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Energy Stats and How I Fail to Come Up With a Controversial Title.

meeoeoowiemeeoeoowie Posts: 78 Arc User
edited February 2017 in Suggestions Box
I would love if your reply-posts could avoid being imposing or fiercely stating one way or another; I don't think harsh agreement or likewise disagreement spurs much in terms of productive thinking, so kind of putting myself out there by asking for a somewhat civil suggestion/discussion dealio around the topic? Try to consider why it could or couldn't work, I'm sure everyone has their own ideas around this!
...Yes, I use "dealio" sometimes. Be kind, please.

This isn't so much a doom-saying or crusading statement to be made on saving the game, or averting the dying of the game, or really anything, I guess? (wow, good going, me)

I had an idea that I figured was sort of neat, and maybe interesting to discuss now that the development team has shown and expressed interest in balancing the game and finding a game-mechanical formula, or something.

And having said that,

We've got these stats, those Endurance bits and Recovery bobbits, and a lot of sets being worked into requiring some fairly steep pricing and rotation in the energy and performance department, sometimes separately.

I was having a chit-chat with some friends about how the game could be if... let's say Endurance, wasn't so much a "Increase your max energy"-Stat as a primary function, or even a function at all! Wouldn't it be kind of cool if the knock resistance on Strength (and Hold resistance on Ego) was tuned down a little within those stats, and Endurance as the name implies, gave your character a more noticeable ability to shrug off those kinds of effects?

It goes without saying that energy numbers, and to a lesser extent certain damage and scaling numbers, would need a number-squish to compensate for a change so drastic. You wouldn't have this sort of forced relationship to energy stats, and energy would be solved through a different, less intrusive means. We could have interesting stats that felt not only more rich on flavor (Like creating a Superman-like that could really fend off knocks because you went for that), but stats that felt more like a choice you made, like back in PnP games where you maybe improved your ability to convince or intimidate others through Charisma-like stats.

What I'm sort of saying, if I can shorten it for ya:

Wouldn't it be cool if you had three stats and chose them, and they sort of felt like passive boons you scaled up, without them being so aggressively tied into your power build? Energy in this game can get placed fiercely in the forefront, and I don't think running out of energy is an experience that anyone enjoys combating. (though tell me otherwise!)

I sort of just had an idea with this, and I felt like it was an idea that could stick with people, to make all stats feel more like Constitution, Ego, Dexterity, and Strength. Right now other stats don't compete for that level of usage and gain, but if stats were more leveled with obvious benefits, stat-picking would potentially feel far more rich.

Lastly, I am likely to add to the thread with ideas, should it become a topic in any way, where I could try and share some ideas, draft, and enjoy replying to neat ideas of your own!​​
[A Place to Post Power Concepts] - I don't update this thing as often as I want to, but it is not abandoned!
[Daily Login Rewards] - They sure would spice things up a bit!
[Monthly Rewards and Silver Players] - Surely there should be some way to get them, no matter how difficult!
[Discussion Concerning Event Powers] - Feel like you're missing out on Holy Water? Uh, probably shouldn't.
[Discussion Concerning Energy Stats] - More or less what it says on the tin, there.
[Analysis of Sorcery Copy-Powers] - I showcase some visual chopjobs, and such.
[Analysis of a Poison Spread Bug] - The different interactions Virulent Propagation and Bite has with all poisons.


  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    In short it's:
    Give END and REC different uses, and let in set synergies manage your energy without having to use specific energy management stats.
  • meeoeoowiemeeoeoowie Posts: 78 Arc User
    aiqa wrote: »
    In short it's:
    Give END and REC different uses, and let in set synergies manage your energy without having to use specific energy management stats.

    That was more or less my opening statement-thing, but any ideas revolving around those kinds of stats are interesting as far as I'm concerned!​​
    [A Place to Post Power Concepts] - I don't update this thing as often as I want to, but it is not abandoned!
    [Daily Login Rewards] - They sure would spice things up a bit!
    [Monthly Rewards and Silver Players] - Surely there should be some way to get them, no matter how difficult!
    [Discussion Concerning Event Powers] - Feel like you're missing out on Holy Water? Uh, probably shouldn't.
    [Discussion Concerning Energy Stats] - More or less what it says on the tin, there.
    [Analysis of Sorcery Copy-Powers] - I showcase some visual chopjobs, and such.
    [Analysis of a Poison Spread Bug] - The different interactions Virulent Propagation and Bite has with all poisons.
  • notyuunotyuu Posts: 1,121 Arc User
    Personally the only real change I would make to energy stats would be granting endurance + energy strength [aka how much energy you get from everything] but scaled to be similar in scope to the maximum energy gained from the recovery stat
    In all things, a calm heart must prevail.

    Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.


    Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Personally I'd like to see all of the stats overhauled... Strength should be all damage, Ego should be hold strength and resistance, Recovery should be all things energy, Endurance should be knock resistance and defense, Presence should affect buffs/debuffs and healing/shielding, Intelligence should affect activation speeds and cooldowns, Dexterity should affect crit% and dodge% again, and Constitution should affect max HP and selfhealing.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Eh. They're tying Endurance to more energy unlocks, and recovery has always been a cool stat, good for alpha strikes. The way I would tie more utility to either stat is through Specializations and a nice comprehensive specializations overhaul.

    PS - I enjoy figuring out how to fulfill my character's energy needs ^_^
  • meeoeoowiemeeoeoowie Posts: 78 Arc User
    Hee, love seeing personal opinion and input on this, considering the thread had little purpose outside of that!

    The argument of enjoying the struggle and payoff of sorting out things such as energy sits well, since I've tackled it a lot, but then I find excitement in a new prospect of sort of being selective of your character's strengths, as opposed to making sure your stats cover the strengths and the requirements they set (mouthful there, sorry).

    The main "issue" I based this thread on is how your decision-making in the stat department is heavily influenced by requirement, as opposed to synergy. Working for the requirement of a power is brilliant, even though I think powers should have more power-based potential available to unlock strengths, such as powers like Rimefire, which has a distinct "proc" when you should use it, creating an artificial rotation in your build.

    A part of me probably just wants to see a more interesting reason to pick things like Primary Stat - Recovery, so that the superstat value is balanced better. You sort of want to go one way or another with this? You either want powers that genuinely pay off for not even being able to go heavy into a damage stat, because it either has a "deals damage based on max energy", or has some baked in "energy=potential". You either want powers to reach for energy stats, or improve things like the Endurance and Recovery spectrees, where choosing a primary energy stat doesn't make you an energy fountain who will never run out of energy and maintain a 50% of the norm performance. Having a bunch of energy feels redundant if that energy doesn't translate into something impressive, surely!

    Again, just opinionated, silly rambling, and when put on a thread, people can take their time to partake and respond thoughtfully, which is pretty coooooool

    ... I really need to work on keeping things brief...​​
    [A Place to Post Power Concepts] - I don't update this thing as often as I want to, but it is not abandoned!
    [Daily Login Rewards] - They sure would spice things up a bit!
    [Monthly Rewards and Silver Players] - Surely there should be some way to get them, no matter how difficult!
    [Discussion Concerning Event Powers] - Feel like you're missing out on Holy Water? Uh, probably shouldn't.
    [Discussion Concerning Energy Stats] - More or less what it says on the tin, there.
    [Analysis of Sorcery Copy-Powers] - I showcase some visual chopjobs, and such.
    [Analysis of a Poison Spread Bug] - The different interactions Virulent Propagation and Bite has with all poisons.
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    gradii said:

    raighn said:

    Personally I'd like to see all of the stats overhauled... Strength should be all damage, Ego should be hold strength and resistance, Recovery should be all things energy, Endurance should be knock resistance and defense, Presence should affect buffs/debuffs and healing/shielding, Intelligence should affect activation speeds and cooldowns, Dexterity should affect crit% and dodge% again, and Constitution should affect max HP and selfhealing.

    That would only encourage single statting, and if you think CON is OP now, wait till it affects healing.

    also if STR is all damage why the **** would a ranged dps have STR? you make zero sense.
    Con affecting self healing is really no different than all the suggestions demanding self healing to be % based. Both options result in self healing being stronger with more Con. Guess which one is more reasonable from a balance perspective, its not the % based heals so many want.

    As for strength being all damage, personally, I see zero reason for splitting damage across multiple stats as it is now. It makes far more sense to be a singular stat, and strength fits that best out of the two. Why whould a ranged character take strength you ask? Simple, for the same reason they currently take ego, it doesnt matter what name is on the stat, people take stats for their benefit, and its makes more sense to merge the benefits of some stats, like ego/str and rec/end. But, even with merging benefits, those extra stats can still be made usefull, like ego becomming a dedicated cc stat, after all it is a mentalist themed stat and the mentalist sets are strong in the cc department.

    Also, redistributing bonuses like that doesnt encourwge single statting, it actually encourages diversifying stats. The stats that do multiple things are the most desired, the only single benefit stat that most people wqnt is Con, which leaves End and Rec ignored a lot, Ego is seen as inferior to everything as it currently is, and Str is only taken for its knock resistance and primary tree. My suggestion would e courage people to evaluate what they need in their build and build towards those bonuses. Need better energy management? Add some Recovery. Not dealing enough damage? Add some Strength. Building for CCs or having trouble with CCs? Add some Ego. Attacking to slow or waiting on CDs to much? Add some Intelligence.

    Currently you can grab strength, int, and con and be pretty much set on everything. Heck, there are quite a few ranged builds out there with Str PSS simply because its the better choice even if they dont actually slot any strength gear. There is too much overlap between different stats currently, they need to be diversified more to make them more interesting and meaningful choices,
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    I disagree. The idea is that one character might be physically powerful, such as Beast for an example, or they might have psionic gifts, such as Phoenix. Thus the Str stat represents physical strength, not an abstract measure of how much damage the character can do.
    My characters
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    Long, design-oriented analytical post incoming. Deal with it. ;)

    The way I see it, one of this game's major failings statwise is the fact that you're generally encouraged to focus on stacking your chosen superstats, maybe throwing a bone or two toward an energy stat just to make sure you aren't constantly dealing with energy starvation. This means your space wizard may have a towering intellect, a raging ego, and be faster than the speed of sound, but his strength of 10 means he barely pick up his travel bags and his constitution of 10 means he has trouble going up and down more than one flight of stairs.

    Point: Stat distribution is too extreme in this game.

    Let's contrast with World of Warcraft, another MMO with stats on gear, roles, etc. First, let me explain how stats in WoW work today:

    - Constitution: This affects your HP and is on literally every piece of gear. This means your HP pool goes up as you progress through content and upgrade your gear. It also means tanks don't have colossally-larger HP pools than everyone else. This is good because it means content can challenge tanks without posing a 1-shot threat to everyone else.

    - Strength/Agility/Intelligence: This is basically the "damage stat" which goes by different names based on your chosen class, but does the same thing. Much like CO's Strength and Ego, these were originally split and you could make strong wizards or smart warriors just like you can make strong ranged or egotistical melee characters here in CO. After the devs realized how stupid (not to mention misleading and confusing to new players) that was, the stats were effectively merged and streamlined in such a way that, if you're a warrior, your gear is always going to have strength on it. If you're a mage, it's always going to have Intelligence. If you're a rogue, it's always going to have Agility.

    - (Energy Stats): This is arguably the most important takeaway here. Long ago, Intelligence also affected mana pool size (much like Endurance and energy in CO) and a now-obsolete stat called Spirit affected mana regeneration in a way that's similar to Recovery. They did away with these things after many years of fiddling with how to balance them properly, but failing every time. See, the problem is that, when you have stats that govern resource pool size and generation, you create a paradigm where having low-tier stats and gear means you're going to be struggling with resource management, but having higher-level stats and gear means you're absolutely swimming in it. True to form, the beginning of an expansion was always rife with mana starvation, but by the end of that same expansion, mana management didn't even exist.

    - - -

    How all this relates to CO:

    - Strength and Ego may as well be the same stat. WoW merged their versions long ago as they learned from their mistakes, so maybe it's time CO did this as well. The end result would be that you could finally mix ranged and melee powers without gimping yourself. Ranged and Melee tanks would be just as viable and you'd get better hold and knock resistance as you got better stats. Kinda makes sense really.

    - Endurance and Recovery should probably just go away and energy should probably get normalized. Queue the freakout!


    All right, with that out of your system, normalized energy pools and generation allows the developers to balance the cost of every ability in such a way that every power is as usable and fun for a lowbie as it is for a maxed character in all the biggest epeen gear. "But if I have the best gear, I deserve to have better energy!" What's more important, maxed players having easier gameplay or new players actually sticking around because of gameplay that's actually fun at low levels?

    - Constitution: This is an important stat for not just tanks, but DPS and Support as well. As long as certain groups are encouraged to eschew it in favor of other stats to maximize their performance (usually DPS output) the devs will likely have to wrestle with "how do I make this challenging for tanks and their 20k HP pools without it one-shotting all the squishy glass cannons?

    - Dexterity and Intelligence: These are outliers. Intelligence tries to be yet another energy management stat by reducing costs, but can also boost DPS and survivability slightly by reducing cooldown lengths. Dexterity tries to be a secondary damage dealing stat by boosting the critical hit rate, as well as tanking stat for those crazy enough to chose it over more solid damage reduction options (Str + Juggernaut, Con for high HP, etc). Truthfully, I don't even know how I'd go about dealing with these two stats at this point.

    - - -

    Summary: CO's stat system is a huge mess. There's no "easy" way to properly balance its stats out without a complete overhaul--something well beyond the scope of what this current dev team has the resources to deal with. If it were up to me though, I'd probably just combine End and Rec as well as Str and Ego, tone them both down a bit, and then call it a day knowing that my game's stat system was still a massive trainwreck.

    And even that would likely take a huge amount of work.​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    gradii wrote: »
    Aesica a STR of 10 is higher than the average person already.

    If you look at a Strength of 10 as it sits beside a Constitution or Dexterity stacked into the hundreds, I shouldn't even need to say why that's ridiculous.​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    aesica said:

    - Strength and Ego may as well be the same stat. WoW merged their versions long ago as they learned from their mistakes, so maybe it's time CO did this as well. The end result would be that you could finally mix ranged and melee powers without gimping yourself. Ranged and Melee tanks would be just as viable and you'd get better hold and knock resistance as you got better stats. Kinda makes sense really.

    1 WoW doesn't have FF

    2 FF can have both ego and str as SS

    3 you forgot presence
    My characters
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    1 WoW doesn't have FF

    2 FF can have both ego and str as SS

    3 you forgot presence
    1 & 2: Not sure what you're getting at.

    3: I didn't forget it. Presence if anything is actually fine on its own since it allows healers to be better at healing than a tank or dps character who took the same abilities. It doesn't matter for a game like WoW, but with CO's FF system, it ensures support-based characters are better at healing than other characters--unless those characters want to give up something else for Presence.​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    Ranged tanks are already very viable, I use one every day!
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    The reason strength and ego are separated is the same reason the ranged dps and melee dps roles are separate, the ranged and melee toggles are separate, and so on: the devs wanted people to make a decision.

    On the topic of single statting: people single stat in large part because you can get the secondary bonuses of stats without actually taking the stat. Delete crit chance from gear and people would take Dex. Delete cost reduction and cooldown reduction and people would take Int. Delete energy unlocks not based on Rec/End and energy gain from toggles and people would take Rec/End. Delete bonus hp on mods and people would take (even more) Con.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    That said, it is still possible to make characters that mix ranged and melee powers that are still very effective - you just generally need to make a choice about which powers are your damage workhorse, and which powers are more for versatility. There really isn't much need for a character to have max damage potential on both ranged and melee since for such a character the sensible thing to do would be to just kill everything from range - however it is possible to make a character who effectively has equal damage bonuses with both if somebody really wants that.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,129 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    I would prefer if Recover and Eundarance were MERGED into a Single stat and their primary specs would make something which wouldn't suck​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • servantrulesservantrules Posts: 312 Arc User
    The only reason it seems like a mess is because people want to maximize stuff more than they already do. People want to combine Damage and Energy management and Health/Self-healing stats because they want to skew their decisions even more toward a certain direction. There's already much of that in the game as it is. IMHO, having two or three stats that influence resource management to do anything makes it a personal choice instead of a given. While the system isn't perfect, it's fine and it pays respect to the source material (which is even more of a math exercise with stats like BODY, COMELINESS, SPEED, etc.). Leave it as it is.

    While I concur some of the stats could add a little bit of something such as REC could affect self-heals slightly or has a small "regen" effect even in combat, END could reduce DoT/add a little to equilibrium, PRE could affect buffs other than heals , INT could affect debuff times/effects of DoTs, DEX to have a small built-in dodge chance, EGO could resist debuffs like fear/disorient, CON could resist certain debuffs like stun/stagger, STR could reduce Knock distance. Moreover, some of the specialization effects need to be amped a little to make them equally worth taking as the others in each tree.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Why don't you just let "people" decide on their own motivations. I don't really care much for CO's energy management requirements much. I don't see it as a challenge since there only a handful of options, matching them to your character is not in any way difficult. And when I run out of energy due to limiting energy stats, or not run out of energy due to having higher energy stats, that doesn't add anything to how much I enjoy CO.

    The only part in CO's energy management that makes an actual ingame difference and gives sets their own identities, are (some of the) the inset synergies for energy management.
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 933 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    spinnytop said:

    That said, it is still possible to make characters that mix ranged and melee powers that are still very effective - you just generally need to make a choice about which powers are your damage workhorse, and which powers are more for versatility. There really isn't much need for a character to have max damage potential on both ranged and melee since for such a character the sensible thing to do would be to just kill everything from range - however it is possible to make a character who effectively has equal damage bonuses with both if somebody really wants that.

    Well, melee attacks should have higher damage, or some other advantage over similar ranged attacks. Because, being usable at range is an advantage in itself. All that balancing can (and IMO should) be baked into the power itself. There is zero need to enforce a ranged vs melee distinction in the supporting powers, roles, passives, and toggles. The system should be designed to help people build comics-style superheroes, and many many superheroes are a mix of melee and ranged.

    The only defense for the current (IMO stupid and unnecessary) ranged vs melee segregation is... that it is the way it is, and it would take too much energy to fix it. But, it still is dumb, and generally sucks for making superheroes.

  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    vonqball said:

    Well, melee attacks should have higher damage, or some other advantage over similar ranged attacks.

    I never disputed this in any way, not sure why you brought it up.
    vonqball said:

    The only defense for the current (IMO stupid and unnecessary) ranged vs melee segregation is... that it is the way it is, and it would take too much energy to fix it. But, it still is dumb, and generally sucks for making superheroes.

    I highly doubt that. Messing with role stats seems like it would logically be one of the simpler things they can do. It's more likely a power inflation issue where they don't want every dps to have the best of both worlds, strong ranged damage and strong melee damage. I you think about it, that'd be a pretty big power boost for dps players. Picking between the melee role or the ranged role is yet another decision that adds another layer to the fun of building a free form.
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    vonqball said:

    Well, melee attacks should have higher damage, or some other advantage over similar ranged attacks. Because, being usable at range is an advantage in itself. All that balancing can (and IMO should) be baked into the power itself. There is zero need to enforce a ranged vs melee distinction in the supporting powers, roles, passives, and toggles. The system should be designed to help people build comics-style superheroes, and many many superheroes are a mix of melee and ranged.

    Eh... not really... Just a brief hisroty lession on melee vs ranged damage in video games.. In many early games they both did the same damage, the only distinction was that melee was often AoE while ranged was single target. Later on a few devs got the idea that melee should do more damage because of the "greater risk". Which with many games of the era was true, Defense wasn't a stat in most games, so a melee fighter did take a greater risk than a ranged fighter so dealing more damage to compensate was justified. As technology improved and games started adding in defense rating statistics the diference in damage became less of an issue, though most games kept the practice due to tradition. In todays market even, most melee characters do more damage than ranged characters. Some games even make the difference in damage even worse by imposing long cast times on ranged classes while all melee classes get instant cast abilities, making already weak ranged abilities even weaker by making them practically unusable in most content.

    Now in CO we have defense and the cast times between melee and ranged abilities are for the most part the same, for every instant cast melee ability there is an equivilant instant cast ranged ability and for every long cast ranged ability there is also a long cast melee ability. Additionally melee offensive passives have stronger defensive bonuses than ranged offensive passives, immediately reducing the risk factor.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 933 Arc User
    ^Yes, that is how the game has chosen to "balance" ranged and melee. Like I stated, it is a pointlessly restrictive way to do it. And, a power that can be used at range does have an advantage over a melee-only power in this game (and ofc in many others). Increasing melee's relative damage is only one of many ways to bring melee up to par with its ranged equivalent.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    vonqball wrote: »
    Well, melee attacks should have higher damage, or some other advantage over similar ranged attacks.
    How it's done in modern games:

    Melee: More mobile, faster ability execution times
    Ranged: Less mobile, slower cast times

    Melee doesn't need to hit harder, have aoe in everything, or any of that crap. Especially in a game like this, if someone wants to make a barbarian who wields a giant axe, they're going to take melee powers to make that vision come to life.
    The reason strength and ego are separated is the same reason the ranged dps and melee dps roles are separate, the ranged and melee toggles are separate, and so on: the devs wanted people to make a decision.
    That's more than likely yet again design decision this game lifted from WoW, as WoW divides DPS classes into ranged and melee. It may work for something like WoW, but in a build-your-own superhero game, the distinction really doesn't need to be there. It shouldn't have been there in the first place. Is Lex Luthor supposed to scoff at Superman with something like, "Dude, just stop. Your eye beams are doing like no damage because you're a melee guy with high Str. Your form stacks are barely helping and you're going go run yourself out of energy soon unless you use a melee power to trigger your energy unlock."​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 933 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    spinnytop said:

    I highly doubt that. Messing with role stats seems like it would logically be one of the simpler things they can do. It's more likely a power inflation issue where they don't want every dps to have the best of both worlds, strong ranged damage and strong melee damage. I you think about it, that'd be a pretty big power boost for dps players. Picking between the melee role or the ranged role is yet another decision that adds another layer to the fun of building a free form.

    Are you saying that merging the ranged and melee dps roles would result in a big damage increase for dps toons? Maybe I'm missing something (or several somethings), but I'm not seeing it. I mean, the way the toggles and damage stats are currently set up, you would still be getting a significantly smaller bonus to your "non-preferred striking distance". Is the concern that Primarily melee toons would get access to boosted ranged attacks?

  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    You would basically be taking two dps roles that each have weaknesses, and creating a new role that removes many of those weaknesses, and combines their strengths. It's really inevitable that the result would be an increase in power, and we're not really at a point when DPS players need to become more powerful.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Melee and ranged dps roles were only separated because during the "melee buff patch" they wanted to give melee dps role some additional buffs. And those have all been removed during the on alert patch.

    Keeping them separate, and pretty much duplicate, but with one buffing only ranged and the other buffing only melee looks pointless to me.
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    You would basically be taking two dps roles that each have weaknesses, and creating a new role that removes many of those weaknesses, and combines their strengths. It's really inevitable that the result would be an increase in power, and we're not really at a point when DPS players need to become more powerful.

    There would be no power increase. Melee builds would still do the same damage they do now, Ranged builds would still do the same damage they do now. The only change would be Melee/Ranged hybrids would deal a little more damage in their weaker damage source, and the ones using Hybrid Role would have a new appealing option in the DPS role.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 933 Arc User
    The weakness of a DPS character is not DPS, it is healing and defenses. If I can just take Pyre instead of Brimstone, what am I losing? Not much... except customization options. Basically, I'm just being punished for wanting to have the power of Greyskull.

    I don't think a melee-specific role is necessarily a terrible idea. Maybe a role that combines melee damage and healing? Don't see many melee focused supports around. I dunno... I just think roles should enable builds, not needlessly limit them.

  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    raighn said:

    There would be no power increase.

    You have to completely ignore the nature of the change to think that. That's like saying "Letting healers do DPS level damage wouldn't be a power increase since their healing didn't go up".,
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 933 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Except that healing and doing damage are actually two different things. Dealing ranged damage and dealing melee damage are both just dealing damage. I could make just as valid a distinction between 25', 50', and 100' range attacks... and we could have roles for each. But, they would all just be reducing enemy health-bars.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    Having more options to take advantage of current circumstances to deal the best possible damage means that there would be an increase in player power. The very fact that one of your two damage types deals more damage means there is an increase in player power - unless you're proposing that after the combining of the two roles you would still only use one of them, in which case why bother combining?
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    Having more options to take advantage of current circumstances to deal the best possible damage means that there would be an increase in player power. The very fact that one of your two damage types deals more damage means there is an increase in player power - unless you're proposing that after the combining of the two roles you would still only use one of them, in which case why bother combining?

    Your "increase" would be marginal at best. You're looking at a difference between 1 and 1.001 it's not going to break anything nor would it warrant rebalancing anything. There is zero reason for Melee and Ranged damage stats and roles to be split. Merging them would have no lasting negative impact on the game and would result in no noticeable power increase.

    You're arguing against it as if it would have a major impact on power, when in fact it would have such a tiny impact that next to NO ONE is going to notice it at all.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    1 and 1.001? Now you're just being blatantly dishonest. Also this isn't really on topic for the thread, so if you wanna keep discussing it you might wanna start a new thread. I'll meet you there... maybe... you're starting to make ridiculous statements now. Energy stats and all that.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    Oh no, allowing dps characters to choose between ranged and melee at will would more than double their damage output. Bosses would begin to literally fall over dead before even being engaged. New characters would be created at max level with full sets of gear. The devs would give up on trying to challenge players and just mail loot to players in content patches. Not only would it break the game to the point of be completely unplayable, but the world would begin collapsing in on itself, followed by the solar system, galaxy, local group, supercluster, and finally, the universe itself would be devoured, annihilating everything in existence, only to unleash a tremendous explosion--the next big bang.

    Or more likely, removing the hard split between ranged and melee dps stats/forms/etc would let players design their character to fit their vision and play it however they want. Boss strategies that called for everyone to stack would still call for everyone to stack. People who wanted to play melee-focused characters would still play melee. People who wanted to play ranged would still play ranged. Minmaxers would figure out whatever was most effective and use that, just like they did with power armor clones or with diminishing-return-abusing ATs.

    The sun would still rise every day, people would still play the game and arguably enjoy it more since there was less restricting how they could build their characters. Everything would be fine.​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 933 Arc User
    ^Yeah, I think merging the damage stats presents some issues. Merging the DPS roles seems pretty simple though.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    gradii wrote: »
    STR still controls what you pick up with the pick up and throw ability, something we should be expanding on not getting rid of. STR and EGO should remain seperate. at the very least. to get rid of one of them would destroy super strength and high mind power character themes alike.
    I don't see how merging the two would "destroy" super strength and high mind power character themes. Does having strength/agility/intelligence as the same stat (the damage booster stat) "destroy" any themes there? One could argue that characters who want to be high mind, but feeble are already "destroyed" because even with base strength, you can pick up some pretty heavy stuff. Stuff that your average human can't pick up.

    Personally though, I like to think my character themes come from their abilities, not what a bunch of numbers on a character screen say.

    Let's say you pick "Strego" as a primary superstat because rawr full dpslord mode go! But wait, you envision this character as a big, burly musclebound meathead who fell in a radioactive vat of steroids, growth hormones, and Redbull. Mind of a child, body of a greek god, the guy can juggle cars filled with trucks because he's strong enough to be able to compress those trucks into little balls first.

    Next, you pick your Innate Talent. So you pick "The Behemoth" which results in "Strego" showing up as "Strength" on your character stat screen. No immersion broken.

    Later, you make another character. This one's envisioned as a 80 pound nerd with wimpy noodle arms who can barely bench press his glasses, but his mental prowess is massive. He's also a dps character, so you pick "Strego" again, followed by "The Mind" as the Innate Talent. "Ego" shows up on his character screen and all is well. No immersion broken.
    vonqball wrote: »
    ^Yeah, I think merging the damage stats presents some issues. Merging the DPS roles seems pretty simple though.
    The thing is, you can't truly merge the roles without also merging the stats. Even if the "ranged damage" and "melee damage" roles were combined into just "damage," and even if you normalized all forms and energy unlocks to work equally with ranged and melee powers, there'd still be a split. As long as Strength makes melee better, and Ego makes ranged better, there's going to be a split.

    This is why WoW merged and normalized their damage stats. It got pretty silly to have hackish workarounds to allow, say, a Retribution Paladin (melee dps) to use the handful of holy-based, spell-like ranged attacks they get at the same strength as their sword-swinging melee attacks. The "hackish workaround" in this case was some passive ability that boosted spellpower by an amount equal to attack power. Good stuff.

    The only "issue" I can even think of is having a damage stat that also conveys (nonsensical) resistance bonuses to both knockback and stun instead of just one or the other. However, the real question here is "why is a damage stat conveying such a bonus in the first place?"​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    aesica said:

    Personally though, I like to think my character themes come from their abilities, not what a bunch of numbers on a character screen say.​​

    Oh look we agree on something, but you'll never know that because you chose to shut out all communication over petty differences. I wouldn't have done that u3u then again I can handle opposing opinions.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Oh look we agree on something, but you'll never know that because you chose to shut out all communication over petty differences. I wouldn't have done that u3u then again I can handle opposing opinions.
    Actually, I unblocked you a few days ago. Hence my comment in your "sex tape" thread which I wouldn't have been able to read had you still been blocked.

    Let's see how long this lasts. ;)​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 933 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Oh, I don't think merging the damage stats is a bad idea or anything. It is just that it is more of a "Jenga" issue. It is a block towards the bottom, and a ton of other blocks are supported by it. Gear, mods, specializations, attacks, toggles.... just a big change. Merging the roles seems like an easy step in the right direction.
  • revanantmoriturirevanantmorituri Posts: 391 Arc User
    aesica said:

    Personally though, I like to think my character themes come from their abilities, not what a bunch of numbers on a character screen say.

    Frankly, I am in the opposite camp: I prefer the numbers to define exactly what my abilities do. Hence my enjoyment of Champions (the PnP game) over Amber Diceless. Frankly, I've been dissapointed in the entire "Power Pick and Advantage point" system since the beginning, having hoped for a more Hero System like, granular approach.
    Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.

    Supporter of the Titan Project.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    aesica said:

    The only "issue" I can even think of is having a damage stat that also conveys (nonsensical) resistance bonuses to both knockback and stun instead of just one or the other. However, the real question here is "why is a damage stat conveying such a bonus in the first place?"​​

    I'm thinking it's conceptually not as simple as "damage"...
    My characters
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