Luminescent Slash has a 0.83 charge in it's tooltip now, it's not clear what that is for.
The energy cost of Luminescent Slash seems a bit to high. Comparing the tooltips to another high energy cost attack (that is already tricky to get energy working for now). () is normalized to 1 second, and note that I just used tooltips of a geared character, so these are not "base" values.
Massacre tap Damage 839 (1252) Energy 31 (46)
Massacre charge Damage 1788 (1192) Energy 50 (33)
Luminescent Slash tap Damage 626 (1252) Energy 25 (50)
Luminescent Slash charge Damage 1228 (1228) Energy 37 (37)
Suggestion: The adv Recharge on Cybernetic Tether gives back health (according to the buff timer) for 4-5 seconds. In comparison, stim pack gives back health for 6. The duration of Recharge should be increased.
Consumes all stacks of Plasma Burn on the target.
After six sec, applies Overheat, which deals (X) Particle Damage in a 10' radius for each Plasma Burn stack consumed.
During this time, you cannoy(sic)apply any more stacks of Plasma Burn
Bug: Typo in tool tip for Plasma Cutter. ". . .you CANNOY apply any more stakcs of . . .
So the one main issue is that Plasma Burn cannot apply any more stacks "during this time". I assume "During this time" is while Overheat is applied? If this is the case, then the dps on Plasma Burn is going to drop a TON. Currently, this is actually not the case either because of a bug or this statement being no longer the case in terms of design. To clarify to anyone not sure, Plasma Cutter is not like Reaper's Embrace. You do not "rupture" plasma burn stacks when you strike. Instead, you apply Overheat which deals damage based on how many stacks of Plasma Burn you had on your target - 6 seconds later.
Bug: You can still stack Plasma Burn while target has Overheat, contrary to what the tool tip says
Overheat takes 6 seconds. That is 6 seconds of not being able to put on more stacks of Plasma Burn. Secondly, the benefit of Overheat is the 10' range on the "explosion", however against single target enemies, such as cosmics, this is incredibly underwhelming. 6 seconds is such a long time, versus Teleiosaurus you'd wouldn't even get Overheat to explode.
Luminescent Slash LS has really one focus to it: Do some single target damage. It has no utility to it besides Snare but you are melee so meh. Interestingly, best way to do dps with laser sword is to NOT take plasma cutter, just stack plasma burn and disintegrate debuff with Lightspeed Strike, NOT "rupture" them, and just refresh with Lightwave Slash w/adv. Then spam Luminescent, which doesn't look as cool if you just spam it. BTW, Lightwave Slash is basically only useful for its advs I feel like. Very - VERY - useful, but still, you gotta take the advs.
Advantage: End of the Line - When energy is above 75%, adds +30% particle damage base strength to your Luminescent Slash.
Laser Sword framework ask for Int and the EU ask for Endurance. This makes getting 75% energy quite the task. PLUS this power takes a TON of energy if you plan on spamming it! Which brings us to...
Particle Accelerator and Unified Theory
Particle Accelerator stacks Unity, which scales off Intelligence. Unified Theory gives energy that scales off Endurance. The issue here is that Intelligence and Endurance are both "energy" focused stats and you'll rarely have a build take both. It might be worth considering making Particle Accelerator's Unity scale with Endurance or Unified Theory scale with Intelligence. --- Not upset with anything really, and although numbers show that Laser Sword isn't going to have the best DPS (assuming you take Int and Particle Acceleration) or be perfectly in line with every other power, I think overall it is fun and I enjoy it. Just some feedback based on my playing with it.
And after optimizing a bit (this is without an energy circle btw).
This was without the 30% damage adv, if I can get that to work (probably have to use and energy circle for that atm) I'd have done 8% higher damage, so about 9.4k dps. And with a +damage mod for energy weapons that would have probably been somewhere up to 9.7k or 9.8k.
That would set it a bit above the dps of the last reviewed melee set (using the same build but with bestial damage mod, and the 30% adv on massacre).
What form and build though? Because I think that is more reflective of probably crits and MA forms than the powers out in the wild. 61% crit on your powers there
Point trying to make is the form Particle Acceleration is maybe not competing with other stuff. Reason for this may be that lightwave slash is refreshing plasma burn so easy that the advantage of having particle accelerator is moot (Lightspeed Strike doubles chance of Plasma Burn application with PA. 15%/15%/50% becomes 30%/30%/100%).
Get those stacks on, then you just keep refreshing with Lightwave.
On the other hand, maybe you just are getting skewed numbers because you are fighting a dummy and if you fought enemies that you had to defeat or couldn't refresh so easy, your numbers would get all messed up. On the OTHER OTHER hand, this usually isn't an issue with Cosmics and I forsee people just using Form of the Tiger and ignoring the Particle Acceleration form completely so they can make Crit based builds with Dex.
Suggestion: Concentration doesn't really belong in Energy Weapons Power Framework unless there is some unannounced stuff in the future. However, please consider adding Energy Shield to the Energy Weapons Power Framework. First off, the name ENERGY is right there, secondly, it is a nice alternative to Wiggly Sword (tm) block and should unlock higher tier Energy Weapons powers if that is what you want to go with.
Suggestion: Concentration doesn't really belong in Energy Weapons Power Framework unless there is some unannounced stuff in the future. However, please consider adding Energy Shield to the Energy Weapons Power Framework. First off, the name ENERGY is right there, secondly, it is a nice alternative to Wiggly Sword (tm) block and should unlock higher tier Energy Weapons powers if that is what you want to go with.
Concentration is shared for all technology power. E.g.: you can take tech EB, and concentr. will be available for pick, while if you take energy proj. EB - it won't.
But it is weird haha. There isn't but one ranged attack that is a 25ft knock to attack with a sizable cooldown. I feel like you shouldn't be able to unlock higher tier powers in Energy Weapons or outside of Energy Weapons faster by going with concentration.
There isn't just shared tag, like Supernatural frameworks have, l got it. Also technology shared tag extends to LS framework, that's why Concentr is here.
Moving powers is only done if necessary as it has a tendency of causing existing builds to become invalid (and thus forcing respecs).
Energy shield belongs to Force, which is in an entirely different tree of powers (Projector vs Technology), and couldn't be done anyways.
So a power shared between all frameworks within a group (Concentration within Technology, for example) isn't the same as one shared between just a few select frameworks (Resurgence within both Dogman and Infernal, but none of the other Mystic frameworks)? Interesting!
That said, is forcing respects necessarily a bad thing in this particular case? One could argue that Concentration really needs to not be in Energy Weapons in its current form for the sake of keeping things tidy, and that it's worth the tradeoff of forced respecs. Concentration really does nothing for anything in that set so far. I suppose you could get around that by adding some ranged powers to the set, making it live up to truly being "Energy Weapons" rather than "Energy Swords." Powers like Pulse Beam Rifle could arguably make mores sense in that set than they do in Gadgeteering, so there's that.
(Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
Powers like Pulse Beam Rifle could arguably make mores sense in that set than they do in Gadgeteering, so there's that.
There was one of my posts about revamping technology, where also video about Raygun Spray was put in, l proposed there to move Particle Rifle & PBR to this framework, and also put some PULP sci-fi weapon powers, like aforementioned Raygun Spray for lnstance - all in the last reply. Then that entire thread was FS/SR deleted.
It looks like it's TBD stuff right now - move these guns there, or don't do it; add PULP stuff somehow and where add it to? Otoh, Particle Rifle just got plazmaburn advantage, and this change alone (15% or so chance at first EB hit) couldn't be more negligible than it is... So hopefully Gadget revamps won't be limited by it, and there's timeframe for more tech stuff around this Xmas.
Maybe it's just me, but I can't make a build that is both focused on doing damage or tanking and is also able to keep energy above 70% while luminescent slash, without getting an energy circle.
Same thing with PA toggles, they requite so much investment in energy stats that your damage and survivability suffers a lot. So either you accept that or get an energy circle. The best energy I got for energy weapons is with taking END primary, DEX/REC secondary (only setup I was abble to keep energy above 70% without using a circle). But the damage was so much lower than going with DEX primary I would have been better off ignoring the adv and getting r3.
Could be I am missing something here, but so far I am not really liking that balancing mechanic. Like I said before, energy management is not the most fun part of CO.
I don't quite like Overheat applying it's damage after 6 seconds
6 SECONDS! This is Obnoxious
What exactly is the current LS Set up for DPS if you are going to destroy the Rapture mechanics?
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Did some further tests, and added in neuroelectric pulse, that worked well and allowed me to use the adv on luminescent slash. The disadvantage is that the time spend on that lowered my damage a few percent, but still overall damage was a few percent higher due to the working adv.
As you are on power armor, can you update Unbreakable's description to state how much the restored absorption is reduced by when you make a attack? And also as to what type of attacks reduce the restored absorption, for example, if DoTs effects such as bleeds and poisons reduce the restored absorption.
So... I've been trying these here new Laser Sword powers, and I quite like them. It feels a lot less weighty and more of a nimble sword fighter than before. Thoughts are as follows:
1) There's a lot of stack building going on around here. Same as with the magic build. I know I'm playing this on a 15" laptop screen and not some super wide monitor but is there any way of allowing magnification of the stack/buff/debuff markers? Having to get a magnifying glass out to see how many PB stacks I've got going it ludicrous....
2) The duration on Overheat should be 5 secs, not 6. It is a useful mechanic but 6 seconds is too slow. Overheat also gets cancelled by some of the enhanced mobs powers - DEMON and Elder Worm shields - which it shouldn't, really. It should also be clearer when it has been applied (so you can see when it hasn't, if that makes sense.
3) Laser Deflection. Hmm. The current animation should only appear when/just after you are hit by an attack. Before that it should be a static guard pose. The advantage should also be a low-damage AoE, rather like Electric Shield, rather that this Parry-a-like (which doesn't really work).
4) It also feels like there's one too many powers in the set. I know why Lightwave Slash is in there (for levelling purposes) but as Lightspeed Strike is now a cone power, LSlash feels superfluous. Otherwise, we're all good...
The energy cost of Luminescent Slash seems a bit to high.
Comparing the tooltips to another high energy cost attack (that is already tricky to get energy working for now).
() is normalized to 1 second, and note that I just used tooltips of a geared character, so these are not "base" values.
Massacre tap
Damage 839 (1252)
Energy 31 (46)
Massacre charge
Damage 1788 (1192)
Energy 50 (33)
Luminescent Slash tap
Damage 626 (1252)
Energy 25 (50)
Luminescent Slash charge
Damage 1228 (1228)
Energy 37 (37)
Suggestion: The adv Recharge on Cybernetic Tether gives back health (according to the buff timer) for 4-5 seconds. In comparison, stim pack gives back health for 6. The duration of Recharge should be increased.Nothing to see here!
Just some things to consider...
-By Mira
Plasma Cutter works like this:
Consumes all stacks of Plasma Burn on the target. After six sec, applies Overheat, which deals (X) Particle Damage in a 10' radius for each Plasma Burn stack consumed. During this time, you cannoy(sic)apply any more stacks of Plasma Burn
Bug: Typo in tool tip for Plasma Cutter. ". . .you CANNOY apply any more stakcs of . . .
So the one main issue is that Plasma Burn cannot apply any more stacks "during this time". I assume "During this time" is while Overheat is applied? If this is the case, then the dps on Plasma Burn is going to drop a TON. Currently, this is actually not the case either because of a bug or this statement being no longer the case in terms of design. To clarify to anyone not sure, Plasma Cutter is not like Reaper's Embrace. You do not "rupture" plasma burn stacks when you strike. Instead, you apply Overheat which deals damage based on how many stacks of Plasma Burn you had on your target - 6 seconds later.
Bug: You can still stack Plasma Burn while target has Overheat, contrary to what the tool tip says
Overheat takes 6 seconds. That is 6 seconds of not being able to put on more stacks of Plasma Burn. Secondly, the benefit of Overheat is the 10' range on the "explosion", however against single target enemies, such as cosmics, this is incredibly underwhelming. 6 seconds is such a long time, versus Teleiosaurus you'd wouldn't even get Overheat to explode.
Luminescent Slash
LS has really one focus to it: Do some single target damage. It has no utility to it besides Snare but you are melee so meh. Interestingly, best way to do dps with laser sword is to NOT take plasma cutter, just stack plasma burn and disintegrate debuff with Lightspeed Strike, NOT "rupture" them, and just refresh with Lightwave Slash w/adv. Then spam Luminescent, which doesn't look as cool if you just spam it.
BTW, Lightwave Slash is basically only useful for its advs I feel like. Very - VERY - useful, but still, you gotta take the advs.
Advantage: End of the Line -
When energy is above 75%, adds +30% particle damage base strength to your Luminescent Slash.
Laser Sword framework ask for Int and the EU ask for Endurance. This makes getting 75% energy quite the task. PLUS this power takes a TON of energy if you plan on spamming it! Which brings us to...
Particle Accelerator and Unified Theory
Particle Accelerator stacks Unity, which scales off Intelligence. Unified Theory gives energy that scales off Endurance. The issue here is that Intelligence and Endurance are both "energy" focused stats and you'll rarely have a build take both. It might be worth considering making Particle Accelerator's Unity scale with Endurance or Unified Theory scale with Intelligence.
Not upset with anything really, and although numbers show that Laser Sword isn't going to have the best DPS (assuming you take Int and Particle Acceleration) or be perfectly in line with every other power, I think overall it is fun and I enjoy it. Just some feedback based on my playing with it.
This was without the 30% damage adv, if I can get that to work (probably have to use and energy circle for that atm) I'd have done 8% higher damage, so about 9.4k dps. And with a +damage mod for energy weapons that would have probably been somewhere up to 9.7k or 9.8k.
That would set it a bit above the dps of the last reviewed melee set (using the same build but with bestial damage mod, and the 30% adv on massacre).
What form and build though? Because I think that is more reflective of probably crits and MA forms than the powers out in the wild. 61% crit on your powers there
Point trying to make is the form Particle Acceleration is maybe not competing with other stuff. Reason for this may be that lightwave slash is refreshing plasma burn so easy that the advantage of having particle accelerator is moot (Lightspeed Strike doubles chance of Plasma Burn application with PA. 15%/15%/50% becomes 30%/30%/100%).
Get those stacks on, then you just keep refreshing with Lightwave.
On the other hand, maybe you just are getting skewed numbers because you are fighting a dummy and if you fought enemies that you had to defeat or couldn't refresh so easy, your numbers would get all messed up. On the OTHER OTHER hand, this usually isn't an issue with Cosmics and I forsee people just using Form of the Tiger and ignoring the Particle Acceleration form completely so they can make Crit based builds with Dex.
Not the biggest deal in the world though.
Energy shield belongs to Force, which is in an entirely different tree of powers (Projector vs Technology), and couldn't be done anyways.
Either way, it's not a trivial change.
That said, is forcing respects necessarily a bad thing in this particular case? One could argue that Concentration really needs to not be in Energy Weapons in its current form for the sake of keeping things tidy, and that it's worth the tradeoff of forced respecs. Concentration really does nothing for anything in that set so far. I suppose you could get around that by adding some ranged powers to the set, making it live up to truly being "Energy Weapons" rather than "Energy Swords." Powers like Pulse Beam Rifle could arguably make mores sense in that set than they do in Gadgeteering, so there's that.
It looks like it's TBD stuff right now - move these guns there, or don't do it; add PULP stuff somehow and where add it to? Otoh, Particle Rifle just got plazmaburn advantage, and this change alone (15% or so chance at first EB hit) couldn't be more negligible than it is... So hopefully Gadget revamps won't be limited by it, and there's timeframe for more tech stuff around this Xmas.
Same thing with PA toggles, they requite so much investment in energy stats that your damage and survivability suffers a lot. So either you accept that or get an energy circle. The best energy I got for energy weapons is with taking END primary, DEX/REC secondary (only setup I was abble to keep energy above 70% without using a circle). But the damage was so much lower than going with DEX primary I would have been better off ignoring the adv and getting r3.
Could be I am missing something here, but so far I am not really liking that balancing mechanic. Like I said before, energy management is not the most fun part of CO.
6 SECONDS! This is Obnoxious
What exactly is the current LS Set up for DPS if you are going to destroy the Rapture mechanics?
The disadvantage is that the time spend on that lowered my damage a few percent, but still overall damage was a few percent higher due to the working adv.
bleeds and poisons reduce the restored absorption.
1) There's a lot of stack building going on around here. Same as with the magic build. I know I'm playing this on a 15" laptop screen and not some super wide monitor but is there any way of allowing magnification of the stack/buff/debuff markers? Having to get a magnifying glass out to see how many PB stacks I've got going it ludicrous....
2) The duration on Overheat should be 5 secs, not 6. It is a useful mechanic but 6 seconds is too slow. Overheat also gets cancelled by some of the enhanced mobs powers - DEMON and Elder Worm shields - which it shouldn't, really. It should also be clearer when it has been applied (so you can see when it hasn't, if that makes sense.
3) Laser Deflection. Hmm. The current animation should only appear when/just after you are hit by an attack. Before that it should be a static guard pose. The advantage should also be a low-damage AoE, rather like Electric Shield, rather that this Parry-a-like (which doesn't really work).
4) It also feels like there's one too many powers in the set. I know why Lightwave Slash is in there (for levelling purposes) but as Lightspeed Strike is now a cone power, LSlash feels superfluous. Otherwise, we're all good...