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Release Notes 1/26/2017

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
edited January 2017 in Release Notes
ZEN Store
  • Added Rainbow Superjump travel power.

Circus Malvanum/Forum Malvanum
  • Added Ironclad's Willpower mod as an additional drop to Forum Malvanum.
  • Replaced the questionite reward in the alert to reward a questionite box over a flat amount.
  • Added Second Wind consumable heal device as an additional drop to the later rounds of Forum Malvanum.
  • Added Fighting emote + Belligerent title to the Circus Malvanum store.
  • The event will start a little after maintenance ends.

  • Fixed a bug where the worship emote caved in your head.
  • Fixed a bug where jumping backwards with superjump improperly looped the rising animation.
  • Fixed a bug where Antagonize used a walk animation while flying. Known issue: This still occurs when underwater when moving front-left or front-right.

  • Fixed a bug where Lock N Load wasn't giving out proper damage bonuses.
  • Cleaned up some heavy weapon tooltips to be a bit more clear on what the powers do.

  • Fixed a bug where the Kitsune head's eyes vanished into the head.
Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on


  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    Added Ironclad's Willpower mod as an additional drop to Forum Malvanum.

    Hello Heavy Weapons Mod​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • liquidginger1liquidginger1 Posts: 2 Arc User
    Thats cool. So the Forum is in rotation now. Be cool to get some of those drops. :D
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    kaizerin said:

    Fixed a bug where the worship emote caved in your head.​​

    BWAH-HAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry I missed seeing that before you fixed it. :p

    'Dec out

  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    Are these emote being added with loops? It's really important that emotes have that option
  • mrkinistermrkinister Posts: 15 Arc User
    Thank you on the "Lock & Load". I was testing it last week to see how it was working, and I have to validate that it made almost no difference in the output. There was maybe a 5% increase in damage, but not the 50% that a Rank 2 L&L should have given. I shall enjoy this with my Powered Armor toon.

    Much appreciated.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Added Fighting emote + Belligerent title to the Circus Malvanum store.

    First Flaw

    I assume this the first of the new emote series that is bound on character
    However, the Item Description does NOT mention it, and it will cause a lot of confusion to players who don't read forums

    just a heads up, it should have stated that its BoC in the description
    also I won't support those items, this goes without saying​​
    Post edited by avianos on
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • lunnylunnylunnylunny Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    As before mentioned, the emote does not mention it unlocks for only one character. Considering the previous emote unlocks and rewards were account wide, this is an issue.

    Likewise, I'd like to implore that emote unlocks have a higher rarity, but unlock account-wide. I'd rather have to grind 800 Malvan tokens to unlock for all my dozens upon dozens of characters, rather than having to spend hours on characters I don't think are fit for the malvan content but could use the emote.

    It feels terrible that I have to think which characters I might ever use an emote, not to mention the issue with having character ideas that could use the emote: now you have to grind event tokens on a lv6 so you can get that aura or emote that inspired them. Thankfully the aura box thing somewhat solves it, but I still find this whole scenario, on a game so powerful on letting the player make their multiple, original, characters with their own unique quirks and talents, ridiculous.

    I know it's something extra and that if I feel this I way I "should just not get it", but there are better ways to make money than pissing off the majority of the players who enjoy having a multitude of characters. Besides, if we don't complain, next up costumes unlock only for a character, after all, auras were account-wide for more than a year, weren't they? (Exception being the free auras, of course, though also some specific few aura drops)

    Though yes, I admit I am exagerating a little.
  • ayala725ayala725 Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Hi CO Devs,

    I read the notes, and I just kinda wanna put my input in.

    I can totally agree with having lots of unlocks *Per Character* but, pending the answer to the question "Are these bound on Pick-up?", it does feel a slight bit petty to make an Emote per character. The aura makes a whole lot of sense because those are equippable items. But an emote seems more like a system unlock. If you can't purchase that emote off of someone, or at least trade it to a lowbie hero, then is it the intent that we only really be at or near maximum level to get the emote?

    You can trade vehicles not awarded by events to other heroes on your account. You can trade special gear not awarded by events to others account-wide as well, so unless this emote is like the only one that will be like this (exclusive to Forum), I can't help but feel curious behind the motivation with such a restriction on just an emote.

    On the other hand, if the emote is not bound on pickup, then I feel a lot better knowing that I might actually get to see the emote in action used by another, or possibly pick it up myself. It'd be a product that can generate activity in the Auction House. That'd be swell. I suppose time will tell.

    EDIT: This isn't at all as bad as I was lead to believe. The prices are fair for the amount of cogs you get and the payout is sensible.

    Thank you.
    Post edited by ayala725 on

    As Youthful As Life Allows.

  • originaltygeroriginaltyger Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    This emote needs to be account-wide. I am not grinding this on 70 characters. Fix it please.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    character bound is happening and won't go away...save your breath.
  • kazecatkazecat Posts: 35 Arc User
    Yeah, I'm sorry but emotes aren't worth grinding on all my characters to unlock them. I rather they be more rare but account wide unlocks.
  • This content has been removed.
  • draogndraogn Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    So you made the pitiful rewards from FM even worse, and are continuing to alienate part of your player base with character bound emotes.
  • vixentalkervixentalker Posts: 9 Arc User
    The fighting emote is complete Bull! I'm getting more and more disappointed in the devs on how much grinding they want us to do. Why not make it account wide, like EVERYTHING else! If they plan on making the rest of the grinding rewards for one character only then I'm taking my money and leaving the game and possibly spread the word this game is no longer worth playing.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    I don't see a compelling reason to complain about an emote being character bound when it's also available essentially indefinitely.
    My characters
  • xacchaeusxacchaeus Posts: 309 Arc User
    cause there is no good reason for it to be character bound in the first place... its cosmetic
  • servantrulesservantrules Posts: 313 Arc User
    To be fair, the grind isn't that bad since it's only 150 gears. And there's 2 sources in this event (FM and the race).

    I'm not saying it doesn't suck. I don't like it, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be.
  • draogndraogn Posts: 1,266 Arc User

    To be fair, the grind isn't that bad since it's only 150 gears. And there's 2 sources in this event (FM and the race).

    I'm not saying it doesn't suck. I don't like it, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

    It's not bad if you only have one or two characters. Once you get beyond 10 the grind becomes much worse. Especially if the race glitches/bugs/lags/whatever which causes you to fail. You also have to be level 20 before you can access FM.

  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    If it were a costume that was bound to character, Ok, I would also be pissed, cause character customization is a big part of the game

    When Auras started becoming BoE/BoP I could understand people being pissed, but did not share the feeling, since I think an Aura doesn't make or break a costume, but enhances it. It's the equivalent of a r9 mod vs a r7 mod.

    But emotes? Come on people, let's be honest, how often do you use Emotes? Hell, outside of Caprice, how often do you use emotes other than Hello/Wave/Yes/No/Sit/Afk_Sit

    Like how often do you see yourself using this particular emote? Most likely you will use it the first one or two weeks after acquiring it and then completely forget about it's existence. Of the 3 different Emotes available, the DeathReach is seldom used outside of the 20 feet radius around Defender, few people actually bought the Dance emotes from Zen store, and no one uses the ShaolinReady emote at all.

    Emotes are not something that is constantly part of your character and do not enhance your gameplay experience outside of RPing.

    I think this is more a case of complaining because the words "Bind on Pickup" fare attached to the item, rather than said item being coveted at all and genuinely feel boomed that it's grindy to get.

    TL;DR I think the item in particular is not worth losing your heads over it being Bound to Character.
  • xacchaeusxacchaeus Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    all the more reason to be account bound (or better yet, quit wasting programming cycles on items that arent going to be used on a regular basis)
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Emote are not worth anything to you, That is the only person you can speak for.

    I don't RP and I have several emotes that I use almost every time I play.

    So stop pretending you know what the community uses emotes for.

    And how long do I plan to use these emotes? Well for my boxer I would have used it a lot.
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    Yep. Probably wouldn't ever use it myself, but it's a pointless kick in the crotch to people with alts who would.
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    lezard21 said:

    But emotes? Come on people, let's be honest, how often do you use Emotes? Hell, outside of Caprice, how often do you use emotes other than Hello/Wave/Yes/No/Sit/Afk_Sit

    I use them a bunch. Most of my characters have personality "bits" on binds with them and I use them frequently. To the point where some teammates get annoyed. :)

    But then, I don't have the slightest problem with this Bound to Character restriction. If I want it, I'll do what they want to get it. **shrugs** Gives me something to do (and really, at 150, this thing is cheap). :D

    'Dec out

  • morigosamorigosa Posts: 709 Arc User
    As has been pointed out: 150 is cheap for one character. It's still pretty cheap for two or three. It's annoying at five. It's utterly impractical at ten, nevermind twenty or one hundred or more.

    And that's the thing with emotes: it doesn't make sense from a player perspective to have them on one character but not others. If I want to /sit, I shouldn't need to ask "Did I unlock that action on this character?"

    The only exception would be highly specialized emotes; a "juggle flaming chainsaws" or "shroud me in swirling shadows" emote, for example, I wouldn't care if it were character bound - because it would take a very special character for that to make sense as a thing they might actually do. On the other hand, a "fighting stance" or "lean against a wall" or the like? Those sorts of actions should be account-wide.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    You win!!!!

    /em Clap

    [Unable to perform this action]
  • originaltygeroriginaltyger Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2017

    I don't see a compelling reason to complain about an emote being character bound when it's also available essentially indefinitely.

    It's not available indefinitely, though. It's available for 7 days. Maybe if you only have 4 characters, sure it's accessible. I have 70. Now please tell me how accessible it is.

    Why not make one emote that's inexpensive but per character, or a bit more expensive, account-wide unlock, and make everyone happy?
  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    It sucks that people with a love for both emotes and alts have been put in this position of having to choose which emotes fit which alt. I was hoping some more snake gulch changes would be up on PTS to sort of give this a little balance (at least hopefully the changes would be good ones) but alas...

    After some thought, I realize that I don't use emotes so this doesn't really affect me. I know a lot of people have said the emotes are less expensive than they expected, but I was hoping they'd be cheaper. That way you could get the emotes with relatively little grind, and just wash your hands of it on that toon. Probably more in the 75 to 100 range, but 150 means doing the race until you diminish to attaining 1 token and then running FM a dozen or so times if you want to unlock it in a day. Not all characters are equipped for that.

    I don't like this direction. Champs has a history of patting you on the back and then throwing salt in your eyes. I've played this game since 2010, I've seen it again and again. I took a few years off... but I'm not going to dwell on that. I do like that the emotes come with titles. I feel like that does make it more meaningful for the toons that unlock it and makes things a little more exciting. So my advice for people going forward would be, unlock the emote for the character whose personality it fits best. A Mind AT may not be the best fit for the emote and title this event released with, so dun du eet, unless your character has that sort of personality. Yes, I know, we shouldn't have to make that choice, but I don't think we can change the direction this is heading in so those of us who are staying may as well try and make the best of it and change the way we think about emotes.

    I won't be leaving because of this decision. I can't. I bought LTS. :D Regardless of that, I wouldn't be leaving anyway. I hope my post isn't... too over dramatic, but if it is, can I get a Tony? Literally a man named Tony. Gimme.

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    morigosa wrote: »
    And that's the thing with emotes: it doesn't make sense from a player perspective to have them on one character but not others. If I want to /sit, I shouldn't need to ask "Did I unlock that action on this character?"

    PoE has this same problem. All of the vanity items are account wide, but can only be used on one character at a time. Figuring out which toon has the weapon aura I want for my new character is aggravating. The difference is GGG is trying to make things better after realizing how much it sucks but Cryptic is actively making things irritating.

    It's not just a character bound emote. It's another thing being made character bound that was account bound before. It's one more thing that makes having alts annoying. Which doesn't make sense considering in order to have more than two characters, real money has to be spent by someone.​​
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    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    gradii said:

    Yeah I've gone away too.

    Are you sure? Cause you still look really really not gone :)
    lezard21 said:

    But emotes? Come on people, let's be honest, how often do you use Emotes? Hell, outside of Caprice, how often do you use emotes other than Hello/Wave/Yes/No/Sit/Afk_Sit

    It's not how much they plan to use it, it's that they want it, and wanting something is the most important emotion in life s( u 3 u)7

    ...because that's how they get people to do stuff :D
    It'll be like always. Bunch of people refusing to do stuff, but people will do it anyway. Huffy Pants Syndrome is mainly a forum activity.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    If it were account-wide, I would definitely go for it.
    As character-only, BoP, I will definitely not.
    No big emotion here, just a shrug.


    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User

    I don't see a compelling reason to complain about an emote being character bound when it's also available essentially indefinitely.

    It's not available indefinitely, though. It's available for 7 days. Maybe if you only have 4 characters, sure it's accessible. I have 70. Now please tell me how accessible it is.
    Has anything ever been removed from the Circus Malvanum Store? If not then this emote will be available next time, and this event pops up several times a year.
    My characters
  • xacchaeusxacchaeus Posts: 309 Arc User
    does bind to character auras/emotes bring in new players?
    do bind to character auras/emotes bring in more revenue?

    if the answer to these questions is "no" then whats the point?
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    Just to add my two cents, I'm also disappointed that this isn't an account unlock.
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    Does anyone else get the race failed thing? Never had a problem before and tonight 2 of the 3 races failed on the same ring. I even try to be careful going through the stupid rings and pick the easy blue track.
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    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    Yes, I've been getting the race failed message, despite not missing a ring and even completing the mission before the timer runs out. It happens mostly on the race with the dots.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    the way you fail is for the buff timer to run out. Each time you go through a ring it gives you a buff. If that buff expires before you get to the next ring you fail.
    My characters
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    sterga said:

    Does anyone else get the race failed thing? Never had a problem before and tonight 2 of the 3 races failed on the same ring. I even try to be careful going through the stupid rings and pick the easy blue track.


    On the blue track, I mean.
    Did everything right, made all the gates in plenty of time, got a failed race message anyway.

    I do not much bother with the red track. There is a point on the red track that I go through a gate and do not see the next gate. I have no idea where I am supposed to be going because the red track has no path markers.
    So I will usually find something else to do while I wait for the blue track to appear.

    I do not understand the point of having one track with path markers and another that contains more elevation changes and sharp turns not having path markers.
    The two tracks offer the same reward; There is no extra benefit for running the "hard" track more than just getting more rewards faster, but with diminishing returns I would have no problem capping myself just on the blue track if I wanted to.

    the way you fail is for the buff timer to run out. Each time you go through a ring it gives you a buff. If that buff expires before you get to the next ring you fail.

    Moreover, I do not understand the point of having the race be timed but still failing people for not making a gate fast enough.
    If I am able to "bank" time by getting through the first several gates fast enough, why shouldn't I be able to use that time later on?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    the buff timer is how the race blocks cheating. you can't get buff#2 unless buff#1 is active.

    As for whether the buff timers are too short.... yeah maybe.
    My characters
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    xacchaeus said:

    does bind to character auras/emotes bring in new players?

    do bind to character auras/emotes bring in more revenue?

    if the answer to these questions is "no" then whats the point?

    motivates people to do the thing more often. people claim otherwise on forums, but there's a reason they do this kind of stuff.
  • servantrulesservantrules Posts: 313 Arc User

    the buff timer is how the race blocks cheating. you can't get buff#2 unless buff#1 is active.

    As for whether the buff timers are too short.... yeah maybe.

    The buff is 12 seconds. It's ok for most of the rings, but there are ones in blindspots with buildings that mess with your forward/side movement that it can eat up the buff time while you're reorienting yourself.
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Posts: 521 Arc User

    the buff timer is how the race blocks cheating. you can't get buff#2 unless buff#1 is active.

    As for whether the buff timers are too short.... yeah maybe.

    Can't they just count rings? Make sure that you go through every one in order to get credit?
    I mean, if I have to have buff 1 in order to get buff 2, and buff 2 in order to get buff 3, why not just give the buffs a 1 minute timer?
    I would still have to move through the rings in proper order to get credit, I would still have to go through every ring within the race time, but people wouldn't be failed for taking a fraction of a second "too long" to locate the next gate on the course.

    It would certainly make it easier to determine what the proper course is even if I do end up failing to complete the race in time.
    I could simply look around to locate that next gate and check it to see if I got the proper gate credit/buff and move on to the next one.
    Now I can learn the course, because by failing folks they will never know if that gate they see is supposed to be the next one or not.

    As it is I can be in the lead over other racers and then fail the "race" because I didn't progress through a certain section fast enough?

    That's not a race.
    At best it's several races run back to back and you have to finish each and every one of them in order within a few seconds to get one reward.
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    It's a race. It's airborne "hurdles". Gotta hit the gates. If you're taking that long to find a gate, you "tripped". And, frankly, I don't see a problem with that. 12 seconds is a LOOOOOOONG time to be looking for a gate.

    I suspect, though, that those who are getting unexpected "fails" aren't getting this, but some glitchy bug of some sort.
    'Dec out

  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Posts: 521 Arc User

    It's a race. It's airborne "hurdles". Gotta hit the gates. If you're taking that long to find a gate, you "tripped". And, frankly, I don't see a problem with that. 12 seconds is a LOOOOOOONG time to be looking for a gate.

    I suspect, though, that those who are getting unexpected "fails" aren't getting this, but some glitchy bug of some sort.

    In a hurdles race there is no DQ for tripping over a hurdle.
    You are allowed to get up and continue racing.

    If they said "You have one minute to complete the course" or "only the top 5 will get a ribbon" or whatever then fine, but that still doesn't allow for the race organizers to disqualify people ahead of other competitors because they didn't move from hurdle "A" to hurdle "B" fast enough.

    Let the people continue the race until the race is over.
    If they beat the clock then they beat the clock.
    It shouldn't matter that they might have been slow through one section of the race or not.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User

    It's a race. It's airborne "hurdles". Gotta hit the gates. If you're taking that long to find a gate, you "tripped". And, frankly, I don't see a problem with that. 12 seconds is a LOOOOOOONG time to be looking for a gate.

    I suspect, though, that those who are getting unexpected "fails" aren't getting this, but some glitchy bug of some sort.

    I've heard that sometimes you can fly through a gate and not get credit. Apparently it happens if you get lag spikes or sometimes if you hit the afterburners while flying through.
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  • sapphiechusapphiechu Posts: 275 Arc User
    Blue track is easy-peesy. I can practically race that in my sleep. I like the challenge of the two quick, left-hand turns in downtown; those turns really need good timing or you either smack into the building and get jammed up on an outcropping and brought to a stop, or you ram the ring and again, brought to a stop. Apart from that, Blue track is a fast, relaxing flight. Itty-bitty glowy balls show you where to go next if you get lost.

    Red track is awesome! It has tight turns, wide variations in altitude between rings, some alternate routes that some people use, others don't, and some hairy opportunities for slipping through bridge-windows and around building spires. But it doesn't hold your hand, either. No itty-bitty glowing balls to show you the route. You're on your own in how best to traverse the winding route, and there really is no correct way to race the game, apart from going through the rings in the right order. I had several races where I got lost, because I HAD to race ahead and not follow others. But once I learned the basic route, which took just a few races as well as a couple of non-race fly-throughs to look for the gates, it became a much more fun, and challenging race.

    In this particular case, while I don't usually like the term, the phrase 'git gud' is actually appropriate here. At the end of the day, the best races are with crowds of bikes and jets and thrones and stuff all jockeying for position and whizzing through gates in a genuine desire to be at the top of that leader-board at the end. If the race bugs out on you, oh well, there's another one starting in another zone in less than five minutes. Enjoy the race for what it is, and have fun! Heck, I barely even register that there might be a goal anymore, I like the Circus so much!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    also, if you're learning the red course... the rings have numbers on them!
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  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,413 Arc User

    the way you fail is for the buff timer to run out. Each time you go through a ring it gives you a buff. If that buff expires before you get to the next ring you fail.

    Today I got through the finish line in 3rd place before I got the "Race failed" message. I'm not missing any rings, I'm actually completing the race well within the time frame, but I still get the race failed message. There has to be something else at play here. Is it possible that the speed boost from your vehicles causes you to fail? I speed boost a lot with the blue track as there's a lot of straightaways, but the red and bronze track has a lot of tight curves and so I don't speed boost for a lot of it.
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    Cryptic code is buggy. We all know that. There's two races every ten minutes. Just move on to the next one, they're never going to make it work perfectly.
    'Dec out

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    I've heard boosting through a ring can cause you to not pick up the buff(I think I've seen it happen). listen for a "whoosh" sound as you go through a gate. If you don't hear the whoosh you missed the buff.
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  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    My favorite racing games are Burnout and Road Rash. The unique features of those games aren't available, so I stick with the easy track. And no, I shouldn't have to switch zones or wait for another race to do my easy track successfully. Failing every other race because the game doesn't like the way I fly my vehicle through a ring sucks.​​
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    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
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