillary Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review and sign off on the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia — then-Secretary of State Clinton herself was the only agency head whose family foundation received $145 million in donations from multiple people connected to the uranium deal, as reported by the New York Times.
2. Bill Clinton bagged $500,000 for a Moscow speech paid for by a Kremlin-backed bank while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.
Former President Bill Clinton delivered a speech in Moscow and received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian government-connected bank, while his wife’s State Department was getting ready to sign off on the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia.
“And, in one case, a Russian investment bank connected to the deals paid money to Bill Clinton personally, through a half-million-dollar speaker’s fee,” reported the New Yorker.
3. Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman’s Joule energy company bagged $35 million from Putin’s Rusnano.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of an energy company, Joule Unlimited, which received millions from a Putin-connected Russian government fund. Podesta also owned “75,000 common shares” in Joule Unlimited, which he had transferred to a holding company called Leonidio LLC.
Podesta also failed to fully disclose his position on Joule Unlimited’s board of directors and include it in his federal financial disclosures, as required by law, before he became President Obama’s senior adviser in January 2014.
4. Clinton Foundation chatter with State Dept. on Uranium Deal with Russia.
Senior staffers inside Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were warned by Clinton Foundation senior vice president Maura Pally that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), was asking the Department of Justice to investigate the State Department approval of the sale of American uranium assets to a Russian company.
The chain of emails proved the regular interaction between members of the Clinton campaign and senior staff at the Clinton Foundation.
5. Hillary Clinton hid $2.35 million in secret donations from Ian Telfer, the head of Russia’s uranium company.
Ian Telfer, the head of the Russian government’s uranium company, Uranium One, made four foreign donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation, as the New York Times reported.
“Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million,” the Times reported. “Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.”
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
I cant imagine why trump called them fake news
^ maneuvering something around to show things from the perceptive that entertains your a shameless lie! Much like how you can twist something around that you have done and accuse others with only your word as backing...but never once showing any sort of remorse for your own lies and dirty deeds, you think by demonizing another it will cover your wrong doings and never have to answer for least trump apologized and said he was in the wrong for those things he said when they tapped him years ago...the clintons have not only shown no remorse for their evil, they try to hide them, threaten those they can make disappear or like you, just accuse others of their own crimes hoping to push the blame over to their prey and take the heat off of themselves.
Thats what i thought too, but if any of you have been to the STO forums especially when it was ruled by someone who began to ban for personal reasons rather then the rules...and players would flag like the button was a machinegun and openly demand people be banned at the drop of a will know why one gets defensive...well that and people like nabreeki and spinny who take the role of predatory birds, to drowned out any voice that damages their fun of sport trolling. Id complained about obama in the past there and was told to "suck it up" "get over it" "deal with it" "your a racist" all for being opposed to his agenda. Which happens to have been for the very thing trump is opposed to, nationalized/controlled everything including way your allowed to think "political correctness"
I would of thought you'd have checked the rules before you dismissed me as uncredible, I didnt think you where like that beez.
The reason i dont consider spinny credible is because of what i explained above, how she turns things around to take the heat off of her, it doesnt even have to be true. I was concerned a while back that i may have hurt her feelings so i gave her final word...but someone reminded me she has to have them before they can be hurt. I think he was right im sad to say. I thought she was a friendly cat at one time, but nope...
The liberal agenda is to make america like Venezuela in every way they have adapted their government...but they act like it wil be a utopia instead of how it really turns out in other places...Both clinton and obama i was never in favor with because they didnt honor their oath to office "to serve protect and defend the constitution" they wanted PC and socialism. That was punishable at one time...think of McCarthyism, to prevent America from ending up like china or Venezuela or even Vietnam. The only time the constitution means anythign to them is when they use it as an excuse for their agenda...any other time they try to use that fascist unwritten law of PC to control you. So yeah, im going to call them on it when they compare trumps agenda to hitlers, when he is trying to stop the things liberals put into place for the government to have the government control hitler wanted.
^fact checker!
I had to speak up once i seen the trump as hitler pic, it was too much BS! otherwise yeah it was just whiny people popping off about trump cleaning up the mess he was left by the last 3 presidents.
I probably missed some questions but idk, ive spent too much time answering this nonsense, id prefer coming here to have fun and share jokes...
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
The Obama administration is over. Electoral campaigning is over. Hilary didn't get to be president. Let's focus on the now.
You want to tell me that Trump is a professional negotiator? Because I didn't see him negotiate with Mexico over the wall. He straight out declared that Mexico pay for it, or else he'd impose a 20% tax on all Mexico imports. I guess Trump equates "negotiating" to blatant blackmailing of another sovereign nation's government?
Fast forward to today, did he negotiate with NATO leaders on how they can better contribute to global security efforts against terrorism since he felt they needed to do more? Nope! He outright gave a disrespectful talk-down to everyone there saying they needed to pay more, and need I give the reminder that some of the most loyal allies of the US have been for several years suffering ongoing terrorist attacks at home because of them being open allies to the US? Go ask the UK and France how they feel about that subject.
Talk about spitting in the face of the countless people actively engaged in counter-terrorism efforts from those nations, nevermind the people who had to die because of their countries being open allies. Yes President Trump, you're really making America great again by acting like an arrogant jackass, especially with how you went after London's mayor after the very recent van attack on Twitter. Such a professional negotiator.
Worse than that he's facing possible obstruction of justice charges for firing the FBI director for investigating ties with Russia, and how about official White House transcripts of his meeting with the Russian ambassador showing that he told him that he was relieved about not being investigated any further? The President of the United States, discussing internal matters with an ambassador from a foreign country? Obviously that is going to sound alarms.
The guy has absolutely zero diplomatic sense and compromises national security due to his blunders. Heck, he's already done irreversible damage to Israel's own intelligence services by that now very stupid and careless blabbering about "I didn't say Israel!".
But nevermind, it's all just fake news and liberals hating the President and his recent actions due to just the fact that he's Trump and his administration is full of Republicans. These days we no longer judge people, especially people in powerful political positions of leadership, for their actions, because when we do we're attacked for being on the opposite end of the political spectrum and it's all about hating the other camp. Conspiracy theories then come into play and are taken as absolute objective facts to support those positions being against "fake news", because alternative news based on conspiracy and here-say are so much more without flaw and bias right? Hah.
and if people in this country cannot come together on common ground as fellow Americans despite our political differences we are already lost.
Honestly these days I have my doubts.
IF trump fails, im not voting again for anyone...he was kind of a "ok, your not a politician, lets see what you can do" candidate. So im giving him space to see if that makes a difference..if not, im done with voting...
Edit: just seen your post... ....k
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Meanwhile, said conservatives completely disregard massive campaign contributions made to their own party by massively wealthy people like the Koch brothers, the Mercers, Sheldon Adelson, Steve Mnuchin, Stephen Feinberg, Peter Thiel, blah blah etc, I probably missed a bunch. You didn't even read what I posted, did you. Try this:
Actually, here's some highlights so you have no excuse this time:
1) Clinton's role at the time allowed her to voice approval or objection, but the president is the one who actually signs off on the deal.
2) 20% of the extraction potential is not the same as 20% of the country's uranium supply.
3) Uranium One (or its parent company) doesn't have the required license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) needed to export uranium. This means they can't just mine uranium, pack it up, and then ship it back to Moscow, contrary to what Breitbart or Trump might be trying to make you believe.
4) This all happened at a time when we were trying to reset and build better a better relationship with Russia.
Businesses buy out other businesses all the time like this. Letting the free market do its thing without the government getting in the way is one of the core conservative values, isn't it?
- - -
I really don't feel like bothering with the rest because, no matter how hard I hit you with actual facts, it's not going to sink in. All I ask at this point is that you do the actual research on this stuff. Stop relying on known-bullshit and spin sources like Breitbart and Fox.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
...and her listening to spin doctors is your guys answer??
I find it amusing when you guys get to the point of just saying "blah blah blah!" it reminds of what your argument is reduced to:
^the best sign that you are actually doing good is when your hecklers revert to their core childish from. No wonder trump talks back down to them like children, i can see it now...i was concerned at some point that he may have been going to far but no, when you act like children thats what you deserve to be treated like. This experience has not only taught me more about how the radical lefts mind works, but strengthened my confidence in the vote i gave trump...what ever he is, its better then what they had!!!
^"Haters gonna hate!"
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Yeah, I think I'm probably done here.